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Własności istnieniowe bytu w interpretacji tomizmu konsekwentnego
Existential Properties in the Interpretation of Consequent Thomism
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
realność (res)
odrębność (aliquid)
jedność (unum)
prawda (verum)
dobro (bonum)
piękno (pulchrum)
Thomas Aquinas
reality (res)
separateness (aliquid)
unity (unum)
truth (verum)
good (bonum)
beauty (pulchrum)
The problem of properties of being as being as such, has been undertaken in metaphysics almost from the beginning of its cultivation. The stages of this story are marked by figures such as Aristotle, Avicenna, Philip Chancellor, Albert the Great, and Thomas Aquinas, followed by Duns Scotus, Peter Olivi, Francis Suárez, Thomas Campanella and others. We are interested in the Thomistic theory of transcendentals, however, as far as Thomas Aquinas did not write a separate treatise on transcendentals, neither did he elaborate the entire concept in his writings, this theory is more the work of Thomists than Aquinas himself. Therefore, it seems reasonable to pay attention to his antagonists (like Duns Scotus) and followers (like Suarez) who have influenced the Thomist vision of the transcendentals. The philosophical theory of transcendentals, since they constitute the most important properties of being, depends directly on the concept of existence itself. Otherwise, it will be formulated in essentialist metaphysics (eg in traditional Thomism), differently in different versions of transcendentalizing Thomism, and still different in existential Thomism, where transcendentals are directly related to the existence of being. The basis of the transcendental accounts, at least in existential Thomism, are the statements of Aquinas himself, scattered throughout his various writings, although the starting point is usually the text from the Quaestione disputate de veritate, where Aquinas most broadly formulates the general concept of existential property. Starting from the Aristotelian definition of being, Thomas writes that certain concepts can be applied to being, but they do not add anything new to the concept, but point only to a modus entis. These modi entis are also referred to as modi essendi (“the mode of existence”) or even aliquid in ente (“something in being”). In the following passages Aquinas says that they are “interchangeable” with being. In this way, he wants to emphasize that we are dealing with various aspects of being as being, and not with additional, more detailed beings, qualifications. They can be certain “measures”, “ways” or “determinants” of being, or existence (modi entis or modi essendi) or “consequences”, “consequences” (consequentiae) in relation to themselves (in se) or in relation to to something else (ad aliud). Interesting are the views on the philosophy of cognition from the perspective of the transcendental property of truth (Tomasz Pawlikowski), on ethics from the perspective of transcendental good (Artur Andrzejuk), and on the aesthetics from the perspective of the property of beauty (Piotr Jaroszyński). Research on reality, separateness and unity seems to be more difficult, because in the history of philosophy no specific philosophical disciplines have been associated with them, but their problems are dispersed in various philosophical directions and also have a different (though sometimes fundamental) function in them. Tadeusz Klimski and Jan Kiełbasa’s works can be an example of dealing with such an issue.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2018, 7; 131-157
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykluczenie bonum sacramenti w opublikowanych wyrokach Trybunału Roty Rzymskiej z 2004 r.
Exclusion of bonum sacramenti in published judgments of the Roman Rota of 2004
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
dobro małżeństwa
bonum sacramenti
wykluczenie bonum sacramenti
exclusion of bonum sacramenti
One of nullity titles which is difficult to establish in the canonic process of nullitatis matrimonii is the exclusion of the marriage indissolubility (can. 1101 § 2). The significant issue here is to establish – at the moment of the marriage conclusion – the positive act of will of the betrothed focused on (in one of possible ways) the marriage indissolubility. In the reviewed published judgments of the Roman Rota of 2004 a tendency to strengthen principles worked out by this apostolic tribunal regarding both the method of bonum sacramenti exclusion and the character of the positive act of will, as well as proving this exclusion in an individual case, can be noticed.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2014, 25, 2; 5-30
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykluczenie bonum prolis w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku i Kodeksie Kanonów Kościołów Wschodnich
Exclusion of bonum prolis in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and in the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches
Bałdyga, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
dobro potomstwa
exclusio boni prolis
bonum prolis
in vitro a dobro potomstwa
godna prokreacja
metody wykluczenia bonum prolis
good of the offspring
in vitro and good of the offspring
a worthy procreation
methods of exclusion of bonum prolis
Problematyka dotycząca zrodzenia i wychowania potomstwa zawsze stanowiła przedmiot szczególnej troski Kościoła. Przejawiało się to w prawnej regulacji tego zagadnienia. Uprawnienie-obowiązek zrodzenia i wychowania potomstwa łączyło się nieodzownie z ogólną wizją małżeństwa, jego celami i przedmiotem małżeńskiej zgody, stąd też wraz z ewolucją rozumienia samego małżeństwa w historii kanonistyki, zmieniało się także rozumienie terminu bonum prolis (dobro potomstwa). Normy zawarte w kodeksach Jana Pawła II (KPK/83 i KKKW) dotyczące zagadnienia wykluczenia dobra potomstwa, o których była mowa we wstępie niniejszego artykułu, w swojej treści są identyczne. Jedynie treść kan. 776 § 1 KKKW, stanowi swoiste dopełnienie treści kan. 1055 § 1 KPK/83, w którym mowa o strukturze małżeństwa. Z kolei kan. 1061 § 1 KPK/83, będący swoistą definicją małżeństwa dopełnionego i ważnie zawartego, nie znajduje swojego odpowiednika w KKKW. Zrodzenie i wychowanie potomstwa jest naturalnym celem i uwieńczeniem małżeństwa. Akty małżeńskie, powinny być ukierunkowane na prokreację i dokonywane w sposób ludzki i naturalny. Stąd też wykluczenie aktów małżeńskiego współżycia, otwartych na zrodzenie potomstwa, podjęte pozytywnym aktem woli skutkuje nieważnością samego małżeństwa.
The issue of procreation and education of offspring has always been the object of special concern for the Church. It appears, among others in legal regulation of this problem. The right and the duty to procreate and educate offspring was inevitably connected with general vision of marriage, it is purposes and property of matrimonial consent. Therefore, with the evolution of understanding of marriage itself in the history of canon law, the term of bonum prolis (good of the offspring) was also changed. Legal norms regarding the issue of exclusion of the good of the offspring contained in the 1983 Code of Canon Law (CIC/83) and in the 1990 Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (CCEO), which was mentioned in the introduction of this article, are identical in their bodies. Only can. 776 § 1 CCEO is a kind of complement of can. 1055 § 1 CIC/83, which speaks about structure of marriage. In turn, can. 1061 § 1 CIC/83, which is a specific definition of consummated and valid marriage, has no equivalent in CCEO. The procreation and education of offspring is the natural purpose and the culmination of marriage. Marital acts should be directed towards procreation and must be performed in a natural and human fashion. Hence, the exclusion of acts of conjugal living which are open to procreation of offspring, taken with a positive act of the will results in the invalidity of the marriage itself.
Kościół i Prawo; 2018, 7, 1; 181-200
Pojawia się w:
Kościół i Prawo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czasowe wykluczenie potomstwa: terminologia i problemy praktyczne
Temporary exclusion of offspring: terminology and practical problems
Świto, Lucjan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
bonum prolis
dobro potomstwa
symulacja zgody małżeńskiej
wykluczenie potomstwa
nieważność małżeństwa
offspring well-being
simulation of matrimonial consent
exclusion of offspring
nullity of marriage
Artykuł podejmuje próbę odpowiedzi na bardzo istotne z punktu widzenia praktyki sądowej pytanie, czy czasowe wykluczenie potomstwa, które nawiązuje do zasady świadomego i odpowiedzialnego rodzicielstwa, może spowodować nieważność małżeństwa, czyli czy jest tożsame z wykluczeniem dobra potomstwa? Często bowiem w procesach o nieważność małżeństwa można spotkać się z deklaracją stron i świadków, z której wynika, iż nupturienci zawierając małżeństwo chcieli mieć ze sobą dzieci, ale nie od razu po ślubie, lecz w terminie późniejszym, bardziej dla nich dogodnym. Odpowiadając na postawione pytanie najpierw została dokonana krótka analiza normy unieważniającej zgodę małżeńską z tytułu wykluczenia dobra potomstwa, a następnie zasada świadomego i odpowiedzialnego rodzicielstwa. Przeprowadzona analiza doktryny i orzecznictwa rotalnego pozwoliła sformułować tezę, iż o wadliwie wyrażonej zgodzie małżeńskiej będzie decydował moment podjęcia decyzji o czasowym wykluczeniu potomstwa oraz siła, z jaką ta decyzja została wyrażona. Wykluczenia dobra potomstwa nie będzie, jeśli czasowe wykluczenie potomstwa zostało podjęte po wyrażeniu zgody małżeńskiej. Jeśli natomiast czasowe wykluczenie potomstwa zostało podjęte przed wyrażeniem zgody małżeńskiej, to domniemuje się wykluczenie dobra potomstwa, jeśli zamiar odłożenia w czasie możliwości poczęcia i zrodzenia się dziecka był podjęty w sposób absolutny lub warunkowy, lub też gdy był wiadomy zamiar wykluczenia zrodzenia potomstwa na zawsze.
The article attempts to answer a question which is very important from the point of view of judicial practice: can the temporary exclusion of offspring, which refers to the principle of conscious and responsible parenthood, make a marriage invalid, i.e. is it the same as excluding the good of offspring? Often in proceedings for the nullity of marriage one may find a declaration of the parties and witnesses, from which it follows that the nuptial couple wished to have children with each other not immediately after the marriage but at a later time, more convenient for them. Answering the question posed, first a brief analysis of the norm nullity of marriage consent due to the exclusion of the good of offspring was made, and then the principle of conscious and responsible parenthood. The analysis of doctrine and rotal jurisprudence made it possible to formulate a thesis that a defectively expressed marital consent will be determined by the moment of taking a decision to temporarily exclude offspring and the force with which this decision was expressed. There will be no exclusion of the offspring’s welfare if the temporary exclusion of the offspring was taken after the marital consent was expressed. If, on the other hand, the temporary exclusion of offspring was taken before the marital consent was given, the good of the offspring will be presumed to be excluded if the intention to postpone the possibility of conception and birth of the child was taken in an absolute or conditional manner, or if the intention to exclude the birth of offspring forever was known.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2022, 33, 2; 5-32
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Siódme: „Nie kradnij”. O średniowiecznym odkrywaniu rynku na marginesie książki Paola Prodiego
“Seventh: You shall not steal” – notes on the medieval „discovering” of the market in the margin of Paulo Prodi’s book
Bukała, Marcin W.
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
VII Przykazanie
Paolo Prodi
cywilizacja Zachodu
Franciszek Accursius
Rajmund z Penyafort
Klarus z Florencji
Tomasz z Akwinu
Max Weber
historia idei
forum sumienia
prawo kanoniczne
etyka gospodarcza
idee ekonomiczne scholastyków
władza ekonomiczna
słuszna cena
powszechne oszacowanie
dobro wspólne (bonum commune)
VII Commandment
Middle Ages
civilisation of the West
Francis Accursius
Raymond of Penyafort
Clarus of Florence
Thomas Aquinas
history of ideas
forum of conscience
canon law
ethics of economic life
scholastic economic ideas
economic power
just price
common estimation
common good (bonum commune)
In the article, the topic of the medieval „discovering” of the market is discussed, with the references to the Paolo Prodis’ book Settimo non rubare. Furto e mercato nella storia dell’Occidente. The author of the book, following Harold Berman, finds the changes in the 11th and 12th century Church, as the decisive mile stones in the development of the civilization of Western Christianity. The mentioned „papal revolution” led to the historical distinction between the spiritual and the political sphere, and later, to the autonomy of economic one. Accordingly, the Italian historian rejects the thesis that Enlightenment was the new beginning in the European history. In the P. Prodi’s analysis, the Latin term forum plays the crucial role. The word signified the place, square, especially the place where court proceedings occurred. Therefore, in the later abstract sense forum signified criteria or rules of judgement: both in the juridical meaning (forum civile, f. canonico, f. consciantiae), and the economic one, in which forum meant exactly „the market”. The “discovering” of the market rules was a consequence the development of the theoretical reasoning about mercantile activity. It was essentially related to the concepts of the just price (iustum pretium) and the common estimation (communis aestimatio). According to P. Prodi the common character of the estimation was of essential importance, as well as the new version of the Roman rule Res tantum valet, quantum vendi potest, with the medevial addendum: scilicet communiter. The author criticised the view, that the process of defining of the market was mainly the result of reception of Aristotelian Ethics and Politics. He underlined that in the penitential handbooks of the 12th and 13th century the focus was significantly shifted from the vice of avarice to the commandment „You shall not steal”; moreover the significant violation of the rules of fair market exchange begun to be considered as a sin against this commandment. In the article, the significance of the application of the notion forum commune by Thomas Aquinas (in the treatise on credit sale) was underlined. The interconnection between the concept of the market and the idea of common good was expressed in the juxtaposition of terms: forum commune – bonum commune. M. W. Bukała observes that the thesis about the limited influence of Aristotelian thought on the examined issue can be additionally confirmed by the analysis of the Article on mercantile profit in Summa Theologiae by St. Thomas (II-II, q. 77, a. 4), where Aquinas distances himself from the Philosopher’s view. The P. Prodi discourses were amended by the significant distinction: not every violation of ethics of economic life was considered as the theft by the medieval moralists – e.g.: the determinatio of the casus of buying grain with the deferred delivery for an undercut price, in canon „Naviganti” (X 5.5.19, 2do), and in the related comments of the 13th century canonist, Clarus Florentinus. Moreover, the Jacques Le Goff’s critique of the Prodi’s approach was undermined.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2018, 7; 177-192
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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