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Wstępna propozycja metodyki identyfikacji surowców kluczowych dla polskiej gospodarki
Preliminary proposal of methodology of identification of key minerals for the Polish economy
Galos, K.
Smakowski, T.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
surowce krytyczne
surowce kluczowe
gospodarka surowcami mineralnymi
polityka surowcowa
critical minerals
key minerals
minerals management
mineral policy
Od 2013 r. Ministerstwo Gospodarki, w porozumieniu z innymi ministerstwami, pracuje nad spójnym dokumentem pt. „Plan działań na rzecz bezpieczeństwa Polski w zakresie surowców nieenergetycznych". Wśród działań tych przewiduje się opracowanie listy tzw. surowców kluczowych, wzorem rozwiązań stosowanych na poziomie Unii Europejskiej oraz zaproponowanych w niektórych krajach Unii. Artykuł prezentuje różne definicje surowców strategicznych, krytycznych i kluczowych w krajach rozwiniętych gospodarczo. Na tym tle przedstawiona jest wstępna propozycja metodyki identyfikacji surowców kluczowych dla polskiej gospodarki, w zależności od dwóch przesłanek, tj. znaczenia surowca ze względu na jego źródła i podaż krajową oraz znaczenia surowca pod względem wielkości jego zużycia w krajowej gospodarce. Dzięki zaproponowanej metodyce utworzono wstępną listę 19 surowców kluczowych dla polskiej gospodarki, z których 7 jest niemal całkowicie deficytowych, a 10 surowców ma charakter surowców pochodzących głównie ze źródeł krajowych.
Since 2013, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Poland, in consultation with other ministries, is working on coherent document "Action Plan for Polish security in relation to non-energy raw materials". Among its activities, preparation of the list of the key mineral raw materials for the domestic economy is planned, according to similar solutions adopted at EU level and proposed in various EU countries. The paper presents various definitions of strategic minerals, critical minerals and key minerals in various developed countries. On this basis, authors present preliminary proposal of methodology of identification of key minerals for Polish economy, depending on two conditions: minerals importance because of their significant domestic sources and supply, and minerals importance because of their significant consumption in domestic economy. Thanks to proposed methodology, preliminary list of 19 key minerals for domestic economy was prepared, including 7 completely deficient minerals and 10 minerals coming mainly from domestic sources.
Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN; 2014, 88; 59-79
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monazite-bearing post processing wastes and their potential economic significance
Odpady monacytonośne i ich potencjalne znaczenie gospodarcze
Zglinicki, Karol
Szamałek, Krzysztof
Konopka, Gustaw
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN
Bangka Island
mineral tailing
REE minerals
industrial minerals
processing of minerals
wyspa Bangka
odpady przeróbcze
During the geological prospecting works conducted in 2013 on Bangka Island (Indonesia), high monazite content was identified in the wastes produced during processing of cassiterite deposits. Monazite, among 250 known minerals containing REE, is one of the most important minerals as primary source of REE. The monazite content in this waste is up to 90.60%. The phase composition of the investigated tailing proves that the sources of minerals accompanying the placer sediments tin mineralization are granitoids. The tailing is composed of numerous ore minerals, including monazite, xenotime, zircon, cassiterite, malayaite, struverite, aeschynite-(Y), ilmenite, rutile, pseudorutile and anatase. Monazite grains belong to the group of cerium monazite. Its grains are characterized by high content of Ce2O3 27.12–33.50 w t.%, La2O3 up to 15.46 w t.%, Nd2O3 up to 12.87%. The total REE2O3 + Y content ranges from 58.18 to 65.90 wt.%. Monazite grains observations (SEM-BSE) revealed the presence of porous zones filled with fine phases of minerals with U and Th content. The radiation intensity of 232Th is ATh = 340 ± 10 Bq and 238AU = 114 ± 2 Bq. High content of monazite and other REE minerals indicates that tailing is a very rich, potential source of REEs, although the presence of radioactive elements at the moment is a technological obstacle in their processing and use. The utilization of monazite bearing waste in the Indonesian Islands can be an important factor for development and economic activation of this region and an example of the good practice of circular economy rules.
W trakcie geologicznych prac prospekcyjnych prowadzonych w 2013 roku na indonezyjskiej wyspie Bangka stwierdzono wysokie zawartości monacytu w odpadach powstałych po przeróbce osadów kasyterytonośnych. Monacyt jest jednym z najważniejszych pierwotnych źródeł REE wśród 250 znanych minerałów zawierających REE. Zawartość monacytu w badanym odpadzie wynosi do 90,60%. Skład fazowy badanych odpadów wskazuje, że źródłem minerałów towarzyszących w cynonośnych złożach okruchowych były granitoidy. W składzie odpadu przeróbczego, metodą XRD zidentyfikowano obecność licznych minerałów złożowych, wśród nich: monacyt, ksenotym, cyrkon, kasyteryt, malayait, strüveryt, aeschynit-(Y), ilmenit, rutyl, pseudorutyl i anataz. Badania składu chemicznego ziaren monacytu z użyciem EPMA ujawniły, że należy on do grupy monacytu cerowego. Jego ziarna cechują się wysoką zawartością Ce2O3 27,12–33,50% wt., La2O3 do 15,46% wt., Nd2O3 do 12,87%. Całkowita zawartość REE2O3 + Y mieści się w zakresie od 58,18 do 65,90% wt. Obserwacje ziaren monacytu (BSE) ujawniły w nich obecność stref porowatych wypełnionych drobnymi fazami minerałów z udziałem U oraz Th. Aktywność promieniotwórcza 232Th wynosi ATh = 340 ± 10 Bq, a 238U = 114 ± 2 Bq. Wysoka zawartość monacytu oraz innych minerałów nośników REE wskazuje, że odpad przeróbczy stanowi bardzo bogate, potencjalne źródło pierwiastków ziem rzadkich, choć zawartość pierwiastków promieniotwórczych stanowi obecnie przeszkodę technologiczną w ich przetwarzaniu i wykorzystaniu. Wykorzystanie monacytonośnych odpadów z wysp Indonezji może być ważnym czynnikiem rozwoju i aktywizacji gospodarczej tego regionu oraz przykładem dobrej praktyki stosowania zasad gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym.
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi; 2020, 36, 1; 37-58
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Leczenie żywieniowe depresji
Nutritional treatment of depression
Majkutewicz, Paulina
Tyszko, Piotr
Okręglicka, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
Wypierana latami przez przemysł farmaceutyczny niefarmakologiczna forma kuracji żywnością obecnie ponownie znajduje swoje zastosowanie we współczesnej terapii chorób o podłożu psychicznym. Obserwuje się ograniczone możliwości i sposoby ich leczenia, dlatego obecnie można zauważyć wzrost zainteresowania alternatywnymi formami leczenia tych schorzeń. Sugeruje się istnienie związku między niedoborami żywieniowymi, rozpowszechnieniem typowej diety zachodniej oraz odmiennością przebiegu niektórych procesów metabolicznych (w tym wzmożony proces oksydacyjny) a wystąpieniem chorób o podłożu psychicznym. Nie są jednak znane dokładne przyczyny wzrostu zachorowania na te zaburzenia w ostatnich latach. Brak optymizmu w prognozach dotyczących liczby nowych diagnoz zmusza do podjęcia skutecznych działań zapobiegawczych oraz opracowania nowej strategii leczenia. Sugeruje się, że współczesna dieta deficytowa w składniki odżywcze – głównie witaminy i sole mineralne – a obfitująca w cukier, nasycone kwasy tłuszczowe oraz nienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe typu trans i omega-6, może mieć wpływ na wzrost zachorowania na depresję. Innymi faktorami wpływającymi dodatnio na rozpoznanie zaburzenia jest wystąpienie choroby w rodzinie oraz te pochodzenia socjalnego i środowiskowego. Możliwy pozytywny efekt terapeutyczny mogą wywierać takie składniki, jak: kwasy tłuszczowe omega-3, witaminy z grupy B, tryptofan i inne aminokwasy niezbędne do syntezy neuroprzekaźników oraz cynk. Indywidualnie dobrana dieta powinna mieć swoje uzasadnienie i być prowadzona pod opieką specjalisty we współpracy z lekarzem rodzinnym. Potrzebne są dalsze badania nad wpływem związków zawartych w żywności na choroby o podłożu psychicznym
Over the years, displaced by the pharmaceutical industry drug-free, nutritional therapy again finds its application in contemporary treatment of psychiatric disorders. There is a limited capacity and possibility of treatment, so now we can see a growing interest in alternative forms of treatment for these diseases. It is suggested that there are associations between nutritional deficiencies, the spread of typical Western diet, the difference in some metabolic processes (including increased oxidative process) and the occurrence of psychiatric disorders. However precise reasons for the increased incidence of these disorders in recent years is not known. No optimistic forecasts for the number of new diagnoses necessitate to take effective preventive measures and to develop new treatment strategies. It is suggested that the modern diet, deficit in nutrients – mainly vitamins and minerals – and rich in sugar, saturated fat and trans and omega-6, may have an impact on developing depression. Other risk factors include depression incidence in the family and those of the social and environmental origin. Possible positive therapeutic effect may have components such as omega-3, B-vitamins, tryptophan and other amino acids required for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, and zinc. Individually selected diet should be justified and should be conducted under the supervision of a specialist in cooperation with Family Doctor. More research is needed on the effects of compounds found in foods on psychiatric illness.
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2014, 1; 48-50
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dietary intake of minerals in diets of adults preparing for marathon
Salomon, Agnieszka
Mandecka, Anna
Różańska, Dorota
Konikowska, Klaudia
Kosendiak, Aureliusz
Regulska-Ilow, Bożena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
The aim of the study was to evaluate the mineral content in the diets of amateurs preparing for a marathon. The examined group consisted of 92 women (W), whose average age was 30.8 ±6.7 years and 66 men (M), whose average age was 33.2 ±6.6 years. The evaluation of the mineral content of the diets of the surveyed people was done using three-day dietary records which included one day of the weekend. The average daily sodium content in the diets of women was 1,952.2 ±729.2 mg, and in the diets of men it was 3,093.1 ±1,063.3 mg whereas potassium content was 3,361.6 ±798.5 mg and 3,900.3 ±982.3 mg respectively. The potassium content of less than 90% of fulfilling the norm was observed in the diets of 84.8% of women and 66.7% of men. The average content of calcium in the diets of women and men amounted to 887.5 ±278.8 mg and 1,162.6 ± 434.3 mg/day respectively. The diets of 30.4% of women and 16.7% of men had insufficient calcium content as compared to the norms. The average daily phosphorus and magnesium content was significantly higher in men than in women (1,374.6 ±348.6 vs 1,823.5 ±473.0 mg and 373.4 ±107.1 vs 423.6 ±108.8 mg). Magnesium intake was insufficient in the diets of 14.1% of women and 28.8% of men. The average daily content of iron, zinc and copper in the group of women was: 12.1 mg, 10.1 mg and 1.4 mg, while in the diets of men respectively 14.8 mg, 13.5 mg and 1.5 mg. The highest percentage of diets not fulfilling the norm was found for calcium and potassium in women, and potassium and magnesium for men.
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine; 2017, 18, 2; 23-32
Pojawia się w:
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role of balanced supplementation in diet of age-related macular degeneration patients
Rola zbilansowanej suplementacji w diecie chorych ze zwyrodnieniem plamki związanym z wiekiem
Kusz vel Sobczuk, Iwona
Święch, Anna
Data publikacji:
Medical Education
Aim: The aim of the article was to discuss the role of balanced supplementation in diet of age-related macular degeneration patients. Methods: This review was carried out using comprehensive and systematic literature reports on the role of supplementation of vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 acid and folic acid in the prevention of AMD. Results: Vitamins, minerals and carotenoids are essential for the proper retinal function over an inflammation and immune response modulation. Conclusions: Vitamins, minerals and carotenoids discussed in the article have anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties in the management of AMD progression. Accordingly, it is relevant to assure the appropriate level of these nutrients in a diet of AMD patients.
Cel: Celem pracy było omówienie roli zbilansowanej suplementacji w diecie chorych ze zwyrodnieniem plamki związanym z wiekiem (AMD, age-related macular degeneration). Metody: Dokonano przeglądu piśmiennictwa z ostatnich lat dotyczącego roli witamin: D, C, E, B6, B12, cynku, luteiny, zeaksantyny, kwasu omega-3 oraz kwasu foliowego w prewencji AMD. Wyniki: Witaminy, składniki mineralne i karotenoidy są niezbędne do prawidłowego funkcjonowania siatkówki, ponieważ modulują odpowiedź zapalną i immunologiczną. Wnioski: Omówione w pracy witaminy, minerały oraz karotenoidy mają właściwości przeciwzapalne oraz przeciwutleniające, dzięki czemu zmniejszają ryzyko progresji AMD. W związku z powyższym należy zapewnić właściwe stężenie tych substancji w diecie pacjentów z AMD.
OphthaTherapy; 2021, 8, 1; 19-25
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparative assessment of mineral metabolism indices change for experimental animals after dental implantation with different treatment methods
Shevela, T. L.
Pohodenko-Chudakova, I. O.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Polskie Towarzystwo Biominerałów
dental implementation
Engineering of Biomaterials; 2008, 11, no. 77-80; 12-13
Pojawia się w:
Engineering of Biomaterials
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowa metodyka wyznaczania surowców kluczowych, strategicznych i krytycznych dla polskiej gospodarki
New methodology for designation of key, strategic and critical minerals for the Polish economy
Galos, Krzysztof
Lewicka, Ewa
Burkowicz, Anna
Guzik, Katarzyna
Kamyk, Jarosław
Kot-Niewiadomska, Alicja
Szlugaj, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
surowce kluczowe
surowce strategiczne
minerały krytyczne
bezpieczeństwo surowcowe
polityka surowcowa
key minerals
strategic minerals
critical minerals
mineral security
mineral policy
The paper presents a proposal for methodology of designation of the key, strategic and critical minerals, important for the mineral security of Poland. The authors proposed a comprehensive methodology for analysis of 148 individual minerals. When determining the key minerals, a criterion of average value of their annual consumption in Poland in the last decade (2009-2018) was adopted. This approach also regards to the general tendency of consumption of a given mineral and the net import reliance index. To determine strategic minerals, a two-stage analysis was performed, i.e. the identification of potentially strategic minerals that are indispensable for the sectors defined as crucial for the country’s economic security (based on an expert assessment), and – from among them – establishment of the list of strategic minerals on the basis of criteria of the average consumption value in recent years and the net imports reliance. For the identification of critical minerals, the methodology developed for the European Union with some significant modifications was adopted: all the minerals previously classified as key and/or strategic were granted the status of high economic importance in Poland, with disregarding of EU’s evaluation of the value of economic importance (EI) indicator. The second EU index – the supply risk index (SR) – for the determination of the critical minerals for Poland – was slightly reduced from 1.0 to 0.9. Based on the analysis conducted, three lists comprising 42 key, 24 strategic and 17 critical minerals indispensable for the Polish economy development were proposed. Identification of these minerals is of fundamental importance for further works on the Mineral Policy of Poland.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2021, 69, 10; 654--665
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Petrology of nepheline syenite pegmatites in the Oslo Rift, Norway: Zr and Ti mineral assemblages in miaskitic and agpaitic pegmatites in the Larvik Plutonic Complex
Andersen, Tom
Erambert, Muriel
Larsen, Alf Olaf
Selbekk, Rune S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Mineralogiczne
alkaline rocks
nepheline syenite pegmatite
agpaitic rocks
zirconium minerals
titanium minerals
Oslo Rif
Agpaitic nepheline syenites have complex, Na-Ca-Zr-Ti minerals as the main hosts for zirconium and titanium, rather than zircon and titanite, which are characteristic for miaskitic rocks. The transition from a miaskitic to an agpaitic crystallization regime in silica-undersaturated magma has traditionally been related to increasing peralkalinity of the magma, but halogen and water contents are also important parameters. The Larvik Plutonic Complex (LPC) in the Permian Oslo Rift, Norway consists of intrusions of hypersolvus monzonite (larvikite), nepheline monzonite (lardalite) and nepheline syenite. Pegmatites ranging in composition from miaskitic syenite with or without nepheline to mildly agpaitic nepheline syenite are the latest products of magmatic differentiation in the complex. The pegmatites can be grouped in (at least) four distinct suites from their magmatic Ti and Zr silicate mineral assemblages. Semiquantitative petrogenetic grids for pegmatites in log aNa2SiO5 – log aH2O – log aHF space can be constructed using information on the composition and distribution of minerals in the pegmatites, including the Zr-rich minerals zircon, parakeldyshite, eudialyte, låvenite, wöhlerite, rosenbuschite, hiortdahlite and catapleiite, and the Ti-dominated minerals aenigmatite, zirconolite (polymignite), astrophyllite, lorenzenite, titanite, mosandrite and rinkite. The chemographic analysis indicates that although increasing peralkalinity of the residual magma (given by the activity of the Na2Si2O5 or Nds component) is an important driving force for the miaskitic to agpaitic transition, water, fluoride (HF) and chloride (HCl) activity controls the actual mineral assemblages forming during crystallization of the residual magmas. The most distinctive mineral in the miaskitic pegmatites is zirconolite. At low fluoride activity, parakeldyshite, lorenzenite and wöhlerite are stable in mildly agpaitic systems. High fluorine (or HF) activity favours minerals such as låvenite, hiortdahlite, rosenbuschite and rinkite, and elevated water activity mosandrite and catapleiite. Astrophyllite and aenigmatite are stable over large ranges of Nds activity, at intermediate and low water activities, respectively.
Mineralogia; 2013, 44, 3/4; 61-98
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Cyclops Mountains Massif (New Guinea, Indonesia) as the provenance area for metal-bearing shelf sediments from the Carolinian Sea
Zglinicki, Karol
Szamałek, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
continental shelf sediments
Cyclops Mountains
New Guinea
heavy minerals
geological prospection
marine minerals
In 2009, on the initiative of PT Halmahera Perkasa the “Jayapura” exploration project was carried out in Indonesia. As part of this project, exploration of the sea bottom in the northern coast of New Guinea was carried out over a distance of ~45 km. The suction dredge collected 59 samples of loose sediments from the shelf bottom surface of the Carolinian Sea (to a depth of 60 m below the sea-floor). The extracted samples are usually poorly and moderately sorted sands (5 samples), medium-grained sands (21 samples), and fine-grained sands (33 samples). The sand composition shows, among others, a wide spectrum of heavy minerals of ultra-mafic (Cr-garnet, chromium spinel, Mg-olivine) and metamorphic (epidote, clinochlore, amphibole, titanite) origin. The content of heavy minerals in the sediments is up to 54.77 wt.%. It was found that the source of heavy fraction in the eastern and western parts of the coast is the rock of the ophiolite series building the Cyclops Mountains Massif. The mineral composition of sediments from the central coastal zone corresponds to the types of rocks building the metamorphic core of the Cyclops Mountains (amphibolite, gneisses, andesite). Three mineral-geochemical subprovinces were determined on the basis of analyses of heavy mineral decomposition and chemical analyses of sediments. Shelf sediment from the eastern part of the coast is characterized by an increased content of strategic metals (Ni up to 3560, W up to 3130 and Co up to 142 ppm). In the central zone, the V content increases up to 244 ppm and the Ag content up to 5 ppm. In the shelf sediments there is a strong depletion in the REE.
Geological Quarterly; 2020, 64, 2; 480--491
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Study of the Variations in the Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Heavy Sand Minerals in the Hilla River Sediments
Hameed, Iman A.
Rahman, Haleema Abdul Jabbar Abdul
Anmar, Alsaadi
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
heavy minerals
specific gravity
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the Hilla River sediments on the heterogeneity of the distribution of heavy sand minerals for the fine and very fine sand classes as well as for the surface and subsurface layers. The results showed that the heavy sand minerals that were determined according to the specific gravity of each mineral and the specific gravity of the particles of minerals identified in the soils under study ranged between (2.5–4.5) and were divided into four groups in terms of the specific gravity. The first group included each of the minerals (Mica and Chlorite) of low specific gravity, while the second group contains (Pyroxene, Amphibole, Epidote Group). The third group includes minerals (Tourmaline and Garnet, Staurolite and Kyanite) and the two groups are classified as minerals of medium-specific gravity; in turn, the fourth group contains minerals of high specific gravity, namely (Zircon, Rutile and Opaques). As a result, the most important factors affecting the sedimentation, sorting and sedimentation processes are the conveyor’s speed, load capacity, the size of the separation particles and their specific gravity. The complete mismatch of the horizontal distribution of the minerals of one group is due to the varying ranges of the specific gravity of the minerals within the general range of specific gravity.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2023, 24, 7; 318--330
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mineralogia hałd wietrzeniowych złoża Miedzianka (Góry Świętokrzyskie)
Mineralogy of weathering heaps in the Miedzianka deposits (Holy Cross Mountains)
Swęd, M.
Urbanek, P.
Krechowicz, I.
Dworczak, P.
Wiecka, P.
Mleczak, M.
Tobys, P.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
The paper presents new data on the weathering zone in Miedzianka, Holy Cross Mountains (Poland), including macroscopic, microscopic and chemical investigation, using scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrum (EDS). The deposit contains sulphide mineralization (e.g. chalcopiryte, chalcocite), and carbonates with hydroxyl (malachite and azurite) in the weathering zone. Additionally, arsenic – bearing sulphosalts of the tennantite – tetrahedrite group and Ba-sulphate were found. Moreover, cracks are observed on a macro- and micro-scale, filled with new minerals that formed during the weathering.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2015, 63, 6; 363--370
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of season and breed on serum mineral levels in sheep
Autukaitė, J.
Poškienė, I.
Juozaitienė, V.
Undzėnaitė, R.
Antanaitis, R.
Žilinskas, H.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2020, 23, 3; 473-476
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pochodzenie materii meteorytowej
The origin of meteorite constituents
Kozłowski, Szymon
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Meteorytowe
In this article, I briefly review the history of the elements in the Universe, starting from cosmic inflation and ending at the creation of elements and minerals that we find in meteorites.
Acta Societatis Metheoriticae Polonorum; 2023, 14; 100-113
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Metheoriticae Polonorum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwarunkowania rozwoju górnictwa skalnego i przeciwdziałania sytuacjom kryzysowym
Conditions of the rock mining development and counteraction of the crisis situations
Bednarczyk, J.
Data publikacji:
Poltegor-Instytut Instytut Górnictwa Odkrywkowego
górnictwo skalne
rock minerals mining
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane problemy rozwoju górnictwa skalnego, które ujawniły się w jego największym rozwoju w latach 2002-2011. Wskazano na możliwości rozwojowe i spodziewane ograniczenia związane z występującym spowolnieniem rozwoju gospodarczego w latach 2012 i dalszych nawiązując do wstępnych planów średnio- i perspektywicznego rozwoju krajowej sieci transportowej i budownictwa. Wskazano przeciwdziałania sytuacjom kryzysowym, które wywoływane są zmniejszeniem zapotrzebowania na wytwarzaną produkcję i zagrażają istnieniu podmiotów gospodarczych.
In the article chosen problems of the rock minerals mining development which emerged in its greatest development in 2002-2011 were presented. Development potential and the expected restrictions associated with the economic slowdown in 2012 and predicted in the future were indicated with reference to preliminary plans of the perspective development of the domestic transport network and the construction. Counteractions of the crisis situations connected with reducing the demand for the aggregates were indicated.
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe; 2013, 54, 5-6; 7-20
Pojawia się w:
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Content of minerals in muscle tissue of diploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in freshwater (Derbent Dam) and seawater (The Black Sea)
Aci, R.
Muderrisoglu, S.
Duran, U.
Shakouri, N.
Ciftci, G.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
rainbow trout
Trouts are commonly farmed in many countries of the world. Minerals are required for normal life processes, and fish need these inorganic elements. Fish may derive these minerals from a diet and from ambient water. This study aimed to research differences in some of the mineral values in muscle tissues of diploid rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) cultured in freshwater and seawater. The study material consisted of twenty diploid rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss), ten farmed in seawater and ten farmed in freshwater, with a weight of about 0.8-1 kg and average age of 17-19 months. Supernatant was prepared from muscle tissues of the fish. Concentrations of major minerals (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, P) were investigated in supernatant from fish muscle tissues with an autoanalyzer. pH temperature, oxygen amount, salinity amount and saturation ratio of the trouts were found to be 8.40, 12°C, 9.57 mg dl-1, 18‰, 88.77% for seawater and 7.60, 11°C 7.40 mg dl-1, 0.68 ‰, 67.26% for freshwater fish. It was found that P, K and Mg levels in the muscle tissue of diploid rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farmed in seawater were statistically significantly higher than in those farmed in freshwater (P<0.001), and Ca levels in trouts farmed in seawater were also higher than in those farmed in freshwater, although not statistically significantly different. It was determined that Na and Cl levels were slightly higher in rainbow trouts farmed in freshwater than in those farmed in seawater, but it was not a statistically significant difference (P>0.05). This study showed that concentrations of minerals in trout muscle tissue can be affected by changes in water quality. It was concluded that muscle tissue of diploid rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farmed in seawater is a better source of minerals in human diet than trouts farmed in freshwater.
Journal of Elementology; 2020, 25, 4; 1375-1384
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The content of selected elements in common flax seeds (Linum usitatissimum L.) depending on the cultivar and weather conditions
Kluza-Wieloch, M.
Waskiewicz, A.
Bednorz, L.
Nowinska, R.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
weather conditions
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of different cultivars and weather conditions on the content of minerals: K, Na, Mg, Ca, Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.). In total, 11 common flax cultivars of four utility types were analysed. Field experiments were carried out in Poznań (Poland) between 2003 and 2005 and between 2008 and 2014. The study showed that the chemical composition of flax seeds was determined by differences between cultivars, the weather conditions and the cultivar-year interactions. The seeds of the Alba cultivar, representing the fibre type, had the highest content of all the elements measured in our study. The results demonstrated that none of the four types of utility cultivars was distinguished by a particularly high content of minerals in the seeds. Hence, the seeds of the flax cultivars of all the types used in our study may be used as sources of valuable macro- and microelements. The content of some minerals in the seeds of different flax cultivars was significantly correlated with the average temperatures and the average rainfall during the research period. The concentrations of calcium and zinc were not correlated with the weather conditions. The content of four elements (Na, Mg, Cu, Fe) was negatively correlated with temperature, whereas the content of potassium was positively correlated with this factor. Concentrations of three elements (K, Na, Fe) were negatively correlated with rainfall, whereas the concentration of manganese was positively correlated with this factor.
Journal of Elementology; 2020, 25, 3; 1029-1044
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The application of modified layered double hydroxides in selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides by ammonia (NH3-SCR)
Szymaszek, Agnieszka
Motak, Monika
Samojeden, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
antioxidant activity
Selective catalytic reduction with ammonia (NH3-SCR) is very efficient DeNOx technique. According to some problems with the commercial catalyst, novel one should be prepared. Hydrotalcites are potential precursors of the new catalysts of NH3-SCR. In this paper, several attempts to apply these materials in NH3-SCR are presented.
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology; 2020, 22, 1; 61-67
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of the Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) brewing method on the content of selected elements and antioxidant potential of infusions
Janda, Katarzyna
Jakubczyk, Karolina
Łukomska, Agnieszka
Baranowska-Bosiacka, Irena
Rębacz-Maron, Ewa
Dec, Karolina
Kochman, Joanna
Gutowska, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane ZUT w Szczecinie
antioxidant activity
Yerba mate is a source of biologically active substances. The aim was to determine whether the place of origin of Yerba and the brewing method have any influence on the levels of Ca, Mg and Fe and antioxidant activity of infusions. Samples were steeped in cold water (25o C) and hot water (three consecutive infusions with 85o C water). Infusions had a high antioxidant activity and high Mg level. The levels of elements and the antioxidant activity were influenced by the brewing method. There were no significant differences in the examined parameters depending on the country of origin. The results on the levels of elements and the antioxidant activity indicate that the most efficient brewing method was infusion in hot water. The highest levels of elements were found in first infusions, with the highest antioxidant activity in the third infusions.
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology; 2020, 22, 1; 54-60
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Chemical Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparison of nutrient content in bulbs of Japanese red spider lily (Lycoris radiata) and golden spider lily (Lycoris aurea), ornamental and medicinal plants
Salachna, Piotr
Piechocki, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
medicinal plants
Plants of the genus Lycoris in Japan are of importance in culture and religion; they are used as ornamental and medicinal plants. Two species are particularly attractive: Lycoris aurea with yellow flowers and Lycoris radiata with red flowers. Both species show a wide biological activity mainly due to the high content of alkaloids. The aim of the study was to compare the mineral composition of Lycoris aurea and Lycoris radiata bulbs. The analyses were carried out on bulbs obtained after the end of flowering. There were significant differences between the tested species in the content of both macronutrients and micronutrients. The bulbs of Lycoris radiata contained significantly more nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese and iron compared to Lycoris aurea bulbs. In turn, more boron was found in Lycoris aurea bulbs. There were no differences between species in terms of phosphorus, calcium and copper contents in the bulbs. In summary, both species have different nutritional requirements. Lycoris aurea bulbs have the highest nitrogen and magnesium content, while Lycoris radiata bulbs contain the highest amounts of nitrogen and potassium. Bulbs of both species are a rich source of iron and zinc.
World News of Natural Sciences; 2019, 26; 72-79
Pojawia się w:
World News of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Na-montmorillonite modified with ammonium salts and azobenzene as a photoactive nanomaterial
Koteja, A.
Matusik, J.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
inorganic solid structures
organic molecules
Modification of inorganic solid structures (e.g. minerals) with organic molecules is a constantly developed topic in material sciences. The organic functionalization leads to the production of new materials with integrated properties of both the organic and inorganic component. In the presented study we have modified a Na-montmorillonite with alkylammonium surfactants and subsequently azobenzene, in order to obtain a nanomaterial that shows response to UV radiation. Azobenzene is a photoswitchable organic molecule capable to change its conformation upon UV radiation from the trans- to cis-azobenzene isomer. This reaction is coupled with a change of the molecules shape and dimensions (Klajn 2010). The montmorillonite is a layered aluminosilicate that serves as an excellent host structure for organic guest species. Due to the net negative layer charge it shows the ability to swell and to exchange the originally present interlayer cations. These properties allow the intercalation of bulk organic molecules and to control their arrangement. Much attention has been paid to the possibility of transferring the photoswitching ability of organic molecule into the motion of the whole organo-mineral structure (Heinz et al. 2008). Such nanoswitch is particularly appealing as it is controlled with radiation – remotely and at a precise location. The efficiency of a synthesized nanoswitch depends on an accurate selection of the host and guest component. The target of this study to test a series of organic surfactants and to establish a modification pathway that leads to obtaining a material most promising in the view of its photoresponsive behavior. The montmorillonite modification was performed in a two-step procedure, as the direct intercalation of a nonionic azobenzene is not possible. First, the Na-montmorillonite (denoted SWy) was ion-exchanged with trimethylalkylammonium cations abbreviated C n and benzyldimethylalkylammonium cations – BC n , where n refers to the number of carbon atoms in the alkyl chain and is equal to 12, 14 or 16. In the second step the organo-montmorillonites were reacted with azobenzene (AzBz) for 24 h at 120°C in a hermetically closed teflon vessel. The yellowish products were characterized with the X-Ray diffraction (XRD), the infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and CHN elemental analysis. In all cases the intercalation of the ammonium cation caused an increase of the montmorillonites basal spacing ( d 001 ). The d 001 values were equal to 16.4 Å, 18.2 Å and 20.5 Å for SWy-C 12 , SWy-C 14 and SWy-C 16 , respectively. The samples modified with the BC n cations showed ~1.5 Å larger basal spacing, due to the presence of the benzyl group in the intercalated molecule. A linear relationship was observed between the d 001 value and the alkyl chain length of the introduced salts. This suggests that the organic cations formed paraffin-type aggregates in the interlayer (Ogawa et al. 1999) where the molecules are inclined to the layer surface. The FTIR spectra of modified SWy sample showed intense bands corresponding to CH 2 vibration modes. Along with the increasing alkyl chain length the CH 2 stretching bands shifted towards lower energies. This is an effect of growing packing density of alkylammonium molecules in the interlayer (He et al. 2004) and it is coupled with straightening of the alkyl chains due to transformation of disordered gauche conformer to the ordered all-trans conformer (Vaia et al. 1994). It can be concluded that the longer alkyl chains (C 16 and BC 16 ) form more ordered, solid-like aggregates in the interlayer space. The molar content of organic molecules was calculated basing on the CHN elemental analysis. The amount of intercalated alkylammonium cations was nearly equal to the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of montmorillonite – 88.9 meq/100 g. The reaction with azobenzene was most effective for montmorillonite modified with the alkylammonium cations having the longest chains as confirmed by the XRD patterns. The d 001 values of SWy-C 16 and SWy-BC 16 samples after reaction with AzBz increased to 36.9 Å and 35.9 Å, respecively. Well resolved and intense (001) peaks as well as the presence of the 2 nd and 3 rd order reflections indicated a highly ordered structure of these intercalates. On the contrary, diffraction peaks were less resolved and broadened for samples prepared with the shorter C 12 , C 14 , BC 12 and BC 14 molecules after reaction with AzBz. Based on these results, it is assumed that the long chain alkylammonium ions are more effective surfactants for the further intercalation of azobenzene into the montmorillonites interlayer space. The obtained highly ordered structures are promising materials for application as photo-actuated nanoswitches.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2016, 42, 1; 87-88
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kosmetyki mineralne
Mineral cosmetics
Pawlikowski, M.
Hreśka, M.
Data publikacji:
nakł. Maciej Pawlikowski
Od tysiącleci minerały samodzielnie lub w mieszaninach używane były przez ludzi jako lekarstwa i kosmetyki. Przedstawione badania nawiązują do tradycji stosowania minerałów w nowoczesnej kosmetologii.
Minerals or mixtures containing minerals were used during thousands years as cosmetics and or medicines. Presented investigation refer to tradition of use of minerals in modern cosmetology.
Auxiliary Sciences in Archaeology, Preservation of Relics and Environmental Engineering; 2018, 24; 1-4
Pojawia się w:
Auxiliary Sciences in Archaeology, Preservation of Relics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Właściwości termodynamiczne minerałów z szeregu piromorfit - mimetyt
Flis, J.
Data publikacji:
nakł. Maciej Pawlikowski
właściwości termodynamiczne
thermodynamic properties
Auxiliary Sciences in Archaeology, Preservation of Relics and Environmental Engineering; 2007, T. 4 spec. ed. [2]; 1-4
Pojawia się w:
Auxiliary Sciences in Archaeology, Preservation of Relics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy of annealed metamict davidite
Malczewski, D.
Frąckowiak, J.
Galuskin, E.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Chemii i Techniki Jądrowej
metamict minerals
Mössbauer spectroscopy
This paper reports preliminary results of 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies of metamict davidite samples (La,Ce,Ca,Th)(Y,U,Fe)(Ti,Fe,Mn)20(O,OH)38 after high temperature annealing in an argon atmosphere. The Mössbauer spectra show a gradual decrease of quadrupole splitting and line width values of an Fe3+ doublet with increasing annealing temperature. Rather unexpected feature of these spectra for an Fe2+ doublet is a considerable increase of the line width with progressive crystallinity and a simultaneous decrease of both quadrupole splitting and isomer shift values. Changes of the hyperfine parameters as a function of the annealing temperature appeared as sensitive indicators of the thermal recrystallization process of metamict davidite similar to metamict silicates.
Nukleonika; 2007, 52, supl. 1; 81-84
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Potassium response in some Malawi soils
Lakudzala, D. D.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
potassium (K)
Malawi soils
Potassium (K) response curves were generated for some Malawi soils using four different rates of potassium fertilizer, with grass being used to estimate plant availability. The study was conducted to find the point of maximum response for potassium. The soils were characterized, limed and fertilized with equal amounts of nitrogen. Potassium was applied at four rates: 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 me K/100 cm3 soil. The K treated soils were put in pots and cropped with grass. The grass was harvested six weeks after planting, dried and weighed. In general, addition of potassium resulted in increased growth of grass in all soils, with some soils showing better response than others. For montmorillonitic soils and soils with mixed mineralogy response was linear up to the highest rate of 0.4 me K/100 cm3. Apparently the 0.4 me K/100 cm3 soil was not enough to give maximum yield for these potassium depleted soils. For the kaolinitic soils 0.4 me K/100 cm3 soil was beyond point of maximum response. The variation of response to added potassium in the different soils calls for soil specific fertilizer additions. Smallholder farmers should move from blanket (crop specific) fertilizer recommendations currently being used to crop and soil specific fertilizer recommendations. Basal fertilizer dressings (starter packs) should always contain potassium. Correlation and calibration studies should be conducted to establish a potassium low optimum level for Malawi soils.
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy; 2013, 8, 2; 175-181
Pojawia się w:
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrane aspekty gospodarki surowcami mineralnymi w powiecie kłodzkim
Selected aspects of mineral raw materials management in kłodzko county
Komandowski, P.
Ślusarczyk, G.
Data publikacji:
Poltegor-Instytut Instytut Górnictwa Odkrywkowego
surowce mineralne
raw minerals
Artykuł dotyczy wybranych złóż reprezentujących grupę surowcową „Kamienie łamane i bloczne" występujących w powiecie kłodzkim i mających zasadnicze znaczenie wśród magmowych skał wylewnych. Omówiono ich lokalizację wraz z charakterystyką budowy geologicznej i wielkości aktualnych udokumentowanych zasobów. Podano przykłady aktualnie eksploatowanych złóż, opisując wielkość wydobycia, zbyt surowca, a także uwarunkowania zewnętrzne i ograniczenia środowiskowe wpływające na ich funkcjonowanie. Jednym z przykładów jest złoże gabra Słupiec - Dębówka, w którym wydobycie prowadzone jest mniej więcej na stałym poziomie, zbyt surowca, przy wykorzystaniu transportu kolejowego, dotyczy stałych odbiorców i brak jakichkolwiek przeszkód zarówno środowiskowych jak i prawnych. Zakład górniczy ma możliwość zwiększenia wydobycia, które prowadzone jest poza granicami terenów o ograniczeniach środowiskowych. Przewidywana w przyszłości budowa obwodnicy Nowej Rudy - Słupca wyeliminuje problem uciążliwości transportu kołowego dla pobliskiej aglomeracji miejskiej. Zastosowane przez kopalnię rozwiązania technologiczne eksploatacji (minimalny ładunek kruszący, zamknięte ciągi załadowcze, zraszanie składowisk, zamknięty obieg wody technologicznej) korzystnie zminimalizowały wpływ wydobycia na aglomerację miejską Nowej Rudy.
In this article selected deposits of dimesion and crushed stones occured in Kłodzko County were described. Localization, geological characteristic and reserves guantity of these deposits were analyzed. Examples of present worked deposits were given as well as amount of output, raw material sales, external conditions and environmental restrictions. Słupiec-Dębówka gabbro deposit is one of this example. Output in this quarry is about constant and sales of railways transported raw materials based on regular customers. There are no both of environmental and legal restrictions and mining work has a possibility to increase of output which is making beyond environmentally restricted areas. Road by-pass of Nowa Ruda planned in near future will eliminate a problems with effect of wheel transport on nearby agglomeration. Technical solutions of exploitation (minimal charge of explosive, closed belt conveyor flight, spraying the mine dumps, closed technological water cycle) were minimalized inconvinient impact of gabbro quarrying on Nowa Ruda agglomeration.
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe; 2011, 52, 1-2; 100-109
Pojawia się w:
Górnictwo Odkrywkowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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