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Zametka о performativach sо značeniem načala dejstvija v češskich zagovorach
Vel’mezova, Ekaterina V.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
performative verbs
Czech spells related to diseases
casting [a spell]
Jesus Christ
magic force
the return to the “mythical proto-time”
cyclical time
mythical time
czasowniki performatywne
czeskie zamówienia chorób
Jezus Chrystus
siła magiczna
powrót do „mitycznego praczasu”
czas cykliczny
Czasowniki performatywne ze znaczeniem początku czynności, występujące w czeskich zamówieniach chorób, np. počinati, začinati ‘zaczynać’, počiti, započiti ‘zacząć’, łączą się z czasownikami performatywnymi, oznaczającymi magiczny proces mówienia, zamawiania, leczenia: žehnati ‘zamawiać’, vzývati ‘wzywać’, zaháneti ‘przegnać’. Czasowniki pierwszego typu, tj. oznaczające początek czynności, uczestniczą w tworzeniu paralelizmu, angażującego z jednej strony subiekt zamówienia (zamawiającego), z drugiej – czynności Jezusa Chrystusa, jedynie bowiem spośród wszystkich działających rozpoczynają magiczne działania. Czynności magiczne zamawiającego uzyskują na skali czasu charakter otwarty: przy każdej realizacji zamówienie otrzymuje magiczną siłę dzięki możliwości powrotu do „mitycznego praczasu”, a ludzkie czynności upodabniane są do aktów kosmogonicznych. Paralelizm czynności, konkretnych wykonawców i sił zewnętrznych wznosi się na poziom ważnych archetypów ludzkiej działalności i otrzymuje możliwość nieskończonego powtarzania. Zamówienie funkcjonuje w czasie cyklicznym, mitycznym, łączącym w sobie pojęcia początku i końca w odróżnieniu od profanum – liniowego czasu historycznego. Performatywne czasowniki wyrażające początek czynności okazują się w czeskiej tradycji punktami styku tego, co świeckie i ludzkie (zamawiający) z sakralnym i magicznym (życie i działania Chrystusa).
In spells relating to diseases, Czech performative verbs such as počinati, začinati ‘to begin-IMPERF’, počiti, začiti ‘to begin-PERF‘, designating the beginning of an activity, can be associated with performatives designating the process of speaking, casting a spell or healing: žehnati ‘to cast a spell’, vzývati ‘to call (somebody)’, zaháneti ‘to chase away’. The first category of verbs participate in creating a parallelism in which the active agents are, on the one hand, the subject of the spell (the sorcerer), and on the other hand Jesus Christ. For, it is only the sorcerer, similarly to Christ, that can initiate meaningful magic actions. The magic actions of the sorcerer acquire an open character on the time arrow: with each instance of its realization, a spell receives magic power thanks to is ability to return to the ‘mythical primeval time’. In the process, human actions are likened to cosmogonic acts. The parallelism of actions, concrete doers and external forces is raised onto the level of important archetypes of human activity and receives the ability to reappear infinitely. Contrary to the profane linear historical time, a spell functions in cyclical, mythical time, which combines the ideas of the beginning and end. In the Czech tradition, performative verbs of the beginning of an action prove to be points of convergence of what is human and secular (the sorcerer) with magie and the sacred (the life and deeds of Jesus Christ).
Etnolingwistyka. Problemy Języka i Kultury; 2001, 13; 149-154
Pojawia się w:
Etnolingwistyka. Problemy Języka i Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jeszcze o duszy Chrystusa według Dydyma Ślepego
Ancora sull’anima di Cristo in Didimo il Cieco
Pancerz, Roland Marcin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Dydym Ślepy
dusza Chrystusa
Didymus the Blind
Christ's soul
II presente articolo e una breve presentazione dei nuovi elementi scoperti nella dissertazione dottorale: Christi anima apud Didymum Caecum, scritta interamente in latino nella Facolta di Lettere dell’Universita Pontificia Salesiana, nelPanno 2007. La novita della tesi e costituita da 4 punti fondamentali. Anzitutto la dottrina didimiana sull’anima del Salvatore e studiata alla luce di tutte le sue opere auten- tiche, inclusi i frammenti catenari. Poi la tesi tratta la questione della scienza umana di Cristo - argomento quasi mai finora studiato in Didimo. In terzo luogo viene criticamente discussa la tesi di R. Layton sulfambiguita didimiana nella valutazione della propatheia. Infine sono approfondite alcune questioni teologiche concernenti il nostro argomento: la funzione soteriologica delPanima di Cristo, 1’unita del Verbo Incarnato, la discesa di Gesil agli inferi. La dissertazione diventa cos! un contributo non solo alla storia della letteratura cristiana antica, ma anche alla storia del dogma cristologico.
Vox Patrum; 2008, 52, 2; 827-841
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chrystus w duchowości bł. Marii Angeli Truszkowskiej
Christ in the spirituality of Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska
Misiurek, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
wola Boża
naśladowanie Chrystusa
wzór miłości
God's Will
following Christ
the model of love
Blessed Angela Truszkowska is among the important figures in nineteenth-century Poland. She was a co-founder of the Congregation of Felician Sisters. Her writings testify to her love of Jesus Christ, the Divine Bridegroom and His Church. It is in the Divine Master that Truszkowska had found a sense of religious life, therefore she showed Him as a model of love that did not hesitate to lay down His life and remain under the Eucharistic forms. She encouraged her fellow sisters to fulfil God's will modelled on Christ, and to imitate Him in their whole life. She thought that the consecrated person was called to sanctity and should make every effort to follow Jesus Christ; His words should be radically put into practice in this person's life.
Roczniki Teologii Duchowości; 2009, 1; 97-106
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Duchowości
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Liturgia żywą katechezą
The Liturgy is a Living Catechesis
Goliszek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Jezus Chrystus
Duch Święty
Jesus Christ
the Holy Spirit
the Liturgy
religious instruction
making present
Liturgia to wspólnota Boga z człowiekiem. Człowiek w celebracji liturgicznej doświadcza spotkania z Osobą Chrystusa. Jest to spotkanie na sposób osobowy, czyli realnie i rzeczywiście. Liturgia bowiem uobecnia całą Osobie Chrystusa, Jego życie, słowa i czyny. Uobecnia historię zbawienia, w szczególny sposób Paschalne Misterium Chrystusa, czyli mękę, śmierć, pogrzeb oraz zmartwychwstanie i wniebowstąpienie a także wylanie Ducha Świętego. Duch Święty który ożywił Chrystusa przy zmartwychwstaniu w liturgii uobecnia Jego dzieło zbawcze i czynie je żywym i aktualnym. Obecny w liturgii Jezus Chrystus przez ożywiające działanie Ducha Świętego zbawia, budzi wiarę i wyzwala człowieka do wolności dziecka Bożego. Człowiek w ten sposób otrzymuje dar nowego życia przez osobowe zjednoczenie z Ojcem przez Chrystusa w Duchu Świętym. Jezus Chrystus w liturgii za współdziałaniem Ducha Świętego objawia się i spotyka się z człowiekiem oraz prowadzi do komunii i zjednoczenia z całą społecznością Trójcy Świętej. W tym miejscu wyłania się cel liturgii który jest identyczny z nadrzędnym celem katechezy. Zarówno liturgia jak i katecheza ma za cel doprowadzić swojego uczestnika do komunii i zażyłości z Jezusem Chrystusem, który prowadzi do więzi z Ojcem w Duchu Świętym. Ten personalistyczny charakter liturgii sprawia, że jest ona miejscem żywej katechezy. Liturgia bowiem wiarę wyraża, przekazuje i kształtuje. Cała liturgia zawiera wiarę katolicką i tę wiarę przez celebrację wyznaje. Wprawdzie liturgia nie jest naukowym poznaniem wiary, nie wyjaśnia pojęć, nie jest teologicznym traktatem ani wykładem ale jej katechetyczny charakter wyraża się w tym, że czyni wiarę oraz prowadzi do egzystencjalnego spotkania z Bogiem. W tym sensie liturgia jest żywą, dynamiczną katechezą posiadającą charakter osobowy i wychowawczy. W katechezie mającej miejsce w liturgii, sam Bóg przemawia, poucza, zbawia i wychowuje człowieka do pełni człowieczeństwa.
The Liturgy is a community between God and man. During a liturgical celebration, man experiences an encounter with the Person of Christ. It is a personal encounter, that is, a real encounter. The Liturgy makes present the whole Person of Christ, His life, words and acts. It makes present the history of salvation, in particular the Paschal Mystery of Christ, that is His passion, death, funeral, resurrection, and ascension, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit that revived Christ at resurrection in the Liturgy makes present His salvific work, makes it alive and actual. Jesus Christ present in the Liturgy through the enlivening action of the Holy Spirit saves, arouses faith and sets man free to be a child of God. Thus man receives a gift of new life through personal unity with the Father through Christ in the Holy Spirit. In the Liturgy, Jesus Christ in collaboration with the Holy Spirit reveals, meets man, and leads to communion and unity with the whole community of the Holy Trinity. Here emerges the purpose of the Liturgy, which is identical with superior purpose of religious instruction (catechesis). Both the Liturgy and catechesis seek to lead their participant to communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ. He leads to unity with the Father in the Holy Spirit. This personalistic character of the Liturgy makes it the place of living catechesis. The Liturgy expresses faith, communicates faith and shapes it. The whole Liturgy contains Catholic faith and confesses this faith through celebration. The Liturgy is not a learned knowledge of faith, it does not explain concepts, it is not a theological tract or an interpretation, but its catechetic character is expressed in the fact that it makes faith and leads to an existential encounter with God. In this sense the Liturgy is a living and dynamic catechesis, it has a personal and educational character. In religious instruction that is taking place in the Liturgy God Himself speaks, gives instructions saves, and brings up man to full humanity.
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2009, 1; 117-131
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Naśladowanie Jezusa Chrystusa według św. Urszuli Ledóchowskiej
Following Jesus Christ according to St. Urszula Ledóchowska
Pałubska, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
naśladowanie Jezusa Chrystusa
naśladowanie przeobrażające
podobieństwo do Osoby Jezusa Chrystusa
postępowanie za Chrystusem
formation in Christlikeness
imitation of Jesus Christ
transformative imitation
resemblance to the Person of Jesus Christ
following Christ
Following Jesus is understood as participation in the holiness of God. Man is bound with God through love, through life that is His life, suffering with Him and being a apostle. St. Urszula Ledóchowska realised all this in her life by imitating the earthly traits of God-Man. It is with profound commitment that she sought to worship God and before the tabernacle, where he asked God's permission to participate in the virtues of the Most Holy Heart, i.e. love, meekness, and humbleness. It is before the tabernacle that she verified her indignity in the face of the perfect God, and where she regained her strength while immersed in prayer. She worshipped God in all forms of her religious life, especially in obedience to God's will. She paid more attention to Christ's poverty and admired God who the Second Person of the Holy Trinity agreed to be poor, that is, to suffer hunger and homelessness. St. Urszula followed Christ in poverty; she formed her sisters to live in poverty and entreated them to keep poverty in the congregation. She worshipped and imitated the Most Holy Heart of Dying Jesus in His love, meekness, purity, and humbleness. In relationship with Him she gave love to God and people, claiming that each love bound with the Heart of Jesus was pure. The privileged motive in the Saint's imitation was the suffering of Christ's Heart at the moment when He offered Himself to God as an offering to the sins of people and the world. On the one hand Ledóchowska co-suffered with Jesus and wished to recompense His suffering, and on the other hand she joined them. In relation with the salvific suffering of Christ she treated each human suffering as His sacramental presence. The fact that she imitated Jesus Christ and modelled her life on Him transformed her and made her come closer to Him and identify herself with His life. She bore it always in her mind not to waste the grace of His presence and wished to imitate Him all the time. Thereby she was made able to contemplate His holiness and to live His life.
Roczniki Teologii Duchowości; 2009, 1; 107-132
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Duchowości
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oświecenie i konieczność nowej racjonalności
Enlightenment and the Need of a New Rationality
Jędraszewski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Chrystus jako światło świat
teoria iluminajcji
Kant i jego rozumienie Oświecenia
Wielki Zegarmistrz
współczesny irracjonalizm i sceptycyzm
Christ as the light of the world
the theory of illumination
the Great Clockmaker
contemporary irrationalism and scepticism
the postulate of a return to the Christian Logos
Kant and his understanding of the Enlightenment
The article deals with 18th century Enlightenment and its clearly anti-Christian character. However, it is impossible to understand this period without showing it in the light of Christian enlightenment whose centre is Christ – the Light of the world. On the philosophical-theological plane the most profound synthesis of Christian faith and philosophical logos is to be found in the doctrine of St. Augustine along with its theory of illumination (illuminatio). According to John Paul II, the rejection of Christ in the period of Enlightenment resembles the history of St. Paul, who was rejected on the Athenian Aeropagus when he started speaking about the risen Christ. This rejection was accomplished for the sake of an independent human reason whose complete autonomy was demanded by Kant, whereas in the philosophy of Voltaire the Enlightenment fully showed its derisively-mocking anti-Christian countenance. According to Voltaire faith should be replaced byan enlightened reason and religion by philosophy. In consequence, deism with its idea of God as the Great Clockmaker was to supplant the Christian faith. As Joseph Ratzinger noted, since the Enlightenment we have paradoxically witnessed a deepening trend of irrationalism and scepticism in the Western culture. That is why already as Benedict XVI he postulates the construction of a new rationality, which means “broadening the horizons of rationality” whose ultimate foundation is Christ-the Logos. 
Filozofia Chrześcijańska; 2009, 6; 17-30
Pojawia się w:
Filozofia Chrześcijańska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rok liturgiczny aktualizacją misterium Chrystusa
The Liturgical Year Actualises the Mystery of Christ
Migut, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
rok liturgiczny
misterium Chrystusa
misteria Chrystusa
misterium paschalne
Triduum sacrum
przepowiadanie zbawienia
aktualizacja sakramentalna zbawienia
the liturgical year
mystery (mysterium) of Christ
mysteria of Christ
paschal mysterium
the Eucharist
salvific preaching
sacramental actualization of salvation
Rok liturgiczny jest aktualizacją misterium Chrystusa. Wynika to z bosko-ludzkiej natury Jezusa Chrystusa, a tym samym z Jego misteryjnego bytu. Jezus Chrystus jest bowiem misterium Boga. W Nim, począwszy od misterium wcielenia poprzez poszczególne misteria jego ziemskiego życia aż po misterium paschalne, Bóg dokonał zbawienia rodzaju ludzkiego i objawił swą jedność w Trójcy. Misterium zbawiania, które włącza w wewnętrzne życie Trójcy Świętej, jest kontynuowane w Kościele i dla Kościoła. Kontynuacja ta odbywa się na dwa sposoby: głoszenie – przepowiadanie misterium Chrystusa oraz jego sakramentalna aktualizacja. Rok liturgiczny jest kontekstem konkretnej celebracji, ale też sam jest celebracją całości misterium Chrystusa (sakrament czy też sakramentale roku liturgicznego) w odniesieniu do dłuższego okresu życia człowieka. Jego centrum stanowi obchód misterium paschalnego Chrystusa. Ważnym spoiwem roku liturgicznego jest Eucharystia, która nie tylko stanowi centrum każdego obchodu w roku liturgicznym, ale też jej teologiczne treści są niejako powielane w całym roku liturgicznym. Rok liturgiczny łączy w sobie przepowiadanie misterium Chrystusa (Ewangelii) i jego sakramentalną aktualizację. Nadaje on przy tym przepowiadaniu słowa Bożego głębszy wymiar sakramentalny – aktualizację wydarzeń zbawczych.
The Liturgical year actualises the mystery of Christ. This follows from the divine and human nature of Jesus Christ, and at the same time from His mysterious being. Jesus Christ is the mysterium of God. In His, starting from the mysterium of incarnation, through particular mysteria of his life on earth up to the paschal mysterium, God saved humankind and revealed His unity in the Trinity. The mysterium of salvation that is combined with the internal life of the Holy Trinity. It is continued in the Church and for the Church. This continuation takes place in two ways: preaching – preaching the mysterium of Christ and its sacramental actualisation. The Liturgical year is a concrete context of celebration, and it is itself a celebration of the whole of the mysterium of Christ (the sacrament or else the sacramentale of the liturgical year) in reference to the longer period of man’s life. Its centre is the paschal mysterium of Christ. The Eucharist is an important tie of the liturgical year. It constitutes not only the centre of celebrations in the liturgical year, but its theological contents are, so to say, repeated all over the liturgical year. The liturgical year combines in itself preaching the mysterium of Christ (the Gospel) and its sacramental actualisation. It confers on the preaching of the word of God a more profound sacramental dimension – the actualisation of salvific events.
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2009, 1; 271-296
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie terminu „misterium” w refleksji teologiczno-liturgicznej
The Meaning of the Term Mysterium in the Theological-Liturgical Reflection
Dyk, Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
historia zbawienia
teologia liturgii
the Liturgy
history of salvation
theology of the Liturgy
Tradycja i liturgia chrześcijańska wiązała termin „misterium” z wydarzeniem Jezusa Chrystusa. Samo pojęcie „misterium” tłumaczone jest dosyć często na język polski jako „tajemnica”, przez co może być odbierane jedynie jako jakaś tajemna wiedza, co w odniesieniu do Jezusa mogłoby oznaczać jedynie Jego naukę nie dla wszystkich dostępną i zrozumiałą. Przy takim rozumieniu terminu „misterium” chrześcijaństwo łatwo może być sprowadzone do światopoglądu czy systemu moralnego. Ważne jest zatem dokładne zrozumienie samego pojęcia „misterium” oraz ewolucji, jaką słowo to przechodziło w refleksji teologiczno-liturgicznej. Wywodzący się z kultury greckiej termin „misterium” został przyjęty przez chrześcijaństwo i już w Nowym Testamencie służył do wyjaśnienia zamysłów Bożej woli oraz zbawczych dzieł Boga dokonanych w Jezusie Chrystusie. W teologii Ojców Kościoła termin ten staje się dosyć szybko centralnym pojęciem, za którego pomocą określali cały fenomen realizacji Bożego zbawienia w Chrystusie i w Kościele, szczególnie w jego aktach kultu, i równocześnie dla oznaczenia wielkości tych zbawczych dzieł Boga i ich nieprzeniknioności (por. Ef 3,8). Teologowie współcześni i magisterium Kościoła przyjęli to pojęcie dla zilustrowania zbawczego dzieła Chrystusa oraz Jego proklamacji i aktualizacji w kulcie Kościoła, w całej działalności Kościoła i w codziennym życiu chrześcijan. Misterium i misteria Chrystusa zatem to nie Jego tajemnicza nauka, lecz wydarzenia zbawcze, które domagają się przyjęcia w wierze. Uwagi te są szczególnie ważne dla kaznodziei, którego zadaniem jest doprowadzić wiernych do udziału w zbawczych misteriach Chrystusa aktualizujących się w liturgii oraz do mistycznego i egzystencjalnego zjednoczenia się z Nim.
The Christian tradition and Liturgy have combined the term mysterium with the event of Jesus Christ. The very concept of mysterium is fairly often translated into Polish as “tajemnica” (“secret,”) therefore it may be taken to mean as some mysterious knowledge, a fact that in relation to Jesus could denote only His teaching not accessible and understandable to all. With this understanding of the term mysterium in mind, Christianity may easily be reduced to a worldview or moral system. It is therefore important to accurately understand the very concept of mysterium and evolution the word has gone through in the theological and liturgical reflection. The term mysterium, derived from Greek culture, was first borrowed by Christianity in as early as the New Testament it served to explain the plans of God’s will and the salvific works of God made in Jesus Christ. In the theology of Church Fathers this term fairly quickly becomes central, be means of which the Fathers defined the whole phenomenon of God’s salvation in Christ and the Church, especially in its acts of worship. They used it also to mark the greatness of God’s works of salvation and their inscrutable character (cf. Eph 3:8). Contemporary theologians and the magisterium of the Church have assumed this concept to illustrate the salvific work of Christ, His proclamation and actualization in the worship of the Church, in the whole activity of the Church, and in Christians’ daily life. Christ’s mysterium and mysteria are not therefore His mysterious teaching, but a salvific work that call for being accepted in faith. Such remarks are especially important for the preacher whose task is to lead the faithful to participation in the salvific mysteria of Christ actualized in the Liturgy, and in the mystic and existential unity with Him.
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2009, 1; 69-85
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aktualizacja wierności Chrystusa w pallotyńskim posługiwaniu kapłańskim
Actualization of Christ’s Faithfulness in the Pallottine Priestly Ministry
Kowalczyk, Marian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
kapłaństwo Chrystusa
kapłaństwo ziemskie
kapłaństwo niebieskie
kapłaństwo eschatologiczne
trynitarność kapłaństwa
kapłaństwo miłości
Priesthood of Christ
earthly priesthood
priesthood of Heaven
eschatological priesthood
Trinitarian dimension of the priesthood
priesthood of love
In accordance with the watchword of the Year of Priesthood, announced by pope Benedict XVI: “The faithfulness of Christ – the faithfulness of a priest”, the article presents the actualization of the faithfulness of Christ in the Pallottine priestly ministry. The content of the article draws attention to Christ whose faithfulness we are trying to follow up to standards of the faithfulness of St. Vincent Pallotti, who – as the father of the Pallottine Family and founder of the Union of Catholic Apostolate that incorporates all the Church’s states into apostolate – is rightly called the great apostle of Rome. Considering the universalism of Pallotti’s idea of apostolate, both in the objective and subjective dimension, we restrict ourselves to presenting only chosen aspects of the thoroughly substantiated issue. We are doing it by firstly showing St. Vincent’s admiration for Christ’s ideal of priestly faithfulness, and then the ideal of fulfillment of Christ’s faithfulness in the Jerusalem upper room community. The culmination of the disquisition is the reflection on the mentioned above watchword of the Priesthood Year from the point of view of deepening of each priest’s identity, and particularly a Pallottine of the 21st century. It is strongly underlined that both the patron of the Priesthood Year, St. Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney – the parish priest of Ars, and St. Vincent Pallotti – the apostle of Rome, who lived at more or less the same time, can show to the priests of the 21st century how to cope with temptations threatening their saving mission in the community of God’s people, and also all over the world, which is still hostile, to a large extent, to the contents of God’s revelation, accomplished fully in the words and acts of Jesus, as the only begotten Son and the primal Apostle of the Preeternal Father. The point of the article states one sure thing: the most efficient means of a fight for man, for his great dignity of God’s child is nowadays – ultimately – authentic faithfulness to Christ, the only priest of the New and everlasting Covenant and to his Gospel preached for centuries in the Church and by the Church.
Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej; 2010, 2; 13-29
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chrystologia kapłaństwa
Christology of the Priesthood
Fac, Waldemar M.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
kapłaństwo naturalne
kapłaństwo hierarchiczne
kapłaństwo powszechne
Chrystus jedyny Kapłan
natural priesthood
hierarchic priesthood
universal priesthood
Christ the only Priest
Christ expressed Himself essentially in His priesthood through which He had redeemed mankind and become the principle of the economy of salvation. This priesthood realised the primitive paradigm of religion that consists in the relationship: God-man and man-God. Christ established the most ultimate and the most perfect bond between God and man, and between man and God: God-man in one person. It is in Christ’s priesthood that priests (bishops and presbyters) participate in a sacramental manner; the faithful participate in it in a broad sense. The two kinds of priesthood stem from one and the same source, from the priesthood of Jesus Christ, and they should coexist, but the hierarchic priesthood is superior and normative. It is in the priesthood that the whole man is expressed and fulfilled on the model of Jesus Christ.
Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej; 2010, 2; 31-38
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duchowy i moralny wymiar naśladowania Jezusa Chrystusa − uzasadnienie teologiczne w kontekście dokumentu „Biblia a moralność”
Spiritual and Moral Dimensions of the Following of Jesus Christ – a Theological Justification in the Context of the Document “The Bible and Morality”
Zarzycki, Stanisław T.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Naśladowanie Jezusa Chrystusa
idee biblijne
wymiar duchowy
wymiar moralny
the following of Jesus Christ
Biblical ideas
spiritual dimension
moral dimension
The present article attempts to show the moral and spiritual dimensions of the following of Jesus Christ and to emphasize their specific character and the relation that exists between them. It is based on the document issued by the Pontifical Biblical Commission entitled The Bible and Morality as well as on theological-moral and theological-spiritual literature. In order to justify “the Biblical roots of Christian conduct” to a modern man the analyzed document sets them on the idea of the gift of the Old and New Covenant as well as of other biblical ideas understood in the Christological and personalistic way. To do so it also stresses the importance of spiritual experience (of God, of Christ), owing to which it appreciates spirituality as prior to revealed morality. This spirituality is always assumed when the origin and the obligation to realize the revealed moral norms is meant. To what degree morality is inscribed in man's spiritual development is then explained by a theological-spiritual reflection on the Christian experience that should always take into consideration moral obligations (commandments, blessings). The article takes this into consideration, making short references to some ethical-spiritual models and to stages in the development of the spiritual life.
Roczniki Teologii Duchowości; 2010, 2; 23-40
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Duchowości
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fundacje klasztorów Misjonarzy Oblatów Maryi Niepokalanej w Archidiecezji Poznańskiej w latach 1922-1939
Foundations of the Monasteries of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in the Archdiocese of Poznań in the Years 1922-1939
Zając, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
Poznań - parish of Christ the King
Polish migrants
religious congregations in the Second Republic of Poland
Polish Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate belonged initially to the religious  provinces of their Congregation in Germany and Canada. Since the end of the 19th century they were involved greatly with the ministry to the Polish immigrants. After 1918 they pursued a project of   founding a separate Polish province. Their first most important communities in Poland were organized with the support of the archbishops of Poznań and Gniezno and of civil authorities in Poznań. The reasons for choosing this area included its traditional patriotism and closeness to Silesia, which was the source of many early Oblate Polish vocations. The article depicts all the most important stages of Oblate foundations in the archdiocese of Poznań, which included among others the provincial house and two major seminaries.
Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski; 2010, 5; 147-171
Pojawia się w:
Ecclesia. Studia z Dziejów Wielkopolski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prowokacyjna reinterpretacja motywów biblijnych w Gorejącym krzaku ciernistym Oskara Kokoschki
The Provocative Reinterpretation of the Biblical Motives in Oskar Kokoschkas Gorejący krzak ciernisty
Janicka, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
dramat ekspresjonistyczny
Kokoschka Oskar
biały ptak
jabłko poznania złego i dobrego
krzak gorejący
Matka Boska Bolesna
Męka i Ofiara Jezusa Chrystusa
Niewiasta depcząca stopą węża
expressionistic drama
white bird
the apple of knowing good and evil
burning thornbush
Dolorous Mother of God
the Passion and Offering of Jesus Christ
the Woman that tramples on the serpent
This paper entitled “The Provocative Reinterpretation of the Biblical Motives in Oskar Kokoschka's Gorejący krzak ciernisty” seeks to analyse and interpret this drama with an aim to prove its pre-expressionistic character. Its heroes are paradigms of sex deprived of personalities. They have no personal names but only generic names: Woman and Man. The most important lines of interpretation lead the recipient to biblical symbolism that combines Man's suffering and death with Jesus Christ's redemptive offering; now Woman is primarily identified with inexhaustible sexual passion symbolised by the titular burning thornbush, but then with Mary the virgin and mother. It is worth noting all the strata of the signs of the stage work, owing to the innovative pre-expressionistic character of the drama: the poetic language with its dominating adialogue as a form of expression, the architectonic and three-dimensional stage design, and contrast as a principle that governs the selection of colours.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2010, 58, 1; 171-204
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
W poszukiwaniu nowych dróg ku jedności chrześcijan
In Search of New Ways Towards Christian Unity
Leśniewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
jedność chrześcijan
kryzys chrześcijaństwa
wspólne świadectwo o Chrystusie
Trójca Święta
uzgodnienia dialogów teologicznych
przemiana umysłu (gr. metanoia)
the unity of Christians
the crisis of Christianity
the common witness about Christ
the Holy Trinity
the truth
agreements of theological dialogues
the change of the intellect (Gr. metanoia)
The first part of the article describes signs of a crisis of Christianity in the contemporary world. One can distinguished both the deepening of a crisis of faith and various threats, which have been very dangerous for Christians. Among many causes of the modern crisis of faith it should be pointed out the tolerance for pathologies, the triumph of atheistic philosophies, the anthropological reductionism, and the relativisation of personal evil. Apart from that in some countries in the world Christians have been persecuted and even put to death. It is necessary to take into account this general context if one would like to take into consideration the problem of the necessity of common witness on Christ and the cause of the lack of Christian Unity. Today, as the Author ascertain in the second part of his text, it is impossible to deal with ecumenical matters without relating them to various factors influencing on the situation of Christianity in the world. As it is evident, so far the full Eucharistic Fellowship has not been reached by the ecumenical dialogue. Practically, a greater part of agreements of theological dialogues have not got reception on the parish level. There is no common Christian language, which could be commonly used, what it points out to a deep disagreement about the Truth. From the Orthodox point of view unity is to be understood not as a mere administrative arrangement and a human achievement, but as a manifestation of grace and as the fullness of the new life which renews the earth-born and the whole of their world. In order to understand why the Christian unity is so difficult to acquire it is necessary to look at the Church of Christ as a personal community in resemblance of the Holy Trinity as the community of the Divine Persons. The Author in the third part of the article underlines that the Trinitarian relations between God the Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit consist the most perfect pattern for relations between human persons in the fellowship of the Church. From such a point of view the Church is not an occasional ‘happening’, where the Word of God is preached and listened to and the sacraments are performed, but as the reality of sonship in the Spirit, that is, as a constant movement of filial grace from the Father, giving his Son to us in the Spirit, and as a return of this by us, ‘giving grace’ to him by offering back to him his Son in his incarnate, sacrificial and risen state as the head of a body comprising all of us and all that exists. The fourth part of the article refers to a question of the unity of the Church and understanding of truth. The problem of understanding of truth in the Church may be expressed in the following question: How can we hold at the same time to the historical nature of truth and the presence of ultimate truth here and now? For an answer to this question it can be very helpful to look at the Greek Fathers, both their failures and their success, in arriving at an understanding of truth which might have meaning for a person of Greek mentality, without betraying or distorting the message of the Bible. Their spiritual and intellectual contribution has been essential for a reflection on the relation between truth and salvation. They underlined that human person as the whole (not only his reason, but all functions of his intellect in connection to soul and body) was committed into the process of learning truth. Therefore bodily ascetism in the Church is one of essential conditions of approach to truth, the supreme road to theological knowledge. It is not possible for human being to come to know the truth of life, the truth of God and the truth of his own existence purely through intellectual categories, relative analogies and conventional expressions, because they give only a relative and conventional knowledge. Knowing God is possible only in Christ, who as the personal Truth has been the source of all truths. In order to know Christ as Truth it requires opening for His presence not only on the level of reason, but approaching Him in ones intellect, soul and body. Particularly, the change of the intellect (Gr. μετάνοια) is very important on the way toward the uniting Truth. There are some important conclusions, indicated in the final part of the article, resulting from the Christian understanding of the uniting Truth for ecumenical endeavors. Particularly important is not to treat the doctrinal ecumenism solely as an intellectual convergence process in separation from all that, what constitute the life of the Church of Christ. One has to remember that notions taken from kataphatic theology should be supplemented by notions from apophatic theology, because the knowledge of God is knowing the Unknowable. Striving for the unity of Christians, similarly to striving for the unity of a human person in relation to God, requires the change of intellect, by the attention (Gr. προσοχή), watchfulness (Gr. νῆψις), prayer, the Liturgy and ascetism.
Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej; 2010, 2; 35-56
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chrystocentryczna postawa miłości Matki Teresy z Kalkuty
Christocentric Attitude of Love of Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Hadryś, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Benedykt XVI
Matka Teresa z Kalkuty
Siostry Misjonarki Miłości
postawa miłości
Benedict XVI
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Missionaries of Charity
the poor
attitude of love
The aim of the article is to show the christocentric attitude of love of bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta. The source text are Teresa's writings featured in their entirety or in part in the publication Come Be My Light. The Private Writings of the “Saint of Calcutta”. The whole presentation has been divided into four parts. The first one presents Teresa's love for Christ, the second deals with the issues of love for Christ in the poorest of the poor, the third addresses the care of the Blessed to minister among the poor in the communion with Christ, and the last one is a look at Mother Teresa’s attitude of love through Benedict XVI’s thoughts selected from his encyclical letter Deus caritas est. The summary is a meditation of the Blessed put at the end. The article shows the christocentrism of attitude of love of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Roczniki Teologii Duchowości; 2011, 3; 107-120
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Duchowości
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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