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Międzydzielnicowe prawo prywatne w międzywojennych Polsce i Czechosłowacji
Conflicts of Law in Domestic Jurisdictions in Interwar Poland and Czechoslovakia
Dvorský, Václav
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Fundacja Utriusque Iuris
conflicts of laws
international private law
interregional private law
interwar period
In the interwar years multiple jurisdictions existed within Poland and Czechoslovakia. This article describes how these countries dealt with this problem and how and with what degree of success they tried to solve it. The system of interregional law or rather laws that were in force in those countries is also described and, above all, the connection factors that determined which law (lex fori, rei sitae) would be applicable.
Forum Prawnicze; 2020, 5 (61); 69-78
Pojawia się w:
Forum Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesne rozumienie pojęcia międzynarodowego prawa gospodarczego
Ziemblicki, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
międzynarodowe prawo gospodarcze
prawo międzynarodowe prywatne
prawo międzynarodowe publiczne
international economic law
international private law
international public law
comparative law
There are different views in the literature on the meaning of the term international economic law. In author’s opinion it encompasses regulations, which at the same time: are considered law (even soft-law), regulate relations with international element and regulate economic activity. Such laws do not necessarily have to originate from the sources of international law. In this understanding international economic law is a broader term than public international law and private international law in an economic area. The same is true for unpopular in Poland international business law. On the other hand transnational economic law, as understood by Jessup, should be considered equivalent to international economic law. Since international economic law is vast in terms of subjects, sources and norms, it is reasonable to divide it for academic reasons into public international economic law and private international economic law. Both subsections can be further divided. For instance public international economic law would embrace public international trade law, public international financial and monetary law, public international investment law and public international development law.
Studia Prawnicze; 2014, 1 (197); 181-194
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uznanie dziecka według przepisów Kodeksu rodzinnego i opiekuńczego w świetle regulacji prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego
Recognition of paternity in the light of the Family and Guardianship Code and international private law
Uchańska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Family law
children’s rights
international private law
recognition of
paternity and maternity
establishment of citizenship
The paper discusses the current issues on recognition of paternity in the light of children’s rights. It identifies the proper tools necessary for determining paternity and maternity and highlights their growing importance in connection with common migration and free movement of persons in the EU. The issue of establishing the law applicable to the content or the form of declaration of paternity is presented based on judicial practice. 34 E. Skrzydło-Tefelska, op. cit., s. 149–150.106 | Przegląd Prawniczy Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza The paper describes the relationship between recognition of paternity and the process of establishing citizenship and the conditions that must be fulfilled to obtain legal residence in Poland. The conclusions de lege ferenda call for changes in the acquisition of Polish citizenship by operation of law by a child who has been recognized by a man of Polish citizenship. Currently, this possibility is limited by the annual date on which it is necessary to recognize to change a citizenship of a child by law.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2012, 1; 95-106
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stare zasady, nowe trendy? Współczesna ewolucja prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego
Bagan-Kurluta, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
private international law, evolution, Mancini, Savigny, Huber
Several traditional rules regarding a choice of law were created by F. C. von Savigny and P. S. Mancini. They are also responsible for their further application in the civil law countries. For the first time in our times all the nations are participating in the creation of global village and the new ius gentium. These activities cause a couple of questions to be answered: if the nowadays changes in private international law have revolutionary or evolutionary character or maybe if the choice of law rules are passé?
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2011, 10; 279-291
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Contractual Obligations under the Private International Law in Albania.
Çela, Ervis
Qoku, Maks
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
contractual obligations
private international law
contractual freedom
international jurisprudence
This theoretical and practical part is related to the analysis and studies of the contractual obligations under the private international law. This work is divided into three parts, where respectively, the first part deals with the general part of the contractual obligations; the second part deals with the specific contracts, which are actually found also in a general regulation under law No. 10428, dated 02.06.2011 “Private International Law”; and the third part deals with the international and national jurisprudence aspect. This work as based on the ex-positio sinkronik system aims at giving a minimum contribution in the application of the international private law and clarifies the omission, collision and legal problematic aspects in practice. At the end of this work, there are our conclusions which serve as a deduction over the analysis and studies done to this part of the private international law.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2014, 10; 170-180
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kwalifikacja w prawie prywatnym międzynarodowym Unii Europejskiej. Od kwalifikacji autonomicznej ku… kwalifikacji według kolizyjnej legis fori?
Characterization in EU private international law. From autonomous characterization to…. specific functional characterization?
Pacuła, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
EU private international law
autonomous interpretation
autonomous characterization
The terms ‘characterization’ (‘classification’) and ‘exercise of characterization’ refer in particular to the efforts made to determine which conflict of law rule - and in the sense presented in this paper, also rule on jurisdiction - which is part of the law of the forum State, should be applied to the circumstances of a particular case. In relation to the norms of private international law of the European Union, the triumph of an autonomous characterization at first sight seems undeniable. The term autonomous characterization (in principle - ‘autonomous interpretation’, the case law usually does not distinguish between exercise of characterization and exercise of interpretation) has been referred to over the last fifty years in order to describe the vast majority of operations of interpretation undertaken in relation to the norms of EU private international law. The contemporary concept of characterization in private law of the European Union, although consistently referred to as ‘autonomous’, does not fully meet the criteria thereof. The papers argues that while the starting point was the autonomous characterization in its pure form (stage one), over time it partially gave way to the place of characterization according to the EU law-oriented legis fori (stage two), and finally it was enriched with new elements which gave it the form of a specific functional characterization (stage three). It is not so much about the consistency of the results of the exercises of characterization with the universal understanding of certain concepts. Exercises of characterization are carried out through the prism of their effects, so as to ensure the effectiveness of the norms of EU law (effet utile) other than rules on conflict of laws and on jurisdiction.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2019, 25; 107-122
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hrnčiříková, Miluše
Valentová, Lucia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
recognition of surnames
private international law
European Union
Czech Republic
There are more thent 13 milion EU citizens livinig outside of the country of their nationality and the recognition of their legal status, incl . their names and surnames, is often essential for the maintenance of their personal and cultural identity . This article focuses on the allowed form and recognition of surnames of natural persons in the EU . This question will be examined within the Czech legal system, but the emphasis will be placed on the case-law of European courts that greatly affects and shapes this area of law in the EU member states . The regulation of surnames represents questions of the national, international and European law, as well as privat law, public law and primary and secondary Union law
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2017, 29, 2; 9-32
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan obecny i perspektywy przyjęcia przez Serbię nowego prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego
The Present Situation and Perspectives for a New Serbian Private International Law
Kochowska, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
former Yugoslavia
private international law
change of law
succession of international agreements
The Yugoslav Act of 1982 on resolving conflict of laws with regulations of other countries is still in force in the Republic of Serbia. The law drafted over 40 years ago was considered as innovative at the time of its adoption. At present, the Serbian academic community signals the need to update the current provisions of private international law, both in the spirit of approximation with the law of the European Union and in the need to better embed this law in the present legal order of the Republic of Serbia. The draft of a new act on private international law, prepared in 2014, was not adopted yet, although it was not formally rejected as such in Serbian legislative procedures (as of April 13, 2023) either. Though not formally binding, the draft law has been cited in recent years in the Serbian law journals, being an important point of reference for considerations on questions related to private international law in Serbia. It must be admitted that the progressive Serbian academic community turned out to be an active inspirer, creator and is now also a tireless advocate of changes in the field of private international law in Serbia.Serbia, which has been an EU candidate since 2013, has no particular obligation to introduce specific solutions in the field of private international law into its national law neither before nor after accession. EU law in the field of private international law is contained in regulations that will be automatically and directly applicable in Serbia when it becomes a member of the European Union. This is a dilemma whether to adopt the provisions which, in principle, will have to be repealed after the accession. At the same time, there are several benefits of approximating the law before the accession, including accustoming legal practitioners in Serbia to apply solutions similar to those in the EU, and increasing legal certainty by applying similar solutions of private international law in transactions between entities from Serbia and the European Union (regardless of the accession prospects).The author describes and summarizes the current state of regulations in Serbian private international law and analyses the main changes proposed in the draft law of 2014. The article also presents agreements binding Serbia in the field of private international law, including the still binding 1960 Polish-Serbian agreement.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2023, 32; 95-122
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W poszukiwaniu prawa właściwego: stosowanie norm prawa administracyjnego i ich kolizje w międzynarodowym sporze inwestycyjnym
On the search for applicable law: the application and the conflicts of administrative law norms in international investment disputes
Żmij, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
international investment arbitration
applicable law
international private law
conflicts of laws
international administrative law
investment protection
międzynarodowy arbitraż inwestycyjny
prawo właściwe
prawo prywatne międzynarodowe
prawo kolizyjne
międzynarodowe prawo administracyjne
ochrona inwestycji
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie kwestii kolizji praw lub samych norm prawnych, które mogą się pojawić w przypadku konieczności stosowania w międzynarodowym sporze inwestycyjnym, rozstrzyganym w postępowaniu przed sądem państwowym lub sądem arbitrażowym, przepisów prawa publicznego (w tym prawa administracyjnego) należących do różnych systemów prawnych. Punktem wyjścia w tego typu przypadkach jest z reguły wykładnia, która przez odpowiednią rekonstrukcję normy znajdującej zastosowanie w sprawie przeważnie prowadzi do uniknięcia pytania o normę kolizyjną (kolizje pozorne), nie zawsze jednak da się tego pytania uniknąć.  Kwestię prawa właściwego uregulowano w niektórych wielostronnych porozumieniach międzynarodowych dotyczących ochrony inwestycji. Na skutek rozwoju prawa europejskiego w ostatnich latach wyraźnie zarysowana została tendencja do poddawania inwestycyjnych sporów wewnątrzunijnych rozstrzygnięciu sądów krajowych (europejskich) kosztem arbitrażu. Szereg pozostających nadal w mocy umów o ochronie inwestycji zawartych pomiędzy RP a państwami spoza Unii Europejskiej zawiera postanowienia dotyczące prawa właściwego. Można prognozować, że w bliskiej lub nieco dalszej perspektywie dojdzie jednak również do ich rozwiązania i zastąpienia w części nowymi umowami, także o charakterze mieszanym. Kolizje praw i norm prawnych w przypadku międzynarodowego sporu inwestycyjnego mogą zachodzić na wielu płaszczyznach. Istnieją odmienności w sposobie stosowania prawa właściwego przez sądy arbitrażowe i sądy państwowe w międzynarodowych sporach inwestycyjnych, co uwarunkowane jest różną naturą tych sądów. Może to mieć znaczenie wobec przekazania kompetencji do rozstrzygania takich sporów sądom państwowym, na przykład w perspektywie wygaszenia wewnątrzunijnych dwustronnych umów inwestycyjnych. Należy postulować, aby w ramach prac nad utworzeniem w przyszłości wielostronnego międzynarodowego systemu rozstrzygania sporów inwestycyjnych, opartego na stałym trybunale, regulacją objąć również kwestie związane z podstawą prawną (poza procesową, także materialnoprawną i kolizyjnoprawną) rozstrzygnięć Trybunału.
This article aims to present questions concerning conflicts of norms or conflicts of laws that may arise through the application of public law (including administrative law) in proceedings before arbitration or state courts. The starting point for handling such conflicts tends to be interpretation, which, leading to the proper reconstruction of an applicable norm in a case, usually allows for avoiding the question of the conflict-of-law rule (apparent conflicts), but not in every case. Some multilateral agreements contain provisions on the law applicable in investment disputes. As a result of the development of European law, one can observe the tendency to lower the significance of arbitration and increase the competence of state courts, as has been the case with intra-EU investment disputes in recent years. Thus a number of BITs between the Republic of Poland and third countries (non-EU countries) remain in force, where some of them contain provisions on the applicable law. One can expect that these conventions will also be dissolved and supplemented mainly by mixed agreements in the near future. The conflicts of laws and norms in investment disputes occur on different layers. The way of applying law differs according to the nature of state courts and international arbitration. It can become significant in the light of the transfer of competences to national courts, as a consequence of the termination of intra-EU BITs. It is advisable that during the ongoing discussions on the creation of the Multilateral Investment Court, a regulation on the legal basis of its decisions should also be adopted, as it concerns procedural, material and conflict-of-law aspects.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2023, 85, 2; 89-107
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The law applicable to employment contracts under the Rome I-Regulation
Czerwiński, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
private international law
Rome I-Regulation
employment contract
conflict- of-law rules
Private international law is of great practical importance in the European Union, especially for the proper functioning of the internal market. It has been enacted mainly in the form of the Rome I-Regulation. The question of which national law applies in a cross-border case is often decisive with regard to employment contracts, because national substantive employment laws remain extremely diversified. The first aim of this paper is to outline the major issues relating to conflict-of-laws rules concerning the employment relationship. The second aim is to show the scope of the freedom to choose the law applicable to the employment relationship. The employment relationship, like any contractual relationship, can be subject to the law chosen by the parties but this choicehas limited practical importance. The priority is therefore the protection guaranteed to the employee under the law of the state indicated by objective hyphens.
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review; 2015, 5; 147-162
Pojawia się w:
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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