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Wykorzystanie sponsoringu imiennego w sporcie na przykładzie koszykarskiego śląska Wrocław
Use of title sponsorship in sport.The case of Slask Wroclaw basketball team
Terlecki, Michał
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
title sponsorship
sports sponsorship
The problem of this paper refers to specific form of promotion, namely sports sponsorship. In this situation, on the one hand professionalization of Polish sports organizations, which stopped being connected with work institutions or uniformed services, and on the other hand searching by companies new ways to reach to customers with a promotional message, sports sponsorship became a great cooperation platform that can and should provide benefits for both sides. The author focuses on institutions that used the name of Slask Wroclaw basketball team as a part of their brands promotion. He identifies aims which they were guided by when they decided about title sponsorship of this club, and also analyses and evaluates the achievement of their implementation.
Nauki o Zarządzaniu; 2013, 4(17); 154-171
Pojawia się w:
Nauki o Zarządzaniu
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Maniatis, Antonios
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Cultural sponsorship,
Funding-promotion paradigm, Museums,
Patronage (’Mecenazgo’),
Tax exemption, Tourism sponsorship
This paper aims at analyzing and upgrading the legal status of sponsorship contracts as for cultural activities. It is recommended to adopt various legislative changes, many of which could exemplify the proposed ‘funding-promotion’ paradigm. The key of this model is to focus on private individuals and legal entities either under the public law or under the private one, as potential sponsors, donators etc. and to provide them with sufficient motivation. A tax exemption percentage of 10% is not compatible with the sponsorship concept. Last but not least, tourism law has recently begun to adopt the cultural sponsorship contract model.
Civitas et Lex; 2017, 3(15); 23-24
Pojawia się w:
Civitas et Lex
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cost of recognisability of a sponsors brand achieved through TV broadcasts
Kucharski, Michał
Kot, Sebastian
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
sport sponsorship
brand recognisability
Research background: The main aim of engaging with the research topic under discussion was the desire to equip those responsible for the process of managing sponsorship campaigns with a method that would enable comparison and evaluation of the results of a given campaign with the effects obtained by other campaigns and different forms of promotion. A significant assumption was that the proposed method does not require any prolonged or expensive research and that it also allows to add other research tools (like e.g. an eye-tracker) if need be. The chosen research topic also constitutes an alternative to the usage of advertising value equivalency, as it is not considered a reliable indicator of effectiveness of sponsorship campaigns. Purpose of the article: The central aim of this research study was to evaluate the feasibility of assessing costs incurred by sponsors of sports events as the price of gaining recognisability of their brands by television audiences watching broadcasts of sponsored events. Methods: The research was conducted on the basis of a questionnaire which gave data concerning spontaneous and assisted recognisability of sponsors? brands. Participants consisted of viewers who had watched volleyball match indicated by the investigator. The research also included data obtained from source materials, concerning the costs of sponsor-ship agreements and viewership of chosen volleyball matches. Findings & Value added: The investigation revealed that it is possible to calculate the costs of reaching television audiences of sports events effectively, i.e. where audiences are given the opportunity to recognize a brand as a sponsor of a given sports event. Results of the research offer sponsorship campaign managers a possibility to compare the costs incurred to reach their target group as part of a specific campaign, with other similar campaigns undertaken by a particular company, as well as with the results achieved by other sponsors of the same events.
Oeconomia Copernicana; 2017, 8, 3; 447-461
Pojawia się w:
Oeconomia Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Impact of Consumer Knowledge on Brand Image Transfer in Cultural Event Sponsorship
Karpińska-Krakowiak, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
consumer knowledge
image transfer
event sponsorship
The paper presents some preliminary findings on the role of consumer knowledge in cultural event sponsorships. Using a field design, the impact of consumer knowledge on the brand image transfer wasmeasured. Two international cultural events were examined and a total of 853 respondents participated in this study. The Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were performed to determine whether there were any differences in brand image transfer between experts (‘high-knowledge’ spectators) and novices (‘low-knowledge’ spectators). The results reveal that image-building effects in cultural event sponsorship are considerably less pronounced if event spectators are highly knowledgeable about an event and its sponsoring brand. The findings indicate to what extent a brand may thrive on event sponsorship and how important it is to track current market segmentation and brand positioning.
Polish Sociological Review; 2013, 182, 2; 185-208
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Crowdfunding as an influencers form of financial reward
Crowdfunding jako forma finansowego wynagrodzenia twórców internetowych
Ziobrowska-Sztuczka, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydział Ekonomiczny
online platform
Cel: Crowdfunding to proces pozyskiwania środków finansowych w Internecie na realizację określonego projektu, przedsięwzięcia lub inicjatywy, poprzez zbieranie niewielkich sum pieniędzy od dużej liczby osób, zwanych wspierającymi lub darczyńcami. Celem artykułu jest ocena możliwości wykorzystania crowdfundingu przez twórców internetowych w finansowaniu ich codziennej działalności oraz realizacji najważniejszych projektów społeczno-biznesowych. Omówiono mocne i słabe strony korzystania z tej formy finansowania przez twórców internetowych oraz wskazano perspektywy dalszego rozwoju crowdfundingu w tym obszarze. Metody: Artykuł odwołuje się do konkretnych przykładów i przypadków influencerów oraz platform crowdfundingowych. Metoda ta pomaga zilustrować rzeczywiste zastosowania i wyniki, dostarczając konkretnych przykładów wspierających analizę teoretyczną. Wyniki: Przeprowadzone analizy wskazują, że influencerzy często korzystają z crowdfundingu chcąc zaangażować swoją społeczność w proces tworzenia danego projektu i móc zapewnić im uczestnictwo w dalszych etapach rozwoju projektu. Nie jest to jednak ich jedyne źródło finansowego wsparcia. Influencerzy często korzystają z różnych źródeł finansowania jednocześnie, jak sponsoring, udział w różnych wydarzeniach promocyjnych czy współpraca z markami, co pozwala im dywersyfikować swoje przychody i zwiększyć stabilność finansową.
Purpose. Crowdfunding is the process of raising funds online for a specific project, venture, or initiative by collecting small amounts of money from a large number of people, known as backers or donors. This article aims to assess the potential for online creators to use crowdfunding to fund their day-to-day activities and to implement major social and business projects. The strengths and weaknesses of the use of this form of funding by online creators are discussed and the prospects for further development of crowdfunding in this area are indicated. Methods. The article refers to specific examples and cases of influencers and crowdfunding platforms. This method helps illustrate real-world applications and results by providing concrete examples to support the theoretical analysis. Results. The analyses carried out indicate that influencers often use crowdfunding to involve their community in the development process of a given project and to be able to ensure their participation in the further development stages of the project. However, this is not their only source of financial support. Influencers often use different sources of funding at the same time, such as sponsorship, participation in various promotional events, or collaboration with brands, which allows them to diversify their income and increase their financial stability.
Współczesna Gospodarka; 2024, 18, 1 (42); 53-67
Pojawia się w:
Współczesna Gospodarka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Określenie charakteru prawnego umowy sponsoringu jako przesłanka umożliwiająca podjęcie próby ustalenia jej reżimu prawnego.
Determining the legal character of the sponsorship agreement as the premise allowing to make the attempt to determine its legal regime.
Rogacka-Łukasik, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Humanitas
umowa sponsoringu
podmiot sponsorowany
charakter prawny
umowa nienazwana
sponsorship agreement
legal character
Podstawową przyczyną powstania niniejszej publikacji był zamiar podkreślenia, jak ważną formą komunikacji podmiotów gospodarczych z opinią publiczną w Polsce stał się sponsoring. Z uwagi na ciągle rosnące zainteresowanie instytucją sponsoringu wystąpiła niejako konieczność podjęcia prób jego uregulowania. Praktyka gospodarcza już od dawna pokazuje, że umowa sponsoringu cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem. W literaturze zwracano już uwagę na to, że jedną z cech umów nienazwanych jest ich przejściowy charakter, co oznacza, że powtarzalność umów w praktyce obrotu gospodarczego winna skłonić ustawodawcę do podjęcia decyzji o ustawowej regulacji tej umowy. Wydaje się, że nadszedł już czas, by także umowę sponsoringu uregulować ustawowo i zacząć zaliczać ją do grona umów nazwanych. W niniejszej publikacji podjęto próbę ustalenia reżimu prawnego dla umowy sponsoringu. W celu dokonania wspomnianego zabiegu koniecznym stało się określenie jej charakteru prawnego. W związku z powyższym, po przedstawieniu typologii umów, będącej podstawą do dalszych rozważań, analizie i argumentacji poddano szereg umów zarówno uregulowanych w kodeksie cywilnym, jak i tych znajdujących się poza jego obrębem. Zamierzeniem dokonanej analizy było ukazanie, iż pomimo wielu podobieństw umowy sponsoringu z tymi umowami, jest ona samodzielną instytucją prawną, która nie mieści się w ramach występujących w prawie polskim umów.
The main reason for writing this article is the attempt to emphasize how important is the sponsorship in communicating between the enterprise and the public opinion in Poland. Due to the increasing interest in the area of sponsorship, there is a necessity of regulating the phenomenon. The sponsorship agreement has been very popular with the enterprise for a long time. It is found in the literature that one of the main features of unnamed agreements is its temporary character which means that the agreement repetitiveness in the practice of the economic turnover should force the legislator to regulate it lawfully. It is high time to legislate the sponsorship agreement and to include it to the group of named agreements. In this article the attempt to determine the legal regime of the sponsorship agreement was taken. In order to carry the above mentioned deed it was necessary to determine its legal character. Because of it, after presenting the types of agreements being the basis for the further discussion the number of both the named and unmanned agreements within and out of the civil code were analyzed and discussed. The main aim of the taken analysis was to reveal, despite many similarities between the sponsorship agreement with these ones, that it is the independent legal institution, which is not included in the Polish law of agreements.
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa; 2013, 13; 397-419
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Administracji i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sponsoring sportowy jako narzędzie promocji miasta Białystok
Sports sponsorship as a promotional tool for the city of Bialystok
Wasiluk, A.
Tokarzewski, P.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
promocja mix
promocja miast i regionów
sponsoring sportowy
promotion mix
promotion of cities and regions
sports sponsorship
Sponsoring sportowy jest akceptowanym instrumentem promocji miast i regionów, zatem wydaje się w pełni uzasadnionym działaniem wykorzystywanie go jako narzędzie komunikacji marketingowej przez miasto Białystok. W drodze weryfikacji postawionego założenia, niniejszą publikację oparto z jednej strony na analizie teoretycznej podstawowych zagadnień literatury przedmiotu (opisano istotę promocji oraz sponsoringu sportowego) zaś z drugiej na weryfikacji empirycznej przyjętych założeń.
The purpose of this article is to indicate that sports sponsorship is accepted and attention catching instrument of promoting cities and regions. Therefore, it is reasonable to use it as a mean of marketing communication by the authorities of the city of Bialystok. To complete the posed assumptions, this publication is on one hand based on the theoretical analysis of the basic issues covered in the literature (described as the essence of promotion and sports sponsorship) and on the other hand the empirical verification of the accepted methodological assumptions. The results of the survey conducted on the Internet to a moderate extent confirmed the research hypothesis. This fact is supported by the average level of sports sponsorship visibility among respondents outside the region of Podlasie.
Ekonomia i Zarządzanie; 2013, 5, 1; 50-62
Pojawia się w:
Ekonomia i Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opinie na temat podcastu Raport o stanie świata wśród patronów wspierających go finansowo
Opinions on the Podcast Raport o stanie świata among Sponsors Supporting the Podcast Financially
Doliwa, Urszula
Kaźmierczak, Piotr
Stachowicz, Ada
Szczepańska, Paulina
Szydłowska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze
new media
nowe media
Podcast Raport o stanie świata jest na polskim rynku medialnym rozpoznawalną marką. Zawdzięcza to jakości produkcji i osobowości twórcy – Dariusza Rosiaka. Raport… jest subiektywnym komentarzem na temat aktualnych wydarzeń, realizowanym przez Rosiaka i współpracowników. Odbiorcami podcastu są wierni i bardzo świadomi słuchacze, którzy mają wyrobione zdanie na temat produkcji, co dotyczy zwłaszcza patronów wspierających ją finansowo. Celem prezentowanych w artykule badań było poznanie opinii patronów na temat podcastu, a także sprawdzenie, kim są i z jakiej perspektywy dokonują swych ocen. Członkowie zespołu badawczego dołączyli do zamkniętej grupy patronów Raportu… na Facebooku i za jej pośrednictwem przeprowadzili badanie ankietowe, w którym udział wzięło 80 respondentów. Jako największe jej zalety ocenianej produkcji uczestnicy badania wskazywali jej duży profesjonalizm oraz walory poznawcze, jak również niezależność twórców. Doceniali też fakt, że audycja jest dystrybuowana w formie podcastu, co pozwala na wielokrotne korzystanie z niej w dowolnym miejscu i czasie.
The podcast Raport o stanie świata (Report on the State of the World) is a recognizable brand on the Polish media market because of the quality of production and the personality of its creator – Dariusz Rosiak. Raport… is a subjective commentary on world events by Rosiak and his associates. Its recipients are a faithful and very conscious group of listeners who have a clear opinion about this production. This applies especially to the podcast patrons who support its activities financially and guarantee its functioning. The aim of the study was to find out what the patrons’ opinions about the podcast are. In this context, it was also important to check who the respondents are and from what perspective they evaluate it. The members of the research team joined the closed group of patrons of the Raport... on FB. It was used to conduct a survey with 80 respondents. The research took place between May 10 and May 21, 2021. The survey was created and distributed on the Google Forms platform. In addition, four pre-structured interviews with patrons were conducted via the Messenger application, which allowed for the implementation of some qualitative research. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The participants of the research point towards the high professionalism of the production, its educational character, as well as the independence of the creators. They also appreciate the fact that the program is distributed in the form of a podcast, which allows one to peruse it repeatedly, anywhere and anytime.
Literatura Ludowa; 2022, 66, 2; 65-78
Pojawia się w:
Literatura Ludowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sports promotion as determinant of basketball development in Nigeria
Aina, Michael Gbemisola
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Opolska. Wydział Wychowania Fizycznego i Fizjoterapii
sport marketing
sports promotion
sports media
sports advertising
sports sponsorship
Sports federations in Nigeria have seen a steady decline in state funding while sport all over the world has become a more capital-intensive enterprise. The role of sport promotion in generating funds for grass-root sport programmes in the country is vital. This study investigates sports promotion as a determinant of basketball development in Nigeria. The key objective of this study is to examine stakeholders’ perceptions of the influence of the media, advertising and sponsorship on basketball development in Nigeria. This study has adopted a descriptive design of survey type with a population of 512 stakeholders in the Nigerian Basketball Premier League, who were all purposively selected as participants. A reliability coefficient of 0.72 was obtained. The study employed a structured questionnaire. Out of the total of 512 copies distributed, 436 were completed and analyzed. The hypotheses were tested using a Chi-square test at alpha 0.05. The findings of this study indicate that the stakeholders perceive sport advertising (Cal. ᵡ2118.450 > 16.129), sport media (Cal. ᵡ278.633 > Crit. ᵡ216.129), and sport sponsorship (Cal. ᵡ257.225 > Crit. ᵡ216.129) as significant determinants of basketball development in Nigeria. The study concluded that sport promotion indices largely determine the development of basketball in Nigeria. The implication is that increased public and private funding into basketball fosters its development in Nigeria. The study recommends more research into effective communication with target markets and active encouragement of corporate organizations; generous sponsorship promotes sports and enhances their business product image.
Journal of Physical Education & Health - Social Perspective; 2021, 10, 17; 30-35
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Physical Education & Health - Social Perspective
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
It’s not all about the profit: an analysis of changes in arts and business relations
Kamila, Lewandowska
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
arts and business
arts-business partnership
arts-based methods
rts and business relationships have been generally characterised by sponsorship and philanthropy and there are a number of studies that support this binary approach. Recently however more research and experimentation has been conducted regarding the structural changes in the arts and business relations, e.g. the emergence of various new types of arts and business collaboration, such as arts-based methods. That being said there remains a dearth of exhaustive studies that would empirically analyse these new types of collaboration and how they influence the terrain of arts and business relations. My empirical study of thirty-three arts and business organisations is one of the few studies to emphasise the changes and transitions that shape the landscape of the arts and business field today. This exploratory study recognises and describes the transition from a transactional to a more partnership-oriented approach of arts and business organisations.
Economics and Business Review; 2016, 2(16), 1
Pojawia się w:
Economics and Business Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Perspectives on the Development of Sponsorship of Catholic Ministerial Organizations with Particular Reference to Health Care
Kaleta, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
charity organizations
Catholic healthcare service
educational institutions
social service
Sponsorship in this paper is the formal relationship between an authorized Catholic organization and a recognized apostolic undertaking to promote and sustain Christ’s ministry to people in need. Sponsorship is not a static reality. Radical changes which have occurred in charitable works, largely due to the decline in religious vocations and the aging of members of institutes, led sponsoring leaders to seek for and find new approaches to sponsorship whereby their ministry could continue without compromising their identity. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to certain perspectives of the evolving understanding of sponsorship which is regularly in the process of being transformed and reshaped. It faces many challenges regarding the continuing Catholic identity of the sponsored works and the recognition of numerous new opportunities for future forms of sponsorship. This study explores certain canonical and practical perspectives for the development of the sponsorship of various forms of Catholic ministerial organizations, with particular reference to health care.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2019, 9, 2; 149-167
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Should Advertisers Avoid Controversial TV Content? Female Viewer Loyalty and Purchase Intent in the Context of Targeted Sponsorship Vignettes
Banerski, Grzegorz
Biele, Cezary
Awdziej, Marcin
Kaczyński, Adam
Molenda, Sylwester
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
sponsorship vignette
purchase intentions
controversial program
media context
Purpose: This study aims to investigate whether controversial TV content impacts the effects of non – standard advertising such as sponsorship vignette among female viewers. Methodology: The present study used two field experiments (n = 222; n = 219) conducted as a Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) questionnaire, during which video material was presented. The study manipulated controversial and non-controversial and the variable of congruence and incongruence – through the argument of video material in the form of TV programs and advertising spots. Results: The empirical investigation revealed that controversial and incongruent content does not necessarily alter the effect of a sponsorship vignette. Loyal viewers who consistently follow programs were found to have higher purchase intent than less loyal ones. Implications: The results suggest that advertisers should consider placing their messages in the context of controversial TV programming, which does not have to be congruent with the ads displayed. Limitations: The stimuli applied in the studies were arbitrary, to a certain extent. The study did not investigate program’s about sex that fit the definition of controversiality. Originality/value: The study contributes to the existing literature on ad–content congruence by investigating consumer responses to innovative ad format: the sponsorship vignette. We investigated how specific content watched in longer periods of time (i.e. a series) may impact the advertising effectiveness of embedded sponsorship vignettes. This approach allowed us to demonstrate the importance of viewers’ loyalty towards a TV program, resulting in a change of the level of purchase intent of advertised product.
Central European Management Journal; 2021, 29(2); 2-32
Pojawia się w:
Central European Management Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Entering into sponsorship agreements. Perspectives for charitable works of the Church in Poland
Kaleta, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Finansowanie dzieł charytatywnych Kościoła
umowy sponsorship
zachowanie katolickiej tożsamości
etyczne dyrektywy
Financing of charity works in the Church
sponsorship agreements
preservation of Catholic identity
ethics directives
This study explores the usage of sponsorship agreements as new forms of governance and funding in the delivery of educational and social welfare services which are struggling to support themselves. Sponsorship agreements were developed by religious institutes in the North America which founded charity entities. Significant changes affecting healthcare delivery, led leaders and managers of Catholic healthcare institutions to draw up appropriate sponsorship agreements so as to assure their Catholic identity and the charism of their works. This article aims to show the ways in which a sponsorship agreement may be drawn up in order to enable a church entity to carry out its charitable works effectively. The author commences with great focus on canon law and the legal definition of “sponsorship” in order to further determine the necessary requirements to establish public juridic persons for healthcare ministry. The requirements of Catholic healthcare agreements provide the crucial part of the text. This includes the following elements: 1) Catholic mission; 2) Catholic identity; 3) compliance with canon law; 4) ownership; and 5) reserved powers. These elements should be taken into account especially when sponsorship agreements involve non Catholic parties. The analysis of sponsorship agreements is based on the new legal arrangements developed in the U.S.A. and in Canada. Its purpose is to provide practical guidance for sponsorship agreements in Poland, which is yet unknown both in civil and canon law. This article provides practical guidance for sponsorship agreements that are constantly affected by numerous social and economic changes.
Prawo Kanoniczne; 2019, 62, 1; 83-104
Pojawia się w:
Prawo Kanoniczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niewykorzystany komunikacyjnie przez polski biznes potencjał Zimowych Igrzysk Olimpijskich w Pjongczang. Raport z badań
Missed communication by Polish business potential of the Olympic Winter Games in PyongChang. Research report
Kończak, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii
komunikacja sponsoringowa
budowa marki
igrzyska olimpijskie
reprezentacja olimpijska
ruch olimpijski
sponsorship communication
brand building
olympic games
olympic team
olympic movement
Potencjał komunikacyjny i marketingowy igrzysk olimpijskich nie jest wystarczająco wykorzystywany przez firmy w Polsce. Ograniczone prawa sponsorów, brak brandingu i możliwości działań promocyjnych na igrzyskach, restrykcyjne ograniczenia w komunikacji, krótki czas zainteresowania reprezentacją olimpijską oraz duża liczba innych sponsorów to główne powody braku zainteresowania sponsoringiem olimpijskim w Polsce wśród firm komercyjnych oraz ograniczonej komunikacji marek wokół igrzysk.
The communication and marketing potential of the olympic games is not sufficiently used by companies in Poland. Limited sponsors’ rights, the lack of branding and promotional opportunities at the games, communication restrictions, short time of interest in the olympic team and a large number of other sponsors are the main reasons for the lack of interest in olympic sponsorship in Poland among commercial companies and limited brand communications.
Studia Medioznawcze; 2018, 3 (74); 103-113
Pojawia się w:
Studia Medioznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dwa sety komercjalizacji. Studium porównawcze siatkówki w Hiszpanii i Polsce
Two Sets of Commercialization—Comparative Analysis of Marketization of Volleyball in Poland and Spain
Kossabucka, Anna
Kossakowski, Radosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Piłka siatkowa to dyscyplina, która coraz widoczniej zaznacza swoją obecność w polskim sporcie. Autorzy skupiają się na ukazaniu przemian, jakie zaszły w polskiej (głównie męskiej) siatkówce wraz z procesami jej profesjonalizacji oraz komercjalizacji. Sukces „marki”, jaką stała się piłka siatkowa w Polsce, konfrontowany jest w tekście z zupełnie odmiennymi realiami tej dyscypliny w Hiszpanii. Dyskurs urynkowienia piłki siatkowej w kraju, gdzie dominuje piłka nożna jest zupełnie inny. Autorzy starają się porównać sytuację dyscypliny w obu krajach i odpowiedzieć na pytanie, dlaczego komercjalizacja siatkówki w Hiszpanii przebiega w zupełnie inny sposób niż w Polsce. Analizę oparto na badaniach empirycznych. Przeprowadzono kilkanaście wywiadów z zawodnikami, trenerami, menadżerami, dziennikarzami, sponsorami oraz działaczami siatkarskimi hiszpańskimi oraz polskimi. Uzyskane dane pomagają oszacować blaski i cienie procesu komercjalizacji siatkówki w obu krajach.
Volleyball is a discipline that is making its presence felt stronger and more visible among other Polish sports. The authors focus on presenting the changes that have occurred in Polish (male) volleyball along with the process of continuing professionalization and commercialization. The remarkable recognition of “brand,” which Polish volleyball became, is confronted in the article with entirely different reality in Spain. The discourse of volleyball marketization in Spain where football is dominant is quite different. The authors try to compare the situation of the discipline in both countries and find the answer to the question why commercialization of volleyball in Spain proceeds in such a different way. The comparison of the situation of volleyball in both countries is based on empirical research. Several interviews were conducted among Spanish and Polish people involved in volleyball. The data helped to assess the pros and cons of the commercialization of volleyball in both countries.
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej; 2015, 11, 2; 160-184
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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