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Методологічні аспекти розуміння верховенства права в Україні
Methodological Aspects of Understanding the Rule of Law in Ukraine
Бурдоносова (Burdonosova), Марина (Maryna)
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
основоположні принципи права
рівність перед законом
методологія викладання
свобода слова
права людини
та громадянина
fundamental principles of law
rule of law
equality before the law
teaching methodology
human and civil rights
freedom of speech
The ideal of the rule of law has long been an essential component of international legal instruments, especially on human and civil rights and freedoms. Modern realities of 2022 remind the world that without the rule of law at all political and legal levels and in all countries, the world can return to the barbaric way of resolving conflicts “who is stronger, that’s who is right”. The author`s experience of teaching of the discipline “Methodology of application and interpretation of the rule of law” for students of “Master” degree, shows some difficulties in students’ understanding of such a complex phenomenon as “rule of law”. In order to simplify its understanding at the initial stage of study, it proved methodologically appropriate, using the method of structural-genetic analysis and synthesis, to depict the rule of law as a pyramid consisting of principles and elements already studied by junior students. In this way, students systematize knowledge, focus on important aspects of already learned material and realize the need for acquired knowledge, “including” them into new material. One of the leading places is given to the principle of the rule of law in the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 8). Despite the acquisition of the rule of law as a global ideal, its concept, according to many Western jurists, still remains “essentially controversial”. The author presents a visual image of the rule of law, adapted to the Romano-Germanic legal family in the translation of certain terms, which facilitates its understanding. Taking into account the studied principles, the pyramid of the structure of the rule of law consists of the following elements, starting from the basic level, the so-called “foundation”: right to assemble, in Ukraine the freedom of peaceful assembly is analogous; democracy through formal legal processes - democratic procedures; access to justice; freedom of speech / press; right to silence; presumption of innocence; fair trial & independence of judiciary; citizens and government are accountable by the law (responsible before the law); equality before the law. The analysis of structural elements and visual representation of the pyramid of “rule of law” is the purpose of this scientific article. This methodological approach has proven itself in teaching the theoretical foundations of the rule of law and to help students master this complex phenomenon.
Ідеал верховенства права давно став найважливішим складником міжнародно-правових актів, особливо присвячених правам і свободам людини й громадянина. Сучасні реалії нагадують світу, що без дотримання верховенства права на всіх політико-правових рівнях та всіма країнами світ може повернутися до варварського способу вирішення конфліктів – «хто сильніший, той і правий». Досвід викладання автором дисципліни «Методологія застосування та тлумачення верховенства права» для ОР «Магістр» показує певні складнощі в осягненні студентами такого комплексного явища, як «верховенство права». З метою спрощення його розуміння на початковому етапі вивчення вважаємо методологічно доцільним застосувати метод структурно-генетичного аналізу та синтезу й зобразити верховенство права як піраміду, що складається з принципів та елементів, які студенти вже вивчали на молодших курсах. Таким чином студенти систематизують знання, акцентують увагу на важливих аспектах вже засвоєного матеріалу та усвідомлюють потрібність набутих знань, «вплітаючи» їх у новий матеріал. Одне з провідних місць відведено принципу верховенства права і в Конституції України (ст. 8). Незважаючи на здобуття верховенством права характеру глобального ідеалу, його поняття, на думку багатьох західних правознавців, до цього часу залишається «сутнісно суперечливим». Автор презентує наочне зображення верховенства права, адаптоване до романо-германської правової сім’ї, перекладаючи певні терміни, щоб полегшити його розуміння. З урахуванням досліджених принципів у піраміді структури верховенства права виокремлюємо такі елементи, починаючи з базового рівня, так званого «фундаменту»: right to assemble – право на зібрання, в Україні аналогом виступає свобода мирних зібрань; democracy through formal legal processes – демократичні процедури; аccess to justice – доступ до правосуддя; freedom of speech/press – свобода слова та преси; right to silence – право мовчання; presumption of innocence – презумпція невинуватості; fair trial & independence of judiciary – справедливий суд і незалежність судової влади; citizens and government are accountable by the law – громадяни та уряд (органи влади) відповідальні перед законом; equality before the law – рівність всіх перед законом.
Copernicus Political and Legal Studies; 2022, 2; 68-75
Pojawia się w:
Copernicus Political and Legal Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Structure of Organs of Administration of Justice in Poland
Zieliński, Adam
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
world war
democratic state
socio-political conditions
Constitutional Tribunal
civil rights protection
public opinion
Supreme Court
socialist law
Contemporary Central and East European Law; 1995, 1-4; 59-70
Pojawia się w:
Contemporary Central and East European Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problems of knowledge through civilizational approach and principles of civil law. Case of Uzbekistan
Yakhshilikov, Jakhongir
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
civil law
justice and freedom
legal capacity
legal understanding
private law
public law
This paper makes investigations on civil law and its principles as whole. Moreover, the way of social life and problems of civilization are mentioned accordingly. Therefore, levels and tendencies of the principles that establish the essence of civil law are categorized. Moreover, current status quo of this feature was analyzed in case of Uzbekistan. Furthermore, policy and structure of country on law and philosophy have been learned from both theoretical and practical point of view. Research finalizes major outcomes and shortcomings of the topic to make better analyses further.
World Scientific News; 2018, 98; 172-184
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zbieżność zasad leżących u podstaw mediacji w sprawach karnych, cywilnych i administracyjnych oraz sądowoadministracyjnych
Convergence of the basic principles of mediation in criminal, civil, administrative, and judicial-administrative matters
Sowiński, Piotr Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
parties to a proceeding
criminal justice proceeding
civil proceeding
administrative proceeding
strony procesowe
proces karny
proces cywilny
postępowanie administracyjne
Tekst stanowi studium prawnoporównawcze instytucji mediacji występującej na gruncie czterech regulacji procesowych, tj. Ustawy z dnia 6 czerwca 1997 r. Kodeks postępowania karnego, Ustawy z dnia 17 listopada 1964 r. Kodeks postępowania cywilnego, Ustawy z dnia 14 czerwca 1960 r. Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego, a także Ustawy z dnia 30 sierpnia 2002 r. Prawo o postępowaniu przed sądami administracyjnymi przeprowadzonej na podstawie metody dogmatycznej. Analizie poddano te rozwiązania, które – zdaniem autora – pozwalają postawić tezę o daleko idącej zbieżności podstawowych, a zarazem mających normatywną proweniencję zasad rządzących tymi mediacjami. Do zasad tych zalicza się w tekście polubowność, dobrowolność (fakultatywność), powszechność, lojalność wobec stron, zasadę poufności i niejawności prowadzenia mediacji, a także bezstronności mediatora. Wspomniana zbieżność nie oznacza całkowitej homogeniczności poszczególnych rozwiązań, ani też ich niewadliwości, co wykazuje się na przykładzie art. 2591 k.p.c. oraz art. 83 § 4 k.p.a. Wskazano na zgodność krajowych rozwiązań z rozwiązaniami rekomendowanymi przez Komitet Ministrów Rady Europy.
The article constitutes a comparative legal study of mediation based on for proceduralregulations, i.e. Act of 6 June 1997: Code of Criminal Procedure, Act of 17 November 1964:Code of Civil Procedure, Act of 14 June 1960: Code of Administrative Procedure, and Actof 30 August 2002: Law on the Proceedings before Administrative Courts carried out withthe use of a dogmatic method. The author analyses the solutions that, in his opinion, makeit possible to propose a thesis on far-reaching convergence of the basic, and at the sametime of normative provenance, principles of mediation. The principles include amicability,voluntariness (optionality), commonness, loyalty to parties, confidentiality and non-opennessof mediation, as well as a mediator’s impartiality. The above-mentioned convergence doesnot mean complete homogeneity of particular solutions or their non-defectiveness, which isexemplified by Article 2591 CPC and Article 83 § 4 CAP. It is also shown that the domesticsolutions are in conformity with the solutions recommended by the Committee of Ministersof the Council of Europe.
Ius Novum; 2022, 16, 2; 108-129
Pojawia się w:
Ius Novum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Warszawa i Lublin jako główne ośrodki obywatelskiego wymiaru sprawiedliwości w Królestwie Polskim w 1915 r.
Warsaw and Lublin as the main centers of civil justice in the Polish Kingdom in 1915
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
civil justice
Polish Kingdom
The emergence of civil justice after the evacuation of Russians from the Polish Kingdom in 1915. This is one of the most important moments in the history of Polish judiciary. After more than a century of power invaders there is a chance to regain control over the administration and the judiciary. Polish lawyers had hoped that the occupiers leave the judiciary in their hands. Warsaw and Lublin - the fastest two centers operating in the Kingdom have become a role model for other courts. Regulations approved by the Committee of Citizens in Warsaw described the organization of the local judicial institutions. Its provisions became a model for the courts of Lublin, modifications resulted only from local relations. In addition to the changes in the organization and structure of the judiciary was introduced innovations in the rules of substantive law, both civil and criminal. They eased and modernize the existing legislation of the Russian case studies. The need for the establishment of the civil courts, as well as their functioning efficiently also testified by the number of pending cases. Polish lawyers hope to permanently take over the judiciary in the Kingdom were quickly snuffed out by the occupation authorities. Both in Warsaw and Lublin Polish citizens' initiative was considered as illegal and brought to its liquidation. However, experience has resulted in a few weeks on September 1 IX 1917 at the time of the recovery from the hands of the occupiers of justice.
Historia i Świat; 2015, 4; 305-336
Pojawia się w:
Historia i Świat
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mediation in Civil Matters and the Justice System - Constitutional Issues
Mediacja w sprawach cywilnych a wymiar sprawiedliwości - zagadnienia konstytucyjnoprawne
Skibińska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
justice system
access to justice
civil matters
mandatory mediation
wymiar sprawiedliwości
system wymiaru sprawiedliwości
prawo do sądu
sprawy cywilne
mediacja obligatoryjna
The main purpose of the article is to determine the mutual relations between mediation and court proceedings, as well as to answer the question whether mediation services provided by out-of-court entities should be considered as a part of the justice system and fulfill the constitutional right to court. The conducted research leads to the conclusion that both the judiciary and mediation should be considered as complementary methods of dispute resolution, although the first of them is granted primacy under the Polish Constitution i.a. due to the fact that mediation settlements are subject to court approval and not all types of disputes can be resolved bindingly in mediation. Mediation does not belong sensu sticto to the definition of the judiciary and does not fulfill the right to justice but may be included in a broad understanding of the judiciary and therefore its existence according to current regulations does not violate the position and rules of functioning of the judicial system. However, this situation can easily change, if the mandatory mediation planned by the legislator in divorce and legal separation cases comes into force.
Celem artykułu jest określenie wzajemnych relacji pomiędzy mediacją a postępowaniem sądowym, a także udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy działalność pozasądowych podmiotów w ramach mediacji należy zaliczyć do wymiaru sprawiedliwości i realizuje konstytucyjne prawo do sądu. Przeprowadzone rozważania prowadzą do wniosku, że zarówno sądowy wymiar sprawiedliwości, jak i mediację należy uznać za komplementarne sposoby rozwiązywania sporów, chociaż pierwszemu z nich na gruncie Konstytucji przyznaje się prymat ze względu na fakt, że ugody mediacyjne podlegają zatwierdzeniu przez sąd oraz nie wszystkie rodzaje sporów mogą być rozwiązane w drodze mediacji. Mediacja nie mieści się w wąskim rozumieniu wymiaru sprawiedliwości, a także nie wypełnia prawa do sądu, ale jest objęta szerokim rozumieniem wymiaru sprawiedliwości i tym samym jej istnienie w świetle obowiązujących przepisów nie narusza pozycji ani zasad funkcjonowania sądowego wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Sytuacja ta może się jednak zmienić, jeśli wejdzie w życie planowana przez ustawodawcę mediacja obligatoryjna w sprawach o rozwód i separację.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2020, 5 (57); 139-151
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ziemska soteriologia Ameryki
Sepkowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
symbolic authority
earthly salvation
pursuit of salvation
social justice
civil religion
The search for salvation is an obviously important component of the quest. For many people in this essentially individualistic culture, it is a preoccupation that virtually eclipses the idea of social justice, the other central dimension of the search. At the very least, the pursuit of salvation offers a point of entry. Definitions of salvation are diverse and often incompatibilie. In American civil religion everyone had a right to pass through the zone of abundance, and in time, it was thought, everyone would. As the goal of general abundance was approached the major social problems of discrimination, poverty, unemployment, divisive material inequalities and environmental stress would become manageable. Some people might define abundance itself as the promised land: others might move on from material satiety to new psychological and spiritual frontiers.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2014, 19; 55-62
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Political and Legal Aspects of the Attempt to Establish a Judicial Establishment of the UPR in the Evacuation on the Territory of Poland in July-August 1920.
Satskyi, P.
Data publikacji:
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of World History
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the UPR, Ministry of Justice of the UPR, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the UPR, arbitration tribunals, civil servants
Міністерство внутрішніх справ УНР, Міністерство юстиції УНР, Міністерство закордонних справ УНР, третейські суди, державні службовці
У статті досліджується проблема спроби створення судових органів для розгляду справ пов’язаних із відповідальністю громадян УНР, які були державними службовцями, в евакуації у місті Тарнів (Тарнув) у Польщі в липні-серпні 1920 р. Водночас українські державні інституції, в результаті наступу Червоної армії на території України, були вимушені евакуюватися до Польщі і розмістилися у місті Тарнів. Міністерство внутрішніх справ УНР висунуло ініціативу створення у цьому місті судових органів, у яких би розглядалися справи щодо службовців державних інституцій УНР. Таким чином, виникала можливість забезпечити функціональність й ефективність роботи урядових інституцій УНР в умовах їх перебування на території за межами України. Ця ініціатива перебувала на розгляді у Міністерстві юстиції УНР, котре передало її на розгляд до Міністерства закордонних справ, зважаючи на необхідність роз’яснення питання щодо статусу евакуйованих до Польщі громадян УНР. Дане питання мало важливе значення, зважаючи на його складність, адже система польського законодавства і судочинства перебувала у стадії формування. Також, важливу роль відігравав для УНР фактор початку переговорів між Польщею та РРФСР і УСРР щодо укладення перемир’я у радянсько-польській війні 1920 р. Тому проблема створення окремого суду для державних службовців урядових інституцій УНР мала важливе значення у збереженні їх функціональності й легітимності.
The article examines the problem of the attempt to create judicial bodies for the consideration of cases related to the responsibility of citizens of the UPR who were civil servants in the evacuation in Tarniv (Tarnuv) in Poland in July-August 1920. At the same time, Ukrainian state institutions, as a result of the offensive of the Red Army in the territory of Ukraine, were forced to be evacuated to Poland and housed in the city of Tarniv. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the UРR has initiated the creation of judicial bodies in this city, which would consider cases concerning employees of the state institutions of the UPR. Thus, there was an opportunity to ensure the functionality and efficiency of the work of the governmental institutions of the UРR in the conditions of their stay on the territory outside of Ukraine. This initiative was under consideration by the Ministry of Justice of the UPR, which submitted it for consideration to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, taking into account the need to clarify the issue of the status of the UPR citizens evacuated to Poland. This issue was important, given its complexity, since the system of Polish law and justice was in the stage of formation. Also, the starting point for negotiations between Poland and the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR on the conclusion of an armistice in the Soviet-Polish war of 1920 played an important role for the UPR. Therefore, the problem of establishing a separate court for civil servants of the governmental institutions of the UРR was important in preserving their functionality and legitimacy.
Проблеми всесвітньої історії; 2017, 4; 170-181
Pojawia się w:
Проблеми всесвітньої історії
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Civil Disobedience and Its Ethical Meaning
Obywatelskie nieposłuszeństwo i jego etyczne znaczenie
Rozmarynowska, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
obywatelskie nieposłuszeństwo
postawa obywatelska
civil disobedience
civil attitude
Celem rozważań podjętych w artykule jest rozpoznanie etycznego wymiaru obywatelskiego nieposłuszeństwa. Stawiając sobie takie zadanie, autorka zastanawia się, czym różni się nieposłuszeństwo obywatelskie od innych form społecznego sprzeciwu, a także usiłuje rozpoznać jego istotę. W tym celu identyfikuje kluczowe cechy oraz przedmiot aktu nieposłuszeństwa. Wyjaśnienie, na czym polega obywatelski charakter omawianego działania, pozwala na omówienie jego moralnego i etycznego znaczenia. Podkreślając osobowy charakter obywatelskiego nieposłuszeństwa, autorka ujmuje je jako wyraz etyczności.
The goal of the discussion presented in the article is to recognize the ethical dimension of civil disobedience. Setting out to achieve that goal, the author analyses the difference between civil disobedience and other forms of social protest, and attempts to define its essential substance. With that goal in view, she identifies the key features and the subject matter of an act of disobedience. Having explained the civil character of disobedience, she then goes on to discuss its moral and ethical significance. Emphasizing the personal character of civil disobedience, the author presents it as an expression of ethics.
Roczniki Filozoficzne; 2016, 64, 2; 63-77
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Filozoficzne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Procedural Justice in the Courtroom: The Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Revised Procedural Justice Scale
Prusiński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
procedural justice
the judiciary
district courts
civil cases
Procedural Justice Scale
In Polish psychology there has been no systematic research so far on the experience of contact with courts and on the evaluation of this experience using the theory of procedural justice. Polish psychologists do not have Polish instruments measuring procedural justice at their disposal. The Procedural Justice Scale is a measure operationalizing the dimensions of procedural justice according to Tyler’s model: respect, neutrality, voice, understanding, and influence. The aim of the present article is to present the work on the revised version of the Procedural Justice Scale, measuring procedural justice operationalized exclusively in psychological terms, and to present the psychometric properties of this scale. In particular, the author tested the reliability of the instrument and verified its validity based on confirmatory factor analysis, scale intercorrelations, and intergroup differences. The results confirmed the five-factor structure of procedural justice. They also confirmed the criterion validity of the measure, reflected in correlations with validation instruments.
Roczniki Psychologiczne; 2020, 23, 1; 83-105
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
What Motivates People to Comply With the Law and Regard It as Legitimate in the Polish System of Justice? The Identification and Analysis of the Construct of Procedural Justice
Prusiński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
procedural justice
judicial system
civil cases
compliance with decision
People appear in the courtroom when they engage in various disputes with others and have diverse problems of their own. The courts are supposed to provide them with a space where they can obtain justice, in accordance with the law. It is no less important, however, that while pursuing this goal the courts should deal with people’s problems in a way that makes the people willing to accept and comply with their decisions. The central issue defining the scope of this empirical study was the question of what element of the construct of procedural justice promotes behaviors associated with legitimacy and compliance with the law in the Polish judicial system. The author set out to investigate what identified procedural justice in Polish legal culture and what variables pertaining to the context of legal proceedings it was related to. The sample consisted of 115 individuals taking part in civil court proceedings conducted in civil divisions of district courts. Based on analyses performed on research results it can be concluded that behaviors associated with legitimacy and compliance with the law in the Polish judicial system is determined by the sense of fairness experienced in the courtroom, whose structure is built by experiences such as being given the opportunity to speak, being treated with respect, the judge’s impartiality, the comprehensibility of the language used and procedures applied in the courtroom, and the sense of influence on the final outcome of the proceedings.
Polish Psychological Bulletin; 2020, 51, 2; 126-138
Pojawia się w:
Polish Psychological Bulletin
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transitional Justice in Relationship to Public Sphere and Civil Society: Theoretical Approaches
Pietrzak, Edyta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
public sphere
civil society
transitional justice
non-governmental organisations
The article presents the entitled fields in the framework of their mutual influence. The notion of the public sphere is valuable for understanding the role that civil society plays in transitional justice processes. However transitional justice often reduces the idea of civil society to NGOs and ignores the social movements and civic engagement in the public realm that can be perceived as integral to the creation of new cases for understanding justice in transition. This fact results in the lack of perception of the civil society place in transitional justice processes. Thus the presented paper is based on hermeneutics, critical discourse analysis and dialogue between various theoretical approaches.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2018, 1 (47); 54-66
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prace nad kodyfikacją majątkowego prawa cywilnego w latach 1950–52
Works on the Codification of the Property Civil Law in the Years 1950–52
Moszyńska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
kodyfikacja prawa prywatnego, projekt kodeksu cywilnego, Komisja Kodyfikacji Prawa Cywilnego, Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości
codification of the civil law, the draft of the Civil Code, Civil Law Codifi- cation Commission, Ministry of Justice
This article attempts to answer the question of how works on the codification of civil law proceeded, following the political upheaval of 1948. The literature indicates that the work was interrupted and that another project of the Civil Code was not published until 1954. Codification efforts were indeed broken, but in September 1950 the Presidium of the Government adopted a significant resolution requiring the Minister of Justice to prepare a draft of the Civil Code in just 11 months. The author – on the basis of archival documents – is trying to reconstruct the course of this work and fill gaps in the existing literature. It turns out that the Ministry of Justice accomplished the resolution, even though the set time limit may have seemed unreal. By the end of August 1951 the project of the Civil Code with its reasons was finished. However, in view of the advanced work on a new constitution, the project was suspended and legislative work has not been continued.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 2; 165-180
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konsekwencje brexitu w dziedzinie prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego
The consequences of Brexit in private international law
Majkowska-Szulc, Sylwia
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
European Union
withdrawal from the European Union
art. 50 TEU
EU uniform law
European private international law
national jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters
mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments
judicial cooperation between Member States
e-Justice Portal
Brexit is a unique phenomenon as no Member State has ever expressed the will to leave the European Union. Never before had the in-depth impact of a Member State withdrawal been analysed. The issue has started to be analysed after the referendum in which the British voted in favour of leaving the European Union. The topic of the potential consequences of Brexit in the field of private international law concerns, inter alia, national jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters, mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments, specific procedures of EU uniform law, judicial cooperation between Member States or the functioning of the e-Justice Portal and dynamic forms. Before a given Member State withdraws from the EU, interested parties should have been informed, inter alia, of how pending proceedings will be conducted starting with the withdrawal day, what about proceedings initiated at the date of withdrawal or later on, and what about the rulings of the courts of the applicant state covered by the exequatur procedure before the withdrawal. Therefore, the primary purpose of the article is to determine the framework for the future relationship between the EU and the UK in the field of private international law. An additional aim of this paper is to better prepare natural and legal persons for the new post-Brexit reality. European integration has brought Europe peace and prosperity and enabled unprecedented cooperation in all areas of common interest. Following the withdrawal decision, the state and its citizens cease to benefit from the acquis communautaire. In fact, the United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. As far as private international law is concerned, the United Kingdom has become a third country. Subsequently, on 1 February 2020 a transition period has started and it aims to provide more time for citizens and businesses to adapt. The negotiations on the future partnership between the EU and the UK has started in March 2020, but they were postponed due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union is sometimes compared to love that has passed away, but former lovers must continue to meet from time to time to manage certain common affaires. The analysis of the topic leads to the conclusion that, in fact, Brexit is a unique phenomenon that has no added value.
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego; 2020, 27; 138-158
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Prawa Prywatnego Międzynarodowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Territorial justice for urban and rural regions? about the responsibility and role of the Bavarian academy of rural areas
Magel, H.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie
equivalent living condition
territorial justice
Enquete Commission
urban-rural cooperation
integrated rural development
active civil society
homecountry strategy
miejsko-wiejska współpraca
zintegrowany rozwój wsi
społeczeństwo obywatelskie
The article describes the one sided global discussion on urbanization without developing sufficient future oriented comprehensive visions and strategies for rural areas. Mostly the concepts are about agriculture, nearly nothing about establishing central places and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in rural areas. Europe and Germany still believe in the principle of cohesion and the goals of Territorial Agenda 2020 in indigenously developed rural areas despite some controversial discussions about the need and outcome of specific and even enhanced strategies and measures in shrinking periphery regions. It is not primarily a question of economy to support rural areas but it is first a question of human rights, dignity and territorial justice. The constitutional demand of equivalent living conditions in Germany is a visible expression and result of territorial justice. Fortunately, this issue of justice is now a hot matter of political discussion in Bavarian Parliament. In the second part of the article the indispensable roles and contributions of civil society and NGOs as independent partner and coproducer of the state like the Bavarian Academy are described.
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape; 2017, 1; 65-79
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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