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Quantity of selected physical and chemical parameters in surface microlayers and subsurface water on the example of three lakes
Wielkość wybranych parametrów fizykochemicznych w mikrowarstwie powierzchniowej i w wodzie podpowierzchniowej na przykładzie trzech jezior
Antonowicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
physical parameter
chemical parameter
surface microlayer
subsurface water
pH value
Lake Gardno
Lake Jasien
Lake Dolgie Wielkie
lake water
For the period of 4 years, in quarter-time cycle, samples had been taken from surface microlayers and subsurface water of the lakes: Gardno, Jasień and Dołgie Wielkie, by two techniques (Garret net and glass plate). In each talked over layers we have analyzed contents of calcium, general alka-linity, conductance and water reaction (pH). We have also determined the ability of surface mi-crolayer to accumulate these components and we have compared it to subsurface water ability and verified whether this ability depends on the kind of the lake.
Przeanalizowano zdolność wzbogacania wybranych parametrów hydrochemicznych w mikrowarstwach powierzchniowych wybranych trzech jezior. Ustalono, że zasadowość ogólna, konduktacja, odczyn wody oraz stężenie wapnia nieznacznie odbiegają od tego, jakie uzysku-je się w wodzie podpowierzchniowej. Wynik taki świadczy, że mikrowarstwa powierzchniowa wody jeziornej w określonych przypadkach ma zdolność do kumulowania substancji chemicznych w ilościach wielokrotnie wyższych niż woda podpowierzchniowa, jednakże w przypadku parametrów omawianych w prezentowanej pracy zjawisko to występuje w znacz-nie mniejszym stopniu. Niemniej potwierdzono testem ANOVA, że uzyskane współczynniki EFSM w przypadku konduktancji, wzbogacania w wapń i odczynu wody oraz EFGM w przypadku konduktancji różniły się statystycznie w badanych trzech jeziorach. Analiza statystyczna dowodzi, że zjawisko wzbogacania lub zubożania mikrowarstwy powierzchniowej istnieje w przypadku analizowanych w prezentowanej pracy parametrów i jest zależne prawdopodobnie od składu hydrochemicznego wody w poszczególnych jeziorach.
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline; 2008, 12
Pojawia się w:
Baltic Coastal Zone. Journal of Ecology and Protection of the Coastline
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Water Quality Assessment of Anchar Lake, Srinagar, India
Ashraf, Samiyah
Kaur, Simarjot
Singla, Sandeep
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
water quality
Anchar lake
jakość wody
jezioro Anchar
The aim of this study was to ascertain the current condition of the Anchar lake water body in the Indian state of J&K in terms of water quality using some main parameters such as pH, TDS, EC, DO, and nitrates content. For the years 2019 and 2020, samples were obtained for two seasons: summer and winter. The quantitative analysis of the experimental results indicates a general increasing trend and considerable variance in nitrates content, as well as a gradual decrease in pH, indicating that the lake's acidity is increasing, but only within the basicity range, with real values approaching neutrality: TDS and EC content suggest a very favorable situation, but when the overall parameters are tested, they show a defect. Since the sampling sites were well aerated, the dissolved oxygen content showed a growing pattern, and as a result, this metric proved to be useless in deciding the overall scenario in the lake. In the winter, the longitudinal trend line indicates a 10% decrease in pH, while in the summer, it shows a 4.4 percent decrease in pH. In winters, the longitudinal trend line reveals a 6.7 percent growth in nitrate content, while summers see a marginal decline. In the winter, the longitudinal trend line shows a 7% rise in dissolved oxygen, while in the summer, it shows a uniform trend.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports; 2022, 32, 1; 88--115
Pojawia się w:
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role of lakes in natural groundwater drainage
Bajkiewicz-Grabowska, Elżbieta
Mikulska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
water balance of a lake
groundwater drainage
In the paper it is shown that the lakes of the North-Eastern Poland fulfil various functions in the groundwater phase of the water circulation. The value of the resultant of the groundwater supply to the lake, and in some cases also its direction, depend on the volume of the water undergoing a total exchange in the reservoir in the given year. In through-flow lakes the runoff increase coefficient also influences this value.
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development; 2004, 11; 175-184
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Textural features of the beach sediments of Wast Water Lake, Northwest England
Bala, Emilia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
English Lake District
beach sediments
granulometric analysis
pebble shape analysis
littoral zone
Wast Water
This study is dedicated to Wast Water Lake (Northwest England, Great Britain) and the character of its beach sediments. The aim of the study is to identify the textural features of the lake’s beach sediments based on two methods. The first is a granulometric analysis and the second a pebble shape analysis according to Zingg (1935) and Sneed & Folk (1958). Both analyses were carried out for all of the lake’s accessible beaches and the cliffs adjacent to them. The transport and deposition history of the examined sediments was identified through field research and laboratory analysis. The results show that the textural features of the sediments at Wast Water are more often typical of a fluvial environment, rather than having been changed by lacustrine water movements.
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development; 2016, 20, 2; 46-53
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The effect of dissolved organic carbon on pelagial and near-sediment water traits in lakes
Banas, K
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
hardwater lake
dissolved organic carbon
organic carbon
water trait
environment condition
near-sediment water
The effect of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on the environmental conditions of macrophytes has been studied in 35 lakes divided into soft- and hardwater: oligohumic (<4.0 mg C dm-3), α-mesohumic (4.0-8.0 mg C dm-3), β-mesohumic (8.1-16.0 mg C dm-3) and polihumic (>16.0 mg C dm-3). The optimum environmental conditions for macrophytes have been found in oligohumic lakes, characterised by low water colour and its good transparency. In soft- and hardwater lakes increasing concentration of DOC is accompanied with an increase in the colour (r=0.95), while the visibility decreases. With increasing DOC in the near-sediment layer the pH values decrease while the concentration of nitrogen increases and the concentration of phosphorus slightly increases. In hardwater lakes with increasing DOC concentration, the redox potential, conductivity, total hardness and calcium concentration in the near-sediment water decrease, whereas the content of CO2 remains at a very low level.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2005, 74, 2
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Temporal Variation of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in Surface Waters from the Lower Çoruh River Basin, Turkey
Bayram, A.
Kenanoğlu, M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
Borçka Dam Lake
Çoruh River
Murgul Stream
Water Quality
The aim of this study is to monitor and assess the surface water quality in the Lower Çoruh River Basin, northeast Turkey. Several key water-quality indicators were measured: total nitrogen, total phosphate phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand, and chlorophyll a (Chl a). In situ monitoring and the surface water sampling studies in the Çoruh River, the Murgul Stream, and the Borçka Dam Lake were conducted monthly during a period of one year. On an annual basis, the Çoruh River had a little bit higher total nitrogen concentration ranging from 0.335 mg/l to 1.300 mg/l, but a little bit lower chemical oxygen demand concentration varying between 2.66 mg/l and 9.12 mg/l, compared to Murgul Stream. Total phosphate phosphorus concentration was almost the same throughout the lower basin and was about 0.090 mg/l. Chl a concentration, which was 1.422 μg/l in Çoruh and 1.062 μg/l in Murgul, had shown an increasing trend and reached 3.193 μg/l in the Borçka Dam Lake. The measured results reveal that the Çoruh River and the Murgul Stream have high-quality water, considering total nitrogen and chemical oxygen demand, but slightly polluted water regarding total phosphate phosphorus, with reference to the Turkish Surface Water Quality Regulation. The Borçka Dam Lake was classified as oligotrophic in terms of Chl a, mesotrophic in terms of total nitrogen, and eutrophic in terms of total phosphate phosphorus. Considering the decrease in the annual average values of total nitrogen and chemical oxygen demand, it is concluded that the Borçka Dam Lake had a positive effect on the surface water quality in the Lower Çoruh River Basin.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2017, 132, 3; 712-716
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mikroflora rekultywowanych zbiorników wodnych na przykładzie Jeziora Rudnickiego Wielkiego
Micro flora of reclaimed water reservoirs on the example of Rudnickie Wielkie Lake
Berleć, K.
Jurek, A.
Michalska, M.
Traczykowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Jezioro Rudickie Wielkie
zbiornik wodny
Rudnickie Wielkie Lake
water reservoirs
Gwałtowny rozwój cywilizacji wyrażający się rozwojem przemysłu, motoryzacji i urbanizacji niesie, obok pozytywnych skutków, również wiele zagrożeń dla człowieka. Jednym z nich jest postępująca degradacja środowiska naturalnego, zwłaszcza ekosystemów wodnych. Szczególnie niebezpiecznym zjawiskiem jest niedobór wody słodkiej, której zasoby w postaci wód powierzchniowych, stanowią główne źródło zaopatrzenia w wodę dla przemysłu, rolnictwa i gospodarki komunalnej [5]. Funkcjonowanie układu ekologicznego jezioro - zlewnia opiera się na nieprzerwanym transporcie różnorodnych form materii ze zlewni i ich akumulacji w zbiorniku. Stąd skład oraz jakość wód powierzchniowych zależą w głównej mierze od charakteru obszaru lądowego otoczenia jeziora, czyli zlewni bezpośredniej i pośredniej. Główną rolę w nadmiernym ich obciążeniu odgrywają ścieki bytowo-gospodarcze i przemysłowe [19]. Zmiany zachodzące w środowisku naturalnym w wyniku gospodarczej działalności człowieka w odniesieniu do ekosystemów wodnych odbijają się na jakości wody. Znajduje to wyraz w zmianie fizyko-chemicznych wskaźników wody, a także w zmianach składu gatunkowego i liczebności organizmów [1]. Duże ilości organicznych i nieorganicznych składników pokarmowych sprzyjają masowemu rozwojowi bakterii i grzybów, pod wpływem zaś substancji trujących rozwój mikroflory może ulec częściowemu lub całkowitemu zahamowaniu [13]. Następstwem zanieczyszczenia wody związkami biogennymi, pochodzącymi głównie z rolnictwa jest niekorzystne zjawisko eutrofizacji. Wzrost użyźnienia wody wpływa na powstawanie zakwitów glonów oraz intensywny wzrost i rozwój różnych bakterii heterotroficznych - saprofitycznych i patogennych. Stanowi to z kolei poważny problem ekologiczny i epidemiologiczny. Stan mikrobiologiczny i sanitarny wód powierzchniowych, przede wszystkim śródlądowych jest często ponadnormatywny i nie spełnia wymogów użyteczności w codziennym życiu człowieka [5]. Celem pracy była ocena stanu sanitarno-higienicznego rekultywowanego Jeziora Rudnickiego Wielkiego na podstawie wybranych wskaźników bakteriologicznego zanieczyszczenia wody.
Functioning of the lake - basin ecological system is based on continuous transport of various forms of matter from the basin and their accumulation in the water body. Hence the composition and quality of surface waters depend mainly on the character of the area of land surrounding the lake, that is the direct and indirect basin. Household and industrial wastes play a main role in their overloading. Changes occurring in the natural environment as a result of human economic activities towards water ecosystems affect water quality. This is expressed in changes in physico-chemical water quality indicators as well as in the species composition and number of organisms including bacteria and fungi. Water pollution with biogenic compounds, mainly of agricultural origin, results in the unfavourable phenomenon of eutrophication. An increase in water fertility, in turn, influences occurring algal blooms and the intensive growth of different heterotrophic bacteria - both saprophytic and pathogenic. This poses a serious ecological and epidemiological hazard. Nowadays, a high level of surface water eutrophy is a global problem. Changes caused by people and harmful for them sometimes reach catastrophic proportions. Effects of rapid eutrophication force us to look for ways of slowing down, inhibiting, and even turning back this unfavourable process. The aim of the study was to estimate the sanitary state of Lake Rudnickie Wielkie on the basis of indices of bacteriological water pollution.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2009, Tom 11; 1029-1040
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skuteczność rekultywacji jeziora Jelonek na podstawie wybranych fizycznych i chemicznych parametrów wody
Effectiveness of the Reclamation of Jelonek Lake Based on Selected Physical and Chemical Parameters of Water
Berleć, K.
Traczykowski, A.
Budzińska, K.
Szejniuk, B.
Michalska, M.
Jurek, A.
Tarczykowska, M.
Klimczak, I.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
rekultywacja jeziora Jelonek
parametry wody
Lake Jelonek
water parameters
Taking a decision about a modification of elements making up the ecosystem requires thorough knowledge about the manipulated system and predicting all possible results of such interference. Turning back the effects of anthropopression demands taking immediate action not only within the lake basin in the form of technological remediation measures. Primarily, these should be protective action, involving the organization of water supply and sewage disposal in the basin and (which is much more difficult) reduction of biogenic substance flow to the lake. Remediation ventures have been applied throughout the world, not always with success. They are thought to be risky, long-term and demanding considerable financial outlays. For this reason, they must be carefully planned by a team of experts and conducted under permanent supervision. The article presents effects of restoration of lake Jelonek based on the analysis of water quality parameters. The lake has been completely degraded and reached the saprotrophic state due to discharge of domestic wastewater from the neighbouring living estate, and of agricultural. The lakes restoration was initiated by dosing of coagulants for sediment. The aim of the study carried out was the analysis of selected physical and chemical indicators in the waters of the lake Jelonek in Gniezno. In water samples taken from three points following parameters were determined: temperature, pH, nitrogen, nitrates, nitrites, ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus and phosphates. Measurements were conducted since October 2010 till may 2011, regularly once a month. The water was taken in the current on depth of 20 cm. The temperature and pH of the water were characteristic for the studied seasons and had no significant impact on the content of nutrients. The result of carrying out restoration lakes and tributary pollution mitigation procedures was to reduce the amount of nitrite and total phosphorus. Treatments conducted on lake Jelonek not bring the expected improvement in terms of total nitrogen content, nitrate and phosphate.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2013, Tom 15, cz. 2; 1336-1351
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ niewłaściwej gospodarki ściekowej i rolnej na stan fizykochemiczny wód jeziora Głęboczek kilka lat po rekultywacji
Impact of Improper Agricultural and Wastewater Management on Physicochemical State of Głęboczek Lake Water Several Years after Reclamation
Berleć, K.
Traczykowski, A.
Budzińska, K.
Szejniuk, B.
Michalska, M.
Jurek, A.
Guścior, A.
Majewska, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
rekultywacja jezior
jakość wód
substancje biogenne
lake restoration
quality of water
Bodies of water are very sensitive to environmental changes and play an important role in nutrient cycle in their catchment. Due to their natural features such as reduction of the land fill, they may cumulate organic matter from the catchment. Excess supply of nutrients to water bodies contributes to gradual water eutrophication. This process can occur rapidly, particularly in shallow lakes, which are more susceptible to degradation. This also results in deterioration of habitat conditions for many organisms and limits the economic use of water. Eutrophication may lead to gradual shallowing and shrinkage of water bodies, and, consequently, to disappearance of lakes. Thus, proper diagnosis and reduction in the amount of pollutants flowing into lakes are key factors to improve water quality and prevent their further degradation. Lake Głęboczek, like many other urban lakes year were powered by sewage. As a result, the tank has ceased to be an attractive element of urbanized land, and became the object of nuisance for residents, often acting health risks. For this reason, the lake has undergone numerous Głęboczek reclamation treatment and protection. The object of this study was rehabilitated water from the lake Głęboczek in Tuchola. Samples were taken 12-fold in 3 places during the period from March 2011 to February 2012. In the tested water was determined by the colorimetric method phosphorus, phosphate, nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, and aluminum. Additionally, the pH and temperature. Lake Głęboczek is a reservoir, which is heavily influenced by human activities, direct and indirect. This is due to the central location of the water, the entire drainage area is densely populated and intensively exploited for agricultural purposes. One of the most important elements harboring an increase in trophic status of the lake, is its low average depth. In addition to the lake Głęboczek not affect any river, which prevents water exchange and causes the accumulation of pollutants. Both the results of their own and other authors suggest that the degree of eutrophication of the lake Głęboczek apparently decreased. The level of biogenic elements and their compounds was higher than the results obtained in 2001 (after restoration), which may indicate improper sewage and agricultural economy in the catchment of the lake. Oversize nutrient content indicate a renewed increase in trophic lake.
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2015, Tom 17, cz. 2; 1449-1462
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modelowanie zmian stężenia tlenu rozpuszczonego w wodach jezior
Modelling of dissolved oxygen changes in water of lakes
Biedka, P.
Dzienis, L.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Stężenie tlenu rozpuszczonego w wodach powierzchniowych jest wypadkową procesów stanowiących źródło tlenu w wodzie oraz procesów powodujących jego zużycie. W wodach jezior podstawowym źródłem tlenu rozpuszczonego jest proces reaeracji i fotosyntezy, zużycie tlenu natomiast powodowane jest głównie przez mineralizację autochtonicznej lub allochtonicznej substancji organicznej. Stężenie tlenu w wodzie jeziora związane jest z jego stanem troficznym i wynikającą z niego jakością wody, stąd brane jest pod uwagę w systemach oceny jakości wód jezior. Ze względu na wpływ stężenia tlenu na uwalnianie krytycznych z punktu widzenia procesu eutrofizacji związków fosforu w naddennych warstwach wód jezior, szczególną uwagę zwraca się na zasoby tlenu rozpuszczonego w hypolimnionach zbiorników wodnych. Jednym z narzędzi znajdujących zastosowanie w rozwiązywaniu problemów ochrony wód powierzchniowych przed zanieczyszczeniem jest modelowanie przemian zachodzących w wodach jezior i związanych z nimi zmian jakości wody. Model taki może zostać wykorzystany do przeprowadzenia prognoz jakości wody, przy uwzględnieniu zmian oddziałujących na jakość wód czynników, czy też zmian ich natężenia. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano model zmian stężenia tlenu rozpuszczonego w wodach wybranych jeziorach północno-wschodniej Polski, będący częścią opracowanego modelu eutrofizacji tych zbiorników.
In a paper a numerical eutrophication model was presented to show the dissolved oxygen concentration prognosis in four lakes situated in North-Eastern Poland. According to administrative division, lakes Necko, Rospuda Augustowska, Białe Augustowskie, and Studzieniczne are localized in Podlasie region, Augustów district, in a direct neighborhood of over 30 000-habitant Augustów town. The total catchment of lakes system covers a major part of river Rospuda-Netta catchment - the largest water flow within catchment area. Other tributaries are: river Zalewianka - lake Necko tributary and Augustowski Canal - lake Studzieniczne tributary. Simulations of water quality changes in studied lakes were carried out for the single year: since May 1, 2006 till April 30, 2007 at the second level of eutrophization process complexity in a module EUTRO, i.e. intermediate eutrophication kinetics, considered as four interacting systems: phytoplankton kinetics, the phosphorus cycle, the nitrogen cycle, and the dissolved oxygen balance. That level makes possible to predict the ammonia, nitrates, organic nitrogen, orthophosphates, organic phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, carbon biochemical oxygen demand, and chlorophyll a concentrations. Determinationsof lake and tributaries water were performed that same period.Modeled aqueous environment of four lakes was divided into two segmenttypes: surface (epilimnion) and subsurface (hypolimnion). Due to the exclusion of modeling the processes occurring in bottom sediments and descriptions of sediments influenc on water quality in a form of time functions (e.g. functions of ammonia release from the bottom in mg NH4/m2day and orthophosphates in mg PO4/m2day as well as utilization of oxygen for sediments mineralization mg O2/m2day), no segments of benthic-type were isolated. Achieved results from model's calculations (since May 1, 2006 till April 30, 2007 in daily increment) were plotted on Fig 5. - 12. and compared with empirical studies made once a month in each segment. Analysis of data presented in figures revealed that there is possible to create a model, which in case of DO indicator, remains in statistically significant dependencies on empirical results from determinations of lake water. Assuming that values predicted in the model are consistent with real data, such model gives an opportunity to obtain information on water quality both in time between results from monitoring, and makes possible to predict changes of that quality taking into account the same factors affecting the water quality and changes during simulations of these quantities variations in time and different parts of modeled environment
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2009, Tom 11; 849-860
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola dopływów w kształtowaniu jakości wód jezior Pojezierza Suwalsko-Augustowskiego
The role of tributaries in water quality of lakes of Suwałki-Augustów lake district
Biedka, P.
Wawrentowicz, D.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
wody powierzchniowe
eutrofizacja jezior
usepa wasp
surface water
lake eutrophication
W opracowaniu dokonano oceny roli dopływów w kształtowaniu jakości wód czterech jezior Pojezierza Suwalsko-Augustowskiego. Do realizacji zadania wykorzystano komputerowy model eutrofizacji, zdefiniowany w programie WASP (Water Analysis Simulation Program), rozwijanym przez Amerykańską Agencję Ochrony Środowiska. Korzystając ze zdefiniowanego i skalibrowanego modelu przeprowadzono szereg symulacji, w których modyfikowano ładunki azotu i fosforu wprowadzane do jezior z dopływami, a następnie obserwowano wywołane tym zmiany jakości wód jezior.
The paper evaluates the role of tributaries in water quality of four lakes of Suwalki-Augustow Lake District. For evaluation purposes a computer model of eutrophication defined in WASP (Water Analysis Simulation Program) developed by the USEPA has been applied. Using a defined and calibrated model, a number of simulations has been made with modified loads of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the lakes in tributaries. Next, changes in water quality have been observed.
Inżynieria Ekologiczna; 2011, 26; 7-17
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Ekologiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modeling water balance of dammed lakes using computer code Matlab-Simulink®
Modelowanie bilansu wodnego piętrzonych jezior za pomocą programu komputerowego Matlab-Simulink®
Błażejewski, R.
Murat-Błażejewska, S.
Jędrkowiak, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
water balance
dammed lake
MATLAB Simulink
Sławianowskie Lake
bilans wodny
podpiętrzone jezioro
Jezioro Sławianowskie
The paper presents a water balance of a flow-through, dammed lake, consisted of the following terms: surface inflow, underground inflow/outflow based on the Dupuit’s equation, precipitation on the lake surface, evaporation from water surface and outflow from the lake at which a damming weir is located. The balance equation was implemented Matlab-Simulink®. Applicability of the model was assessed on the example of the Sławianowskie Lake of surface area 276 ha and mean depth - 6.6 m, Water balances, performed for month time intervals in the hydrological year 2009, showed good agreement for the first three months only. It is concluded that the balancing time interval should be shorter (1 day) to minimize the errors. For calibration purposes, measurements of ground water levels in the vicinity of the lake are also recommended.
Praca przedstawia bilans wodny przepływowego piętrzonego jeziora, uwzględniający dopływ powierzchniowy, dopływ i odpływ podziemny opisany równaniem Dupuita, opad na powierzchnię jeziora, parowanie z powierzchni wody oraz odpływ w przekroju zamkniętym jazem piętrzącym. Z uwagi na nieliniowe związki wymienionych składników bilansu z poziomem wody w jeziorze, do obliczeń wykorzystano program komuterowy Matlab-Simulink®. Przydatność modelu sprawdzono na przykładzie Jeziora Sławianowskiego o powierzchni 276 ha i średniej głębokości - 6,6 m. Jezioro to zostało podzielone na dwa akweny o zróżnicowanej głębokości. Wyniki obliczeń miesięcznych bilansów wodnych dla roku hydrologicznego 2009, wykazały dobrą zgodność z pomiarami jedynie dla trzech pierwszych miesięcy. Stwierdzono, że dla zmniejszenia błędów obliczeniowych należałoby skrócić interwał bilansowania do jednej doby. Kalibracja modelu byłaby łatwiejsza i bardziej adekwatna, gdyby do oszacowania przewodności hydraulicznej przyległych do jeziora gruntów i osadów dennych wykorzystać badania poziomów wody w piezometrach, zlokalizowanych w kilku transektach, prostopadłych do linii brzegowej jeziora.
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports; 2014, 14; 5-14
Pojawia się w:
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparative oxygen and carbon isotopic records of Miocene and recent lacustrine unionid bivalves from Poland
Błażejowski, B.
Racki, G.
Gieszcz, P.
Małkowski, K.
Kin, A.
Krzywiecka, K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
stable isotopes
fresh water
Miocene and recent Unionidae
Gil Wielki Lake.
The δ13C and δ18O isotope data from both fossil (Miocene) and modern freshwater bivalve shells of family Unionidae from Poland (species Margaritifera flabellatiformis and Unio tumidus, respectively) show a similar, truncated sinusoidal pattern.. The isotopic profiles of the whole shell are visibly marked by three growth stages, linked with a progressive loss of environmental record because of declining intra-annual biocarbonate accretion rate. The juvenile and gerontic phases exhibit generally more positive and stable (plateau) isotopic pattern than the mid-age stage. An increasing δ13C trend is typical for the final life stage, likely influenced by nutrient overloading, reversing the tendency towards δ13C depletion throughout the individual’s life induced by metabolic processes. Due to the progressive loss of environmental signals through ontogeny, these initial and final isotopic profile segments probably correspond to, respectively, an instant signature of the first season growth, and a multiyear value set of summer maxima during geriatric stage. Vague seasonal cyclic record is the striking feature of the mid-age δ18O and δ13C profile slices. In case of low-amplitude δ18O curve, this is probably promoted by a sensitivity of the lake ecosystem to many dynamic intra-annual factors affecting water budget balance. This consistent signature mode seems to be typical for lake-dwelling unionid shells at least since Miocene from different climatic zones, as confirmed by coeval lacustrine low-latitude mussels from Amazonia. Thus, this isotope record is relevant to obtain information on the habitat and life cycle of the fossil freshwater bivalves, as well as could help understand modern environmental change.
Geological Quarterly; 2013, 57, 1; 113--122
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The impact of acidic organic matter on the diversity of underwater vegetation in soft water lakes
Bociag, K
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
organic matter
soft water lake
acidic organic matter
humic substance
underwater vegetation
dissolved organic matter
This paper addresses underwater vegetation in soft water lakes which are influenced by the anthropogenic input of allochtonic dissolved organic matter (DOM) from drained bogs. The aim of this work is to test the hypothesis regarding the role of DOM in shaping the diversity of underwater vegetation. Large differences in underwater vegetation habitats, the limitation of their occurrence to increasingly shallower littoral (the depth of the lower limit of their occurrence decreased from 12 m up to 1 m) and the regression of underwater vegetation were observed in lake types ranging from oligohumic (median (Me) of DOC in water = 2.5 mg C dm-3) to polyhumic (Me of DOC = 35.6 mg C dm-3). The gradual simplification of internal plant patch structure occurred and the Shannon-Weaver diversity index decreased (Me 0.04 → 0.00). Fewer species were observed in the lakes (Me 9 → 2), and the underwater vegetation covered increasingly smaller areas. Species replacement did not occur and no invasive species appeared.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2003, 72, 3
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transformation and simplification of aquatic vegetation structure and reoligotrophication of a lake during the last 40 years
Brzozowski, M.
Pelechata, A.
Kaczmarek, L.
Pelechaty, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne
aquatic vegetation
vascular plants
water fertility
Lychnothamnus barbatus
Nitellopsis obtusa
The recovery or reconstruction of aquatic vegetation has recently been reported as a result of water quality improvement aer anthropogenic eutrophication. The objectives of this study were: to investigate long-term trends in aquatic vegetation abundance in relation to decreasing water fertility and to present new directions in changes of the submerged aquatic vegetation structure, species richness, and biodiversity in Lake Kuźnickie (western Poland) with the perspective of the last 40 years (1978–2018). Lake Kuźnickie is an example of water quality improvement taking place without any additional reclamation measures, except a reduction in nutrient discharge into the lake from its direct catchment. Currently, the study lake represents a mesotrophic status. The Trophy State Index evidenced a decrease in the lake’s fertility compared to previous decades. The water quality improvement manifests in a significant reduction in the total phosphorus concentration. An analysis of the spatial changes in the phytolittoral evidenced a decrease in rush vegetation between 1978 and 2018 by over 2 ha. In the period 1978–2018, the aquatic vegetation structure in Lake Kuźnickie underwent significant reconstruction. Currently, charophytes play a much greater role in the lake compared to the last 40 years, contributing to the maintenance of the lake’s high water quality. Moreover, the endangered charophyte Lychnothamnus barbatus has recovered. Concurrently, however, the biodiversity and species richness of the submerged vegetation has decreased. At present, only four species dominate in the lake, including two charophytes L. barbatus, Nitellopsis obtusa, and two vascular plants Ceratophyllum demersum and Myriophyllum spicatum. Over 40 years, Lake Kuźnickie has changed from a eutrophic lake dominated by vascular plants to a mesotrophic lake with a codominant contribution by charophytes. The lake is characterized by good water quality, optimal for the development of aquatic vegetation, especially charophytes.
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae; 2021, 90
Pojawia się w:
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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