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Letteratura per l’infanzia e applicazioni: adattamenti ipermediali di opere classiche e albi contemporanei
Children’s Literature in the World Of Apps: Hypermedia Adaptations of Classic and Contemporary Picture books
Acerra, Eleonora
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
children’s literature
This analysis aims to describe the main features of hypermedia literary apps for children by considering a corpus of adaptations of classic and contemporary picturebooks. In particular, it highlights the multimodal nature that defines hypermedia texts and their meanings, as well as the interactivity that programs different degrees of readers’ involvement and the various ways of using and exploring the virtual space of touchscreens. By describing some hypermedia features deployed in a selection of classic texts, I focus on the hypermedia adaptations of three contemporary Italian picturebooks: Iole, la balena mangiaparole by Gioia Marchegiani, Amico ragnolo by gloria francella, and Love, the App by Alberto Vanni. These were chosen to illustrate the significant literary use of several textual materials, the implementation of different types of interactivity, and the recreation of the material characteristics of the print edition through the virtual page. Founded on the appropriation and re-interpretation of the source, the adaptations considered here show a mix of literary intents and digital technologies, while highlighting the substantial homogeneity of the hypermedia strategies used in adapting classic and contemporary texts.
Considerando un corpus di adattamenti di opere classiche e di albi contemporanei italiani, il lavoro si propone di determinare alcune caratteristiche della letteratura ipermediale per l’infanzia. Saranno in particolar modo esaminati i tessuti compositi e multimodali che costituiscono il testo ipermediale e permettono di costruirne il senso; l’interattività, che prevede diversi gradi di coinvolgimento del lettore; alcuni modi di utilizzo ed esplorazione degli spazi virtuali degli schermi tattili. Muovendo dall’esame dei dispositivi in opera in una rosa di trasposizioni di testi classici, ci si soffermerà in particolare sulle versioni ipermediali degli albi contemporanei di Gioia Marchegiani (Iole, la balena mangiaparole), Gloria Francella (Amico ragnolo) e Alberto Vanni (Love, the App), scelti rispettivamente per illustrare la molteplicità di materie testuali, il ricorso a diverse tipologie di elementi interattivi e un uso degli spazi della pagina virtuali tale da restituire le caratteristiche materiali delle edizioni cartacee. Fondati sull’appropriazione-interpretazione di elementi testuali e sull’utilizzo a fini narrativi delle possibilità tecnologiche fornite dagli schermi tattili, gli adattamenti ipermediali qui considerati permettono di verificare al contempo l’ipotesi della sostanziale omogeneità di strategie e dispositivi ipermediali in uso nelle due categorie di testi, indipendentemente dalla loro diversa legittimità patrimoniale.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2017, 8.1; 11-28
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Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bohaterowie lekturowego dzieciństwa we wspomnieniach współczesnych seniorów i młodzieży
The Children’s Literary Characters in the Eyes of Contemporary Senior Citizens and Young People
Aleksandrowicz, Renata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
children’s literature
heroes of children’s books
reading of seniors
reading of students
literatura dla dzieci
bohaterowie książek dla dzieci
czytelnictwo seniorów
czytelnictwo studentów
Współcześni seniorzy to ostatnie pokolenie wychowane w kulturze książki, którego dzieciństwo upłynęło bez dominującej obecności środków masowego przekazu. Natomiast generacji dzisiejszej młodzieży, niemalże od urodzenia towarzyszą nowe technologie, a książka jest zwykle jednym z wielu użytkowanych mediów. Celem artykułu będzie ukazanie dziecięcych bohaterów lekturowych z dwóch perspektyw: dziadków i wnuków, czyli pokoleń posiadających odmienne doświadczenia lekturowe i kompetencje medialne. Analizie poddane będą wypowiedzi słuchaczy Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku we Wrocławiu oraz studentów Instytutu Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Zaprezentowani zostaną bohaterowie lektur szkolnych i postaci spoza kanonu, a także uczuciowe związki z bohaterami literackimi i ich losami. Tekst będzie próbą wskazania zarówno różnic w postrzeganiu literackich postaci z dzieciństwa, jak i wspólnoty wyborów dziecięcych bohaterów lekturowych.
Today’s seniors are the last generation that was brought up in book culture and whose childhood was free of the dominant presence of mass media. On the other hand, the contemporary youth is surrounded by new technologies almost from birth and book is often merely one of many media they access. The aim of the paper is to examine children’s book characters from the perspective of two generations – grandparents’ and grandchildren’s – with different lecture experiences and media competences. The study will include an analysis of the statements made by students of the University of the Third Age in Wrocław and students of the Institute of Library and Information Science at the University of Wrocław. The characters known from school as well as extra curricular reading will be presented and readers’ attachment to them and their fates will be described in the text. The paper will seek to highlight different ways of regarding childhood literary characters as well as common choices of children’s book heroes.
Filoteknos; 2022, 12; 133-146
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A general overview of the literature for children in the first part of the 20th century
Alimerko, Rudina
Data publikacji:
Academicus. International Scientific Journal publishing house
children’s literature
literary pieces
didaktic element
Although in the first decades of the 20th century the Albanian literature for children did not recognize any distinguished literary work, a series of liberation insurrections in north and south as well as the Declaration of Independence in 1912 show the great efforts of our Renaissance figures who were teachers, ideologists and active participants in the armed movement. All this big issues in the life of Albanian people as well as their freedom-loving spirit become the inspiration of many themes, details and motives in the Albanian literature for children. Some of well-known representatives of our national Renaissance such as: Çajupi, Asdreni, Fishta, Mjeda, Gurakuqi, Xanoni, J.Bageri etc., continued writing even during the first decades of the 20th century. In their poetic and literary writings, one could distinguish the romantic spirit of the exuberance of the love for the country, for the nature, for the universe, and sometimes there could be distinguished even a realistic tone which described the Albanian life. Throughout all this literary work, the love for the country was connected with the love for the language and with the great efforts that were made for founding Albanian schools, with the reverberation of the wars for freedom, with the description of nature, birds and flowers as well as with the inspiration taken from the fantastical and fabulous world of the world literature.
Academicus International Scientific Journal; 2011, 04; 69-80
Pojawia się w:
Academicus International Scientific Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czego można nauczyć się z literatury dla dzieci, prezentującej dzieciństwo naznaczone doświadczaniem uchodźstwa?
Anna, Józefowicz,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
literature for children
intercultural education
experience of exile
After 2016, in Polish literature for children, there appeared a few significant books presenting childhood marked by the most current trauma, namely the experience of refugees. Reading these novels prompted me to ask important questions that I am trying to answer in this paper: How and for what purpose, should we discuss the subject of war trauma with children? How is refugee childhood presented in the analysed literature? How the analysed literature talks about the hardships of war exile refugee families and the “rebuilding” of the house and the whole world by them? I conducted an analysis and interpretation of books based on the assumptions of the concept of humanistic hermeneutics. Using the assumptions of intercultural education simultaneously, I paid attention to the sensitising potential of the analysed literature (development of empathy in the youngest, awakening of conscience, altruistic attitude, provoking discussion on how much we are attentive to the other person).
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2019, 64(1(251)); 113-125
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
El llindar neofantàstic en l’obra narrativa de Joan Barceló i Cullerés
The Neofantastic Threshold in Narrative Works by Joan Barceló i Cullerés
Badia-Escolà, Andratx
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Joan Barceló
Catalan fantastic literature
the neofantastic
Catalan narrative of the 70’s
Catalan children’s books
Catalan young adult literature
The fantastic is one of the elements in the narrative poetics of Joan Barceló, a seminal Catalan writer of the 70s. The purpose of this article is to analyse the fantastic from a theoretical perspective, including its specific uses in Barceló’s stories and novels, how it works and why. Thus, the paper draws on the concept of the neofantastic to reveal a literary space of aesthetic and ideological transgression that moves among three thresholds: the magical or fairy, the unusual and the absurd or nonsense.
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia; 2018, 45, 2; 79-92
Pojawia się w:
Studia Romanica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Książki, czyli wety rozkoszne naszego ducha. Recenzja książki Anny Nosek „Co dać dziecku na gwiazdkę?”. Studia nad kulturą czytelniczą i krytyką literatury dla młodych odbiorców w XIX wieku, Universitas, Kraków 2021
Books, or the Delicious Desserts for Our Spirit. A Review of Publication by Anna Nosek “What to Give a Child for Christmas?” Studies on Reading Culture and Literary Criticism for Young Readers in the 19th Century, Universitas, Kraków 2021
Badowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
children’s literature
book – 19th century
literatura dla dzieci
książka – XIX wiek
Artykuł recenzyjny dotyczy publikacji Anny Nosek „Co dać dziecku na gwiazdkę?” Studia nad kulturą czytelniczą i krytyką literatury dla młodych odbiorców w XIX wieku (Kraków 2021). Wskazano, że publikacja ta to potrzebny, syntetyczny opis miejsca i roli książki w pojmowaniu ludzi epoki, dokonany przez badaczkę od lat zajmującą się literaturą dla dzieci i młodzieży. Doceniono wnikliwość autorki, zwłaszcza fragmenty poświęcone ustaleniu modelu XIX-wiecznej dobrej książki dla małego odbiorcy. Uwagi krytyczne dotyczą natomiast ogólnikowości i nieostrości używanej przez badaczkę frazy „dla młodych odbiorców”.
The review article concerns the publication by Anna Nosek “Co dać dziecku na gwiazdkę?” Studia nad kulturą czytelniczą i krytyką literatury dla młodych odbiorców w XIX wieku (“What to Give a Child for Christmas?” Studies on Reading Culture and Literary Criticism for Young Readers in the 19th Century). The article indicates that this publication is necessary, concise description of the place and role of the book, made by a researcher who has been analyzing literature for children and adolescents for many years. The author’s insight was appreciated, especially the fragments describing a model of a 19th-century “good book” for children. Critical comments concern, among others, the vagueness of the prase “for young readers” used by the researcher.
Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze; 2022, 11; 201-209
Pojawia się w:
Czytanie Literatury. Łódzkie Studia Literaturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zabawka jako historyczny artefakt w niemieckiej literaturze i kulturze dziecięcej
Bajorek, Angela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
artefakt historyczny
literatura dziecięca
zabawki i Holokaust
historical artifact
children’s literature
toys and Holocaust
Artykuł przedstawia istotę i rolę zabawki jako kulturowego artefaktu, (w tym lalki i pluszowego misia) widzianego oczami najmłodszych świadków historii Holokaustu. Zagadnienie to zostanie naświetlone z perspektywy historycznej oraz z punktu widzenia rozwoju emocjonalnego dziecka i będzie się odwoływać do przykładów niemieckiej literatury dziecięcej. Korpus tekstów ma za zadanie ukazać jak prosta zabawka staje się równorzędnym bohaterem, trwałą istotą fabuły, osobnym wątkiem wyłuskanym z zakamarków pamięci i ingredientem historycznoliterackim.
The paper focuses on the essence and the role, which toys such as a doll or a teddy bear play as cultural artifacts in German children’s literature. The toys I will be describing play an important role in texts about children, who witnessed Holocaust. I will investigate this issue from a historical perspective and from a point of view of emotional development of a child. I intend to show that toys, brought from memories of the past, become as important for the story as child protagonists, build an integral art of the story throughout the narrative, and symbolize a particular historical event in the literary context.
Filoteknos; 2019, 9; 300-308
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czcij (…), abyś długo żył na ziemi. O czwartym przykazaniu z myślą o podręcznikach i lekcjach języka polskiego
Honour . . . that you may live long on earth. On the Fourth Commandment for Textbooks and Polish Language Lessons
Bakuła, Kordian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
teaching Polish language
teaching Polish literature
teaching Polish culture
Old Testament
the fourth commandment
obedience to one’s parents
punishing children
outdated tradition
kształcenie literackie
kształcenie językowe
kształcenie kulturalne
Stary Testament
czwarte przykazanie
karanie dzieci
przebrzmiała tradycja
Artykuł ma na celu pokazanie napięcia między starotestamentowym nakazem motywowanym religijnie czcij ojca swego i matkę swoją…, a współczesnym nam, ziemskim, ludzkim szanuj ojca i matkę, szanuj rodziców. Sposobem na osiągnięcie tego celu będą czynności dydaktyczne poszerzające pole wiedzy: przeczytanie pełnych wersji przykazania czwartego; poznanie strasznych kar grożących za uchybianie czci rodzicom; przywołanie scen składania ofiar z dzieci; czytanie polskich interpretacji czwartego przykazania przez M. Reja i E. Glicznera. Wniosek: dla nas na nasze czasy najbardziej odpowiednim jest wymaganie naturalnego szacunku dzieci dla rodziców – bez pośrednictwa dawnych religijnych mniemań.
The article aims to show the tension between the Old Testament, which is religiously motivated honour thy father and thy mother, and the modern version, which isearthly, human, respect the father and mother, respect the parents. The way to achieve this will be through didactic activities that expand the field of knowledge: reading thefull versions of the fourth commandment; to know the terrible penalties that threaten to be imposed for the misconduct of honor of parents; recalling scenes of child sacrifice;reading Polish interpretations of the Fourth Commandment by M. Rej and E. Gliczner. Conclusion: for us in our time, it is most appropriate to require the natural respect of children for parents – without any mediation of old religious beliefs.
Polonistyka. Innowacje; 2021, 14; 51-64
Pojawia się w:
Polonistyka. Innowacje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pedagogical Commitment in Time of Self-doubting: G. Oster’s Bad Advice and Children’s Literature as Adults’ Carnival
Balistreri Bonsaver, Caterina
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT – Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe
Adults’ self-representation
playfulness in children’s literature
post-perestroika Russia
underground humor
carnival theory
holy fool
Bad Advice by Grigorii Oster is a hugely popular children’s series offering playful, topsy-turvy advice, and was first published in Russia in 1990 – a time of enormous social and cultural change. At the core of my investigation is the way in which this series expresses a specific understanding of adults as bearers of pedagogical and intellectual agency in post-perestroika Russia. Between the early 1980s and the early 1990s, through debates on journals and newspapers, novels and films, Russian culture exposed false values, violence and authoritarianism as features that were profoundly rooted in Soviet society. This, however, ended up in a blind alley for those who claimed a moral and intellectual leading role, because adults were described as representatives of that violent society and able to affect younger generations. Bad Advice managed to overcome that blind alley by staging a carnival in which the narrative voice is both a member of the intelligentsia endowed with moral authority, and the legitimate provider of a new, non-conformist pedagogy. It eventually reaffirmed the old theme of the ubiquitousness of violence, delegitimizing the narrative voice’s pedagogical claims and closing its carnival, before opening a new one, in a long series of collections of advice.
Filoteknos; 2022, 12; 347-362
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kierunki rozwoju najnowszej literatury dziecięcej w świetle zgłoszeń do Nagrody Żółtej Ciżemki (w roku 2021)
Directions of Development of the Latest Children’s Literature in the Light of Applications for the Yellow Ciżemka Award (in 2021)
Baluch, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
literatura dla dzieci
Nagroda Żółtej Ciżemki
children’s literature
Yellow Ciżemka Award
Autorka omawia tendencje rozwojowe w najnowszej literaturze dla dzieci młodszych w Polsce na podstawie książek zgłoszonych do Nagrody Literackiej Żółtej Ciżemki, którą przyznaje Biblioteka Kraków od 2017 roku. Badaczka podkreśla, że dużą grupę wśród autorów stanowią młodzi, debiutujący twórcy, szczególnie graficy i ilustratorzy. W analizowanych utworach dominuje narracja wizualna nad słowną, forma picturebooka oraz książki-zabawki. Wśród nowych rozwiązań zarówno w narracjach werbalnych, jak i obrazowych wyróżniają się motywy śladów/tropów, nici/kanwy.
Alicja Baluch discusses recent developments in Polish small children’s literature on the basis of books submitted to the Yellow Ciżemka Award in literature, which has been awarded by the Krakow Library since 2017. Baluch emphasizes that among the entrants are many young authors, including graphic designers and illustrators, who are making their debut. The works she analyses are dominated by visual over verbal methods of narration as well as the forms of picture book and toy book. Among the new solutions, in both verbal and pictorial narratives, particularly noticeable are the interactive motifs of traces, threads, and canvases.
Paidia i Literatura; 2022, 4; 1-11
Pojawia się w:
Paidia i Literatura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ludzie i przedmioty. Literatura dla dzieci jako szkoła estetycznej wrażliwości
People and objects. Children’s literature as an aesthetic school of sensitivity
Baluch, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
posthuman studies
children’s literature
aesthetic education
avant‑garde art
The focus of research in the field of literature for children and youth on objects results from post‑humanistic methodologies and brings about interesting results. Objects play different roles in children’s texts, just as they play different roles in the works of artists, for instance Tadeusz Kantor and Joanna Rajkowska. By interpreting literary texts and works of art, I try to show that the representations of objects from both areas are similar and can serve to the aim of children’s aesthetic education.
Paidia i Literatura; 2020, 2; 59-66
Pojawia się w:
Paidia i Literatura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The development of children’s literature in Ukraine in the XX-XXI centuries
Baran, Uliana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Ukrainian children`s literature
Ukrainian literature for children and youth
After Ukraine’s independence in 1991 Ukrainian children got wider access to the translations of the works of prominent world writers for children. The classic literature of the world, aiming to mediate the children’s feelings for beauty and literary aesthetic, became an integral part of the Ukrainian educational system. Thanks to the increase of famous children’s books written in modern Ukraine, Ukraine is now experiencing the growth of a new generation of more intelligent and capable citizens free from communism ideology, able to integrate and positively contribute to the modern multicultural world. However “children and war” is now again among the painful topics in modern Ukrainian society but not new in history and literature. There are no wars, initiated by Ukrainians. The Famine of Ukrainians in the East of Ukraine by Russians, the Second World War, physical genocide of Ukrainian families and their children for the whole century even also just for the Ukrainian language saved Pain and Distrust in the generation memory of Ukrainians. But the aim of this survey of the Ukrainian literature for children and youth is to show the developing processes in the society on the basics of the main ideas, topics, directions and values during the XX-XXI centuries, beginning since the end of the XIX century by such prominent writer like Ivan Franko.
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie; 2021, 8; 179-193
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Chełmie
early sex education
conservative vs
liberal discourse
literature for children
The subject of the author's considerations are the controversies concerning sex education in Poland, resulting mainly from the clash of two discourses dominating public sphere the conservative one, connected with the Christian (mostly Catholic) world view, and the liberal one, promoting the multitude of visions of sexuality and lifestyles. The author reviews the most recent literature for the youngest readers tackling the subject of physicality (e.g. the bottom and the pooh), human sexuality (anatomy, masturbation), emotional relationships (kisses, dates, good and bad touch), and sexuality (e.g. LGBT, patchwork families). On this basis, it is considered to what extent the authors who break the taboo in their books (by daring narration, illustrations or the subject as such) take into account children's reading competencies, and what consequences it may possibly have for their emotional development.
Scientific Bulletin of Chełm - Section of Pedagogy; 2016, 1; 59-74
Pojawia się w:
Scientific Bulletin of Chełm - Section of Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Il libro degli animali di Mario Rigoni Stern: un messaggio ecologıco rivolto ai ragazzi
Il libro degli animali by Mario Rigoni Stern: An Ecological Message for Children
Bedin, Cristiano
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Mario Rigoni Stern
children’s literature
letteratura per ragazzi
Asiago-born writer Mario Rigoni Stern, whose centenary of birth was celebrated in 2021, always took a great interest in young people, as amply demonstrated by his numerous talks at schools, where he often addressed ecological problems afflicting the Earth. His Il libro degli animali (1992), a collection of children’s stories illustrated by Xavier de Maistre, characteristically engages with environmental themes by expressing respect for the animal world and admiration for its beauty. Similar to ecological literature for children, Rigoni Stern’s book aims to highlight environmental problems and suggest possible solutions to them. Given this, it is dedicated to inspiring young readers to adopt an alternative way of life, one based on respect for nature and responsible/sustainable practices. This effort is combined with promoting symbiosis with land, as communion with nature is the only viable solution to many of the contemporary ecological problems. Employing ecocritical theories, mostly those related to environmentalism, this paper explores the way in which Rigoni Stern presents his standpoint on and ideas of the natural world to the young reading public. His approach makes Il libro degli animali part of the most complex ecological discourse that he developed in his long literary career.
Lo scrittore vicentino Mario Rigoni Stern, di cui nel 2021 è ricorso il centenario dalla nascita, ha sempre mostrato un grande interesse per i giovani, come dimostrano i numerosi interventi da lui tenuti presso istituti scolastici di tutti i gradi nei quali ha spesso puntato l’attenzione sui problemi ecologici che affliggono la terra. Il tema dell’ambiente, ovvero del rispetto per la sua fauna e della bellezza del mondo animale, è ripreso in una sua raccolta di racconti selezionati per un pubblico di ragazzi dai 9 anni in poi intitolata Il libro degli animali (1992) e pubblicata con una serie di illustrazioni di Xavier de Maistre. Similmente a quello che accade nella letteratura ecologica per l’infanzia, il proposito del volume di Rigoni Stern è quello di porre l’accento sulle problematiche riguardanti l’ambiente, cercando anche di proporre possibili soluzioni ai problemi. Pertanto nel suo libro Rigoni Stern desidera soprattutto presentare ai giovani lettori un modo alternativo di vita, basato sul rispetto della natura e un comportamento equosolidale. A questo sentimento si unisce la volontà dello scrittore di entrare in simbiosi con il territorio. Solamente attraverso questo processo di comunione con la natura si potranno quindi risolvere molti dei problemi ecologici della contemporaneità. In questo contributo, partendo dalle teorie ecocritiche, in particolare legate all’ambientalismo, si intende analizzare il modo in cui Rigoni Stern presenta a un pubblico di giovani la propria visione del mondo e le proprie idee riguardanti il rispetto per l’ambiente, collocando Il libro degli animali nel più complesso discorso ecologista che lo scrittore ha sviluppato nella sua lunga carriera letteraria.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2022, 13.1; 11-28
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieciństwo w cieniu wojny – przedstawienie pojęcia wojny we współczesnych narracyjnych książkach obrazkowych dla dzieci
Childhood in the Shadow of War: Representation of War in Children’s Picture Books
Bednarek, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
children’s literature
picture book
literatura dla dzieci
książka obrazkowa
literatura wojenna
Artykuł poświęcony jest czterem narracyjnym książkom obrazkowym obecnym na polskim rynku wydawniczym, które uznać można za przedstawiające wojnę w ujęciu uniwersalnym: Wrogowi D.Caliego i S. Blocha, Bajce o Wojnie J. Rudniańskiej i P. Fąfrowicza, Wojnie, która zmieniła Rondo R. Romanyszyn i A. Łesiwa oraz Wojnie J. J. Letrii i A. Letrii. Celem jest sprawdzenie, w jakim stopniu zagadnienie to omawiane jest w aspekcie emocjonalnym, intelektualnym oraz historycznym. Analiza elementów wizualnych i słownych prowadzi do wniosku, że książki te oddziaływają przede wszystkim afektywnie, a dominującą przedstawianą emocją jest lęk. Większość analizowanych książek dąży do jego łagodzenia, przede wszystkim przez wprowadzenie pozytywnego zakończenia. Jedynie Wojna wyłamuje się z tej konwencji, każąc pytać o granice pedagogiki grozy. Komponent intelektualny najsilniej reprezentowany jest we Wrogu, przynosząc refleksje na temat odpowiedzialności za wojnę oraz mechanizmy angażowania w nią jednostek. Zauważyć przy tym należy, że obecność tego aspektu w prezentacji konfliktu zbrojnego nie jest zależna od projektowanego przez wydawcę wieku odbiorców. Komponenty historyczne są słabo widoczne w omawianych utworach, pozostają niedopowiedziane, ale dostępne wiedzy dorosłego, lub dotyczą detali. Prowadzi to do wniosku, że analizowane książki kreują antywojenne postawy, przede wszystkim odwołując się do emocji, co nie zapewnia jednak bezpieczeństwa emocjonalnego dziecięcych odbiorców.
The aim of the paper is to present four picture books published in Poland that concern the concept of war. These are The Enemy by D. Cali, S. Bloch, War by J.J. Letria and A. Letria, How War Changed Rondo by R. Romanyszyn and A. Łesiw, Bajka o Wojnie (The Fairytale on War) by J. Rudniańska and P. Fąfrowicz. This article examines how the books conceptualise the idea of war in three aspects: emotional, intellectual and historical. The analysis of visual and verbal content proves that the mentioned works affect mostly emotions. Anxiety caused by war seen as a destructive force is the main emotion created on the pages, and a happy ending is the way of excising it. Only one book, War, leaves the reader with this negative emotion. The Enemy, on the other hand, is the only book which contains an intellectual reflection about military conflict: the responsibility for its outbreak and individual commitment towards war. The presence of reflective component in books about war is not dependent on the age of the readers projected by publishers. The historical information is not present enough in the analysed books, but a universal perspective on the subject extenuates it. The main conclusion is that the presented books advocate an anti-war attitude through emotional influence, which, however, does not give the child readers a sense of security.
Porównania; 2023, 33, 1; 259-276
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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