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The Study of Adsorption Ability of Natural Materials of the Tyumen Region
Pimneva, L.
Zagorskaya, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
natural sorbent
copper ions
adsorption isotherms
water supply system
drinking water quality
The sorption of divalent copper, natural sorbents of kaolinite and montmorillonite clays and carbon sorbent was studied on model solutions under static conditions. Quantitative characteristics of sorption process of copper ions were obtained. The degree of extraction of copper ions from solution was investigated, depending on the concentration of the initial solution and the weight ratio of the sorbent and volume of treated solution. The magnitude of sorption increases along with the increase in the volume of copper sulfate solution with a concentration of 0.02 M at a constant sample of sorbents. A higher carbon sorption capacity of the sorbent, in relation to ions of copper, was compared to kaolinite and montmorillonite clay. A higher sorption capacity of the carbon sorbent with respect to copper ions is established in the comparison with kaolinite and montmorillonite clay.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2018, 19, 3; 225-228
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A brief history of the water supply system and water quality in the city of Lodz
Historyczne zmiany struktury sieci wodociągowej na tle utrzymania standardów wody pitnej dla miasta Łodzi
Tomczak, E.
Dominiak, A.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
Lodz water supply system
exploitation of water
drinking water quality
wodociąg łódzki
eksploatacja wody
jakość wody pitnej
Poland’s third largest city, Lodz, underwent rapid industrial and demographic growth in the 19th and 20th centuries, followed by a steep decline over the last three decades. This paper describes how the water supply system has been adapted over the last century to meet these challenges, and in particular how the source of water (surface or underground) and structure of the supply system has been adapted to maintain drinking water quality. The Lodz water supply has been managed since 1925 by the firm Zaklad Wodociagow i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o. The water supply system was designed by the Englishman William H. Lindley (in 1909), but because of World War I and the global depression that followed work began only in 1934. After World War II further deep wells were constructed, followed by a pipeline network and treatment plant. A 50-kilometre pipeline bringing surface water from the Pilica River was completed in 1955, followed by the Sulejowski Reservoir on the same river (1968–1973). Algal blooms on the reservoir presented a major challenge, and deep wells were turned to as a solution. By 2010 Lodz had 58 deep well intakes, so that in 2013 it was no longer necessary to take taking surface water from the Sulejowski Reservoir.
Projekt łódzkiej sieci wodociągowej, wykonany przez najlepszego europejskiego fachowca W. Lindleya, powstał już w 1909 r. Realizację rozpoczęto w 1934 r., przy współudziale polskiego inżyniera S. Skrzywana. Po II wojnie światowej dokonano wiercenia dalszych studni głębinowych i zbudowano system wodociągowy oraz stację uzdatniania wody. Zbudowano 50 km rurociągu Tomaszów–Łódź (1955 r.), zbiornik retencyjny na Pilicy (1968–1973) i kolejne studnie głębinowe. W 2010 r. istniało już 58 ujęć wód podziemnych dlatego też w 2013 r. zapadła decyzja o rezygnacji z ujmowania wody powierzchniowej z Zalewu Sulejowskiego. Celem pracy było przedstawienie miejsc pobierania wody i struktury sieci wodoci ągowej, której budowa ulegała zmianom w zależności od potrzeb i rozwoju dużego miasta, w powiązaniu z uzyskiwaniem wody pitnej najwyższej jakości. Piecze nad eksploatacją i dystrybucją nieprzerwanie od 1925 r. sprawuje Zakład Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o. w Łodzi.
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A; 2013, 20, 11; 1255-1264
Pojawia się w:
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Influence of Self-Cleaning Processes on the Quality of Drinking Water of Stryi Water Intake Wells
Snitynskyi, Volodymyr
Khirivskyi, Petro
Cherniuk, Volodymyr
Hnativ, Ihor
Hnativ, Roman
Verbovskiy, Orest
Bihun, Irina
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
mountain river
surface runoff
natural self-purification process
drinking water quality
man-made impact
In order to solve the problem of providing the population with high-quality drinking water, preference is given to the use of groundwater deposits, which differ from surface sources in better quality and are more protected from man-made influences and climate change. Thirty-seven existing groundwater deposits are used for drinking and technical water supply in Lviv region. The distribution of groundwater in the region is very uneven, and in the Eastern Carpathians they are almost non-existent. The main factors of groundwater pollution in most of Ukraine are municipal sewage, livestock effluents, unorganized warehouses for storage of industrial waste, fertilizers and pesticides and other local objects that affect the state of groundwater. The gradual reduction of mineral fertilizer and pesticide usage has led to some improvement in the quality of groundwater, but for some agro-industrial areas the presence of residual pesticides and nitrogen compounds in groundwater remains a relevant problem. This year, there was an increase in the use of mineral fertilizers compared to last year. The aim of this work was to study the compliance of the maximum allowable concentrations of hydrochemical parameters of the wells of the Stryi water intake and to determine the potential impact of anthropogenic factors on water quality. The compliance with the sanitary and hygienic requirements of the hydrochemical parameters of water in the wells of the Stryi water intake was analyzed. The regularities of their changes as well as the presence of wells that have a potentially unstable chemical composition and are prone to deterioration of water quality were determined. The results of studies of related to the impact of self-treatment processes in the river Stryi on the quality of water intake in the city of Stryi showed that the drinking water from artesian wells is of high quality and now there are no negative effects of river water in the Stryi basin on groundwater deposits. The quality of river water is satisfactory for its use in domestic and drinking water supply and for recreational purposes.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 4; 25--32
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of drinking water quality of Kopiliq village in Skenderaj, Kosovo
Ocena jakości wody pitnej we wsi Kopiliq koło miasta Skenderaj w Kosowie
Kelmendi, M.
Kadriu, S.
Sadiku, M.
Aliu, M.
Sadriu, E.
Hyseni, S. M.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
drinking water quality
Kopiliq village
monitoring points
jakość wody pitnej
punkty monitoringu
wieś Kopiliq
It is known that groundwater is an indispensable element without which we cannot think of life on our planet. It is also known that around 50% of the world's population uses drinking water sources to meet the existential needs. Increment of population, industrial development and environmental pollution in our globe, directly or indirectly, has not only impacted groundwater pollution, but has also contributed in reducing the amount of water needed to meet elementary needs of man and other living beings. Therefore, for humanity, proper monitoring of groundwater became a priority in order to identify pollution levels and prevention of potable water sources from eventual contamination. Although Kosovo has sufficient water reserves, in most villages in the absence of infrastructure, the rural population in most cases for the purpose of providing drinking water uses water wells and springs. For this very reason, we have assessed the quality of the water wells located in the central part of Kosovo, in the village Kopiliq of Skenderaj. To assess the water quality of these wells, we have set the monitoring network, based on five monitoring points (wells), determining the organoleptic, physico-chemical parameters and bacteriological characteristics. Obtained sample results were compared with the reference values of Directive 98/83/EC – for drinking water quality and some wells resulted in exceeding the reference values for nitrite, chloride and total dissolved solids (TDS) whereas all wells were highly contaminated with bacteria.
Wiadomo, że wody gruntowe są elementem niezbędnym do życia na naszej planecie. Wiadomo także, że 50% populacji świata korzysta z ujęć wody pitnej dla zapewnienia swoich potrzeb egzystencjalnych. Wzrost liczby ludności, rozwój przemysłu i zanieczyszczenie środowiska na Ziemi przyczyniają się, pośrednio bądź bezpośrednio, do zanieczyszczenia wód podziemnych i do ograniczenia ilości wody potrzebnej do zaspokojenia elementarnych potrzeb człowieka i innych istot żywych. Z tego powodu właściwy monitoring wód podziemnych stał się priorytetem niezbędnym do identyfikacji poziomu zanieczyszczeń i do zapobiegania ewentualnym zanieczyszczeniom źródeł wody pitnej. Choć Kosowo posiada wystarczające zasoby wodne, wobec braku infrastruktury, w większości wsi ludność wykorzystuje studnie i źródła do pozyskania wody pitnej. Kierując się tymi przesłankami, autorzy wykonali ocenę jakości wody studziennej w centralnej części Kosowa we wsi Kopiliq koło miasta Skenderaj. Utworzona została sieć monitoringu opartą na pięciu stanowiskach (studniach) i oznaczyono właściwości organoleptyczne, parametry fizyczne i chemiczne oraz bakteriologiczne wody. Wyniki analiz porównano z wartościami referencyjnymi Dyrektywy 98/83/EC dla jakości wody pitnej. W niektórych studniach stwierdzono przekroczone wartości stężenia azotanów, chlorków i sumy substancji rozpuszczonych (TDS). Wszystkie studnie były silnie zanieczyszczone bakteriami.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2018, 39; 61-65
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chemical composition and assessment of drinking water quality: Latvia case study
Skład chemiczny i ocena jakości wody pitnej. Studium przypadku: Łotwa
Vircavs, M.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
drinking water quality
chemical composition
mathematical statistics
jakości wody pitnej
skład chemiczny
statystyka matematyczna
Assessment of drinking water quality in seven largest Latvia drinking water supply systems (Riga, Daugavpils, Liepaja, Ventspils, Jelgava, Jurmala, and Rezekne) in 2008 using mathematical statistical processing of chemical composition data is carried out. In all analyzed drinking water the concentrations of Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr (total), − BrO and trihalomethanes (total) were observed in the level of their quantification or less than it or concentration changes were observed only in some cases that are significantly less than their maximum permissible values (MPV). The processed data show that higher concentrations of sulphate in Jelgava and Jurmala drinking water were observed. In Jelgava drinking water sulphate concentration exceed the accepted MPV for 97 mg/dm3 and in Jurmala - for 26 mg/dm3. Besides, high values of total iron (1.15±0.54 mg/dm3) and turbidity (14.2±7.2 nephelometric turbidity units) were obtained also in Jelgava drinking water. Relative high concentration of aluminium in Liepaja drinking water (0.2 mg/dm3) takes place that achieves the MPV. Confidence intervals of mean values were calculated using Chebyshev's inequality. The processed data testify well even very well quality of the analyzed largest Latvia drinking water supply systems.
W 2008 r. wykonano statystyczną ocenę jakości wody pitnej pobranej z siedmiu największych systemów wodociągowych Łotwy (Ryga, Daugavpils, Liepaja, Ventspils, Jelgava, Jurmala i Rezekne) na podstawie ich składu chemicznego. We wszystkich analizowanych wodach pitnych stężenia Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr (stężenie całkowite), − BrO i trihalogenometanów (stężenie całkowite) były na granicy oznaczalności lub poniżej. Tylko w niektórych przypadkach obserwowano zmiany stężeń, ale były one znacznie mniejsze od dopuszczalnej wartości maksymalnej (MPV). Na podstawie analizy danych stwierdzono zwiększone stężenie siarczanów w wodzie pitnej z Jelgavy i Jurmaly. W wodzie pitnej Jelgavy stężenie siarczanów przekraczało maksymalne wartości dopuszczalne (MPV) o 97 mg/dm3, a w Jurmale - 26 mg/dm3. W wodzie pitnej z Jelgavy stwierdzono też duże całkowite stężenie żelaza (1,15 ± 0,54 mg/dm3) i znaczne zmętnienie (14,2 ± 7,2 NTU). Stwierdzono stosunkowo duże stężenie glinu w wodzie pitnej z rzeki Liepaja (0,2 mg/dm3), sięgające MPV. Przedziały ufności wartości średniej zostały obliczone z wykorzystaniem nierówności Czebyszewa. Analizowane dane świadczą o bardzo dobrej jakości wody pitnej z badanych sieci wodociągowych Łotwy.
Proceedings of ECOpole; 2009, 3, 2; 267-272
Pojawia się w:
Proceedings of ECOpole
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Anthropogenic impacts on environment and quality of water supply
Wpływ czynników antropogenicznych na środowisko i jakość wody
Kris, J.
Galik, M.
Nemes, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Przeróbki Kopalin
anthropogenic activity
drinking water quality
drinking water supply
decrease in water consumption
działalność ludzka
jakość wody pitnej
zaopatrzenie w wodę pitną
spadek spożycia wody
Water in the nature is not distributed in sufficient quality and quantity in time and space to meet water demands in line with the requirements for safe drinking water. In the past, water was free for all and one could use it without any restrictions for his needs. Drinking water consumption increases due to the impact of demographic trends and the level of water supply as well as technological and industrial development. Meeting the demands is more difficult because of limited possibilities of increasing food production due to pollution and increasing demands for use of natural resources.
Woda w przyrodzie nie jest rozprowadzania w odpowiedniej jakości i ilości w czasie i przestrzeni, aby sprostać wymogom bezpieczeństwa wobec niej. W przeszłości woda była darmowa dla wszystkich i każdy mógł używać jej bez jakichkolwiek ograniczeń. Konsumpcja wody pitnej wzrosła ze względu na wpływ tendencji demograficznych oraz poziomu jej zaopatrzenia jak również ze względu na rozwój przemysłu. Sprostanie wymaganiom jest trudniejsze, ponieważ ograniczone są możliwości zwiększenia produkcji jedzenia przez zanieczyszczenia oraz zwiększenia wymagań wobec użycia źródeł naturalnych.
Inżynieria Mineralna; 2013, R. 14, nr 2, 2; 79-84
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Mineralna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rewizja dyrektywy 98/83/WE w sprawie jakości wody przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi, dotycząca oceny zagrożeń i zarządzania ryzykiem
Revision of Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the quality of water intended for human consumption in the context of risk assessment/risk management tools
Szatkiewicz, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Zrzeszenie Inżynierów i Techników Sanitarnych
Dyrektywa Rady 98/83/WE
plany bezpieczeństwa wody
jakość wody do spożycia
Council Directive 98/83/EC
water safety plans
drinking water quality
Omówiono założenia i cele weryfikacji dyrektywy Rady 98/83/WE z 3 listopada 1998 r. w sprawie jakości wody przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi. Celem tej weryfikacji jest przegląd zakresu badań jakości wody oraz analiza możliwości wdrożenia systemu oceny zagrożeń i zarządzania ryzykiem. Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia zaproponowała wpisanie do dyrektywy planów bezpieczeństwa wody (Water Safety Plans), które zakładają monitoring całego procesu zaopatrzenia w wodę, od ujęcia aż do instalacji wodo-ciągowej u konsumenta. W ramach tego systemu konieczne będzie określenie zagrożeń związanych z jakością źródła wody, procesem jej oczyszczania oraz dystrybucją. Podkreślono, że wdrażanie systemu oceny zagrożeń i zarządzania ryzykiem łączy się z dodatkowymi kosztami i nakładem pracy. Szczególną uwagę należy zwrócić na małych dostawców wody (zaopatrujących mniej niż 5 tys. odbiorców), którzy obsługują 16% mieszkańców Unii Europejskiej (wg EUREAU). Z uwagi na to, że w Polsce struktura dostawców wody jest rozdrobniona, konieczny jest ich udział w konsultacjach przed wdrożeniem planów bez-pieczeństwa wody. Tekst zmienionej dyrektywy ma być gotowy na początku 2010 r. Spowoduje to w Polsce zmianę rozporządzenia Ministra Zdrowia w sprawie jakości wody przeznaczonej do spożycia przez ludzi.
The goals and assumptions underlying the revision of Council Directive 98/83/EC are specified. The revision consists in verifying the scope of water quality testing and in analyzing the potential for the implementation of the risk assessment/risk management system. The World Health Organization has proposed that Water Safety Plans should be included into the Directive. These plans demand that the water supply process has to be monitored "from catchment to consumer". Within the framework of the risk assessment/risk management system it is necessary to identify the hazards and risks pertinent to the quality of the water source, as well as to the treatment and distribution of the water being taken in for human consumption. It has been emphasized that the implementation of the risk assessment/risk management system involves additional costs and amount of labor. In this context, particular consideration has to be given to small drinking water suppliers (with a number of users lower than 5,000) serving 16% of the EU population on average (according to EUREAU). Since in Poland the proportion of small water suppliers is high, it is desirable that they should participate in the consultations preceding the implementation of the Water Safety Plans. The deadline for the revised formulation of the Directive is the beginning of the year 2010. As a result, the Decree of the Polish Health Minister on the quality of the water supplied for human consumption will be changed accordingly.
Ochrona Środowiska; 2009, 31, 3; 41-44
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Środowiska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efektywność usuwania związków biogennych w procesie uzdatniania wody
Efficiency of biogenic compounds removal in water treatment
Jachimowski, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
składniki biogenne
uzdatnianie wody
jakość wody pitnej
biogenic components
water treatment
quality of drinking water
Celem pracy było określenie skuteczności usuwania związków biogennych z wody podczas procesu jej oczyszczania w zakładach uzdatniania wody Miejskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Krakowie. Analizie poddano wybrane wskaźniki jakości wody przed i po procesie uzdatniania w latach 2007 – 2014. Badania przeprowadzono na wodach pobranych z zakładów, które różniły się technologią uzdatnia i wielkością produkcji. W analizowanych układach technologicznych stwierdzono, że największe zastrzeżenia budzą stężenia azotanów(V), których średnia zawartość jest większa w wodzie uzdatnionej w trzech zakładach: Rudawa, Dłubnia i Bielany.
The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of biogenic compounds removal from water during the treatment process in water treatment plants of Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company in Cracow. The selected water quality indicators were analyzed before and after the treatment process in 2007–2014. The research was carried out in waters taken from plants that differed in respect to the treatment and production method. In the analyzed technological systems, the greatest objections were raised by the concentration of nitrates, the average content of which is higher in the treated water from three plants: Rudawa, Dłubnia and Bielany.
Inżynieria Ekologiczna; 2017, 18, 4; 97-106
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Ekologiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historyczne zmiany struktury sieci wodociągowej na tle utrzymania standardów wody pitnej dla miasta Łodzi
Historical changes in the water supply system and maintenance of drinking water quality standards in the city of Lodz
Tomczak, E.
Dominiak, A.
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Chemii i Inżynierii Ekologicznej
wodociąg łódzki
eksploatacja wody
jakość wody pitnej
Lodz water supply system
water exploitation
quality of drinking water
Projekt łódzkiej sieci wodociągowej, wykonany przez najlepszego europejskiego fachowca W. Lindleya, powstał już w 1909 roku. Realizację rozpoczęto w 1934 roku przy współudziale polskiego inżyniera S. Skrzywana. Po II wojnie światowej dokonano wiercenia dalszych studni głębinowych i zbudowano system wodociągowy oraz stację uzdatniania wody. Zbudowano 50 km rurociągu Tomaszów-Łódź (1955 rok), zbiornik retencyjny na Pilicy (1968-1973) i kolejne studnie głębinowe. W 2010 roku istniało już 58 ujęć wód podziemnych, dlatego też w 2013 roku zapadła decyzja o rezygnacji z ujmowania wody powierzchniowej z Zalewu Sulejowskiego. Celem pracy było przedstawienie miejsc poboru wody i struktury sieci wodociągowej, której budowa ulegała zmianom w zależności od potrzeb i rozwoju dużego miasta, w powiązaniu z uzyskiwaniem wody pitnej najwyższej jakości. Pieczę nad eksploatacją i dystrybucją nieprzerwanie od 1925 roku sprawuje Zakład Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o. w Łodzi.
The water supply system for Lodz was designed in 1909 by W. Lindley who was the best European civil engineer. The works started in 1934 and were supervised by a Polish engineer S. Skrzywan. After the World War II another deep water wells were drilled and water-pipe network and water conditioning plant were built: the first line of a 50-kilometre Tomaszow-Lodz pipeline (1955), the reservoir on the Pilica River (1968-1973). Due to that Lodz had 58 groundwater intakes in 2010 a decision was made to stop taking surface water from the Sulejowski Reservoir in 2013. The aim of the paper is to present water intake points and the structure of water supply system that was modified to meet the needs of a big city and provide drinking water of the highest quality. Municipal Water and Wastewater Company in Lodz manages the exploitation, transfer and conditioning of water for Lodz since 1925.
Proceedings of ECOpole; 2014, 8, 1; 311-318
Pojawia się w:
Proceedings of ECOpole
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Groundwater quality assessment for drinking purposes using water quality index in Ali Al-Gharbi District, Iraq
Al-Shammary, Sarteel Hamid Enad
Al-Mayyahi, Sattar Obaid Maiws
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
drinking water
water quality index
The present study aimed to assess groundwater quality according to the water quality index (WQI) in Ali Al- Gharbi district of the Maysan Governorate in eastern Iraq. For this purpose, 10 physical parameters such as pH, total hardness (TH), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), sulphate (SO42–), chloride (Cl–), nitrate (NO3–), and total dissolved solids (TDSs) were examined since 2019 from 16 different locations (viz. wells). The analysis results indicated that 18.75% of the water samples were of good quality, 56.25% of them had low quality, and 25% of such samples were very poor. The WQI also varied from 69.67 and 297.6. Therefore, prior to water use, there is a dire need for some treatments, as protecting this district from pollution is significant.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2021, 50; 274-280
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessing Groundwater Quality for Drinking Purpose in Jordan: Application of Water Quality Index
Ibrahim, Mohamad Najib
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
water quality index
groundwater quality
drinking water
Escherichia coli
Groundwater is a key source of drinking water in Jordan. This study was conducted to assess the suitability of groundwater in major groundwater basins in Jordan for drinking purposes. The groundwater quality data from sixteen sampling stations within one-year-monitoring period from March 2015 to February 2016 were used. Weighted arithmetic water quality index (WQI) with respect to the Jordanian standards for drinking water was used for quality assessment. Sixteen Physical, chemical and microbiological parameters were selected to calculate WQI. The result showed that all physical and chemical parameters were almost below the maximum allowable level based on the Jordanian standards for drinking. On the other hand, the microbiological parameter (i.e. E.coli count) was exceeded the maximum allowable limit in all the studied locations based on the Jordanian standards for drinking water. The computed WQI values range from 40 to 4295. Therefore, out of 16 studied locations, three locations are classified in the “Excellent water” class, nine locations as a “Good water” class, one as a “Poor water” class, two as a “very poor water” class, and one as a “water unsuitable for drinking purpose” class. Furthermore, Escherichia coli is considered the most effective parameter on the determination of WQI in this study. This result highlighted the importance of including the microbiological parameters in any drinking water assessment, since they reflect with other physical and chemical parameters the actual condition of water quality for different purposes.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2019, 20, 3; 101-111
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monitoring of petroleum substances in the neighborhood of drinking water intake
Solecki, T.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
drinking water intake
monitoring of water quality
petroleum substances
This article concerns the monitoring of underground water quality in the vicinity of underground water intake, which is carried out continuously (quarterly) in six monitoring wells situated near the water intake. Groundwater occurring in this complex form a continuous and prosperous aquifer exploited with deep- water wells 19A and 19', intended to supply the population of part of Kraków with drinking and industrial water. Operated monitoring wells and holes are set in Czyżyny district in the protection zone of undergro- und water intakes Mistrzejowice. During the field research it were carried 41 quarterly measurements of petroleum substances at ground- water table. These tests were carried out using specialized equipment of Dutch company Eijkelkamp Agri- search Equipment, which can measure thickness of petroleum substances at groundwater table in each monitoring well. During the laboratory studies 41 quarterly measurements were performed. Determination and quantitative analysis of petroleum substances in groundwater samples were made. For laboratory testing methodology Fourier infrared spectroscopy was used. Laboratory studies of oil products in water samples showed the variable contents in each series. The statistical analysis was also done using Shewhart’ s control card.
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas; 2016, 33, 1; 39-48
Pojawia się w:
AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ecological Characteristics of Groundwater in Rural Areas of the Karaganda Region
Shamshedenova, Samal
Beisenova, Raikhan
Rakhymzhan, Zhanar
Zhaznaeva, Zhanat
Syzdykova, Nazym
Tazitdinova, Rumiya
Khanturin, Marat
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
drinking water
water quality
bacterial pollution
environmental characteristics
In this article, the purpose of the research was to study the ecological characteristics of groundwater and central water supply used for drinking and economic activity of the Kievka village. The hydrochemical indicators of the samples were determined with conventional methods, and performed on 16 indicators: pH, electrical conductivity, suspended solids, dry residue, chlorides, sulfates, phosphates, total hardness, sodium, ammonium nitrogen, nitrites, nitrates, chemical oxygen consumption (COD), anionic surfactants (APAS), total iron, and manganese. While assessing the hydrochemical state of drinking water in the village of Kievka, it can be noted the "Altyn-dan" kindergarten and the Kiev secondary school No. 3, exceed the MAC which is determined by certain indicators. As a result of microbiological studies of the water samples from the village of Kievka, it was revealed that the total microbial number is normal. It was determined that a different number of fungi and actinomycites were present in all samples. At the initial concentration, a large concentration of fungi was observed in all samples.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2019, 20, 11; 67-75
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment and Physicochemical Characterization of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation and Drinking Purposes in Bazer Sakhra (Eastern Area of Algeria)
Bounab, Samia
Khemmoudj, Kaddour
Sedrati, Nassima
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
drinking water
irrigation water
water quality index
hydrochemical facies
Twenty groundwater samples were collected and then examined for physical (pH, EC, TDS) and chemical (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3−, Cl−, SO42−, NO3) parameters, followed by multivariate statistics to determine the current state of groundwater quality and to assess the suitability of these resources for drinking and irrigation purposes in the Baser Sakhra area localized in Eastern of Algeria. The analysis carried out showed that the cations trend in most of the groundwater samples is on the order of Ca2+˃Na+˃Mg2+˃K+ and the anions trend is on the order of HCO3-˃SO42-˃Cl-. Stabler diagram demonstrated the predominance of Ca2+- HCO3- hydro-chemical facies (80%). Moreover, the parameters, such as sodium adsorption ratio, percentage sodium, residual sodium carbonate, permeability index, Kelly’s ratio, potential salinity, and magnesium hazard were evaluated for the suitability of groundwater for irrigation. The values obtained in this investigation concluded that most of the groundwater samples are suitable for irrigation. From the other approach, the Water Quality Index (WQI) for drinking was also used in the current study. WQI ranged from 72.46 to 506.426, indicating that 40% of the samples were suitable for drinking however, 60% of them belong to the poor to unsuitable category of drinking water in terms of physicochemical properties, according to the World Health Organization norms.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2022, 23, 8; 119--132
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment Water Quality Indices of Surface Water for Drinking and Irrigation Applications – A Comparison Review
Al Yousif, Mustafa A.
Chabuk, Ali
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
water quality index
drinking use
irrigation use
water quality rating
Water is one of the most important natural resources for all living organisms, including humans. Water consumption is increasing over the years as a result of the increase in the number of people, and at the same time, the causes of pollution of surface water sources increase. Water pollution is one of the most important causes of diseases and the transmission of infection to the organisms that use it. Also, the quality of agricultural crops is linked to the quality of the water used for irrigation. As a result, there was a need to monitor and evaluate the main water sources to maintain the quality of their water suitable for use by humans and other organisms. As is well known, it is difficult to evaluate the water quality of large samples with concentrations of many parameters using traditional methods, which depend on comparing experimentally determined parameter values with current standards. As a result, over the past century and the present, many methods of assessing water quality have emerged. This research aims to introduce the most important indices of water quality used at present to assess the quality of surface water for drinking and irrigation purposes, as well as the history of these methods and their development over time and their most important advantages, in addition to a group of the most important research that used these methods during the past few years.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2023, 24, 5; 40--55
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Water deficits in the water economics complex of Crimea
Dunaieva, Ielizaveta
Popowych, Valentina
Melnichuk, Aleksandr
Terleev, Vitaly
Nikonorov, Aleksandr
Mirschel, Wilfried
Topaj, Alex
Shishov, Dmitry
Data publikacji:
Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
water economic complex
water quality
wastewater treatment
water desalination
drinking water
In recent years, the natural and economic situation in the Republic of Crimea has developed in such a way that the amount of available water resources is less than the amount of water necessary for the socio-economic development of the peninsula. This article considers one of the main water management hazards for the territory of Crimea: a lack of water. The aim of this study was to assess the water deficit and determine ways to minimize the impact of risk exposures on the population, the economy and the ecosystem as a whole. Options are provided to ensure that (1) the water economic complex supplies water to consumers in sufficient quantity and quality, and (2) the ecological status of water bodies is maintained at a high level. For example, local wastewater treatment and desalination of sea water can be used in agro-industry and the water economic complex both for individual agricultural producers and for large enterprises. The economic efficiency of the use of technologies to reduce the environmental threats of the water economic complex was assessed using technologies to increase water availability. The analysis of the quality of water resources is given, and options for improving the indicators of raw water-pipe water are proposed.
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management. Research and Operational Applications; 2019, 7, 1; 57-64
Pojawia się w:
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management. Research and Operational Applications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Water management problems at the Bukówka drinking water reservoir’s cross-border basin area in terms of its established functions
Wiatkowski, M.
Rosik-Dulewska, C.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
drinking water reservoir
water management
cross-border basin area
water quality
The paper covers the analysis of water management problems in the cross-border reservoir basin of Bukówka, located at the Bóbr river, at 271+540 km of its course, below the Czech-Polish border, in Dolnośląskie Voivodeship. The problems of water management in the context of the reservoir’s functions have been analyzed; these are: flood control, the provision of water during low water level periods for the Water Treatment Plant in Marciszów, the provision of drinking water for the city of Wałbrzych as well as the provision of proper flow in the Bóbr river bed downstream from the reservoir. Due to its localization right below the border with the Czech Republic, the reservoir is exposed to a number of problems. The study has found that the main problems of water management in the basin area included unsatisfactory state of water and wastewater management in the basin, unsatisfactory state of the surface water quality in the basin area of the reservoir, poor condition of streams and drainage ditches, improper arrangement of arable lands and large downslopes and a lack of monitoring stations on tributaries of the reservoir. It has been found that the hydrochemical conditions in the Bukówka reservoir’s section are unfavorable for it. From the eutrophication point of view, the water flowing into the tank is characterized by a large content of nutrients, especially nitrates, phosphates and BOD5. In order to counteract eutrophication it is necessary to lower the concentration of nutrients in the water flowing into the tank. One of the basic ways to do so is to restore the water and wastewater management in the reservoir’s basin. Studies in the Bukówka reservoir provide important information concerning the state of the purity of the water supplying the reservoir. In order to obtain accurate information on the state of purity, a monitoring of hydrological and water quality should be continued. The studies are a part of the strategy of protection of the quality of transboundary waters, proposed in the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes of 1992.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2015, 16, 2; 52-60
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pesticide content in drinking water samples collected from orchard areas in Central Poland
Badach, H
Nazimek, T.
Kaminska, I.A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
orchard area
water quality
pesticide content
drinking water
herbicide content
water sample
Samples of drinking water collected in Warka-Grójec region of central Poland were tested for the presence of pesticides. Data obtained from analysis of water samples will be used for future epidemiological and environmental studies in the region. Samples were collected during spring and autumn of 2002-2003 from dug wells, deep wells and water mains in 81 randomly-selected rural households scattered throughout this region of extensive agriculture. The concentration of pesticides from four main chemical groups was determined by gas chromatography: organochlorines (lindane, DDT, methoxychlor), triazines (atrazine, simazine), organophosphates (acephate, diazinon, fenitrothion) and pyrethroids (alpha-cypermethrin, deltamethrin). Two-year monitoring of drinking water samples indicated the presence of DDT and methoxychlor contamination. Pyrethroids were generally not detected, with the exception of alpha-cypermethrin found in only a few samples. Triazines were also found in water samples collected in the course of the study with higher incidence during spring period. Organophosphates were by far the most common contaminants of drinking water in this region. Almost all samples were contaminated by signifi cant amounts of fenitrothion. The present study reveals an urgent need for systematic monitoring of drinking water quality in regions of intensive agriculture, since they are highly vulnerable to pesticide contamination. Consumption of pesticide-contaminated water may have a negative impact on the population living in this area, which also requires scientifi c assessment.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2007, 14, 1
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Physicochemical and Bacteriological Status of Surface Waters and Groundwater in the Selected Catchment Area of the Dunajec River Basin
Nowobilska-Luberda, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
groundwater intakes
drinking water
water quality indicators
surface waters
Dunajec catchment area
The aim of the study was to assess the qualitative status of groundwater and surface water abstracted for the needs of customers in the city of Nowy Targ. The assessment was based on the results of physicochemical analyses of 62 water samples taken from the water intake on the Biały Dunajec stream in Szaflary (emergency water intake) and 280 samples taken from 6 active groundwater intakes in Nowy Targ. The basic descriptive statistics of manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium, chlorides, sulphates, phosphates, phosphates, ammonia, nitrites, nitrites, nitrates, chromium, zinc, indicators such as: dissolved oxygen, BOD5, suspension, phenols, PUR, pH, total hardness, alkalinity and number of coli bacteria were determined. The water analyses were performed in the period 2004-2016. Basic descriptive statistics of manganese, iron, magnesium, magnesium, calcium, chlorides, sulphates, phosphates, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, chromium and zinc ions, as well as such indicators as: dissolved oxygen, BOD5, suspension, phenols, PEW, pH, total hardness, alkalinity and number of coli bacteria were determined. The quality of the captured waters was classified on the basis of the results obtained, noting that the water from the Biały Dunajec stream corresponds to the A3 purity category due to the microbiological contamination. According to the physicochemical standard, A3 category was also determined on the basis of the phenol concentration, which, however, decreased significantly since 2013, corresponding to category A1. For groundwater, on the other hand, it was established that all analysed indicators corresponded to class I purity grade, i.e. water of a very good quality. The only excess over the values corresponding to this class was recorded for calcium ions, but the classification of water quality has not changed due to the fact that it was caused by natural processes. Taking into account the above-mentioned findings, it was concluded that due to the very good groundwater quality, their intakes should be left as the main source of water for consumers in Nowy Targ, while the surface water intake on the Biały Dunajec stream should be maintained concurrently as an emergency intake.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2018, 19, 3; 162-169
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of factors affecting bulk chlorine decay kinetics for the Zai water supply system in Jordan. Case study
Saidan, M. N.
Rawajfeh, K.
Nasrallah, S.
Meric, S.
Mashal, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
woda pitna
jakość wody
stężenie chloru
drinking water
water quality
chloride concentration
Chlorine decay behavior is significantly variable since it depends on the quality of water and the condition of a distribution system. The effect of various parameters on the bulk chlorine decay kinetics in water samples collected from the Zai water treatment plant in Jordan has been examined. These parameters are reaction time, temperature, TOC, and free chlorine dose. An empirical equation describing the abovementioned effects has been derived. The general trend of chlorine decay decreases upon time and can fairly be represented by first-order decay kinetics. An increase in the value of temperature and TOC parameters has proportional effects on the decay of bulk chlorine. However, the data show that the decay constants were found to be inversely proportional to the initial chlorine concentration. A general correlation for the calculation of bulk chlorine decay rate constant as a function of the parameters in question of this study has been proposed. Consequent predictions are in good agreement with the observed results in this study.
Environment Protection Engineering; 2017, 43, 4; 223-231
Pojawia się w:
Environment Protection Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the Hauterivian groundwater quality in zinc mining area for drinking and irrigation uses: Case of Chaabet el Hamra, Algeria
Kada, Houria
Demdoum, Abdslem
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
Chaabet el Hamra
drinking water
Hauterivian groundwater
In order to evaluate the water quality of the Hauterivian groundwater in the zinc deposit of Chaabet el Hamra, Southern Setif region, Algeria, eighteen physico-chemical parameters such as pH, EC, TDS, Cl, SO42−, HCO3, CO32−, NO3, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+,, and heavy metals Zn, Pb, Fe, Cr, Cd, Mn were analyzed and collected from six different wells in April 2012. The studied groundwater is dominated by HCO3, Ca2+, and Mg2+ ions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and Algerian standards, all groundwater samples are considered safe and fit for drinking as they fall within the permissible limits. In addition, the Schoeller diagram confirms the best quality water of the Hauterivian groundwater. Gibbs diagram show that the predominant samples fall in the rock-water interaction field, suggesting that water-rock interactions are the major mechanism controlling groundwater chemistry. Assessment of groundwater samples using various water quality indices such as sodium absorption ratio (SAR), soluble sodium percentage (SSP), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), magnesium hazard (MH) and Kelly ratio (KR) showed that the groundwater in the area has an excellent quality for irrigation purpose. According to Wilcox’s diagram, all groundwater samples fall in the C2S1 category, reflecting that they are suitable for irrigation.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2020, 46; 131-139
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessing Water Quality of Kufranja Dam (Jordan) for Drinking and Irrigation: Application of the Water Quality Index
Abualhaija, Mahmoud M.
Mohammad, Alsharifa-Hind
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
Kufranja Dam
physicochemical parameter
water quality index
The current study was undertaken to assess the physicochemical quality of the Kufranja dam (KD) surface water in northern Jordan during the summer and winter seasons [2019]. The samples were analyzed for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, major cations, major anions, and heavy metals. Most of the physicochemical parameters exhibited a similar spatial distribution, where the maximum concentrations were observed at the dam’s entrance, while the minimum concentrations were recorded at the dam’s end. This indicates that the factors affecting their occurrence and distribution are the same, including natural discharges from the surrounding catchment areas, weathering products, agricultural activities, and wastewater effluents that enter the dam via Wadi Kufranja. All the physicochemical parameters and heavy metals in KD water lie below the maximum permissible levels of the Jordanian and international standards for drinking and irrigation, except for EC values that are above WHO standards for drinking. The application of the water quality index (WQI) depicts that the KD water is chemically unsuitable for use in drinking and needs proper treatment before use. The irrigation indices (SAR, Na%, and MH) indicate that the KD water is chemically suitable for irrigation, whereas EC results and USSL diagram showed that the dam’s water is suitable for irrigation and belongs to the categories of good to permissible for irrigation. Therefore, KD water is suitable for irrigation of most soils (except soils with low salt tolerance). Crops with good salt tolerance are recommended and a special treatment of salinity might be required.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2021, 22, 9; 159-175
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Drinking water quality in the aspect of the presence of potentially toxic trace elements
Jakość wody pitnej w aspekcie obecności potencjalnie toksycznych pierwiastków śladowych
Cybulski, J.
Pokorska-Niewiada, K.
Witczak, A.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
drinking water
surface water
ground water
water quality
trace element
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych; 2019, 598; 15-27
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quality changes of drinking water in the water supply network [case study from Lithuania]
Zmiany jakosci wody w sieci wodociagowej na przykladzie badan prowadzonych na Litwie
Valentukeviciene, M
Amosenkiene, A.
Dauknys, R.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Wydawnictwo Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
drinking water
quality change
water supply network
water treatment
water supply
Varena town
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Land Reclamation; 2009, 41, 2; 109-118
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. Land Reclamation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quality of drinking water from the agricultural area treated with pitcher water filters
Krolak, E.
Raczuk, J.
Sakowicz, D.
Biardzka, E.
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego. Państwowy Zakład Higieny
drinking water
water quality
agricultural area
water treatment
water filtration
Background. Home methods of drinking water treatment through filtration have recently become quite popular. Objective. The aim of the study was to compare chemical composition of unfiltered water with water filtered in households with pitcher water filters. Obtained results were discussed in view of the effect of analysed chemical components of water on human health. Material and methods. Water samples were taken from water works supplies and from home dug wells from the agricultural area. Unfiltered water and water filtered through filters filled with active carbon and ion-exchanging resin and placed in a pitcher were analysed. Electrolytic conductivity, pH, hardness and the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, nitrate, phosphate and chloride ions were determined in water samples. Results of analyses were statistically processed. Results. As a result of water filtration, the concentration of phosphates significantly increased and the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, electrolytic conductivity and pH decreased. No changes were noted in the concentration of chloride ions. Filtering water decreased the concentration of nitrates in dug wells samples. Conclusions. Using water purification devices is justified in the case of water originating from home dug wells contaminated with nitrates when, at the same time, consumers’ diet is supplemented with calcium and magnesium. Filtration of water from water works supplies, controlled by sanitary inspection seems aimless.
Wprowadzenie. Sposoby uzdatniania wody pitnej w gospodarstwie domowym przez filtrację stały się ostatnio bardzo popularne. Cel. Celem badań było porównanie składu chemicznego wody niefiltrowanej z wodą filtrowaną w gospodarstwach domowych za pomocą filtrów dzbankowych. Wyniki badań zostały omówione w aspekcie wpływu analizowanych składników chemicznych wody na zdrowie człowieka. Materiał i metody. Próbki wody pobierano z ujęć wodociągowych oraz ze studni kopanych na terenach rolniczych. Analizowano próbki wody niefiltrowanej i filtrowanej za pomocą filtrów dzbankowych, wypełnionych węglem aktywnym i żywicą jonowymienną. W próbkach wody oznaczano: przewodność elektrolityczną, pH, twardość i stężenie jonów wapnia, magnezu, azotanów, fosforanów oraz chlorków. Wyniki analizy opracowano statystycznie. Wyniki. W wyniku filtrowania wody odnotowano znaczący wzrost stężenia fosforanów oraz obniżenie stężenia wapnia, magnezu, przewodnictwa elektrolitycznego i pH. Nie stwierdzono zmian w stężeniu jonów chlorkowych. W próbkach wody filtrowanej pochodzącej ze studni kopanych stwierdzono zmniejszenie stężenia azotanów w porównaniu z próbkami wody niefiltrowanej. Wnioski. Wykorzystanie urządzeń do filtrowania wody jest uzasadnione w przypadku wody zanieczyszczonej azotanami, pochodzącej z studni kopanych, przy jednoczesnym uzupełnianiu diety konsumentów wapniem i magnezem. Filtracja wody z ujęć wodociągowych, kontrolowanych przez inspekcję sanitarną wydaje się bezcelowa.
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny; 2018, 69, 1
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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