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Metoda kolodionowa w fotografii i konserwacja negatywów kolodionowych
Garztecki, Juliusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
metoda kolodionowa
klisze kolodionowe
złotowanie fotografii
The wet collodion photographic process developed in 1851 was used by Polish professional photographers still as late as about 1880. The chemical features involved within this process are highly complicated as to their nature for reactions occurring in emulsion during its sensitizing are many-sided and as the collodion method has been abandoned already several years ago they have not been investigated exhaustively enough. Thus it can be said that the problem of preservation of collodion negatives confines itself to slowiug-down of processes resulting into decomposition of nitrocellulose forming an essential component of emulsion during the process may be observed a spontaneous eduction of nitric oxide, and besides to protection of negative glass plates against the harmful chemical effects exerted by environment in which they are stored and also against the contaminations from atmosphere. As the first and highly important preventive measure inhibiting the self-destruction of nitrocellulose should be quoted storing of negatives at the constant and as low as possible temperatures and relative humidities at the same time providing them with adequate ventilation to remove the gaseous products of decomposition. The temperature not exceeding + 18°C and humidity of 40 to 45 per cent may practically be considered as satisfactory. Under these conditions the limits of collodion negative life may be estimated as high as for some hundred years. Nevertheless, it is necessary to keep in mind that negatives covered with varnished emulsion prove to be considerably less durable. The environmental protection as its chief objective should have the eliminating from the negative store atmosphere the nitric and sulphuric oxides as well as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia (i.e. industrial contaminations) peroxides evolved by the softwood, floor polishing pastes, oil paints, varnishes and also some cosmetics. All the above-mentioned gases are causing decolonization of picture produced on plates by deposits of silver compounds or are leading to formation of stains on negatives. Another important factor is the quality of paper used for wrapping the stored negatives. To this purpose should be used paper manufactured from pure cellulose and having neutral reaction. Both the envelopes and boxes should be prepared without adhesives to prevent the harmful chemical effect of glues used for their manufacture. The cases for storing negatives should be made of metal sheet and provided with holes enabling their adequate ventilation. As the most abundant collection of collodion negatives in this country may be listed that including over 5,000 pieces representing the 19th-century views of Cracow, portraits of Cracow personalities, folk types, monuments of the town’s ancient art and s.o., constituting once a property of an atelier owned by the outstanding photographers family of Kriegers. It is quite obvious that the above-mentioned collection not only requires the care as the museum piece but also should be copied in whole on the modern photographic materials thus enabling to perpetuate the historical heritage it contains as its subject.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1971, 1; 25-34
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Deleuze’a walka z kliszami, czyli o poszukiwaniu widzialności w kinie słów kilka
Deleuze’s Struggle With Clichés, or a Couple of Words on Searching for Visibility in Cinema
Cichoń, Adam
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Sztuki PAN
Gilles Deleuze
slow cinema
Michelangelo Antonioni
Jednym z centralnych problemów książki Gilles’a Deleuze’a poświęconej kinematografii są klisze, które francuski filozof przeciwstawia obrazom prawdziwym. Podział ten ma zasadniczy wpływ na rozważania prowadzone przez Deleuze’a. Klisze rozumiane jako zubożałe obrazy reprezentują szeroko pojęte kino głównego nurtu, a szczególnie kino amerykańskie. Myśliciel chce – jak się wyraża – wyrwać kliszom obrazy. W swoich dociekaniach taką możliwość odnajduje między innymi dzięki filmom Antonioniego. Poszukiwania, które prowadził Deleuze, zdają się zbieżne ze współczesnymi tendencjami w kinie artystycznym, które możemy nazwać poszukiwaniem nowego kina. Szczególną tego egzemplifikacją jest slow cinema, nurt w kinematografii, który poszukuje tego, co Deleuze nazwałby prawdziwą widzialnością. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą zastosowania teorii kina Gilles’a Deleuze’a do opisu slow cinema oraz ukazanie specyficznego – kontemplacyjnego – nastawienia do obrazu filmowego.
One of the central problems of Gilles Deleuze’s book devoted to cinematography are cliches that the French philosopher contrasts with real images. This distinction has a fundamental impact on Deleuze’s deliberations. Cliches understood as impoverished images represent broadly understood mainstream cinema, especially American cinema. The philosopher wants - as he expresses it - to snatch the images from cliches. In his mvestigations he finds such a possibility, among others, thanks to films by Antonioni. The research carried out by Deleuze seem to coincide with the contemporary trends in art cinema, which we might call the search for a new cinema. A special example of this is slow cinema, a trend in cinematography that seeks what Deleuze would call true visibility. This article is an attempt to apply Gilles Deleuze’s theory of cinema to the description of slow cinema and to show a specific - contemplative - attitude towards film image.
Kwartalnik Filmowy; 2018, 101-102; 249-261
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Filmowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transformacje translatorskie w przekładzie bułgarskiej bajki magicznej "Trzej bracia i złote jabłko" (kod estetyczny)
Преводни трансформации в превода на вълшебната приказка "Тримата братя, ябълката и ламята" (естетически код)
Translation transformations in Polish version of the Bulgarian fairy tale "Trzej bracia i złote jabłko" (Three Brothers and the Golden Apple) (aesthetic code)
Mleczko, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
bułgarska bajka
transformacje translatorskie
kod estetyczny
poziom składniowy
Bulgarian fairy tale
translation transformations
aesthetic code
syntactic level
Обект на внимание в статията са трансформациите, извършени в полския превод на приказката "Тримата братя, ябълката и ламята", публикувана в сборника "Złota moneta za słowo. Bułgarskie bajki i legendy ludowe" (избор и увод Георги Минчев, Лодз 2006). Анализът се съсредоточава върху естетическия код на превода — начините, по които прeводачът предава в процеса на транслацията такива стилистични особености на устния стил като: повторителност, формулност и клишираност на езика. Особено внимание е посветено на преводните трансформации на ниво синтаксис: разискват се извършените при транслацията преобразувания в изреченските структури, промени в словореда, във вида на синтактичните връзки и в сегментирането на текста. Oт полския текст личи, че преводачът няма усет за превеждания жанр, в следствие на което преводът му е лишен от най‑важните присъстващи в оригинала черти, характерни за фолклорните текстове изобщо, както и за вълшебната приказка в частност.
The article discusses translation transformations in Polish version of the Bulgarian fairy tale "Trzej bracia i złote jabłko" (Three Brothers and the Golden Apple). The fairy tale has been published in the collection "Złota moneta za słowo. Bułgarskie bajki i legendy ludowe" (Golden Coin for a Word. Bulgarian Fairy Tales and Legends — selection and introduction by Georgi Minczew, Lodz 2006). The main subject of the analysis is aesthetic code of the translation — the ways the translator has shown specific features of the oral text such as repetitions, forms and clichés. The author of the article is particulary focused on traformations on syntactic level (transformations in statements structures, changes in words order and text segmentation). The choices made by the translator prove that he wasn’t fully aware what literature genre he is translating. As the result, the translation is lacking essential for folk texts, and for fairy tale in particular, stylistic features which appear in the original.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2009, 1, 1; 58-68
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Klisze pamięci. Labirynty Mariana Kołodzieja w Centrum św. Maksymiliana w Harmężach i anonimowe szkice przechowywane w zasobach Muzeum Gross-Rosen jako dokumenty czasu zagłady
Sadzikowska, Lucyna
Giełdoń-Paszek, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
‘Memory Files. Labyrinths’
Marian Kołodziej
St Maximilian Centre in Harmęże
anonymous sketches
Gross-Rosen Museum in Rogoźnica
artistic activity of camp prisoners
Klisze pamięci. Labirynty
Centrum św. Maksymiliana w Harmężach
anonimowe szkice
Muzeum Gross-Rosen w Rogoźnicy
działalność artystyczna więźniów obozu
W dolnej kondygnacji kościoła Matki Bożej Niepokalanej w Harmężach, wchodzącego w skład Centrum św. Maksymiliana, zainstalowana została ekspozycja zatytułowana Klisze pamięci. Labirynty. Jest to wystawa rysunków Mariana Kołodzieja, byłego więźnia KL Auschwitz. W Archiwum Muzeum Gross-Rosen przechowywany jest zbiór szkiców anonimowego twórcy, najprawdopodobniej więźnia obozu koncentracyjnego, dotychczas niepublikowany w oryginalnej formie z aparatem naukowym. Autorki artykułu zestawiają poszczególne kompozycje rysunkowe M. Kołodzieja oraz anonimowe rysunki zachowane w archiwum Muzeum Gross-Rosen. Uwypuklając niezaprzeczalną wartość artystyczną rysunków, podkreślono ich wartość jako świadectwa. Zarówno Klisze pamięci. Labirynty, jak i poddane analizie rysunki z Gross-Rosen, które Henryk Motowilczuk przekazał w 2007 roku Archiwum Muzeum Gross-Rosen w Rogoźnicy (sygn. 11022/DP), mają wartość dokumentu i wzbogacają studia drugowojenne. Podstawą artykułu, w którym zastosowano metodę case study, stało się siedem kompozycji sytuacyjnych, narysowanych po dwie, cztery i pojedyncza na trzech kartkach papieru pakunkowego, a także ekspozycja rysunków M. Kołodzieja, więźnia oznaczonego numerem 432. Tekst jest próbą syntetycznego przedstawienia z perspektywy historyka sztuki i literaturoznawcy świadectw – kompozycji rysunków stworzonej po bez mała pięćdziesięciu latach milczenia na temat przeżyć lagrowych M. Kołodzieja oraz dokumentu życia obozowego ujętego z perspektywy indywidualnej, odnalezionego za ramą obrazu po prawie sześćdziesięciu latach od wyzwolenia lagru. Artykuł porusza zagadnienie związane z kwestią analogiczności rysunku do rzeczywistości, a także dotyka istoty każdego szkicu z osobna i nakreśla podejmowane przez rysownika strategie.
On the lower floor of the Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate in Harmęże, which is part of the St Maximilian Centre, an exhibition has been installed entitled ‘Memory Files. Labyrinths’. The exhibition features drawings by Marian Kołodziej, a former Auschwitz prisoner designated as no. 432. The Archives of the Gross-Rosen Museum in Rogoźnica contain a collection of sketches by an anonymous author, most likely a prisoner at the concentration camp, as yet unpublished in their original form with back matter. The authors of this article jointly present the individual drawings by Kołodziej as well as the anonymous drawings which are preserved in the museum’s archives. Their value as testimonials is emphasised and the undeniable artistic value of the illustrations is highlighted. Both ‘Memory Files. Labyrinths’ and the drawings from Gross-Rosen, which Henryk Motowilczuk donated in 2007 to the Archives of the Gross-Rosen Museum (ref. 11022/DP), have documentary value and enrich the study on World War II. Seven compositions – drawn in pairs of two or four sheets of wrapping paper and a single drawing on three sheets – and the exhibition of Kołodziej’s drawings served as the sources for the article, which follows the case study method. From the perspective of an art historian and literary scholar, the text is a synthetic presentation of testimony: a composition of drawings created after almost 50 years of silence on the subject of Kołodziej’s experiences in the concentration camp and a document of camp life found behind a picture frame almost 60 years after the camp was liberated, seen from an individual perspective. The paper addresses the issue of the analogy of drawing to reality, touches on the essence of each sketch individually and outlines the strategies undertaken by the draughtsman.  
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2022, 118; 335-352
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-4 z 4

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