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Czy zasadne jest przełamanie monopolu państwowego w sferze monetarnej?
Is breaking of the state monopoly in the monetary area reasonable?
Marszałek, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Bank centralny
System pieniężny
Wolna bankowość
Central banking
Free banking
Monetary systems
W kontekście krytyki istniejących rozwiązań w zakresie organizacji i funkcjonowania współczesnych systemów pieniężnych w literaturze rozważa się rozmaite koncepcje systemów pieniężnych, w tym również takie, które postulują odejście od monopolu państwa w sferze monetarnej. Przedmiotem artykułu jest jeden z takich nurtów, a mianowicie tzw. wolna bankowość (free banking). Celem artykułu jest analiza pozytywnych i negatywnych aspektów współczesnej wolnej bankowości oraz próba oceny, czy przejście do tego rozwiązania byłoby zasadne. Dążąc do realizacji celu, przybliżono typy i cechy współczesnych koncepcji free banking oraz przesłanki ich sformułowania. Następnie zaprezentowano argumenty za wolną bankowością, a w dalszej kolejności – uwagi krytyczne pod jej adresem.
In the context of critique of contemporary monetary systems, the literature examines the various alternatives, including those which postulates moving away from the state monopoly in the monetary domain. The subject of the paper is one of such streams, namely the so-called free banking. The purpose of the article is to analyze the positive and negative aspects of contemporary free banking and to assess whether the transition to this solution would be reasonable. In pursuit of the goal, the types and characteristics of contemporary free banking concepts and the terms for their formulation were characterized. Then arguments for free banking were presented, followed by critical comments on this concept.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2018, 349; 144-152
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bankowość w wykładach Juliana Dunajewskiego
Banking in the lectures of Julian Dunajewski
Rapka, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Julian Dunajewski
wolna bankowość
polska myśl ekonomiczna
szkoła austriacka
free banking
Polish economic thought
Austrian school of economic
Julian Dunajewski był polskim ekonomistą i ministrem skarbu Austro-Węgier w drugiej połowie XIX w. Wykładał również na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w Krakowie oraz na Uniwersytecie Lwowskim. Niestety pisał niewiele i jego myśl ekonomiczna jest znana głównie ze skryptów z lat 70. XIX w. Zawarte są w nich omówienie kwestii funkcjonowania banków i sektora bankowego, a także przemyślenia Dunajewskiego o konsekwencjach gospodarczych funkcjonowania nieregulowanego sektora bankowego, gdzie banki mogą dowolnie emitować banknoty. W tekście przedstawiono i przeanalizowano poglądy Juliana Dunajewskiego dotyczące funkcjonowania sektora bankowego oraz skutków braku regulacji kreacji pieniądza bankowego. Dunajewski twierdził, że nieuregulowana kreacja pieniądza przez banki komercyjne jest przyczyną cykli koniunkturalnych i spadku wartości pieniądza. Jego poglądy na wolną bankowość zostały porównane z poglądami współczesnych zwolenników wolnej bankowości oraz ekonomistów szkoły austriackiej. Analiza porównawcza ukazuje podobieństwa poglądów ekonomistów szkoły austriackiej i Juliana Dunajewskiego na konsekwencje emisji pieniądza przez banki komercyjne. Zarówno według szkoły austriackiej, jak i Dunajewskiego nadmierny kredyt bankowy odpowiada za cykle koniunkturalne oraz udzielanie kredytu niewłaściwym przedsiębiorcom.
Julian Dunajewski was a Polish economist and Minister of the Treasury of Austria-Hungary in the second half of the XIX century. He also lectured at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow and at the University of Lviv. Unfortunately, he wrote little and his economic thought is known mainly from scripts from the 1870s. These include a discussion of the functioning of banks and the banking sector, as well as Dunajewski's thoughts on the economic consequences of an unregulated banking sector, where banks are free to issue banknotes. The text presents and analyses Julian Dunajewski's views on the functioning of the banking sector and the consequences of unregulated bank money creation. Dunajewski argued that the unregulated creation of money by commercial banks is the cause of business cycles and the decline in the value of money. His views on free banking were compared with the views of contemporary free banking advocates and economists of the Austrian school. The comparative analysis shows the similarities between the views of economists of the Austrian school and Julian Dunajewski on the consequences of money emission by commercial banks. According to both the Austrian school and Dunajewski, excessive bank credit is responsible for business cycles and the granting of credit to the wrong entrepreneurs.
Academic Review of Business and Economics; 2021, 1(1); 92-108
Pojawia się w:
Academic Review of Business and Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasady funkcjonowania bankowości bezodsetkowej w islamie i jej wpływ na życie wspólnoty muzułmańskiej
The Rules of Functioning of the Interest-Free Banking in Islam and its Impact on the Lives of Muslim Community
Kaczmarczyk, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Księży Werbistów Verbinum
bankowość bezodsetkowa
solidarność społeczna
przejrzystość finansowa
Interest Free Banking
social solidarity
financial transparency
Kształt bezodsetkowej bankowości w islamie wywodzi się z rozważań religijnych oraz źródeł prawa, jakimi są Koran, szariat oraz sunna. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie warunków funkcjonowania bankowości muzułmańskiej w świetle zakazów stosowania oprocentowania, co domaga się niejednokrotnie dość elastycznej interpretacji rygorystycznych pryncypiów prawa muzułmańskiego i kształtuje strukturę oferowanych przez banki produktów oraz ich specyficzną konstrukcję. Niemniej jednak z uwagi na fakt, że – zbudowany na zasadach solidaryzmu społecznego – system ten łączy w sobie respektowanie fundamentalnych zasad etycznych oraz wiarygodność wynikającą z przejrzystych relacji pomiędzy instytucją finansową a klientem, coraz częściej staje się on przedmiotem pogłębionych analiz ekonomicznych i etycznych, stanowiąc systematycznie rosnącą w siłę alternatywę dla dotkniętych kryzysem instytucji finansowych Zachodu.
The present author offers a comprehensive review of the rules governing Islamic forms of banking, derived from religious reflection and Islamic sources of law, i.e. Koran, shiaria and sura. Islam completely forbids the concept of paying or receiving any kind of interest. Since almost any financial transaction involves a bank, for that reason avoiding modern banking has become impossible. Islamic legislators have been able to devise an elaborate banking system that encourages revenue generating activities while observing Qur’an’s absolute ban on usury. Interest Free Banking derives from religious reflection on Qur’an, sharia and sunna as the sources of Islamic law. Of course, the system does have an impact on the services offered by Islamic banks, e.g. joint venture and partnerships, leasing and other lawful and real economic activities, as well as specific construction of these services. Though often it may be quite difficult to avoid a rather flexible treatment of some more rigorist rules, Interest Free Banking, thanks to its insistence on the principle of transparency between the bank and the client, manages to marry respect for fundamental ethical rules with credibility of all interested parties to a remarkable degree. Tools introduced by the Islamic financial bodies to fulfil their business or profit making requirements attract growing attention among their non-Islamic counterparts, and prompt in-depth analysis from both ethical and economic angles. Interest Free Banking is becoming a viable alternative to western financial institutions afflicted by modern financial crisis.
Nurt SVD; 2013, Wydanie specjalne 2013; 115-129
Pojawia się w:
Nurt SVD
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pojęcie lichwy w ekonomii islamskiej
A Question of Usury in Islamic Economics
Bukowski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Islamic banking
Islamic economics
interest-free economics
The concept of Islamic economics as a coherent economic and financial system basically does not exist. Some authors take it, however, for simplicity, under-standing by this description any entities and legal regulations, mainly in the financial markets, driven – either declaratively or in fact – on the principles derived from religious precepts of Islam. The emphasis is put on so-called inter-est-free banking, which involves the concept of usury (riba). By referring to the essence of Islamic economics, the author shows the dif-ferences and similarities between "interest-free" Islamic banking and conven-tional banking (Western-style). It turns out that the differences are almost exclu-sively at the level of declarations and similarities that arise from attempts to circumvent religious regulations, as in the riba, are much more numerous than it might seem. They result from the need to fuse Islamic finances with global fi-nancial markets, which at least at the point of contact eliminates the capability of maintaining the autonomy of the local banking system. In addition, interest-free Islamic banking development meets an obstacle in the shape of the market pres-ence of conventional banks, which are its natural ideological competition. Thus, although the Islamic Development Bank estimates the size of the market of the Islamic system of financial services in 2015 at between 2 to 8 trillion dollars, one seems to be entitled to conclude that, in practice, between Islamic economics and capitalist economies of the West, at least in terms of banking services, the dif-ferences are purely semantic, and both Western and Islamic deposit, credit and investment products are in fact identical.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2014, 17, 3; 43-52
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reforming the Primary Instrumental Cause of Increasing Income Inequality
Carmack, Patrick S. J.
Data publikacji:
International Étienne Gilson Society
economic inequality
fractional reserve banking
full reserve banking
free market economics
economic reform
It is undisputed that fewer and fewer people own and control more and more of the total material wealth of the world, and conversely, that more and more people—the vast majority of mankind—own and control less and less of it, which situation is rapidly worsening. This paper identifies and examines the primary instrumental cause (i.e., prescinding from human avarice) for that phenomenon, which we argue is the usurpation of the sovereign right of money creation, known as seigniorage (from the Old French seigneuriage, “right of the lord to mint money”). This usurpation has been accomplished by a cunning and complex banking technique known as fractional reserve banking, which enables banks to make loans based on the fraudulent representation that they possess sufficient reserves to back the loans (described in detail in the article). Originally considered criminal, and its practitioners even subject to the death penalty, over the last three centuries by hook or by crook fractional reserve banking has been legalized in nearly all the nations of the world, to the benefit of bankers and the harm of all other economic sectors and the public. The article then examines the deleterious effects of fractional reserve banking on capitalism, and how its extirpation may be accomplished, thereby reforming capitalism—“which is not of its nature vicious”—into a more just economic system. Finally we note how socialism—in any of its various stripes—is radically contrary to the private ownership of material goods necessary for proper human liberty, and rooted as it is in the purely materialistic notion that man should be subject to the State or society in order to to maximize production, cannot be acceptably reformed. Economics is not necessarily a zero sum game: even when vitiated by fractional reserve banking capitalism will result in greater total wealth, but shared more and more unequally, whereas socialism inevitably results in less total wealth, recalling Winston Churchill’s apt observation that: “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of the miseries.”
Studia Gilsoniana; 2019, 8, 4; 789-818
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gilsoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social Role of Alms (zakāt) in Islamic Economies
Bukowski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Islamic banking
Islamic economics
interest-free economics
social justice
Islam as both religion and socioeconomic system is based on five main pillars, that is – five basic acts considered mandatory by Muslims, summarized in the hadith of Gabriel. One of them is zakāt (almsgiving), i.e. giving 2.5% of one’s wealth to the poor and needy. In contrary to Christian religion, where question of charity is rather of a voluntary matter, the role of zakāt in Islam is much more rigidly described. Almsgiving is considered as a duty of a pious Muslim towards the poor. Thus in Islamic economy, strongly based on Islam principles given by Allah to Muhammad, zakāt is imposed by law and is not considered a charity but duty rather. The notion of zakāt is mentioned in Qur-an over a 100 times, solely or in conjunction with other commandments. On a basis that zakāt is to be paid as a part of total wealth exceeding given minimum wealth (nisab) it is then justifiable to say that zakāt is principally a tax. A role of this essay is to shed some light on a utilisation and role of zakāt in Islamic economies in socioeconomic context, with an example of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, where in 1980 the Zakāt Ordinance was imposed. The concept of zakāt is present in many Islamic countries, but its nature varies, being dependent from the interpretation of religious law in a given country. Everywhere though, its social role as an important tool maintaining social justice is strongly expressed. Of course zakāt system also has its drawbacks and is subjected to much criticism. The article aims to present both advantages and negative aspects of zakāt.
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym; 2014, 17, 4
Pojawia się w:
Annales. Etyka w Życiu Gospodarczym
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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