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Personification of genius loci – innovations on the base of geographical identity
Lidin, Konstantin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
genius loci
Innovative development of a place is necessary associated with the individual positioning of the place. Europe consists of more than 100 thousand competing territorial units, which need to attract the potential consumers by means of creating a bright and actual image. Without having the unique, characteristic image, a potentially attractive place can remain unnoticed on the enormous European location market.The objective of this research is improving our understanding of a place image and its influence on competitiveness of the location. Over the last decades, the emotional essence of place image has made considerable impact on economic and demographic development of places. This project will allow us to study quantitatively the increasing value of a place image as determinative of its appeal. Our project, thus, aspires to improve measurements of features of a place image for the purpose of management on the level of location attractiveness.The research into and expression of geographical identity of a place is convenient to carry out, using the image of a Dragon as the personification of «genius loci». The methodology is confirmed on the example of a number of cities in the southeast area of Bulgaria.
Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego; 2012, 20; 33-39
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Can we educate a genius? Deliberations on the margins of the writings of Nietzsche
Katarzyna, Gurczyńska-Sady,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
a genius
The article deals with the issue of systemic education. The author asks a classic question of whether traditional education systems should concentrate on students with average abilities or maybe they should foster the most talented ones. Considerations on this subject are conducted with regard to the multi-layered thought of Nietzsche, whose position is so invaluable that in a possible polemic it is situated as an exceptionally radical. Writing down the natural history of mankind, Nietzsche formulates a thesis that the moment of the creation of the first human communities, the moment of the socialisation of man, was extremely unfavourable as far as man’s strength, ability and creativity are concerned. He presents socialisation, which is part of the education process, as beneficial for the community and detrimental to the individual. This situation in the course of history remains the same, which – after the adoption of Nietzschean assumptions – gives cause to adopt a radical position of those who deem the education system unfit to foster outstanding individuals. Nietzsche’s view, in comparison with other views, is so innovative that it considers the inability as genealogically founded. Although the educational system from the point of view of the majority contributes to the emergence of new content, ideas or values, it remains inefficient for individuals of genius.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2017, 62(1 (243)); 149-160
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Identyfikacja Genius Loci - krok w stronę piekna
Identification of Genius Loci as a step towards the beauty of landscape
Pożarowszczyk, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Instytut Metropolitalny
Genius Loci,
duch miejsca
W artykule przedstawiona została autorska metodologia identyfikacji charakteru miejsca oparta na fenomenologicznej interpretacji kategorii Genius Loci, która mogłaby funkcjonować jako rozszerzenie aparatu analitycznego planisty. Niniejszy artykuł traktuje o kwestiach związanych z identyfikacją wartości przestrzennych krajobrazu miasta w celu uzyskania możliwie pełnego ich repertuaru. W konsekwencji identyfikacja ta pozwala określić ducha miejsca –Genius Loci. Projektowanie zgodne z duchem, charakterem miejsca to krok w stronę piękna. Niniejsza propozycja jest próbą instrumentalizacji pojęcia Genius Loci i pozamaterialnych wartości przestrzennych w celu budowania ładu przestrzennego przez stosowanie tej metody w praktyce planistycznej.
Identification of the values and the issue of hierarchy of values are important elements in making decisions about the direction of spatial development. Developing a space evaluation model may prove to be helpful in planning and designing at various levels of detailed studies. It can be used as a universal tool. Among the many factors that have an impact on spatial development, an evaluable system determines the strategic choices. The increased awareness makes it necessary to provide a dynamic value description for objects and to prepare an analysis of the potential values and the role of an object in society. To develop a general spatial evaluation system it is important to undertake a detailed analysis and an identification of the values. It is important to recognize all possible values: without prioritizing them or leaving out those arbitrarily less important ones. The system of issuing ratings should require a comparison with description of other objects of the same kind. It is necessary to make a correct classification of objects. Moreover, multi-scale assessments are needed. Ratings should be adapted to the specifics of class and level of details for the criteria, depending on experience and the needs deriving from the properties of the class. The method indicates spatial units based on selected features and compares them in order to define and value the place’s character. The value and immaterial problem identification is an important step towards development. The method can be used to plan, arrange, create and revitalize space successfully
Metropolitan. Przegląd Naukowy; 2014, 1(1)
Pojawia się w:
Metropolitan. Przegląd Naukowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Il Genius Loci nell’era della globalizzazione
Genius Loci in the era of globalization
Zingone, Luigi
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Genius Loci
globalized society
In a globalized society a single identity is no longer verifiable, as happened in the Middle Ages, but as many identities as the cultural and social forms that can be found in communities.From the considerations above reported, it would seem not only to have produced a profound rupture between past and present, but also that the meaning of the Genius Loci can be relegated to a historical and not an actual concept.In the writer’s opinion, the Genius Loci simply experiments with yet another change not very dissimilar to the many that we have been witnessing from the Roman era to the more recent one. This research claims to establish if: i) it is possible to enhance localization, meant as the spirit of the place, through internationalization; ii) there is a relationship between the spirit of the Genius Loci and the corporate strategies of internationalization in the era of globalization.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2019, 18, 2; 37-49
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„... in jeder Zeile von Shakespeare handeln“ – Zur Problematik des fiktionalisierten ‚Genies‘. Ein Vergleich zwischen Johann Gottfried Herders Shakespeare-Aufsatz (1773) und Egon Friedells Shakespeare-Essay (1911)
„... in every line facing up to Shakespeare“ – On the difficulty of the fictionalized ‘genius’. Johann Gottfried Herder’s essay about Shakespeare (1773) as compared to Egon Friedell’s essay about Shakespeare (1911)
Porath, Mike
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Der Begriff ‚Genie‘ verleitet zur Fiktionalisierung derjenigen Person, die für ein ‚Genie‘ gehalten wird. Dadurch kann häufig nicht mehr zwischen ‚Dichtung und Wahrheit‘ unterschieden werden. ‚Genie‘ fungiert daher besonders in der Literatur als Instrument, jemanden von einer bestimmten Idee zu überzeugen. Dieses Denkmuster von ‚Genie‘ ist seit dem 18. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart prägend. Ein prägnantes Beispiel dafür ist der englische Dichter William Shakespeare, der sowohl in Herders (1773) als auch in Friedells (1911) Shakespeare-Essay im Sinne einer Idealisierung und Stilisierung oder Zeitkritik als ‚Genie‘ fiktionalisiert wird. Herder benutzt Shakespeare für sein poetologisches Programm im Sturm und Drang zur Herausstellung eines neuen, progressiven Dichtertypus. Friedell versucht, anhand von Shakespeare ein ganzes Zeitalter im Kontrast zu seiner Gegenwart zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zu exemplifizieren.
The term ‘genius’ induces to fictionalize the special person, who is considered to be a ‘genius’. As a consequence, it is often difficult to distinguish between fiction and truth. Therefore ‘genius’ is often used as a tool to convince somebody of a specific idea in literature. This thought pattern of ‘genius’ is formative since the 1700s until today. In these premises the English poet William Shakespeare is an incisive example: he is fictionalized as a ‘genius’ for the purpose of idealization and stylization or to analyze contemporary issues in Herder’s (1773) and Friedell’s (1911) essays about Shakespeare. Herder utilizes Shakespeare for his poetological scheme to underscore a new and progressive type of poet in the epoch of Sturm und Drang. Friedell tries to exemplify by reference to Shakespeare an entire era in contradistinction to his present age at the beginning of the 20th century.
Pojęcie ‘geniusza’ zachęca do fikcjonalizowania osób uważanych za ‘geniuszy’, wskutek czego trudno często odgraniczać między ‘zmyśleniem i prawdą’. ‘Geniusz’ funkcjonuje zatem szczególnie w literaturze jako instrument służący do przekonywania innych do określonych idei. Ten wzorzec myślowy dotyczący ‘geniusza’ dominuje od XVIII wieku do dzisiaj, czego najbardziej wyrazistym przykładem jest angielski twórca William Shakespeare, który zarówno w eseju Herdera (1773), jak i Friedella (1911) fikcjonalizowany jest w sensie idealizowania go bądź stylizacji na ‘geniusza’. Herder wykorzystuje Szekspira dla ukonstytuowania swojego programu literackiego w epoce ‘burzy i naporu’ do ukazania nowego, postępowego poety. Friedell próbuje poprzez postać Szekspira egzemplifikować nową epokę w kontraście do współczesnych mu czasów początku XX wieku.
Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia; 2019, 28; 83-100
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Germanica Stetinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
How Do You Picture a Genius? Children’s Images of Outstanding People
Łukasiewicz-Wieleba, Joanna
Baum, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
childhood imaginations
outstanding people
projection method
The aim of the research is to investigate children’s ideas about outstanding people (geniuses). Three research questions were posed to 38 children aged 8–9 years: How do children imagine a genius? What gender do they identify with a genius? and What are the emotions of the genius they imagine? The research used the projection method, in which the children were asked to draw a genius and to add a description to the drawing. Qualitative analysis was conducted on the results; the codes and categories appearing in the drawings and descriptions were identified. The research showed that children envision geniuses as both men and women (women although less frequently); in one case, it was said that a genius is everyone. Most often they were seen as scientists, but athletes, historical figures, characters from fairy tale or advertisements, or ordinary real people were described as well. The characters drawn by the children were mostly positive: attractive, elegant, and active. Only a few features testified to negative emotions accompanying the idea of a genius: being ridiculed, helpless, or disliked. The children’s conceptions of geniuses indicated that they are people (not traits) who stand out from others with their actions, appearance, and achievements and are more likely to be a man. These findings require further investigation, particularly in the context of creating labels and stereotypes about above-average people and the outstanding capabilities of women and men.
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education; 2022, 11, 2 (22); 27-48
Pojawia się w:
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Genius loci Pragi jako katalizator odrodzenia kultury miejsca
Genius Loci of Warsaw District Praga as a Catalyst of the Renewal of Culture of Place
Jarecka-Bidzińska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
warszawska Praga
genius loci miejsca
duch miejsca
Warsaw Praga
genius loci
a spirit of place
Celem rozważań jest zwrócenie uwagi na współczesne zjawisko odrodzenia kultury na warszawskiej Pradze w oparciu o zjawisko powstawania „dzielnicy artystycznej”. Zastosowano metody badań niezbędne dla zrozumienia problemu naukowego. Zmiany zachodzące na warszawskiej Pradze, niegdyś dzielnicy kojarzonej wyłącznie z przestępczością i biedą, bezpośrednio bądź pośrednio powiązane są z autentyczną tkaną miejską i lokalnymi tradycjami. Ten unikatowy „praski klimat” spowodował powstanie nowych współczesnych środowisk społecznych – neo-bohemy. Stworzenie przestrzeni, która nie zakłóci charakteru Pragi zwanego potocznie „praskim klimatem”, to nowe zadania dla architektów i urbanistów. W artykule autorka wykazała, iż kluczem do zrozumienia genius loci Pragi stanowi nie tylko świadomość autentyczności architektury, ale również lokalnej społeczności, jej potrzeb, patriotyzmu, hartu ducha, dążeń i niezaprzeczalnego potencjału. Materiał będący wynikiem badań jest wyjściowy dla dalszych opracowań, zakłada się jego rozpowszechnianie wśród projektantów, inwestorów, artystów związanych z warszawską Pragą.
The aim of considerations is to draw attention to the modern phenomenon of cultural Renaissance in Warsaw Praga District on the basis of the phenomenon of “art district”. The author applied the research methods necessary for understanding the scientifi c problem. The changes taking place in Praga, a former district being associated exclusively with crime and poverty, directly or indirectly are related to the authentic structure of municipal and local traditions. This unique “Praga climate” caused the emergence of new contemporary social environments - neo-bohemian. Creating a space that does not disturb the character of Praga, commonly referred to as “Praga atmosphere”, is a new task for architects and urban planners. In the article, the author showed that the key to understanding the “genius loci” of Praga is not only awareness of the authenticity of the architecture, but also the local community, its needs, patriotism, fortitude, aspirations, and undeniable potential. The material resulting from the research is a starting point for further studies, assumed its spread among designers, investors, and artists associated with Warsaw Praga.
Kwartalnik Naukowy Uczelni Vistula; 2016, 4(50); 48-61
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Naukowy Uczelni Vistula
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biographical narrative in the novel “Measuring the World” by Daniel Kehlmann
egela, Ivan
Mehela, Kateryna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
scientific knowledge
The article studies the problem of biographical narrative in the novel «Measuring the World» by Austrian writer Daniel Kelman. The purpose of the research is to consider genre features of the work, to determine its literary structure, the narrative system in the context of postmodernist Austrian prose, and, in particular, the «magic realism» in Latin American literature; to illustrate how the ironic reinterpretation of traditional forms and postmodern play with mass literature cliches, the combination of an exciting plot and deep philosophical problems allow the writer to carry out the process of decoding, on account of the fact that each reader interprets the text in their own way, subject to their knowledge and worldview. Portraying the fate of two German science geniuses of the 19th century, the prominent mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss and the outstanding naturalist Alexander Humboldt, the Austrian writer depicts two different world views: the theoretical, presented by Gauss, and the practical, introduced by Humboldt. Two different personalities, two different characters are associated with the metaphor «Measuring the world.» It is argued that the combination of two plot lines is something more than just a compositional technique that refers to the peculiar biocentrism on which the entire narrative is based. To achieve the research aim, the following methods are used: biographical, culture-historical, contextual, comparative typological, structural and functional, psychoanalytic. Based upon the analysis, the following results are obtained: it is concluded that the novel «Measuring the world» is one of the most successful German-language novels of recent decades, a striking example of an effective combination of the Austrian literary and artistic tradition with the achievements of the Latin American novel. Subsequently, we have a complex intertexture with ambiguous imagery relative to the contemporary patterns in Austrian prose with regard to the renovation of literary language and the transformation of genre forms.
Journal of Modern Science; 2019, 43, 4; 59-72
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dialectics of the Genius
Popek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
the genius
human possibilities
meaning of life
A man tirelessly looks for answers to numerous questions about deep ontological problems concerning the meaning of life, fundamental reasons or the last things. The aim of the article is to build a theoretical base, on the basis of which one will have opportunity to ask yet further questions, which are relevant in relation to human existence especially for philosophers. The genius requires a huge commitment to get to it. It also involves an internal declaration of continuous self-improvement. Contrary to the philosophers of the era of modernism, I believe that to a greater or lesser extent, every person can potentially be genuine and great. After all in the mechanism and in the specific rhythm of tape improvement of the product as well as in the fiery ideas contemplated by the people of philosophy and art we can find passion for life and creativity People as such do not live in strictly defined internal boundaries and therefore they can constantly develop. If a wider group of philosophers can be interested in the concept of philosophy which is open to current human problems, interested primarily in other people (also in the sense of their huge diversity), then the goal of this essay will eventually be achieved. From the perspective of the possibility of a sense of job satisfaction it does not matter whether someone cooks well or paints beautifully. Everybody can equally develop in the essential sense of self-improvement. The scientific aspirations of the approach to this philosophical problem are fortunately unable to hide the values of human work in general, and especially the work done on oneself, overcoming one's own prejudices and going beyond the previously established conventions. It is only the acquisition of the ability to play freely with what is given to an existence that gives a man the chance to free himself from the shackles of restrictions existing on many levels of culture, religion or art.
IDEA. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych; 2018, 30/2; 115-136
Pojawia się w:
IDEA. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Wyjechałem w inny świat”. Miron Białoszewski w przestrzeni uzdrowiska („Zawał”, „Konstancin”, „Listy do Eumenid”)
“I left for a different world”. Miron Białoszewski in a health resort (“The Heart Attack”, “Konstancin”, “The Letters to Eumenides”)
Miernecka, Martyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
literary space
genius loci
autobiographical place
The article presents the way of domesticating the space of the health resort and hospital in three works of Miron Białoszewski: The Heart Attack, Konstancin and The Letters to Eumenides. The illness – in 1974 first and then in theyear 1983, second heartattack – forces thewriterto stay consecutively in unfamiliar health resorts, and at the same time it opens a new stage in his life and work. Following the assumptions of geopoetics that the way of seeing space is associated with the activity and the perception of the entity, as well as taking into account the causative role of the places, I analyze the changes occurring in Białoszewski’s health resort texts. I further present the stages of constructing the “self” and demonstrate the importance of space of the health resort and hospital in each of the stages. 
Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze; 2018, 12; 213-228
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nabokov o Gogolu - od fascynacji ku krytyce
Набоков О Гоголе - между увлечением и критикой
Grygiel, Monika
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
[В статье представлены взгляды В. Набокова на жизнь и творчество Н. Гоголя, которым писатель безусловно увлекался. Набоков, подчеркивая сверхъестественность литературного таланта Гоголя, одновременно отрицает его религиозность. Критически относится к проповедничеству и дидактизму, считая автора Мертвых душ ханжой и сумасшедшим человеком. Посредством новаторской интерпретации выбранных произведений Гоголя Набоков убеждает в его связи с потусторонностью. Гоголь-писатель это гений, но Гоголь-человек это заурядное существо.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2009, 57, 7; 85-95
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Raccontare per ricostruire. Su alcuni aspetti della recente prosa urbanistica polacca
Recount to rebuild: on some aspects of the recent Polish urban prose
Prola, Dario
Data publikacji:
Associazione Italiana Polonisti (AIP)
Urban literature
Genius loci
Polish literature after 1989
The article focuses on some aspects of city space in novels and tales of Polish writers (Huelle, Chwin, Kowalewski, Krajewski) debuting at the end of the 1980s. The works analyzed can be included in the typological category of so-called urban prose (proza urbanistyczna) since architectural background is strongly emphasized in their literary world in order to achieve maximum spatial realism through the detailed description of specific places. The article aims to define how the literary description of cities that have become part of the Polish state since World War II follows a broader project of historical-cultural roots and city genius reconstruction.
Źródło: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi; 2017, 8; 129-143
Pojawia się w: / rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geniusz i padaczka
Genius and epilepsy
Motta, Ewa
Kazibutowska, Zofia
Gołba, Anna
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
van Gogh
Introduction: In 1896, in his work The Man of Genius, Lombroso presented a daring concept about key role of epilepsy in genesis of human genius. Aim of paper: The aim of this paper is to present the history of lives of some outstanding men and women afflicted by epilepsy and controversies associated with this diagnosis. Discussion: Mahomet most probably suffered partial seizures since his 4th decade and his visions were subsequently denoted by his followers. Some authors believe, that the heroic Jeanne d’Arc had epileptic seizures caused by an intracranial tuberculoma. A brain tumor might have been a cause of Julius Caesar’s epilepsy. Dostoyevsky had secondarily generalized seizures with ecstatic aura and used his epilepsy-associated experiences in his literary works. Personages of his books The Brothers Karamazov and The Idiot also suffered epilepsy. Based on an analysis of Dostoyevsky case, Freud suggested a neurotic background for his condition. Retrospective attempts at determining the nature of van Gogh’s illness include a dozen or so different diagnoses, of which epilepsy seems the most probable. Descriptions of partial complex seizures may be found in many letters by van Gogh to his brother Theo and are also reported by the artist’s doctor. Antiepileptic drugs available then and implemented by van Gogh (potassium bromide and digitalis) might have had an impact on his artistic output. Digitalis side-effects leading to visual disturbances are illustrated by his works Starry Night and Night Café. Flaubert, who suffered three types of epileptic seizures (partial simple, partial complex and secondary generalized), was considered by Sartre a hysteric. Flaubert’s epilepsy was probably caused by a congenital vascular malformation in the occipital lobe, which probably caused his death too.
Wprowadzenie: W 1896 r. Lombroso w swoim dziele Człowiek – geniusz przedstawił śmiałą teorię o kluczowej roli padaczki w genezie geniuszu. Cel: Celem pracy jest przedstawienie historii niektórych wielkich ludzi chorujących na padaczkę oraz kontrowersji związanych z rozpoznaniem u nich tej choroby. Omówienie: Mahomet miał najpewniej napady częściowe złożone od 40. r.ż., a opisywane przez niego wizje były odnotowywane również przez jego zwolenników. Uważa się, że u bohaterskiej Joanny d’Arc występowały napady padaczkowe jako konsekwencja gruźliczaka mózgu. Guz mózgu mógł być przyczyną padaczki również Juliusza Cezara. Z kolei Dostojewski, mający napady wtórnie uogólnione z ekstatyczną aurą, wykorzystywał swoje doświadczenia związane z chorobą w twórczości literackiej. Bohaterowie jego książek Bracia Karamazow i Idiota także cierpią na padaczkę. Analizując przypadek Dostojewskiego, Freud sugerował tło nerwicowe choroby. Retrospektywne próby ustalenia, na co chorował van Gogh, obejmują kilkanaście rozpoznań, z których padaczka wydaje się najbardziej prawdopodobna. Opisy napadów częściowych złożonych van Gogha znane są z jego licznych listów do brata Thea, a także z relacji lekarza artysty. Stosowane przez van Gogha ówczesne leki przeciwpadaczkowe (bromek potasu i naparstnica) miały wpływ na jego twórczość artystyczną. Niepożądane działanie naparstnicy powodujące zaburzenia widzenia znalazło swój wyraz w dziełach Gwiaździsta noc i Nocna kawiarnia. Flauberta, który miał aż trzy rodzaje napadów (częściowe proste, częściowe złożone i wtórnie uogólnione), Sartre uważał za histeryka. Przyczyną napadów Flauberta była najpewniej wrodzona malformacja naczyniowa okolicy potylicznej, która najprawdopodobniej doprowadziła również do jego śmierci.
Aktualności Neurologiczne; 2010, 10, 4; 190-193
Pojawia się w:
Aktualności Neurologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kto to jest geniusz? Kulturowe historie Słowackiego i Mickiewicza po odzyskaniu niepodległości
Kuciński, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
literary criticism
In the present article, the author examines the category of the genius on pre-war period’s journalistic material. After regaining independence, the roles of Mickiewicz, Słowacki and the entire group of the Romanticism and its culture was transformed. Conservative criticism, hung between affirmation of Mickiewicz and the tradition of Słowacki, was trying to clarify the phenomenon and the real need of almost mythical forms like genius and national hero in the national culture.
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy; 2019, 6; 311-338
Pojawia się w:
Załącznik Kulturoznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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