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Umiejętności nauczyciela-pedagoga w pracy z dzieckiem wykorzystywanym seksualnie
Teacher and pedagogue skills in working with a sexually abused child
Adamczyk, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS
wykorzystywanie seksualne
umiejętności pomagania
sexual abuse
helping skills
W artykule podjęto problematykę umiejętności pomagania, jakie powinien posiadać nauczyciel-pedagog pracujący z dzieckiem wykorzystywanym seksualnie. W części teoretycznej artykułu zostały zdefiniowane umiejętności pomagania istotne dla procesu rozumienia trudnej sytuacji dziecka oraz dokonano deskrypcyjnego ujęcia ich podstawowych rodzajów. Przedmiotem badań uczyniono umiejętności pomagania nauczyciela-pedagoga w zakresie pracy z osobami, które doświadczyły przemocy seksualnej, zaś celem określenie i opis umiejętności profesjonalnych nauczyciela-pedagoga – wzmacniających opowiedzenie historii przez dziecko oraz wyciszenie emocji towarzyszących opowiadanej historii. W badaniach posłużono się metodą narracyjną z wykorzystaniem analizy treści. Problem badawczy przyjął postać pytania: Co stanowi komponenty umiejętności nauczycieli-pedagogów w zakresie pomagania dziecku wykorzystywanemu seksualnie? Badania przeprowadzono w 2019 r. wśród 23 słuchaczy studiów podyplomowych, przygotowujących się do pracy poradniczej. Uzyskane wyniki badań pozwoliły na wyłonienie w ramach badanych kategorii subkategorie unaoczniające specyfikę i wartość opisywanych przez badanych umiejętności pomagania oraz wyodrębnienie komponentów decydujących o skutecznym pomaganiu, udzielaniu wsparcia przez nauczycieli-pedagogów dziecku doświadczającemu przemocy seksualnej. Ponadto, wnioski z badań są wartościowe dla praktyki pedagogicznej, szczególnie w zakresie wzbogacania oferty kształcenia do zawodu nauczyciela oraz pedagoga w odniesieniu do działań wspierających osoby z doświadczeniami przemocy.
The article deals with the issue of helping skills that a teacher and pedagogue should have when working with a sexually abused child. The theoretical part of the article defines helping skills essential for the process of understanding a child's difficult situation and their basic types were described. The subject of the research was the helping skills of a teacher and pedagogue in working with people who experienced sexual violence. The purpose of the study was to determine and describe the professional skills of a teacher and pedagogue ‒ strengthening the storytelling by the child and calming the emotions accompanying the story. The study used the narrative method with the use of content analysis. The research problem took the form of the question: What are the components of a teacher and pedagogue skills in helping a sexually abused child? The research was conducted in 2019 among 23 postgraduate students preparing for counselling work. The obtained research results allowed for the selection of subcategories within the studied categories that visualize the specificity and value of the helping skills described by the respondents, and for the identification of components that determine effective help and support by teachers and pedagogues for a child experiencing sexual violence. In addition, the conclusions from the research are valuable for pedagogical practice, especially in the field of enriching the educational offer for the teaching and pedagogical profession with regard to activities supporting people experiencing violence.
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze; 2020, 594(9); 17-30
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyjaśnienie zależności pomiędzy przymierzem terapeutycznym a efektami terapii: rola pośredniczącego wpływu wieku i płci w leczeniu uzależnień u osób nieletnich
Untangling the Alliance-Outcome Correlation: Exploring the Relative Effect of Age and Gender in Treatment of Adolescence Substance Abuser
Afolabi, Olusegun E.
Adebayo, Fatai A.
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pedagogium
relacja terapeutyczna
uzależnienia nieletnich
zmienne demograficzne
zależność pomiędzy relacją terapeutyczną a efektami terapii
therapeutic alliance
adolescent substance abuse
demographic variables
alliance-outcome correlations
Związek pomiędzy przymierzem (relacją, sojuszem) terapeutyczną a rezultatami terapii został już dawno przedstawiony w wielu opracowaniach i metaanalizach. Jeśli jednak chodzi o leczenie osób uzależnionych nieletnich, to nadal jest to obszar mało zbadany. Niniejsze opracowanie obejmuje badanie czynników wpływających na związek pomiędzy relacją terapeutyczną a efektami leczenia uzależnionych nieletnich. Zbadano pośredniczący wpływ zmiennych demograficznych, tzn. wieku i płci, na próbie uzależnionych nieletnich w centrum rehabilitacji szpitala uniwersyteckiego (UCH) w Ibadan, stan Oyo, Nigeria. W badaniu wzięło udział pięćdziesięciu trzech nieletnich, którzy przed leczeniem wypełnili ankiety oceny własnej gotowości i oczekiwań (teoria zmiany pacjenta) względem terapii, a w czasie leczenia ankiety dotyczące relacji terapeutycznej. Wyniki prezentowanych badań wskazują, że wiek nie wpływa na związek pomiędzy relacją terapeutyczną a efektami leczenia uzależnień osób nieletnich.Ponadto, wyniki wykazały istotną zależność od płci, jeśli chodzi o zmienne motywacyjne przed terapią oraz opinie pacjentów na temat relacji terapeutycznej i wyników leczenia. Ostatecznie zaproponowano, że wczesna identyfikacja zmiennych demograficznych wpływających na leczenie uzależnień wśród nieletnich, jako atrybucja ich odporności, ma związek z wiekiem i płcią.
Although the relationship between the therapeutic alliance and outcome has long been establishedacross numerous studies and meta-analyses, less is known about this in treatment of adolescence substance abuse. This study investigates factors that influence alliance- outcome relationship in adolescence substance abuse treatment. To achieve this objective, this study explored the relative effect of demographic variables, i.e., (age and gender) in a sample of adolescent substance abuser at the rehabilitation treatment centre of University college hospital, (UCH) Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria. Fifty –three adolescents took part in this study, and completed self-report measures of readiness and expectation (client’s theory of change) prior to treatment, therapeutic alliance measures during treatment. The findings indicates that, age do not predict alliance-outcome relationship in adolescence substance abuse treatment, as there was no moderating effect for client’s age. In addition, the finding showed a significant sex difference in pre-treatment motivational variables, client ratings of the alliance and treatment outcome. Finally, it was suggested that early identification of demographic variables that influence adolescent’s treatment; asadolescent’s attributions of resistance are associated with age and gender.
Resocjalizacja Polska; 2017, 13; 211-231
Pojawia się w:
Resocjalizacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intimate Intrusions Revisited: A Case of Intimate Partner Abuse and Violations of the Territories of the Self
Allen-Collinson, Jacquelyn
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Intimate partner abuse
Abused men
Erving Goffman
Territories of the self
Topical life history
Intimate partner abuse is a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon, highly situated and “locally-produced” by intimate partners in the domestic interactional milieu. Adopting a symbolic interactionist approach, this article uses a limited topical life-history case study to investigate the interactional experiences of a male victim of female-perpetrated intimate partner abuse. The theoretical analysis utilises Goffman’s conceptualisation of the “territories of the self” and their subjection to various forms of contamination or “modalities of violation”, applied in this case to the contested domestic interactional milieu. The paper seeks to add to a developing qualitative literature on male victims’ experiences of intimate abuse and violence, and to extend Goffman’s conceptual insights into a new domain.
Qualitative Sociology Review; 2009, 5, 1; 50-69
Pojawia się w:
Qualitative Sociology Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
‘The way we judge’ Observers’ assessing of elder care decisions of adult children who had been abused by the parents and the ultimate attribution error
Ammann, Claudia G.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
elder care
child abuse
dilemmatic moral decisions
an ultimate attribution error
care ethics
 In this essay I want to concentrate on observers’ baseline assumptions on how we should be, or should have become in order to be accounted as morally ‘good.’ I will point out the significance for adult children who decided to not care for their elder parents. In three selected studies I show that observers, in trying to explain the decisions of others, or their moral development, respectively moral standing, misjudge or ignore their own implicit baseline assumptions. These assumptions are symptomatic of an implicit belief in all of us that wishes to see that ’good begets good’ for most of us, and infers, thereafter, that ‘bad begets bad’ for some who would show ‘no good.’ It is this implicit belief that guides the observers to make assumptions about the morally doubtful upbringing of a person, or their negative behavior that they wish to explain by flaws in the person’s personality. This biased belief says “it is this way, and only this way”, but, in fact, one cannot be certain about it. The baseline assumptions that observers bring along are basically the biased observer’s points of view which can be explained with the ultimate attribution error.
Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna; 2019, 8, 1; 128-166
Pojawia się w:
Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Обмежувальний припис як справа окремого провадження у цивільному процесі україни
Restricting Instruction as a Case of Separate Proceedings in the Civil Procedure of Ukraine
Andriievska, Liudmyla
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
domestic violence
law enforcement
special measures
насильство в сім’ї
жорстоке поводження
органи внутрішніх справ
спеціальні заходи
The article is devoted to a study on the new institute of civil justice in Ukraine - a restrictive regulation, which is defined as a form of protection of any person from domestic violence. The research analyzes statistics on appeals to law enforcement agencies with allegations of domestic violence, the number of open criminal proceedings on these facts and reports of suspicion, the number of cases of administrative offenses, the trend of increasing applications, because in 2019 the National Police In Ukraine, 141 814 allegations and reports of offenses and other events related to domestic violence were registered, and in 2020 this figure increased by a third to 208 784. The case law on the procedure for consideration by courts of applications for issuance and extension of a restrictive order, on the amount of evidence submitted in a particular case has been studied separately; requirements for the application for the issuance or extension of a restrictive order, the terms of consideration of such applications, the procedure for their appeal. The paper identifies the legal features and shortcomings of the restrictive order, the period for which such an order is issued, the measures in accordance with which (which) the person of the offender may be assigned certain responsibilities. The aim of the article is to discuss current issues in the field of law enforcement response to cases of domestic violence and the use of restrictive regulations as a measure to combat this phenomenon in civil proceedings. The concept of responsibility for domestic violence and abuse of family members has been studied. The Law of Ukraine “On Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence”, the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence was opened for signature in Istanbul (Turkey) on May 11, 2011 and an explanatory report. Based on the analysis of theoretical views of scientists and current legislation of Ukraine, a description of special measures to prevent domestic violence. The author suggested the possibility of issuing a restraining order at the stage when the offender has not yet been prosecuted (criminal or administrative) for domestic violence, simplified the list and requirements for evidence to be submitted to the court together with the application for continuation of the restrictive prescription. General scientific research methods were used in the work, namely empirical - description, and theoretical - analysis, generalization.
Стаття присвячена дослідженню відносно нового інституту цивільного судочинства України – обмежувального припису, який визначається як форма захисту будь-якої особи від домашнього насильства. В науковій роботі проаналізована статистика щодо звернень до правоохоронних органів з заявами про вчинене насильство в сім’ї, кількість відкритих кримінальних проваджень за даними фактами та повідомлень про підозру, кількість справ про адміністративні правопорушення, досліджена тенденція зростання заяв, адже в 2019 р. Національною поліцією України було зареєстровано 141 814 заяв та повідомлень про вчинені правопорушення та інші події, пов’язані з домашнім насильством, а у 2020 р. цей показник зріс на третину та склав 208 784. Окремо досліджена судова практика щодо порядку розгляду судами заяв про винесення і продовження обмежувального припису, про обсяг доказів, які подавались в тій, чи іншій справі; вимоги до заяви про видачу чи продовження обмежувального припису, строки розгляду таких заяв, порядок їх оскарження. В роботі визначені юридичні особливості та недоліки обмежувального припису, строки на який такий припис видається, заходи, відповідно до якого (яких) на особу кривдника можуть бути покладені певні обов›язки. Метою статті є обговорення актуальних проблем, що існують у сфері реагування правоохоронних органів на випадки домашнього насильства та застосування обмежувального припису як заходу протидії даному явищу в цивільному процесі. Досліджено поняття відповідальності за вчинення насильства в сім’ї та жорстокого поводження членів сім`ї один до одного. Проаналізований Закон України «Про запобігання і протидію домашньому насильству», Конвенція Ради Європи про запобігання насильству стосовно жінок і домашньому насильству та боротьбу із цими явищами відкрита для підпису в Стамбулі (Туреччина) 11 травня 2011 р. та пояснювальна доповідь до неї. На основі аналізу теоретичних поглядів науковців і чинного законодавства України надано характеристику спеціальних заходів щодо попередження насильства в сім’ї. Автором запропоновано можливість видачі обмежувального припису саме на стадії, коли особу кривдника ще не притягнуто до певного виду відповідальності (кримінальної або адміністративної) за вчинене домашнє насильство, запропоновано спростити перелік та вимоги щодо доказів, які повинні бути надані до суду разом з заявою про винесення чи продовження обмежувального припису. У роботі були використані загальнонаукові методи дослідження, а саме емпіричні – опис, та теоретичні – аналіз, узагальнення.
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie; 2022, 2(34); 99-112
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The long-term effects of childhood neglect or abuse. Implications for child and family services in the UK
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
family services
Childhood neglect or abuse is damaging, with lifelong impacts on functioning, clinical and physical health. It can also transmit risk to the next generation. Child abuse is related to social deprivation, a source of family breakup, common in families under stress and is associated with other social ills such as domestic violence, and parental mental health problems. It is therefore costly to society financially, emotionally and in terms of family wellbeing. It is increasingly seen as a major public health issue given its wide prevalence. Contemporary issues in the UK concern not only ongoing neglect or abuse of children, but also the impact of historical abuse, a psychological burden to a significant number of adults. Often untreated, and occurring before adequate child protection policies were in place, the impacts of historical abuse is an ongoing concern both for health and social care services. This paper will describe the Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse (CECA) interview research findings and application in child and family services. It enables an accurate assessment of historical abuse, and its scoring system can be used on ongoing case files for children for better classification. A social and attachment model are described as explaining how damage from neglect and abuse can extend into later life.
Papers of Social Pedagogy; 2019, 12(2); 57-78
Pojawia się w:
Papers of Social Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The scope of risk community solidarity
Zakres solidarności wspólnoty ryzyka
Antonów, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych
financial balance of the social insurance system
insurance cover abuse
social insurance law
solidarity of risk community
równowaga finansowa systemu ubezpieczeń społecznych
nadużywanie ochrony ubezpieczeniowej
prawo ubezpieczeń społecznych
solidarność wspólnoty ryzyka
The author of the paper regards the solidarity of a risk community as a principle of social insurance law that is expressed by an unequal (both in relation to period and amount) bearing of social insurance costs (contribution payments) in relation to expected (yet only potential) profit, i.e., a benefit obtained only in the event of social risk materialisation and meeting legal conditions for the granting of a benefit. While determining the scope of the use of solidarity mechanisms, no behaviour should be tolerated, nor a mechanism introduced that are aimed at the abuse of insurance cover (e.g., by using a particular personal situation to obtain high benefits while employment is fictitious), disloyalty to the risk community (i.e., avoiding social insurance obligation or the concealment of income that is subject to deductions for contribution purposes) or encumbering the risk community with payment of benefits in favour of persons who are not members of the community (e.g., in the event of not taking up employment or any other paid occupation due to the need for the personal care of an ill family member). Acceptance for such activities leads to violation of both the integrity of the risk community and the financial balance of the social security system.
Autor opracowania traktuje solidarność wspólnoty ryzyka jako zasadę prawa ubezpieczeń społecznych wyrażającą się w nierównym (co do czasu i rozmiaru) ponoszeniu ciężaru finansowania kosztu ubezpieczeń społecznych (opłacania składek) w stosunku do oczekiwanej (lecz tylko potencjalnej) korzyści, tj. świadczenia otrzymywanego wyłącznie w razie ziszczenia się socjalnego ryzyka i spełnienia ustawowych warunków przyznania świadczenia. Przy określaniu granic (zakresu) stosowania mechanizmów solidarnościowych nie należy zatem tolerować zachowań lub wprowadzać rozwiązań, których celem jest nadużywanie ochrony ubezpieczeniowej (np. w postaci wykorzystywania określonej sytuacji osobistej dla celów przyznania wysokich świadczeń przy jednoczesnej fikcyjności zatrudnienia), nielojalność wobec wspólnoty ryzyka (tj. unikanie obowiązku ubezpieczeń społecznych czy ukrywanie przychodów podlegających oskładkowaniu) czy też obarczanie wspólnoty ryzyka wypłatą świadczeń na rzecz osób faktycznie pozostających poza jej kręgiem (np. w razie niepodejmowania zatrudnienia lub innej pracy zarobkowej z powodu sprawowania opieki nad chorym członkiem rodziny). Akceptacja dla tego typu działań prowadzi do naruszenia integralności wspólnoty ryzyka i równowagi finansowej ubezpieczeń społecznych.
Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka; 2019, 2; 3-15
Pojawia się w:
Ubezpieczenia Społeczne. Teoria i praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reporting of workplace violence towards nurses in 5 European countries – a cross-sectional study
Babiarczyk, Beata
Turbiarz, Agnieszka
Tomagová, Martina
Zeleníková, Renáta
Önler, Ebru
Sancho Cantus, David
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
occupational health
physical violence
verbal abuse
reasons for non-reporting
ObjectivesThis study aimed to assess country-specific evidence of physical and non-physical acts of workplace violence towards nurses working in the health sector in 5 European countries, and then to identify reasons for not reporting violence experienced at work.Material and MethodsThis retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in 5 participating countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Turkey, and Spain). All registered nurses working in selected healthcare settings for at least 1 year were invited to participate in the study. A questionnaire adapted from the Workplace Violence in the Health Sector Country Case Study – Questionnaire, developed jointly by the International Labour Office, the International Council of Nurses, the World Health Organization and Public Services International, was used. The selection of healthcare settings and the distribution of the questionnaire were conducted according to the recommendations of the questionnaire authors.ResultsIn total, 1089 nurses submitted completed questionnaires which could be included in the study. Of these, 54% stated that they had been exposed to non-physical violence and 20% had been exposed to physical violent acts. A total of 15% of the surveyed nurses experienced both forms of workplace violence. In addition, 18% of the respondents confirmed having witnessed physical violence in their workplace. The most common perpetrators were patients and patients’ relatives. In about 70% of these cases, no actions were taken after the act of violence to investigate its causes. About half of the study group did not report workplace violence as they believed it was useless or not important. The most common consequences of workplace violence included being “superalert” or watchful and on guard.ConclusionsNurses internationally are both victims of and witnesses to workplace violence. Workplace violence is often seen by nurses as an occupational hazard and, as such, it remains not reported. The first step in preventing workplace violence is not only to acknowledge its existence but also to ensure the appropriate reporting of violent acts.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2020, 33, 3; 325-338
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selected legal aspects of sexual abuse prevention
Badźmirowska-Masłowska, Katarzyna
Rosa, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Akademia Policji w Szczytnie
sexual abuse
The article on selected aspects of sexual abuse prevention presents the subject matter from the legal perspective and discusses the issues concerning prevention and control of sexual offences in Poland. The article refers to the status of the child in criminal law and applicable provisions under the Directive 2011/92/EU and the Lanzarote Convention concerning prevention, assistance and support for juveniles. In this context, presented have been the obligations of the state (public authorities), including the police, to prevent this type of crime as well as the difficulties associated with the implementation of relevant tasks. The conclusions indicate the problems that require practical solutions.
Przegląd Policyjny; 2021, 143(3); 219-233
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Policyjny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pancreatic-pleural fistula presenting as epigastric pain
Bąk, Michał
Murawa, Dawid
Data publikacji:
Index Copernicus International
alcohol abuse
pancreatic-pleural fistula
We are reporting a case of a pancreatic-pleural fistula causing epigastric pain. Chest radiograph revealed pleural effusion reaching the seventh rib. Thoracocentesis was performed and 1600 mL of brownish fluid was removed, which showed an elevated amylase level. Ultimately, the diagnosis was confirmed by computed tomography. Due to the failure of medical and endoscopic treatment, the decision was made to perform surgery. It resulted in total pancreatectomy.
Polish Journal of Surgery; 2020, 92, 4; 54-57
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Surgery
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Umorzenie postępowania karnego w trybie art. 62a Ustawy z dnia 29 lipca 2005 r. o przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii jako pozytywny środek reakcji karnoprawnej stosowany wobec sprawców posiadających narkotyki miękkie w nieznacznej ilości i przeznaczone na własny użytek
Discontinuance of criminal proceedings under Art. 62a of the Prevention Drug Abuse Act of 29 July 2005 as a positive measure of the criminal and legal reaction applied against perpetrators who are in possession of soft drugs in a negligible quantity and for personal use
Bartha, Adrian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
drug abuse
discontinuance of proceedings
criminal sanction
preparatory and jurisdictional proceedings
umorzenie postępowania
sankcja karna
postępowanie przygotowawcze i jurysdykcyjne
Ustawą nowelizacyjną z dnia 1 kwietnia 2011 r. wprowadzono do ustawy art. 62a umożliwiający umorzenie postępowania karnego jeszcze przed wydaniem postanowienia o wszczęciu śledztwa lub dochodzenia wobec sprawcy przestępstwa posiadania substancji psychotropowej lub środków odurzających, w tym także w wypadku mniejszej wagi (art. 62 ust. 1 i ust. 3 ustawy). Warunkiem koniecznym jest ustalenie, iż orzeczenie kary byłoby niecelowe ze względu na okoliczności popełnienia czynu, a także stopień jego społecznej szkodliwości, nadto podejrzewany posiadane środki odurzające lub substancje psychotropowe musi mieć w ilości nieznacznej i przeznaczone tylko na własny użytek. Artykuł omawia kwestie prawne wyżej opisanej instytucji, która wprowadziła możliwość depenalizacji zakresu odpowiedzialności karnej sprawcy – posiadacza narkotyków. Podjęto także próbę oceny skutków dodania art. 62a do ustawy poprzez analizę danych statystycznych, obrazujących zastosowanie tej instytucji przez prokuraturę i sąd karny w praktyce orzeczniczej.
By the Act amendment of 1 April 2011, Art. 62a was incorporated into the original Act, which allows discontinuance of criminal proceedings before issuing an order to initiate an investigation or inquiry against a perpetrator in possession of psychotropic substances or intoxicants, including the case of lesser importance (Art. 62 (1 and 3) of the Act). A necessary condition is to establish that a verdict of a sentence would be pointless because of an offence circumstances and a degree of its social harmfulness. Also a person that is suspected of possession of drugs or psychotropic substances must have them in an insignificant quantity and only for personal use. This paper discusses some legal issues of the above described institution, which introduced a possibility of decriminalization of criminal liability of a perpetrator − a holder of drugs. The author also attempts to assess the effects of adding Art. 62a to the Act by presenting statistical data which illustrate the application of this institution by the prosecution and the criminal court in judicial decisions.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica; 2016, 76
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zespół dziecka maltretowanego a obowiązek dochowania tajemnicy lekarskiej
Child Abuse Syndrome and the obligation to keep medical confidentiality
Bartnik, Monika
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
dobro dziecka
zespół dziecka maltretowanego
welfare of the child
crime of abuse
Child Abuse Syndrome
Na przestrzeni wieków problematyka krzywdzenia dziecka kształtowała się w różny sposób. W czasach starożytnych to ojciec mógł i decydował o prawie do życia swoich dzieci, za co nie ponosił odpowiedzialności karnej. W literaturze przedmiotu zagadnienie zespołu dziecka maltretowanego pojawiło się dopiero pod koniec XIX w. W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę odniesienia się do tego zagadnienia z punktu w odniesieniu do instytucji tajemnicy lekarskiej i obowiązku denucjacji w przypadku uzyskania informacji sygnalizujących popełnienie przestępstwa z art. 207 k.k.
Over the centuries, the problem of child abuse has been shaped in various ways. In ancient times, the father could and decided about the right to life of his children, for which he did not bear criminal responsibility. In the literature on the subject, the issue of the battered child's syndrome appeared only at the end of the 19th century. This article attempts to address this issue from the point of view of the institution of medical secrecy and the obligation of denunciation in the event of obtaining information signaling the offense under Art. 207 C.C.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2018, 4; 7-18
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Emotional accessibility of perpetrators of domestic abuse and sense of security in the context of sexual l1ife
Bartoszewski, Jakub
Kowalik, Krzysztof
Miastkowska, Bożena
Smagaj, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Koninie. Wydawnictwo
family abuse
emotional states
sex life
sense of security
penitentiary system
The study reported in this paper deals with the issue of self-assessment of the sexual life of offenders convicted of a crime involving use of domestic violence (Polish Penal Code, §207), accounting for the role of emotional accessibility as an element of the sense of security. The study was conducted on a group of 1 The research was carried out as part of an individual inter-university project entitled “Sexuality of Prisoners”. The research was not sponsored.
Konińskie Studia Społeczno-Ekonomiczne; 2021, 7, 2; 137-153
Pojawia się w:
Konińskie Studia Społeczno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawcy medycznego krzywdzenia dzieci (przeniesionego zespołu Munchausena) – przegląd systematyczny 796 przypadków
Bass, Christopher
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
medyczne krzywdzenie dzieci
przeniesiony zespół Munchausena
zaburzenie pozorowane
fałszowanie stanów chorobowych u dzieci
indukowanie choroby
symulowanie zastępcze
medical child abuse
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
factitious disorder
paediatric conditiofalsification
fabricated and induced illness
malingering by proxy
Wprowadzenie. Niewiele wiadomo o sprawcach medycznego krzywdzenia dzieci (MKD, medical child abuse), często nazywanego także przeniesionym zespołem Munchausena lub udzielonym zaburzeniem pozorowanym. Do tej pory na podstawie danych pochodzących z wystarczająco dużej próby nie opisano demograficznej ani klinicznej charakterystyki sprawców. Postanowiliśmy zająć się tym zagadnieniem i przeprowadzić przegląd systematyczny opisów przypadków oraz serii przypadków dostępnych w piśmiennictwie. Metoda. Systematyczne wyszukiwanie opisów i serii przypadków opublikowanych od 1965 r. przeprowadzono przy użyciu baz danych MEDLINE, Web of Science i EMBASE. Przejrzano 4100 pozycji, a następnie przeprowadzono wyszukiwanie uzupełniające przy użyciu Google Scholar i bibliografii podanych w zakwalifikowanych artykułach. Wyszukiwanie wygenerowało próbę złożoną z 796 sprawców – 309 z opisów przypadków i 487 z serii przypadków. Uzyskane informacje obejmowały cechy demograficzne i charakterystykę kliniczną sprawców, a także metody krzywdzenia i następstwa każdego przypadku. Wyniki. Prawie wszyscy sprawcy byli płci żeńskiej (97,6%), przy czym niemal zawsze sprawczynią była matka ofiary (95,6%). Większość żyła w związku małżeńskim (75,8%). Średni wiek opiekunów w chwili kontaktu dziecka z ochroną zdrowia wynosił 27,6 roku. Osoby dopuszczające się MKD w wielu wypadkach wykonywały zawody związane z opieką zdrowotną (45,6%), doświadczyły powikłań położniczych (23,5%) lub padły ofiarą krzywdzenia w dzieciństwie (30%). Najczęstszymi SPRAWCY MEDYCZNEGO KRZYWDZENIA DZIECI (PRZENIESIONEGO ZESPOŁU… 94 zdiagnozowanymi u nich zaburzeniami psychicznymi były zespół Munchausena, czyli pozorowane zaburzenie wywołane u siebie (30,9%), zaburzenie osobowości (18,6%) i depresja (14,2%). Wnioski. Na podstawie największej przeprowadzonej dotąd analizy sprawców MKD można sformułować kilka zaleceń klinicznych. W szczególności apelujemy do klinicystów, aby traktowali matki, które w dzieciństwie doświadczyły krzywdzenia, u których wystąpiły komplikacje położnicze lub u których rozpoznano zespół Munchausena, jako osoby o podwyższonym ryzyku MKD. Niezbędne są badania podłużne, aby ustalić rzeczywistą wartość prognostyczną tych czynników, ponieważ nasza metoda mogła być podatna na wpływ tendencyjności publikacyjnej.
Introduction: Little is known about the perpetrators of medical child abuse (MCA) which is often described as “Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy” or “factitious disorder imposed on another”. The demographic and clinical characteristics of these abusers have yet to be described in a sufficiently large sample. We aimed to address this issue through a systematic review of case reports and series in the professional literature. Method: Asystematic search for case reports and series published since 1965 was undertaken using MEDLINE, Web of Science and EMBASE. 4100 database records were screened. A supplementary search was then conducted using GoogleScholar and reference lists of eligible studies. Our search yielded a total sample of 796 perpetrators: 309 from case reports and 487 from case series. Information extracted included demographic and clinical characteristics, in addition to methods of abuse and case outcomes. Results: Nearly all abusers were female (97.6%) and the victim’s mother (95.6%). Dziecko Krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka Vol. 19 Nr 1 (2020) 115 Gregory Yates, Christopher Bass Most were married (75.8%). Mean caretaker age at the child’s presentation was 27.6 years. Perpetrators were frequently reported to be in healthcare-related professions (45.6%), to have had obstetric complications (23.5%), or to have histories of childhood maltreatment (30%). The most common psychiatric diagnoses recorded were factitious disorder imposed on self (30.9%), personality disorder (18.6%), and depression (14.2%). Conclusions: From the largest analysis of MCA perpetrators to date, we provide several clinical recommendations. In particular, we urge clinicians to consider mothers with a personal history of childhood maltreatment, obstetric complications, and/or factitious disorder at heightened risk for MCA. Longitudinal studies are required to establish the true prognostic value of these factors as our method may have been vulnerable to publication bias.
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka; 2020, 19, 1; 93-115
Pojawia się w:
Dziecko krzywdzone. Teoria, badania, praktyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Osoby niejednokrotnie przebywające w izbie wytrzeźwień
Individuals Taken Repeatedly into a Detoxication Centre
Batawia, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nadużycie alkoholu
izba wytrzeźwień
abuse of alcohol
detoxication centre
In Poland we have at present in towns 29 detoxication centres with 1,226 beds; people found by the police in public places in a state of intoxication are more and more often taken to detoxication centres instead of being arrested and taken into custody (a stay in a public place in the state defined as state of drunkenness is in Poland not subject to penalty). Between 1966-1972 from 60 to 70% of those arrested for drunkenness were throughout the country sent to detoxication centres and not taken into custody. The average annual number of men placed in the Warsaw detoxication centre in the years 1968-1970 amounted to approximately 27,550 and that of women to 1,500. The number of men taken to the centre for a second time during the course of a year amounted to approximately 4,200, and three or more times – 4,500; the number of women placed in a centre for the second time during the course of one year amounted to approximately 200, for the third time or more – to approximately 500. The category of individuals taken to a detoxication centre several times during the course of one year thus is substantial. There were 32%  of men with a least two such stays, and 40% of women from among the total number people taken to the centre. This category of individuals is called habitual drunkenness offenders, which, as we know, exists in many countries. Selected as a sample for the studies, discussed here were not individuals who had repeatedly been taken to the detoxication centre during the course of one and the same year. The idea was to eliminate those individuals as to whom we were sure that they were alcoholics. The research, conducted in 1970 in the detoxication centre in Warsaw by the Department of Criminology of the Polish Academy of Sciences embraced that category of men who during a period of over five and a half years were at least three times taken there and the category of women who during the period of five and a half years were taken there at least twice. Each individual, listed in 1970 by the detoxication centre, in the order they were entered in the book, was checked from the beginning of 1970 in the centre’s records for the past five years (1965-1969) and in such a way material was completed on 500 men who during that period had at least been sent there three times and on 250 women sent there at least twice. Among men taken time and again to the detoxication centre there is a large percentage of older people, because in 1970 as many as 50,5% were over 40 and a mere 11.4% were below 30. The median age of these men amounted to 40.2; we find, as is known, similar figures in publications dealing with the problems of alcoholics. Those taken only three times to the centre amounted to approximately one-fourth of the total number of men, those taken 4-6 times accounted for 37%, 7-9 times – 19% and 10 or more times – 20%. Among the latter category of 98 patients of the centre 52 were taken there 10-15 times, 26 – 16-20 times and 20 – 21 times and more. As results from the above those who were only 3-6 times registered by the centre constitute 61% of the total number, and without taking into account additional data about arrests by the police of the people whose state of intoxication did not require their isolation in a detoxication centre, the true picture of the extent of deviations in the behaviour of the investigated, caused by intoxication would be distorted. That is why the decision was taken to add to the data related about the frequency of stays in the detoxication centre additional data on arrests by the police of men in a state of intoxication, who had been already registered in the centre three times, four times, six times and 8-9 times; it was not considered necessary to introduce analogical procedures for those listed many times during that period in the centre – from 10 to over 21 times, since it is to be assumed that these as a rule are already alcoholics. Taken into account in this respect was not only the period between 1965-1970, but also later years between 1971-1973, in order to find whether excessive drinking of alcohol by the investigated, causing police intervention, did not get worse. It turned out that only with men registered in the centre three times the percentage of those arrested additionally by the police did not surpass the figure of 33, but with those listed by the centre four times – it already amounted to 48%, six times – 55% and 8-9 times – 53%. This shows that beginning with 4 stays in the centre the percentage of people arrested by the police because of drunkenness already amounted to at least approximately 50%. Taking into account the number of arrests, figuring in police records, it was found that those arrested at least 5 times there, were in turn among those listed in the detoxication centre 3, 4, 6 and 8-9 times: 10%, 30%, 32% and 47%; of those listed 10 and more times: 0, 15%, 14%, and 27%. Thus the studied material is the subject of substantial differentiation if, in addition to stays in the detoxication centre, one takes into account arrests by the police and the number of such arrests. Taken into account additionally were court convictions which makes it possible to answer the question, how many men listed in the  centre until the end of 1973, were neither arrested by the police nor convicted by a court for offences, as a rule committed in a state of intoxication. Of such former patients of the centre, without the behaviour patterns, referred to and connected with excessive drinking of alcohol, there remained at the end of 1973: among those listed in the centre 3 times – 44%, among those listed in the centre 4 times – 38%, among those listed in the centre 6 times – 25%, among those listed in the centre 8-9 times – 31% . Distinctly noted was an intensification of deviations in the behaviour in a state of, intoxication in the examined individuals during the course of the last three years (1971-1973). At the end of 1973 over 50% and 60% of the investigated with previous 3 and 4 stays in the centre and approximately 70% beginning with 6 stays in the centre, may without any special objections be considered alcoholics. It should, however, be borne in mind that there exists a large category of alcoholics whose systematic drinking alcohol to excess does not cause a behaviour that requires the intervention of the police and that is why, in regard even to these individuals among the investigated with whom, in addition to frequent stays in the detoxication centre, no other additional negative features were noticed, the suspicion that they may be alcoholics, is nevertheless justified. In this study under discussion here, during which no individual, psychological and medical investigations or environmental research were carried out, these problems could not be properly clarified. 82% of the men who more than once were brought to the detoxication centre were blue-collar workers and only 8.5% – white-collar workers. 63% had regular jobs and 31% worked from time to time or did not work at all (information regarding work is, however, not based on reliable data). The percentage of those who are not working (and those working from time to time) increases together with the number of stays in the centre; amounting to: 18% of those listed three times in the centre, 22% – 4-6 times, 39% – 7-9 times and 55% – 10 times and more. 50% of the men were not convicted by courts, 20% – were once convicted, 16% – 2-3 times and 14% – 4 times and more. Together with the growing frequency of being registered in the centre there also grows the percentage of those convicted by a court   from 42% (3 times listed in the Centre) to 66% (in the group listed 10 times and more). 62% of the men registered in the centre as “not working” were convicted by a court, 69% – of those working from time to time and 40% – of those who were working regularly. Studying the group of men who had been convicted it was found that the late beginning of convictions, only when they were already 30 and more, is found with 31% of those convicted who are 30-39 years old and with as many as 65% among those who are 40-49; in the group with convictions when 50 and older – the first convictions occurred after 50 with all of them. Among the total with convictions only 18% were first convicted when below 21. However, among those offenders who were first convicted at the age of 17-20 we find the largest percentage (4l%) with later convictions amounting to 4 and more. Markedly smaller numbers of the men over 40 have been convicted than is the case among the younger age groups (p < 0.001). However, the percentages of recidivists, convicted 4 times and more are similar in the various age groups, beginning with the age of 30. The above-mentioned data testify above all to the fact that the majority (70%) of men listed time, and again in the detoxication centre, whose median amounted in 1970 already to 40.2 years, either had not previously been convicted at all (50%) or had faced charges only once (20%), while the category of recidivists with multiple convictions is not numerous (14%). The results of studies also testify to the fact that approximately 45% of the total number of those convicted, faced charges for the first time only when they were already 30 years old. Dealing with data on the delinquency of those convicted by a court once and 2-3 times, it was found, that in the structure of their delinquency offences against property did not surpass 22% and 23% of all the offences committed, and offences with physical or verbal aggression and other offences, as a rule also caused by insobriety, amount respectively to 68% and 60% of the committed offences. Among a small group of recidivists, convicted at least 4 times, only 45% of the recidivists committed mainly or exclusively offences against property (larcency), while in the case of 48% there dominated offences with physical and verbal aggression. To the typical offences, with physical aggression belong acts that are not particularly dangerous, such as slight bodily injury, “il-treatrnent of family members” and assaults upon policemen. Within the group referred to above only a very small sub-group of the recidivists with multiple convictions, who committed mainly aggressive acts caused by insobriety, can also found crimes in the form of more serious aggressive acts, such as robbery, serious bodily injuries, brawls, combined with the use of a dangerous instrument. Despite this, even among recidivists with severe degradation there is only an insignificant number of such recidivists who committed at least four offences combined with physical aggression ‒ there were only 7 out of 67 ‒ 10.4%; they constitute a mere 2.8% of the total of convicted persons. The group of recidivists with severe degradation and at least 4 convictions accounts for no more than 28% of the total number of those convicted; the deliquency of the remaining men who are frequently listed in the centre is rather a marginal phenomenon. During the past three years (1971-1973), side by side with the intensification of alcoholism there could be noticed among the investigated an increase in the percentage of those with convictions in the group listed 3 times in the centre from 42% to 49%, in the group listed 4 and 6 times from 44% to 57%  and 62% and in the group listed 8-9 times from 53% to 62%. But the structure of the offences did not undergo any changes ‒ petty offences, that socially are less harmful and caused by insobriety, predominate. Out of the 250 women, listed at least twice in the detoxication centre during the period of 5 and a half years, have been set apart 128 women noted in police records as prostitutes (P) and 122 women about whom such data were lacking (NP). 70% of the P were listed at least 4 times (32% ‒ eight  times or more). 60% of the NP were registered only twice (14% at least 8 times). The prostitutes are younger than the remaining women ‒ the age median of P arnounted to 35.4 years, that of NP ‒ 42.3 years. 48% of the women with the symbor “P” were below the age of 35 years, 24% of the NP. Among the NP as many as 30% were already 50 years old and more (among the P 13%). Those who are not prostitutes thus are considerably older, but among the prostitutes, too, are women from the age groups above 35 years. (Note that while in 1970 there were among the total number of prostitutes, known to the police throughout the whole country, 44% who were at least 31 years old, as many as 73% of the studied prostitutes registered in the Warsaw detoxication centre were at least 30 years old). Prostitutes were often arrested by the police because of drunkenness – only 30% were arrested less than 10 times, 34% from 10 to 29 times and 27% ‒ 30 times and more. Only 32% of those who were not prostitutes were arrested during this same period because of drunkenness, in the following 3 years (1971-1973) ‒ 34% and among the total of the arrested 56% were arrested only 1-2 times and a mere 22% ‒ 10 times and more. Women listed time and again in the centre have much worse data related to education and work than men, listed there from time to time. Among P there were 20% of women with incomplete primary school education, and NP ‒ 39%; 69% of the women had no trade, including P and NP; not working (or working only from time to time) were 72% of the P and 60% of the NP. Data regarding convictions testify to the fact that 64% of those who were not prostitutes had no convictions and only 6% NP were convicted by a court four and more times. Only 28% of the prostitutes had no convictions, 22% were convicted once, 20% ‒ 2-3 times, and 30%, four times and more. The first convictions at an age below 25 were found with 40% of the prostitutes and only with 11% of the NP, 31% of the P had their first conviction at the age of 30 and 7l% of the NP. Those who were not prostitutes as a rule had no convictions and among the few who had faced charges, the beginning of delinquency took place only after 30 (with approximately 30% ‒  only after 40). In the delinquency structure of P as well as NP larcency constitutes only 36% and 33%; undoubtedly this mainly means stealing from men. Most of the offences committed by P and NP are not serious. The material about women obtained from the detoxication centre points to their marked social degradation, probably reaching back to the period preceding their turning into alcoholics and also indicates the deepening of their social degradation, together with age and the intensification of their alcoholism.   *   The results of the research under discussion testify to the fact that the majority even of those who were registered less than 10 times during those five and a half year in the detoxication centre, are certainly already alcoholics. Studies revealed that in addition they had been frequently arrested by the police for drunkenness (though not isolated in detoxication centres) and had faced courts, charged with typical offences for people drinking alcohol to excess. Thus, even less frequent stays in a detoxication centre should already be an indication for the health and social care service to intervene, in order to find alcoholics requiring treatment.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1974, VI; 70-107
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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