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Wyszukujesz frazę "law applicable" wg kryterium: Temat

Glosa do wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej w sprawie C-644/20 z 12.05.2022 r. – zmiana miejsca zwykłego pobytu małoletniego wierzyciela świadczeń alimentacyjnych w sytuacji wydania wyroku nakazującego jego powrót w trybie Konwencji haskiej z 1980 r. dotyczącej cywilnych aspektów uprowadzenia dziecka za granicę
Gloss to the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in case C-644/20 of 12 May 2022 – change of habitual residence of a minor maintenance creditor in the event of a judgment ordering his return under The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
Tomczewska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Instytut Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości
uprowadzenie dziecka
miejsce zwykłego pobytu
prawo właściwe
Konwencja haska
child abduction
habitual residence
applicable law
Hague Convention
Glosa wyraża aprobatę do stanowiska Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej przedstawionego w wyroku wydanym w sprawie C-644/20, w którym TSUE uznał – na potrzeby ustalenia prawa właściwego w sprawie alimentacyjnej o charakterze transgranicznym – za miejsce zwykłego pobytu dziecka (na podstawie art. 3 Protokołu haskiego z 23.11.2007 r. o prawie właściwym dla zobowiązań alimentacyjnych) państwo, do którego dziecko zostało uprowadzone, pomimo wydania wyroku nakazującego powrót dziecka na podstawie Konwencji haskiej z 25.10.1980 r. dotyczącej cywilnych aspektów uprowadzenia dziecka za granicę. Trybunał, mając na uwadze dobro dziecka, uznał konieczność uwzględnienia aktualnego środowiska, w którym dziecko aktualnie przebywa w kontekście oceny realnych potrzeb wierzyciela alimentacyjnego. Tym samym TSUE nie przejął koncepcji zawartej w rozporządzeniu 2201/2003, zgodnie z którą łącznik jurysdykcyjny oparty na miejscu zwykłego pobytu dziecka co do zasady nie może być powiązany z państwem, do którego dziecko zostało bezprawnie uprowadzone lub w którym zostało zatrzymane.
The gloss endorses the position of the Court of Justice of the European Union presented in the judgment issued in case C-644/20, in which the CJEU recognized – for the purposes of determining the law applicable in a cross-border maintenance case – the habitual residence of the child (pursuant to Article 3 of the Protocol Hague of 23 November 2007 on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations) the country to which the child has been abducted despite a judgment ordering the return of the child under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The Court, bearing in mind the best interests of the child, recognized the need to take into account the current environment in which the child currently resides in the context of assessing the real needs of the maintenance creditor. Thus, the CJEU did not adopt the concept contained in Regulation 2201/2003, according to which the jurisdictional connecting factor based on the child’s habitual residence, in principle, cannot be linked to the country to which the child was wrongfully removed or retained.
Prawo w Działaniu; 2023, 54; 238-244
Pojawia się w:
Prawo w Działaniu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W poszukiwaniu prawa właściwego: stosowanie norm prawa administracyjnego i ich kolizje w międzynarodowym sporze inwestycyjnym
On the search for applicable law: the application and the conflicts of administrative law norms in international investment disputes
Żmij, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
international investment arbitration
applicable law
international private law
conflicts of laws
international administrative law
investment protection
międzynarodowy arbitraż inwestycyjny
prawo właściwe
prawo prywatne międzynarodowe
prawo kolizyjne
międzynarodowe prawo administracyjne
ochrona inwestycji
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie kwestii kolizji praw lub samych norm prawnych, które mogą się pojawić w przypadku konieczności stosowania w międzynarodowym sporze inwestycyjnym, rozstrzyganym w postępowaniu przed sądem państwowym lub sądem arbitrażowym, przepisów prawa publicznego (w tym prawa administracyjnego) należących do różnych systemów prawnych. Punktem wyjścia w tego typu przypadkach jest z reguły wykładnia, która przez odpowiednią rekonstrukcję normy znajdującej zastosowanie w sprawie przeważnie prowadzi do uniknięcia pytania o normę kolizyjną (kolizje pozorne), nie zawsze jednak da się tego pytania uniknąć.  Kwestię prawa właściwego uregulowano w niektórych wielostronnych porozumieniach międzynarodowych dotyczących ochrony inwestycji. Na skutek rozwoju prawa europejskiego w ostatnich latach wyraźnie zarysowana została tendencja do poddawania inwestycyjnych sporów wewnątrzunijnych rozstrzygnięciu sądów krajowych (europejskich) kosztem arbitrażu. Szereg pozostających nadal w mocy umów o ochronie inwestycji zawartych pomiędzy RP a państwami spoza Unii Europejskiej zawiera postanowienia dotyczące prawa właściwego. Można prognozować, że w bliskiej lub nieco dalszej perspektywie dojdzie jednak również do ich rozwiązania i zastąpienia w części nowymi umowami, także o charakterze mieszanym. Kolizje praw i norm prawnych w przypadku międzynarodowego sporu inwestycyjnego mogą zachodzić na wielu płaszczyznach. Istnieją odmienności w sposobie stosowania prawa właściwego przez sądy arbitrażowe i sądy państwowe w międzynarodowych sporach inwestycyjnych, co uwarunkowane jest różną naturą tych sądów. Może to mieć znaczenie wobec przekazania kompetencji do rozstrzygania takich sporów sądom państwowym, na przykład w perspektywie wygaszenia wewnątrzunijnych dwustronnych umów inwestycyjnych. Należy postulować, aby w ramach prac nad utworzeniem w przyszłości wielostronnego międzynarodowego systemu rozstrzygania sporów inwestycyjnych, opartego na stałym trybunale, regulacją objąć również kwestie związane z podstawą prawną (poza procesową, także materialnoprawną i kolizyjnoprawną) rozstrzygnięć Trybunału.
This article aims to present questions concerning conflicts of norms or conflicts of laws that may arise through the application of public law (including administrative law) in proceedings before arbitration or state courts. The starting point for handling such conflicts tends to be interpretation, which, leading to the proper reconstruction of an applicable norm in a case, usually allows for avoiding the question of the conflict-of-law rule (apparent conflicts), but not in every case. Some multilateral agreements contain provisions on the law applicable in investment disputes. As a result of the development of European law, one can observe the tendency to lower the significance of arbitration and increase the competence of state courts, as has been the case with intra-EU investment disputes in recent years. Thus a number of BITs between the Republic of Poland and third countries (non-EU countries) remain in force, where some of them contain provisions on the applicable law. One can expect that these conventions will also be dissolved and supplemented mainly by mixed agreements in the near future. The conflicts of laws and norms in investment disputes occur on different layers. The way of applying law differs according to the nature of state courts and international arbitration. It can become significant in the light of the transfer of competences to national courts, as a consequence of the termination of intra-EU BITs. It is advisable that during the ongoing discussions on the creation of the Multilateral Investment Court, a regulation on the legal basis of its decisions should also be adopted, as it concerns procedural, material and conflict-of-law aspects.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2023, 85, 2; 89-107
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How Does the Displacement of Natural Persons during War Influence the Applicable Law
Dikovska, Iryna
Wałachowska, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
forced displacement
applicable law
In this article the authors analyse the consequences of displacement of natural persons during war, in the field of private international law. That displacement may affect the determination of applicable law if the factors to be taken into account include domicile, habitual residence, permanent residence, residence or sojourn of natural person. Apart from discussing the general understanding of these factors, we present the situations where a person has lost links with the country of his or her nationality because of the war but has not acquired strong links with any other country. All of the issues are discusses in the light of legal assistance agreements, EU law, and national laws.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2022, 31; 163-186
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jurysdykcja i prawo właściwe dla stosunków między rodzicami a dzieckiem w relacjach polsko-ukraińskich
Jurisdiction and the law applicable to relations between parents and children in the Polish-Ukrainian relations
Pilich, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
private international law
family matters
parentage (filiation)
parental responsilbility
maintenance obligations
Polish-Ukrainian agreement on mutual assistance and legal relations
conflicts of treaty law instruments
primacy of laws
law applicable
The article pertains to the matter of jurisdiction and the law applicable to relations between parents and children in Polish-Ukrainian relations. In recent years, in particular since the beginning of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, large waves of Ukrainian immigrants have come to Poland. The structure of the migration, with the domination of women and children, oblige Polish courts and other authorities to deal with the issues of parental responsibility, contacts with children, custody and maintenance in the cross-border context. In this situation, the bilateral Agreement between the Republic of Poland and Ukraine on legal assistance and legal relations in civil and criminal matters, signed in Kiev on 24 May 1993, acquires a new significance. It contains both the procedural rules (on jurisdiction, international legal aid, service of documents, as well as the recognition and enforcement of judgments) and confl ict of law provisions in the field of broadly understood civil matters, including relations between parents and children. The author undertakes a critical analysis of the provisions of Polish-Ukrainian Agreement as with respect to filiation (children’s origin), parental responsibility and child maintenance. The anachronism of its solutions and the need for its termination is emphasized.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2022, 31; 5-59
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O podstawach stosowania wobec dzieci ukraińskich rozstrzygnięć opiekuńczych przewidzianych w ustawie o pomocy obywatelom Ukrainy w związku z konfliktem zbrojnym na terytorium tego państwa
On the legal basis for applying to Ukrainian children the guardianship decisions envisaged in the Act on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine in Connection with Armed Conflict on the Territory of this state
Wojewoda, Michał
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
war refugees
applicable law in guardianship cases
jurisdiction in guardianship cases
conflict mandatory rules
temporary guardianship
parental responsibility
The Act of March 12, 2022 on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine in Connection with Armed Conflict on the Territory of Ukraine introduced the possibility of establishing temporary custody for minor citizens of Ukraine who — following the war in their home country — found themselves on the territory of the Republic of Poland without the protection of adults (Article 25 of the Law). The author seeks to determine what are the grounds for the application of the above-mentioned provisions of Polish law to Ukrainian citizens while examining the grounds for asserting the domestic jurisdiction of Polish courts in temporary custody cases.Despite the existence of a 1993 bilateral agreement in Polish-Ukrainian relations, which contains conflict-of-law rules on applicable law and jurisdiction, the 1996 Hague Convention on Parental Responsibility, to which both Poland and Ukraine are parties, takes precedence in guardianship cases. Article 6 of this convention stipulates that for the children who, due to disturbances occurring in their country, are internationally displaced, the authorities of the country on the territory of which these children are present as a result of their displacement have jurisdiction. Article 15 of the Hague Convention, on the other hand, stipulates that the authority that has jurisdiction applies its own law.The author notes, however, that the Polish legislator has not referred to the abovementioned conflict rules justifying the jurisdiction of Polish courts and the jurisdiction of Polish law, but seems to treat the provisions on temporary custody as the international mandatory rules (lois l’application immédiate). It is also unfortunate that Article 25 of the Act refers to Polish law with regard to the premise of a minor present in Poland unaccompanied by “responsible adults.” However, the author contends that the point of reference here must be Polish conflict of laws (and not family law), which leads to the conclusion that the determination of who is responsible for the child should be determined on the basis of Ukrainian law.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2022, 31; 81-101
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obowiązek alimentacyjny w prawie materialnym i prawie prywatnym międzynarodowym Ukrainy
Maintenance obligation in the Ukrainian substantive and private international law
Zeniv, Mariia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
maintenance obligation
applicable law
choice of law
circumvention of law
public order clause
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza charakteru prawnego obowiązku alimentacyjnego w świetle ukraińskiego prawa materialnego i prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego. Przedstawiając specyfikę regulacji zobowiązań alimentacyjnych w ukraińskim systemie prawnym, przeanalizowano szereg orzeczeń sądowych. Dalsze rozważania poświęcono określeniu prawa właściwego. W pierwszej kolejności w artykule omówiono możliwość wyboru przez strony prawa właściwego dla zobowiązań alimentacyjnych. W dalszej kolejności uwaga została skupiona na kwestiach ustalenia prawa właściwego w przypadku braku wyboru prawa przez strony. Ponadto w artykule w tym kontekście poruszono ogólne zagadnienia prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego, takie jak obejście prawa i klauzulę porządku publicznego. W artykule omówiono źródła prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego w zakresie spraw alimentacyjnych. Stwierdzono, że ukraińska ustawa o prawie prywatnym międzynarodowym z 2005 r. nie zawiera jednej normy kolizyjnej, której zakres dotyczyłby wszystkich kategorii roszczeń alimentacyjnych, a przepisy kolizyjne dla zobowiązań alimentacyjnych są rozproszone wśród instrumentów prawnych dotyczących pomocy prawnej i stosunków prawnych w sprawach rodzinnych. W szczególności są one objęte zakresem szeregu umów dwustronnych, a także zakresem konwencji mińskiej z 1993 r. mającej regionalny zasięg stosowania. Jednakże dotychczas Ukraina nie jest związana żadną umową międzynarodową o zasięgu globalnym, która regulowałaby ustalenie prawa właściwego dla zobowiązań alimentacyjnych.
The article presents an analysis of the provisions of substantive law and private international law in force in Ukraine regarding the maintenance obligation, as well as their application in judicial practice.When presenting the issues regarding determination of the law applicable to maintenance obligations, the author fi rst refers to the possibility for the parties to choose the law applicable to maintenance obligations. Further attention is devoted to the determination of the applicable law on the basis of objective connecting factors to be considered by default when parties have not chosen the law applicable. General issues of private international law, such as circumvention of law and public policy clause, are also addressed in this context.It has been underlined that in addition to the domestic law on private international law, the conflict-of-law rules are contained in bilateral international agreements on legal assistance and legal relations in civil matters binding on Ukraine, and in the 1993 multilateral Minsk Convention, which has a regional scope of application.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2022, 31; 103-131
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawa rzeczowe przysługujące obywatelom Ukrainy na tle obowiązujących w Polsce norm kolizyjnych
The Proprietary Rights of the Ukrianian Citizens in Light of the Polish Conflict-of-law Rules
Górecki, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
movable assets
immovable property
law applicable to property
the scope of law applicable to property
change of law applicable to property
Mass inflow of Ukrainian citizens into Poland gives rise to many legal issues, including conflict-of-law questions about rights in rem held by such persons both in respect of property left in Ukraine and property brought to Poland. In the context of the prolonged stay of such persons in Poland, one crucial task may be, for example, to establish the law applicable to the disposal of their property brought to Poland under legal acts made in Poland.The Agreement between the Republic of Poland and Ukraine on legal aid and legal relationships in civil and criminal matters, done at Kiev on 24 May 1993, applicable in Polish-Ukrainian relations, devotes several  provisions to those questions.However, the Agreement ignores the question of the law applicable to property law relationships having movable items as their objects. In particular, it does not designate the law applicable to contracts transferring the ownership of movable assets and contracts encumbering such assets with limited rights in rem. The relevant norms in this regard are conflict-of-law rules of the Polish Act of 04 February 2011 — Private International Law, and of the Ukrainian confl ict-of-law Act of 23 June 2005, designating the law applicable to property.Accordingly, as long as movable items are located in Poland, Polish law will apply with regard to the respective property law relationships. This is provided for in Article 41 (1) of the Private International Law Act. However, Polish law will not apply to obligational and property rights having as their object immovable properties located in Ukraine, which is covered by Article 32 of the Agreement of 24 May 1993. In this regard, Ukrainian law is exclusively applicable.Under Article 41 (2) of the Private International Law Act, in the assessment of legal relationships relating to a movable property brought to Poland from Ukraine, one should also consider legal events taking place when the asset in question was still in Ukraine. However, the assessment of legal events having an impact on property law relationships taking place in Poland and relating to movable items brought back to Ukraine will be based on the Ukrainian law.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2023, 32; 29-48
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo właściwe dla przysposobienia według polsko-ukraińskiej umowy o pomocy prawnej
The law applicable to adoption according to the Polish-Ukrainian agreement on legal assistance
Gnela, Bogusława
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Polish-Ukrainian Agreement
intensive citizenship
conflict of law convention rules
law applicable to adoption
The subject of the study is the analysis of the conflict of law rules contained in Article 30 of the Agreement between the Republic of Poland and Ukraine on legal assistance and legal relations in civil and criminal matters, made in Kiev on May 24, 1993 (Journal of Laws of 1994, No. 96, item 465) determining the jurisdiction and applicable law for establishing, amending, terminating and canceling the adoption. Before proceeding with this analysis, some differences in the substantive and procedural/technical rules relating to adoption in Polish and Ukrainian law are pointed out. Furthermore, it is emphasized that under Article 30 of the Agreement the institution of renvoi plays no part. In the event of multiple Polish and Ukrainian citizenship, the decisive factor becomes the “effective” citizenship. Article 30, on the other hand, offers no solution for stateless persons. Next, the jurisdiction designated by Article 30 sec. 5 sentence 1 of the Agreement (dealing with matters of adoption, as well as the amendment, termination or annulment of the adoption) is analyzed. Subsequently, the author takes up the questions relating to determination of the law applicable to adoption by one person and the joint adoption by spouses. The author contends that the law applicable to the adoption is fixed and so it is not subject to changes. The article assumes that the effects of a full adoption “transform” — on the confl ict-of-laws level — into relations between parents and children, and the effects of a partial adoption are governed by the law applicable to the establishment of adoption.The article shows that the law applicable to its establishment of the adoption is applicable also to the amendment, termination and annulment of adoption. The author further submits that in theory the public policy clause may be used under the Polish-Ukrainian Agreement, but in practice this should not occur too often because there are no provisions of the Ukrainian adoption law, the application of which would result in consequences contrary to the fundamental principles of the Polish legal order.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2022, 31; 61-80
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawy spadkowe w umowie polsko-ukraińskiej z 1993 r.
Matters of succession in the Agreement of 1993 between Poland and Ukraine
Pazdan, Maksymilian
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
umowa polsko-ukraińska z 1993
statut spadkowy
spadek bezdziedziczny
konwencyjna klauzula zgodności
wybór prawa
jurysdykcja w sprawach spadkowych
zasada równego traktowania
agreement of 1993 between Poland and Ukraine
law applicable to succession
estate without a claimant
general compatibility clause provided for in international agreement
choice of applicable law
jurisdiction in matters of succession, principle of equal treatment
The article is dedicated to the matters of succession in the Agreement of 1993 on Legal Aid concluded between Poland and Ukraine. The author touches upon a number of issues. First, he discusses the role of the “general compatibility clause” provided for in Article 97 of the 1993 Agreement. He concludes that the clause does not produce effects with regard to the Regulation (EU) No 650/2012. Under the “general compatibility clause”, in all situations where the 1993 Agreement does not provide for a rule being the equivalent of the rules laid down in the Hague Convention of 1961 determining the law applicable to the form of a testamentary disposition, in Poland, in relations between Poland and Ukraine, the law applicable to the form of a testament is to be determined pursuant to the provisions of the Hague Convention of 1961.Second, the author discusses the conflict-of-laws rules set out in the Agreement which designate, as the applicable law, either Polish or Ukrainian law. He contends that where the deceased is a Polish and Ukrainian national, in order to determine which of those nationalities have to be taken into account for the purposes of Article 37 (1) of the 1993 Agreement, the criterion of the most effective (more closely connected) nationality should be relied on. However, the situations that involve a deceased of Polish or Ukrainian nationality, who is also a third-State national, do not fall within the scope of the 1993 Agreement. The application of the 1993 Agreement is, on the other hand, not barred by the fact that an immovable property in a third State forms part of the estate. Jurisdiction and the law applicable to the succession of such immovable property must be determined, both in Poland and in Ukraine, pursuant to their general conflict-of-laws regulations on matters of succession. The author explains also that the drafters of the 1993 Agreement (in Articles 37 (1) and (2)) ruled out the principle of unity of succession in favour of the principle of scission, employing the connecting factors of nationality and of location of the immovable property. This results in numerous complications in the determination of the applicable law and in its application. However, the law applicable to succession determined on the basis of Article 37 (1) and (2) of the 1993 Agreement of 1993 governs the succession as a whole, with the exception of issues covered by other rules provided for in that agreement (for example, Article 39) and of the issues that do not fall within its scope of the 1993 Agreement. Although Article 39 (1) of the 1993 Agreement expressly mentions only consequences of defective consent, there is no doubt that the said rule also covers the legal requirements for effective declaration of consent.Third, the author addresses the function of Article 38 of the 1993 Agreement, which is a substantive law provision on the estate without a claimant. This provision enjoys priority over Article 33 of the Regulation No 650/2012. Article 38 solely determines the State (Poland or Ukraine) acquiring the estate without a claimant. The concerned State enjoys the competence to designate the entity that will become the subject of rights and obligations forming part of the estate without a claimant.Finally, the author comments on the pending case resulting from the preliminary question posed by the Opole District Court (Sąd Okręgowy, case no II Czz. 438/21). The Opole Court requested from the European Court a ruling on whether a Ukrainian national residing in Poland may, under Article 22 of the Regulation No 650/2012, choose Ukrainian law. The author suggests, that — although not without a doubt — it is tempting to answer this question in the affirmative. The argument here is that the freedom to choose the applicable law in matters of succession falls entirely outside the ambit of the 1993 Agreement and so the Agreement does not preclude the choice.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2022, 31; 133-161
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transgraniczne przekształcenia (zmiana formy prawnej) spółek w prawie prywatnym międzynarodowym — zagadnienia wybrane
Cross-border Conversion (a Change of a Legal form) of Companies in Private International Law — Selected Issues
Wowerka, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
spółki prawa handlowego
prawo prywatne międzynarodowe
transgraniczne przekształcenia
prawo właściwe
zakres zastosowania prawa właściwego
private international law
cross-border conversions
applicable law
scope of application of the applicable law
This paper delas with the selected issues of cross-border conversions of companies in private international law. Conversion is one of the forms of transformations of companies. The basic form of cross-border transformations mostly used by companies are mergers. However, as evidenced in particular by the judgment of the Court of Justice in the case of Polbud, also the change of the legal form is an institution of interest and present in the practice of cross-border activities of companies. In the foreground are the conflict of laws issues arising under private international law, in particular the question of the law applicable to the cross-border change of the company’s legal form. In order to answer this question, a definition of a conversion under the private international law has been provided. A cross-border conversion of a company must be distinguished from a cross-border transfer of the seat of the company as a connecting factor, as they are two completely different operations governed by different conflict-of-law rules of private international law. In the case of Polbud, there are serious doubts as to whether there was a cross-border conversion or cross-border transfer of the company’s seat. The law applicable to cross-border conversions is determined on the basis of the principle of combination or unification of the personal statutes of the state of the exit form and the state of the intended form of the company. Under this principle, however, the application of both legal systems is problematic. Useful guidelines are provided by the model expressed in art. 86c in connection with art. 86q of the directive on certain aspects of company law. The scope of application of the law applicable to cross-border conversions is determined by both leges societatis in question. Cross-border conversion operations also arise qualification problems related to issues such as the protection of creditors, minority shareholders and employees. The harmonized substantive provisions of the directive on certain aspects of company law make it easier to carry out cross-border conversions in the European dimension. The existence of such harmonized norms removes the barriers resulting from the applicable substantive law based on various principles and rules and makes the conflict-of-law issues then practically of secondary importance.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2022, 30; 57-78
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Siedziba rzeczywista spółki jako łącznik unijnego prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego
A Company’s Real Seat as the Connecting Factor in the EU Private International Law
Wowerka, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
private international law of the UE
determination of the applicable law
law applicable to companies
contractual obligations and insolvency of the company
real seat as connecting factor
The real seat is a recognised, although expressed in different terms, connecting factor of the EU international private law, relating to companies in they different legal relations. Under the regulations unifying particular areas of this law, relevant form the point of view of cross-border operations of companies, the real seat is the connecting factor determining the applicable law in the field of contractual and non-contractual obligations, and the company’s bankruptcy. Furthermore, it deretmines the jurusdiction for insolvency proceedings against the company, and i salso a jurisdictional connecting factor for general civil and commercial matters. The real seat connecting factor may also constitute a connecting factor determining the law applicable to company, accectable under the EU freedom of establishement.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2021, 28; 109-129
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Subjective Dimension of Fake News
Podmiotowy wymiar fake newsów
Barańska, Marzena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
fake news
manipulated data
perception of reality
generally applicable law
zmanipulowane dane
odbiór rzeczywistości
prawo powszechnie obowiązujące
The universal access to the Internet contributed to the dissemination and popularization of fake news. Their function is quite broad – they can influence the results of political elections, social attitudes and behavior or stock market quotations, and weaken social trust in particular categories of our existence. In the age of the Internet, thousands of new content with manipulated data is circulated every day, without any reliable research that destabilizes the perception of reality. Disinformation is not a new phenomenon, but it has never been such a powerful weapon. The omnipresence of fake news raises questions about the subject side, i.e. senders, content distributors, sources of responsibility for the published material. The aim of this article is an attempt to systematize the concept of fake news and indicate the entities responsible for broadcasting this type of content in the context of applicable law. For this reason, the following hypothesis was adopted: The indifference of approaches in defining the concept of fake news means that the authors and entities distributing content are not aware of the contradiction of the actions taken with generally applicable law. As a consequence, elements of the concept of fake news were distinguished and the entities disseminating this type of content were characterized. The article organizes the state of knowledge regarding fake news and fills the research gap.
Powszechność dostępu do Internetu przyczyniła się do upowszechnienia i spopularyzowania fake newsów. Ich funkcja jest dość szeroka – mogą wpływać na wyniki wyborów politycznych, postawy i zachowania społeczne czy notowania na giełdzie, a także osłabiać zaufanie społeczne w poszczególnych kategoriach naszej egzystencji. W dobie Internetu codziennie do obiegu trafia tysiące nowych treści ze zmanipulowanymi danymi, bez rzetelnych badań, które destabilizują odbiór rzeczywistości. Dezinformacja nie jest zjawiskiem nowym, ale nigdy nie była tak potężną bronią. Wszechobecność fake newsów stawia pytania o stronę podmiotową, tj. nadawców, dystrybutorów treści, źródła odpowiedzialności za publikowany materiał. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba usystematyzowania pojęcia fake news oraz wskazania podmiotów odpowiedzialnych za emisję tego typu treści w kontekście obowiązującego prawa. Z tego względu przyjęto następującą hipotezę: Indyferentność podejść w zakresie definiowania pojęcia fake news sprawia, że autorzy i podmioty dystrybuujące treści nie zdają sobie sprawy ze sprzeczności podejmowanych działań z prawem powszechnie obowiązującym. W konsekwencji wyodrębniono elementy pojęcia fake news oraz scharakteryzowano podmioty upowszechniające tego typu treści. Artykuł porządkuje stan wiedzy dotyczący fake newsów oraz uzupełnia lukę badawczą.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2021, 30, 5; 53-74
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybór prawa dla umowy o pracę. Glosa do wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej z dnia 15 lipca 2021 r. w sprawach połączonych DG, EH c/a SC Gruber Logistics SRL (C-152/20) oraz Sindicatul Lucrătorilor din Transporturi, TD c/a SC Samidani Trans
The gloss to the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 1 July 2021 in the joined cases of DG, EH v. SC Gruber Logistics SRL (C-152/20) and Sindicatul Lucrătorilor din Transporturi, TD v. SC Samidani Trans SRL (C-218/20)
Kurowski, Witold
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
a choice of law to the individual employment contract
the law applicable to the individual employment contract in the absence of a choice
an employee’s protection, a concept of „provisions that cannot be derogated from by agreement”
the minimum wage
Rome I Regulation
This paper comments on a recent ruling concerning the choice of law to the individual employment contract according to the Rome I Regulation. In the judgement in the joined cases C–152/20 and C–218/20 (DG, EH v. SC Gruber Logistics SRL and Sindicatul Lucrătorilor din Transporturi, TD v. SC Samidani Trans SRL), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) provided the interpretation of Article 8 of the Rome I Regulation on two issues. At first, the EU Court was asked about the freedom of choice of law applicable to the individual employment contract if (a) national law required the inclusion of a clause into that contract under which the contractual provisions are supplemented by national law and (b) the contractual clause concerning that choice was drafted by the employer. The second issue was connected with the concept of the employee’s protection, under which the choice of law may not have the result of depriving the employee of the protection afforded to him (her) by provisions that cannot be derogated from by agreement, under the law that would have been applicable to the contract in the absence of choice. Regarding the first question, the CJEU admitted that the parties to an individual employment contract dispose of freedom to choose the law applicable to that contract, even if the contractual provisions are supplemented by national labour law under a (relevant) national provision, if “the national provision in question does not require the parties to choose national law as the law applicable to that contract”. Secondly, the Court found that the parties to an individual employment contract were “to be regarded as being, in principle, free to choose the law applicable to that contract, even if the contractual clause concerning that choice is drafted by the employer”. Therefore, the CJEU confirmed the application of the rules concerning the choice of law resulting from Article 3 of the Rome I Regulation to the individual employment contracts. Referring to the second issue of the commented ruling, the CJEU confirmed that Article 8 (1) of the Rome I Regulation must be interpreted as meaning that, where the parties have chosen the law governing the individual employment contract, the application of the law that would apply to the contract in the absence of choice must be excluded, with the exception of “provisions that cannot be derogated from by agreement”, if those provisions offer the employee concerned greater protection than those of the law chosen by the parties. The EU Court underlined that rules on the minimum wage could be treated as “provisions that cannot be derogated from by agreement” and the law that, in the absence of choice, would be applicable should decide about it. Unfortunately, it is necessary to follow the commented judgment’s justification to correctly understand the concept of an employee’s protection applied in Article 8 (1) of the Rome I Regulation. The thesis of the ruling in this regard seems to be too laconic, and it can be misinterpreted. 
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2021, 29; 169-190
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakter prawny, procedura wydawania i weryfikacji zaświadczenia A1 na podstawie unijnych przepisów o koordynacji systemów zabezpieczenia społecznego oraz właściwych przepisów krajowych
The legal basis, procedure for issuing and verifying the A1 certificate based on EU regulations on the coordination of social security systems and national provisions
Szczypka-Baran, Patrycja
Data publikacji:
Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych
koordynacja systemów zabezpieczenia społecznego
podleganie ubezpieczeniom społecznym
prawo międzynarodowe i krajowe
ustawodawstwo właściwe
zaświadczenie A1
coordination of social security systems
being subject to social insurance
international and national law
applicable legislation
A1 certificate
Przedmiotem rozważań niniejszego artykułu są zagadnienia związane z ustaleniem ustawodawstwa właściwego na podstawie rozporządzeń unijnych oraz poszczególnych ustaw krajowych. Wydawane przez Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (ZUS) zaświadczenie A1 potwierdzające zastosowanie polskiego ustawodawstwa wobec podmiotów wskazanych w przedmiotowym dokumencie ma charakter wiążący we wszystkich krajach Unii Europejskiej, Europejskiego Obszaru Gospodarczego (EOG) oraz Szwajcarii, stąd niezbędne jest wskazanie prawidłowej ścieżki obsługi w sprawach z zakresu ustawodawstwa właściwego, by uniknąć ewentualnego uchylenia oraz wycofania formularza A1. Wydanie zaświadczenia A1 nie tylko oznacza fakt podlegania ustawodawstwu danego państwa, lecz także skutkuje koniecznością opłacania składek na ubezpieczenie społeczne w państwie ustawodawstwa właściwego. Poniższe opracowanie oparto na przepisach międzynarodowych, krajowych, orzecznictwie sądów oraz wybranych pozycjach literatury przedmiotu – poruszających zarówno tematykę postępowania administracyjnego, jak i ubezpieczeń społecznych.
The subject of this article are the issues related to determining the applicable legislation on the basis of EU regulations and individual national laws. The A1 certificate issued by Social Insurance Institution [Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, ZUS] confirming the application – of the entities indicated in the document – of Polish legislation, is binding in all European Union countries, the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, hence it is necessary to indicate the correct service path in matters of the applicable legislation, in order to avoid any repeal and withdrawal of the A1 form. The issue of the A1 certificate not only means being subject to the legislation of a particular country, but also relates to the necessity of paying social security contributions in the country where the legislation is applicable. This study is based on international and national regulations, court case law and selected items of the relevant subject literature – here relating to administrative proceedings as equally social security.
Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka; 2019, 4; 107-123
Pojawia się w:
Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Glosa do postanowienia Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 23 marca 2016 r., sygn. akt: III CZP 112/15
A note to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 23 March 2016 r., III CZP 112/15
Kozioł, Agata
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
significance of fault in divorce proceedings
international divorce
fault and no-fault based grounds for divorce
prerequisites of maintenance obligation towards former spouse after divorce
law applicable to maintenance obligation between divorced spouses
private international law
international family law
The role of art. 57 § 1 of Polish Family and Guardianship Code in proceedings concerning international divorce is disputed and gives rise to many questions concerning its nature. The provision, addressed to the Polish courts dealing with divorce cases, obliges the seized court to rule on fault of spouses in the breakdown of marriage. It may then seem to remain unclear if the court shall apply art. 57 § 1 when the law applicable to divorce does not state for fault based grounds for dissolution of marriage, while the legal order applicable to maintenance obligation between former spouses requires, among other prerequisites, that the fault of the former spouse obliged to alimony is declared in court proceedings. This paper analyses the judgement of Polish Supreme Court from 23rd of March 2016, in which this issue was raised. The Author rejects the opinion of Supreme Court that the provision in question has a procedural nature. The view, that it constitutes an example of overriding mandatory provision should also be denied. As a provision of double nature: material and procedural, it should be applied by Polish courts as an instrument that enables to rule on fault in all those cases when applicable law provides for fault grounds for divorce; it should be also applied by foreign court deciding on dissolution of marriage when Polish law is applicable.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2020, 26; 209-221
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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