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Wybrane pojęcia matematyczne a ich rozumienie przez uczniów edukacji wczesnoszkolnej – pojęcie miary i mierzenia
Chosen mathematics concepts and their understanding by students of early school education ‒ the concept of measure and measurement
Żądło-Treder, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
early school education
elementary mathematics
continuous magnitudes
edukacja wczesnoszkolna
elementarna matematyka
wielkości ciągłe
The early school education stage is a particularly important period, in which the child has possibility to confront colloquial and formal knowledge. An important area of such confrontation is the so-called practical information and skills, including the concept of measure and measuring ability. At the elementary level the child passes from colloquial knowledge of measurement to formal knowledge and starts to understand the interrelationships between various measures. One of the basic threats in shaping the concept of measure in children is too early formalization of knowledge. The article presents the results of the pilot studies regarding the understanding by 7‒9 year old children the sense of measuring continuous magnitudes such as: length, volume, mass, time, temperature and surface area. On the basis of the results, it was found that the most difficulties for children is to measure mass, volume and surface area. Basically, the studied group does not understand the importance of balance on the beam balance, so they cannot determine the result of mass measurement. Based on the observation it was noticed that children mostly associate the measuring activity with length and special tools. They are not aware that we can measure with any chosen units and that we can measure different continuous magnitudes.
Etap edukacji wczesnoszkolnej to szczególnie ważny okres, w którym dziecko ma możliwość skonfrontowania wiedzy potocznej z wiedzą formalną. Ważnym obszarem takiej konfrontacji są tzw. wiadomości i umiejętności praktyczne, w tym pojęcie miary i umiejętność mierzenia. To właśnie na poziomie elementarnym dziecko przechodzi od wiedzy potocznej na temat mierzenia do wiedzy formalnej oraz zaczyna rozumieć wzajemne związki pomiędzy różnymi miarami. Jednym z podstawowych zagrożeń w zakresie kształtowania pojęcia miary u dzieci jest zbyt wczesna formalizacja wiedzy. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań pilotażowych dotyczących rozumienia przez dzieci 7-, 9-letnie sensu mierzenia wielkości ciągłych, takich jak: długość, objętość, masa, czas, temperatura oraz pole powierzchni. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników ustalono, że najwięcej trudności sprawia dzieciom mierzenie masy i pojemności oraz pola. Zasadniczo badani nie rozumieją istoty równowagi na wadze szalkowej, a zatem nie potrafią ustalić wyniku pomiaru masy. Na podstawie prowadzonej obserwacji zauważono, że czynność mierzenia, kojarzą dzieci głównie z długością oraz ze specjalnymi przyrządami. Brakuje im świadomości tego, że mierzyć możemy za pomocą dowolnie obranych jednostek; i że mierzyć można różne wielkości ciągłe.
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze; 2019, 580(5); 59-76
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Peer tutoring for EFL learning: a multidimensional analysis of elementary school students
Tzu-Ching Chen, Kate
Yi-Chen Tsai, Alison
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
peer tutoring
EFL academic achievement
learning motivation
elementary school students
This study investigated dimensions of academic performance, learning motivation and learning attitudes by adapting peer tutoring as the major EFL classroom activities in an elementary school classroom. Exams, classroom observation, exit survey and comments after each class were administered as the source of research data. Results indicated that peer tutoring has a positive effect on tutors’ and tutees’ academic performance due to the increase in students’ grades. Students’ learning motivation and attitudes toward EFL learning also increased significantly. On the whole, the use of peer tutoring significantly contributed to better English ability, motivation and attitude.
The New Educational Review; 2015, 40; 189-200
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Comparison of EFL Elementary School Learners’ Vocabulary Efficiency by Using Flashcards and Augmented Reality in Taiwan
Tsai, Cheng-Chang
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
elementary school students
Augmented Reality
English flash cards
English vocabulary learning
With the rapid development of Augmented Reality (AR), an increasing number of studies has been conducted to explore the effectiveness of this technology in the field of education. Few, however, have examined how AR might influence EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners’ vocabulary learning efficiency. To fill in this gap in the literature, the purpose of this study is to compare traditional English flash cards with the vocabulary learning method of Augmented Reality to see which English vocabulary learning is more efficient for elementary school students. The study was conducted at an elementary school in Taiwan, and the participants were 66 third grade pupils in total. The study was conducted at two stages in terms of data collection. At the first stage, the control and experimental groups took the same English vocabulary test without any teacher instruction as a pretest. At the second stage, the control group used flashcards to learn 20 target English words by themselves in 30 minutes. The experimental group adopted the Augmented Reality 3D effect of 20 target words by themselves in 30 minutes. After that, both groups took the same English vocabulary test again as a posttest. On the whole, Augmented Reality teaching effects apparently excel the effects of the traditional vocabulary learning methods. The results of this study have shown that the learning method of Augmented Reality was more efficient than the learning method using English flash cards at various proficiency levels (high, intermediate, and low) in terms of English vocabulary learning. The learning method of English flash cards had significant differences in high and low level groups as well as intermediate and low level groups, with the exceptions of high and intermediate level groups. It is worth improving children’s English vocabulary learning by using Augmented Reality in their daily lives in terms of mobile learning.
The New Educational Review; 2018, 51; 53-65
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Knowledge of quadrilateral at elementary school
Tláskal, J.
Benešová, L.
Slezáková, J.
Molnár, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
elementary school
grammar school
szkoła podstawowa
Quadrilaterals are more difficult than triangles for some students of elementary schools. This pilot study compares knowledge of quadrilateral of pupils of elementary schools and pupils of the same age at grammar schools. Some students prefer algebra to geometry, because it includes practical problems. The aim of this pre-research is to find out differences in knowledge of quadrilaterals between pupils of elementary and grammar schools.
Scientific Issues of Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa. Mathematics; 2011, 16; 361-366
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Issues of Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa. Mathematics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Naczelnicy Siedleckiej Dyrekcji Naukowej (1864–1912)
Szewczuk, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Kingdom of Poland
Siedlce School Directorate
education administration
heads of school directorates
elementary education
Królestwo Polskie
Siedlecka Dyrekcja Naukowa
administracja oświatowa
naczelnicy dyrekcji naukowych
edukacja elementarna
The article presents and analyses the group of officials heading the Siedlce School Directorate in the years 1864–1912. They were responsible for supervising the functioning of education in the Siedlce Governorate. They also had the right to decide on employing teachers in elementary schools and controlled their teaching and educational work. In the political situation of the era, their tasks also focused on pursuing activities involved in Russification. The article attempts to answer the question as to what extent their professional background had an impact on how they accomplished these tasks. It also discusses where they came from, what social strata they were born in, and what education they received.
W artykule przedstawiono i poddano analizie grupę urzędników kierujących Siedlecką Dyrekcją Naukową w latach 1864–1912. Byli oni odpowiedzialni za nadzór nad funkcjonowaniem szkolnictwa na terenie guberni siedleckiej. Mieli oni również prawo do decydowania o zatrudnianiu nauczycieli w szkołach elementarnych oraz kontrolowali ich pracę dydaktyczno-wychowawczą. W ówczesnych warunkach politycznych jednym z ich zadań było prowadzenie działań rusyfikacyjnych. W artykule podjęto próbę przedstawienia na ile ich doświadczenie zawodowe miało wpływ na sposób wywiązywania się z tych zadań. Poddano również analizie, skąd pochodzili, z jakich warstw społecznych się wywodzili i jakie posiadali wykształcenie.
Res Historica; 2020, 50; 269-284
Pojawia się w:
Res Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kształtowanie kluczowych kompetencji nauczycieli edukacji elementarnej – raport z badań
Shaping Key Competences of Elementary Education Teachers – Research Report
Surma, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
kluczowe kompetencje
nauczyciel edukacji przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej
edukacja elementarna
program kształcenia nauczycieli
wczesna edukacja
key competences
kindergarten and early school teacher
elementary education
teacher education programme
early education
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie badań pilotażowych przeprowadzonych wśród studentów drugiego roku studiów niestacjonarnych i stacjonarnych kierunku pedagogika ze specjalnością edukacja przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna oraz studentów pierwszego roku uczestniczących w projekcie zatytułowanym: „Eksperymentalny program kształcenia nauczycieli przedszkoli i edukacji wczesnoszkolnej w AIK”. Projekt ten jest współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, który ma na celu podniesienie kompetencji osób uczestniczących w edukacji na poziomie wyższym, odpowiadających potrzebom gospodarki, rynku pracy i społeczeństwa, poprzez opracowanie i wdrożenie innowacyjnego programu kształcenia nauczycieli wczesnej edukacji. Badania diagnostyczno-weryfikacyjne zostały przeprowadzone w czerwcu 2019 roku. Studenci oceniali swoje kluczowe kompetencje, które uzyskali w trakcie procesu kształcenia. W celu ich porównania zastosowano Test U Manna-Withneya. Analiza wyników badań pozwala na ocenę realizowanych programów, które są podstawą do opracowania nowego modelu kształcenia kluczowych kompetencji nauczycieli edukacji elementarnej. W artykule przedstawiono założenia programu kształcenia nauczycieli, podstawy metodologiczne przeprowadzonych badań oraz analizę zgromadzonych wyników badań.
Page Header User Username Password Remember me About The Author Barbara Surma orcid Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Wydział Pedagogiczny, Instytut Nauk o Wychowaniu Poland Keywords Montessori child children creativity early school education education edukacja regionalna family key competences kindergarten language parents participation pre-school education school school readiness sex education teacher teachers toy value Language Select Language Journal Content Search Search Scope Browse By Issue By Author By Title Other Journals Information For Readers For Authors For Librarians Article Tools Print this article Indexing metadata How to cite item Email this article (Login required) Email the author (Login required) Related Items Show all Journal Help Home About Login Register Search Current Archives Announcements Home > Vol 14, No 2(52) (2019) > Surma Shaping Key Competences of Elementary Education Teachers – Research Report Barbara Surma Abstract The objective of the article is to present the results of pilot studies carried out among the second-year students of extramural and full-time studies in pedagogy with the specialisation: kindergarten and early school pedagogy, and among the first-year students participating in the project entitled “Experimental programme of educating kindergarten and early school teachers at AIK”. This project is co-financed from the European Union funds within the European Social Fund, and its objective is to increase the competences of people participating in education at the university level in order to meet the needs of economy, labour market and society through the preparation and implementation of the innovative programme of educating teachers of early education. The diagnostic-verification research was carried out in June 2019. The students evaluated their key competences obtained in the process of education. In order to compare them, the U Mann-Withney Test was applied. The analysis of the results makes it possible to evaluate the programmes that are the basis for preparing a new model of shaping the key competences of elementary education teachers. The article presents the assumptions of the programme of educating teachers, the methodological bases for the research, and the analysis of the collected research results.
Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce; 2019, 14, 2(52); 93-104
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
School Readiness in a Multicultural Context: an Exploration of the Issues Using Cultural Psychology as an Appropriate Methodology
Sundelowitz, Errol
Macdonald, Carol
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
School readiness
Cultural Psychology
school literacy
parental involvement
primary/elementary school
Historically there have been inequities in access to school in South Africa. Differences in languages have also contributed to difficulties. In the present study a Grade One class was observed for a term as they entered formal schooling. Cultural psychology was used as the method, developing a description of the context and narrowing the observations to ten and then five children. Five school homes visits were done and one of these case studies is described here. Given the socio-economic literacy context, the child did extremely well, being self-motivated and supported by an aware single parent. The usefulness of the Cultural Psychological method is described.
The New Educational Review; 2006, 10; 131-144
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The role of technology in the system of educational subjects at elementary schools
Šoltés, Jaroslav
Litecká, Júliana
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
educational program
elementary school
The article deals with the issue of incorporating the school subject technology, with its interactive content, into the system of educational subjects at elementary school. It should make a significant contribution to the technical education of pupils and their future professional orientation. Technical education is an organic part of general education, as was also underlined by the UNESCO World Organization. Already in 1974, it announced a program according to which technical education should aim at acquiring the basic knowledge in the field of technology and its practical application in solving technical problems. Our State Educational Program supports a comprehensive approach to developing pupils‘ ability to learn, act, evaluate, understand and comprehend, at a given level of education. It is a starting point and a binding document for creating an individual school educational program that takes into account specific local and regional conditions and needs.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2018, 4(25); 43-48
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of selected maps used in early school education in Poland and proposal of a new solution
Słomska, K.
Data publikacji:
Oddział Kartograficzny Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
school cartography
map evaluation
spatial thinking
elementary school
image map
map of Poland
The author presents criteria of evaluation and assumption for early school education maps. Attention was payed to needs and perceptual possibilities of map users and cartographic correctness of maps. Main criteria of map evaluation - content and form of a map - have their unique attributes. In case of the first criterion they are accuracy and currency, classification of content and usability. Second criterion consist of: composition, colours, labels on the map and readability. Materials commissioned by Ministry of National Education were evaluated on the said criteria basis. Evaluation of maps for early school education revealed their flaws, among which absence of a scale can be named. Afterwards assumptions were developed and used to prepare own proposal of a map. Achieving maximum readability was a priority. Other assumptions concerned graphic balance, classification and hierarchy of content, simplicity of elaboration, usage of readable typefaces and adjustment of transmission to the age of users.
Polish Cartographical Review; 2017, 49, 2; 67-77
Pojawia się w:
Polish Cartographical Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tri ročníky Technickej olympiády
Three grades of technical olympiad
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
postupová súťaž žiakov
základná škola
technické vzdelávanie
teoretické testy
praktické zadania
advancing competition of pupils
elementary school
technical education
theoretical tests
practical assignement
Technické vzdelávanie zohráva dôležitú úlohu vo výchove človeka, v jeho príprave na ďalšie povolanie aj na bežný život. V poslednom období však pozorujeme pokrivkávanie záujmu žiakov základných škôl o technické vzdelávanie. Preto sme sa na katedre techniky a informačných technológií prostredníctvom technickej olympiády zvýšiť záujem a spopularizovať technické vzdelávanie. Článok zachytáva aktuálnu situáciu s jej organizáciou a prípravou v priebehu uplynulých troch ročníkov.
Technical education plays important role in the education fo man, in his preparation for future proffesion and for daily life. Recently, however, we observe the reduction of elementary schools interest in technical education. Therefore the Department of Technology and Information Technologies decided to increase the interest and popularize technical educationa viac Technical Olympiad. The article is focused on actual situation with its organization and preparation within the last three grades.
Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka; 2013, 4, 1; 88-92
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauczyciele, którzy nie uczą. Być nauczycielem w przygotowanym do uczenia się otoczeniu elementarnej szkoły Montessori
Teachers Who Do Not Teach. To Be a Teacher in the Montessori Elementary Learning Environment
Salassa, Monica
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
edukacja Montessori
nauczyciel Montessori
środowisko uczenia się
proces nauczania-uczenia się
badania ikonograficzne
badania empiryczne
Montessori education
Montessori teacher
elementary school
learning environment
teaching-learning process
iconographic research
empirical research
Po krótkim omówieniu modelu edukacji Marii Montessori (podstawy psychologiczne, zasady postępowania, cechy wyróżniające) autorka stara się zaprezentować wyczerpujący opis roli nauczyciela Montessori, zwłaszcza na poziomie szkoły elementarnej. Opracowane w tym celu ramy opisu obejmują selekcję materiałów należących do trzech źródeł: oryginalnych pism M. Montessori, materiałów wizualnych (ikonograficznych) oraz danych empirycznych z badań własnych. Każdy z wymienionych działów zbiera materiały o wysokiej jakości z intencją skoncentrowania na nich uwagi czytelnika i poddania ich szerszej refleksji z różnych punktów widzenia. Triangulacja proponowanych treści i danych jest tu postrzegana jako metoda badania złożonej, lecz fascynującej charakterystyki profilu nauczyciela, zarówno w aspekcie jego teoretycznych właściwości, jak i operacyjnych cech działania ujawnianych w kontekście procesu nauczania-uczenia się. Głównym celem analizy jest głębsze skoncentrowanie się na profilu i roli nauczyciela Montessori w szkole elementarnej, a także umożliwienie czytelnikowi samodzielnej, pogłębionej refleksji nad zagadnieniem i niezależnego formułowania własnych wniosków.
After a brief introduction to the Montessori model of education (psychological foundations, guiding principles, distinctive features), the Author’s contribution is aimed at giving a satisfactory representation of the Montessori teacher, in particular the one dealing with learners at the elementary school stage. The framework is developed using a selection of sources belonging to three different types: Montessori’s writings, visual materials, empirical data. Each section collects specific material with the intention of bringing it to the attention of the reader, allowing wider reflection from different points of view. The triangulation of the proposed contents and data is seen as a method for considering this complex but fascinating teacher profile both in its theoretical specificities and in its operational qualities in the context in which the teaching-learning process takes place. The desired overall results should allow a greater focus on the profile and role of the Montessori teacher in the elementary school as well as giving the reader himself the opportunity to elaborate further reflections and conclusions independently.
Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce; 2018, 13, 1(47); 29-67
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Enrichment of elementary school symmetry-learning process by using melody transformations
Sajka, Mirosława
Fraś, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne
teaching and learning process, symmetry, elementary school, melody transformations, music and mathematics, musical model, transfer of knowledge, multiple intelligences, didactic proposition
Mathematics and Music - two dierent aspects of human creativity, seemingly belonging to separate areas: science and humanities. Despite this, there are multiple well-known common elements and analogies between the two. Especially well explored is the use of mathematics in music. The opposite, which is the use of music in mathematics, seems unusual and is rarely discussed, including the educational aspect. This paper proposes an exemplary approach of using music to enrich and facilitate mathematics teaching and provides its initial empirical verification. The research presented in this paper describes an additional model which presents the possibility and efectiveness of using music to teach geometric transformations of the plane (reflection symmetry and point reflection) at 6th-7th elementary music school grade levels (12 - 13 years old students). The research initially confrmed the hypothesis that the analysis of musical themes and their transformations can be used in music schools as a new model of facilitating the mathematical understanding of reflection symmetry and point reflection. After an experimental music theory lesson concerning melody transformations and a presentation of the parallels between geometric transformations and their melodic transformation equivalents, the results of the POST-TEST in mathematics were significantly better than the PRE-TEST results for the entire experimental class. Moreover, the spontaneous transfer of knowledge from music to mathematics, concerning the understanding of point and reflection symmetry, was observed. The new musical model turned out to be a useful artifact to some students. The additional research results concern the awareness of the possibility of knowledge transfer between mathematics and music. The teachers of mathematics and music theory involved with the experimental class have not made use of the possibility of transferring musical knowledge to mathematics before, while elementary-level music school students are aware of some analogies between mathematics and music.
Didactica Mathematicae; 2019, 41
Pojawia się w:
Didactica Mathematicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zajęcia ruchowe z piłkami edukacyjnymi "edubal" a a umiejętność utrzymania pisma w liniaturze przez uczniów klasy I szkoły podstawowej
Movement classes with the use of the educational balls “edubal” and the ability to write in lines in 1st grade students of elementary school
Rokita, Andrzej
Wawrzyniak, Sara
Mędrek, Marta
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
educational balls “edubal”
elementary school
writing skills
piłki edukacyjne „edubal”
szkoła podstawowa
umiejętność pisania
Background. The aim of the study is to verify relations between movement classes with the use of the educational balls “edubal” and the ability to write in lines in 1st grade students of elementary school. Material and methods. The study diagnosed 43 students (23 girls and 20 boys) from elementary school in Czarny Bór. Data were collected by means of a pedagogical experiment carried out with in parallel group technique (experimental and control group). The experimental factor was the program of physical activity classes integrated with teaching program in elementary school. The experimental group used the education balls “edubal” twice a week for 45 minutes. At the beginning and at the end of the school year “The pedagogical method of examination of reading and writing skills for grades I–III of primary school” by Straburzyńska and Śliwińska was used to evaluate students’ writing skills. Results. The research proved that the students from the experimental group significantly improved their writing skills and achieved better results than those from the control group. Girls made less mistakes than boys. Conclusion. The physical activities with the use of the educational balls “edubal” improve the elementary school students’ ability to write in lines. There are differences in the students’ writing skills performance based on sex.
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu; 2013, 43; 39-45
Pojawia się w:
Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Issue of the Development of Scientific Literacy in the Field of Pre-school and Elementary School Pedagogy
Rochovská, Ivana
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
scientific literacy
natural sciences education
pre-school and elementary school pedagogy
The main topic of this paper is the issue of the development of scientific literacy of students in the field of pre-school and elementary school pedagogy. The theoretical part is dedicated to outlining basic terms, such as scientific literacy, education in natural sciences, the field of study of pre-school and elementary school pedagogy. It presents the outcomes of research in scientific literacy of students of the field of pre-school and elementary school pedagogy in Slovakia. It analyses the concept of natural sciences education, designs a development programme of natural sciences education in the given study field. At the empirical level, it presents the results of experimental verification of the designed concepts of education and on the basis of research results, it presents recommendations for the educational reality.
Journal of Preschool and Elementary School Education; 2012, 2; 115-155
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Preschool and Elementary School Education
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relationship between Elementary School Students Numeracy and Number Sense
Rahmawati, Rina Dyah
Sulistyani, Nawang
Purnomo, Yoppy Wahyu
Fitriya, Yeni
Ramadhani, Deasy
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
number sense
reciprocal relationship
elementary school students
Numbers are fundamental mathematical concepts that underlie various other mathematical principles. This research investigates the relationship between number sense and the numeracy abilities of fifth-grade elementary school students. A cross-sectional survey method was used, with 205 respondents voluntarily participating. The results showed a reciprocal relationship between number sense and numeracy in elementary school students. Emphasising number sense can enhance flexibility in numeracy solutions. Number sense can be developed through assigning math tasks related to the students' environment or associating it with other learning processes. The study emphasises the importance of number sense in the primary school mathematics curriculum.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 74; 73-88
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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