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On Sensitivity of Inference in Bayesian MSF-MGARCH Models
Osiewalski, Jacek
Pajor, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Bayesian econometrics
Gibbs sampling
time-varying volatility
multivariate GARCH processes
multivariate SV processes
Hybrid MSV-MGARCH models, in particular the MSF-SBEKK specification, proved useful in multivariate modelling of returns on financial and commodity markets. The initial MSF-MGARCH structure, called LNMSF-MGARCH here, is obtained by multiplying the MGARCH conditional covariance matrix Ht by a scalar random variable gt such that {ln gt, t ∈ Z} is a Gaussian AR(1) latent process with auto-regression parameter ϕ. Here we also consider an IG-MSF-MGARCH specification, which is a hybrid generalisation of conditionally Student t MGARCH models, since the latent process {gt} is no longer marginally log-normal (LN), but for ϕ = 0 it leads to an inverted gamma (IG) distribution for gt and to the t-MGARCH case. If ϕ 6= 0, the latent variables gt are dependent, so (in comparison to the t-MGARCH specification) we get an additional source of dependence and one more parameter. Due to the existence of latent processes, the Bayesian approach, equipped with MCMC simulation techniques, is a natural and feasible statistical tool to deal with MSF-MGARCH models. In this paper we show how the distributional assumptions for the latent process together with the specification of the prior density for its parameters affect posterior results, in particular the ones related to adequacy of the t-MGARCH model. Our empirical findings demonstrate sensitivity of inference on the latent process and its parameters, but, fortunately, neither on volatility of the returns nor on their conditional correlation. The new IG-MSF-MGARCH specification is based on a more volatile latent process than the older LN-MSF-MGARCH structure, so the new one may lead to lower values of ϕ – even so low that they can justify the popular t-MGARCH model.
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics; 2019, 3; 173-197
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bayesian Analysis for Hybrid MSF-SBEKK Models of Multivariate Volatility
Osiewalski, Jacek
Pajor, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Bayesian econometrics
Gibbs sampling
time-varying volatility
multivariate GARCH processes
multivariate SV processes
The aim of this paper is to examine the empirical usefulness of two new MSF - Scalar BEKK(1,1) models of n-variate volatility. These models formally belong to the MSV class, but in fact are some hybrids of the simplest MGARCH and MSV specifications. Such hybrid structures have been proposed as feasible (yet non-trivial) tools for analyzing highly dimensional financial data (large n). This research shows Bayesian model comparison for two data sets with n = 2, since in bivariate cases we can obtain Bayes factors against many (even unparsimonious) MGARCH and MSV specifications. Also, for bivariate data, approximate posterior results (based on preliminary estimates of nuisance matrix parameters) are compared to the exact ones in both MSF-SBEKK models. Finally, approximate results are obtained for a large set of returns on equities (n = 34).
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics; 2009, 1, 2; 179-202
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bayesian Value-at-Risk for a Portfolio: Multi- and Univariate Approaches Using MSF-SBEKK Models
Osiewalski, Jacek
Pajor, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Bayesian econometrics
risk analysis
multivariate GARCH processes
multivariate SV processes
hybrid SV-GARCH models
The s-period ahead Value-at-Risk (VaR) for a portfolio of dimension n is considered and its Bayesian analysis is discussed. The VaR assessment can be based either on the n-variate predictive distribution of future returns on individual assets, or on the univariate Bayesian model for the portfolio value (or the return on portfolio). In both cases Bayesian VaR takes into account parameter uncertainty and non-linear relationship between ordinary and logarithmic returns. In the case of a large portfolio, the applicability of the n-variate approach to Bayesian VaR depends on the form of the statistical model for asset prices. We use the n-variate type I MSF-SBEKK(1,1) volatility model proposed specially to cope with large n. We compare empirical results obtained using this multivariate approach and the much simpler univariate approach based on modelling volatility of the value of a given portfolio.
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics; 2010, 2, 4; 253-277
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the Monitoring Complex Multivariate Processes
O monitorowaniu złożonych wielowymiarowych procesów
Rajda-Tasior, Angelina
Kończak, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
wielowymiarowe procesy
monitorowanie procesów
testy permutacyjne
symulacje komputerowe
multivariate processes
process monitoring
permutation tests
Monte Carlo study
W artykule przedstawiono propozycję metody monitorowania złożonych wielowymiarowych procesów produkcyjnych. Rozważany problem dotyczy monitorowania jakości produkcji przy stosowaniu oceny alternatywnej jednocześnie względem wielu charakterystyk, gdy produkcja wykonywana jest na wielu różnych stanowiskach. Do opisu stanu jakości w czasie t wykorzystywana jest macierz, w której elementami są liczby wadliwych sztuk wykonanych na danym stanowiskuwedług ocenianych wielu charakterystyk.Proponowana metoda odwołuje się do testu permutacyjnego. Sygnał o nieprawidłowym przebiegu produkcji jest uzyskiwany na podstawie porównania macierzy z bieżącego okresu dla monitorowanego procesu oraz macierzy danych uzyskanej z procesu ustabilizowanego. Ze względu na dużą liczbę charakterystyk rejestrowanych na skali porządkowej konstrukcja statystyki testowej została oparta o funkcję odległości macierzy. Własności proponowanej metody zostały poddane analizie z wykorzystaniem symulacji komputerowych. Przeprowadzono również porównania wyników uzyskanych z zastosowaniem proponowanej metody i karty kontrolnej c.
This article presents a proposal of the method of monitoring complex multidimensional processes. The problem relates to monitoring the quality of production with some attribute variables when the production is performed by some operators. To describe the quality status we used the matrix in which elements are the numbers of defective units.The proposed method uses permutation tests. The "out-of-order" signal is obtained by comparing the matrix in period t to the matrix from stable process. The test statistic used in permutation test is based on a function of distance between matrices. The properties of the proposed method have been described using computer simulation.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2016, 3, 322
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bayesian Analysis of Dynamic Conditional Correlation Using Bivariate GARCH Models
Bayesowska analiza dynamicznej korelacji warunkowej z wykorzystaniem dwuwymiarowych modeli GARCH
Osiewalski, Jacek
Pipień, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
model comparison
Bayes factors
multivariate GARCH processes
BEKK models
DCC models
exchange rates
Multivariate ARCH-typc specifications provide a theoretically promising framework for analyses of correlation among financial instruments because they can model time-varying conditional covariance matrices. However, general VechGARCH models are too heavily parameterized and, thus, impractical for more than 2- or 3-dimensional vector lime series. A simple t-BEKK(l.l) specification seems a good compromise between parsimony and generality. Unfortunately, Bollerslev’s constant conditional correlation (CCC) model cannot be nested within VECH or BEKK GARCH structures. Recently, Engle (2002) proposed a parsimoniously parameterized generalization of the CCC model; this dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) specification may outperform many older multivariate GARCH models. In this paper we consider Bayesian analysis of the conditional correlation coefficient within different bivariate GARCH models, which are compared using Bayes factors and posterior odds. For daily growth rales of PLN/USD and PLN/DEM (6.02.1996-28.12.2001) we show that the t-BEKK(l, 1) specification fits the bivariate series much better than DCC models, but the posterior means of conditional correlation coefficients obtained within different models are very highly correlated.
Wielowymiarowe specyfikacje ty^pu ARCH stanowią teoretycznie obiecujące ramy dla analiz skorelowania instrumentów finansowych, ponieważ umożliwiają modelowanie zmiennych w czasie macierzy warunkowych kowariancji. Jednak ogólne modele VechGARCH mają zbyt wiele parametrów, są więc niepraktyczne w przypadku więcej niż 2- lub 3-wymiarowych wektorowych szeregów czasowych. Prosta specyfikacja t-BEKK(1,1) wydaje się dobrym kompromisem pomiędzy oszczędnością parametryzacji i ogólnością modelu. Niestety model stałych korelacji warunkowych (CCC) Boilersleva nie jest szczególnym przypadkiem struktur VECH czy BEKK. Ostatnio Englc (2002) zaproponował oszczędnie sparametryzowane uogólnienie modelu CCC; ta specyfikacja o dynamicznej korelacji warunkowej (DCC) może zdominować wiele starszych wielowymiarowych modeli GARCH. W artykule rozważamy bayesowską analizę warunkowego współczynnika korelacji w ramach różnych dwuwymiarowych modeli GARCH, które są porównywane przy użyciu czynników Bayesa i ilorazów szans a posteriori. Dla dziennych stóp zmian kursów PLN/USD i PLN/DEM (6.02.1996 - 28.12.2001) wykazuje się, że specyfikacja t-BEKK(l.l) opisuje dwuwymiarowy szereg czasowy znacznie lepiej niż modele DCC. Jednak wartości oczekiwane a posteriori warunkowych współczynników korelacji, uzyskane w ramach różnych modeli, są bardzo silnie skorelowane.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica; 2005, 192
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Multisine Approximation of Multivariate Orthogonal Random Processes
Figwer, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
proces stochastyczny
procesy wielowymarowe
transformata Fouriera
simulation random processes
multivariate orthogonal random processes
simulated indentification
multisine random time-series
fast Fourier transform
An approach to the synthesis and simulation of wide-sense stationary multivariate orthogonal random processes defined by their power spectral density matrices is presented. The approach is based on approximating the non-parametric power spectral density representation by the periodogram matrix of a multivariate orthogonal multisine random time-series. This periodogram matrix is used to construct the corresponding spectrum of the multivariate orthogonal multisine random time-series (synthesis). Application of the inverse finite discrete Fourier transform to this spectrum results in a multivariate orthogonal multisine random time-series with the predefined periodogram matrix (simulation). The properties of multivariate orthogonal multisine random process approximations obtained in this way are discussed. Attention is paid to asymptotic gaussianess.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 1999, 9, 2; 401-419
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hybrid MSV-MGARCH Models - General Remarks and the GMSF-SBEKK Specification
Osiewalski, Jacek
Osiewalski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Bayesian econometrics
multivariate volatility models
MGARCH processes
MSV processes
financial markets
commodity markets
The first so-called hybrid MSV-MGARCH models were characterized by the conditional covariance matrix that was a product of a univariate latent process and a matrix with a simple MGARCH structure (Engle’s DCC or scalar BEKK). The aim was to parsimoniously describe volatility of a large group of assets. The proposed hybrid models, similarly as pure MSV specifications (and other models based on latent processes), required the Bayesian approach equipped with efficient MCMC simulation tools. The numerical effort has payed – the hybrid models seem particularly useful due to their good fit and ability to jointly cope with large portfolios. In particular, the simplest hybrid, now called the MSF-SBEKK model, has been successfully used in many applications. However, one latent process may be insufficient in the case of a highly heterogeneous portfolio. Thus, in this study we discuss a general hybrid MSV-MGARCH model structure, showing its basic characteristics that explain greater flexibility of such hybrid structure with respect to the corresponding MGARCH class. From the empirical perspective, we advocate the GMSF-SBEKK specification, which uses as many latent processes as there are relatively homogeneous groups of assets. We present full Bayesian inference for such models, with the use of an efficient MCMC simulation strategy. The approach is used to jointly model volatility on very different markets. Joint modelling is formally compared to individual modelling of volatility on each market.
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics; 2016, 4; 241-271
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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