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Chronologia i stratygraa wykopu w rejonie przyczółka mostu zachodniego na podgrodziu (badania w latach 60. XX wieku)
Chronology and Stratigraphy of the Trench near the Abutment of the Western Bridge in the Suburbium (Examinations in the 1960s)
Banaszak, Danuta
Tabaka, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy
wczesne średniowiecze
Ostrów Lednicki
most zachodni
chronologia i straty0kacja
Early Middle Ages
Ostrów Lednicki (Lednica Holm) western bridge
archeological stratification and chronology
The present paper discusses the results of excavations carried out within the framework of the so-called “Millennium research” (1961–1962) at Ostrów Lednicki. A survey of the abutment of the western (Poznań) bridge allowed to define the time of construction of the bridge as the beginning of the second half of the 10th c. This chronology was confirmed by the dendrochronological analysis of piles. These dates define the time of construction of the bridge as 963–964, while its repairs were carried out in 981, 995, 1007–1008, 1015–1018, 1022 and 1033. These dates imply that repairs of the bridge were carried out at even intervals, each 12–14 years. This may have resulted from the natural durability of the wood used for the construction of the bridge. A stone pavement was discovered around the abutment of the bridge. It hardened the entrance to the bridge. There were also c. 2.5 m wide roads near the lake, which went southwards from the bridge to the stronghold and northwards to the suburbium. The latest date of 1033 would suggest the last repair of the bridge. An assemblage of pottery from layers associated with the destruction (burning) of the bridge is dated to the mid-11th c. The latest of the received dates and the assemblage of pottery from burnt layers allow for dating of the destruction of the Poznań bridge to the mid-11Th c. The bridge was probably burnt in the course of fights over the island. This is implied by finds from the abutment: a sword and a spur, as well as by numerous militaria extracted from the lake by underwater archaeologists: a helmet, a chainmail, swords, stirrups, spurs, spearheads and axes. The lack of an evident burnt layer (apart from scorched beams) and a thick level of rubble may imply that the fire did not destroy the bridge completely and the structure did not collapse at once. The bridge, not repaired and not in use after the fire, underwent slow decomposition. From then, a depression of the terrain near the lake was not used for building purposes and the remains of the bridge and the road were covered by naturally growing layers of loam, sand and turf humus. From the mid-11th c. the island was connected to the land by a ferry crossing, built in the place of the eastern (Gniezno) bridge. In this location, the distance from the island to the mainland is half as much (c. 200 m) as on the western side.
Studia Lednickie; 2014, 13; 115-152
Pojawia się w:
Studia Lednickie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znalezisko brązowej pobocznicy wędzidła z Ostrowa Lednickiego
Bronze horse bit cheekpiece from Ostrów Lednicki
Banaszak, Danuta
Tabaka, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy
Ostrów Lednicki
wczesne średniowiecze
oporządzenie jeździeckie
Early Middle Ages
horse tack
Construction works related to the implementation of the project of the modernisation and extension of archaeological reserves under the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica were conducted at Ostrów Lednicki in 2010. They produced a small bronze item – a fragment of a triangular-shaped horse bit cheekpiece. Its two long edges (lower and upper) are gently arched upwards, and the shorter one was broken off. The lower edge is roller-shaped and oval in cross section. The preserved end at the contact point of the upper and lower edges is thickened, bilaterally, laterally, and diagonally bevelled (resembling a stylised snakehead). The other one, a broken off end of the lower edge, is slightly bent upwards on the inside. Thisis probably the forepart of the second part, a mirror ‘reflection’ of the preserved plate, with relief. Visible on one of its surfaces is a fragment of the relief: part of the body, a wing, tail and paw of a sitting dragon or basilisk. It has a curled wing adhering to the side and a long snakelike tail with a three-part end. One of them is spirally rolled up under the back of the torso. The dimensions of the fragmentally preserved object are as follows: length 5.31 cm, width 2.47 cm, thickness 0.35 cm, thickness with relief 0.55 cm. The bits discovered at Ostrów Lednicki and in the waters of Lake Lednica (along the bridges and in their vicinity) belong mostly to the two-part type I forms according to A. Nadolski. The find from the suburbium is a fragment of the type II bit according to A. Nadolski. They are believed to date from the tenth to thirteenth centuries, but in most cases they are considered to date back to the eleventh-twelfth centuries. The specimen from Ostrów Lednicki has a plate, cast along with an extended straight side, with a relief showing the dragon or basilisk. The item provides no clue as to when exactly and how it was brought to Ostrów Lednicki. However, this is another, after the ending of a whip handle, high-class horse tack-related object of eastern origin discovered at the site.
Studia Lednickie; 2017, 16; 69-79
Pojawia się w:
Studia Lednickie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyniki badań archeologicznych z epoki brązu, późnego okresu wpływów rzymskich i starszych faz wczesnego średniowiecza na nowo odkrytym stanowisku nr 62 (AZP 52-25/184) w Lusowie, gm. Tarnowo Podgórne, woj. wielkopolskie
Results of archaeological investigations from the Bronze Age, the late Roman influence period and the older phases of the early Middle Ages at the newly discovered site no. 62 (AZP 52-25/184) in Lusowo, Tarnowo Podgórne municipality, Wielkopolskie Voivodeship
Banaszak, Paweł
Wawrzyniak, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy
ratownicze badania archeologiczne
stanowisko wielokulturowe
wczesna epoka brązu
późny okres wpływów rzymskich
starsze fazy wczesnego średniowiecza
rescue archaeological investigations
multicultural site
early Bronze Age
late Roman influences
later phases of the early Middle Ages
Na nieodnotowane dotąd w rejestrach konserwatorskich stanowisko archeologiczne w Lusowie, gm. Tarnowo Podgórne, natrafi ono przypadkowo podczas robót budowlanych. W trakcie prowadzonych przez okres tygodnia ratowniczych badań wykopaliskowych odsłonięto 24 obiekty nieruchome, głównie jamy (w tym zasobowe), domniemany obiekt mieszkalny bądź gospodarczy oraz paleniska i doły posłupowe, utożsamiane z osadnictwem ze schyłkowego okresu wczesnej epoki brązu ludności kultury łużyckiej (epoka brązu?), kultury przeworskiej (późny okres wpływów rzymskich?) oraz z fazy B wczesnego średniowiecza. Nowo odkryte stanowisko wpisano do rejestru jako Lusowo 62 (AZP 52-25/184).
A previously unlisted archaeological site in Lusowo, Tarnowo Podgórne municipality, was discovered by accident during construction works. During the week-long rescue excavations, 24 immovable objects were uncovered, mainly pits (including resource pits), a presumed dwelling or outbuilding, as well as hearths and postholes, identified with settlements from the late Early Bronze Age of the Lusatian culture (Bronze Age?), the Przeworsk culture (late Roman influence?) and Phase B of the early Middle Ages. The newly discovered site was registered as Lusowo 62 (AZP 52-25/184).
Studia Lednickie; 2022, 21; 85-108
Pojawia się w:
Studia Lednickie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Archaeological research at Grodno Castle in Zagórze Śląskie from 2017 to 2019
Badania archeologiczne na zamku Grodno w Zagórzu Śląskim w latach 2017-2019
Biel, Radosław
Konczewska, Magdalena
Konczewski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
Late Middle Ages
early modern period
Hussite wars
robber knights
późne średniowiecze
okres wczesnonowożytny
wojny husyckie
Although Grodno Castle (Kynsburg), located in the southern part of the Wałbrzyskie Mountains, due to its turbulent history has been popular since the $19^{th}$ century, this fact has never translated into the level of advancement of the scientific studies devoted to it. Until recently, scientific research, especially excavations, was carried out to a very limited extent. The aim of the article is to present and discuss the results of archaeological research conducted in 2017-2019 and its correlation with the knowledge provided to us by written sources. For this purpose, the most important historical events related to the functioning of Grodno Castle are briefly discussed. Then, the results of analyzes of the nature and relative chronology of the stratigraphic layers forming the embankment located on the castle zwinger and lying in the courtyard of the upper castle are presented, along with summarizing the conclusions of the typological, morphological, chronological and comparative analyzes of the archaeological finds discovered during the excavations. As a result of these activities, in the case of the layers forming the embankment located on the zwinger, 6 phases of anthropogenic activity were distinguished, which were related to historical events, and an image of the material culture of the castle inhabitants and the changes taking place in it over more than seven centuries were obtained.
Choć zamek Grodno (Kynsburg), położony w południowej części Gór Wałbrzyskich, wskutek swej burzliwej historii cieszył się popularnością już od XIX w., nigdy nie przełożyła się ona na stopień zaawansowania poświęconych mu studiów naukowych. Jeszcze do niedawna badania naukowe, a szczególnie prace wykopaliskowe prowadzono tam w bardzo ograniczonym stopniu. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie i omówienie wyników badań archeologicznych prowadzonych w latach 2017-2019 i ich korelacja z informacjami ze źródeł pisanych. W tym celu skrótowo omówiono najważniejsze znane wydarzenia historyczne związane z funkcjonowaniem zamku Grodno. Następnie zaprezentowano wyniki analiz charakteru i względnej chronologii nawarstwień stratygraficznych tworzących nasyp zlokalizowany na zamkowym międzymurzu oraz zalegających na dziedzińcu zamku górnego, a także podsumowano wnioski płynące z wykonanych analiz typologicznych, morfologicznych, chronologicznych i porównawczych ruchomego materiału zabytkowego, odkrytego w trakcie badań przeprowadzonych metodą wykopaliskową. W efekcie tych działań, w przypadku nawarstwień tworzących nasyp położony na międzymurzu, wyróżniono sześć faz aktywności antropogenicznej, które powiązano z historycznymi wydarzeniami, a także uzyskano obraz kultury materialnej mieszkańców zamku i zachodzących w niej zmian na przestrzeni przeszło siedmiu wieków.
Architectus; 2021, 4 (68); 21-28
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Die Beziehungen der Lutizen im Ostseeraum (10.–12. jahrhundert)
The contacts of the Luticians i the Baltic Sea area (10th – 12th century)
Biermann, Felix
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Baltic trade
early Middle Ages
burial customs
cultural contacts of the élites
handel bałtycki
wczesne średniowiecze
obrządek pogrzebowy
kontakty kulturalne elit
Kontakty w rejonie Bałtyku, głównie ze Skandynawią, były niezwykle istotne dla ekonomicznych i społecznych relacji Słowian północnych od VIII w. Na obszarze lucickiego związku plemiennego (późny X–XII w.) obserwujemy wybitny materiał świadczący o kontaktach z Północą, ważny przede wszystkim dla habitusu wojennych elit tego ostatniego niezależnego obszaru plemiennego. Odnosząca sukces działalność Związku Lucickiego oparta była na rozkwicie ekonomicznym stymulowanym przez rozwój strefy handlu nad Bałtykiem, ale wpływały na nią też impulsy z północy i silne kontakty między środowiskami wojowników z obu brzegów Bałtyku. Pokojowe oraz wojenne relacje, jak również ekspansja imperium duńskiego w XII w. doprowadziły ostatecznie do upadku Luciców. W artykule są dyskutowane północne koneksje Luciców przez pryzmat archeologii, skupiając się na pojedynczych znaleziskach, pochówkach elitarnych i łodziowych.
Für die Wirtschaft und die sozialen Verhältnisse der Nordwestslawen waren die Beziehungen im Ostseeraum von großer Bedeutung, insbesondere jene nach Skandinavien. Diese Kontakte entwickelten sich bereits seit dem 8. Jahrhundert. Herausragende materielle Zeugen der Verbindungen mit dem Norden kennen wir aber namentlich aus dem Gebiet des lutizischen Stammesverbandes (spätes 10.–12. Jahrhundert), dessen kriegerische Eliten sich auch in ihrem Habitus in vieler Hinsicht nach Norden orientierten. Das über lange Zeit erfolgreiche Agieren der Lutizen basierte durchaus maßgeblich auf einer wirtschaftlichen Blüte, die sich aus der Integration der slawischen Küstengebiete in die florierende Ostsee-Handelszone ergab. Auch unmittelbare Impulse aus dem Norden und enge Beziehungen zwischen den einander ähnlichen Kriegergesellschaften nördlich und südlich der Ostsee wirkten sich dabei aus. Es gab sowohl friedliche als auch kriegerische Begegnungen. Die Expansion des dänischen Reiches im 12. Jahrhundert trug schließlich zum Untergang der letzten noch unabhängigen slawischen Stammesgebiete bei. Hier werden die nördlichen Verbindungen der Lutizen mit einem archäologischen Fokus besprochen, insbesondere unter Bezug auf Für Für die Wirtschaft und die sozialen Verhältnisse der Nordwestslawen waren die Beziehungen im Ostseeraum von großer Bedeutung, insbesondere jene nach Skandinavien. Diese Kontakte entwickelten sich bereits seit dem 8. Jahrhundert. Herausragende materielle Zeugen der Verbindungen mit dem Norden kennen wir aber namentlich aus dem Gebiet des lutizischen Stammesverbandes (spätes 10.–12. Jahrhundert), dessen kriegerische Eliten sich auch in ihrem Habitus in vieler Hinsicht nach Norden orientierten. Das über lange Zeit erfolgreiche Agieren der Lutizen basierte durchaus maßgeblich auf einer wirtschaftlichen Blüte, die sich aus der Integration der slawischen Küstengebiete in die florierende Ostsee-Handelszone ergab. Auch unmittelbare Impulse aus dem Norden und enge Beziehungen zwischen den einander ähnlichen Kriegergesellschaften nördlich und südlich der Ostsee wirkten sich dabei aus. Es gab sowohl friedliche als auch kriegerische Begegnungen. Die Expansion des dänischen Reiches im 12. Jahrhundert trug schließlich zum Untergang der letzten noch unabhängigen slawischen Stammesgebiete bei. Hier werden die nördlichen Verbindungen der Lutizen mit einem archäologischen Fokus besprochen, insbesondere unter Bezug auf jüngere Ergebnisse der Detektor-Archäologie, auf Eliten- und Bootsgräber.
The contacts in the Baltic, mainly to Scandinavia, were vitally important for the economy and social affairs of the northern Slavs since the 8th century. In the territory of the Lutician tribal league (late 10th–12th century) we observe outstanding material witnesses of the contacts with the north, with relevance above all for the habitus of the warlike élites of these last independent tribal areas. The successful activity of the Lutician league based on an economic blossom, stimulated significantly by flourishing Baltic Sea trade zone, but was also affected by northern impulses and strong contacts between warrior societies at both shores of the Baltic Sea. There were peaceful as well as warlike contacts, and the expansion of the Danish Empire in the 12th century contributed, finally, to Lutician doom. Here are discussed the northern connections of the Luticians with an archaeological focus, beneath else concerning archaeological single findings, élite and boat graves.
Studia Maritima; 2019, 32; 29-43
Pojawia się w:
Studia Maritima
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stanowisko nr 20 w Przemyślu w świetle badań wykopaliskowych. Cz. 1. Analiza typologiczno-chronologiczna źródeł ruchomych pozyskanych w trakcie badań w latach 2005–2007
Site No. 20 in Przemyśl in the light of excavations. Part 1. Typological and chronological analysis of movable finds obtained during the research in the years 2005–2007
Bober, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie
Cathedral Square
analysis of sources
open settlement
Early Middle Ages
The aim of the paper is to present the results of a typological and chronological analysis of movable finds obtained during excavations at site no. 20 in Przemyśl in the years 2005–2007. The site covers the area located directly on the west side of the cathedral church, around the building of the former Cathedral School at the Cathedral Square. Due to the location of the site on the eastern side of the castle hill in the vicinity of the Romanesque rotunda of St. nicholas, this site is an important research point with reference to Przemyśl. The remains of intensive open settlement were exposed at this site in the form of residential and utility features in two phases: 1. Roman influence (phase B2–C2) and 2. early Middle Ages (between the second half of the 10th or the beginning of the 11th and the end of the 12th century). The immovable features together with the initial report were published after the completion of the research in 2006 and 2007. It was noted that after using the open settlement, an earth rampart was built here, in which six subsequent phases were distinguished. The early Middle Ages ceramic material was the only type of artefacts that were discovered in the subsequent six phases of the earth rampart. On the basis of some characteristics – technology, ornamentation or rim shapes, an attempt was made to determine the chronology of piling up successive layers of the rampart. The material in all layers is similar and it can be dated to the 11th–13th century. Therefore, the rampart was probably created from the end of the 12th or 13th century. A large collection of Modern period pottery sherds was obtained from the mound of the youngest 6th phase of the rampart, which was established as the period from the end of the 16th to the 1st half of the 17th century.
Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego; 2019, 40; 87-204
Pojawia się w:
Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka zachodniosłowiańskich grodów plemiennych w świetle badań archeologicznych w dorzeczu dolnej Parsęty.
Brzostowicz, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
the Parsęta (river)
early Middle Ages
the Slavic Territory
This article presents tribal gords in the West Slavic Territory. The analysis was performed on the lower Parsęta basin and selected regions in Poland (chiefly Wielkopolska, Małopolska and Mazowsze). Considerable attention was paid to the origin of the gords, their function and role at a time preceding establishment of the early medieval state structures.
Slavia Antiqua: rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim; 2018, 59; 93-116
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Antiqua: rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tradycje chrystianizacji okolic Pełczyc
Christianisation traditions of vicinities of Pełczyce
Brzustowicz, Grzegorz Jacek
Data publikacji:
Instytut Wydawniczy Księży Misjonarzy Redakcja "Nasza Przeszłość"
misja chrystianizacyjna
otton z bambergu
pomorze zachodnie
wczesne średniowiecze
christianization mission
otto from bamberg
early middle ages.
Celem artykułu jest zebranie źródeł mogących wskazywać na przejście przez okolice Pełczyc misji chrystianizacyjnej biskupa Ottona w 1124 roku. Wiadomo z żywotów biskupa bamberskiego, iż po przekroczeniu rzeki granicznej, którą słusznie upatruje się w Warcie, orszak przeszedł przez pomorski Stary Gród (Zitarigroda) i podążył na północ w kierunku Pyrzyc. Historiografia już wcześniej wytypowała postój orszaku w okolicy dzisiejszych wsi Brzesko i Kosino, gdzie przez wieki śladem tego miała być nazwa strumienia Jordan oraz Polska Droga. Niedawno pojawiła się hipoteza, iż biskup dotarł tutaj z okolic Pełczyc, gdzie już około połowy XIII wieku istniały obok siebie nazwy dwóch miejscowości, wskazujące na ich związki z miejscem kultu. Ponad to późniejsze fundacje kościelne na rzecz wiktorynów oraz cysterek w Pełczycach w XIII wieku, wynikały być może z chęci upamiętnienia pobytu orszaku misyjnego w tej okolicy. A te dążenia mogły mieć związek z rozwojem kultu św. Ottona w Księstwie Pomorskim rozkwitającym w XIII i XIV wieku. Autor materiału podczas swych badań odnalazł prawdopodobnie kolejne dowody onomastyczne i wskazał też na źródła archeologiczne oraz kartograficzne, mogące wspierać tę hipotezę. Ponad to umiejscowiono nadanie dla wiktorynów w konkretnym miejscu w tej okolicy, co dotąd nie udawało się dawniejszej historiografii. Przy tej okazji pochylono się także nad dziejami fundatorów – Behrów z Pełczyc, aby podjąć próbę zweryfikowania chronologii fundacji. Zachowane dokumenty wskazują, że mogło do niej dojść około 1275 roku.
The aim of the paper is to collect sources which could shed some light on bishop Otto’s Christianization mission carried out in the vicinities of Pełczyce in 1124. We know from the bishop’s of Bamberg biographies that upon crossing the border river (rightly assumed to be Warta) the retinue went through the Pomeranian town of Stary Gród (Zitari-groda) and headed northwards in the direction of Pyrzyce. Historians have pointed to the vicinities of today’s villages of Brzesko and Kosino as places of the retinue’s rest. This fact is supposed to be immortalized by the name of a stream – Jordan and the Polish Road (Polska Droga). Recently, a hypothesis has been put forward according to which the bishop got there from the vicinities of Pełczyce. It was there that already around the middle of the 13th century names of two villages were used simultaneously and bore witness to their connections with places of worship. Furthermore, later ecclesial foundations for Victorines and Cisterian nuns in Pełczyce in the 13th century probably resulted from the willingness to immortalize the stay of missionary retinue in this place. These efforts might have been bound up with the flourishing of saint Otto’s cult in the Duchy of Pomerania at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. The author of this material probably found further onomastic evidence and showed archeological as well as cartographic sources which could buttress this hypothesis. Moreover, the bestowment for the Victorines was found in a specific place, which had proved impossible for older historiography. At the same time, an attempt has been made to study the founders’ history – the Behrs family from Pełczyce – in order to establish the time of the foundation. Documents which are available show that it might have taken place around 1275.
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce; 2020, 134; 5-51
Pojawia się w:
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieinwazyjne rozpoznanie wczesnośredniowiecznego grodziska w Lubomi, w powiecie wodzisławskim, woj. śląskie
Non-intrusive prospection of an early medieval hillfort in Lubomia, Wodzisław district, Śląskie Voivodeship
Bugaj, Michał
Kiarszys, Grzegorz
Przybyła, Marcin M.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
early Middle Ages
non-intrusive prospection
preservation of archaeological heritage Lubomia
Upper Silesia
The three-part hillfort in Lubomia, Wodzisław district (site 1, AZP 103-41/50) is the largest, one of the best preserved and one of the best excavated, early medieval hillforts of Śląskie Voivodeship. The aim of the authors was to integrate the archival research with the outcomes of remote sensing methods and, as a result, to supplement knowledge on the monument. The first of the applied methods was the analysis of data from airborne laser scanning (LiDAR, ALS), the second – geophysical (magnetic) research. They allowed to gather new information about the monument, and above all to discover its second, western subsidiary settlement (C). The objective has been achieved and it has been shown that the non-intrusive prospection of the site was justified, despite various independent constraints. This type of research and preservation activity should be obligatory for other archaeological sites, especially if they have a terrain form, and especially if excavations are planned. Keeping in mind that the preservation of the archaeological site in situ is nevertheless a priority.
Raport; 2020, 15; 191-218
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kresťanstvo u Germánov v Karpatskej kotline v 6. storočí
Christianity among Germanic tribes in the Carpathian Basin in the sixth century
Bystrický, Peter
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
German tribes
early middle ages
Carpathian Basin
The fourth century saw the beginning of spreading Christianity among Germanic people. The mission of bishop Ulfi las, however, ended in 348 and persecuted Christian Goths fl ed to the territory of the Roman Empire. After the destruction of Gothic kingdoms, the fl eeing Goths were allowed by the Roman emperor Valens to cross the Danube, probably only on condition that they would adopt new faith. Since the emperor himself was an Arian and Arianism preferred theological teaching in the Roman Empire, the Goths, and later other East Germanic tribes, adopted this doctrine instead of Nicene Creed. Germanic people learned only the basic principles of faith and then just continued with their beliefs. Moreover, Jesus was deemed not the only God, but one of many gods. The second part of the study offers a survey of written sources on the Christianity among Germanic tribes in the Carpathian Basin in the sixth century – Rugians, Heruls, Gepids and Lombards. The Rugians led by the king Feletheus (Feva) and his Arian wife Giso dwelt on the left bank of the Danube, opposite the Roman province of Noricum, where at that time St. Severinus preached Christianity, established monasteries, organised defence or evacuation, redeemed captives, procured corn for the starving and healed the sick. Humble and pious Severinus won himself such a reputation that even barbarian kings respected him and listened to his advice and prophecies. The neighbouring Heruls, however, were pagans and sometimes invaded barely defended provinces of Noricum and Pannonia. Though their king received baptism in 528, many of them remained pagans and, according to Procopius, they were the wickedest people in the whole world. The Gepids, like Goths, converted to Arianism. The most signifi cant traces of Gepid Christianity are found in the territory of Pannonia II, especially near the Roman town of Sirmium. Sirmium was one of the most important centres of early Christianity and in the late sixth century, the town having become a seat of Gepid Arian bishop. On the other hand, Lombard Arianism is very problematical. The fi rst mention of their orthodox faith comes from Procopius. Paganism, however, was retained not only by the majority of the tribe, but also by the king and his retinue, even at the time 568 invasion in Italy. Arianism among Lombards probably gained strength only in Italy, where a number of subjugated Gepids accompanied them and where remnants of Arian Goths continued to live. From Alboin to Aripert (altogether 9 rulers) only two kings are mentioned as Arians and only two as Catholics. Though these Germanic tribes adopted Christianity in the Carpathian Basin, they did not stay there long enough to become true Christians. With Slavs and Avars replacing them, the Christianisation of Central Europe had to start from scratch.
Historia Slavorum Occidentis; 2014, 1(6); 13-41
Pojawia się w:
Historia Slavorum Occidentis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pokutna peregrinatio we wczesnym średniowieczu
Penitential peregrinatio in the early middle ages
Chłopowiec, Michał
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
wczesne średniowiecze
the Early Middle Ages
Pilgriming is generally understood as a kind of motivational, religious mowing to “saint places” revived by the atonement intention (to rarely thankful) for God given goodness, which is subjectively believed to be meaningful. In thereby interpretation, only visible aspect comes to the foreground, without getting into its theological proof. In hereby elaboration, however, the topic of theological issue is touched upon, not in a sense of a detailed meaning of the notion, but by showing the historical determinations conditioning the way of understanding the notion. In Christian bastion of the discussed phenomenon is the Middle East, from where the solutions have been transferred to the West, in somewhat different categories. The transfer, both in theory and in practice, could be possible only due to people’s engagement, who were fascinated with the eastern spirituality. Some of the famous names, who could be distinguished are Jerome, John Cassian or Melania the Elder, the most active figures. The idea of pilgrimage transferred to the west, hasn’t been, clearly, intact in its form, but exposed to, based on different local accents, evolutionary changes. It is shown in interpretation changes applied, in reference to the notion of peregrinatio, inland and in the British Isles.
Vox Patrum; 2018, 69; 83-103
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Omnes viae Albam ducunt. Z badań nad pograniczem pomorsko-wielkopolskim we wczesnym średniowieczu
Chudziak, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
borderland between Pomerania and Wielkopolska
West Pomerania Lakeland
early Middle Ages
The article touches upon the emergence of settlement structures in the West Pomerania Lakeland including the upper estuary of the Rega and the Parsęta as well as the Drawa and the Gwda, frequently referred to as the borderland between Pomerania and Wielkopolska. An attempt was made to assign periods to settlement developments with respect to the emergence of the borderland. Special emphasis was placed on central locations like strongholds and some islands as well as far-reaching routes leading to Białogard (Alba in Latin).
Slavia Antiqua: rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim; 2018, 59; 197-222
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Antiqua: rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
List o Psiogłowych Ratramnusa z Korbei (zm. ok. 870)
The letter on the Dog-Headed Creatures Ratramnuss of Corbie (died c. 870)
Chudzikowska-Wołoszyn, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Ostrołęckie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Early Middle Ages
Carolingian Latin literature
Ratramnus of Corbie
Saint Christopher
wczesne średniowiecze
piśmiennictwo karolińskie
św. Krzysztof
Ratramnus z Korbei
The presented article quotes the content of the Carolingian correspondence devoted to the living – according to applications – somewhere on the periphery of the ecumene of dog-headed. The document was edited in the middle of the 9th century in one of the leading literary culture centers at that time – in the Abbey of Corbie. The author of the letter was a valued Benedictine theologian – Ratramnus, who undeterred participated in all religious polemics of his time. In the 9th century, the western church, after a period of relative theological silence, lived to see an unusually debatable moment. The development of ecclesiastical culture and the advancement of theological teachings have caused internal movements in the sphere of Christian reflection. Scholars representing various centers of Carolingian culture gradually began to speak on liturgical matters and, finally, theological matters as well. It turns out that the subject of their disputes, divagations and polemics was not only the problem around the cult of images, adoptionism, the origin of the Holy Spirit, the Eucharist and predestination. Ratramnus from Corbei, editing an extraordinary letter about a curious nation of people with dogs' heads, touched the topic related to the definition of humanity and its border. The letter about dogheaded presents to the reader a rare attempt an early medieval conceptualization of rationality.
Prezentowany artykuł przytacza treść karolińskiej korespondencji poświęconej żyjącym – według pradawnych podań – na peryferiach ekumeny psiogłowcom. Dokument zredagowany został w połowie IX w. w jednym z wiodących wówczas centrów kultury piśmienniczej – w opactwie w Corbie. Autorem wspomnianego listu był ceniony benedyktyński teolog – Ratramnus, który aktywnie brał udział we wszystkich polemikach religijnych swoich czasów. W IX stuleciu Kościół zachodni, po okresie względnej ciszy teologicznej, doczekał momentu niezwykle dyskusyjnego. Rozwój kultury kościelnej i postęp nauk teologicznych wywołał wewnętrzne poruszenia w sferze refleksji chrześcijańskiej. Uczeni reprezentujący różne ośrodki kultury karolińskiej sukcesywnie zaczęli zabierać głos w odniesieniu do kwestii liturgicznych i wreszcie także teologicznych. Okazuje się, że tematem ich sporów, dywagacji i polemik był nie tylko problem wokół kultu obrazów, adopcjanizmu, pochodzenia Ducha Świętego, eucharystii i predestynacji. Ratramnus z Corbei, redagując swój list o kuriozalnej nacji ludzi z psimi głowami, poruszył temat związany z definicją człowieczeństwa, a także jego granicą.
Zeszyty Naukowe Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego; 2018, Zeszyt, XXXII; 293-310
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozostałości pracowni grzebienniczych nowoodkrytych w Wolinie
Remains of newly discovered comb production workshops in Wolin
Cnotliwy, Eugeniusz
Słowiński, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie
Pomorze Zachodnie
pracownia grzebiennicza
wczesne Średniowiecze
West Pomerania
comb production workshop
early Middle Ages
Abstract: On site 1 in Wolin, in test trenches were discovered numerous antler artefacts associated with two comb production workshops from the 10th-11th century. There were produced only one-sided, three-layer combs of group IB, type VII, varieties 7f and 8a as well as varieties 5b and 9. From the waste were produced also conical holders, rectangular mounts, arrowheads, tool handles, pegs, curry combs, while of bone were occasionally made awls.
Materiały Zachodniopomorskie; 2016, 12; 247-361
Pojawia się w:
Materiały Zachodniopomorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W sprawie budownictwa we wczesnośredniowiecznym Wolinie
Construction in early medieval Wolin
Cnotliwy, Eugeniusz
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie
Pomorze Zachodnie
wczesne średniowiecze
Western Pomerania
early Middle Ages
Abstract: The article is a polemical response to Błażej Stanisławski’s (2011) comments on early medieval construction in Wolin published in Volume VI/VII of ‘Materiały Zachodniopomorskie’. I do not agree with the dating of the oldest log construction and wattle-and-daub construction buildings. I also question the terminology used by this researcher, Furthermore, I believe there is some exaggerated interpretation of finds, unreliable reconstructions of post-and-beam buildings, erroneous selection of illustrations for the presented issues and a lack of examples as well as references supporting the theory of Frisian analogies of the post-and-beam construction. In the section on palisade construction structures I polemicize B. Stanisławski on Wolin long houses, we agree that the presence of the palisade construction buildings in Wolin is not synonymous with the presence of Scandinavian settlers. The vertical-post log construction was, in my opinion, presented too briefly based on only one building from trench 6 in Wolin’s Old Town. In summary, I conclude that the work by B. Stanisławski has many shortcomings, the reinterpretations of discoveries of older researchers are unconvincing and the presented documentation is inaccurate.
Materiały Zachodniopomorskie; 2015, 11; 93-106
Pojawia się w:
Materiały Zachodniopomorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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