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Failures of Crystallization: On the Possibility of Existence of the Methodology of the History of Education
Michalski, Łukasz M.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
history of education
methodology of history of education
methodology of history
The starting point for this paper is a general interest in the faint presence of methodologically oriented analyses within the history of education. The methodology of history of education is a rare term on the map of scientific categories (likewise the theory of history of education). One can multiply reasons for such situation, pointing institutional deficiencies of science or stressing the fact that this term is for some researchers unwelcome and should be criticized. Although such statements are worth tackling, the present considerations focus on different research trail, being an analysis of obstacles for crystallization of the methodology reflection within history of education. These are, e.g., the lack of paradigmatic clarity and also definitional instability of contemporary methodology of history as such. Nevertheless, one should not treat this situation as disadvantage, rather as a need of different historical imagination. Responses to this need should be developed and potential contexts of such historical imagination are presented in the final part of this paper.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2020, 2(128); 79-97
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kultura pamięci i jej znaczenie dla badań porównawczych
The culture of memory and its importance for comparative research
Nowakowska-Siuta, Renata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
pedagogika porównawcza
metodologia pedagogiki porównawczej
badania porównawcze
comparative education
methodology of comparative education
comparative research
The contextual analysis including the embedding of phenomena in their logic of historical events is the basic task of comparative education. The article presents a new approach to comparative education in the Polish comparative discourse, based primarily on the ideas of pedagogical constructivism, opening a discussion on a new methodological paradigm, which is the place of historical context and memory in comparative research. Taking into account the importance of historical thinking in the methodology of comparative education is important insofar as it shows a wide context and allows for understanding and not only presenting phenomena.
Analiza kontekstualna, w tym osadzenie zjawisk w ich logice historycznych wydarzeń, jest podstawowym zadaniem pedagogiki porównawczej. W polskiej pedagogice porównawczej zwykło się przywiązywać mniejszą wagę do roli historii i znaczenia pamięci dla całościowego uchwycenia znaczeń analizowanych zjawisk i poszukiwania odpowiedzi na istotne problemy poznawcze. Tradycyjne podejście skoncentrowane jest na perspektywie teraźniejszej i przyszłej, i tak też postrzega się problemy edukacyjne w prowadzonym dyskursie pedagogiki porównawczej. Uwzględnianie znaczenia myślenia historycznego w metodologii pedagogiki porównawczej jest o tyle istotne, że ukazuje szeroki kontekst i pozwala na rozumienie, a nie wyłącznie przedstawianie zjawisk.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2023, 20, 1; 19-30
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Specyfika kształcenia i doskonalenia zawodowego w obszarze taktyczno-technicznym jednostek ochrony przeciwpożarowej
Methodology of Vocational Education and Improving in the Tactical – Technical Field of Fire Protection Units
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
metodyka kształcenia
doskonalenie zawodowe
przedmioty taktyczno-techniczne
kształcenie praktyczne
nowe media
efekty kształcenia
methodology of education
vocational improving
tactical – technical subjects
practical education
new media
Rosnące wyzwania rynku pracy oraz postępujące zmiany cywilizacyjne wymuszają zmianę podejścia do kształcenia zawodowego w kierunku wyższej efektywności. Współczesny pracownik powinien poszerzać i pogłębiać wiedzę oraz umiejętności tak, aby móc wykonywać swoją pracę na podobnym stanowisku w różnych miejscach i czasie. Obecnie nieodzowna jest także umiejętność pracy z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnych narzędzi i rozwiązań technologicznych. Ważne jest, aby wiedza określona drogą lekcji w formie teoretycznej wprowadziła ucznia w sferę pragmatyki dla zdobycia umiejętności praktycznych potencjalnych pracowników. Zmiana podejścia do kształcenia zawodowego odnosi się także do form i metod kształcenia strażaków Państwowej Straży Pożarnej. Celem badań dotyczących kształcenia strażaków była diagnoza postaw słuchaczy wobec sto-sowanych metod kształcenia zawodowego oraz ich efektywności. Wykazano, że prowadzone kształcenie zawodowe w obszarze przedmiotów taktyczno-technicznych pozwala słuchaczom nabyć wiedzę i umiejętności, kluczowe w osiągnięciu kompetencji do pełnienia służby w Państwowej Straży Pożarnej.
Increasing challenge of labour market and progressive civilization changes impose the atti-tude to vocational education towards higher effectiveness. A current employee should broaden and deepen knowledge and skills to execute job on similar posts at different places and time. At pre-sent there is an indispensable requirement of ability to work with using modern tools and techno-logical solutions. It is important that theoretical knowledge goes with practical skills of workers. The change of the attitude to vocational education relate to forms and methods of education of 188 firefighters of the State Fire Service. The aim of research concerning firefighters’ education was assessment of listeners’ attitude to applied methods of vocational education and their effectiveness. It is shown that vocational education in the field of tactical – technical subjects allows students to obtain knowledge and skills and by the same to get necessary qualifications to work at the State Fire Service.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2018, 9, 1; 187-196
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Criteria and Indicators of University Education Quality: The Results of Expert Interview
Bezpalko, Olga V.
Klishevych, Nataliia A.
Liakh, Tetiana L.
Pavliuk, Roman O.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
quality of education
criteria and indicators of education quality
measuring of education quality
methodology of measuring/monitoring of education quality
The article is devoted to evaluation of criteria and indicators of the measuring of university education quality. On the basis of an expert interview of the teaching/academic staff of the Institute of Human Sciences of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, three main criteria were identified (resourses of educational activities, organization of educational activities, the results of specialist training) and their indicators (the level of teaching/academic staff, students as subjects of education, material base, information and methodological support, technologies of training and education, presentation of educational achievements, competitiveness of graduates at the job market, professional achievements of graduates). The proposed criteria and indicators of the quality of education measuring made it possible to evaluate a methodology of measuring/monitoring of university education quality, which is the innovation of our research. A wheel model, whose rung is a criterion indicator, was included in the basis of the methodology of measuring/monitoring of the quality of education. Each rung is also a separate indicator measuring scale and it is divided into ten conditional labels.
The New Educational Review; 2016, 46; 61-71
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inovácie v didaktike technickej výchovy
Innowacyjne koncepcje w dydaktyce techniki
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
technická výchova
didaktika technickej výchovy
technical education
methodology of teaching technical education
W tym artykule opisano zmiany w edukacji do pracy, techniki i technologii realizowanej w ramach kształcenia ogólnego na Słowacji i za granicą w historycznej perspektywie. Ta analiza jest nowatorskim podejściem w zakresie badań metodologii uczenia technicznej edukacji.
This paper informs about the changes in education towards work, technics and technologies within general education in Slovakia and abroad from the historical perspective. It also analyzes innovative approaches in some areas of methodology of teaching technical education.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2010, 1, 1; 49-60
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pedagogika egzystencjalizmu: jej założenia, cele i rola w rozwoju nauk pedagogicznych
Pedagogy of Existentialism: Its Assumptions Goals, and Its Role in the Development of Pedagogic Sciences
Nowak, Marian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
pedagogika egzystencjalizmu
myśl pedagogiczna
teoria wychowania
aksjologia pedagogiki egzystencjalizmu
rola nauczyciela/pedagoga i wychowanka/ucznia w procesie wychowania
metodyka wychowania i nauczania
existential pedagogy
pedagogical thinking
axiology of existential pedagogy
the role of teacher/educator and pupil/student in the educational process
the methodology of education and instruction
The paper seeks to bring home to theorists and practitioners of education one of the branches of pedagogical thought, namely existential pedagogy. The main line of thinking in pedagogy can be defined in the following way: the point is to help people to overcome their banal existence and help them to choose a way towards authentic existence. Thus formulated watchword of this trend opens a new perspective on pedagogical thinking of great importance both theoretical and practical. It is true that in the end of the 1960s the peculiar vogue for existentialism was in the wane. Nevertheless it brought about a vivid interest in philosophy, introduced a new approach in many domains of science, including pedagogy. Consequently, the reality of education and its planning could better be recognized. By opening to what is non-verifiable, existentialism made it possible to seek after the sense of existence and education (interest in the noetic dimension), and to quest after a climate in which one could adopt an attitude of openness and overcome abstract categories (V. Frankl). The very categories of existentialism are significant, starting with the category of „existence” (Lat. existere - take place, exist, appear, be outside, go towards). Owing to existentialism such categories as „freedom,” experience etc. have clearly received a dynamic dimension in pedagogy. The author points to existentialism as a branch of contemporary philosophical thought with which is connected its appearance in pedagogical thought. The author devotes much attention, within the framework of basic problems of existential pedagogy, to the tasks and objectives of education. He does this by turning our attention to the axiology of existential pedagogy, understanding of the educational relationship, the role of educator/teacher and pupil/student in the overall dynamism of the educational process. Then he goes on to outline an existential approach to the methodology of education and instruction. By showing the main aspects of the existentialist trend in pedagogical thought, the paper may become a help in understanding not only how to approach the reality of education in the future, but also how to understand many ideas that have been imported to pedagogical thought by existentialism. Undoubtedly, existentialism has contributed to the recognition of the role of human experiences and emotions in the formation of personality. This can also be seen as an important element in the formation of a society that is more capable of empathy, dialogue, reconciliation, and sensitivity. It is especially valuable of existentialism that it has directed pedagogical thinking towards planning (in relation with the be-project idea) and the carrying out of plans in the future. They call for the climate of empathy, agreement, dialogue, and collaboration with others. Existentialism has faced criticism, but has also won great popularity and recognition. At least some of these attitudes are illustrated in the paper. Generally, one can say that undoubtedly existentialism has had its role in stressing a living concrete anew in pedagogical thought. Among other things, it has contributed a lot to the issue of coming to terms between individualism and socialization, subjectivism and objectivism, solving these problems by way of compromise between the two kinds of opposition.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2004, 32, 2; 5-29
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo rzymskie jako wskaźnik otwartości środowiska prawniczego? Panorama głębokiej europejskiej prowincji intelektualnej
Measuring the Openness of Lawyers’ Minds by Roman Law? Panorama of a Far European Intellectual Province
Longchamps de Bérier, Franciszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Fundacja Utriusque Iuris
history of legal education
Roman law
methodology of legal research
What is the purpose of a study to present comprehensively the condition and social impact of civil law lawyers in 18th century England? The study provides a broad panorama of a far European province, particularly in relation to its legal and intellectual character. A province is an intellectual, not a geographical term. Yet, the panorama should not be art for art’s sake. A comparative study based on it might be instructive, if a legal researcher following it becomes well acquainted with the foreign jurisdiction and its legal history. There will always be a need for learned diagnoses and for the openness of lawyers’ minds. A study of Roman law, if introduced and exercised as practical legal history, has proven to provide a very useful measure of diagnostic accuracy and to overcome provincial thinking in law.
Forum Prawnicze; 2019, 6 (56); 98-103
Pojawia się w:
Forum Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O problemach, potrzebach i zadaniach uniwersyteckich jednostek metodycznych (głos w dyskusji)
Problems, needs and objectives of the academic methodological units (voice in discussion)
Fiszbak, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
polish language at schools
methodology of polish language teaching
methodology of teaching polish literature
methodological academic education
The author focuses on academic methodological units’ problems of teaching Polish language and its literature, as well as on the problems of Polish language subject at schools. She proves a strong dependence between the two, which results in their mutual either development or regress. Decline in importance of Polish language subject at schools had a negative influence on performance of academic methodologists. The author emphasises the need for proper cooperation between methodological units around Poland and presents how it should be conducted. She also introduces problems in which cooperating methodologists should be interested. The result of the cooperation shall be both reinstating didactics to its rank of science and enhancing the education level of Polish language at schools.
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna; 2019, 5 (14); 134-147
Pojawia się w:
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dyskurs akademicki jako praktyka społeczna. Zwrot dyskursywny i Społeczne Badania Szkolnictwa Wyższego
Wróblewska, Marta Natalia
Angermuller, Johannes
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
discourse analysis
Higher Education Studies
Social Studies of Higher Education
One can broadly divide research on higher education settings into three strands investigating 1) the production of specialized scientific knowledge, 2) the dynamics of institutional power (academic decision-making and governance), 3) teaching and learning. In all three areas the notion of ‘discourse’ has been salient in the last decades. However, the term is often understood differently by researchers from different fields, and the respective disciplines haven’t always been receptive one to another. In the paper we present an overview of discursive approaches to the study of higher education in 1) social theory, poststructuralism in particular, and 2) linguistics. We explain the outlook on discourse which is prevalent in these areas and present the most significant studies on higher education contexts conducted within them. We argue that while social theory often lacks analytical detail and focus on empirical objects, linguistics on the other hand does not account for the way practices produce and reproduce social order. Therefore, a study of academic discourse drawing on both strands would enable putting forward a robust theory and a precise methodology. In the last section of the paper we present an outline of such a field informed by both poststructuralism and pragmatics – Social Studies of Higher Education.
Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja; 2017, 12, 2; 105-128
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Influence of the Flipped Classroom Model on the Development of Key Competences of Future Teachers
Cekić-Jovanović, Olivera
Đorđević, Miloš
Đorđević, Marko M.
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
flipped classroom
key competences
primary school teacher education
methodology of teaching
The study examines the impact of the Flipped Classroom (FCM) on the development of key competences for the 21st century (KC21) in future teachers. Experimental design with two parallel groups was used. The sample consisted of 122 students of the Faculty of Education, i.e., experimental group-EG (60), and control group-CG (62). The EG attended lectures implementing the FCM, while the CG received traditional instruction. Results show that there is no significant difference in self-assessment of competence development between the EG and CG related to creativity, responsible attitude towards work, health and environment. There is a significant difference in the self-assessment of competences related to socio-emotional skills, problem solving, critical thinking, information and ICT literacy and learning to learn. The conclusion is that the implementation of the FCM can influence the development of the majority of KC21.
The New Educational Review; 2019, 56; 271-282
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwijanie kompetencji społecznych na lektoracie w szkole wyższej
Methods of social skills training for foreign language teacher in higher education
Piwowarczyk, Anna J.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
social skills training
foreign language teaching methodology
academic education of adults
The paper discusses the foreign language teaching methodology at the university. Among the learning outcomes, formulated by the legal regulation of the National Qualifications Framework, next to the categories of knowledge and skills, was a third category of learning outcomes - social competence. Defining, methods of training and verification of social competence could be a challenge for lecturers. The issue of social competence and socialization of students has been present in the literature in the field of academic teaching for many years. Recently it has been formalized and formulated in the form of legal regulation - Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 2 November 2011 on the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (KRK). During the planning of the learning process, it is important to select properly the content and methods of education, which will enable the training of social competence in accordance with the principles of university education and KRK assumptions. The article provides an overview of definitions of social competence in the social sciences and presents also the understanding of this category in Polish Referencing Report, which is a description of Polish Qualifications Framework. Next, the paper presents examples of training methods to realize teaching assumed target (educatory). It seeks to identify the legitimacy of using active methods of teaching, based on the principles of constructivist teaching. These include mainly the problem solving methods, taking into account the learning cycle of Kolb. The selective choice of the presented methods includes the specificity of academic education of adults, which was also briefly described.
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie; 2015, 1 (58); 12-21
Pojawia się w:
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Designer competence is a component of the basic competency of future teachers of technologies
Kompetencje projektowe jako część podstawowej kompetencji przyszłych nauczycieli technologii
Kulyk, Yevgen
Gałkowski, Stanisław
Kostyło, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
methodology of studying
metodologia studiowania
The existing educational system of Eastern European countries in the 20th century functioned in the paradigm of the socialistic existence of a person, which formed an appropriate culture in all branches of the economy. Eastern European countries’ entry into the global market system highlighted the educational problems that needed to be solved in the first place in order to adapt their society to the global community. The analysis conducted in this article made it possible to establish that the existence of a considerable number of concepts such as “competence,” “competent,” unfortunately, does not provide science with the sufficient methodological basis necessary for experimental identification and description of their substantive differentiation, determination of their role in the substantiation of the methodology of competent personality formation. It is suggested that the level of mastering concepts can be used as the level of formation of the phenomenon under study. It is shown that revealing the content of the concept of “design competence” will allow us to expand the boundaries of the system of scientific knowledge and to establish mechanisms for the formation of a certain phenomenon in the professional training of future teachers of technology. In this case, “design competency” can reflect both the low, generalized goal of education (presence of knowledge, skills, personal qualities) during the reproduction of an activity based on a pattern, and the high goal (generalized goal of education) – an active component of education, as part of which knowledge, skills, and personal qualities are used in non-standard situations that require the use of elements of creativity, that is, a higher level of generalization. It is clear that such self-management can be realized only if the student has the appropriate regulatory basis formed for his activity, namely: the conceptual basis (knowledge of design problems), the emotional and value basis (relation to the environment and society), and the operating basis (ability to interact with environmental objects).
System edukacyjny krajów Europy Wschodniej w XX wieku funkcjonował w paradygmacie socjalistycznego istnienia osoby, formując odpowiednią kulturę we wszystkich gałęziach ekonomii. Wejście krajów Europy Wschodniej do systemu globalnego rynku podkreśliło edukacyjne problemy, które powinny zostać rozwiązane przede wszystkim z uwagi na adaptację społeczeństwa do światowej wspólnoty. Analiza umożliwiła ustalenie, że istnienie znaczącej liczby takich pojęć, jak „kompetencja”, „kompetentny” – niestety – nie dostarcza nauce wystarczających metodologicznych podstaw niezbędnych do eksperymentalnej identyfikacji i opisu ich istotnego zróżnicowania, określenia ich roli w uzasadnieniu metodologii formowania kompetentnej osobowości. Sugeruje się, że poziom przyswojenia pojęć może zostać użyty jako poziom formowania badanego fenomenu. W artykule pokazano, że ujawnianie treści pojęcia „kompetencje projektowe” pozwoli rozszerzyć powiązania systemu wiedzy naukowej i ustalić mechanizmy formowania pewnego fenomenu w zawodowym kształceniu nauczycieli technologii przyszłości. W tym przypadku, kompetencje projektowe mogą odzwierciedlać zarówno słabo uogólniony cel edukacji (obecność wiedzy, umiejętności, osobowych zalet) podczas reprodukcji aktywności według schematu, jak i mocno uogólniony cel edukacji – aktywny komponent edukacji, w którym wiedza, umiejętności oraz osobowe zalety użyte są w niestandardowych sytuacjach wymagających elementów kreatywności, to znaczy wyższego poziomu uogólnienia. Jasne jest, że takie samozarządzanie może mieć miejsce tylko wtedy, kiedy student będzie miał odpowiednią podstawę regulacyjną wytworzoną w celu jego aktywności, a mianowicie: konceptualną podstawę (wiedza na temat problemów dotyczących projektowania); emocjonalną i odnoszącą się do wartości bazę (relacja ze środowiskiem i społeczeństwem); operacyjną podstawę (zdolność do radzenia sobie ze środowiskowymi obiektami).
Wielogłos w myśli o wychowaniu. 100 lat polskiej pedagogiki filozoficznej; 113-122
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Methodology and Teaching Methods of the Study Course: Theory of Cooperation in Education
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
teaching methods
methods of professions
learning theory
theory of cooperation in education
Scientific methods that are part of knowledge – it is whole arsenal of accumulated research methods and stage of scientific activity (techniques, methods) used in the process of scientific activity in this particular cycle. In particular, problems and hypotheses is scientific knowledge also, but they are more significant than stages of scientific activity. Scientific activity – intellectual creative activity aimed at obtaining and use of new knowledge. It comprises the steps of obtaining scientific production: 1) formulation (appearance) of the problem; 2) construction of hypotheses and using those that already exist; 3) creation and implementation of new methods of research aimed at proving the hypotheses; 4) summary the results of scientific activity. It is necessary to mean that the main product that meets the objectives and problems which are resolved, science gets only at the end of the cycle in the form of laws and theories. In the intermediate stages the science gets a by-product a part of which is used in the same cycle, and part goes to replenish the knowledge and the formation of new cycles. Scientific activity exists in various forms, such as: scientific and research activity; scientific and organizational activity; scientific and educational activity; scientific and information activity; scientific and support activity, etc. (Розвиток науки…).
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2017, 8, 3; 38-42
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola instytucji szkoły w XXI wieku
Słomski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
philosophy of education and upbringing
school of the XXIst century
Pupils’ cognitive activities condition their intellectual, emotional and volitional development. In this context the process of teaching is not only dry passing on knowledge, but also creation of sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature, formation of assessment skills of aesthetical and moral values of literary works, development of patriotic feelings, inculcating democratic principles and norms of co-existence. It is closely connected with tasks and functions of intellectual upbringing. Due to it the process of teaching cannot be divided into ‘parts’ dedicated separately to formation and development of definite feelings in pupils, or features of willpower and character of one sort or another, and familiarizing with the new teaching material, that is with knowledge, skills and habits recommended by the curriculum. Practically, gaining knowledge by children and teenagers happens simultaneously with development of definite feelings and desirable features of willpower and character. It is necessary to turn an attention to the fact that much has already been written and spoken about the ‘upbringing and education teaching’ or about ‘educational values of the teaching process’ for many years.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2011, 1(1); 145-167
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metody w szkole XXI wieku
Słomski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
philosophy of education and upbringing
the XXIst century school
Openness to new technologies and an ability to use them efficiently is a feature of the modern education. They often say about elevating efficiency of education through preparation of the youth to independent gaining and broadening their knowledge. It is necessary, however, to underline, in the light of presented threats, that it should be a critical selection of information which is found in the various kinds of sources. The present socioeconomical situation of the world creates new educational challenges. Using information and communication technologies in our country becomes widespread, first of all, thanks to schools and young generations. The youth belong to the largest group of the computer and Internet users. School has already been criticized for many years mainly for this that using coercion against pupils plays an essential role in it. Criticism also concerns the education of the ‘theoretical man’. Such an approach resulting from that school in reality does not lead to the pupil’s development because only learning resulting from the internal need can lead to it.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2011, 2(2); 121-139
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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