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Zmiany w wymiarach polityki ochrony zdrowia
Kięczkowska, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
health care policy, health care system, reform of health care system, National Health Service
polityka ochrony zdrowia, system ochrony zdrowia, reforma sytemu ochrony zdrowia, Narodowa Służba Zdrowia
The aim of the article is to show the aspects of health care policy, the main aims necessary for the entities corresponding to these aspects and, above all, the changes introduced by the reform of health service adopted by the Law and Justice government. The activities of the current government in the area of health protection clearly modify the system towards the National Health Service, whose model originates from Great Britain, where it has been in operation since 1948. The modifications introduced in the Polish system are aimed to streamline it, improve its effectiveness and accessibility for citizens. Designed and implemented transformations of the health care system in Poland, based on specific aspects as a result of government reform, introduce a system that in the long run will implement the principles of universal, unrestricted access to health services at the best possible level.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie wymiarów polityki ochrony zdrowia – głównych celów koniecznych do realizacji przez podmioty odpowiedzialne w ramach tych wymiarów, a przede wszystkim zmian wprowadzanych reformą służby zdrowia rządu Prawa i Sprawiedliwości. Działania obecnego rządu w obszarze ochrony zdrowia jednoznacznie modyfikują system w kierunku Narodowej Służby Zdrowia, której wzór zaczerpnięto z Wielkiej Brytanii, gdzie model ten funkcjonuje od 1948 roku. Modyfikacje dokonywane w polskim systemie z założenia mają na celu usprawnić go, poprawić jego efektywność, a także stworzyć go bardziej przystępnym dla obywateli. Projektowane i wprowadzane przekształcenia sytemu ochrony zdrowia w Polsce, oparte w określonych wymiarach na reformie rządu, zaprowadzają system, który w perspektywie czasu ma realizować zasady powszechnego, niczym nieograniczonego dostępu do świadczeń zdrowotnych na jak najlepszym poziomie.
Teka Komisji Politologii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych; 2018, 13, 1
Pojawia się w:
Teka Komisji Politologii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wprowadzenie dopłat pacjentów do świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej finansowanych ze środków publicznych – opinie głównych uczestników polskiego systemu opieki zdrowotnej
Golinowska, Stanisława
Tambor, Marzena
Sowada, Christoph
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
patient payments, health care system reform, Poland
Introduction of patient payments for publicly financed health care services – opinions of the main Polish health care system’s stakeholdersDuring the last decades many European governments have introduced patient payments in their public health care system with the aim to improve efficiency of health care provision, contain overall health care expenditure, and also to generate additional resources. In Poland, since 1999 patients have met formal payment obligations when they use dental services. Though introduction of formal patient payments for primary care services, out-patient specialists’ services and hospital services has been discussed, such payments do not exist. Empirical evidence suggests that the successful implementation of patient payments, to a large extent, depends upon public acceptance and political consensus. The paper presents the results of study on attitudes towards formal patient payments for publicly financed health care services, among different groups of Polish health care system’s stakeholders (health care consumers, providers, insurers and policy makers). The data are collected via focus group discussions and in-depth interviews carried out in Poland in June–October 2009 as part of project ASSPRO CEE 2007. The results are used to out-line policy recommendations.
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie; 2010, 8, 1
Pojawia się w:
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W jakim kierunku zmierzają relacje pomiędzy lekarzem a pacjentem w Polsce?
Patient-doctor relationship in Poland – where is it heading to?
Dąbrowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
health system reform
patient information
patient rights
patient-doctor relationship
relacje pacjent – lekarz
reforma systemu opieki zdrowotnej
informowanie pacjenta
prawa pacjenta
The paper attempts to review, based on available literature, changes in patient-doctor relationship taking place within the last few years in Western societies and in Poland. It tries to answer the question whether patient-doctor relationship is closer to partnership or to paternalism. Particular emphasis is placed on such issues as doctor-patient information transfer, patient’s role in decision-making process and respect of patient’s rights. While it appears that in the West we are witnessing a clear transformation of patient-doctor relationship towards an increasingly active role of patient in the decision-making, where he or she is considered an expert in the field of own health and values, in Poland a more paternalistic model prevails, where it is the doctor who plays the leading role, makes decisions and, consequently, takes full responsibility for them. It appears that concerning partner-like relationship with doctor, greater chances for it have patients relatively better educated and from higher socioeconomic strata and women. Persons with higher education are more prone to question traditional role of doctor who “knows better”; such an attitude manifests itself by looking for alternative sources of information about the disease. Similarly, women more frequently seek a “second opinion” and more often obtain information about other treatment options from alternative sources. Furthermore, women more often express a need for a partner-like relationship with doctor.
Artykuł jest próbą przeanalizowania, na podstawie badań i dostępnej literatury, zmian, jakie w ostatnich latach zaszły w relacjach pacjent – lekarz w społeczeństwach zachodnich oraz w Polsce. Jest też próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy relacje pacjent – lekarz można określić bardziej jako partnerskie, czy też raczej jako paternalistyczne. Obszary szczególnego zainteresowania autorów to: informowanie pacjenta przez lekarza, udział pacjenta w podejmowaniu decyzji oraz przestrzeganie praw pacjenta. O ile wydaje się, że na Zachodzie mamy do czynienia z wyraźną transformacją relacji pacjent – lekarz w kierunku relacji, gdzie pacjent współuczestniczy w podejmowaniu decyzji i jest postrzegany przez lekarza jako ekspert w zakresie swojego zdrowia i wartości, o tyle w Polsce ciągle występuje raczej model paternalistyczny, w którym to lekarz odgrywa dominującą rolę, podejmuje decyzje, a co za tym idzie, ponosi za nie niepodzielną odpowiedzialność. Wydaje się, że w kwestii relacji partnerskich z lekarzem znacznie większą szansę na nie mają pacjenci posiadający relatywnie wyższe wykształcenie i wyższą pozycję społeczną oraz kobiety. Osoby z wyższym wykształceniem częściej kwestionują tradycyjną rolę lekarza, który „wie najlepiej”, co przejawia się w poszukiwaniu alternatywnych źródeł informacji o chorobie. Podobnie kobiety częściej konsultują decyzje lekarza, a także częściej pozyskują informacje o sposobach leczenia z alternatywnych źródeł. Kobiety również częściej niż mężczyźni zgłaszają potrzebę kontaktu partnerskiego z lekarzem.
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna; 2008, 4, 4; 278-281
Pojawia się w:
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
System ochrony zdrowia w Polsce – zmiana modelu
Health Care System in Poland – A Change of the Model
Paszkowska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
ochrona zdrowia
health care
Obecny rząd przygotowuje istotną reformę systemu ochrony zdrowia. W Polsce funkcjonuje obecnie ubezpieczeniowy model ochrony zdrowia. Płatnikiem jest Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia. W 2018 r. model ubezpieczeniowy ma zostać zastąpiony przez model budżetowy (podatkowy). Ochrona zdrowia ma być finansowana z budżetu państwa i dostępna dla wszystkich. Zmiana modelu systemu ochrony zdrowia stanowi powrót do czasów PRL. W artykule przedstawiono możliwe europejskie modele ochrony zdrowia, a także obecny model polski. W artykule zawarto wybrane uwagi krytyczne w zakresie planowanej zmiany modelu ochrony zdrowia w Polsce. Uwagi dotyczą dostępności do świadczeń oraz ich finansowania. Słowa kluczowe: system, ochrona zdrowia, reforma, ubezpieczenia, podatki.
The present government is preparing a major reform of the healthcare system. Currently, Poland has an insurance-based health care model. The payer is the National Health Fund. In 2018, the insurancebased model will be replaced by a budget (tax)-based model. Health care will be financed by the state budget and will be available to everyone. Changing the model of the health care system is a return to the times of the Polish People’s Republic. The article presents possible European models of health care and the current Polish model. The article includes selected critical comments regarding the planned change of the health care model in Poland. The comments relate to, among others, access to services and their financing.
Problemy Zarządzania; 2017, 3/2017 (69), t.1; 25-41
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Zarządzania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problems of Consistency of Regulatory and Legal Acts on Regulation of the Health Care System of Ukraine with the Principles of Bioethics
Tereshkevych (s. Diogena), Halyna
Halytsky, Danylo
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
public administration
reform of the health care system
regulatory support
the Basics of Ukrainian legislation of health care
the Constitution of Ukraine
principles of bioethics
an inherent human right to life
value and dignity of human life
The demographic situation in Ukraine makes public authorities think about the problem of the value and dignity of human life. The task of bioethics is to raise ethical and moral requirements to a higher level, including the spiritual level of health care workers, and to harmonize the existing health legislation with its principles. The proposed article is an attempt to eliminate the gap in the regulatory improvement of the health care system on the values and principles of bioethics. Many definitions used by Ukrainian law are contingent, imperfect, and contradictory to bioethics. The purpose of the publication is to provide a scientific and theoretical substantiation of the necessity of normative and legal improvement of the health care system on values and principles of bioethics, which will serve the interests of a person, his/her dignity and unique value. The absence of consistency in the legislation gives rise to the pluralism of interpretations about the beginning of a person’s life, which is a significant drawback in the legal field since this point concerns the inherent human right to life. The basis of inadmissibility of discrimination in the name of the equal dignity of all human beings may concern all periods of human existence from the moment of fertilization to natural death, covering special stages: initial, suffering and dying. Public administration bodies need to involve social institutions represented by reputable bioethics experts, scientists, doctors, public activists, with the help of which the regulatory support for health care reform will be safe and beneficial for the whole society.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2020, 1(25); 47-70
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Państwo i rynek w sektorze ochrony zdrowia w Polsce : kierunki i perspektywy
Government and Market in the Polish Health Care : Directions and Perspectives
Klich, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Funkcjonowanie ochrony zdrowia
Reforma służby zdrowia
Rola państwa w gospodarce
System ochrony zdrowia
Health care functioning
Health care reform
Health care system
States' role in economy
The paper deals with the role of the state in the Polish health care sector. The goal of the paper is to show, that the state intervention in health care sector has been considerably reduced over the last twenty years by shifting certain risks to health care providers and patients and by forcing patients to obtain health services from private health care providers and by introducing copayments. This additional weight was neither compensated by tax concessions nor by any financial incentives. There is a ground to maintain that individual patients' obligations will be further strengthened and extended.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2013, 139; 260-267
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Improvement of the organizational and legal mechanism of medical support of the security and defense sector of Ukraine in crises based on NATO standards
Bakai, Andrii
Kupriienko, Dmytro
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
integrated medical space of troops (forces)
integrated treatment system
capability-based planning
principles and policy of health service support
military medicine reform
level system of medical support
control structure
The article has considered the general principles and capabilities of the medical support of NATO troops, confirmed the expediency of further transformation of tasks and functions of the state in terms of medical support of troops (forces) of the security and defense sector of Ukraine in crises through the approximation to the relevant NATO standards, justified the need to implement the Euro-Atlantic experience of rendering medical care, use the general framework of categories and concepts, principles of the evaluation of capabilities (assets) of medical support which will contribute to the development of integrated medical space for medical defense of troops (forces) and elaboration of individual crisis response model taking into account the basic international requirements. The authors have determined the priority tasks of further cooperation between Ukraine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in the context of the reforms of medical logistics. It has been substantiated the need to keep reforming military medicine in conformity with NATO standards and recommendations that will promote an active involvement of medical services of troops (forces) in medical support of national and multi-domestic contingents during crises and adaptation of interoperable medical capabilities of joint missions under the auspices of NATO and the UN. The research has analyzed the mechanisms of interdepartmental coordination on medical support of troops (forces) and proved the feasibility of using the experience of NATO member states in the organization and functioning of the system of medical support of the military contingent with the adaptation of NATO doctrinal documents to the realities of modern Ukraine.
Reality of Politics; 2020, 14; 13-32
Pojawia się w:
Reality of Politics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Health insurance reform in the United States: old lessons on a renewed debate
Reichardt, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
American health reform, American health care system, health system financing
In 2009, following the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States, the American public entered into a fierce debate on how to reform its health care system. The intense debate on health care reform, however, is not a new phenomenon in American political life. Debate over health care has cycled its way into the American political discourse every twenty-years or so. History suggests that forceful opposition has prevailed against most major efforts to alter the health system in the United States. Yet, once again the Democratically-controlled Congress and Presidency in the United States aspire to break this cycle of history. With both houses in Congress passing a bill with significant reforms, it seems that this time may be different. While it is very likely some reforms will pass in 2010, no law has been signed yet56. In the end, only time will dictate the outcome of this round of health reform debates. Through a thorough literature review, this article provides the Polish reader a sense of health care reform efforts in the U.S. from the historical perspective and discusses the current proposed reforms. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of the American health insurance system, failed efforts of past health reform initiatives, their contrast with today’s efforts, and current health and economic indicators that could lead to reform in 2010.
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie; 2010, 8, 1
Pojawia się w:
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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