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„Globalna wojna z terrorem/długa wojna” – jej wpływ na ład społeczny XXI wieku
Global war on terror/long war – its influence on 21st century social order
Machnikowski, R. M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wojsk Lądowych imienia generała Tadeusza Kościuszki
wojna z terrorem/długa wojna
sytuacja geopolityczna
mocarstwa regionalne
inwigilacja i kontrola populacji
zaawansowana technologia
swobody obywatelskie
war on terror/long war
geopolitical situation
regional powers
surveillance and control of population
advanced technology
civil liberties
Autor zauważa, że okres „globalnej wojny z terrorem/długiej wojny” przyczynił się do istotnej transformacji geopolitycznej w skali całego globu, podwyższył ryzyko poddawania społeczeństw niczym nieograniczonej inwigilacji i kontroli dzięki ultranowoczesnym technologiom rozwiniętym na potrzeby zwalczania terrorystów oraz zaktywizował politycznie ludność muzułmańską zarówno w Europie, jak i świecie arabskim, co umożliwiło przeprowadzenie rebelii, które obaliły szereg dawnych reżimów w państwach Większego Bliskiego Wschodu.
The author claims that the “global war on terror/long war” resulted in the significant geopolitical transformation of the Globe, reducing the power of America in Europe and increasing its influence in the Greater Middle East region. In addition, it enhanced the risk of unlimited surveillance and control of the population not only by technologically advanced governments, but also by key “dotcom” corporations owing to anti-terrorist technological capabilities developed during this period. Furthermore, it activated the Muslim population, enabling it to carry out anti-government rebellions in some Muslim countries, and marginalized the influence of Islamists in the global umma.
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki; 2013, 1; 36-46
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe / Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych im. gen. T. Kościuszki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Nienawiści karmi nas pucharem”. Rozpad Jugosławii w latach 90. XX w. w imaginacjach geopolitycznych polskiej muzyki popularnej
„Hatred feeds us with a goblet”: the break-up of Yugoslavia in the 1990s in geopolitical imaginations of the Polish popular music
Macała, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
geopolitical imaginations
Polish pop music
Bosnia and Herzegovina
wyobrażenia geopolityczne
polska muzyka popularna
Bośnia i Hercegowina
The article focuses on the interference of Polish popular music and geopolitics after 1989. Songs selected from various trends of the Polish popular music made the source material of the text. The basic study method involved critical discourse analysis of the lyrics. The hierarchical East-West axis, which was also applied to the Balkans and Yugoslavia, was fundamental to Polish geopolitical perceptions. The musical image of Yugoslavia from the 1990s seemed repulsive with its strangeness and “Easternness”, which were proven by bloody wars and crimes in Bosnia and Kosovo. In the name of superiority of the Western world and geopolitical interests, musicians appealed to Western countries for military interventions in the former Yugoslavia. At the same time, they strengthened the direction towards the occidentalization of Poland as a condition for its security and development at the price of submission to the dominance of the West in the world and in Europe.
Artykuł skupia się na interferencjach polskiej muzyki popularnej oraz geopolityki po 1989 r. Bazę źródłową tekstu stanowiły wybrane piosenki z różnych nurtów polskiej muzyki popularnej. Podstawową metodą badawczą była krytyczna analiza dyskursu tekstów piosenek. Podstawowa dla polskich wyobrażeń geopolitycznych była hierarchiczna oś Wschód–Zachód, co odnoszono także do Bałkanów i Jugosławii. Muzyczny obraz Jugosławii z lat 90. XX w. odstręczał obcością, której dowodziły krwawe wojny i zbrodnie w Bośni oraz w Kosowie. W imię wyższości wartości świata zachodniego oraz interesów geopolitycznych muzycy apelowali do państw zachodnich o interwencje zbrojne w byłej Jugosławii. Przy tym wzmacniali kierunek na okcydentalizację Polski jako warunek jej bezpieczeństwa i rozwoju za cenę podporządkowania się dominacji Zachodu w świecie i w Europie.
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne; 2022, 73; 130-144
Pojawia się w:
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Przestrzenie sporne” – Joseph Partsch i Eugeniusz Romer o geografii Europy
“Contested spaces” – Joseph Partsch and Eugeniusz Romer on the geography of Europe
Potulski, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
przestrzenie sporne
socjologia wiedzy
Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia
Central and Eastern Europe
contested spaces
geopolitical imagination
sociology of knowledge
Polityka, jako działalność społeczna człowieka, jest silnie osadzona w przestrzeni. Współcześni badacze bardzo często podejmują w swoich analizach zagadnienie rywalizacji o przestrzeń i roli jaką pełni „wiedza geograficzna” w procesach „produkowania” i zawłaszczania przestrzeni w imię partykularnych interesów danej zbiorowości. Jest to jeden z kluczowych problemów badawczych, który przyczynił się do odrodzenia zainteresowania zagadnieniami politycznej rywalizacji o przestrzeń, o zawłaszczanie miejsc i kształtowanie ich krajobrazu oraz ich symbolicznej reprezentacji. Kategorie takie jak Mitteleuropa, czy też Międzymorze są konstruktami społeczno-politycznymi, które były wykorzystywane w budowaniu partykularnej wizji świata oraz w procesach politycznej rywalizacji o dominację.
Politics, as a human social activity, is strongly embedded in space. Contemporary researchers very often take up in their analyses the issue of competition for space and the role played by "geographical knowledge" in the processes of "production" and appropriation of space in the name of particular interests of a given community or state. It is one of the key research problems that have contributed to the revival of interest in the issues of political competition for space, the appropriation of places and the shaping of their landscape and symbolic representation. Categories such as Mitteleuropa, or the Intermarium, are socio-political (metageographical) constructs that have been used in the construction of a particular vision of the world and in processes of political competition for dominance.
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2021, 37; 38-57
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"Ruski mir" jako narzędzie rosyjskiej ekspansji geopolitycznej na terytorium Ukrainy
„Russkiy mir” as a tool of Russian geopolitical expansion on the territory of Ukraine
Delong, Marek
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
Ruski mir
ekspansja geopolityczna
Russkiy mir
geopolitical expansion
Federacja Rosyjska jest zainteresowana destabilizacją państw, które uznaje za swoją strefę wpływów. Dotyczy to w największym stopniu przestrzeni tzw. Świętej Rusi, czyli Ukrainy i Białorusi. Inspiruje więc działania mające na celu tzw. „wtórną nacjonalizację”, czego przykładem jest koncepcja „ruskiego miru” (Русский мир), która opiera się na integracji narodowo-kulturowej i historyczno-politycznej wspólnoty rosyjskojęzycznej. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie roli tej koncepcji w polityce Federacji Rosyjskiej wobec Ukrainy. „Ruski mir” stanowi narzędzie rosyjskiej ekspansji geopolitycznej na terytorium tego państwa, chociaż projekt stracił zdecydowanie na znaczeniu po nadaniu Cerkwi Ukraińskiej statusu autokefalicznego 6 stycznia 2019 roku. Realizacja koncepcji wiąże się dążeniem do odzyskania statusu imperium, opierając się na przekonaniu o odrębności rosyjskiego świata cywilizacyjnego i rosyjskiej duchowości, szczególnej mesjańskiej roli rosyjskiego prawosławia oraz prawie do ekspansji politycznej i kulturowej. Wpisuje się w to także prawo do zbrojnej interwencji humanitarnej w obronie „ruskiego miru”.
The Russian Federation is interested in destabilizing the states that it recognizes as its sphere of influence. This applies to the greatest extent to the so-called Holy Rus, that is, Ukraine and Belarus. So it inspires activities aimed at the so-called „Secondary nationalization”, as exemplified by the concept of „Russkiy mir”, which is based on the pursuit of national-cultural and historical-political integration of the Russian-speaking community. The purpose of this article is to show the role of this concept in the policy of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine. "Russkiy mir" is a tool of Russian geopolitical expansion on the territory of this country, although the project lost its significance after the autocephalous status of the Ukrainian Church was granted on January 6, 2019. The implementation of the concept is associated with the desire to regain the status of an empire, based on the conviction of the exclusivity of the Russian civilization and Russian spirituality, the special messianic role of Russian Orthodoxy, and the right to political and cultural expansionism. This also includes the right to armed humanitarian intervention in defense of the "Russian world".
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2020, 33; 50-64
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
«М’яка сила» як основа сучасної геополітичної стратегії
„Miękka siła” jako podstawa współczesnej strategii geopolitycznej
Горбатенко, Володимир
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe w Żytomierzu
geopolitical strategy,
«soft power»,
«hard power»,
«reasonable force»,
public diplomacy
The phenomenon of the “soft power” as one of the effective means of improving the efficiency of influence of the state has been considered. The attractiveness of the soft power, the arsenal of its instruments, such as economic projects supporting and new promising markets opening, questions of energy and food security, cooperation in the sphere of science and technology, cultural and humanitarian relations, has been analyzed. The attention is paid to the effectiveness of the public diplomacy, especially in the long-term perspective, importance of the particular country presence in the world media space, which is brightly seen in the terms of conflict or crisis situations. The examples of absence of the “soft power” explicit policy of Ukraine in the sphere of information and communication are adduced, and the evidence of that was coverage of events related to the Russian-Georgian war. The emphasis is made on the urgent need of intensifying of the “soft power” policy in Ukraine in conditions of inability of achieving success through the use of “hard power”. It has been proposed to use the “soft power” also for the purposes of internal policy and supplement of the communication model strategy “from government to government” by the means of new principle - “from country to country”, “from society to society”, “from region to region”, “from people to people”. The main approaches, which are the prerequisites for the formation of such policy, in particular the idea of a weak but steady influence; the concept of “cultural and ideological hegemony” and the idea of “ethical state”; the concept of power of T. Parsons; views of Ukrainian scientist Vyacheslav Lypynskiy, has been considered. The examples of the soft power in EU and France policies has been demonstrated; on the basis of analysis of the ‘soft power’ creation experience in Ukraine has been shown the main directions of its practical application.
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona; 2014, 4; 27-31
Pojawia się w:
Studia Politologica Ucraino-Polona
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
‘Path Dependence’: How Geopolitics and Culture Shape Divisions in Poland after the Fall of Communism
Morawski, Witold
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
historical institutionalism
structure and agency
two chains of cause and effect: geopolitical and cultural
configuration approach
I examine two long-wave processes, geopolitics and culture, which I consider to be the main causes for the fall of communism and the beginning of the transformation. As a result of the geopolitical situation-in the shape of communism’s multidimensional defeat by capitalism-the national culture was able to help society use the new geopolitical context successfully. I distinguish two sequences of cause and effect: The geopolitical one, in which the sequence begins with geopolitics treated as an independent variable and an element shaping all systems, which are treated as dependent variables, i.e., communism loses to capitalism downfall of the state, for instance, the ‘Round Table’ downfall of the central, planned economy (economic reform) ‘S’ as organized rebellion theWestern model; and the cultural sequence, which begins from culture treated as an independent variable and a factor shaping all systems, which are treated as dependent variables, i.e., community based on national, religious, traditional, and solidarity values ‘us’ against ‘them’ industrial workers and the Church hierarchy supporting gradual change the ruined work environment and civil society Christian Europe and Poland’s mission in East Central Europe. I do not absolutize either geopolitical or cultural explanations (these are tools). I am closest to a configuration approach, in which attention is concentrated on all the factors that could contribute with ‘equal strength’ to forming a ’virtuous circle’. It is a relational approach, neither determinist nor constructivist (voluntarist). Structures and agencies possess autonomous powers of causal influence. There is a dual constituting of the agency/actor and the structure/system.
Polish Sociological Review; 2014, 188, 4; 435-460
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Afryka w klasycznej i współczesnej myśli geopolitycznej
Africa in the classic and modern geopolitical thought
Klin, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Geopolitical thought
In the article Africa's position in the achievements of the main representatives' geopolitical thought has been described. In the period until 1945 considerations about this continent as an object of expansion were preferred, it was also emphasized Africa's little significance in the context of a lack of sufficient power on the global scale. An interesting exception has been created by Halford Mackinder, who called a major part of Africa "Southern Heartland" - a territory recognized as difficult to conquest and control by sea powers. In the modern geopolitical thought more attention has been paid to marginalization of Africa, what is a consequence of the lack of essential centres of power, economic weakness, and not completely formed separate African civilisation. Another considered aspect was the main lines dividing the continent. They coincide in the high degree with the common division into North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Forum Politologiczne; 2010, 10 - Przestrzeń i granice we współczesnej Afryce; 85-112
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza porównawcza wydarzeń 2005 i 2010 r. w Republice Kirgiskiej oraz Arabskiej Wiosny
A Comparative Analysis of the 2005 and 2010 Events in the Kyrgyz Republic and the Arab Spring
Subanov, Mirlan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Color revolutions
social protest
role of social networking services
geopolitical world map
kolorowe rewolucje
protest społeczny
rola sieci społecznościowych
geopolityczna mapa świata
The paper discusses the events that occurred in certain states which were named ‘revolutions’. The paper refers to the various factors that triggered those events and attempts to compare the events in Kyrgyzstan in 2005 and 2010 to those in the Arab countries.
W niniejszym artykule mowa o wydarzeniach w niektórych państwach świata, które zostały nazwane „rewolucjami”. Publikacja przytacza różne czynniki, które do nich doprowadziły i podejmuje próbę porównania wydarzeń 2005 i 2010 roku w Kirgistanie i krajach arabskich.
Przegląd Politologiczny; 2014, 1; 175-188
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Politologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessing the role of Brazil in the New World Order: a geopolitical study of Meridionalism and neo-Eurasianism
Morgado, Nuno
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
geopolitical studies, Meridionalism, neo-Eurasianism, realism, foreign policy
This article offers a perspective on the study of the connections between neo-Eurasianism and Meridionalism. Its main argument is that there exists a possible tendency of Meridionalism becoming an instrument of neo-Eurasianism – and by extension of Russian national interests – in Latin America. Although Russian interference in Brazil is not new, the bonds between Meridionalism and neo-Eurasianism may now assume a clearer than ever aspect in strategic terms between the two countries. It is also noteworthy that both those formulations came from academia.There is a particular logical inconsistency to be pointed out within Meridionalism: either an ideological purpose overcomes geostrategic goals or the opposite. In order to solve that problem, the article is structured in two parts: a short look at the Brazilian School of Geopolitics’ cores and the comparative analysis of Meridionalism and neo-Eurasianism.The theoretical and methodological framework is linked to the realist theoretical tradition (positivism), with a mixture of geopolitical studies approach and strategic planning framework. Geopolitical studies simply provide the tools to explain the Brazilian School of Geopolitics’ ideas and to identify geopolitical factors within the strategic plans. Together with strategic planning, the comparative analysis of Meridionalism and neo-Eurasianism, as strategic plans, is accomplished.ResumenEste artículo ofrece una perspectiva sobre el estudio de las conexiones entre el neo-eurasianismo y el meridionalismo. Su argumento principal se basa sobre una posible tendencia de que el meridionalismo se convierta en un instrumento del neo-eurasianismo – y por extensión de los intereses nacionales rusos – en América Latina. Aunque la interferencia rusa en Brasil no es nueva, los vínculos entre meridionalismo y neo-eurasianismo pueden ahora asumir un aspecto más claro en términos estratégicos entre los dos países como nunca antes. También cabe destacar que ambas formulaciones provienen de la academia.Hay una incoherencia lógica particular que debe señalarse en el meridionalismo: o bien el objetivo ideológico supera los objetivos geoestratégicos o bien lo contrario. Para resolver este problema, la estructura del artículo se compone de dos partes: una breve mirada a los núcleos de la Escuela Brasileña de Geopolítica y el análisis comparativo del meridionalismo y neo-eurasianismo.El marco teórico y metodológico está vinculado a la tradición teórica realista (positivismo), con una mezcla de enfoques de estudios geopolíticos y de la estructura de planificación estratégica. Los estudios geopolíticos facilitan las herramientas para explicar las ideas de la Escuela Brasileña de Geopolítica e identificar los factores geopolíticos dentro de los planes estratégicos. Junto con la planificación estratégica, se realiza el análisis comparativo del meridionalismo y neo-eurasianismo, como planes estratégicos.
Anuario Latinoamericano – Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales; 2017, 4
Pojawia się w:
Anuario Latinoamericano – Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the Attractiveness of Foreign Markets – A Case Study. Comparison of Armenia and Poland
Muradyan, Andranik
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
evaluation of foreign markets
assessment criteria
avoiding barriers
geopolitical and economic problems
From the international marketing point of view, it is important to assess the attractiveness of the target country that can be interesting to foreign investors. It is worth analyzing all the possible opportunities and threats that may arise in each geographic market. It is also needed to assess the country’s strengths and weaknesses and understand how these characteristic features can affect the company’s growth perspectives. Each country has a specific political environment, socio-demographic features, economic situation, technological conditions, cultural identity, unique natural environment and legal rules. At the same time, there are regional and global geopolitical tendencies, common political structures, common economic conventions and elements of global culture. The specificity of the above-mentioned factors shapes a unique business environment that affects marketing strategies of entities that are planning to internationalize. This article will present a proposal of several criteria for assessing the attractiveness of foreign markets. These criteria will be selected because of their reliability and acceptability by various global institutions. This method can be used to estimate attractiveness of every country, but only two of them have been chosen for this article. Based on these indicators, the attractiveness of the Armenian market will be compared to Poland’s attractiveness. The example of Poland in some areas because of its increasing attractiveness may be useful for Armenia and its government
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Markets; 2018, 2(8); 4-20
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Markets
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Baltic – Black Sea Area as a Geopolitical Reality: Does It Exist?
Obszar Mórz Bałtyckiego i Czarnego jako fakt geopolityczny: czy on w ogóle istnieje?
Doroshko, Mykola
Tsyrfa, Iuliia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Baltic Sea
Black Sea
Baltic – Black Sea Area
geopolitical reality
multilateral cooperation
Morze Bałtyckie
Morze Czarne
obszar mórz Bałtyckiego i Czarnego
rzeczywistość geopolityczna
współpraca wielostronna
As the social and political transformations observed in the modern world have recently made current the issue of formation of new geopolitical regions, the Baltic – Black Sea Area deserves particular attention because the geopolitical status of this junction territory still remains questionable. The geopolitical boundaries of the Baltic – Black Sea Area are constantly changing not only functionally, but also structurally, which is why it can be considered as a specific geopolitical formation located at the junction of the two geopolitical mega-regions of Western Europe and Northern Eurasia. This area is highly fragmented and still undergoing very painful political, cultural, and economic transformations. The power competition between Russia, NATO and the EU, as well as the region’s historical legacy have determined the path of its development. As a result, the Baltic – Black Sea Area does not have any system of political division or economic management, but close connections between the countries located there and many spheres of their common interest promote comprehensive cooperation and dialogue on a variety of issues. If their cooperation leads to multilateral relationships based on the principle of the sovereign equality of states which are trying to expand the scope of their collaboration and limit the scope of confrontation, they could organize a system of complementary elements which provide synergies and ensure the existence of the Baltic – Black Sea Area as a geopolitical reality.
Ponieważ przemiany społeczne i polityczne, jakie obserwujemy we współczesnym świecie, uaktualniły w ostatnim czasie kwestię powstawania nowych regionów geopolitycznych, obszar mórz Bałtyckiego i Czarnego zasługuje na szczególną uwagę, ponieważ status geopolityczny tego znajdującego się na rozdrożach obszaru jest wciąż dyskusyjny. Geopolityczne granice obszaru mórz Bałtyckiego i Czarnego nieustannie się zmieniają nie tylko funkcjonalnie, ale także strukturalnie: można więc uznać ten obszar za specyficzną formację geopolityczną, która znajduje się na styku dwóch geopolitycznych megaregionów – Europy Zachodniej i Północnej Eurazji. Obszar ten jest głęboko podzielony i nadal przechodzi bardzo bolesne przemiany polityczne, kulturowe i gospodarcze. Rywalizacja o władzę między Rosją, NATO i UE, a także dziedzictwo historyczne tego rejonu uwarunkowały ścieżkę jego rozwoju. W efekcie w obszarze mórz Bałtyckiego i Czarnego nie istnieje żaden system podziału politycznego czy zarządzania gospodarką, ale bliskie związki znajdujących się tam krajów i wiele obszarów wspólnych zainteresowań sprzyjają wszechstronnej współpracy i dialogowi w różnorakich kwestiach. Jeśli ich współpraca przybierze formę wielostronnych relacji opartych na zasadzie suwerennej równości państw, które starają się poszerzyć zakres współpracy i ograniczyć pole konfrontacji, państwa te będą w stanie stworzyć system komplementarnych elementów zapewniających efekt synergii, urzeczywistniając powstanie obszaru mórz Bałtyckiego i Czarnego stanowiących rzeczywisty byt geopolityczny.
Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne; 2021, 1; 107-136
Pojawia się w:
Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bulgaria’s geopolitical and geoeconomic reorientation (1989–2019)
Mihaylov, Valentin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Instytut Geografii
European Union
geopolitical reorientation
energy geopolitics
Until the late 1980s and the dawn of the end of the Eastern Bloc, communist Bulgaria was considered to be the closest ally of the Soviet Union. Now, 30 years later, the Bulgarian state has been integrated into the main Euro-Atlantic organisations. Taking these radical changes as its starting point, this article outlines the process and consequences of post-1989 geopolitical and geoeconomic reorientation of Bulgaria. The aim was also to present the main geopolitical challenges in Bulgaria’s relations with Russia and Turkey. These states have been influencing the political, economic and cultural development of Bulgaria for centuries. The effects of their influence have remained problematic to this day. As Bulgaria remains a country with a complex geopolitical position, it continues its twentieth-century strategy and tries to maintain balance between its own national interest and the influence of the main centres of power. The author draws particular attention to the fact that the model based on the variability of geopolitical priorities was once again confirmed in the analysed period. This model is not only based on pragmatism in relations with the outside world, which is traditional for the Bulgarian political elite, but is also dependant on the temporary distribution of power within the Balkan geopolitical knot. It seems that the model will continue to be valid, at least in the near future.
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society; 2019, 9, 4; 12-23
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Geography, Politics and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changing the character of proxy warfare and its consequences for geopolitical relationships
Ivanov, Zoran
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
Proxy force
technologic empowerment
political relationships
geopolitical environment
The main purpose of the article is to examine the causal relationship between key elements of the geostrategic environment (i.e. political, military, and technological) and the changes in the characteristics of proxy force. Qualitative data analysis is used to identify the geopolitical environment conditions, actors, and their relationship. The causal analysis between key elements of the geopolitical environment, such as politics, military, and technological, therefore influences how proxy forces change character. The findings imply that the contemporary geopolitical environment is changing the character of the proxies. They can be used as multipurpose forces depending on the desired strategic outcome. The results advocate that proxies have a global reach beyond the traditional battlefield. These capabilities allow proxies to be used in a wide range of political, economic, and military activities, especially in peacetime, and, therefore, influencing, changing, and damaging the state’s mutual relationships. Despite differences between several theoretical perspectives of security theories, many concur on the low desirability of proxy force. The changing characteristics of proxy war allow state and non-state actors to wage war with a minimal use of force, or none at all, beyond the traditional battlefield. Political violence demonstrated through proxy force to fulfil foreign policy goals has become even more violent. In such action, disregarding the sustainable strategic goal can easily damage the state’s international relations and threaten international and regional stability. The overall findings show the urgency for a more holistic approach in the analysis of proxy warfare as part of security studies and military operations.
Security and Defence Quarterly; 2020, 31, 4; 37-51
Pojawia się w:
Security and Defence Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
China in the Geopolitical Imaginations of the Polish Pop Music after 1989
Macała, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
geopolitical imaginations
critical geopolitics
popular geopolitics
popular music
This paper focuses on the issue of geopolitics in the pop culture interpretation as illustrated by the Polish pop music after the year 1989. Songs selected from various trends of the Polish popular music made the source material of the text. The primary study method involved the analysis of the lyrics discourse. The Polish geopolitical imaginations used to revolve around the basis axis of better West and worse East, symbolized mainly by Russia, but its image was transferred over entire Asia. Asia, including China, was scarcely present in the geopolitical imaginations contained in the pop music, which, at the same time, reflected the irrelevant interest of Polish elites in global problems. The discourses in the musical texts about China frequently adopted the West’s perspective, where Poland made part of as seen by our elites. The rhetoric strategy concerning China in popular music featured two essential views, which references Orientalism as specified by E. Said. It explains the frequent use of the postcolonial discourse by the Polish elites, also the music ones, which promoted the supremacy of the West over the rest of the world and the universal nature of the Western world values which were meant to be implemented into other civilizations and nations for their own sake. China was presented as a growing threat for the dominance of the West, the USA in the first place, as an alternative model of globalization and international deal putting offthe world by its cultural and geopolitical alienation, as well as indicating negative effects for Poland.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2020, 4 (49); 37-47
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Constructing and Crossing Boundaries in a New (?) Europe
Nagy, Erika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
geopolitical discourse
During the last two decades, discourses over the transition process shifted toward a theoretical diversity and a deeper understanding of ‘how modernity was reworked in postsocialist context’. It was widely argued that changing social relations were shaped not only by norms and institutions of Neoliberal capitalism, but also by established networks, institutional and regulatory structures and actors that/who gave diverse responses to the profound and thorough transformation of the society. This paper aims at understanding how geopolitical discourses over the Balkan and its place in the ‘new Europe’ shaped social relations and produced daily practices nested into those webs, through the perception and interpretations of post-socialist transformation by Hungarian migrants who left the war-hit Yugoslavia.
European Spatial Research and Policy; 2009, 16, 2
Pojawia się w:
European Spatial Research and Policy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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