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Demythologizing Christian Philosophy: An Outline
Mezei, Balázs M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Christian philosophy
faith and reason
In this paper I investigate the tradition of “philosophy” and “philosopher” with respect to their importance in Christianity. I argue that the meaning of the traditional notion of philosophy as an abstract science has importantly changed. The reason for this is that the “cosmo-theological” character of traditional philosophy proved to be untenable. If this pattern is not valid in our days, then the question arises if the role of philosophy, as conceived during the Christian centuries, can be continued in and beyond our age. My answer has two aspects: on the one hand, the cosmo-theological character of philosophy needs to be explored or “demythologized;” on the other hand, Christian thought still has the potential to open itself to a future renewal. Thinking philosophically is a fundamental human feature, and I suggest that “trying to become wise,” the striving for the discovery and realization of the meaningfulness of reality is still the main concern of human beings reflecting on their historical existence today. In this sense, the encyclical letter of Fides et ratio by John Paul II offers guidance, inasmuch as its author calls for “courage” in thinking. Following this call, the present paper contends that the three mains tasks of a Christian philosophy today are as follows: 1. A sufficient understanding of the tradition determined by cosmo-theology; 2. A sufficient understanding of the importance of the trauma of totalitarianism of the twentieth century as the dividing line between tradition and contemporary reflections; and 3. A sufficient understanding of human beings striving to grasp the meaning of personhood in an open universe on the basis of the meaningfulness of reality.
Logos i Ethos; 2013, 2(35); 109-146
Pojawia się w:
Logos i Ethos
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Humanistica e teologia
Borges de Meneses, Ramiro Délio
Data publikacji:
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum
St. Thomas
art conditions
and reason
According to Kant beautiful is the lust object, and he refers to the universal complacence that universality is beautiful, and the sublime será o ânimo estético that comes from aesthetic judgment. However, according to St. Thomas from Aquinas beautiful is – quod visa placent.
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne; 2012, 2(4); 21-45
Pojawia się w:
Prosopon. Europejskie Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Die Bedeutung Johannes Pauls II. in der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Theologie und Naturwissenschaften
Śledziewski, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
John Paul II
faith and reason
science and theology
“Fides et ratio”
One of the characteristics of the teaching of Pope John Paul II is his approach to the subject of faith and reason, which have played a central role in the development of civilization. They work best when they mutually challenge one another to look farther, to probe more deeply, in quest of truth. Hostility between faith and reason is not accepted because both have their source in God. But when both work together, the human person has the chance of discovering the full truth about himself, the world and God. The author of this article argues that a large number of papal documents and pronouncements of Pope John Paul II show his contribution towards the bringing together of natural sciences and theology. This is also a challenge for those who continue this effort.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2012, 2, 1
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between Similarity and Non-similarity. The Nature of Theological Language in the Thought of Peter Abelard
Wąsek, Damian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
faith and reason
theory of similarities
theological language
theological method
The aim of this paper is to answer to the following question: How should theological propositions, originating from the language used to describe creatures, be understood so as to avoid idolatry, that is reducing God to the category of contingent entities? Using the theory of similarities formulated by Peter Abelard, I pointed out that the risk of committing theological errors decreases when language formulas are treated as models, and their meaning is understood in a figurative way. Such an attitude enables us to acknowledge the fact that language can be only partially adequate to the subject under discussion, and makes us aware that we describe only one aspect of a given theological phenomenon, as the chosen model may not correspond to other aspects. Such understanding of the theological language calls for a constant reinterpretation of theological propositions. If images used in theology are linked to the structure of  the world, each change in  the scientific understanding of  this structure brought by  empirical sciences, should lead to  changes in  the language used by theology. Lack of such changes in the system of religious beliefs will lead to a decrease in the credibility of theology and push its truths towards the category of myths and fables.
Theological Research. A Journal of Systematic Theology; 2016, 4; 75-87
Pojawia się w:
Theological Research. A Journal of Systematic Theology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Realist Phenomenology and Philosophy of Religion. A Critical Reflection
Mezei, Balázs M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Phenomenological realism
realist phenomenology
faith and reason
Catholicism and philosophy entanglement
Josef Seifert
Logos i Ethos; 2017, 44; 47-70
Pojawia się w:
Logos i Ethos
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Особенности образа современного русского интеллигента на примере романа Алексея Варламова Затонувший ковчег (1997)
Królikiewicz, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
image of the modern Russian intellectual
Aleksey Varlamov
Sunken Ark
faith and reason
The article focuses on the image of the modern Russian intellectual, depicted in the artistic text of Aleksey Varlamov, the Sunken Ark. Understanding the phenomenon of the Russian intelligentsia in the analysed literary work is associated with the problem of the opposition of reason and faith in the process of the personality formation of the modern intellectual. The analysis carried out in the text allows not only to trace and better understand the social processes of the crisis period in Russia, but also to notice their enormous impact on the consciousness of the main hero-intellectual Ilya Petrovich. The use of the methodology of historical and literary research in the work is adequate to the problems posed. The novel under analysis, as a kind of warning, has a deep philosophical undertone that touches upon the problems of faith, unbelief, freedom of the individual and the pursuit of moral perfection. Varlamov’s intellectual, as a typical “hero of our time”, regardless of his weakness, defenselessness and internal rupture, seems to be most needed in life.
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia; 2020, 45, 2; 95-104
Pojawia się w:
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hancock, Curtis L.
Data publikacji:
International Étienne Gilson Society
faith and reason
moral understanding
grace and nature
metaphysical distinction
The underlying skepticism of ancient Greek culture made it unreceptive of philosophy. It was the Catholic Church that embraced philosophy. Still, Étienne Gilson reminds us in Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages that some early Christians rejected philosophy. Their rejection was based on fideism: the view that faith alone provides knowledge. Philosophy is unnecessary and dangerous, fideists argue, because (1) anything known by reason can be better known by faith, and (2) reason, on account of the sin of pride, seeks to replace faith. To support this twofold claim, fideists, like Tertullian and Tatian, quote St. Paul. However, a judicious interpretation of St. Paul’s remarks show that he does not object to philosophy per se but to erroneous philosophy. This interpretation is reinforced by St. Paul’s own background in philosophy and by his willingness to engage intellectuals critical of Christianity in the public square. The challenge of fideism brings up the interesting question: what would Jesus himself say about the discipline of philosophy? Could it be that Jesus himself was a philosopher (as George Bush once declared)? As the fullness of wisdom and intelligence, Jesus certainly understood philosophy, although not in the conventional sense. But surely, interpreting his life through the lens of fideism is unconvincing. Instead, an appreciation of his innate philosophical skills serves better to understand important elements of his mission. His perfect grasp of how grace perfects nature includes a philosophy of the human person. This philosophy grounded in common-sense analysis of human experience enables Jesus to be a profound moral philosopher. Specifically, he is able to explain the principles of personal actualization. Relying on ordinary experience, where good philosophy must start, he narrates moral lessons—parables—that illumine difficulties regarding moral responsibility and virtue. These parables are accessible but profound, showing how moral understanding must transcend Pharisaical legalism. Additionally, Jesus’ native philosophical power shows in his ability to explain away doctrinal confusions and to expose sophistical traps set by his enemies. If fideism is unconvincing, and if the great examples of the Patristics, the Apostles, and Jesus himself show an affinity for philosophy, then it is necessary to conclude that Christianity is a rational religion. Accordingly, the history of Christian culture is arguably an adventure in faith and reason. Since God is truth and the author of all truths, there is nothing in reality that is incompatible with Christian teaching. As John Paul II explains effectively in the encyclical, Fides et Ratio, Christianity is a religion that is rational and can defend itself. This ability to marshal a defense makes Christianity a religion for all seasons.
Studia Gilsoniana; 2012, 1; 29-44
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gilsoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jürgen Habermas on the (Non-)Translatability of Religious Meaning
Vander Schel, Kevin M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
faith and reason
religion in the public sphere
Frankfurt School
critical theory
communicative action
theological method
The relationship between religious faith and public reason has occupied an increasingly central role in  Jürgen Habermas’s mature work. Yet this recent engagement with questions of  religious meaning also illuminates a  significant area of development in Habermas’s thought. While his earlier writings emphasized a  need to  subordinate religious beliefs to  rational critique and to translate religious truth claims into publicly accessible forms of reasoning, his later writings signal a shift to a more cooperative understanding of religious faith and critical reason that highlights the ongoing potential of religion to advance rational discourse and social criticism in the public sphere. This essay traces this growing recognition of the irreducibility of religious meaning in Habermas’s writings, and it attends to the non-translatable dimension of religious faith as a source of its ongoing contemporary significance.
Theological Research. A Journal of Systematic Theology; 2016, 4; 35-58
Pojawia się w:
Theological Research. A Journal of Systematic Theology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fides, ratio et caritas, czyli o trzech władzach ujętych w kontekście augustyńskiej introspekcji
Fides, Ratio et Caritas – the Philosophical Study about Cognitive Activity in the Context of Augustine Introspection
Warchał, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
wiara i rozum
St. Augustine
faith and reason
Zestawienie filozoficznego ratio z chrześcijańskim fides należy do kluczowych tematów doktryny Augustyna. Myśliciel ten zwraca szczególną uwagę na to, że człowiek właśnie po to został obdarzony zdolnością myślenia i pojmowania, ażeby zgłębiać tajemnicę chrześcijańskiego Objawienia. W refleksji chodzi mu nie tyle o wprowadzanie elementów zawierzenia w luki poznania dyskursywnego i odwrotnie, ile o uzasadnienie potrzeby rozumności w obrębie wiary. Ojciec Kościoła rozpatruje ową trudność wszechstronnie, w swoich przemyśleniach kieruje się maksymą Crede, ut intelligas, według której analizowana relacja staje się bardziej integralna. Wiara w autorytet Boski nie jest dla niego po prostu subiektywnym mniemaniem, zastępującym wiedzę pewną. Hippończyk, porządkując problem wiedzy, ukazuje wieloaspektowe ujęcie z możliwością wzajemnej korelacji fides i ratio. Pomimo że Augustyn jako teolog opiera swą filozofię przede wszystkim na autorytecie i depozycie Objawionej wiary, to jednak nie unika w swoich rozważaniach pytań o prawdziwość ludzkiego poznania. Problematyka tego zagadnienia dotyczy stosunku autora do systemów podważających tę możliwość, a więc sceptycyzmu średniej akademii. Dodatkowo temat ten jest o tyle istotny i warty uwagi, że rozważania autora zdają się sięgać daleko poza jego epokę – Augustyn na swój sposób antycypuje nowożytną problematykę duszy, skądinąd zapoczątkowaną przez Kartezjusza. Bez wątpienia u obu autorów występuje widoczne powiązanie duchowości człowieka z Bogiem. W ocenie filozofa dusza poznaje siebie właśnie poprzez introspekcyjne zwrócenie się ku sobie, dokładniejsza analiza jej działania ukazuje współsubstancjalność trzech władz: pamięci, intelektu oraz woli. To właśnie dzięki tej wewnętrznej triadzie mamy możliwość identyfikacji, w której odkrywamy wartość wypływającą z daru, jakim jest miłowanie. Zgodnie z myślą Augustyna trzeba w pewnym sensie coś wiedzieć, aby być zdolnym do kochania i nie można miłować tego, czego się w ogóle nie zna. Biblijny wątek agape posłuży Augustynowi do przedstawienia dwóch ważnych kwestii. Pierwszą z nich jest teologiczna refleksja nad tajemnicą Trójcy Świętej, natomiast ta druga – w kontekście jego antropologii – opisuje perspektywę komunii z samym Absolutem. Istota ludzka ma więc niejako udział w samym Bogu, autor wyraża tę prawdę słowami: „Et qui nisi Deo plenus est, qui plenus est dilectione? (…) Immo vero vides Trinitatem, si caritatem vides” (S. Aureli Augustini, De Trinitate, VIII, 8,12).
Augustine, as a theologian, bases his philosophy mostly on the authority and deposit of Faith Revealed, but his philosophical dissertations are also concerned with the truth of human cognition. The Christian writer pays special attention that the christian faith need a mind, but also it implies a strong relationship to what is held than does ordinary belief, so revealde truth and simple belief are not identical. The author distinguishes between these concepts and he strongly emphasizes that the other beliefs may be strictly matters of faith resting upon the reasons. The second thesis is obviously concerned with the author’s attitude towards the systems undermining such possibility, namely the skepticism of middle academy. Additionally, the topic is undoubtedly noteworthy as the dissertations of this old Christian writer seem to reach far beyond his times – Augustine alights on conclusions that are in the spirit of contemporary thinking. It is also worth mentioning that Augustine in a way anticipates the contemporary concept of soul, which was originated by Descartes. Unquestionably, both writers link human spirituality to God. According to Augustine a soul recognizes itself by inner turning towards itself. A thorough analysis of this process reveals co-substantialism of three powers in this recognition: memory, intellect and will. It is thanks to this inner triad that a soul has the ability of identification in which it discovers itself as existing. The result of such self-discovery is love of the soul, proceeded by its intellectual insight. In a way, one has to know something in order to be able to love it. According to Augustine, it is impossible to love something one does not know. The problem of love will serve Augustine to present two vital issues. The first one is the theological reflection on the mystery of Holy Trinity. The other describes the perspective of communion with the Absolute itself, in the context of Bible anthropology. It is interesting to notice that the author claims this communion to be possible through intellectual cognition and love, which arouses this cognition by exciting desire towards the loved thing. Augustine believes that love is intrinsically triple (similarly to innerly active soul). There can be no love without the loving one, the loved being and the love which connects them. The three conditions, namely the soul, its love and cognition, also exist in the case of the soul’s love towards itself. According to Augustine, it is impossible to love God without the love for human being and likewise one cannot love human being without the love for God (who is love). As presented by Augustine, love is being discovered through intellectual cognition and thanks to it human being participates in the love of God, who is its only source.. It is through love that a human being has a participation in God Himself. For Augustine this has a dual character, both uniting and making similar to God. This unusual element of anthropology shows us that even now, in this life, a human being is granted with an opportunity of getting to know God and of inner (ontic) transformation triggered by the love of God.
Logos i Ethos; 2021, 58, 2; 89-106
Pojawia się w:
Logos i Ethos
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gilson y Báñez: Luces y sombras de un encuentro tardío
Gilson and Báñez: Lights and Shadows of a Late Encounter
García Cuadrado, José Ángel
Data publikacji:
International Étienne Gilson Society
actus essendi
immortality of the soul
faith and reason
Thomistic five ways
Thomas Aquinas
school of Salamanca
Gilson came across Báñez’s commentary on the Summa Theologiae in 1952, and since then he saw in Báñez the confirmation of his own understanding of the act of being against the background of deviant interpretations made by other Thomists, especially Cajetan. In this paper, Gilson’s claims about the metaphysics of Báñez, including the actus essendi, the immortality of the soul, the relation between philosophy and theology, etc., are discussed. Although Gilson rectifies Báñez’s interpretations of Thomas’ ways and the act of being of the accidents, Gilson’s ultimate assessment of Báñez is positive to such an extent that for the French medievalist the Dominican of Salamanca will remain “the most Thomistic of all the Thomists that I have had the privilege of knowing.”
Studia Gilsoniana; 2016, 5, 4; 579-618
Pojawia się w:
Studia Gilsoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od konfliktu do integracji. Historia i teologiczne uzasadnienie metodologicznej odrębności poznania wiary i rozumu
Chyłka, Bartłomiej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Fr. Wojciech Giertych
theology of science
methodology of science
reason and faith
The history of relationship between faith and reason is marked by four modelsof the interaction between science and theology proposed by Ian G. Barbour:conflict, independence, dialogue and integration. Even if nineteenth-centurypositivism is still present in many scientists’ minds, philosophy of science eventuallymanaged to overcome it in the 1960s. A mutual distrust between faithand reason started to disappear. In this context Fr. Michał Heller presenteda project of a new discipline – the theology of science which would look at theboundaries of the natural sciences from the theological point of view. According to Fr. Wojciech Giertych the adequate model of relationship between faith andreason can be based theologically on Chalcedonian Christology of Jesus’ twonatures. Since reason and faith come together unconfusedly and inseparably ina human being, a mutual dialogue and even integration between theology andscience is by all means possible.
Semina Scientiarum; 2017, 16
Pojawia się w:
Semina Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fenomen integracji i Unii Europejskiej. Rozważania z pogranicza fi lozofi i i literatury
On Integration and European Union. Reflections on the Borderline of Political Philosophy
Czachór, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Centrum Europejskie
Systemic Change;
Border Situation;
Radical Thinking;
Radical Hope;
Radical Renewal;
Practical and Public Reason,
This article entirely concerns the philosophical determinants of political change in the European Union with a systemic character. In it, the author decided to scientifi cally identify and analyze selected concepts and sequences of thought in the field of political philosophy – mainly of neoidealistic character – helpful in explaining and understanding the processes of deconstructing political thought relating to European integration. It was important for the author to create an ideal conceptual framework for preparing empirical anti-crisis strategies, forecasts and scenarios of changes in the European Union. This scheme is particularly important in the context of the Kantian methodological architecture of pure reason. The basis here is the process of cognitive cognition from the arranged concepts – forming one compact analytical system. It is worth noting that the process of distinguishing determinants (concepts) related to the political philosophy of the European Union must take place while maintaining methodological mindfulness – both qualitative and quantitative. In view of the above, the next analytical assumption for this text is based on the author’s conviction that the change having the character of transformation (regulation and transformation) should be made mainly under the influence of philosophical theories, ideas and visions, and not the ever-changing and reactive political actions of the actors / entities participating in the European integration process.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs; 2019, 3; 181-207
Pojawia się w:
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wnioskowanie logiczne jako uzasadnienie w akcie wiary
A Logical Argument as a Justification in the Act of Faith
Krzos, Bartłomiej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wiara i rozum
akt wiary
wnioskowanie logiczne
analiza logiczna
uzasadnienie przekonań religijnych
faith and reason
act of faith
logical argument
logical analysis
justification of religious beliefs
Reasoning is one of the most important activities of intellect. Reasoning itself can be also a justification of human beliefs. It is connected one to another with process of acteptation of propositions as true ones. Thus it plays a role both in sciences and common thinking as well. That is why a justification is also needed as a support in domain of faith and of religious knowledge. The logical analysis of single act of faith is the content of this paper which main purpose is to point at the premisses which reasonelbe human intellect can accept revealed propositions as true ones with. To attain our delibarate purposes we present in turn two propositions from Holy Gospel according to Mark 2, 5. 10. Next, we are to reconstruct the logical arguments which brings to us demanded propositions as their conclusions, appearing as results of process based on implication. Next we are to examine the truth value of obtained premisses to show the rights which allow us to accept the revealed propositions which we are thinking about. In the same time we touch another topic. It is all about free human will and its decision which helps us to justify the propositions coming from Divine Revelation. In first part of this paper we find out something about reasoning in act of faith and we look closer on three concepts of reasonable faith. In second part we are going to lead an argument founded on two phrases from st. Mark's Gospel. By examining the argument step by step we will precise a way which revealed proposition is accepted on. In third part we figure out a few general conclusions about human free will which decision takes finally place in act of faith. An act of free will doesn't belong to human's intellectual activity so that it can be brought about by some influence from „outside”. During logical analysis of reasoning present in act of faith, we came up against moment for act of will. The act of will can be caused by the testimony of community of faith which The Revelation is bequeathed in. However obviously is that non every act of faith can be adequately translated into logical language but reconstruction and analysis put into practice wherever it could be applied, help us to understand complexity of act of faith and plurality of factors which it is built of. Even that reasonning is to be only one of them we need it as reasonable beeings and even more, we must angage our reason in our faith as far and deeply as it is possible.
Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej; 2011, 3; 163-185
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kierkegaard a Szestowowska koncepcja zagrożeń autentyczności egzystencji
Kierkegaard and Shestov’s concept of jeopardised authenticity of the human being
Gruca, Grzegorz
Mróz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
actual existence
new paradigm
between the truth of reason and the truth of existence
The paper presents relation and similarities between two existential authors: Kierkegaard and Shestov. The works of these two philosophers rises from the concern about the situation of a modern man. Kierkegaard in his famous conception of three types of existence gives a vivid picture of dangers which await for a human being. Shestov sees the danger for authenticity of the human being in higher and higher development of the idea of ratio in his days. The reason force human existence to be his only and one God. But for these two existential philosophers a man needs to be free – which means to be conscious and to choose with knowing consequences. Thus they call – paradoxically – sola fi de in order to oppose against those – in their opinion – demonical forces which make existence miserable.
Państwo i Społeczeństwo; 2012, 1; 141-158
Pojawia się w:
Państwo i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Thomistic Themes in Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI’s Theology
Wątki tomistyczne w teologii Josepha Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI
Blanco-Sarto, Pablo
Data publikacji:
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
knowledge of God
theological method
relations between faith and reason
act of faith
poznanie Boga
metoda teologiczna
relacje między wiarą i rozumem
akt wiary
Among many other sources, Ratzinger received his formation from the “three great masters” – Augustine, Bonaventure and Thomas Aquinas. While rejecting an unpersonal and essentialist scholasticism, he recognizes the authority of Aquinas – seen through an “Augustinian Thomism” – in anthropology, the doctrine of grace and creation, as well as in the nature of the act of faith and the method of theology. The German theologian tries to make the ontological perspective compatible with the historical-salvific perspective, the personalist perspective with the metaphysical point of view. In the synthesis between faith and reason, philosophy and theology, Ratzinger finds in Aquinas a good model, which is based not only on the order of grace but also on the order of creation.
Spośród wielu autorytetów Ratzinger otrzymał swoją formację od „trzech wielkich mistrzów”: Augustyna, Bonawentury i Tomasza z Akwinu. Odrzucając nieosobową i esencjalistyczną scholastykę, uznaje on autorytet Akwinaty – postrzegany poprzez „tomizm augustiański” – w antropologii, doktrynie o łasce i stworzeniu, a także w naturze aktu wiary i metodzie teologicznej. Niemiecki teolog stara się pogodzić perspektywę ontologiczną z perspektywą historyczno-zbawczą, perspektywę personalistyczną z metafizyczną. Na potrzeby syntezy wiary i rozumu, filozofii i teologii Ratzinger znajduje u Akwinaty dobry model, który opiera się nie tylko na porządku łaski, ale także na porządku stworzenia.
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny; 2022, 30, 1; 35-66
Pojawia się w:
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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