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Społeczeństwo terapeutyczne a globalizacja – socjologiczny i epidemiologiczny kontekst przewlekłych chorób niezakaźnych (NCD)
Therapeutic society and globalization – sociological and the epidemiological context of non-communication diseases
Bielecki, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
społeczeństwo terapeutyczne
czynniki ryzyka przewlekłych chorób niezakaźnych
choroby serca i naczyń
poziom świadomości profilaktycznej racjonalizm prewencyjny profilaktyczna ignorancja
badania kwestionariuszowe
therapeutic society
risk factors of non-communicable diseases (NCD)
cardiovascular diseases (CVD)
level of preventive awareness
preventive rationalism
prophylactic ignorance
questionnaire survey
Artykuł prezentuje wybraną część wyników największego, reprezentatywnego badania epidemiologicznego w Polsce – Wieloośrodkowego Ogólnopolskiego Badania Stanu Zdrowia Ludności (WOBASZ), którego główny cel określa się jako ocenę stopnia zagrożenia ludności polskiej chorobami serca i naczyń, ergo – poziomu czynników ryzyka i stopnia ich kontroli. Generalnie – co piąty uczestniczący w pomiarze respondent z województw łódzkiego i lubelskiego (N = 2212) nie wykazał żadnej wiedzy nt. innych aniżeli farmakologiczne sposobów zapobiegania CHUK, a także nie wiedział nic na temat chorób i powikłań, które może spowodować nieleczone nadciśnienie tętnicze. W jednym i drugim przypadku, w sposób istotny statystycznie, niewiedza ta częściej charakteryzowała uczestniczących w badaniu mężczyzn aniżeli kobiety, częściej osoby z niskim poziomem wykształcenia, reprezentantów najmłodszej i najstarszej kategorii wieku, a także – respondentów deklarujących najniższe dochody netto per capita. To zaś może świadczyć o istnieniu groźnego status quo, utrzymującego się w czasie „trendu społecznej niewiedzy” w zakresie profilaktyki chorób serca i naczyń. Trendu, co warte podkreślenia, dotyczącego aż 1/5 polskiego społeczeństwa. Choć 80% badanych posługuje się jakąś świadomością typu profilaktycznego (przynajmniej na poziomie werbalnych deklaracji), to jednak teza o co najmniej dobrej sytuacji w tym zakresie jest – w naszej ocenie – co najmniej ryzykowna.
The article presents selected results of the biggest representative epidemiological survey conducted in Poland – WOBASZ. The main aim of this survey is to evaluate a number of Poles threatened by CVD, the level of risk factors and a degree of its’ control. In general, every fifth respondent from the voivodships of Lodz and Lublin (N = 2212) who participated in the health measure, did not prove any knowledge concerning ways of preventing CVD, anything about diseases which can be the result of untreated high blood-pressure. In both examples this lack of knowledge was more common among men rather than women, what is significant when statistics are taken into consideration. Yet, it was more frequent among less-educated, representatives of the youngest and the oldest age category, and respondents, who have declared the lowest income netto per capita. It means that the dangerous status quo exists; persistent, long-lasting so called ‘trend of social ignorance’ in the range of CVD prophylaxis. This tendency, what is worth emphasizing, relating to 1/5 Polish society. And though on the other hand 80% respondents do have some preventive awareness (at least on the level of verbal declarations), the thesis about good situation in this matter is – in our opinion – the least risky.
Przegląd Socjologiczny; 2012, 61, 2; 57-80
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relationship between occupational stress and cardiovascular diseases risk factors in drivers
Biglari, Hamed
Ebrahimi, Mohammad H.
Salehi, Maryam
Poursadeghiyan, Mohsen
Ahmadnezhad, Iman
Abbasi, Milad
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
risk factors
cardiovascular diseases
occupational stress
cardiovascular risk factors
Objectives Of all work stressors, occupational stress is the leading cause of many disorders among workers. Drivers are classified as a high risk group for work related stress. This study set out to determine the relationship between risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and occupational stress among drivers. Material and Methods Two hundred and twenty two Ilam’s intercity drivers were selected for the study. For measuring work stress, the Osipow work stress questionnaire was used. After a 10-h fasting period, systolic and diastolic blood pressure was recorded. Intravenous blood samples were taken to determine cholesterol, triglyceride and blood glucose levels. The independent samples t-test and Pearson’s correlation test were used to assess the relationship between variables and occupational stress. Results Seventy-one percent of the intercity drivers suffered from average to acute stress, and 3.1% of them suffered from acute stress. There was no significant relationship between occupational stress and diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.254) among the drivers. Nevertheless, the Pearson’s correlation test demonstrated a strong relationship between work stress and blood glucose (p < 0.01), while no strong correlation was found for blood triglycerides and cholesterol levels. Conclusions Based on the results, high rates of occupational stress were observed in the Ilam’s intercity drivers. Occupational stress may have effect on blood glucose levels but the results did not suggest a considerable relationship between risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and occupational stress among intercity drivers. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2016;29(6):895–901
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2016, 29, 6; 895-901
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Health status of long-term sick leave and working female teachers in Germany: A cross-sectional study
Brütting, Julia
Druschke, Diana
Spitzer, Silvia
Seibt, Reingard
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
Mental Health
sickness absence
cardiovascular risk factors
disease burden
cardiovascular health
Objectives: Limited research on the health situation of teachers on long-term sick leave is available. The aim of this study has been to describe the health status of female teachers on long-term sick leave (LSFT) in comparison to working female teachers (WFT) and to determine predictors for their state of mental health (MH) and cardiovascular fitness (CF). Material and Methods: Twenty-eight LSFT and 300 WFT (average age: 53±5 years old) participated in a screening diagnostic inventory. Mental health, CF, blood pressure (BP), body mass index (BMI), body fat mass (BFM), health behavior (smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity) and disease burden (DB – number of medical diagnoses) were analyzed for the purpose of characterization of the health status. The multiple linear regression analysis was performed to identify predictors for the state of MH and CF. Results: Adverse values for the MH but also for CF, BFM and the DB (median of medical diagnoses: LSFT: 5; WFT: 2) among the LSFT in comparison to the WFT were confirmed. Additionally, the part of smokers among LSFT (25%) was higher (WFT: 8%). In contrast, the WFT (61%) were much more affected by an elevated BP (LSFT: 26%). Disease burden proved as the strongest predictor for MH of the female teachers. Age, BMI and DB proved as predictors for CF. Conclusions: Health-related differences between long-term sick leave and working teachers were particularized and a link between physical and mental health among teachers was quantified. Therefore, health-related concepts for teachers should equally focus on physical and psychological aspects. The relevance of regular well-structured occupational health check-ups should be brought to the attention of the profession to prevent diseases and early retirements. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(2):227–242
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2018, 31, 2; 227-242
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors and Cardiovascular Risk in Physical Workers and Managers
Bugajska, J.
Michalak, J. M.
Jędryka-Góral, A.
Sagan, A.
Konarska, M.
Data publikacji:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy
cardiovascular risk
CHD risk factors
physical workers
This study aimed to assess the incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors and cardiovascular risk in physical workers and managers in Poland. There were 232 male subjects: 123 managers (48.9 ± 11.2 years old) and 109 physical workers (37.5 ± 11.1 years old). The family history of CHD was recorded and anthropometric and biochemical indices, i.e., body mass index, visceral obesity index, blood pressure, glucose, total cholesterol, fibrinogen, HDL (high density lipoprotein), LDL (low density lipoprotein) and triglycerides were measured. Cardiovascular risk was assessed with the Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) table system. The factors that turned out to be the most common in the managers were obesity, hypertension, and elevated levels of blood glucose and LDL, whereas cigarette smoking, premature CHD in the family and a high level of fibrinogen were more common in physical workers. Very high cardiovascular risk was found in 35% of managers and in 16% of physical workers.
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics; 2009, 15, 1; 35-43
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czynniki ryzyka chorób układu krążenia (CVD) a stres życiowy i zawodowy u policjantów
Cardiovascular risk factors and life and occupational stress among policemen
Czaja-Mitura, Izabela
Merecz-Kot, Dorota
Szymczak, Wiesław
Bortkiewicz, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
stres zawodowy
praca zmianowa
czynniki ryzyka chorób układu krążenia
nadciśnienie tętnicze
occupational stress
shift work
risk factors for cardiovascular disease
Wprowadzenie: W wielu badaniach wykazano związek między stresem związanym z pracą a czynnikami ryzyka chorób układu krążenia. Tylko nieliczne z nich dotyczyły policjantów. Cel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena związku między stresem ogólnym i zawodowym a funkcjonowaniem układu krążenia u policjantów. Grupa badana: Badania przeprowadzono u 126 policjantów w wieku 37,8±7,3 lat, o średnim stażu pracy: 14,4±7 lat. Metody: Badanie obejmowało: ocenę stanu zdrowia na podstawie badania lekarskiego i wywiadu dotyczącego stwierdzonych chorób, czynników ryzyka i dolegliwości ze strony układu krążenia, nawyków żywieniowych, aktywności fizycznej, używek oraz wywiadu rodzinnego, badania stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego, frakcji HDL (high density lipoprotein - lipoproteina wysokiej gęstości) i LDL (low density lipoprotein - lipoproteina niskiej gęstości), trójglicerydów i glikemii na czczo. Poziom stresu oceniano z zastosowaniem „Kwestionariusza do subiektywnej oceny pracy” i Skali Spostrzeganego Stresu. Wyniki: Nadciśnienie tętnicze w badaniu lekarskim stwierdzono u 36% osób. Dolegliwości w klatce piersiowej zgłaszało 60% osób. Średni wskaźnik masy ciała (body mass index - BMI), stężenie cholesterolu i frakcji LDL było podwyższone (odpowiednio: 22,7±4,1; 222,6±41,7 mg/dl i 142,7±39,7 mg/dl). Średnie stężenie triglicerydów, frakcji HDL i glukozy na czczo w całej grupie było w normie. Poziom stresu ogólnego i zawodowego był wyższy niż w innych grupach zawodowych (wynosił odpowiednio: 34,9±4,8 i 128,0±33,3). W grupie o najwyższym poziomie stresu istotnie więcej było osób z dolegliwościami ze strony układu krążenia (81%), spożywających mocny alkohol co najmniej raz w tygodniu (27%), pracujących w systemie 3-zmianowym (40,5%) i w godzinach nadliczbowych (44%). Wnioski: Wyniki badania wskazują, że policjanci są grupą o wysokim ryzyku sercowo-naczyniowym związanym ze stresem zawodowym. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):335–348
Background: Several studies have shown an association between work-related stress and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, only a few studies concerned the police. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the general and work-related stress, and the functioning of the circulatory system in the police staff. Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 126 policemen (aged 37.8±7.3 years), with average employment duration of 14.4±7 years. The study comprised the assessment of health status based on the medical examination and medical history of identified diseases, cardiovascular risk factors and symptoms, dietary habits, physical activity, intake of drugs, data on the family history, determinations of serum total cholesterol, HDL and LDL fractions, triglycerides, and fasting glycemia. The stress level was assessed using the Questionnaire for the Subjective Assessment of Work and Perceived Stress Scale. Results: On medical examination hypertension was found in 36% of the people under study. Chest discomfort was reported by 60% of the subjects. Average body mass index (BMI), serum cholesterol and LDL were elevated (22.7±4.1, 222.6±41.7 mg/dl and 142.7±39.7 mg/dl, respectively). Mean triglyceride, HDL fraction and fasting glucose levels were normal in the whole group. The levels of general and occupational stress were 34.9±4.8 and 128.0±33.3, respectively, being higher than in other occupational groups. In the group with the highest level of stress, there were significantly more people with circulatory problems (81%), drinking strong alcohol at least once a week (27%), working in a 3-shift system (40.5%) and working overtime (44%). Conclusions: The results show that the police are a group at high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases due to work-related stress. Med Pr 2013;64(3):335–348
Medycyna Pracy; 2013, 64, 3; 335-348
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Association between dietary patterns and cardiovascular risk factors in a selected population of Lower Silesia (PURE Study Poland)
Czekajlo, A.
Różańska, D.
Zatońska, K.
Szuba, A.
Regulska-Ilow, B.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Wsi
risk factors
cardiovascular diseases
principal component analysis
dietary patterns
Introduction. Dietary pattern analysis is used to describe the dietary habits of a selected population. In many studies, dietary patterns (DPs) have been associated with risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The aim of the study was to assess the association between dietary patterns identified in the population of Lower Silesia, Poland, with anthropometric and biochemical risk factors for CVD. Materials and method. The study group included 2,025 participants of the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiological (PURE) Study. Dietary intake was evaluated based on data from the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Dietary patterns were derived using principal component analysis (PCA). The relationship between DPs and body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, waist-hip ratio, blood pressure, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and fasting glucose level, was assessed. Results. Three dietary patterns identified in the study explained 35.6% of total variance. The ‘fruit, vegetables & dairy’ DP, characterized by a high intake of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, raisins, milk and low-fat dairy, was associated with improved lipid profile and anthropometric measures, lower diastolic blood pressure and lower fasting glucose concentration. ‘Traditional’ and ‘fat & sugar’ DPs were unfavourably associated with most of the risk factors for CVD presented in this study. Conclusions. Dietary patterns identified in this study were differently related to selected anthropometric and biochemical risk factors for CVD. ‘Fruit, vegetables & dairy’ DP was favourably associated with the biochemical and anthropometric CVD risk factors, and was characterized by higher nutritional value in comparison with ‘traditional’ and ‘fat & sugar’ DPs.
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine; 2018, 25, 4; 635-641
Pojawia się w:
Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Knowledge on physical activity and nutrition behaviours in patients with increased body weight and cardiovascular diseases
Wiedza w zakresie aktywności fizycznej i nawyków żywieniowych chorych ze zwiększoną masą ciała i chorobami układu krążenia
Dąbek, J.
Piotrkowicz, J.
Michalski, A.
Korzeń, D.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
risk factors
cardiovascular diseases
physical activity
czynniki ryzyka
choroby układu krążenia
aktywność fizyczna
Background. Low physical activity and the increasing number of overweight and obese people contribute to the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in society. Classic risk factors and improper lifestyle increase the risk of their occurrence, progression and mortality in patients. The aim of the study was assessment of physical activity and nutrition behaviours in people with abnormal body weight and cardiovascular diseases. Material and methods. The study involved 152 patients including 70 men and 82 women aged 23-95 years (mean 55.4 ± 14.04 years). The study used the International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ in its seven-day version and an original questionnaire. The data were collected in a database and Statistica v.10 was used for a statistical analysis. Results. The average energy expenditure amounted to 1.422 MET. 50% of the participant demonstrated sufficient physical activity, 36% low, and only 14% high. Only 15% of the respondents did exercises. Despite being overweight and obese, 66% of the respondents did not follow a diet and only 17% of them consumed 5 meals a day. Conclusions. Despite the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and abnormal body weight, physical activity was low in the study group, and the knowledge in this regard was limited. In addition a significant number of respondents did not exhibit healthy behaviours.
Wprowadzenie. Niewystarczająca aktywność fizyczna oraz stały wzrost liczby osób z nadwagą i otyłością przyczyniają się do występowania w połeczeństwie chorób układu krążenia. Rozpowszechnienie klasycznych czynników ryzyka i nieodpowiedni styl życia zwiększają ryzyko ich występowania, progresji oraz odsetka śmiertelności wśród chorujących. Celem pracy była ocean aktywności fizycznej oraz nawyków żywieniowych chorych ze zwiększoną masą ciała i chorobami układu krążenia. Materiał i metody. Zbadano 152 chorych, w tym: 70 mężczyzn i 82 kobiety w wieku 23-95 lat (średnio: 55.4 ± 14.04). Do badań wykorzystano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety, a do oceny aktywności fizycznej standaryzowany Międzynarodowy Kwestionariusz Aktywności Fizycznej w wersji siedmiodniowej. Analizę statystyczną wykonano przy użyciu programu Statistica v.10.0. Wyniki. Średni wydatek energetyczny badanych chorych wynosił 1.422 MET. Wśród nich, 50% badanych uzyskało wystarczający poziom aktywności fizycznej, 36% niski, a 14% - wysoki. Spośród badanych 15% respondentów uprawiało sport. Pomimo występującej nadwagi lub otyłości, 66% badanych nie stosowała diety, a jedynie 17% spożywało 5 posiłków dziennie Wnioski. Pomimo występowania chorób układu krążenia oraz nieprawidłowej masy ciała aktywność fizyczna w badanej grupie była zbyt mała, a wiedza w tym zakresie – niewystarczająca. Ponadto znaczna grupa badanych osób nie przestrzegała prawidłowych nawyków żywieniowych.
Health Problems of Civilization; 2018, 12, 3; 196-203
Pojawia się w:
Health Problems of Civilization
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ polimorfizmu insercyjno-delecyjnego ACE na występowanie chorób sercowo-naczyniowych i udarów mózgu w ocenie współczesnych badaczy
Influence of insertion/deletion polymorphism of ACE on the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and stroke – modern scientists’ opinion
Gaweł, Barbara
Gałka, Sabina
Wajgt, Andrzej
Mazurek, Urszula
Chłopicki, Bartosz
Głogowska-Ligus, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
angiotensin II
angiotensyna II
cardiovascular diseases
cerebral stroke
polymorphism of angiotensin-converting enzyme
risk factors
czynniki ryzyka
udar mózgu
choroby sercowo-naczyniowe
polimorfizm genu kodującego konwertazę angiotensyny
For many years strokes have been a priority research subject. The genetic background of strokes has been of particular interest during the last decade. Intensive research is conducted into the role of polymorphism of the genes whose protein products are involved in the mechanisms of the renin-angiotensin system. Especially interesting is the insertion/deletion (ID) polymorphism of the gene responsible for the encoding of the angiotensin- converting enzyme (ACE). The enzyme is a dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase transforming angiotensin I (Ang I) into angiotensin II (Ang II) and inactivating bradykinin. The gene of ACE was found in chromosome 17 in 1988 year. In 1990 Rigat et al. discovered polymorphism in the area of 3’ 16 intron of the ACE gene, located in band q23 of chromosome 17. DD homozygotes demonstrate a twice increased activity of the enzyme in plasma than II homozygotes, while ID heterozygotes demonstrate intermediate activity. The percentage of persons with high serum convertase activity (>40 nmol/min) is significantly greater among patients with arterial hypertension than in health persons. According to some researchers, the genotype DD, which is accompanied by higher ACE activity, may be an independent myocardial infarction risk factor, hyperplastic and dilatation cardiomyopathy, sudden cardiac death, and some complications of arterial hypertension. The D allele is a inconsiderable but independent risk factor for ischemic stroke. The investigation led among Polish population is evidenced that D allele is an independent risk factor for hemorrhage stroke.
W ostatnim dziesięcioleciu szczególne zainteresowanie budzi podłoże genetyczne udarów. Intensywne badania prowadzi się nad rolą polimorfizmu genów, których produkty białkowe są zaangażowane w mechanizmy działania układu renina-angiotensyna. Szczególne zainteresowanie wzbudził polimorfizm insercyjno-delecyjny (I/D) genu kodującego enzym konwertazę angiotensyny (ACE). Enzym jest dipeptydylokarboksypeptydazą przekształcającą angiotensynę I (Ang I) w angiotensynę II (Ang II) oraz inaktywującą bradykininę. Gen kodujący ACE zlokalizowany został w chromosomie 17. w roku 1988. W 1990 roku Rigat i wsp. wykryli istnienie polimorfizmu w okolicy 3’ 16. intronu genu dla ACE, zlokalizowanego w prążku q23 chromosomu 17. Homozygoty DD wykazują dwukrotnie większą aktywność enzymu w osoczu aniżeli homozygoty II, podczas gdy heterozygoty ID wykazują pośrednie aktywności. Odsetek osób z wysoką aktywnością konwertazy w surowicy (>40 nmol/min) jest znacząco większy u chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze aniżeli u osób zdrowych. Według niektórych badaczy genotyp DD, któremu towarzyszy wyższa aktywność enzymu ACE, może być niezależnym czynnikiem ryzyka zawału serca, kardiomiopatii przerostowej i roztrzeniowej, nagłego zgonu sercowego oraz niektórych powikłań nadciśnienia tętniczego. Allel D jest nieznacznym, ale niezależnym czynnikiem ryzyka udarów niedokrwiennych mózgu. Badania przeprowadzone w populacji Polaków wykazały, że allel D jest niezależnym czynnikiem ryzyka udarów krwotocznych mózgu.
Aktualności Neurologiczne; 2006, 6, 1; 44-47
Pojawia się w:
Aktualności Neurologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ czynników środowiskowych na powstawanie chorób układu krążenia – wybrane problemy
The influence of environmental factors on pathogenesis of circulation system diseases – selected problems
Jerzemowski, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
chroby układu krążenia
środowiskowe czynniki ryzyka
environmental risk factors
cardiovascular disease
Environmental factors affect human organism in many ways. They can stabilize, modify or be the cause of many diseases, particularly of circulation system. Diseases of circulation system at the end of the last millennium in USA were the cause of 38% of all deaths. Such high degree of mortality causes necessity of undertaking prophylactic actions in order to reduce the negative influence of risk factors, particularly those environment factors which influence on pathogenesis of some diseases can be modified. Environment might be the factor which causes heart disease by: oxidation stress, inflammatory process, induction of coagulation system, dysfunction of autonomic system. Schetler (70) divided the factors favoring diseases of circulation system into two groups: risk factors (which have admitted participations in pathogenesis of heart and vascular diseases) and environmental factors which significance in pathogenesis of heart diseases still increases. It is commonly acknowledged that environmental factors which favor development of many diseases of circulation system belong to: physical factors polluting the air, water, soil and food, noise, electromagnetic field, ionizing radiation and electric energy. Most of them are industrial pollution – organic and non-organic. They include also six basic air pollution compounds (ozone, CO2, SO2, CO, PbO4, dust); chemical elements (Pb, Hg, Cd, CO, As, lack of Se); medicaments; alcohol and drug inducing stupor; smoking and passive smoking. Also malnutrition and low physical activity increase the risk of occurrence of many circulation system diseases. The described situation is magnified by the fact, that present civilization still increases the number of environmental factors negatively influencing heart-vascular system.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae; 2009, 7, 1; 35-48
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cardio-oncology in Ukraine: experience at Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology
Kozhukhov, Sergey
Dovganych, Nataliia
Smolanka, Ivan
Lyhyrda, Olga
Data publikacji:
Medical Education
cardiovascular risk factors
Anticancer therapies have extended the lives of patients with cancer, but for some, this benefit is tempered by cardiovascular complications. Their number is increasing as a result of an improvement in the early diagnosis of cardiotoxicity caused by chemo- and radiotherapy. Therefore prevention, detection, monitoring, and treatment of cancer patients at risk of cardiotoxicity with or without concomitant CV diseases are very important. Cardio-oncology is a new direction in Ukraine for improving clinical outcomes of cancer patients. This review aims to provide an overview of the rationale for setting up a Cardio-Oncology Unit and reflects our own experience establishing this service.
OncoReview; 2018, 8, 3; 65-69
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Processed legume seed products and their significance in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases®
Przetwory z nasion roślin strączkowych i ich znaczenie w profilaktyce chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego®
Lachowicz, Katarzyna
Stachoń, Małgorzata
Kołota, Aleksandra
Skolmowska, Dominika
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Menedżerska w Warszawie
legume seeds pulses
cardiovascular risk
cardiometabolic factors
nasiona roślin strączkowych
ryzyko sercowo-naczyniowe
czynniki kardiometaboliczne
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have been the main cause of death in Europe for years. The development and the course of the CVDs depends on a variety of factors, among other things, nutritional ones. Legume seed products contain high levels of nutrients and phytochemicals linked with the cardiovascular health benefits. The paper provides up-to-date knowledge on the nutritional value and processing and utilization of legume seeds as well as effects exerted by nutrients and bioactive compounds contained in legumes on the cardiometabolic risk factors intermediating in development of cardiovascular diseases. Familiarity with these issues is necessary for a proper planning of nutrition in patients with CVDs risk.
Choroby sercowo-naczyniowe (CVDs) są od lat główną przyczyną zgonów w Europie. Rozwój i przebieg CVDs zależy od wielu czynników, w tym żywieniowych. Przetwory z nasion roślin strączkowych są bogatym źródłem składników odżywczych i fitozwiązków, które wpływają korzystnie na układ sercowo-naczyniowy. W artykule scharakteryzowano aktualną wiedzę na temat wartości odżywczej, procesów przetwórczych i wykorzystania nasion roślin strączkowych oraz wpływu składowników w nich zawartych na kardiometaboliczne czynniki ryzyka pośredniczące w rozwoju chorób sercowo-naczyniowych. Ich znajomość jest niezbędna do prawidłowego planowania żywienia dla osób z ryzykiem CVDs.
Postępy Techniki Przetwórstwa Spożywczego; 2020, 2; 168-184
Pojawia się w:
Postępy Techniki Przetwórstwa Spożywczego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effects of bariatric surgery on cardiovascular risk factors among morbidly obese patients
Major, Piotr
Kowalczuk, Aleksandra
Wysocki, Michał
Osadnik, Sonia
Pędziwiatr, Michał
Głuszewska, Anna
Pisarska, Magdalena
Małczak, Piotr
Lasek, Anna
Kisielewski, Michał
Budzyński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
morbid obesity
bariatric surgery
laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass cardiovascular risk factors
Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric by-pass on risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Material and methods: We analyzed prospectively collected data of patients operated for morbid obesity who were qualified for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) or laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric by-pass (LRYGB). Risk factors for wyłączecardiovascular diseases were assessed with the SCORE scale and both full and hard Framingham cardiovascular risk scores (FCRs). The data were collected on admission and one year after the procedures. We enrolled 264 patients (119 females, 116 males, 40.2±9.9 years old), of whom 117 underwent LRYGB and 118 LSG, respectively. Results: Preoperatively, 12% of patients were in the high-risk category of the SCORE scale, 65% were in the moderate risk category, and 24% were in the low-risk category. The median score of the SCORE scale was 1 (1-2). Lipid-based full FCR was 34.5% (24%-68%) and the hard FCR was 17.5% (10%-52%), while the respective BMI-based FCRs were 59% (31%-84%) and 37% (15%-67%). One year after the procedures, the mean %EBMIL (62.88%±20.02%) and %EWL (53.18%±15.87) were comparable between both procedures. Hypertension treatment was not necessary in 33 patients after LSG and in 55 after LRYGB. Diabetes mellitus remitted in 9 and 29 patients, respectively. Both procedures significantly reduced high and moderate risk prevalence in the SCORE scale in favor of the low risk category. Surgical interventions resulted in significant reductions of FCRs 1 year after surgery ( p<0.001). Conclusions: Both LSG and LRYGB lead to a significant and comparable body mass reduction. Both procedures significantly decrease of the risk of cardiovascular diseases, based on SCORE and Framingham scales.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2017, 89, 1; 41-49
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiedza uczniów szkół licealnych na temat czynników ryzyka chorób układu krążenia
Secondary school students’ knowledge on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases
Mazanek, Agnieszka
Dąbek, Józefa
Głogowska-Ligus, Joanna
Gąsior, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
czynniki ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego
cardiovascular risk factors
Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases constitute the most frequent cause of death, even exceeding cancer. The so--called risk factors, both modifiable and non-modifiable, play a significant role in their development. methods: 200 secondary school students, aged 16–19 years, participated in the study (137 girls and 63 boys). The study was conducted by means of the authors’ own survey questionnaire. Results: The vast majority of respondents (187; 93.5%) appropriately indicated obesity, hypercholesterolemia and smoking as modifiable risk factors. Nearly half of the respondents (96; 48%) appropriately recognised abdominal obesity based on waist size measurements and in the vast majority (157; 78.5%) correctly marked body mass index (BMI) for proper body weight. Most (136; 68%) knew about arteriosclerosis, the aftermaths of excessive salt consumption (158; 79%), fast food (184; 92%) and alcohol (139; 69.5%). Definitely fewer students (63; 31.5%) indicated the sources of cholesterol in food and appropriately defined the notion of HDL (72; 36%) and BMI (73; 36.5%). Conclusion: Secondary school students’ knowledge on the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases is incomplete. There is a need to implement health education aimed at reducing the prevalence of risk factors at a young age and/or their elimination, and as a result preventing the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases.
Wstęp: Choroby układu krążenia stanowią najczęstszą przyczynę zgonów, częstszą nawet niż choroby nowotworowe. W ich rozwoju istotne znaczenie mają zarówno modyfikowalne, jak i niemodyfikowalne czynniki ryzyka. METODY: Badaniem objęto 200 uczniów (137 dziewcząt i 63 chłopców) szkół licealnych w wieku 16–19 lat. Badanie przeprowadzono za pomocą autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety. WYNIKI: Zdecydowana większość badanych (187; 93,5%) jako modyfikowalne czynniki ryzyka poprawnie wskazała otyłość, hipercholesterolemię i palenie tytoniu. Prawie połowa badanych (96; 48%) na podstawie obwodu pasa potrafiła rozpoznać otyłość brzuszną, a zdecydowana większość (157; 78,5%) poprawnie zaznaczyła zakres BMI (body mass index) dla prawidłowej masy ciała. Większość ankietowanych (136; 68%) wiedziała, czym jest miażdżyca, jakie są konsekwencje nadmiernego spożywania soli (158; 79%), posiłków typu fast food (184; 92%) oraz alkoholu (139; 69,5%). Zdecydowanie mniej ankietowanych (63; 31,5%) prawidłowo wskazało źródła cholesterolu w pokarmach oraz poprawnie zdefiniowało pojęcia HDL (72; 36%) i BMI (73; 36,5%). WNIOSKI: Wiedza uczniów szkół licealnych na temat czynników ryzyka chorób układu krążenia jest niepełna. Konieczne jest prowadzenie działalności w zakresie oświaty zdrowotnej, mającej na celu zmniejszenie rozpowszechnienia czynników ryzyka już w młodym wieku i/lub ich eliminację, a w konsekwencji zapobieganie rozwojowi i progresji chorób układu krążenia.
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis; 2019, 73; 43-52
Pojawia się w:
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Effect of regular physical activity on non-lipid (novel) cardiovascular risk factors
Naghii, Mohammad R.
Aref, Mraryam A.
Almadadi, Mehdi
Hedayati, Mehdi
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
physical activity
non-lipid cardiovascular risk factors
military personnel
Objectives: Cardiovascular — coronary heart disease, causing heart attack and heart failure is a leading cause of disability and death worldwide. The most important risk factors for CVD are well-established and physical activity has long been considered the cornerstone of interventions and has shown extremely important in reducing the burden of this disease. The aim of this study was to examine the association between activity and inactivity and non-lipid CVD risk factors in healthy military recruits. Materials and Methods: Selected hormones and variables such as testosterone, free testosterone, Vitamin D, homocysteine, folic acid, with the inflammatory cytokines such as hsCRP, TNF-α and IL-6 were assessed in two groups (active = 50, inactive = 50), randomly matched by a questionnaire. Relationships between some measured variables and CVD risk factors were determined using simple correlation procedures. Results: Physically active subjects had signifi cantly lower results of homocysteine (14.3±1.9 vs. 16.5±3.7, p < 0.000) and interleukin-6 (2.9.±5.3 vs. 6±8.2, p < 0.025) and tended to have a nearly signifi cantly higher free testosterone level (13.1±7.1 vs. 11±5.3, p = 0.08). Signifi cant correlations were found between BMI, WC, tHcy, and the corresponding risk factors; and also between hsCRP and IL-6, as well as TT and FT. Conclusions: Reducing the risk factors of developing CVD events such as homocysteine and interleukin-6, together with increasing free testosterone and signifi cantly preventing its progression, clearly serve to underscore the benefi cial properties of physical activity and to promote its effectiveness as a support means for healthier lifestyles in the community and, particularly, among military personnel.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2011, 24, 4; 380-390
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Knowledge of modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among university undergraduates in Ibadan, Nigeria
Oyewole, Oyediran Emmanuel
Solabi, Ayodele
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
cardiovascular diseases
modifiable risk factors
Introduction. Undergraduates in many institutions live a lifestyle that could predispose them to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) including cardiovascular-related. Previous studies on modifiable risk factors (MRFs) against NCDs had focused mainly on adults, whereas young people should be prime targets for prevention programmes. Aim. This study was aimed at investigating knowledge of MRFs against cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) among university undergraduates in Ibadan, Nigeria. Material and methods. A descriptive cross-sectional design was adopted, where 500 undergraduates participated. Data were collected using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) guide and validated questionnaire. Data analyses were conducted using thematic approach and bivariate methods at 5% levels of significance, respectively. Results. Mean age was 22.8±3.0 years and 51.4% were females. The majority reported that their fathers (82.8%) and mothers (83.0%) had no hypertension history. The FGD revealed that students were knowledgeable of MRFs and preventive behaviours but still engaged in unhealthy lifestyle practices. The MRFs identified included excessive alcohol consumption (85.4%), unhealthy diet (77.6%), physical inactivity (75.2%) and smoking (70.2%). Respondents (56.4%) had good knowledge of MRFs against CVDs; 57.0% had fair lifestyle practices and 54.8% had good knowledge of preventive behaviour against CVDs. Conclusion. Gender was significantly associated with knowledge of CVDs preventive behaviours. Institutional-based lifestyle modification programmes, using peer group education is suggested.195-205
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; 2020, 3; 195-205
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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