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Metodologiczne problemy badań typu self-report
Self-report study: methodological problems
Siemaszko, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
raport własny
problemy metodologiczne
młodzi ludzie
methodological problems
young persons
Self-report studies are gradually becoming the predominating current of empirical research in criminology. This is particularly the case with etiological studies of deviant behaviour in young persons. However, the present popularity of self-report studies is not accompanied by improvement of their methodological aspect. No important development of the methodology of these studies has occured since the pioneer works of Short and Nye. It is the fundamental aim of the present paper to point to these of the methodological questions on which the further development of self-report studies will depend most. In Chapter I, the first works have been discussed in which the self-report methods were applied. The works anaiyzed are those of Murphy at al. Porterfield, as well as Wallerstein and Wy1e. Particular attention has been given to the methodological and substantive aspects of the series of studies carried out by Short and Nye.             Chapter II contains the presentation of findings of the Polish self-report studies.             The first attempt at a self-report study was made in the early 1960s by Malewska and Muszyński. A national random sample of pupils of the sixth grade of primary school n =2,222) was examined by means of an anonymous questionnaire. The basic aim of the study was to define the children's attitude towards the ownership rights and the situations in which violation of these rights is admissible. Besides, the authors were interested in how children perceived given situations to be thefts. Thus the question whether the respondents ever happened to take another person’s property was but a fragment of the questionnaire which served another purpose in its essence. To the question: "How often do you happen to take another person's property?", 0.8 per cent of the children answered ,,very often," 4.2 pet cent - "often," 26.6 per cent - "sometimes," and. 34.5 per cent-,,seldom’’             Like Malewska and Muszyński, also Szemińska and Gołąb aimed at defining the moral sense of young persons: pupils of primary schools (n=61) and inmates of educational institutions (n= 64), asking also about the extent and structure of deviant behaviour. The respondents answered anonymously in writing.             The two compared groups of boys differed from each other considerably as far as both the frequency and the seriousness of thefts commited was concerned. While the majority of "delinquents" admitted a large number of thefts, the "nondelinquents" 'in their vast majority owned up to 1-2 thefts at most, mostly of small objects they stole from their classmates or next of kin with the intention to use these objects themselves." The study of Szemińska and Gołąb raises doubts, both as regards its merits and methodology. Among other things, in spite of the fact that various offences were committed by both of the discussed groups, the authors use a dichotomic pair of notions: delinquent and non-delinquent, failing to put these words in quotation marks which are necessary in this situation.             In the years 1976-1977, Ostrihanska and Wójcik conducted a large self-report study of a random sample of pupils of grades 3-8 of Warsaw primary schools. 50 schools were selected at random, in which the study was carried out by means of a questionnaire in 120 classes, also randomly selected (n=3,177, of which there were 1,631 boys and 1,546 girls). The self-report study was part of a broader research programme aimed at estimating the extent of social maladjustment in the youth and defining its causes.             Among other things, the questions concerned the following phenomena: school failures, truancy, running away from home, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, free riding, destroying another person’s property, other acts against property (including thefts, frauds, robbery-,,taking something from a younger child by constraint"). The possible answers were as follows: ,,never", ,,once'’, ,,2-3 times’’, ,,4-10 times’’, ,,more frequently’’ .             As expected, both the extent and intensity (frequency of perpetration) of deviant behaviour were higher in the group of boys as compared with girls. For instance, as few as 15.3 per cent of the eldest boys (aged 15) stated that they never took another person's property while the percentage of non-stealing girls among the eldest group was over two times higher (38.0 per cent) In this age group 16.3 per cent of boys stole a dozen or more times, while percentage of girls who committed multiple thefts amounted to as few as 1.4 Instead, no greater differences were found between boys and girls who admitted having stolen once.             In boys, the most frequent were thefts from allotments and gardens (35.2 per cent), thefts from parents (22.8 per cent) and thefts in self-service shops 18.1 per cent). On the other hand the most seldom were thefts from cellars (5.8 per cent), and thefts of wine in shops (9.7 per cent).            Taking another person’s property ranked fourth among the types of deviant acts included IN the study The first position was taken by lies (88.8 per cent of answers in the affirmative). Near1y 90 per cent of boys admitted having chribbed anothe child’s exercise, 25.2 per cent- having destroyed property 2.8 per cent ran away from home, and 2.4 per cent tock drugs. There was an upward tendency with age: elder boys admitted a greater number of deviant acts, and actuallv commited these acts more frequently.             The next self-report study was conducted by Ostrowska and Siemaszko in 1979. It included 2,991 pupils of Warsaw secondary schools (1,197 boys and 1,795 girls). Non-random selection was applied. Young persons of the first and last grades were examined by means of anonymous questionnaire. Among other variables, it contained a list of 42 questions about various types of deviant behaviour, acts of infringement of disciplinary regulations, transgressions and offences, from most trivial (like stealing a ride or failing to return change from shopping) to comparatively serious like house-breaking or robbery. All questions had the same set of possible answers: "never," "once of twice," several times," "a dozen or more-times," ,,more frequently." The examined young persons were characterized by rather a high level of deviance. In the group of boys for instance,539 persons (30.9 per cent) admitted having perpetrated a half of the 42 acts included in the questionnaire at least once, 2.8 per cent of them having committed 27 to 31 acts, and 2.3 per cent-32 to 42 acts. Thus together, 6 per cent of the examined boys were highly deviant. Since the study also revealed a close relationship between the number of acts committed and the frequency of their perpetration, the abovementioned 6 per cent of the examined persons (about 300 boys) are "multiple recidivists" in the interpretation used in self-report studies. Considerable differences in the level of deviant behaviour were found in respect of age and sex. For instance,  the level of deviance in the group of elder boys was four times higher on average as compared with younger girls.             Among the most widespread acts there were free riding (94,6 per cent of girls and 96. 1 per cent of boys), failure to return change from shopping (79.6 and 84.1 per cent respectively), petty frauds in shops (67.6 and 84.0 per cent respectively), and failure to return a found object to its owner (69.9 per cent of girls and 83.8 per cent of boys). Aggressive acts were relatively frequent, particularly among boys. Battery "without an explicit causes” was comitted by 20.2 per cent of boys and 6.5 per cent of girls.11.6 per cent of boys and 2.8 per cent of girls participated in affrays in which dangerous weapons were used. Among thefts, comparatively less serious acts predominated. 16.9 per cent of girls and 31.6 per cent of boys admitted having perpetrated petty thefts. 8.2 per cent of girls and 14.6 per cent of boys stole change from call-boxes. Serious thefts were committed by 1.6 per cent of girls and 4.6 per cent of boys.             Ostrowska and Siemaszko repeated their study in 1981 on a random sample of students of secondary schools in five typically agricultural provinces. 2,144 persons (1,702 boys and 420 girls) aged 14-19, students of 29 schools, were examined. They young persons who participated in the study went to :89 classes that were selected at random. The extent and structure of deviant behaviour were examined by means of a questionnaire identical to the one applied in the previous study Also the way in which the study was carried out in the classes was the same.             In the group of acts termed insubordination, the most widespread one was smoking at under: 14:78,2 per cent of boys and 44,8 per cent of girls admitted it. Somewhat less than 10per cent of the examined persons admitted having run away from home, 2 per cent of them having run away several times. Over 20 per cent of the respondents admitted having had their identity papers checked by the police (30 per cent of boys) and somewhat less than 7 per cent took drugs.             Among various types of dishonest behaviour the most widespread one was free riding- over 80 per cent. Nearly a half of the examined persons admitted having failed to return a borrowed object; 7 per cent of them did it repeatedly Also nearly 50 per cent of the respondents stole money from their parents:15 per cent of them did it several times, and 5.6 per cent-more frequently.             In the group of offences, thefts predominated. 24.9 per cent of girls and 32.4 per cent of boys admitted having stolen an object or money to the value of under 100 złotys (the percentage amounting to 38.6 in the  group of eldest boys); nearly 20 per cent of them repeatedly stole money from their parents.             About 25 per cent of the examined persons committed shop- lifting, the percentage of shop-lifters in the group of eldest boys exceeding 40. The acts of breaking into cellars, recesses, attics etc., were committed by 15 per cent of the respondents 6.1 per cent of girls and 17.2 per cent of boys. The most seldom offences against property were: robbery (2.4 per cent of girls, 10.1 per cent of boys), stealing from call-boxes (6.6 per cent of girls, 7.8 per cent of boys), thefts of money to the amount of 500-1000 złotys (6 .2 per cent of girls, 7.0  per cent of boys), failure to pay the bill in a restaurant (3.3 per cent of girls, 5.6 per cent of boys) and thefts of over 1 000 zlotys (2.8 per cent of girls and 5.6 per cent of boys). Among aggressive behavior, brawls and beatings prevailed (25 per cent of girls and 50 per cent of' boys). In Chapter III the most important methodological problems related to self-report studies are discussed. In self-report studies, both direct (e. g. ,,have you stolen), and indirect and euphemistic questions (e, g. ,,have you ever happened to take and not to give back. ") can be found. The indirect questions undoubtedly less  threatening. Yet on the other hand, those asked directly are probably  easier to interpret explicitly. There is no proof as to the superiority of any of these ways of asking. However indirect and euphemistic questions prevail in self-report studies.             The degree of abstractness of questions varies. The good point of clearcut questions (e.g. ''have you ever taken and failed to give back some article in a supermarket") is that the highly detailed formulation may help the respondent to recall an event which the researcher is interested in. On the other hand, their weak point is that the respondent cannot be relied upon to admit having acted in another, very similar yet not identical way. Unfortunately, the majority of self-report questionnaires contain questions about inseparate classes of phenomena. Hence the danger of one and the same act being counted several times.             In self-report studies, the number of questions about deviant behavior is an important problem. One should bean it in mind that the deviant acts taken into account by the researcher are always nothing but a certain sample of the totality of such acts, the parameters of which are usually unknown (e.g. Christie et al.). The greater the number of acts taken into account, the more standard the "sample of acts" seems to be with respect to the "totality of acts." There are great differences as regards the number of acts included: from several (e.g.  Hirschi, Dentler and Monroe) up to several dozen (e.g. Gibson).             Today time limits are usually introducted as regards the period between the act and the moment of examination one year as a rule), though Short and Nye introducted no limits as regards the period during which the respondents committed the admitted acts. Shorter periods can also be found. (e.g. Simone et al, - 2 months, Lipton and Smith - 18 months). The limits are among the most important problems in self-report studies, since it is on them that the estimation depends on the level of deviance of the entire examined group, as well as the precise estimation of the separate respondents levels of  deviance. The views on the optimum time limits are not uniform. Different sets of possible answers to the questions about deviant behaviour can be found: from most precise (e.g. "once," "twice," etc.) to most general and ambigous (e.g. "seldom," ,,frequently"). A strictly enumerative set of answers may be methodologically correct only in the case of a short period (one year or less). In the remaining cases, this set may be misleading as one hardly expects the examined persons to remember past events with such accuracy.             The questions about deviant behaviour may constitute a separate block (nay a separate questionnaire), or they may be put among other questions. There are no studies showing the good and weak points of each of these two solutions. It seems more proper however, to "mask" the aim of the study by interlarding the questions about deviant behaviour with those neutral or concerning "acts of kindness."             When the level or "depth" of the examined person's deviant involvement is defined, an important problem emerges: acts with different "charges of deviance are taken into account here. Therefore, one can either try and attach different weights to them, or treat all of them as equally serious. Christie et al. ranked acts according to the judges opinion. Morash weighted them with the use of Selling and Wolfgang's scale of seriousness of offences. In Hindelang's study, the weight of acts was defined by specialists by means of a fivepoint scale. Hepburn weighted deviant acts basing on appraisals done by the examined persons themselves. However in the vast majority of self-report studies, no weigh ting procedure is applled. As shown by Farrington, weighting procedures fail to contribute substantially to the increase in accuracy of measurement.             An anonymous questionnaire, though most frequentlv applied, is not the only method of gathering information about unrecorded deviant behaviour. E, g. Gold (and other researchers who applied Gold’s scale) employed a questionnaire interview In Belson's study a card sorting procedure was applied. This method of gathering information is particularly popular in England (see also Gibson, Farrington, West, Morash, Shapland). Hirschi examined his respondents with a signed questionnaire. Should the differences in veracity of answeers of a signed and anonymous questionnaire prove to be inessential (and there is much to be said for it, e.g. Krohn, Waldo and Chiracos), it would be advisable to use the signed version (because of the possibility of comparing the separate sociometric choices or comparing the findings with external sources of information).             The main objection raised to self-report studies concerns the doubtful veracity of the data gathered this way (Dentler, Liska).             A relatively small number of studies concerned the reliability of self-report studies, e.g. the stability of findings in time. This is the most difficult problem in the case of a strictly anonymous questionnaire as the separate respondents cannot be retest. Only global distributions are compared then (e.g the scores of respondents in a given class) Siemaszko finds no valid differences between the distributions answers about deviant acts between a test and a retest which took place there months later. Dentler and Monroe found that 92 per cent of answers to a test and a retest two weeks 1ater were consistent, yet the respondents could still have remembered their previous answers in this case. Belson conducted a retest after a shorter period still: one week. The percentage of consistent answers amounted to 88. Also Farrington’s study revealed rarther a high degree of consistency in spite of the two year's interval. The percentage of mistakes in the test or retest was 3.2 The tendency to inconsistent answers was less explicit if the general scores of the examined persons on the deviance scales were analyzed and not the proportion of their affirmative and negative answers to the separate questions (11.5 per cent of the, examined persons found themselves in another quartile than Before). The results obtained by Shapland were parallel. The results seem to point to a high stability of self-report questionnaires in time.             Hardt and Peterson-Hardt distinguish the following methods of defining the validity of self-report questionnaires: comparing with external sources of information, comparing with a known group, lie scales, and defining face validity.             The most frequent method of defining the validity of questionnaires used in examination of unrecorded deviant behaviour is the comparison of the respondents' answers with other reliable sources of information. Erickson and Empey found that none of their respondents concealed their contact with the police or an offence with which they were charged. According to Gold, the probability of contacts with the police diminishes monotonically together with decrease of frequency of offences admitted during the examination. Gibson, Morrison and West found a high consistency between  offences revealed by means of the self-report method and the contents of the police files. Hindelang found a distinct positive interdependence between high scores in the deviance scale and having a record in the police files. Farrington, as well as Farrington and West, examined the so-called predictive validity of self-report questionnaires. It appeared that those of the examined persons who score highest in deviance scales at the moment. A, have records in the police files much more frequently at the moment B. Gould compared the scores in the Short,/Nye scale with those in the recorded crime scale, finding a high, positive and valid interdependence.             Results of self-report tests were also compared with other sources of information (teachers, colleagues, social workers, etc.). As shown by Jessor, Graves, Hanson and Jessor, results of the self-report tests tally with appraisals of the degree of deviant involvement made by teachers and colleagues of the examined persons. Also Gould compared the respondents' statements with appraisals of their behaviour made by their colleagues and teachers. The interdependence proved to be as expected. Hardt and Peterson-Hardt compared statements in which the examined persons admitted having robbed parkometers with the official data concerning the extent of these thefts. The respondents appeared to have answered truthfully.             In many studies scores of school children and of institutionalized youth were  compared. As demonstrated already by Short and Nye, although the inmates of reformatories scored somewhat higher than students of normal schools, nevertheless the profiles of distributions and their structure were analogous. Voss found the correlates of deviance in groups of school children and institutionalized youth to be parallel. This finding was confirmed in many other studies. The only exception here is the parents socio-economic status. Uniformity of views could not have been reached as yet as to whether the positive interdependence between the socio-economic status and deviant behaviour found in the majority of self-report studies is artificial or real (see i.a. Tribble, Axenroth, Hindelang Hirschi and Waise).             Much can be said about the validity of a self-report questionnaire only on the grounds of the distributions of answers to the separate questions, Siemaszko found the percentage of affirmative answers to decrease monotonically with the increase of seriousness of the act and its scarcity in the general population. In the same study the percentage of affirmative  answers to the question about being checked by the police was found to be higher than that concerning detention: also the level of deviance of elder as compared with younger and boys as compared with girls proved higher, These results agree with theoretical expectations, Hardt and Peterson-Hardt found the percentage of affirmative answers to the questions about acts commited during  the last year to be generally lower than it is the case with questions that concerned also acts commited longer before. Not all of self-report questionnaires contain lie scales. Moreover, the researchers are not in agreeement as to the usefulness of such scales this type of studies (i.a. Farrington, Smart, Hardt, Peterson- Hardt). I seems that lie scales should be employed Questions should however be avoided  which  might be correlated with deviant behaviour, as in such case there is the danger of the lie scale becoming the reverse of that of deviance.             The popularity of self-report studies was determined by the effectiveness of this method (relatively low cost 1ittle time consuming, promptitude and the possibility of examining large samples) Today, self-report studies have become popular in spite of the fact that many important methodological problems have not been solved yet.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1988, XV; 33-93
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sylwia Borowska – zapomniana nauczycielka
Sylwia Borowska − a Forgotten Teacher
Pałgan, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Sylwia Borowska
The above paper is dedicated to Sylwia Borowska who was the distinctive teacher, writer and poet of the 20th century. She was deeply religious patriot who devoted her life to education, according to the spirit of loyalty, sensibility and anxiety for the future of her country. In addition she opposed intolerance and social divisions. She left significant literary output, although now completely forgotten and underestimated. She has a place in Polish literature in the years 1918-1939.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2003, 31, 2; 101-114
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Etos pedagoga
The Educators Ethos and the Dancer of Its Distortion
Chudy, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The aim of the article is to define the act and process of education that is authentic and not exposed to manipulation, as well as to point to the areas of educational activity (of the teacher and educator) that are often deformed by distorting the pedagogical ethos. After making a distinction between the phenomena of education and manipulation the conditions are defined for educational activity, that is safely separated from activity whose aim is manipulation. Next the most important transgressions of the educator's ethos are presented. The most general of them are the following: ideological imposition on the pupil of the one and only idea of the reality, issuing from the educator's authority; and the lie that is the opposite of this – making all the truth about the reality relative. One may defend himself against such distortions of the ethos by making the pupil realize his responsibility for any truth he himself recognizes. Particular lies in the relation educator-pupil are the following: indoctrinating or flattering the pupil, imposing the rule of conformism on him, using him, underestimating the mission of the profession or vocation of the educator, and finally, corruption that consists in deriving material profits from being lenient towards the pupil. A separate chapter is devoted to lies told by the history teacher – who especially severely infringes the ethos of the educator of society. The main mechanisms are presented that are used by the historian for lying, and the means of defense are pointed to that boil down to making sure the data and assessments are objective. The last part of the article is devoted to the role of the educator's authority. False authority (several types are mentioned that have different sources) is differentiated from personal authority whose power comes from referring it to an absolute value (the truth or God).
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2003, 31, 2; 5-20
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An Intervention to Reduce Work-Related Burnout in Teachers
Żołnierczyk-Zreda, D.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
work-related burnout
psychosocial work conditions
somatic complaints
warunki pracy
wypalenie zawodowe
The objective of the study was to develop and evaluate a 2-day burnout intervention program focused at enhancing coping with stresses observed in teachers’ work. Karasek’s job stress model was used as the theoretical framework. The aim of the intervention was to teach participants to deal better with high job demands and low job control. Some cognitive-behavioural methods of overcoming workload and enhancing a sense of self-mastery and relations with students were introduced in the workshop. 59 teachers were randomly assigned to an experimental or to a control group. Results showed that emotional exhaustion, perceived workload and somatic complaints decreased significantly in the intervention group. The greatest effect of the intervention was observed with regard to increased behavioural job control. It was concluded that teaching participants how to manage their work environment better could help them in changing their perception of stressful job characteristics, reducing emotional exhaustion and somatic complaints.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2005, 11, 4; 423-430
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comment développer la compétence interculturelle lors des cours du FLE ?
Jak kształtować kompetencję interkulturową uczniów w trakcie lekcji języka francuskiego?
Sowa, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
kompetencja interkulturowa
treści kulturowe
cultural competence
cultural elements
student’s book
[Tematem artykułu jest bardzo aktualny we współczesnej dydaktyce języków obcych problem nauczania interkulturowego. Wychodząc z założenia, że język jest nośnikiem kultury, a ta z kolei zakorzeniona jest w języku, nie można pominąć nauczania treści kulturowych w procesie nauczania/uczenia się języka obcego. Tu jednak pojawia się problem: jak zdefiniować elementy kulturowe, które powinny znaleźć się w programach nauczania języków obcych? Ponieważ definicja i selekcja treści kulturowych nie gwarantuje jeszcze rozwijania kompetencji kulturowej, jako niezbędnej składowej całościowej kompetencji komunikacyjnej, należy zastanowić się nad konkretnymi formami kształtowania tego typu sprawności, które z kolei pozwolą stwierdzić, czym właściwie jest (czy powinna być) owa kompetencja kulturowa. Rozważając różne koncepcje nauczania treści kulturowych według typologii J.-M. Defays, autorka tworzy pewnego rodzaju listę kryteriów, które pozwolą jej przeanalizować najnowsze podręczniki do nauki języka francuskiego jako obcego pod względem obecności/nieobecności elementów kulturowych. Szczegółowa analiza pięciu podręczników ma na celu określić nie tylko zawarte w nich treści kulturowe, ale przede wszystkim przebieg i sposób kształtowania kompetencji kulturowej w języku francuskim polskich uczniów na poziomie początkującym.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2005, 53, 5; 151-168
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formy doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli katechezy
Jagodzińska, Małgorzata
Buchcic, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
doskonalenie zawodowe
Catholic catechist
professional improvement
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2006, 4, 1; 491-496
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauczyciel świadkiem wiary w szkole katolickiej
A teacher as a witness of faith in a catholic school
Cichosz, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
The documents of the Church have repeatedly and categorically stated that parents constitute the first subject responsible for the upbringing of the children, but they should always be supported by school and other institutions. The school is not only an institution where knowledge is acquired, but it is also a community where people meet. Since parents are heavily involved in the dialogue between the teacher and the student, then it must be added that people should especially appreciate schools that offer a major support to parents in the sphere of the fulfillment of the responsibility of upbringing. In Christian education it is essential for a child to reach the height of humanity, thanks to the actions of parents, the school and the church. In the modern postmodernist culture, in the era of secularization and dismantling of the deposit of faith, in the period of consumerism, hedonism and easy lifestyle (living as if God did not exist) – it is not the description of reality that decides about the future, but the testimony of life and an authentic Christian identity of the master and the disciple. Hence continual training and self-education, and constant enrichment of their teaching methods and their personality are necessary for teachers, who by undertaking the service of teaching should fulfill both religious, moral and essential requirements. Teachers in a catholic school should bear in mind that that they are Christian teachers and that is why they should be the witnesses of the faith. Their identity is constituted at the same time by the mission given to them by the Church, by the necessary knowledge, mature personality and deepened spirituality. While talking about catholic school one must not forget that this school is supposed to form Catholics aware of their vocation and their place both in the Church and the modern world. Hence it is necessary to carefully select teachers who will work in catholic schools. These should be the teachers who are guided not only by their professional competence, educational and teaching skills, but also by their ethic virtues and practising the sacramental life.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2006, 15; 31-39
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozważania o kwalifikacjach pedagogicznych nauczyciela
Reflections on the teachers pedagogical skills
Sikorski, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej. Wydział Dowodzenia i Operacji Morskich
W literaturze przedmiotu kwalifikacje pedagogiczne nauczycieli są interpretowane w sposób dość różnorodny. Nierzadko utożsamiane są z poziomem wiedzy i umiejętności niezbędnych do prowadzenia pracy dydaktyczno-wychowawczej z młodzieżą. W nowszych opracowaniach coraz częściej opisywane są w kategoriach kompetencji czy standardów kompetencji. W artykule dokonano przeglądu proponowanych przez autorów komponentów kwalifikacji pedagogicznych współczesnych nauczycieli. Charakteryzują się one dużą wielowymiarowością i interdyscyplinarnością w zakresie wynikających z nich wymagań. Autorzy zwracają uwagę na konieczność wzbogacania kwalifikacji pedagogicznych nauczycieli o nowe kompetencje, do których zaliczają kompetencje psychologiczne, interpersonalne i ogólnopedagogiczne, a także kompetencje pragmatyczne, komunikacyjne, współdziałania, kreatywne, metodyczne, informacyjno-medialne i moralne oraz postulacyjne i realizacyjne. W zakończeniu przedstawiono wnioski dotyczące kształcenia i doskonalenia kwalifikacji pedagogicznych nauczycieli. Wśród treści programowych powinny się znaleźć te wszystkie zagadnienia pedagogiczne, psychologiczne, socjologiczne oraz z teorii komunikowania społecznego i obszaru dydaktyki innowacyjnej bazującej na heurezie myślenia i działania ludzkiego, które umożliwią współczesnym nauczycielom funkcjonowanie w ciągle zmieniającej się rzeczywistości społeczno-zawodowej oraz twórcze jej przeobrażanie.
Qualifications of teachers are interpreted in various ways in the literature related to the subject. It is not very rarely that they are identified with the level of knowledge and skills necessary to work with young people. In latest texts, to describe them, notions of competence or standards are more and more often used. The paper reviews the components of pedagogic qualifications of contemporary teachers listed by the authors. They are characterized by complexity and interdisciplinary approach. The authors pay attention to the necessity of enriching pedagogic qualifications of teachers with new competences, including psychological, interpersonal, and pedagogic ones, as well as those related to pragmatic performance, communication, cooperation, creation, methodology, informationmedia, morale, postulate and realization-based competences. The concluding part includes conclusions related to training and improving qualifications of teachers. The subject matter should include all the issues concerned with pedagogy, psychology, sociology, theory of communication and the area of innovation didactic based on heuristics of human thinking and doing, which will allow contemporary teachers to function in ever changing reality as well as to change it.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej; 2006, R. 47 nr 2 (165), 2 (165); 125-140
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauczyciel - andragog w europejskiej edukacji regionalnej społeczeństwa wielokulturowego
Teacher-andragogue in European regional education of multicultural society
Landmann, T.
Wełyczko, L.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki
oświata dorosłych
edukacja międzykulturowa
pluralizm społeczny
nauczyciele oświaty dorosłych
nauczyciel andragog
adult education
multi-cultural education
social pluralism
teachers of adult education
Autorzy artykułu zasygnalizowali najważniejsze kwestie związane z szeroko rozumianą edukacją wielokulturową. Inspiracją dla podjętej przez nich problematyki był fakt, iż związek państw, jaki stanowi obecnie na kontynencie europejskim - Unia Europejska, przeżywa w ostatnim 10 - leciu prawdziwy progres pod każdym względem istnieją swoiste implikacje, na które coraz częściej zwraca się uwagę, a które wynikają przede wszystkim z różnorodności kultur poszczególnych społeczeństw państw członkowskich. W artykule wyeksponowano w zarysie rolę, jaką mają w tym zakresie do spełnienia nauczyciele ludzi dorosłych – NAUCZYCIELE ANDRAGODZY. Bowiem to od nich w największej mierze zależy jednoznaczne i jednolite rozumienie współistnienia wszystkich ludzi Unii Europejskiej - pomimo istniejących pomiędzy nimi róSnic w sferze społeczno-kulturowej, ekonomicznej czy politycznej. Rola nauczycieli - andragogów staje się kluczową dla edukacji europejskiej. To ich profesjonalizm - oparty o poSądane kompetencje, poparty odpowiednią osobowością decyduje o ugruntowaniu u wszystkich ludzi społeczności wielokulturowej wiedzy świadomościowej w tym zakresie. W konsekwencji powinno to prowadzić do pokojowego współistnienia różnorodności kultur europejskich, uwzględniających zasady humanizmu, demokracji, solidarności i wzajemnej tolerancji. Powinien to być najwaSniejszy cel edukacyjny, ku któremu winna zmierzać EDUKACJA EUROPEJSKA.
The authors of this article aimed at emphasising the most significant issues related to the broad concept of multicultural education. The inspiration came from the fact that the current federation of European countries – the European Union – has made multilateral progress over the last ten years. The ensuing implications concern the diversity of cultures within the societies of the Member States. The article outlines the role that needs to be fulfilled by teachers of adults called andragogue teachers. As such they assume responsibility for unequivocal and uniform understanding of the coexistence of all people within the European Union despite social, cultural, economic, and political differences. The role of andragogue teachers is becoming the cornerstone of European education. Their professionalism resulting from desirable competence and appropriate personality determines the consolidation of multicultural awareness among societies. Consequently, it leads to peaceful coexistence of diverse European cultures taking account of the rules of humanism, democracy, solidarity, and mutual tolerance. Hence andragogics should constitute the ultimate educational objective for EUROPEAN EDUCATION. In the opinion of the authors, the article may encourage further investigation and development of andragology concept.
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki; 2009, 3; 97-104
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Adam Mickiewicz jako nauczyciel dorosłych
Adam Mickiewicz, adult educator, pioneer of andragogy
Półturzycki, Józef
Data publikacji:
Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
Adam Mickiewicz
nauczyciel dorosłych
pionier andragogiki
adult educator
pioneer of andragogy
Artykuł ukazuje stosunkowo mało znany obszar twórczości i pracy Adama Mickiewicza – działalność nauczycielską. Praca nauczycielska była najdłu-żej prowadzoną działalnością naszego wielkiego poety, której oddawał się z nie-zwykłym zaangażowaniem, sumiennością, nie tylko ze względów zarobkowych, ale też i z pasji do zawodu nauczycielskiego. W artykule pokazano Mickiewicza jako nauczyciela, poczynając od posady w szkole powiatowej w Kownie, gdzie prowadził lekcje z różnych przedmiotów, poprzez etat profesora literatury łaciń-skiej w Akademii Lozańskiej, aż po stanowisko profesora nadzwyczajnego zakresu literatury słowiańskiej w Collège de France w Paryżu, wszechnicy dla dorosłych. Autor ukazuje wkład Mickiewicza w upowszechnienie w Europie dorobku polskiej i słowiańskiej literatury.
The article shows the rather little known aspect of Adam Mickiewicz's work – his educational activity. His work as a teacher was the activity our great poet performed the longest, which he devoted himself to with extraordinary commitment and conscientiousness, not only due to pecuniary reasons, but also his passion for the job. The article presents Mickiewicz as a teacher, starting with a a teaching position in the district school in Kowno, where he conducted lessons in various subjects, onto his professorship in Latin literature at the Academy in Lausanne and finishing with his post of associate professor of Slavic literature at the Collège de France in Paris, a university for adults. The author demonstrates the input Mickiewicz had in spreading Polish and Slavic literature in Europe.
Edukacja Dorosłych; 2010, 2(63); 55-72
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Dorosłych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dokształcanie nauczycieli w kontekście idei i praktyki uczenia się w ciągu całego życia
Teachers training in the context of idea and practice of long-life learning
SAŁATA, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
uczenie się przez całe życie
Krajowe Ramy Kwalifikacji
long-life learning
National Qualifications Framework
Ustawiczne doskonalenie się i podnoszenie kompetencji jest wpisane w zawód nauczyciela. Nauczyciel powinien mieć potrzebę zdobywania wielorakich umiejętności, wykraczających poza ramy przedmiotowe swoich zajęć, organizując i prowadząc formy zajęć pozalekcyjnych i pozaszkolnych. Nauczyciele dokształcają się, ponieważ wiedza i umiejętności zdobyte na studiach są tylko początkiem na drodze zawodowej. Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie możliwości kształcenia się nauczycieli w ciągu całego życia w odniesieniu do Europejskich i Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji. Realizacja idei uczenia się przez całe życie została przedstawiona na podstawie wybranych ośrodków doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli.
Long-life learning and competence improvement is an integral part of teacher's job. A teacher should feel a need to gain diversified abilities that go over the frames of subject taught. It can be achieved by organizing and conducting extramural classes and courses. Teachers train themselves, since knowledge and abilities achieved during the studies are just a beginning of their career. The paper aims at presenting educational opprotunities of teachers' long-life learning in relation to European and National Qualifications Framework. Implementation of long-life learning idea is being presented on the examples of selected teacher's training centres.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2010, 1, 1; 230-236
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Janiny Tumińskiej działalność kulturalno-oświatowa na Górnym Śląsku
Cultural and educational activities of Janina Tumińska in Upper Silesia
Sapia-Drewniak, Eleonora
Data publikacji:
Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
aktywność kulturalna
praca dydaktyczna
szkolnictwo dla dorosłych
nauczyciel dorosłych
zajęcia świetlicowe dla dorosłych
cultural activity
didactic work
adult education
adult educator
common room activities for adults
W prezentowanym artykule ukazano sylwetkę Janiny Tumińskiej, animatorki życia kulturalnego w okresie powstań i plebiscytu na Górnym Śląsku, wykładowcy pedagogiki w Tajnym Pedagogium Ziem Zachodnich im. Św. Jana Kantego w Warszawie w okresie okupacji, nauczycielki dorosłych w Państwowym Gimnazjum i Liceum dla Dorosłych w Opolu, tzw. Liceum repolonizacyjnym w la-tach 1947-1950, a następnie w liceum korespondencyjnym w Opolu. Skoncentrowano się na jej pracy wychowawczej wobec dorosłej młodzieży śląskiej w czasach powojennych, której celem była nauka języka polskiego oraz zapoznawanie z do-robkiem kultury ojczystej. J. Tumińska jest autorką bądź współautorką podręczników dla dorosłych wykorzystywanych na kursach repolonizacyjnych na terenie Opolszczyzny. W okrasie międzywojennym pisała do czasopism artykuły przybliżające problematykę śląską polskiemu czytelnikowi.
The article presents Janina Tumińska, an animator of cultural life in the time of uprisings and the border referendum in Upper Silesia, professor of peda-gogy in the St. Jan Kanty Secret Pedagogium of Western Lands in Warsaw during the occupation period, teacher of adults in Opole in the State Middle School and High School, the so-called repolonisation high school, in 1947-1950, and after that in the distance learning high school in Opole. The main area of interest is her work with young adults in Silesia after the war, where her goal was to teach Polish and show them their national heritage. J. Tumińska is the author or co-autor of adult course books used in repolonisation courses in the Opole region. In the inter-war era she wrote articles for magazines, in which she brought Silesian issues closer to the Polish reader.
Edukacja Dorosłych; 2010, 2(63); 162-174
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Dorosłych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Alibi niskich zarobków. O wysokiej randze bezinteresowności w ideologii zawodowej nauczycieli
Low Wages Alibi. On High Rank of Selflessness in Vocational Ideology of Teachers
Stańczyk, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
The article deals with teachers’ vocational ideology which is based on the conception of selfless work. Professional teachers consider their work as a practice which could be compared to a “mission” and which consists in “helping” young ones. Ethically pure motives of teachers’ work are finally proved by “low wages alibi”. Economical motive is repealed by teachers because of given obviousness of low level of wages in public educational sector. But economic determination in the last instance appears in the last word of interviewed teachers. Thus a serious problem appears – we can consider teachers as ones who live “off” teaching but they are creating their vocational identity as they live “for” teaching (Weber 1998). This contradiction interpreted from the perspective of knowledge sociology can be perceived as categorization of contradictions occurring in lifeworld and everyday practice (Mannheim 1985; Horkheimer 1985). In teachers’ case it brings up a danger of teaching as a severe exploitation (Holt 1987). Teachers’ propertylessness is enough to make teachers live “off” teaching by keeping learners in state of dependence. In Weber’s notions – teachers bear odium of déclassé and they are paid off ‘wage speakers’ (Weber 1998). On the other hand professional teaching is as alienated work as all others in a capitalist economy. Low wages alibi is a rhetoric mechanism covering unacceptable alienation of teachers’ work. Thus there is even more important question – what does low wages alibi of teachers uncover? The answer is – a potential of resistance (Potulicka, Rutkowiak 2010) because of the orientation on a “market-driven subject” (Giroux 2010) against developmental needs of students, which is contradictory to teachers’ conception of vocation.
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja; 2011, 14, 4(56); 43-63
Pojawia się w:
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sakowicz, Eugeniusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
edukacja, islam, madrasy (medresy), Mahomet, nauczyciel, średniowiecze,
Education, Islam, madrasah (medrese), Muhammad, teacher, Middle
Ages, knowledge
Nie ma religii bez edukacji. Wszystkie religie, zarówno te z przeszłości, jak i z doby współczesnej wychowują swoich wiernych. Proces edukacji przebiega zarówno w rodzinie, jak i w szkole. Islam podkreśla znaczenie edukacji jako sposobu doskonalenia człowieka. Chcąc poznać dzisiejszy świat islamu należałoby zastanowić się nad jego przeszłością. Pierwsze wieki istnienia islamu przypadały na czas określany przez kulturę Zachodu jako średniowiecze. Ukształtowane wówczas dziedzictwo kulturowe, w tym edukacja, na stałe wpisało się w dzieje tej religii. I chociaż edukacja nie miała charakteru powszechnego, to jednak zawsze podkreślano jej rangę i znaczenie. Wiedza była u muzułmanów w dużej cenie. Warto było – jak mówi tradycja tej religii – przemierzać świat, docierając do rożnych miejsc, by spotkać tam nauczycieli posiadających autorytet. Znany jest wśród muzułmanów imperatyw, powtarzany od średniowiecza po dzień dzisiejszy: „Szukajcie wiedzy, chociażby w Chinach!” Muzułmanie cenili nauczycieli jako tych, którzy uczyli życia, postępowania i w ogóle myślenia zgodnie z literą Koranu. Święta księga islamu była zawsze najważniejszym podręcznikiem zdobywania mądrości i poddawania się woli Allaha. Ważną funkcję w kulturze islamu odgrywały szkoły, w tym madrasy (medresy) nauczające dzieci i młodzież prawd wiary i w ogóle religii.
There is no religion without education. Educating the faithful has been an integral part of all religions in the past as well as in modern times. The education process takes place both in families and at school. Islam emphasises the importance of education as a method of man’s development. In order to understand the world of Islam today, one has to examine its past. The first centuries of the existence of Islam coincided with the mediaeval period in Western culture. The cultural heritage developed in that period, including education, became an integral part of Islam. Although education was not universal, its role and importance were always emphasised. Knowledge was valued by Muslims. According to Islamic tradition, it was worth travelling to various places across the world to meet renowned teachers. An injunction known among Muslims since the Middle Ages until today says: „Seek knowledge, even in China!” Muslims held teachers in high regard in that they taught people how to live, behave and think in accordance with the Koran. The holy book of Islam was the most important guide to attaining knowledge and submitting to the will of Allah. Schools, including madrasahs, were important places teaching the articles of faith, and religion in general, to children and youth.
Forum Pedagogiczne; 2011, 2; 189-205
Pojawia się w:
Forum Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miłość jako wartość moralna w pracy edukacyjnej nauczyciela religii
Love as Moral Value in Educational Work of a Religion Teacher
Zellma, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
nauczyciel religii
nauczanie religii
edukacja religijna
pedagogika personalistyczna
religion teacher
religion teaching
religious education
personalistic pedagogy
The religion teacher performs a significant role in religion teaching at school. One of the meaningful elements of this service is love understood as moral value. Hence, answers have been sought to the following questions: what role is played by love in the religion teacher’s educational work? What factors condition the religion teacher’s educational work that is inspired by love? Answering these questions first the author tried to explain the terms that are key ones for the issue addressed in the present article, i.e. “love”, “value”, “the religion teacher’s work”. She refers here to personalistic philosophy and pedagogy as well as to theology. Against the background of these concepts the questions that are fundamental for the catechetical service are shown, as they are based on Christian axiology. It is shown that love understood first of all as an encounter with another man, affirmation of his person, being a gift for him, showing kindness to him, appears as a significant moral value in the religion teacher’s educational work. It is in the center of catechetical service and protects one from pragmatism or instrumentalism, contributing to building genuine bonds with God and with another man.
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne; 2011, 3; 239-252
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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