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Klimat dialogu i jego wpływ na przebieg procesu dialogowego
The atmosphere of dialog and its influence on the course of the dialog process
Wal, Jan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
klimat dialogu
wychowanie i samowychowanie
opinia publiczna
trendy globalizacyjne
rewolucja komunikacyjna
atmosphere of dialog
education and self-education
public opinion
global trends
communication revolution
The article discusses the issue of the atmosphere of dialog and its influence on the course of the dialog process. The atmosphere is first of all created by people, and this is why in the first part of the article it is shown, taking the personalistic approach, what emotional mood, intellectual aura and spiritual atmosphere are favorable for having a dialog. On the emotional side it is enthusiasm, surges of emotions, and sublimity; in the intellectual aspect it is objectivism, pragmatism and acting logically; and in the volitionary-spiritual dimension – it is acceptance of people, tolerance and kindness. In the further part of the article attention is paid to the subjective and objective factors creating a dialog. The following ones belong here: pro-social education and self-education, a positive influence of public opinion, and on the objective side: some global civilization trends, and the communication revolution in the world, owing to which not only did tools for indirect inter-personal relations (the press, radio, television, Internet) gain importance, but also direct inter-personal communication did. In the third part of the article the means used for building the atmosphere of dialogue are discussed. The status of natural behaviors should be appreciated here: politeness, simplicity and understanding; and defective behaviors, like obsequiousness, pompousness, crudeness and leniency should be eliminated. It is also indispensable to look for the way of the golden mean between extreme behaviors. Such a way between oversensitiveness and callousness is – sensitivity; between euphoric behavior and fatalism – realism, and between doctrinairism and utilitarianism – humanism. The article is closed by the conclusion that the atmosphere of dialog influences the dynamics of the dialog processes, determining priority goals in the dialog and stimulating further dialogs.
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne; 2012, 4; 247-262
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Open innovation and sustainable development as major trends in global economy
Gotwald, B.
Data publikacji:
Centrum Badań i Innowacji Pro-Akademia
sustainable development
open innovation
social development
global economy
global trends
rozwój zrównoważony
otwarte innowacje
rozwój społeczny
gospodarka światowa
trendy światowe
The contemporary world has developed significantly in a short time. The evolution of it has become faster, involved a lot of resources and has required the attention of researchers all over the world. There is a great need not only to follow and describe trends, but also to analyze their structure, notice some general truths and construct models which may be helpful for further analysis. The main goal of this article is to analyze the relation between open innovation and sustainable development – the major trends in global economy, and to build a model of interrelations between them in various functional fields.
Acta Innovations; 2013, 8; 5-9
Pojawia się w:
Acta Innovations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka społeczna w naukowej myśli o przyszłości
Auleytner, Julian
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
future of the social policy
global social policy
social innovations diffusion
social risk
turning points
przyszłość polityki społecznej
globalna polityka społeczna
trendy demograficzne
dyfuzja innowacji społecznych
ryzyka socjalne
punkty zwrotne
W opracowaniu zwrócono uwagę na problematykę słabo reprezentowanąw dotychczasowym dorobku tej dyscypliny. Celem jest pobudzenie do refleksji nad przyszłością polityki społecznej w wymiarze globalnym. Nawiązano do kilku publikacji, przez Klub Rzymski, i na ich bazie zaprezentowano wybrane, kluczowe kwestie społeczne. Wśród nichznajdują się, po pierwsze: aktualne problemy demograficzneświata, które współcześnie generują zagadnienia socjalne przyszłości; po drugie: problemnarastających konfliktów generacyjnych, wynikający z demograficznej asymetrii międzygrupami aktywnymi zawodowo a rosnącą grupą seniorów; po trzecie: kwestia narastających globalnych różnic socjalnych, z których wynikają radykalne formy protestu oraz ryzyka socjalne. Przypomniano istnienie różnych modeli globalizacji i adekwatnych do nich koncepcji polityki społecznej. Przywołano w konkluzjach otwarte pytania Jørgena Randersa o przyszłość. Tekst jest uzupełniony o konstatację dotyczącą ewolucji punktów zwrotnych w globalnej polityce społecznej: handlu niewolnikami, handlu narkotykami, terroryzmu oraz aktywności organizacji ponadnarodowych, które są nośnikami dyfuzji innowacji społecznych, rozwiązując pojawiające się globalne kwestie socjalne.
The paper’s aim is to shed light on the poorly present in the scientific literature issue of the global social policy’s future. Basing on the selected publications by Club of Rome, crucial social issues are discussed. Among them are: current demographic problems of the world, the rising risk of generational conflict resulting from the growing asymmetry between working-age cohorts and the retirement-age cohorts, as well as the problem of growing social discrepancies causing radical forms of protest. In the second part of the paper various models of globalization are described in order to show their links with global social policy concepts. In the third part it is claimed that turning points in global social policy refer to: human trafficking, drug smuggling, terrorism and internationalorganizations’ behavior.
Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Studia i Dyskusje; 2014, 24(1); 19-34
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Studia i Dyskusje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kształcenie i doskonalenie nauczycieli w globalizującym się społeczeństwie
Education and in-service training of teachers in the globalizing society
Kędzierska, Barbara
Potyrała, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
kształcenie nauczycieli
doskonalenie nauczycieli
globalne tendencje edukacyjne
kwalifikacje nauczycieli
kompetencje nauczycieli
teacher training
Global trends in education
qualified teachers
skills of teachers
The article is an attempt to synthetize contemporary conditions of teachers’ education and in-service training. The starting point of the undertaken deliberations is the influence of globalization on different spheres of life with special attention drawn to educational processes at the university level. The chosen contexts of contemporary culture as well as the change in the status of information become a conceptual background for the transformation of former, traditional model of teachers’ education (teaching) towards the model based on communication, cooperation and taking action (learning). To show global tendencies in education, the content of chosen international resolutions and documents shaping education policy for the forthcoming years has been quoted herein. These include the recommendation by the International Conference of Education in Geneva (1996), The Strategy for Education for the Balanced Development (2005), The Declaration of Ahmedabad (2007) and the conclusions of The Conference in Seoul (2013). All these resolutions concentrate on local and global educational challenges including the changes in the orientation from focusing solely on providing knowledge to dealing with problems referring to the life situation, promoting values and reinforcing safety and creating awareness. Therefore, they set significant and promising directions of the changes in education such as: from cognition to metacognition, from knowledge to attitudes, from diagnosis to prevention, from subject skills to life skills and from individual experiences to community. This article is an attempt to read The Standards of Teachers Education through the mentioned educational trends. The afterthought concerning the relations between teachers’ qualification and key competences seems to be a natural consequence of undertaken deliberations. It may become an introduction to a discussion on the necessity to introduce changes in the teachers education perception in the context of the needs of society which is based on knowledge.
Artykuł stanowi próbę syntezy współczesnych uwarunkowań kształcenia i doskonalenia nauczycieli. Punktem wyjścia podjętych rozważań jest wpływ globalizacji na różne sfery życia ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procesów edukacyjnych na poziomie uniwersyteckim. Wybrane konteksty kultury współczesnej oraz zmiana statusu informacji i wiedzy zarysowują tło koncepcyjne dla transformacji dotychczasowego, tradycyjnego modelu edukacji nauczycielskiej (nauczanie) w kierunku modelu opartego na komunikowaniu się, współpracy i działaniu (uczenie się). W celu ukazania globalnych tendencji edukacyjnych przytoczono zapisy wybranych postanowień i dokumentów międzynarodowych kształtujących politykę edukacyjną na najbliższe lata. Należą do nich rekomendacje Międzynarodowej Konferencji Oświaty w Genewie (1996), Strategia Edukacji dla Zrównoważonego Rozwoju (2005), Deklaracja z Ahmedabadu (2007) i konkluzje Konferencji w Seulu (2013). Wszystkie postanowienia koncentrują się wokół lokalnych i globalnych wyzwań edukacyjnych, w tym głównie zmiany orientacji ze skupiania się wyłącznie na dostarczaniu wiedzy, w kierunku zajmowania się problemami odnoszącymi się do sytuacji życiowych, promowania wartości oraz wzmocnienia bezpieczeństwa i budowania świadomości. Wyznaczają one zatem znaczące i obiecujące kierunki zmian w edukacji, do których należą: od poznania do metapoznania, od wiedzy do postaw, od diagnozy do prewencji, od umiejętności przedmiotowych do umiejętności życiowych i od indywidualnych doświadczeń do społeczności. Artykuł stanowi próbę odczytania Standardów Kształcenia Nauczycieli przez pryzmat wymienionych trendów edukacyjnych. Refleksja dotycząca relacji pomiędzy kwalifikacjami a kompetencjami nauczycieli oraz kompetencjami kluczowymi wydaje się być naturalną konsekwencją podjętych rozważań. Może stanowić wstęp do dyskusji nad potrzebą zmian w myśleniu o edukacji nauczycielskiej w kontekście potrzeb społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy.
Rocznik Lubuski; 2015, 41, 2; 117-130
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lubuski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sediment open water disposal in the aspect of environmental hazard. General trends. Current scientific literature review
Deponowanie urobku czerpalnego do otwartej toni wodnej w aspekcie zagrożenia dla środowiska. Ogólne trendy. Przegląd aktualnej literatury naukowej
Zegarowski, Ł.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Morski w Gdańsku
dumping site
sediment dumping
global problem
impact of dumping
general trends
minimazing the negative impact
deponowanie osadów dennych
globalny problem
wpływ klapowania
ogólne trendy
ograniczanie negatywnego oddziaływania
Disposal into the open water body is the most common practice with dredged sediments from water objects. These actions may disrupt the balance inside and around dumping area. Accumulated in sediments anthropogenic pollution such as heavy metals and persistent organic compounds impact on the environment over a longer period of time. Dumping into aquatic ecosystems million tons of spoils from dredging causes a number of concerns in the international arena. A large number of global treaties and protocols were signed to minimize the negative environmental impact of contaminated sediment from dredging process. According to current scientific papers, the study shows the sources of environmental risks and general trends stemming from this practice. Furthermore, it indicates directions of activities aimed at minimizing the negative impact of human activities resulting from the excavation of waste material brought up from dredging.
Deponowanie urobku czerpalnego z prac pogłębiarskich do otwartej toni wodnej jest najczęściej praktykowanym rozwiązaniem . Takie działania mogą zakłócić równowagę w środowiska wewnątrz oraz wokół obszaru klapowiska. Nagromadzone w osadach dennych zanieczyszczenia mające charakter antropogeniczny , takie jak metale ciężkie i trwałe związki organiczne, mogą oddziaływać na środowisko w dłuższej perspektywie czasu. Klapowanie milionów ton rocznie osadów, z pogłębiania obiektów wodnych, wywołuje liczne obawy na arenie międzynarodowej. Aby zminimalizować negatywne oddziaływanie urobku deponowanego na klapowiskach podpisano wiele traktatów oraz protokołów o wymiarze globalnym. W oparciu o aktualną literaturę naukową przedstawiono potencjalne zagrożenia oraz trendy wynikające z procesu klapowania osadów dennych z prac pogłębiarskich. Ponadto, wskazano kierunki działań mających na celu ograniczenie negatywnego wpływu działalności człowieka wynikających z klapowania do akwenów morskich.
Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego w Gdańsku; 2015, 30, 1; 118-125
Pojawia się w:
Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego w Gdańsku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Globalne trendy a innowacyjność łańcuchów dostaw
Global trends and supply chain innovation
Nowicka, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne
globalne trendy
łańcuch dostaw
global trends
supply chain
Globalne trendy współwystępują, nakładają się, bądź z siebie wynikają decydując często o sposobie prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej. Wynik oceny wypływu ich skutków na zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw może być jednocześnie pozytywny i negatywny oferując firmie zagrożenia oraz nowe szanse rozwojowe. Dobór odpowiednich rozwiązań stanowiących innowacje i decydujących o konkurencyjności jest zindywidualizowany oraz wynika z analizy potencjalnych korzyści z ich wdrożenia. Adekwatne wykorzystanie ich potencjału wymaga zmapowania najważniejszych procesów zachodzących wzdłuż łańcucha dostaw, wskazania strategii zarządzania interesariuszami i określenia zakresu głównych czynników sukcesu decydujących o wpływie na konkurencyjność podmiotu poszczególnych działań logistycznych. Obszarami, które warto rozważać w kontekście inicjowania innowacji ze względu na pojawiające się ważne dla przedsiębiorstwa trendy są nowe inicjatywy w relacjach z interesariuszami, technologiach i kompetencjach.
Global trends coexist, overlap, or result from each other deciding on how to do business. Rating discharge their impact on supply chain management can be both positive and negative offering company threats and new opportunities for development. Selection of suitable solutions which are critical for innovation and competitiveness is individualized and based on the analysis of the potential benefits of their implementation. Adequate use of their potential requires mapping of the most important processes occurring along the supply chain, stakeholder management strategy recommendations and determine the extent of the main success factors impacting on the competitiveness of the various logistics activities of the entity. Areas that should be considered in the context of initiating innovation due to emerging trends important to the company are new initiatives in relations with stakeholders, technologies and companies’ competencies.
Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka; 2016, 11; 26--34
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ukraine Through the Prism of Geopolitical Challenges: Analytical Aspect
Teleshun, Sergiy
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Instytut Nauki o Polityce
global trends
public policy
Ukrainian crisis
gray area
financial and political pressure groups
conflict in Eastern Ukraine
This paper examines the global trends that will be reflected in global politics. Systematization of a large number of sources of major research centers allowed forming a hierarchy of challenges and threats able to influence global and regional policy. Special attention is given to Ukraine, events which significantly influence the Eurasian and global political space. The article gives an insight of the political processes in Ukraine, its problems and achievements. Understanding the situation in Ukraine in the light of global trends allows us to realize the impact on geopolitical balance of power in the world. Events in Ukraine, as in Syria, became the catalyst for change that led to reformatting of political and regional map of the world. Significant pressure from new social, political, economic, military, informational and humanitarian threats and challenges was put upon security and bureaucratic structures of the European Union, NATO, UN and others. The obvious is that the global security system based on the principles of collective responsibility of the twentieth century is affected by a considerable transformation. This, in turn, has put on the agenda the issue of the capacity of modern political and business elites and the management establishment responds adequately to new manifestations of systemic crises and threats. The efficiency of the management of public authority institutions in internal and external policy is not only to improve the analytical tools to identify key social issues, but also the ability to form the institutional and civil mechanisms of preventive counteract against the disintegration of the political and economic environment of the state. But traditionally forecasts are significantly correlated with the realities of life and professional and volitional qualities of consumers of intellectual products in the field of management. Currently, a large number of analytical studies, prognostic versions of the future, futurological predictions from authoritative think-tanks perform not just their main prognostic function - an objective reflection of patterns of global and regional processes, but in most cases a multi-purpose product of political influence. Political analytics in public policy is a tool of public opinion formation (an artificial change of public attitudes, priorities, perceptions, expectations etc.) and implementation of some projections of the future or for world politics the most likely and expected models of situations development in high-risk areas. Analytical forecasts are often (have become) not only a means of pseudo scientific impact on society, with wide manipulative tools, using misinformation, “gray” technologies of the hidden influence on the individual and groups of individuals, hybrid types of information influence etc., but also behavioral models of national policy key actors. This is primarily due to political preconception and relations with different centers of force, wellknown expert-analytical agencies. Accordingly, analytical findings of many of them are entirely synthetic and designed in order to model, correlate and correct agenda and project the necessary previously ordered future efficiently. In early 2016 the global analytical and expert community, the leading "think tanks" began to provide us with own predictive versions of events development in the world both at global and regional levels. In many ways, the most influential models of the future differ from each other, and therefore need to build a more coherent and systematic view of the likely scenarios for the future. In addition, it is significant to emphasize that the complexity of forecasting and analytical activity caused by the intensity, dynamic processes and increase of the number of input data exponentially in the current development of the world. The justification of this is a methodological weakness of well-known world think-tanks in the matters of development of even shortterm forecasts on Syria, Ukraine migration processes, European Union, Mediterranean etc. This led to a serious debate in analytic community in the US and Western Europe on the revision of established strategies of information-analytical and expert activities. In particular, the results of the scenarios made by the most "think tanks" in the past year, according to our estimate, have come true with the coincidence of 40 per cent. Especially they reveal not always accurate forecasts regarding the situation deployment around the resolution of the conflict in Ukraine under the so-called "Minsk format", the resolution of the conflict in Syria under the so-called "Geneva format", critical and final phase of destabilization and destruction of the Russian Federation, significant decline in economic development and social explosions in the People's Republic of China, the stabilization of situation in the "Arab spring" zone, efficacy of international mechanisms and institutions in addressing global challenges (especially in the matters of war and peace) etc.
Polish Journal of Political Science; 2016, 2, 1; 6-18
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Political Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Generation Y consumer preferences and mobility choices – an empirical approach
Dewalska-Opitek, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Telematyki Transportu
generation Y
global trends
pokolenie Y
globalne trendy
Automotive industry has been undergoing significant alteration. Innovative technologies change vehicles toward fully autonomous ones, but also change mobility choices of consumers, offering on-demand rides and shared mobility services. Consumers have the power to determine automotive companies’ business models and strategies. The main interest of car manufacturers and mobility service providers is nowadays put on young consumers from generation Y, proficient with latest technology, digital media and electronic gadgets. Their preferences and mobility choices have been described in the paper on the basis of consumer survey conducted on 22 000 Millennials from 17 countries by Deloitte in 2016 and 2017.
Archives of Transport System Telematics; 2017, 10, 1; 17-23
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Transport System Telematics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The world economy in the XXI c.: will the XX c. trends persist?
Gomułka, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
global economic trends
centuries XX and XXI
The paper proposes a list of five „stylized facts”, regarded as the main trends with respect to the development of the global economy in the 20th c. The author’s main purpose is to answer the question whether, in the light of the contemporary growth theory and demographic forecasts, these trends are likely to continue unchanged also in the 21st c. Taking into account this theory and those forecasts, the paper offers forecasts of the average GDP per capita for both the countries of the Technology Frontier Area (TFA) and the catching-up countries. By these forecasts, the strong divergence trend of the last two centuries will be replaced by a strong convergence trend during the 21st c. Moreover, the global rate of growth of the per capita  GDP will continue to be high in the first half of the current century, but strongly declining in the second half.
Nauka; 2017, 1
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Il diritto all’istruzione nelle società interculturali. I giudici, i legislatori e il governo dei flussi migratori
The right to education in intercultural societies. The judges, the legislation and the govering of migratory flows
Tarzia, Antonello
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
migration law
global trends
migration in Italy
prawo migracyjne
tendencje globalne
migracja we Włoszech
Migration is one of the features of the modern world. It increases mainly in Europe. Italy is the country that is most exposed to immigrant influx. The subject of this study is to present issues related to migration waves in the legal and court perspective. A special part has been devoted to migration and its problems in Italy.
Migracja jest jednym ze zjawisk współczesnego świata, nasilającym się przede wszystkim w Europie. Krajem narażonym na największe przypływy imigrantów są Włochy. Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie zagadnień związanych z falami migracyjnymi oraz łączącymi się z tym zjawiskiem problemami prawnymi i sądowymi. Szczególna część artykułu została poświęcona migracji i jej problemom we Włoszech.
Journal of Modern Science; 2018, 36, 1; 113-123
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Global Economy in the 21st Century: Will the Trends of the 20th Century Continue?
Gomułka, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
global economic trends
20th and 21st centuries
This paper compares three lists of basic ‘stylized facts’ of global economic growth and proposes a list of five ‘stylized trends’ that describe the main developments of the global economy in the 20th century. The author’s main purpose is to answer the question whether, in the light of the contemporary growth theory and demographic forecasts, these trends are likely to continue in the 21st century. Considering this theory, it is argued that the global economy rate of growth of the per capita gross domestic product (GDP) is likely to continue to be high in the first half of the current century, but decline significantly in the second half. This paper offers forecasts for the average growth rates during this century, and the levels by its end, of the per capita GDP for the technology frontier area (TFA) of the world, and for the countries outside the TFA. According to these forecasts, the strong divergence trend of the 19th and 20th centuries will be replaced by a strong convergence between the TFA and the other countries during the 21st century.
Central European Economic Journal; 2017, 2, 49; 62 - 72
Pojawia się w:
Central European Economic Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trends in automotive emissions legislation: impact on LD engine development, fuels, lubricants, and test methods – a global view, with a focus on WLTP and RDE regulations – Summary of the 6th International Exhaust Emissions Symposium (IEES)
Bielaczyc, P.
Woodburn, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Silników Spalinowych
global trends of exhaust emissions
emissions standards
IC engines
test methods
fuel development
hybrid vehicles
electric vehicles
światowe trendy emisji spalin
standardy emisji
silniki spalinowe
rozwój paliw
pojazdy hybrydowe
pojazdy mechaniczne
Among the drivers influencing vehicular powertrain development, the field of vehicular exhaust emissions is experiencing wideranging and rapid changes. New emissions regulations such as Euro 6d and new test methods (RDE and WLTP) are the main challenges for the automotive industry caused by political, socioeconomic and technical factors. Air quality is very high on the political agenda and pressure remains to limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the road transport sector. In addition to limits becoming increasingly stringent, the list of parameters subject to legal limits are slowly expanding – and, most importantly, these limits must be met under a wide range of conditions. A range of strategies are available to overcome these difficulties, which was explored during the 6th International Exhaust Emissions Symposium (IEES) hosted at BOSMAL in June 2018. This paper reports and summarises the topics of the 6th IEES and attempts a synthesis on the current status of the field of IC engines, hybrid powertrains and electric vehicles and what the coming years may hold for the automotive and fuel industries and other allied fields.
Combustion Engines; 2018, 57, 3; 56-65
Pojawia się w:
Combustion Engines
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Global trends shaping life quality in agglomerations with particular emphasis on mobility in seaport agglomerations
Przybyłowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
mobility in seaport agglomerations
life quality
effect of urban development
urban mobility landscape
block-chain technology
global trends
coastal agglomerations
developing the port
The modern agglomerations development remains under the influence of current global trends: economic, environmental/climate, social, technological, geopolitical ones. At least six forces are expected to further disrupt the urban mobility landscape, especially coastal one. From self-driving vehicles and the sharing economy, to vehicle electrification, mobile computing, the Internet of Things and Block-chain technologies, each of these trends is quite significant on its own. The actions undertaken by city authorities aim at focusing citizens' attention on the need to improve air quality, decrease congestion in city’s main streets, invest in one’s health and physical condition, which increases the level of quality of life, and in turn provides the city with considerable economic benefits. The purpose of the paper is to explore global trends shaping life quality in coastal agglomerations with a special regard to sustainable mobility and to present the ISO 37120 - a tool allowing measurement, based on the indicators, of the cities resilience and performance.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2019, 13, 3; 615-620
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poland’s Economic Performance in Global and Long-term Perspective: Surprises so far and Risks in the Years Ahead
Gomułka, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
transition economies
Poland’s performance surprises
global growth trends
Polish policy risks
The paper is focused on economic and institutional developments in Poland during the last 30 years of transition from its centrally planned socialist economy to a market-based capitalist economy. The main purposes of the paper are three. One is to identify and explain the developments that were either surprising or specifically Polish. The second purpose is to note and explain the differences between the rate of growth of the Polish economy and that of the other emerging economies, in particular to explain ‘the green island’ phenomenon during the global financial crisis 2008-2009. The third purpose is to note and discuss the new risks that may prevent Poland to reduce further the development gap to technologically most advanced economies.
Central European Economic Journal; 2018, 5, 52; 109 - 117
Pojawia się w:
Central European Economic Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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