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Impact of land use and land cover changes on carbon stock in Aceh Besar District, Aceh, Indonesia
Achmad, Ashfa
Ramli, Ichwana
Nizamuddin, Nizamuddin
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
Aceh Besar District
carbon stock
land use and land cover
The international community affirms the critical role of forests in climate change mitigation, which includes reducing emissions from degradation and deforestation, carbon stock conservation, sustainable forest management, and increasing carbon stocks in developing countries. It relates to land use and land cover changes. This study aims to review land use and land cover changes (LULC) in two decades, namely 2000-2010 and 2010-2020, and the impact on carbon stocks. Landsat satellite imagery in 2000, 2010, and 2020 are classified into six categories: built-up area, cropland, forest, water body, bareland, and grassland. This classification uses supervised classification. The accuracy kappa coefficient values obtained for the LULC 2000, LULC 2010, and LULC 2020 maps were 89.61%, 83.90%, and 87.10%, respectively. The most dominant systematic LULC change processes were forest degradation in 2000-2020; the transition of forest to cropland (349.20 ha), forest to bareland (171.19 ha), and forest to built-up area (661.68 ha). Loss of using the forest for other uses was followed by a decrease in carbon stock. There was a high decrease in carbon stock in the forest category (11,000 Mg C∙y-1). The results showed a significant change in land use and cover. The decline in the area occurred in the forest category, which decreased from year to year. Meanwhile, the built-up area increases every year. Carbon stocks also decrease from year to year, especially forests as the most significant carbon store, decreasing in the area.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2023, 57; 159--166
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Umorzenie opłaty rocznej z tytułu wyłączenia gruntów z produkcji rolnej w przypadku inwestycji o charakterze użyteczności publicznej z zakresu kultu religijnego. Glosa aprobująca do wyroku Wojewódzkiego Sądu Administracyjnego w Bydgoszczy z dnia 11 stycznia 2022 r. (II SA/Bd 909/21)
Remission of the annual fee for withdrawing land from agricultural production in the case of public utility investments in religious worship: An approving commentary on the judgment of the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Bydgoszcz of 11 January 2022 (II SA/Bd 909/21)
Gapski, Maciej P.
Gapska, Edyta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
withdrawal of land from agricultural production
annual fee remission
administrative discretion
religious worship
religious organizations
protection of agricultural and forest land
umorzenie opłaty rocznej
uznanie administracyjne
wyłączenie gruntu z produkcji rolnej
kult religijny
związki wyznaniowe
ochrona gruntów rolnych i leśnych
Omawiane orzeczenie odnosi się do instytucji umorzenia opłaty rocznej z tytułu wyłączenia gruntu z produkcji rolnej na cele kultu religijnego na rzecz związku wyznaniowego na podstawie art. 12 ust. 16 ustawy z dnia 3 lutego 1995 r. o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych. Zasadniczym przedmiotem analizy jest kwestia sposobu i zakresu badania w postępowaniu administracyjnym przesłanek umorzenia należności publicznoprawnych w przypadku realizacji inwestycji o charakterze użyteczności publicznej z zakresu kultu religijnego. Rozważania zmierzają do ustalenia, jakie okoliczności organ administracji publicznej powinien wziąć pod uwagę, rozpatrując sprawę o umorzenie opłaty rocznej z tytułu trwałego wyłączenia gruntu z produkcji rolnej na rzecz związku wyznaniowego, a w szczególności czy weryfikacja zasadności wniosku o umorzenie powinna ograniczać się wyłącznie do oceny ziszczenia się przedmiotowych przesłanek przyznania ulgi przewidzianych we wskazanym wyżej przepisie, czy też powinna obejmować także uwarunkowania podmiotowe, tj. analizę sytuacji związku ubiegającego się o przyznanie ulgi. Zaprezentowane rozważania uzasadniają zaaprobowanie stanowiska sądu wskazującego na konieczność dwuetapowego badania przez organy administracji okoliczności warunkujących umorzenie opłaty rocznej. W pierwszej kolejności weryfikacji podlegają przedmiotowe przesłanki wymienione w powołanym wyżej przepisie, a następnie powinna zostać szczegółowo zbadana rzeczywista i finansowa sytuacja beneficjenta umorzenia opłaty rocznej. Taki wniosek znajduje oparcie w celu ustawy o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych oraz w istocie działania organu wydającego decyzję, który rozstrzyga sprawę w ramach uznania administracyjnego.
The judgment under discussion pertains to the institution of remission of the annual fee for withdrawing land from agricultural production by a religious organization for purposes of religious worship pursuant to Article 12 para. 16 of the Act of 3 February 1995 on the Protection of Agricultural and Forest Land. The article concentrates on the method and scope of examining in administrative proceedings the conditions for remission of public dues in the case of public utility investments in religious worship. The aim is to determine the circumstances which should be taken into account by public administration when considering applications for remission of the annual fee for permanent withdrawal of land from agricultural production. In particular, the article aims to establish whether investigating the legitimacy of an application should only be limited to assessing fulfilment of the legal conditions for granting the relief indicated in the above-mentioned provision or whether it should also involve an analysis of entity-related factors, i.e., the situation of an applicant organization.  The analysis confirms that, in line with the position of the court, the investigation of the conditions for remission of the annual fee by administrative authorities should comprise two stages, involving an examination of both the objective conditions for granting the relief and the actual and financial situation of the beneficiary. This conclusion is supported by the purpose of the Act on the Protection of Agricultural and Forest Land and the special character of the activity of the authority issuing the decision as a decision-maker entrusted with administrative discretion.
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego; 2023, 26; 427-442
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Użytkowanie obszarów wokół małych miast Polski w wybranych aspektach jakości życia ich mieszkańców
Land use of areas around small cities in Poland in selected aspects of the quality of life of their residents
Pieńkowski, Paweł
Podlasiński, Marek
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
pokrycie terenu
ekologia miast
jakość życia
krajobraz leśny
krajobraz rolny
land cover
towns in ecology
quality of life
agricultural landscape
forest landscape
Wpływ sposobu użytkowania w obrębie obszarów otaczających miasta jest szczególnie silny w przypadku małych ośrodków, gdyż tereny leśne i rolnicze graniczą tam częstokroć bezpośrednio ze strefami mieszkalnymi. Coraz liczniej pojawiają się publikacje, które dokumentują oddziaływanie tych dwóch sposobów użytkowania, wskazując na znaczenie uwarunkowań przestrzennych, które determinują wielkość wpływu otoczenia na jakość życia mieszkańców miast. Celem pracy było oszacowanie udziału sposobów użytkowania w otoczeniu 738 małych miast Polski (<20 tys. mieszkańców), z uwzględnieniem potencjału rekreacyjnego lasów i ewentualnych zagrożeń wyni¬kających z bliskiego sąsiedztwa z intensywnie użytkowanymi gruntami rolnymi. Podstawą uzyskanych wyników była baza Corine Land Cover z 2018 roku, z której pozyskano informację o usytuowaniu zabudowy miejskiej, lasach oraz terenach rolnych (grunty orne i sady). Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że w przypadku 35,6% małych miast Polski teren zabudowany nie sąsiadował z lasami, a 7,3% miast nie posiadało lasów w promieniu 1,5 km. Natomiast tylko w 5,6% miastach teren zabudowany nie graniczył z jakimkolwiek terenem rolnym, a w 4,9% teren ten otoczony był w ponad 80% polami. Należy sądzić, że w grupie miast otoczonych polami, przy planowaniu struktury przestrzennej, szczególną uwagę należałoby poświęcić projektowaniu nowych terenów zielonych i rewaloryzacji już istniejących.
The impact of land use within the areas surrounding cities is particularly strong in the case of small towns, as forest and agri¬cultural areas often directly border residential areas. There are more and more publications that document the impact of these two forms of land use, highlighting, among other things, the importance of spatial conditions that determine the impact of the environment on the quality of life of city inhabitants. The aim of the study was to estimate the share of different land use methods in the vicinity of 738 small Polish towns (<20,000 inhabitants), taking into account the recreational potential of forests and possible threats resulting from close proximity to intensively used agricultural land. The study was based on the Corine Land Cover database from 2018. Information on the location of urban development, forests and agricultural land (arable land and orchards) was obtained from this database. The results indicate that in the case of 35.6% of small Polish towns, built-up areas were not adjacent to forests, and 7.3% of towns did not have forests within a radius of 1.5 km. On the other hand, only in 5.6% of cities did no built-up areas border agricultural areas, and in 4.9% of cities more than 80% of built-up areas were surrounded by fields. In cities surrounded by fields, special attention should be paid to the design of new green areas and the redevolopment of existing ones when planning the spatial structure.
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego; 2023, 49 (1); 5--20
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Krajobrazu Kulturowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A spatial model of forest area in the middle ages based on historical, archaeological and geographic data: Case study of 13th-century Chełmno Land (North-Central Poland)
Molewski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
historical landscape reconstruction
forest area
Middle Ages
Multi-Criterion Evaluation
Chełmno Land
The settlement established under German law in Chełmno Land in the 13th century, the resultant changes in the structure of agriculture and land cultivation techniques, and the growing demand on wood as timber, fuel and raw materials for crafts, all combined to contribute to the significant deforestation of the territory. The extent of this deforestation remains conjectural. The purpose in creating a model of forest area in 13th-century Chełmno Land was to attempt to reconstruct it and determine its size and, consequently, to verify hypotheses concerning the scale and the ultimate end of deforestation in the research area. The spatial model is based on published historical and archaeological data relating to selected components of the geographical environment that pertain to the forest area. A retrogressive method combined with Multi-Criterion Evaluation (MCE) was used to build a forest area model. The basic platform for collecting, analysing and visualising spatial data was the geographic information system (GIS). The presented estimates indicate that the forest area of Chełmno Land in the 13th century was larger than had previously been assumed, at about 20–25% of the entire territory.
Quaestiones Geographicae; 2022, 41, 3; 53-74
Pojawia się w:
Quaestiones Geographicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in Essential Soil Nutrients and Soil Disturbance Directly Affected Soil Microbial Community Structure: A Metagenomic Approach
Wiryawan, Adam
Eginarta, Wahyu Satria
Hermanto, Feri Eko
Ustiatik, Reni
Dinira, Layta
Mustafa, Irfan
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
forest soil
soil bacteria
soil nutrients
tilled land
Soil environment, both biotic (e.g., microbial community) and abiotic (e.g., nutrients and water availability) factors determine soil fertility and health and are directly affected by soil management systems. However, only limited studies evaluate the combined effect of nutrients availability and soil disturbance on the soil bacteria community structure, especially in conventional agricultural practices, on the forests converted to agricultural land. This study aimed to provide a viewpoint of the effect of different soil management systems, i.e., forest soil (natural process) and tilled land, on soil bacteria community structure on forest converted to agricultural land, according to a metagenomics approach. Moreover, each land use was sampled to identify the bacterial community using 16S gene as a biomarker. The sequencing was performed using MinION (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) to read the DNA sequence from each soil sample. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) was performed to comprehend the relationship between availability of nutrients and bacterial diversity. The results revealed that the concentrations of soil micronutrients, such as iron, zinc, and magnesium, were significantly higher in forest soil than in tilled land. According to diversity indices, soil bacteria were more diverse in forest soil than in tilled land. Forest soil had more distinctive taxa than tilled land. Several species comprised the most abundant taxa, such as Candidatus Koribacter versatilis, Candidatus Solibacter usiatus, Rhodoplanes sp., Luteitalea pratensis, and Betaproteobacteria bacterium, were more scarce in tilled land. On the distinctive taxa in each soil sample, Anseongella ginsenosidimutans and Janthinobacterium sp. were the most abundant species in forest and tilled land, respectively. According to PCA analysis, soil management system affected the soil micro-and macronutrients also microbial community structure between forest and tilled land. In conclusion, soil management influences the essential nutrient content and bacterial community structure of soil. Better management should be adopted to maintain soil quality near forest soil.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 7; 238--245
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Land use/land cover changes in the period of 2015–2020 in AngYai Village, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
Thien, Bui Bao
Sosamphanh, Bounthavy
Yachongtou, Bounheuang
Phuong, VU Thi
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
remote sensing
landscape dynamics
sustainable development
forest land loss
AngYai Village
In this study, land use/land cover (LULC) changes were identified in AngYai Village, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital, Laos, from 2015 to 2020 using the Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing (RS). Topographic maps and Google Earth Pro satellite imagery data were used with ArcGIS 10.8 software to map land use fluctuations. The study area was classified into the six main types of LULC (agricultural, builtup, forest, main roads, waste land, and water bodies) based on field research, geographical conditions, and RS data. The results indicated sizeable increases in the built-up, main roads, and especially waste land areas over the study period. The forest and agricultural land areas decreased during the study period, possibly due to increased urbanization rates, nomadic cultivation, and indiscriminate deforestation in the study area. The river area was affected by the construction of hydroelectric dams and by the climate, leading to the drying up of water sources and causing water body areas to decrease to some extent.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2022, 48, 3; 279--286
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quantitative Analysis of Land Use Classification in Agricultural and Forest Areas
Matuk, Olga
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
land use
land cover
land cover registration
agricultural areas
forest areas
The article deals with the research on the quantitative classification of land use, which directly affects the amount of land use data collected in the real estate cadastre. For the purpose of this article, the cadastral systems of seven European countries – Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Lithuania, Germany and Poland – have been examined, taking into account how detailed is the classification in agricultural and forest areas. The research covered the provisions of legal acts applicable in the researched seven European countries and made available in national languages by the government bodies. The article asks the following three questions: 1) whether the researched countries adopted the same approach to isolating classes of items related to agricultural and forest areas; 2) whether the researched countries feature the same number of classes of items recorded at various levels of detail; 3) what is the percentage of the distinguished item classes of land uses in the agricultural and forest areas in relation to all of the distinguished item classes at all the levels of detail. The conducted research can be used as a material supporting works consisting of the modernization of the functioning of land registration in the real estate cadastre in Poland.
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering; 2022, 16, 4; 59--77
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Research on the phenomenon of self-afforestation of agricultural lands in Ukraine
Stoiko, Nataliia
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie SILGIS
self-sown forest
agricultural land
ecosystem services
las samosiewny
grunty rolne
usługi ekosystemowe
zagospodarowanie przestrzenne
Extension of the forest area in Ukraine is one of the indicators confirming achievement of the goals of sustainable development. Therefore, the issue of protection, restoration and rational use of forest ecosystems is rather actual. The process of self- afforestation taking place on agricultural land, which are not used according to their intention because of their investment unattractiveness, due to lack of funds or other reasons, and thus, they are self-sown with forest plants, is one of the ways of the forest- covered area extension in Ukraine. There is no reliable information on the number of land plots with self-sown forests on agricultural land. Therefore, it is expedient to make inventory of them by using the tools of satellite remote sensing and field surveys. The author of the work suggests a conceptual model of planning the use of agricultural land with self-sown forests on the base of the inventory data. To make the best-possible decisions on the use of the land plots with self-sown forests, at the local level it is important to determine the rational direction of the self-sown forest use in the process of spatial planning on the base of the data of analysis of the soil and plant cover layer quality. Therefore, it is recommended to make zoning of the land by the kinds of land use (agricultural, forestry, recreational, nature protection). Basing on the zoning data and considering the potential ecosystem benefits from forests, it is necessary to develop measures on the self-sown forest use and protection.
GIS Odyssey Journal; 2021, 1, 2; 139--149
Pojawia się w:
GIS Odyssey Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
With no right to have rights. Conflict analysis and the common rights of the townsfolk of Rymanów in the latter half of the 19th century
Bez prawa do praw. Analiza konfliktu i kwestia służebności mieszczan rymanowskich w drugiej połowie XIX wieku
Popek, Joachim
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
służebności gruntowo-leśne
konflikty społeczne
reformy agrarne
common rights to land and forest
social conflict
agrarian reform
This article concentrates on an inquest held by the local commission in Sanok into the common rights claimed by the inhabitants of the town of Rymanów in the latter half of the 19th century. The negotiations, which commenced in 1859, sometimes took a heated turn. They were attended by much conflict and misunderstanding, equally between the manor and the town as among the townsfolk themselves. Conclusions drawn from the analysis of the archive source provided the basis on which to evaluate the activities of each of the parties – the town’s agents and the landlords – and, interestingly, those of the commissioners and other officials in the public administration, whose decisions exhibited bias. The townsfolk began the negotiation from a position of certainty and conviction of the legal force of Prince Czartoryski’s privilege granting the disputed common rights to them. The manor’s agent, on the other hand, took a bold position, which he consistently maintained. He disputed the authenticity of Czartoryski’s grant and even the fact that the Prince had ever held the manor. This approach ultimately proved successful. Attention is also drawn to the role played by local commissioners and the officials in the National Commission in Lviv, the latter making the most important decisions. The first phase demonstrates the commissioners’ influence on the original outcome. The rationale given for the second decision, on the other hand, shows the arbitrariness with which the Lviv Commission made its ruling, based on just one official document. Analysis of the proceedings highlights a more general trend prevalent in Galicia, first described in the example of Rymanów. This is a case in which two consecutive inquests in the same matter ultimately ended in a negative decision. In other words, the townsfolk’s claims were dismissed, and they were denied any common rights eligible for buyout or regulation.
Artykuł koncentruje się na dochodzeniu przeprowadzonym przez sanocką komisję lokalną względem praw służebnych, o których uznanie pretendowali mieszczanie rymanowscy w II połowie XIX w. Pertraktacje rozpoczęte w 1859 r. miały chwilami gwałtowny przebieg. Towarzyszyły im konflikty i nieporozumienia zarówno między samymi mieszczanami, jak i na linii miasto – dwór. Wnioski płynące z analizy źródeł archiwalnych posłużyły do oceny działań każdej strony biorącej udział w dochodzeniu – pełnomocników miasta, właścicieli ziemskich oraz, co wyjątkowe, komisarzy i administracji państwowej, której decyzje nosiły znamiona stronniczości. Mieszczanie stanęli do pertraktacji w pewności powodzenia i z przekonaniem o mocy prawnej przywileju księcia Czartoryskiego nadającego im służebności. Pełnomocnik dworu natomiast przyjął odważną pozycję w negocjacjach i konsekwentnie ją utrzymywał. Zanegował autentyczność wspomnianego przywileju, jak również to, że Czartoryski był kiedykolwiek właścicielem Rymanowa, co finalnie okazało się skuteczne. Na uwagę zasługuje również rola komisarzy lokalnych oraz decydentów urzędujących w Komisji Krajowej we Lwowie, podejmującej najważniejsze decyzje. Pierwszy etap dochodzenia pokazuje bowiem wpływ komisarzy na kształt początkowego orzeczenia. Uzasadnienie drugiego wyroku wskazuje natomiast na dowolność w postrzeganiu aktów prawnych przez lwowską Komisję, która oparła swoją decyzję na zapisach jednego dokumentu urzędowego. Analiza przebiegu postępowania ukazuje znajdującą odzwierciedlenie w wielu miejscach Galicji tendencję, która na przykładzie Rymanowa została opisana po raz pierwszy. Koncentruje się na przypadku, w którym dwukrotnie podejmowane dochodzenie skończyło się ostatecznie decyzją odmową. Innymi słowy, odrzucono pretensję mieszczan i zanegowano istnienie praw służebnych, które podlegałyby wykupowi lub regulacji.
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences; 2021, 18, 1; 20-38
Pojawia się w:
UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Law in the face of the problem of land take
Il diritto di fronte al problema di occupazione dei terreni
Goździewicz-Biechońska, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
occupazione dei terreni
consumo del suolo
impermeabilizzazione dei suoli
tutela dei terreni agricoli e boschivi
uso della terra
land take
land soiling
protection of agricultural and forest land
land use policy
The aim of the considerations is to determine how the concept of land take and the related EU target of no net land take by 2050 function in the law (especially in Poland), and then to assess to what extent the perception of this formula in the law is relevant to the model of land protection and whether it has the potential to increase the effectiveness of the legal regulation in this respect. Land take is a concept that describes one of the main threats to the protection of land as an environmental resource. First attempts to incorporate this formula into the legal system of land protection have already been made. In European Union law, this was done by setting the goal of no net land take target by 2050. This objective, however, is neither binding nor specified in secondary legislation. The concept of land take and the target related to it may have a positive impact on the effectiveness of the land protection system. However, it is essential that the legal instruments are integrated and are of a binding character. The Polish legal system has reiterated the concept of indirect land take, and no national target in this respect has been adopted. This model is an example confirming the thesis that special and extensive legal regulations do not always guarantee that the protection measures are effective. Also, while it illustrates the importance of integrating individual legal regulations, it shows as well that the weaknesses of one of them (in Poland the inefficiency of spatial planning) cannot be compensated for by developed instruments in another area of law.
L’articolo si propone di determinare come il concetto di occupazione dei terreni/consumo di suolo (land take) e il relativo obiettivo dell’UE di arrivare a quota zero entro il 2050 funzionino nel diritto (soprattutto polacco) e, di seguito, di provare a valutare in che misura la percezione di questa formula in diritto sia importante per il modello di tutela dei terreni e se abbia il potenziale per aumentare l'efficacia giuridica dei regolamenti in questo ambito. La land take è una concezione sviluppata, descrive una delle principali minacce alla tutela della terra come risorsa. I primi tentativi, per includere questa formula nel sistema giuridico di tutela della terra, sono stati intrapresi. Nel diritto dell'Unione Europea ciò è stato fatto fissando l’obiettivo di arrivare, per quanto riguarda l’occupazione dei terreni, a quota zero entro il 2050. Tuttavia, esso non è vincolante, né specificato nelle disposizioni di diritto derivato. La concezione di occupazione dei terreni e il relativo obiettivo possono influenzare positivamente l'efficacia del sistema di tutela dei terreni. Tuttavia, è necessario combinare gli strumenti giuridici sotto molteplici aspetti e a multilivello, e renderli vincolanti. Il sistema giuridico polacco ha adottato la concezione di occupazione dei terreni in maniera indiretta, nessun obiettivo nazionale al riguardo è stato prefissato. Il modello polacco è un esempio di conferma per la tesi che una regolazione giuridica specifica ed estesa non garantisce l'efficacia della tutela stessa. Illustra inoltre quanto è importante collegare le singole regolazioni giuridiche, nonché l'incapacità di compensare le debolezze di una di esse (in Polonia l’inefficienza dei piani regolatori) con strumenti sviluppati in un'altra area del diritto.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2020, 1(26); 105-124
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odnaleziony plan miasta lasu Śródborowa jako przyczynek do badań nad rozwojem przestrzennym i zabudową miasta Otwocka
The discovered plan of the forest city of Śródborów as a contribution to the research on spatial development and the development of the town of Otwock
Popławska-Bukało, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
plan parcelacji
architekt Zdzisław Kalinowski
miasto ogród
miasto las
land parcelling plan
architect Zdzisław Kalinowski
forest city
Śródborów należał do podwarszawskich osiedli o charakterze letniskowo- -uzdrowiskowym, założonych przed 1939 r. wzdłuż linii Kolei Nadwiślańskiej w tzw. paśmie otwockim. W 1932 r. znalazł się w granicach miasta Otwocka. Artykuł nie tylko prezentuje odnaleziony przez autorkę nieznany i dotychczas niepublikowany plan miasta parku leśnego Śródborowa, autorstwa architekta Zdzisława Kalinowskiego, ale jest także próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy Śródborów urzeczywistniał ideę zapoczątkowaną w Anglii pod koniec XIX w. przez Ebenezera Howarda. Na podstawie powyższego planu (sporządzonego w 1922 r.) można stwierdzić, czy koncepcja osiedla została zrealizowana i w jakim stopniu, a także czy osiedle to zachowało do dzisiaj swój pierwotny kształt urbanistyczny i pierwotną zabudowę. W artykule zostały przedstawione zagadnienia historyczne, urbanistyczno-architektoniczne i krajobrazowe, opracowane na podstawie rozległych kwerend archiwalnych.
The town of Śródborów was a summer settlement and health resort situated near Warsaw, established before 1939 along the Nadwiślańska Railway line in the so-called Otwock zone. In 1932 it was incorporated into the borders of the town of Otwock. The article not only presents the so far unknown and unpublished plan of the forest-park city of Śródborów designed by architect Zdzisław Kalinowski, discovered by the author, but it is also an attempt to answer the question whether Śródborów implemented the idea started in England at the end of the 19th century by Ebenezer Howard. On the basis of the above plan (drawn up in 1922) it can be concluded whether the concept of the the settlement was implemented and to what extent, as well as whether the settlement has retained its original urban shape and original development. The article presents historical, urban-architectural and landscape issues, conducted on the basis of extensive archival queries.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2020, 1; 41-78
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Realizacja zalesień w latach 2001-2018 w różnych regionach Polski
Afforestation in 2001-2018 in various regions of Poland
Wysocka-Fijorek, E.
Gil, W.
Gołos, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
non−forest land
private forests
Rural development program
The paper analyzes the spatial and temporal diversity of afforestation of non−forest land, with particular emphasis on land not being the property of the State Treasury, before joining the European Union and as part of subsequent stages of the Rural Development Program. Data from the databases of the Statistics Poland and from the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture was used. Afforestation in the period 2001−2018 was carried out with varying intensity throughout the country and in individual years. This condition was largely influenced by availability of land for afforestation and the form of land ownership. The history of the individual regions is clearly visible as well. Private forests occupy the smallest area in the territories incorporated into Poland after World War II, also in part of the former Prussia region and in the area covered by so called the ‘Wisła’ Operation in south−eastern Poland. In turn, in Podlasie and Lubelszczyzna regions (eastern Poland), the share of private forests is significant. The biggest changes in the afforestation structure took place after the introduction of subsidies for their establishment and care, after Poland’s accession to the European Union. In the period 2004−2018, the scope and criteria for granting the subsidies changed. New categories, which were to encourage beneficiaries to use this form of support, appeared. In 2004−2007 part of the Rural Development Program the area of afforested land in relation to the number of beneficiaries or issued decisions was the largest, while in subsequent campaigns the afforestation area decreased, despite the increase in the level of subsidies. The most important reasons for reducing the interest in afforestation are: decreasing resources of land intended for afforestation, greater interest among farmers in competitive payments for agricultural land, complicated bureaucratic procedures related to afforestation. The paper also highlights the most important restrictions that inhibit afforestation. These include: exclusion from afforestation of land located in Natura 2000 areas, exclusion of grassland (meadows and pastures) from afforestation and limitation of the aid granted for afforestation to one farmer to an area not exceeding 20 ha in the entire Program period. Lifting these barriers can have a positive effect on the creation of new afforestation or improvement of existing ones.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 09; 726-735
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Who applies for afforestation subsidies? Analysis of the age of beneficiaries of the Rural Development Program from 2004-2018
Wysocka-Fijorek, Emilia
Gil, Wojciech
Gołos, Piotr
Dobrowolska, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa
non-forest land
Rural Development Programme (RDP)
afforestation subsidies
private forests
In Poland, the afforestation rate is slowing down from year to year. An analysis of the demographic structure of land owners suitable for afforestation may contribute to a better recognition of trends and needs in order to increase the effectiveness of National Programme for the Augmentation of Forest Cover implementation, and thus increase interest in RDP activities. The aim of the study was to verify whether interest in afforestation among farmers is the same across the country in different age groups. The data presented in the publication come from the resources of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARiMR). The data covered the years 2004–2018 and were sorted by: voivodships (16), age group of beneficiaries of subsidies (4 groups), year of submitting the application (15 years) and the number of applications submitted. Beneficiaries were divided into four age groups: up to 30 years old, 31–40 years old, 41–60 and older than 60 years. Interest in afforestation changed in the period after Poland’s accession to the European Union. In recent years, there has been a significant decrease in the number of applications for afforestation subsidies submitted. There are also significant differences between the voivodships in the number of applications submitted. Farmers from eastern and southern Poland are more active in submitting applications for afforestation, and will reduce the so-called Recovered Territories in the western, northern and north-eastern part of Poland. Most afforestation in the entire analysed period is carried out by farmers aged 41–60 years. In the initial period, more applications were submitted by farmers of age over 60 years. In recent years, however, young farmers, that is, up to 40 years, are more interested in afforestation, than other groups. To increase interest in afforestation, more support should be directed to young farmers who, as part of farm specialization, may receive additional incentives for afforestation of land that is less useful to them.
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry; 2020, 62, 4; 279-287
Pojawia się w:
Folia Forestalia Polonica. Series A . Forestry
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ fragmentacji kompleksów leśnych na dokładność określania powierzchni lasów na przykładzie województwa łódzkiego
Impact of forest complexes fragmentation on accuracy of forest area evaluation on an example of Lodz voivodeship
Budniak, P.
Jabłonski, M.
Zięba, S.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
fragmentacja lasow
powierzchnia lasów
kompleksy leśne
forest complex
land use
Every year official data on forest area in Poland is published by the Statistics Poland. Some of this data is based on land use information contained in the Land and Property Registry (LPR). The aim of this study was to examine compliance between forest areas obtained from official land use maps and from aerial photos. Another purpose was to investigate the impact of forest complexes fragmentation on the accuracy of forests area evaluation, using land use data. The Łódź voivodeship was selected as the study area and 280 sample plots (1 km2) were established in systematic 8×8 km grid on aerial photos. Forest areas were manually inventoried using GIS software and compared with LPR maps. In the next step inventoried forests were combined into complexes using spatial analysis. The results from this study demonstrate that 3,4% of the Łódź voivodeship is covered by forest vegetation on lands not recorded as a forest in the LPR. Therefore real value of forest area is possibly higher than those based upon data published by Statistics Poland. Additionally, the part of lands with forest vegetation not recorded as a forest in LPR in total forest area has a statistical relationship with forest complex fragmentation. Much of inventoried forest complexes (41%) officially are not considered as such because of different land use record in LPR. However, our research shows that most of them (given area not the number of objects) is located in forest complexes partly recorded in LPR with correct land use record.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 02; 142-150
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drzewostany przejęte z Państwowego Funduszu Ziemi – stan i problemy zagospodarowania
Forest stands acquired from the State Land Fund – the condition and management problems
Kędziora, W.
Orzechowski, M.
Wójcik, R.
Wrzosek, E.
Borecki, T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
lasy prywatne
grunty lesne
przejmowanie gruntow
zagospodarowanie lasu
fragmentacja lasu
Nadlesnictwo Siedlce
Panstwowy Fundusz Ziemi
private forests
land transfer
forest fragmentation
In this paper, we present problems with the management of the forests acquired by the State Forests from the State Land Fund. This was particularly an issue in forest districts with a significant share of private forests, e.g. eastern part of Poland. The problem becomes more and more valid because of the latest amendment of the Forest Act in 2016. It gives the State Forests the right of the first purchase of private forests attributed to sale. They may receive forest stands that will generate specific economic problems related to care, conservation, felling maintenance, etc. These are mostly stands with typical features of private forests, resulting from abandoning economic operations, selective acquisition, as well as from the size, shape and neighbourhood of the plots. This study presents the characteristics of almost 2,000 tree stands acquired from the State Land Fund between 1992−2016 by the Siedlce Forest District (SFD), which is a part of the Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Warsaw. SFD has low forest cover (18%), a strong fragmentation of forest complexes and a very large share of private forests (over 75%). The analysis was based primarily on the descriptions of forest stands and the quantitative and qualitative characteristics, presenting at the same time the problems that SFD has with conducting rational forest management in acquired plots. The current status of the forests transferred from the State Land Fund was assessed as unsatisfactory. The main problems in local conditions are: (i) inadequate fixation in acquired parcels next to private forests (difficulty in locating treatments and custody over the State property), (ii) depleted tree stands, (iii) inadequate parcels (too narrow) and (iv) complications related to co−ownership of parts seized plots. The need to carry out joint−assembly works (mainly land consolidation) or to introduce land communities that would facilitate the management of these forests was demonstrated.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 08; 665-674
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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