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Adult Educators’ Approaches to the Educational Process and the Expected Results. Introspection Reconstructed in the Phenomenographic Research
Dobrzyniak, Marta
Plyska, Yuriy
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
educators’ approaches
adult education
learning outcomes
The paper’s topic refers to phenomenographic research with the participation of adult educators. The paper reflects educators’ concepts regarding expected learning outcomes or the learning process. These individual concepts were identified based on reconstructions of adult educators’ experiences. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the variety of approaches which educators apply in the educational process and the learning outcomes that adult learners are expected to achieve – according to the educators’ assumptions. Reference to selected theoretical models included in the paper allows looking at the theoretical context.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 73; 149-161
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Challenges of Ukrainian Refugee Educators Abroad: Survey Results Based on the Example of Poland
Lukianova, Larysa
Ovcharuk, Oksana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
refugee educators
adult education
Abstract The study presents the results of the online case study of Ukrainian refugee educators who were forced to move to Poland. The study aimed to investigate problems encountered by refugee educators and find possible options for supporting them and their professional activities per the interests expressed during the survey in the context of lifelong learning. The conceptual background of the research problem was based on the theory of adult education and the recent international strategies. The research sample consisted of 124 refugee educators aged 35–55+ years who have the potential to work by the obtained speciality. Data were collected using a Google Forms questionnaire; qualitative research methods were used. The results allowed for formulating conclusions and perspectives on the educators’ professional development and support.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 73; 134-146
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Creativity Development in the Process Professional Training of Higher Education Graduates of the „Pre-School Education” Bachelor’s Level
Kurchatova, Anzhelika
Shapochkа, Kateryna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
future educators of preschool children
higher education institution
creative thinking
pedagogical conditions
professional training
The article considers the problems of creativity development of higher education students at a bachelor’s level in „Preschool Education” in professional training. Creativity is defined as an integrated quality of the future educator of preschool children in kindergarten, and the importance of creative thinking development during the assimilation of educational components of the professional direction is determined. Modern approaches to the problem of creativity and the selection of different types, factors and criteria suggest that this category has a multidimensional nature, and creativity itself is considered today a necessity in the life of modern man. The essence of the concept of „pedagogical conditions” is revealed. The pedagogical conditions for the effective development of creative thinking of future educators of preschool children that improve the quality of professional training in higher education are considered. Three conditions of creative thinking development of higher education students of the preschool profile are substantiated. They are the use of innovative pedagogical technologies, forms, methods and techniques for activating the creative potential of higher education students of „Preschool Education” speciality in the educational process of higher education institutions; ensuring the problematic nature of the educational process of future educators of preschool children; active practice-oriented activities of future educators of preschool children. Innovative pedagogical technologies and leading methods of work with future educators of preschool children are projects, quests, training sessions, and classes based on certain methods of the theory of inventive problems (MTIP). They allow teachers to guide students of higher education to self-improvement and self-realisation, creative activity, and future professionals to master their knowledge, skills, and abilities to solve specific educational problems in preschool, apply creative approaches, and develop communication and organisational skills. Modern approaches to the problem of creativity, the selection of different types, factors and criteria suggest that this category has a multidimensional nature, and creativity itself is considered today a necessity in the life of modern man.
Viae Educationis; 2022, 1; 33-40
Pojawia się w:
Viae Educationis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Functioning of Preschool Educational Institutions under Pandemic Conditions
Funkcjonowanie przedszkolnych placówek oświatowych w warunkach pandemii
Kuzminskyi, Anatolii
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
preschool educational institution
specificity of preschool educational institution functioning in quarantine conditions
preschool children
przedszkolna placówka oświatowa
specyfika funkcjonowania przedszkolnej placówki oswiatowej w warunkach kwarantanny
dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
This paper focuses on the issue of preschool education in a pandemic. The purpose of this study is to reveal the problems, which public preschool educational institutions (PEIs) may face during the pandemic period. Special emphasis is placed on the subject matter of the article, which is the activities of PEIs in a pandemic. The present research broaches such issues as the mode of functioning of PEIs, the organization of an educational process in PEIs, and the specific features of the activities of the PEI staff under quarantine conditions. To complete the study, the following methods have been employed: theoretical – analysis of psychological-pedagogical and methodological sources, review of educational designs and programs, educational and methodological complexes, and actual educational resources of PEIs; empirical – questionnaires, surveys, interviews, testing, direct and indirect observation, expert evaluation. The article explores the specificity of the activities of PEIs both under the conditions of distance functioning and under the conditions of normal activity, observing quarantine measures. It also reveals and analyses complications and difficulties in the work of the PEI staff, as well as inconveniences for children and parents. Furthermore, the study considers the measures aimed to eliminate the negative factors of distance learning and gives recommendations for the heads of preschool institutions on the peculiarities of their activities in a pandemic.
Celem przeprowadzonego badania było poznanie specyfiki funkcjonowania państwowych przedszkolnych placówek oświatowych podczas pandemii. Kwestie badawcze były następujące: tryb działalności, organizacja procesu edukacyjnego oraz cechy działalności pracowników przedszkolnej placówki oświatowej w warunkach kwarantanny. Metody badawcze: teoretyczne ‒ analiza źródeł psychologiczno-pedagogicznych i metodologicznych, badanie planów edukacyjnych, programów, zestawów materiałów pedagogiczno-metodologicznych, aktualnych stron internetowych przedszkolnych placówek oświatowych; empiryczne ‒ kwestionariusze, ankiety, wywiady, testy, obserwacje bezpośrednie i pośrednie, oceny eksperckie. Badaniu poddano cechy działalności przedszkolnych placówek oświatowych w warunkach funkcjonowania na odległość oraz w warunkach normalnej aktywności, ale z zachowaniem zasad kwarantanny. Wykazano trudności i komplikacje w pracy zespołów tych placówek oraz niedogodności dla dzieci i rodziców. W opracowaniu analizie poddano środki mające na celu wyeliminowanie negatywnych czynników uczenia się na odległość. Wskazano również zalecenia dotyczące specyfiki działań kierowników placówek oświatowych dla dzieci podczas pandemii.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia; 2022, 35, 1; 115-121
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J – Paedagogia-Psychologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kierunki zmian w kulturze kształcenia pedagogów. Deskrypcje i reinterpretacje
Directions of change in the culture of education of educators. Descriptions and reinterpretations
Duraj-Nowakowa, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
przesłanki edukacji pedagogów
cele przygotowywania pedagogów
zmiany w kulturze kształcenia pedagogów
rationale for educating educators
goals of educating educators
changes in the culture of educating educators
Cel. Celem opracowania czynimy przegląd stanowisk pedeutologicznych wobec zmian w kulturze edukacji przyszłych pedagogów. Materiały i metody. Rozpoznawaniu problemu poznania służy metoda studyjna piśmiennictwa i analiza pozyskanych stamtąd materiałów. Za istotne wsparcie przyjmujemy wyniki obserwacji uczestniczących – longitudinalnie – z trzech, organizacyjnie, szczebli edukacji przyszłych pedagogów. Wyniki. Wynikiem podjętych zadań jest układ (jak w śródtytułach) trojakich kwestii rozwiązywanej problematyki bez unikania trudności ich lapidarnej, ale zarazem zasadnej charakterystyki. Trudności bowiem – spoglądając systemologicznie – dotyczą wszystkich komponentów całościowego ujęcia specyfi ki trzech typów przesłanek przemian w kulturze akademickiej edukacji pedagogów. Wnioski. Adekwatnie do dynamicznie zmieniających się potrzeb zachęcam do wspólnoty rozumień danej problematyki i – też wspólnotowego – podejmowania dyskusji nad optymalnie formowanymi projektami w kwestii usprawnień nie tylko tematycznego myślenia, ale i – w następstwie – prób modernizowania działań w praktyce uczelni wyższych. Wymaga to zarówno renowacji zamysłów, jak i reformowania ich wdrożeń.
Aim. The purpose of the study is to review pedeutological positions against changes in the education culture of future educators. Materials and methods. The study method of writing and analysis of the materials obtained from there is used to identify the problem of cognition. We take as important support the results of observations of participating – longitudinally – from three, organizationally, levels of education of future educators. Results. The result of the tasks undertaken is the arrangement (as in the middle titles) of three issues solved issues without avoiding the diffi culties of their lapidary but at the same time reasonable characterization. The diffi culties, when viewed systemically, concern all the components of the overall approach to specifi city the three types of rationale for changes in the academic culture of educators’ education. Conclusion. Therefore, in order to respond adequately to the rapidly changing needs, I encourage a community of understanding of the issue and, the Community too, to discuss optimally formed projects for improvements not only of thematic thinking but and in the aftermath attempts to modernise the activities in the practice of higher education institutions. Which requires both the renovation of ideas and the reform of their implementations.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2022, XXVI, (1/2022); 153-169
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Social Media as a Tool for the Formation of Media Literacy
Kyrpa, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
social network
information environment
Transformation and informatisation of society contribute to introducing social media and information and communication technologies (ICT) as an integral part of society. The article is devoted to studying forming such a key competence of modern personality as media literacy through social media. The analysis of recent research and publications shows that the use of social media is controversial and has already been studied by scholars in various aspects. The use of social media today can be perceived as a pedagogical tool and a lever of information and political influence on society. Taking into consideration the imposition of martial law in Ukraine, we experience a special need to create own platforms of proven and quality information presented to the audience on social media as well as experts and influencers that will support the image and spirit of the country and ensure the dissemination of verified and reliable information. Education is considered the main counteraction to propaganda, manipulation and bias, and educators have been the headliners of the educational process. When conducting the research, the following tasks were set: 1) to find out the peculiarities of social media functioning (especially in martial law); 2) to test the feasibility of using social media as a tool for forming media literacy (based on findings of the educators in Dnipropetrovsk region). To conduct a comprehensive study of the use of social media as a tool for forming media literacy, we used a mixed research design based on quantitative and qualitative methods. The information overload that occurred at the beginning of the Russian military aggression against Ukraine negatively affected Ukrainian citizens’ ability to perceive information critically. However, by adapting to life in new conditions and restoring the ability to think critically, citizens continued their professional activities at a qualitatively new level. Exploring the potential of using social media for political manipulation and propaganda requires further in-depth study and analysis and can serve as a basis for political or psychological research in modern society.
Viae Educationis; 2022, 4; 22-29
Pojawia się w:
Viae Educationis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The problem of children’s right to participation in early childhood education and care
Skrzypczak, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
children’s right to participation
perspectives of early childhood educators
organizational culture
childhood studies
Participation, a highly debated topic, is understood as a right to self-determination and a right to be involved in the decision-making in matters that concern one’s life. Also, in the field of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Germany, children’s participation plays an important role, embedded in the legislation. However, research shows that children still do not participate in decisions in their daily life in childcare facilities. This problem has been linked to the negative attitudes of early childhood educators, their fear of losing control, sharing power with children, or even lack of knowledge. The recent qualitative case study, examining educators’ participation perspectives by applying semi-structured interviews and a focus group, demonstrated that educators understand what participation means differently and view it as a concept rather than a right. However, they perceive it as having enormous importance and are keen to embrace it. Their attitudes depend significantly on their experiences and the behavioural scripts they internalized. Another factor influencing children’s participation is the organizational culture of a childcare facility. It is correlated with the quality of care in childcare settings. To this end, studying and ensuring positive work relationships proves to be necessary. Applying collaborative leadership and democratic, participatory structures is essential to children and adults alike. A genuinely respectful environment designed to promote self-determination, deep reflection, ongoing training, and support are key in realizing children’s right to participation in ECEC.
Society Register; 2022, 6, 1; 85-106
Pojawia się w:
Society Register
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Vocational Teacher Educators’ Role Identity: A Case Study in Malta
Said, Alison
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Vocational Teacher Educators (VTEs)
Role Identities
Vocational Education (VET) Context
Identity Theory
This paper gains a deeper understanding of the professional role identities of vocational teacher educators (VTEs) when compared with mainstream teacher educators (MTEs) in Malta. It is framed using identity theory from the structural symbolic interactionism perspective (Burke and Stets 2009). Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, adopting thematic analysis. Findings show that VTEs and MTEs underpin their teaching differently, influenced by the perceptions they have about their professional role identities. There is no “one size fits all” solution for each country, yet this study contributes to a field with a limited research base and offers new insights to identity theory.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2022, 18, 1; 50-72
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A narrative inquiry into Iranian EFL teacher educators’ voice about challenges of call teacher education
Meihami, Hussein
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie. IATEFL Poland Computer Special Interest Group
CALL teacher education
EFL teacher educators
biographical narratives
The rapid integration of technology in EFL learning and teaching requires competent EFL teachers to use Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in their classes. Hence, the role of CALL teacher education in preparing competent EFL teachers is significant. However, conducting CALL teacher education is not without challenges. Given the importance of examining these challenges, the purpose of the current study was to investigate Iranian EFL teacher educators’ voice about the challenges of conducting CALL teacher education programs. To that end, eight Iranian EFL teacher educators’ biographical narratives were analyzed to obtain challenges concerning CALL teacher education. The thematic analysis of the narratives, based on the principles of ethnography semantics, indicated that challenges such as inertia, ignorance of training CALL educators, insufficient time to address CALL compared to other topics, insufficient infrastructure, insufficient standards, and lack of established methodology to administrate CALL teacher education were among the main obstacles of conducting CALL teacher education in the Iranian context. Moreover, the findings revealed that lack of EFL teachers’ motivation to participate in such programs, insufficient CALL infrastructure in schools and institutes, and EFL teachers’ inertia were other challenges in CALL teacher education. The findings suggest that the stability of CALL can be reached by removing the challenges of CALL teacher education if policy-makers address issues such as the required budgets, CALL infrastructures, and teacher motivation in CALL teacher education.
Teaching English with Technology; 2021, 21, 2; 92-111
Pojawia się w:
Teaching English with Technology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Blaski i cienie edukacji domowej w przekonaniach praktykujących ją matek
The lights and shadows of home-schooling in the beliefs of mothers
Krasuska-Betiuk, Marta
Dropia, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych. Instytut Pedagogiki. Zakład Historii Edukacji
edukacja domowa
badania jakościowe
home education
qualitative research
Wprowadzenie. W 2021 roku, 7 września, minęło 30 lat od dnia, kiedy w 1991 roku Sejm RP X kadencji przyjął Ustawę o systemie oświaty, której zapisy umożliwiły spełnianie przez dzieci i młodzież obowiązku szkolnego i nauki poza szkołą, głównie w domu rodzinnym. Stowarzyszenie Edukacji w Rodzinie szacuje, że pod koniec 2021 roku edukacją domową zostanie objętych ponad 20 tys. dzieci w naszym kraju. W artykule dokonano krótkiego przeglądu polskich badań i przedstawiono z perspektywy rodziny ten model edukacji alternatywnej. Cel. Przedstawienie perspektywy matek, które praktykują edukację domową. Materiały i metody. Źródłem danych badawczych są wywiady przeprowadzone z siedmioma matkami oraz analiza zawartości wybranych polskojęzycznych zasobów internetowych na temat homeschoolingu. Wnioski. W oddziaływaniach rodzicielskich w obszarze edukacji pozaszkolnej i domowej to matki przejawiają szersze kompetencje, zwłaszcza w kwestiach związanych z dydaktyką nauczania: planują formy pracy dzieci, dostarczają materiałów, doszkalają się, aktywnie poszukują wiedzy, jak efektywnie uczyć. Kobiety, które udzieliły wywiadu, oceniają zaangażowanie swoich partnerów w wychowanie i kształcenie domowe jako wystarczające. Z narracji uczestniczek badań wyłania się pozytywny obraz ich macierzyństwa i rodzicielstwa mocno zaangażowanego w edukację dzieci. Organizują im właściwe środowisko rozwoju i nauki, nie akceptują dyrektywnego stylu nauczania, poszukują własnych metod pracy. Matki są ugruntowane w swoich wyborach, przekonane, że profesjonalnie konstruują drogi edukacyjne swoich dzieci, bardziej niż na wynikach egzaminów końcowych zależy im na rozwijaniu zainteresowań i talentów dzieci. Rozmówczynie nie ukrywały, że edukacja domowa wymaga wysiłku, odwagi, ale nie traktowały swojego zaangażowania w kategorii poświęcenia czy wyrzeczenia, a raczej jako świadomy wybór lub wymóg czasów, przy czym najsilniej podkreślały niewydolność polskiej szkoły w zapewnieniu edukacji dobrej jakości.
Home education, according to art. 16 sec. 8 to 14 of the Act of 7 1991, on the education system is one possible way to fulfi l the compulsory education requirement in Poland. The Education in the Family Association estimates that at the end of 2021, over 20,000 Polish children will be home-schooling. The article provides a brief review of Polish research and presents this model of alternative education from the perspective of the family. Aim. Presentation of the perspective of mothers who practice home education. Materials and methods. The source of research data are interviews with 7 mothers, and an analysis of the content of selected Polish-language online resources on homeschooling. Conclusions. In parental infl uences in the area of out-of-school, and home, education, mothers evince broader competences, especially in matters related to didactics of teaching: planning forms of child working, providing materials, learning, actively seeking knowledge on how to teach effectively. Interviewed mothers rate their partners’ commitment to upbringing and home-schooling as suffi cient. From the narrative of the participants of the research, a positive picture emerges of their motherhood and parenthood strongly involved in the education of children. They organize the right environment for their development and learning, do not accept the directive style of teaching, and look for their own methods of work. Mothers are grounded in their choices, they are convinced that they professionally construct educational paths of their children, and, more than the results of the fi nal exams, they care about developing the interests and talents of children. The interlocutors did not deny that home education requires effort and courage, but they did not treat their commitment in terms of self-sacrifi ce, or renunciation, rather, it was their conscious choice or as a requirement of the times; however, at the same time, they most strongly emphasized the ineffi ciency of the Polish school in providing good quality education.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2021, XXIV, (1/2021); 25-45
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcjonowanie przedszkola Golvsengane w Nordfjordeid w Norwegii
The functioning of Golvsengane kindergarten in Nordfjordeid in Norway
Van Damme, Małgorzata
Jacewicz, Agata
Data publikacji:
Niepaństwowa Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Białymstoku
dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
nauczyciele – pedagodzy – wychowawcy (kadra pedagogiczna)
planowanie i dokumentowanie pracy
opieka zdrowotna
opieka psychologiczno-pedagogiczna
współpraca ze środowiskiem
preschool children
teachers - educators - educators (teaching staff)
planning and documenting work
health care
psychological and pedagogical care
cooperation with the community
W artykule dokonano charakterystyki edukacji przedszkolnej w Norwegii na przykładzie pracy przedszkola w Nordfjordeid. Opis kadry i wychowanków poprzedza krótka historia związana z powstaniem placówki i miejscem jej usytuowania. Szczególną uwagę skoncentrowano na funkcjonowaniu przedszkola, planowaniu i prowadzeniu zajęć, spacerów, wycieczek, uroczystości, aranżacji kącików zainteresowań. Zaakcentowano opiekę zdrowotną, pomoc pedagogiczno-psychologiczną, logopedyczną oraz współpracę ze środowiskiem (w tym środowiskiem rodzinnym dziecka). Zawarto w nim też ocenę pracy placówki w oparciu o obowiązujące uregulowania prawne.
The article presents pre-school education in Norway on the example of a kindergarten in Nordfjordeid. The description of the staff and pupils is preceded by a short history related to the establishment of the facility and its location. Special attention has been paid to the functioning of the kindergarten, planning and conducting classes, walks, excursions, celebrations, and the arrangement of interest corners. Health care, pedagogical and psychological assistance, speech therapy and cooperation with the environment (including the child's family environment) have been highlighted. The article includes an assessment of the facility's work based on current legal regulations.
Zagadnienia społeczne; 2021, 1, 15; 113-144
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Możliwości wykorzystania grywalizacji w zdalnej edukacji
Para, Anna
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
distance education
students' motivation
educators' competences
education applications
The article deals with using game mechanisms (gamification) to increase students' motivation and involvement in remote educational activities. Distance learning has become the dominant form of learning at various levels of education during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is very likely that also in the future, remote courses will constitute a considerable part of the educational offer of universities as well as other educational institutions. Along with the popularization and mass implementation of distance learning, the role of educators and the importance of their digital competences increased. In a relatively short time, teachers and educators had to adapt the course content and materials to the needs and technical possibilities of distance learning. One of the greatest challenges was maintaining the participants' involvement and motivation in remote classes, supported by gamification. This article aims to explain the concept of gamification and discuss game mechanisms along with their possible applications in distance education. The author discusses the effectiveness of gamification in light of selected psychological theories in the context of distance learning and its technological conditions. The article provides examples of selected applications and platforms that may help gamify remote classes at the higher education level.
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie; 2021, 88, 1; 21-29
Pojawia się w:
e-mentor. Czasopismo naukowe Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
No Sinecure Acting as Public Intellectual in Education
Dla intelektualisty, stanowisko w sferze edukacji to nie synekura
Miedema, Siebren
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie
public intellectual
forms of education
holistic personhood formation
experiences of educators
formy kształcenia
holistyczne kształtowanie osobowości
doświadczenia pedagogów
The author has earlier made a plea for educators acting as public intellectuals in society to counteract still inuential neo-liberal tendencies in educational policies and practices. Against emphases on overstretched attention for measurable output and accountability in education, the aim of education in schools is formulated in terms of holistic personhood formation. Interviewing three educators in dierent phases of their carrier, it becomes clear that working in academia nowadays it is no sinecure to act as a public intellectual. The author also presents his own experiences in dierent roles, and makes clear that the instructional niche one is working in could be of utmost importance for really taking that role. To realize a change, it is, according the author, necessary to stop with too much focus on highly cited publications in academic journals, and on individual researchers instead of on research groups working collectively together in joint research programs and with societal partners.
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal; 2021, 1, 1; 259-271
Pojawia się w:
Language. Culture. Politics. International Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opinions of prisoners and penitentiary educators on performance of work by persons deprived of liberty
Opinie osadzonych i wychowawców penitencjarnych na temat pracy wykonywanej przez osoby pozbawione wolności
Lewicka-Zelent, Agnieszka
Pytka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
wychowawcy penitencjarni
penitentiary educators
Praca stanowi jedną z najważniejszych aktywności człowieka, zważywszy na wiele jej walorów. Dlatego dąży się do tego, żeby osoby pozbawione wolności mogły podjąć pracę lub kontynuować ją, przebywając w warunkach izolacyjnych. Jednak aranżując skuteczne oddziaływania związane z zatrudnieniem osób skazanych, warto poznać ich opinie na ten temat. Jednostronny obraz zjawiska może być zakłócony i dlatego postanowiono poznać opinie wychowawców penitencjarnych i ich podopiecznych na temat pracy wykonywanej przez osoby pozbawione wolności. W badaniach przeprowadzonych na przełomie 2018 i 2019 roku wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego. Narzędziami były autorskie kwestionariusze ankiet: dla osób skazanych (N = 396) oraz dla wychowawców zatrudnionych podczas odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności (N = 326). Przeprowadzone analizy statystyczne ujawniły dużo różnic istotnych statystycznie między opiniami porównywanych grup osób, zwłaszcza związanych z przyczynami i skutkami wykonywanej pracy przez osoby pozbawione wolności oraz ich zaangażowaniem w nią.
Work, given its many benefits, is one of the most important human activities. This is why efforts are made to enable persons deprived of their liberty to take up a job or to continue working while remaining in isolation. Nevertheless, when arranging effective measures of influence related to the employment of the convicted persons, it is useful to know their opinions on the matter. A one-sided image of the phenomenon can be distorted, therefore it was decided to find out the opinions of penitentiary educators and their charges on the performance of work by persons deprived of liberty. The research conducted in late 2018 and early 2019 used the method of a diagnostic survey. The tools used were original questionnaires: for prisoners (N=396) and for educators employed while serving a sentence of imprisonment (N=326). The statistical analyses carried out revealed many statistically significant differences between the opinions of the compared groups of respondents, especially related to: the motives and effects of the performance of work by persons deprived of liberty and their commitment to it.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2021, 21; 303-316
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Professional development of academic teachers in the audit culture
Rozwój zawodowy nauczycieli akademickich w kulturze audytu
Szplit, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Lubuskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
audit culture
teachers’ performance assessment
teacher educators’ professional development
kultura audyty
ocena pracy nauczyciela
rozwój zawodowy nauczycieli
Current problems in education include excessive bureaucracy and the need to develop tools to measure the effectiveness of teaching and scientific development. This is evidenced by the measurement procedures commonly implemented for quality of education and constant checking the implementation of intended activities. The pedagogical literature uses terms such as “audit society” or “audit culture” to describe these trends. The paper analyses this situation, which can also be observed in the Polish educational system, based on qualitative research conducted among teacher educators. It presents the activities of teacher educators who fulfill the audit requirements or undertake activities that do not correlate with the imposed development criteria. The paper describes the experiences of teacher educators looking for ’a golden means’ and the actions they take to find a balance between bureaucratic criteria for assessing their professional.
Jednym z obecnych problemów edukacji jest jej nadmierne zbiurokratyzowanie i potrzeba określenia stałych miar badających efektywność nauczania czy rozwój naukowy. Świadczą o tym powszechnie wdrażane procedury mierzenia jakości kształcenia i sprawdzania realizacji zamierzonych działań. Na określenie tych trendów w literaturze pedagogicznej pojawiają się zatem takie terminy jak „społeczeństwo audytu” czy „kultura audytu”. Artykuł charakteryzuje ten trend, pojawiający się również w polskiej edukacji, w oparciu o badania jakościowe przeprowadzone wśród nauczycieli akademickich specjalizujących się w kształceniu nauczycieli. Wskazuje działania nauczycieli akademickich poddających się audytowi lub podejmujących działania nie korelujące z narzucanymi kryteriami rozwoju. Opisuję doświadczenia nauczycieli poszukujących „złotego środka” i podejmowane przez nich działania w celu odnalezienia równowagi pomiędzy biurokratycznymi kryteriami oceny ich rozwoju zawodowego a indywidualnymi preferencjami i wizją pracy akademickiej.
Rocznik Lubuski; 2021, 47, 1; 81-92
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Lubuski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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