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Neotectonics of Poland: An overview of active faulting
Zuchiewicz, Witold
Badura, Janusz
Jarosiński, Marek
Commission on Neotectonics, Committee for Quaternary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
active faulting
Neo tec tonic stud ies in Po land con cern mainly mani fes ta tions of those tec tonic move ments that have been ac tive in Late Neo gene and Qua ter nary times, as well as geo deti cally meas ured re cent ver ti cal and hori zon tal crus tal mo tions. Among prob lems of par ticu lar in ter est, the fol low ing should be listed: pe rio dic ity of neo tec tonic (mostly Qua ter nary) ac tiv ity, es ti ma tion of the para me tres of the neo tec tonic stress field, am pli tudes and rates of Qua ter nary and re cent move ments, de vel op ment of neo tec tonic troughs and young faults, mu tual re la tion ships among pho to linea ments, geo - logi cal struc tures and re cent seis mic ity, as well as the role of tec tonic re ac ti va tion of fault zones due to hu man ac tiv ity. Neo tec tonic faults in Po land have de vel oped in Neo gene and Qua ter nary times due to re ac ti va tion of La ramian or older struc tures, or in the Qua ter nary due to re ac ti va tion of Neo gene faults. The size of throw of Qua ter nary faults changes from 40–50 m and >100 m in the Sude tes and the Lublin Up land, to sev eral – sev eral tens of me ters in the Car - pa thi ans. The av er age rate of fault ing dur ing Qua ter nary times has been 0.02 to 0.05 mm/yr, what en ables one to in -clude these struc tures into the do mains of in ac tive or low- activity faults. A simi lar con clu sion can be drawn from the re sults of re peated pre cise lev el lings and GPS cam paigns. Strike- slip dis place ments have been pos tu lated for some of these faults. Iso lated faults in Cen tral Po land have shown mid dle Qua ter nary thrust ing of the or der of 40–50 m, and some of the Outer Car pa thian over thrusts tend to re veal young Qua ter nary ac tiv ity, as in di cated, i.a. by con cen tra tions of frac tured peb bles within the thrust zones. Epi sodes of in creased in ten sity of fault ing took place in the early Qua ter - nary, in the Ma zo vian (Hol stein ian) In ter gla cial, and dur ing or shortly af ter the Odra nian (Dren the) gla cial stage. Some of the faults have also been ac tive in Holo cene times. Re cent seis mic ac tiv ity is of ten re lated to strike- slip faults, which in the Car pa thi ans trend ENE–WSW and NE–SW, whereas out side the Car pa thi ans they are ori ented par al lel to the mar gin of the East- European Plat form and the Sudetic Mar ginal Fault. Fu ture in ves ti ga tions should put more em - pha sis on pa laeo seis mo tec tonic phe nom ena and prac ti cal ap pli ca tion of neo tec tonic re search.
Studia Quaternaria; 2007, 24; 5-20
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neotectonic activity of the Skawa River Fault Zone (Outer Carpathians, Poland)
Zuchiewicz, W.
Tokarski, A. K
Świerczewska, A.
Cuong, N. Q.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
fractured clasts
seismic hazard
Skawa River valley
Outer Carpathians
The Skawa River catchment basin in the Outer Western Carpathians of Poland is situated upon morphostructures showing differentiated mobility in the Quaternary. Long profile of river channel reveals the lowest values of concavity index among the Polish Outer Carpathian rivers, pointing to low degree of river profile maturity, particularly in its middle reach coinciding with a zone of abnormally high river bed gradients. The Skawa River valley utilizes in its middle and northern reaches the Skawa River Fault Zone (SRFZ) composed of differently oriented oblique-slip faults, visible on DEM images as well-marked, rectilinear topolinea- ments. The NNW–SSE to N–S faults in the Silesian Nappe were probably reactivated in Late Pleistocene times as normal faults downthrowing their eastern sides, as shown by abnormally high position of the Weichselian Early Glacial straths on the western valley side. Such an episode of neotectonic activity (late Early Glacial times of the Last Glacial stage) has not been recognized so far in the other river valleys of the Polish segments of the Western Outer Carpathians. We conclude that some of the NNW–SSE to N–S trending faults were reactivated as strike-slip faults. This would conform to the present day stress arrangement within the Polish segment of Carpathians. Moreover, deformations of the Pleistocene straths between Osielec in the south and Wadowice–Zator areas in the north appear to indicate both pre-Weichselian and Weichselian reactivation of the Silesian and – to a lesser extent – Magura frontal thrusts. These movements continued also in the Holocene, although to a smaller extent, most probably due to moderately strong and/or strong earthquakes of magnitudes exceeding 5.5–5.7, resulting in clast fracturing within Holocene alluvium, particularly strong on the Silesian frontal thrust, and less intensive on the Carpathian marginal and Magura frontal thrusts, as well as on some faults that belong to the SRFZ. We are convinced that the record of seismically-induced clast fracturing on one of major fault zones in the Outer Carpathians should lead to revision of the hitherto-existing seismic risk assessment of this region, and particularly of the city of Kraków and other urbanized areas, as well as the planned artificial water reservoir at Świnna Poręba.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2009, 79, No 2; 67-93
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neotectonic activity of the Skawa River Fault Zone (Quter Carpathians, Poland)
Zuchiewicz, W.
Tokarski, A. K.
Świerczewska, A.
Cuong, N. Q.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
fractured clasts
seismic hazard
Skawa River valley
Outer Carpathians
The Skawa River catchment basin in the Outer Western Carpathians of Poland is situated upon morphostructures showing differentiated mobility in the Quaternary. Long profile of river channel reveals the lowest values of concavity index among the Polish Outer Carpathian rivers, pointing to low degree of river profile maturity, particularly in its middle reach coinciding with a zone of abnormally high river bed gradients. The Skawa River valley utilizes in its middle and northern reaches the Skawa River Fault Zone (SRFZ) composed of differently oriented oblique-slip faults, visible on DEM images as well-marked, rectilinear topolinea-ments. The NNW–SSE to N-S faults in the Silesian Nappe were probably reactivated in Late Pleistocene times as normal faults downthrowing their eastern sides, as shown by abnormally high position of the Weichselian Early Glacial straths on the western valley side. Such an episode of neotectonic activity (late Early Glacial times of the Last Glacial stage) has not been recognized so far in the other river valleys of the Polish segments of the Western Outer Carpathians. We conclude that some of the NNW-SSE to N–S trending faults were reactivated as strike-slip faults. This would conform to the present day stress arrangement within the Polish segment of Carpathians. Moreover, deformations of the Pleistocene straths between Osielec in the south and Wadowice-Zator areas in the north appear to indicate both pre-Weichselian and Weichselian reactivation of the Silesian and - to a lesser extent - Magura frontal thrusts. These movements continued also in the Holocene, although to a smaller extent, most probably due to moderately strong and/or strong earthquakes of magnitudes exceeding 5.5-5.7, resulting in clast fracturing within Holocene alluvium, particularly strong on the Silesian frontal thrust, and less intensive on the Carpathian marginal and Magura frontal thrusts, as well as on some faults that belong to the SRFZ. We are convinced that the record of seismically-induced clast fracturing on one of major fault zones in the Outer Carpathians should lead to revision of the hitherto-existing seismic risk assessment of this region, and particularly of the city of Kraków and other urbanized areas, as well as the planned artificial water reservoir at Świnna Poręba.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2009, 79, No 1; 67-93
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pierwsze stanowisko holoceńskich uskoków w polskich Karpatach zewnętrznych
First site of Holocene faults in the Polish Outer Carpathians
Zuchiewicz, W.
Tokarski, A. K.
Świerczewska, A.
Zasadni, J.
Siemińska, A.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
holoceńskie zaburzenie uskokowe
Zewnętrzne Karpaty Zachodnie
Holocene faulting
Outer Western Carpathians
The paper presents the first example of Holocene faults in the OuterWestern Carpathians in Poland. Small-scale normal faults at Koninki, Gorce Mts., cut both Palaeocene strata of the Ropianka Formation of the Magura Nappe and overlying coarse-clastic bedload facies of Holocene alluvium that builds a 5-5.5-high terrace step of a small valley. These NE-trending faults are accompanied by reorientation of clast a-b planes subparallel to fault planes and by clast fracturing. Such deformations must have been induced by relatively strong earthquakes, unknown from historical record of the Outer Carpathian seismicity. Fault attitude points to NW-oriented axis of the minimum principal stress, which is compatible with parameters of the present-day stress field in the Outer Western Carpathians of Poland.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2011, 59, 8; 566-575
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Topography of the Magura floor thrust and morphotectonics of the Outer West Carpathians in Poland
Zuchiewicz, W.
Oszczypko, N.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Magura thrust
Outer Carpathians
Neotectonic (Pliocene-Quaternary) elevations and depressions detected on maps of subenvelope surfaces of the topography of the Outer West Carpathians of Poland are, to a certain extent, portrayed on the map showing topography of the Magura floor thrust, particularly in the western segment of the study area. The floor thrust of the Magura Nappe is highly uneven, its position changing from 725 m a.s.l. to more than 7,000 m b.s.l. The most prominent depression is located in the medial (S of Dunajec and Poprad confluence) segment of the Polish Outer Carpathians (2-7 km b.s.l.), and its axis trends NW-SE from the eastern margin of the Mszana Dolna tectonic window to the Poprad River valley. Another, much more shallower, Jordanów depression (2 km b.s.l.) is to be found NW of the Mszana Dolna tectonic window, shortly north of the Skawa River valley. Elevated structures, in turn, include the Mszana Dolna tectonic window, Sól-Skomielna (on the west), and Limanowa (on the east) elevations of subparallel orientation. Still farther to the east, a longitudinal elevation extending between the Klęczany-Pisarzowa and Świątkowa tectonic windows is to be seen some 10-15 km south of the Magura frontal thrust. South of this area, the Magura floor thrust slopes steeply down to more than 4 km b.s.l. A comparison between the pattern of elevated and subsided structures of the Magura floor thrust and subenvelope surfaces of different orders shows that in the western part of the Polish Outer Carpathians the highest-elevated neotectonic structures (in the southern portion of that area) coincide with depressions of the Magura thrust, whereas farther north a reverse pattern becomes dominant: neotectonic elevations coincide either with the Magura frontal thrust or with elevations of its surface. This is particularly true for an area comprised between 20° and 20°30’E meridians. The origin of such relationships is difficult to explain. We infer that one of possible factors could be Pliocene-Quaternary reactivation of faults cutting the Magura floor thrust, and particularly that one, which appears to separate the western-medial segment of the Outer Carpathians from their more eastern portion.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2008, 78, No 2; 135-149
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o neotektonice Polski: wybrane przykłady
Neotectonics of Poland: selected examples
Zuchiewicz, W.
Badura, J.
Jarosiński, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
aktywne uskoki
współczesne pole naprężeń
young faulting
recent stress field
Badania neotektoniczne w Polsce koncentrują się głównie na przejawach aktywności tektonicznej w późnym neogenie i czwartorzędzie, a także mierzonych geodezyjnie współczesnych ruchach pionowych i poziomych. Do zagadnień budzących największe zainteresowanie należą: periodyczność ruchów neotektonicznych (plioceńsko-czwartorzędowych), oszacowanie parametrów neotektonicznego pola naprężeń, amplituda i tempo ruchów czwartorzędowych i współczesnych, rozwój młodych uskoków, wzajemne zależności między rozmieszczeniem aktywnych uskoków, foto- i topolineamentów a współczesną sejsmicznością, a także rola człowieka w reaktywacji stref uskokowych. Rozmiary zrzutu czwartorzędowych uskoków normalnych zmieniały się od 40-50 m i >100 m w Sudetach i na Wyżynie Lubelskiej do kilku - kilkudziesięciu metrów w Karpatach. Średnie tempo uskokowania w czwartorzędzie wyniosło 0,02-0,05 mm/rok, pozwalając zaliczyć analizowane uskoki do nieaktywnych, względnie o słabej aktywności. Do podobnych wniosków skłaniają wyniki powtarzanych kampanii pomiarowych GPS. Niektóre młode uskoki wykazywały przemieszczenia przesuwcze, a pojedyncze uskoki w Polsce środkowej miały charakter czwartorzędowych nasunięć, o amplitudzie rzędu 40-50 m. Na uaktywnienie niektórych nasunięć zewnętrznokarpackich wskazują koncentracje stanowisk zawierających spękane klasty w plejstoceńskich i holoceńskich seriach rzecznych. Epizody wzmożonej aktywności uskokowania miały miejsce we wczesnym czwartorzędzie, w interglacjale mazowieckim oraz w trakcie lub wkrótce po zakończeniu zlodowacenia odry. Niektóre z uskoków przejawiały ponadto aktywność w holocenie. Współczesna aktywność sejsmiczna wiąże się z uskokami przesuwczymi EN-WSW i NE-SW w Karpatach, a poza Karpatami - ze strefami uskokowymi układającymi się równolegle do sudeckiego uskoku brzeżnego i strefy Teisseyre'a-Tornquista. Pomiary współczesnych naprężeń metodą analizy struktur breakouts oraz szczelinowania hydraulicznego wskazują na ruch Karpat ku NE i NNE. Nacisk ten jest przenoszony na odległość kilkuset kilometrów w obręb platformy wschodnioeuropejskiej, a jego akomodacja prowadzi do systematycznego ugięcia trajektorii naprężeń od NNE-SSW w południowej części kraju do NNW-SSE na obszarze bałtyckim, gdzie nacisk Karpat jest kompensowany przez nacisk grzbietu śródatlantyckiego. W strefie transeuropejskiego szwu tektonicznego (TESZ) częste rotacje osi maksymalnej kompresji od N-S do NW-SE na różnych głębokościach otworów wiertniczych oraz pomiędzy wierceniami zdają się wskazywać na przesuwczą akomodację nacisku generowanego przez Karpaty. Wyniki testów szczelinowania hydraulicznego sugerują przewagę reżimu przesuwczego w Polsce południowo-wschodniej, natomiast w części zachodniej dominuje reżim ekstensyjny z niewielkim udziałem składowej przesuwczej.
Neotectonic studies in Poland concern mainly manifestations of those tectonic movements that have been active in Late Neogene and Quaternary times, as well as geodetically measured recent vertical and horizontal crustal motions. Among problems of particular interest, the following should be listed: periodicity of neotectonic (mostly Quaternary) activity, estimation of the parametres of the neotectonic stress field, amplitudes and rates of Quaternary and recent movements, development of neotectonic troughs and young faults, mutual relationships among photolineaments, geological structures and recent seismicity, as well as the role of tectonic reactivation of fault zones due to human activity. Neotectonic faults in Poland have developed in Neogene and Quaternary times due to reactivation of Laramide or older structures, or in the Quaternary due to reactivation of Neogene faults. The size of throw of Quaternary faults changes from 40-50 m and >100 m in the Sudetes and the Lublin Upland, to several - several tens of inetres in the Carpathians. The average rate of faulting during Quaternary times has been 0.02 to 0.05 mm/yr, what enables one to include these structures into the domains of inactive or low-activity faults. A similar conclusion can be drawn from the results of repeated precise levellings and GPS campaigns. Strike-slip displacements have been postulated for some of these faults. Isolated faults in Central Poland have shown middle Quaternary thrusting of the order of 40-50 m, and some of the Outer Carpathian overthrusts tend to reveal young Quaternary activity, as indicated, among others, by concentrations of fractured pebbles within the thrust zones. Episodes of increased intensity of faulting took place in the early Quaternary, in the Mazovian (Holsteinian) Interglacial, and during or shortly after the Odranian (Drenthe) glacial stage. Some of the faults have also been active in Holocene times. Recent seismic activity is often related to strike-slip faults, which in the Carpathians trend ENE-WSW and NE-SW, whereas outside the Carpathians they are oriented parallel to the margin of the East-European Platform and the Sudetic Marginal Fault. Recent stress measurements indicate that the Carpathians are being exposed to tectonic push from the hinterland, which generates NNE-oriented compression in the eastern part of the Outer Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt. This push is transmitted farther to the north along the marginal part of the East-European Platform. Successive accommodation of this push is evidenced by systematic distortion of tectonic compression from NNE-SSW in the southern segment to NNW-SSE in the Baltic portion of the East-European Platform, where the Carpathian push is balanced with the North Atlantic ridge push. Within the Trans-European Suture Zone, frequent stress rotations between N-S and NW-SE in vertical borehole sections and among boreholes suggest a discrete strike-slip accommodation of the Carpathian push. Dominance of strike-slip fault stress regime was constrained by hydraulic fracturing tests in boreholes located in SE Poland, while in western Poland extensional stress regime with some amount of strike-slip component prevails.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego; 2007, 425; 105-127
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pliocene to Quaternary stress field change in the western part of the Cen tral West ern Carpathians (Slovakia)
Vojtko, R.
Hók, J.
Kováč, M.
Sliva, L’.
Joniak, P.
Šujan, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Western Carpathians
fault-slip data
Quaternary stress field
palaeostress analysis
Knowledge of the current tectonic regime plays an essential role in natural hazard assessment, especially in the risk assessment of fault activity. Structural analysis of brittle deformations (using in version techniques) was used to determine the stress field state occurring within Pliocene and Quaternary deposits in the western part of the Central Western Carpathians. The deformation pattern of the reduced stress tensor showed that all structural measurements could be separated into two groups. An older, Late Pliocene fault population was activated un der NNW-SSE oriented extension. A younger, Quaternary fault population reflected origin in a NE–SW extensional tectonic regime and it distinctly showed a change the orientation of the S3 of about 70. The change in tectonic activity, as well as in the stress field orientation, is dated to the Pliocene-Pleis to cene boundary. The Quaternary stress field developed dur ing the post-collisional stage of the orogen. Our study shows that the West ern Carpathian internal units document NE-SW to NNE-SSW extension in the broader region around of the north ern Danube Basin.
Geological Quarterly; 2008, 52, 1; 19-19
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fractured clasts in neotectonic reconstructions: an example from the Nowy Sącz basin, western outer Carpathians, Poland
Tokarski, Antoni K.
Świerczewska, Anna
Zuchiewicz, Witold
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
fractured clasts
Outer Carpathians
This pa per pres ents the re sults of a de tailed analy sis of frac tured clasts hosted within Mio cene and Pleis to cene paracon glom er ates that are ex posed close to a map- scale over thrust. Both these para con glom er ates bear nu mer ous frac tured clasts (22–50%). The ar chi tec ture of frac tures (joints and mi nor faults) is well or gan ized and in de pend ent of both clast ori en ta tion and the de gree of clast round ness. The frac tures were formed in situ, most proba bly due to neo tec tonic ac tiv ity of the map- scale over thrust. The number of frac tured clasts is posi tively cor re lated with the clast size, and nega tively cor re lated with the grain- size of clasts of de tri tal rocks. The number of frac tured clasts in creases in clasts of de tri tal rocks, com pared to those of quartz ites and mag matic rocks.
Studia Quaternaria; 2007, 24; 47-52
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Neofractures versus inherited fractures in structural analysis : A case study from Quaternary fluvial gravels (Outer Carpathians, Poland)
Neospękania a spękania odziedziczone w analizie strukturalnej : przykład z czwartorzędowych żwirów rzecznych (Polskie Karpaty zewnętrzne)
Tokarski, A. K.
Świerczewska, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
fractured clasts
Quaternary gravels
Outer Carpathians
This paper presents the results of a detailed analysis of flysch-derived clasts within Quaternary fluvial gravels exposed close to a map-scale overthrust. These clasts are commonly fractured. For a given population of clasts, the number of fractured clasts is positively correlated with the clast size and negatively correlated with the grain size of clast-forming rocks. The fractures comprise both those inherited from earlier joints cutting source strata, and those formed in situ within the gravels (neofractures). These two groups of fractures show different diagnostic features. The inherited fractures are orientated at random in relation to geographic coordinates, where as the neofractures show a well-organized architecture. The inherited fractures are mostly inclined 80–90° to the a-b planes of the host clasts, whereas the neofractures are usually inclined at 0–80° to these planes. The occurrence of neofractured clasts within the analysed gravels results from tectonic activity post-dating gravel deposition.
W czwartorzędowych żwirach rzecznych odsłoniętych w pobliżu regionalnego nasunięcia w polskich Karpatach Zachodnich powszechnie występują spękane klasty skał fliszowych. W analizowanym materiale klasty skał drobnoziarnistych są częściej spękane, niż klasty skał gruboziarnistych. Obserwuje się też dodatnią korelację pomiędzy liczbą spękanych klastów a ich wielkością. Wśród spękań występują spękania odziedziczone po spękaniach ciosowych tnących skały macierzyste oraz neospękania, które powstały in situ w żwirach. Te dwie grupy spękań cechuje różna orientacja w stosunku do współrzędnych geograficznych oraz do powierzchni a-b klastów, tj. płaszczyzny zawierającej oś o maksymalnym (a) i pośrednim (b) wymiarze. Spękania odziedziczone są zorientowane chaotycznie w stosunku do współrzędnych geograficznych, podczas gdy orientacja neospękań jest uporządkowana. Spękania odziedziczone są zorientowane niemal pionowo (80-90°) względem powierzchni a-b klastów macierzystych, natomiast neospękania są zorientowane pod katami 0-80° do tych powierzchni. Pochodzenie neospękań jest wynikiem aktywności tektonicznej, która miała miejsce po osadzeniu analizowanych żwirów.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2005, 75, 1; 95-104.
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przejawy ruchów neotektonicznych i współczesnych w bocheńskiej kopalni soli kamiennej
Neotectonic and recent movements revealed in the Bochnia salt mine
Toboła, T.
Bezkorowajny, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
zapadlisko przedkarpackie
złoża soli
Carpathian Foredeep
salt deposit
Badania nad neotektoniką i współczesnymi mchami tektonicznymi Karpat oraz przyległych struktur geologicznych trwają już od kilkudziesięciu lat. Rejon Bochni położony na granicy Karpat fliszowych i zapadliska przedkarpackiego zaliczony został w oparciu o badania geologiczne i geomorfologiczne do stref podnoszonych neotektonicznie. Złoże soli kamiennej Bochnia, eksploatowane od połowy XIII wieku, może stanowić bardzo dobry obiekt do obserwacji zjawisk geodynamicznych oraz wpływu neotektonicznych i współczesnych ruchów na wgłębną budową geologiczną. W niniejszej pracy autorzy podjęli próbę analizy występowania przejawów współczesnych i neotektonicznych ruchów w obrębie górotworu kopalni. Podstawowym celem było wyznaczenie takich wskaźników, które umożliwiałyby jednoznaczne stwierdzenie istnienia ruchów tektonicznych po ostatecznym uformowaniu się złoża oraz współczesnych, związanych wyłącznie z możliwymi dalszymi ruchami Karpat. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych w kopalni obserwacji za wskaźniki takie uznano: deformacje utworów wtórnych, żyły soli włóknistych, zaburzenia niektórych powierzchni nieciągłości i zróżnicowany stopień zaciskania wyrobisk górniczych
Examination of neotectonics and recent tectonic movements of the Carpathian mountains and neighbouring geological structures have been carried out since a few decades. On the basis of geological and geomorphological examination Bochnia, the district situated at the border of the Carpathian flysch and the Carpathian Foredeep, has been ranked among neotectonically uplifted structures. The Bochnia salt deposit has been exploited since middle of the 13th century and may be a very convenient object for the study of geodynamic events and influence of neotectonic and recent movements on geological structure of the deposit. In the present paper the authors make an attempt at evaluation of recent and neotectonic movements within the rock mass. The main task was to distinguish such indicators which would make it possible to recognize the presence of tectonic movements originating after the last stage of salt deposit formation as well as those resulting from present-day activity of the Carpathians. Observations carried out in the Bochnia salt mine enable us to list the following indicators as: deformations of such secondary rocks as fibrous salt veins, disturbances of some surfaces of discontinuity and differentiated rate of convergence of the mine galleries
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie; 2006, 32, 1; 5-19
Pojawia się w:
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tectonic control of cave developmen t: a case study of the Bystra Valley in the Tatra Mts., Poland
Szczygieł, J.
Gaidzik, K.
Kicińska, D.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Cave morphology
Tatra Mts.
Western Carpathians
Tectonic research and morphological observations were carried out in six caves (Kalacka, Goryczkowa, Kasprowa Niżna, Kasprowa Średnia, Kasprowa Wyżnia and Magurska) in the Bystra Valley, in the Tatra Mountains. There are three cave levels, with the youngest active and the other two inactive, reflecting development partly under epiphreatic and partly under phreatic conditions. These studies demonstrate strong control of the cave pattern by tectonic features, including faults and related fractures that originated or were rejuvenated during uplift, lasting from the Late Miocene. In a few local cases, the cave passages are guided by the combined influence of bedding, joints and fractures in the hinge zone of a chevron anticline. That these cave passages are guided by tectonic structures, irrespective of lithological differences, indicates that these proto-conduits were formed by “tectonic inception”. Differences in the cave pattern between the phreatic and epiphreatic zones at a given cave level may be a result of massif relaxation. Below the bottom of the valley, the effect of stress on the rock mass is related to the regional stress field and only individual faults extend below the bottom of the valley. Thus in the phreatic zone, the flow is focused and a single conduit becomes enlarged. The local extension is more intense in the epiphreatic zone above the valley floor and more fractures have been sufficiently extended to allow water to flow. The water migrates along a network of fissures and a maze could be forming. Neotectonic displacements (of up to 15 cm), which are more recent than the passages, were also identified in the caves. Neotectonic activity is no longer believed to have as great an impact on cave morphology as previously was thought. Those faults with displacements of several metres, described as younger than the cave by other authors, should be reclassified as older faults, the surfaces of which have been exposed by speleogenesis. The possible presence of neotectonic faults with greater displacements is not excluded, but they would have had a much greater morphological impact than the observed features suggest.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2015, 85, 2; 387-404
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
High-energy seismic events in Legnica-Głogów Copper District in light of ASG-EUPOS data
Szczerbowski, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Warszawska. Wydział Geodezji i Kartografii
permanent GPS/GNSS observations
horizontal displacements mining tremors
stałe obserwacje GPS / GNSS
przemieszczenia poziome
wstrząsy górnicze
Seismic events in the area of Poland are related mostly to copper and coal mining, and they are regarded as the most dangerous natural hazard. Although development of geomechanical modelling as the development of geophysical methods determining seismic hazard are evident, low predictability of the time-effect relationship still remains. Geomechanical models as geophysical data analysis highlight the interaction between parts of rock mass or allow to reconstruct the way of rock mass destruction and to understand the processes that take place in the high-energy tremors. However, the association of larger mining tremors with pre-existing geological features has been reported by many investigators; in geomechanical practice, investigations of rock mass condition concentrate on this problem in the local scale. Therefore, the problem of relations between high-energy seismic events in Legnica–Głogów Copper District (LGCD) and regional scale deformations of terrain surface resulting from possible tectonic activity is discussed in this paper. The GNSS data evaluated from the observations of ASG-EUPOS (Active Geodetic Network – EUPOS) stations in the area of LGCD and in the adjacent areas is analysed in this study. Temporal variation of distances between the stations and evaluated on that base so called apparent strain was combined with the occurrence of high-energy tremors. Consequently, after the examination and analysis of occurrences of mining tremors, it is found that high-energy seismic events and periods of strain accumulation evaluated from GPS/GNSS data have temporal relations. Although the seismic events were triggered by mining, nearly all the events with energy E > 108 J occurred in the periods when the analysed stations’ positions demonstrated a decrease in the baseline length.
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics; 2019, 107; 25-40
Pojawia się w:
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zastosowanie elektronicznych pomiarów odkształceń górotworu na przykładzie wyrobiska KS Bochnia
Application of electronic measurements of rock mass deformations on the example of a mining cavity in The Bochnia Salt Mine
Szczerbowski, Zbigniew
Niedbalski, Zbigniew
Jóźwik, Mieczysław
Migdas, Tomasz
Kawalec, Andrzej
Orzeł, Karol
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Górnictwa
górotwór solny
pomiary deformacji
pomiary ekstensometryczne
rock salt mass
deformation measurements
extensometric measurements
Badania deformacji górotworu w rejonie zabytkowej Kaplicy św. Kingi Kopalni Soli „Bochnia” z zastosowaniem elektromagnetycznej sondy ekstensometrycznej dają nową jakość w analizie charakterystyki tego procesu. Pomiary przemieszczeń reperów stanowiących punkty osnowy kopalnianej z zastosowaniem klasycznych przyrządów i instrumentów geodezyjnych pozwalają jedynie na określenie geometrycznych zmian konturu wyrobisk, często wysoko dokładnych. Na bazie wyników klasycznych pomiarów mierniczych niemożliwe jest określanie sposobu propagacji deformacji wewnątrz górotworu. Wykonane badania z zastosowaniem sond ekstensometrycznych umożliwiły opracowanie charakterystyki odkształceń calizny górotworu solnego w KS Bochnia oraz powiązanie tych wyników z wieloletnimi pomiarami geodezyjnymi. Jak dotąd nie ma opracowań, które w wiarygodny sposób przedstawiają sposób rozchodzenia się deformacji w caliźnie górotworu otaczającej wyrobiska. Jak się podejrzewa, jest on poddany dodatkowo naciskom wciąż aktywnych tektonicznie Karpat sąsiadujących ze złożem. Poza aspektem naukowym przybliżenia opisu zjawisk zachodzących wokół wyrobisk podziemnych w KS Bochnia, istotny jest również aspekt praktyczny, który dotyczy sposobu prowadzenia ewentualnych zabezpieczeń zabytkowych wyrobisk.
Measurements of rock mass deformation with application of electromagnetic extensometer in the Saint Kinga Chapel of The Bochnia Salt Mine provided a new quality of in studies of the process’s performance. Measurements of displacements of control points which are consisted of in the mine’s geodetic network with the use of classical device devices and instruments enable to determine of changes of cavities’ contours only, however with high accuracy. The carried out measurements with the use of electromagnetic extensometer supported elaboration of deformation of undisturbed rock mass surrounding the cavity in The Bochnia Salt Mine that could be combined the results with long standing geodetic observations. As far there is no studies which present reliably propagation of deformation within rock salt mass surrounding underground excavations. As suspected, the rock mass is subjected to additional stress of the Carpathians orogeny, neighboring the salt deposit and which is still tectonically active. Apart from the scientific aspect which brings closer the problem depicting propagation of phenomena ongoing around underground cavity in The Bochnia Salt Mine, there is a practical aspect pertaining to of eventual support methods being constructed in the historical excavations.
Przegląd Górniczy; 2020, 76, 1; 19-26
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Górniczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigation on reflection of tectonic pattern in ASG EUPOS data in the Sudetes and adjacent areas
Szczerbowski, Z.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Warszawska. Wydział Geodezji i Kartografii
permanent GPS/GNSS observations
horizontal displacements
obserwacja stała
obserwacja GPS/GNSS
przemieszczenia poziome
The GNSS data evaluated from on observation of ASG EUPOS stations in the Sudety Mts. and in adjacent areas is analyzed by the author in the scope of disturbances in daily solutions that can be induced by tectonics stress. The daily position changes derived from GNSS data demonstrate the long or short term trends, which are affected by offsets of different nature. Author presents an analysis based on frequency of parameter – displacement vector azimuth. The aim of the analysis is to show statistical significance of observed small values of temporal displacements, which values are not normally distributed. There are “outliers” of the normal distribution of displacement azimuths, which values show a certain reproducibility, which corresponds to orientations of tectonic lines. That suggests small, short time movements along boundaries of horsts and grabens – a crustal-extension structure of the area. However derived results (values of displacements) are less than a limitation error, temporal distributions of coordinates are not random as usually data errors. So in author’s opinion the spatial-temporal evolution of horizontal displacements of ASG EUPOS stations in the Sudety Mts. and in adjacent areas are determined by expressions of underlying geological structures.
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics; 2016, 102; 32-51
Pojawia się w:
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zjawiska krasowe w skałach metamorficznych w Masywie Śnieżnika (Sudety Wschodnie ): aktualny stan badań oraz znaczenie dla poznania ewolucji Sudetów w późnym kenozoiku
Karst phenomena in metamorphic rocks of the Śnieżnik Massif (East Sudetes) : state-of-the-art and significance for tracing a Late-Cenozoic evolution of the Sudetes
Sobczyk, A.
Kasprzak, M.
Marciszak, A.
Stefaniak, K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
geneza jaskiń
jaskinia paleontologiczna
ewolucja krajobrazu
cave palaeontology
landscape evolution
The paper reviews the recent state ofstudies for karst phenomena on northern slopes of the Śnieżnik Massif, Krowiarki range and Zlote Mts in East Sudetes with particular reference to Biała Lądecka basin. Conflned spatial character of the d/ainagf basinand cave sites within allow a better understanding of landscape response to climate and tectonic proxies controlling landscape evolution at least since the end ofMiocene (Messinian). New karst passages discoveries from Niedźwiedzia Cave resulted in the recognition of several sites of allochthonous sediments deposited at different cave morphological levels up to 50 metres above Kleśnica river floor. Furthermore, a new model ofpolygenetic origin for some karst chambers in Niedźwiedzia Cave originating from karstification processes and mass-movements superimposed has been suggested. Presumably, it may be linked with neotectonic processes and/or climatic changes affecting East Sudetes during the Late Cenozoic.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2016, 64, 9; 710--718
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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