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Characteristics of ambulance intervention for female patients in perinatal period
Charakterystyka interwencji pogotowia ratunkowego do pacjentek w okresie okołoporodowym
Abramowska, Justyna
Jayamaha, Akila Randika
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Pomocy Doraźnej
emergency medical service.
perinatal period
INTRODUCTION: In pre-hospital conditions, the diagnosis of patients in the perinatal period is very limited. Emergency ambulance calls to pregnant women should only apply to emergency situations related to the risk of maternal and / or foetal life. The aim of the work is to draw a patient's profile in the perinatal period, to which the intervention team undertakes medical emergency. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study group consisted of 119 calls in 2018 selected from 12854 ambulance interventions in the operational area of central Poland. Data was obtained from medical records. The analysis was carried out using the Statisticaver program. 13.1. The threshold of α=0.05 was considered as the level of significance, however, significant results at the level of 0.05 < p < 0.10 were considered significant at the level of statistical tendency. RESULTS: The median age in the group was 27 years (SD±8 years). The vast majority of cases (67.23%) were women without labor. The delivery was diagnosed in 27.73% of patients. The average pregnancy time was 27.5 weeks (SD±22). Most often, patients were intervened in the place of residence (84.87%), and the least frequently at work (2.52%). The increase in the number of calls was recorded in November and December. The most common reasons for the calls were childbirth and abdominal pain. The burden of medical history was found in 16 patients. Life parameters including the state of consciousness, respiratory and circulatory system were in the majority in the norm. CONCLUSIONS: Emergency ambulance interventions for pregnant women are a low percentage of all calls and usually involve pain and bleeding from the genital tract. In most cases, the examined patients are in the third trimester of pregnancy, and their condition can be described as stable. Calls are usually made in the winter season, and the place of the event is the patient's own home. Further research, directed at the educational needs of pregnant women, is recommended.
WSTĘP: W warunkach przedszpitalnych diagnostyka pacjentek znajdujących się w okresie perinatalnym jest bardzo ograniczona. Wezwania pogotowia ratunkowego do kobiet w ciąży powinny dotyczyć wyłącznie sytuacji nagłych, związanych z wystąpieniem stanu zagrożenia życia matki i/lub płodu. Celem pracy jest próba nakreślenia profilu pacjentki w okresie okołoporodowym, do której interwencje podejmuje zespół ratownictwa medycznego. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Grupę badaną stanowiło 119 wezwań w 2018 r. wyselekcjonowanych spośród 12854 interwencji pogotowia ratunkowego w rejonie operacyjnym centralnej Polski. Dane pozyskano z dokumentacji medycznej. Analizę przeprowadzono przy użyciu programu Statisticaver. 13.1. Za poziom istotności uznano próg α=0,05, jednakże wyniki istotne na poziomie 0,05 < p < 0,10 uznawano za istotne na poziomie tendencji statystycznej. WYNIKI: Mediana wieku w grupie wyniosła 27 lat (SD ± 8 lat). Zdecydowaną większość przypadków (67,23%) stanowiły kobiety bez czynności porodowej. Akcję porodową rozpoznano u 27,73% pacjentek. Średni czas ciąży wyniósł 27,5 tygodni (SD±22). Najczęściej interweniowano w miejscu zamieszkania pacjentek (84,87%), a najrzadziej w pracy (2,52%). Wzrost liczby wezwań odnotowano w listopadzie i grudniu. Najczęstszymi powodami wezwań był poród i bóle brzucha. Obciążający wywiad chorobowy stwierdzono u 16 pacjentek. Parametry życiowe obejmujące stan świadomości, układ oddechowy i krążeniowy w zdecydowanej większości mieściły się w normie. WNIOSKI: Interwencje pogotowia ratunkowego do kobiet w ciąży stanowią niski odsetek wszystkich wezwań i dotyczą zazwyczaj dolegliwości bólowych oraz krwawienia z dróg rodnych. Badane pacjentki w większości przypadków znajdują się w trzecim trymestrze ciąży, a ich stan można określić jako stabilny. Wezwania są realizowane najczęściej w sezonie zimowym, a miejsce zdarzenia stanowi własny dom pacjentki. Wskazane są dalsze badania ukierunkowane na potrzeby edukacyjne kobiet w ciąży.
Critical Care Innovations; 2019, 2, 2; 17-24
Pojawia się w:
Critical Care Innovations
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Black, White and Blue: Pregnancy and Unsettled Binaries in The Masque of Blackness (1605)
Aebischer, Pascale
Sparey, Victoria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
body paint
set design
Queen Anna of Denmark
Ben Jonson
Inigo Jones
This article examines the construction of national and racial identities within Ben Jonson’s and Inigo Jones’s Masque of Blackness against the backdrop of King James’ investment in creating a ‘British’ union at the start of his reign. The article re-examines the blackface performance of the Queen and her ladies in the contexts of the Queen’s and Inigo Jones’ European connections, the Queen’s reputation as ‘wilful’, and her pregnant body’s ability to evoke widespread cultural beliefs about the maternal imagination’s power to determine a child’s racial make-up. We argue that the masque’s striking use of blue-face along with black and white-face reveals a deep investment in Britain’s ancient customs which stands in tension with Blackness’ showcasing of foreign bodies, technologies, and cultural reference points. By demonstrating the significance of understanding Queen Anna’s pregnancy and her ‘wilful’ personality within the context of early modern humoral theory, moreover, we develop existing discussions of the humoral theory that underpins the masque’s representation of racial identities. We suggest that the Queen’s pregnant performance in blackface, by reminding the viewer that her maternal mind could ‘will’ the racial identity of royal progeny into being, had the power to unsettle King James I’s white male nationalist supremacy in the very act of celebrating it before their new English court and its foreign guests.
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance; 2020, 22, 37; 15-36
Pojawia się w:
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Computer-assisted assessment of ovarian echotexture parameters in mares following changes after ovulation determined by ultrasonography
Akkus, T.
Korkmaz, Ö.
Emre, B.
Zonturlu, A.K.
Yaprakci, Ö.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
computer-aided analysis program
embryonic death
ovarian echotexture
This study was carried out to determine the time-dependent changes in the ultrasonographic image of the ovary with computer-assisted analysis programs at certain intervals after ovulation and to determine whether computer-assisted analysis programs and ovulation programs can be managed in cases where the ovulation time is unknown. The study included 40 purebred Arab mares. The study was subdivided into 4 different time periods of 6 (Group 1), 12 (Group 2), 18 (Group 3) and 24 (Group 4) hours following ovulation. In addition, after ovulation and ultrasonographic examination, natural insemination was performed at 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours, and pregnancy examination and follow-up were performed at 15-30-45 days. In the echotexture analysis, mean grayness value (MGV) and contrast (CON) measurements were at different levels according to the time groups (p<0.001). Homogeneity (HOM) measurements were at different levels according to the time groups (p<0.001). A very strong, significant negative correlation was determined between MGV and pregnancy rates (r=-0.91, p=0.01, p<0.05). No significant relationship was observed between HOM values and pregnancy rates (r=0.19, p=0.23, p>0.05). A very strong, significant negative correlation was determined between CON and pregnancy rates (r=-0.92, p=0.01, p<0.05). It was concluded that the use of ultrasonographic echotexture in mares after ovulation provided very important information. In cases where the time of ovulation was not known, by looking at the values of echotexture parameters, it was seen that the highest pregnancy rates were at the 6th hour and the lowest pregnancy rates were at the 24th hour. As the echotexture parameters MGV and CON increased, it was determined that pregnancy rates decreased, but there was no relationship between them and the HOM value.
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences; 2022, 25, 4; 525-533
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Review of: Marry Patrice Erdmans, Timothy Black (2015). Becoming a teen mom. Life before pregnancy. University of California Press Oakland, California, pp. 330.
Alicja, Zbierzchowska,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
teen mom
social pedagogy
In the countries of western culture raising a family by adult persons is a typical aspect. Besides, for 20 years we have been observing a trend of age increasing when women first become mothers in Poland approximately at the age of 27. As a consequence, teen maternity can be defined as an unpunctual event.
Papers of Social Pedagogy; 2016, 5(2); 83-85
Pojawia się w:
Papers of Social Pedagogy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie obrazu partnera w kształtowaniu się matczynej reprezentacji dziecka u kobiet w ciąży
The importance of an internal image of the partner in the development of maternal representation of the child
Andrasiak, Emilia
Gracka-Tomaszewska, Milena
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
anxiety about the infant
lęk o dziecko
matczyna reprezentacja dziecka
maternal representation of the infant
projections of mother on her infant
projekcje matki na dziecko
representation of self as a mother
representation of the infant during pregnancy
representation of the partner
representation of the partner as a father
reprezentacja dziecka w czasie ciąży
reprezentacja partnera
reprezentacja partnera jako ojca
reprezentacja siebie jako matki
rola ojca
the role of a father
One of the basic interests in studies of infant psychiatry is maternal representation of the infant. It is defined as an internal image of the infant, encompassing one’s own opinion about the infant’s needs, preferences and personality, as well as evaluation of perceived features, behaviors and emotional attitude to the infant. It is a complex concept, including schemes of the mother herself, her partner, her own mother and father and other significant people in her life. Elements of maternal representation influence the psychological development of the infant through the motherinfant relationship. The paper presents the subject of the relationship between an internal image of the partner and the maternal representation of the infant. It describes representations a woman develops during pregnancy. In the introduction, literature review and methodology of the empirical study is presented. Thirty nine pregnant women were asked to describe themselves, their infant and its father and were interviewed with an open-question questionnaire to investigate representations of self as a mother and representation of the partner as a father. Material was estimated by competent jurors and quantitative and qualitative analysis was performed. Emotional features of descriptions as well as anxiety about the infant were significantly related to an internal image of self as a mother, and the partner as a father. Also representation of the father was significantly related to self-consciousness in the role of the mother. In conclusion, psychodynamical interpretation and clinical implications of the results are described.
W psychiatrii niemowląt jednym z podstawowych przedmiotów badania jest matczyna reprezentacja dziecka. Jest to wewnętrzny obraz dziecka, zawierający przekonania o jego potrzebach, preferencjach, osobowości, ocenę jego cech, zachowań oraz emocjonalny stosunek do dziecka. To złożony konstrukt, na który składają się również schematy dotyczące samej matki, jej partnera, własnej matki, ojca oraz innych znaczących osób w jej życiu. Poszczególne jego składowe mają wpływ na relację matki z dzieckiem, a za jej pośrednictwem na jego rozwój psychiczny. Praca podejmuje temat związku pomiędzy sposobem postrzegania partnera a obrazem dziecka u matki. Odnosi się do reprezentacji, jakie kobieta tworzy jeszcze w okresie ciąży. Na wstępie przedstawiono przegląd literatury i metody badania oraz postawiono pytania badawcze. W badaniu wzięło udział 39 kobiet w ciąży, które dokonywały opisów siebie, dziecka oraz jego ojca i wypełniały test zdań niedokończonych odnoszących się do reprezentacji siebie jako matki i partnera jako ojca. Materiał został oceniony przez sędziów kompetentnych oraz poddany analizie ilościowej i jakościowej. Stwierdzono zależności pomiędzy ogólnym wydźwiękiem emocjonalnym opisów poszczególnych osób, lękiem o dziecko a obrazem matki i ojca jako rodziców oraz pewnością siebie jako matki a matczyną reprezentacją ojca dziecka. Praca zakończona jest propozycją rozumienia wyników w odniesieniu do teorii psychodynamicznych oraz implikacji, jakie dla praktyki klinicznej niosą stwierdzone zależności.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2009, 9, 2; 86-91
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Isoenzymes of N-acetyl-β-hexosaminidase in complicated pregnancy
Arciuch, Leszek
Bielecki, Dariusz
Borzym, Małgorzata
Południewski, Grzegorz
Arciszewki, Krzysztof
Różański, Andrzej
Zwierz, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Biochemiczne
The activity of N-acetyl-β-hexosaminidase was found to be significantly higher in the placentas collected after delivery from women in puerperium with symptoms of prolonged pregnancy or complicated by EPH gestosis, than in placentas from normal pregnancy. Isoelectrofocusing of placenta homogenates showed the presence of isoenzymes A, P and B of N-acetyl-β-hexosaminidase. Different isoenzyme A patterns in homogenates were observed in placentas obtained from normal and prolonged pregnancies and in those complicated by EPH gestosis.
Acta Biochimica Polonica; 1999, 46, 4; 977-983
Pojawia się w:
Acta Biochimica Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of correlation between vitamin D level and prevalence of preterm births in the population of pregnant women in Poland
Baczyńska-Strzecha, Marta
Kalinka, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
vitamin D
preterm delivery
vitamin D deficiency
preterm birth
preterm labor
Objectives Aim of this project is determination of the correlation between the level of vitamin D in blood serum and duration of pregnancy in population in central Poland. Material and Methods 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) level was determined in blood serum, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Standardized history of each patient was recorded. The history included: general medical history, data regarding the course of pregnancy and information about health-related behavior that could influence vitamin D concentration. Two hundred-and-one Caucasian women at childbirth were qualified into the study. The study group was divided into 2 parts: 100 patients who had a spontaneous premature birth and 101 patients who had birth at full term. Results Vitamin D deficiency (< 30 ng/ml) was very common for both groups (69.6% of patients in the premature group and 72% – in the control group). Patients who had a premature birth had severe vitamin D deficiency (less than 10 ng/ml) more often than in the control group (34% vs. 14.2%, p = 0.001). Severe vitamin D deficiency increased the risk of premature birth but the association was not statistically significant in the multivariate regression model (odds ratio (OR) = 2.47, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.86–7.15, p = 0.094). Conclusions Severe vitamin D deficiency (< 10 ng/ml) may be the factor increasing the risk of preterm birth. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(6):933–941
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2017, 30, 6; 933-941
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Acetylsalicylic acid in prevention of preeclampsia
Bałabuszek, Kamil
Mroczek, Anna
Pawlicka, Marta
Radzka, Agnieszka
Bednarski, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
acetylsalicylic acid
Preeclampsia is a frequent and dangerous complication of pregnancy. It is a significant cause of death for the mother and baby. In the course of this disease, the blood flow in the placenta is impaired, what leads to foetus hypoxia. It is characterized by high blood pressure and frequently large amount of protein in urine. To describe whether acetylsalicylic acid is effective in prevention of preeclampsia. Standard up-to-date criteria were followed for review of the literature data. A search for English-language articles in PubMed database was performed. Papers published in 2017 were reviewed. In double-blind trial published in 2017 in The New England Journal of Medicine researchers divided women who were at high risk for preeclampsia into two groups. One group was receiving acetylsalicylic acid and other was receiving placebo. Preeclampsia was observed in 1.6% participants in the acetylsalicylic acid group, compared with 4.3% in the placebo group. From other study we found out that acetylsalicylic acid has a dose-response effect. Greater reduction in the risk of preeclampsia was reported with the acetylsalicylic acid dosage >75 mg/d. When acetylsalicylic acid was included in treatment at >16 weeks, there was less reduction of preeclampsia without relationship with acetylsalicylic acid dosage. Other meta-analysis shows that there was no statistically significant difference in occurrence of preeclampsia between women who started taking acetylsalicylic acid before and after 16th week of pregnancy. Acetylsalicylic acid is a good agent to prevent of preeclampsia. It should be prescribed to women in high risk groups regardless of the duration of pregnancy even though it may not reduce the risk of preeclampsia as much as before 16th week of gestation.
World Scientific News; 2018, 101; 229-236
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan rozwoju mowy dzieci urodzonych z ciąży bliźniaczej i ciąży pojedynczej – analiza porównawcza
The State of Speech Development of Single – and Twin-Born Children – Comparative Analysis
Balcerzak, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Logopedyczne
ontogeneza mowy
ciąża mnoga
rozwój mowy bliźniąt
opoźnienie w rozwoju mowy
speech ontogenesis
twin pregnancy
twins’ language development
delay in twin’s speech development
W niniejszym artykule podjęto temat rozwoju mowy dzieci urodzonych z ciąży mnogiej. Z uwagi na specyficzne uwarunkowania społeczne, a także szczególne obciążenia neotologiczne bliźniąt, należą one do grupy dzieci z ryzykiem zaburzeń rozwojowych. Przejawem zaburzeń roz-woju dzieci z ciąż mnogich mogą być zaburzenia dynamiki w nabywaniu systemu językowego. Na potrzeby niniejszego opracowania badań dokonano analizy porównawczej stanu kompetencji i sprawności językowych w zakresie poszczególnych podsystemów języka grupy dzieci z ciąży po-jedynczej oraz grupy bliźniąt. Za problemem badawczy przyjęto pytanie: czy szczególne uwarun-kowania biologiczne i środowiskowe bliźniąt determinują dynamikę nabywania przez nie systemu językowego? Badaniem objęto dziewięcioro dzieci 3-letnich, w tym trzy pary rodzeństwa bliźnia-czego stanowiących grupę badaną oraz troje dzieci urodzonych z ciąży pojedynczej, stanowiących grupę kontrolną.
This article presents the subject of speech development of twin-born children. Due to the significant importance of environmental and neotological factors, twins are considered to be at risk of developmental disorders. This is manifested by language delay and quantitative and qualitative differences in all aspects of the language, compared to children born from single pregnancies. In this study it was made a comparative analysis of the state of linguistic competences of all language subsystems in the group of single- and twin-born children. The research problem has become the question: do the specific biological and environmental conditions of twin pregnancy determine the dynamics of acquiring the language system by them? The study concerned nine 3-year-old children, including three pairs of twins constituting the research group and three children born from a single pregnancy constituting the control group.
Logopedia; 2020, 49, 2; 177-196
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dyskurs polityczny i prawny o ustawie z dnia 27 kwietnia 1956 r. o warunkach dopuszczalności przerywania ciąży
Political and legal discourse concerning the Act of 27 April 1956 on the conditions for the admissibility of the termination of pregnancy
Baranowska, Marta
Fiktus, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Act of 27 April 1956 on the Admissibility of the Termination of Pregnancy
pregnancy termination
legal discourse
Penal Code of 1932
first term of the Sejm of the Polish People’s Republic
ustawa z dnia 27 kwietnia 1956 r. o warunkach dopuszczalności przerywania ciąży
przerywanie ciąży
dyskurs prawny
kodeks karny z 1932 r.
Sejm Polskiej Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej I kadencji
Przedmiotem badawczym artykułu są argumenty przedstawione przez posłów na forum Sejmu Polskiej Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej I kadencji podczas prac legislacyjnych nad ustawą z dnia 27 kwietnia 1956 r. o warunkach dopuszczalności przerywania ciąży oraz debata prawników komentujących aspekty prawne tych nowych regulacji. W debacie parlamentarnej dominowały głosy popierające ustawę, zgodne z linią partii rządzącej, ale pojawiły się też pojedyncze wypowiedzi krytyczne wobec proponowanych rozwiązań. Wśród prawników komentujących nowo uchwalone prawo pojawiły się również głosy popierające i krytyczne. Prawnicy koncentrowali się na wykładni nowego prawa, wskazując na trudności interpretacyjne czy brak regulacji części istotnych kwestii związanych z przerywaniem ciąży. Poznanie argumentów, które przedstawiali zarówno politycy, jak i prawnicy komentujący ustawę z 1956 r. o przerywaniu ciąży ma wartość historyczną, a ukazany w artykule dyskurs polityczny i prawniczy może być również interesującym materiałem, który można porównać ze współczesną debatą.
The aim of the article is to portray the arguments presented by the deputies to the first term of the Sejm of the Polish People’s Republic during the legislative work on the Act of 27 April 1956 on the admissibility of the termination of pregnancy as well as the debates of lawyers who commented on the legal aspects of these new regulations. The parliamentary debate was dominated by voices which supported the law in accordance with the ruling party’s stance. However, there were also individual criticisms of the proposed solutions. Among the lawyers commenting on the newly enacted law, there were both supportive and critical voices. They lawyers focused on the interpretation of the new law and pointed to the difficulties with their interpretation or the lack of regulation of some vital issues related to the termination of pregnancy. Learning about the arguments presented by both the politicians and lawyers who commented on the 1956 Act on the termination of pregnancy has its own historical value. The political and legal discourse presented in the present article may also be an interesting source that can be compared with the contemporary debate on the subject.
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne; 2022, 74, 1; 253-278
Pojawia się w:
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyczyny gorszych wyników położniczych u kobiet chorujących na schizofrenię
Reasons for adverse pregnancy outcomes among women with schizophrenia
Barasińska‑Tarka, Ewa
Kłoszewska, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
child’s health
obstetric complications
perinatal period
pregnancy outcome
komplikacje położnicze
okres okołoporodowy
stan zdrowia dziecka
wynik ciąży
Aim of paper: Investigate the factors influencing health of infants born to women suffering from schizophrenia. Material and methods: It has been designed as a retrospective subjective evaluation of mental state of women with diagnosis of schizophrenia during pregnancy. The survey was conducted among 64 women aged 20‑44 years, who were diagnosed before becoming pregnant. Each enrolled patient underwent psychiatric examination first, then filled questionnaire constructed by the author of the study. Results and conclusions: The results that were obtained confirmed the hypothesis that children of women with schizophrenia more often than those born by healthy women have serious health complications, and infant mortality rate in this group is higher than in the general population. Better outcomes have been demonstrated in obstetric married women, living with her husband during pregnancy, women who had not experienced miscarriages in past, who gave birth on time and became pregnant during the remission of symptoms of schizophrenia. Women who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia earlier (on average 5 years) gave birth to healthy children more often than women, who received diagnosis later. The compliance to the treating psychiatrist recommendations and the first pregnancy are both favourable prognostics of good health of the newborn child. Other analysed factors haven’t had significant influence on children’s health.
Cele pracy: Poszerzenie wiedzy na temat czynników, które mogą mieć wpływ na stan zdrowia dzieci urodzonych przez kobiety chorujące na schizofrenię. Materiał i metody: Badanie zaplanowano jako retrospektywną, subiektywną ocenę samopoczucia w okresie ciąży przez kobiety chorujące na schizofrenię i objęto nim grupę 64 kobiet w wieku 20‑44 lat. U wszystkich badanych chorobę psychiczną rozpoznano przed zajściem w ciążę. Każda zakwalifikowana do badania pacjentka była uprzednio poddana badaniu psychiatrycznemu, po czym wypełniała ankietę skonstruowaną przez autorkę badania. Wyniki i wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają na potwierdzenie hipotezy, że dzieci kobiet ze schizofrenią częściej niż dzieci kobiet zdrowych wykazują poważne komplikacje zdrowotne, a współczynnik umieralności niemowląt w tej grupie jest większy niż w populacji ogólnej. Lepsze wyniki położnicze wykazano u kobiet zamężnych, zamieszkujących w trakcie ciąży z mężem, kobiet, które nigdy wcześniej nie doświadczały poronień, urodziły w planowanym terminie i zaszły w ciążę w okresie remisji objawów schizofrenii. Kobiety, u których schizofrenię rozpoznano wcześniej (średnio o 5 lat), częściej rodziły dzieci zdrowe niż kobiety, u których rozpoznanie ustalono później. Częściej w dobrym stanie zdrowia były dzieci kobiet, które deklarowały, że stosowały się do zaleceń psychiatry, a obecna ciąża była ich pierwszą. Poza wymienionymi czynnikami zbadano szereg kolejnych, które okazały się nie mieć istotnego wpływu na stan zdrowia dzieci.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2011, 11, 4; 206-213
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) pathogenesis, diagnostics, classification and treatment options
Barbachowska, Aleksandra
Krzanik, Klaudia
Baliś, Mikołaj
Janosz, Iwona
Bodzek, Piotr
Olejek, Anita
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
multiple pregnancy
prenatal diagnosis
twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) belongs to the group of multiple monochorionic pregnancies complications. The pathogenesis of this syndrome is not entirely clear, however there is a correlation between the location of the placentas trailers of umbilical cord, and the tendency to its occurrence. Moreover it is characterized by the existence of vascular connections in common placenta. It results in hemodynamic disorders, which consist in full leakage from one fetus called a "donor" to another fetus called the "recipient". Hypotony, hypotrophy, hypovolemia, anemia and oliguria are being developed in donor’s as the result. Whereas the second fetus is under the risk of hypertrophy, hypertension, hypervolaemia, polycythemia and polyhydramnios. TTTS is a complication occurring in 10-15% of all monochorionic pregnancies. If no treatment is performed the fetal mortality occurs in 60-100% of cases. Diagnosis of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is based on ultrasound assessment of amniotic fluid volume. The conditions of diagnose are: the occurrence of common chorioid for both twins in the first trimester and measurement of the maximum fluid pocket. The main and preferred therapeutic method is fetoscopic laser coagulation of vascular connections. Treatment depends on the age of the fetus. The most important factor affecting prognosis is early diagnosis of TTTS and consultation at the reference center of fetal therapy.
World Scientific News; 2018, 93; 1-9
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Satisfaction with perinatal care in women giving birth during the COVID-19 pandemic
Bejer, Agnieszka
Dziedzic, Agnieszka
Fedurko, Weronika
Frydrych, Angelika
Świst, Bernadetta
Schwartz, Marta
Majcher, Angelika
Inglot, Adrian
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
COVID-19 pandemic
quality of perinatal care
Introduction and aim. The role of a medical team during the perinatal period is significant, since it not only focuses on the patients’ physical health, but also impacts mental wellbeing. The aim of this study is to compare the level of satisfaction with the quality of care provided by healthcare professionals during pregnancy and perinatal period before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods. The study was conducted among 102 women who had at least two births, one in the pre-pandemic period and the other during the pandemic. An original questionnaire (53 items) was used to assess the quality of medical care. Results. The assessment of the quality of medical care, and the emotional and informational support received from medical personnel during pregnancy and perinatal care was significantly higher before the COVID-19 pandemic (p<0.001). During the pandemic, the respondents experienced significantly more anxiety about their health (p=0.027) and their baby’s health (p=0.028) as well as anxiety caused by the lack of a partner during labor (p<0.001). Conclusion. It is necessary to further evaluate the quality of medical care for pregnant and perinatal women in order to determine the best possible procedures for the functioning of health care in the time of a pandemic.
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; 2023, 2; 239-244
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pregnancy-related changes in centre of pressure during gait
Bertuit, J.
Leyh, C.
Rooze, M.
Feipel, F.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
zdrowie kobiety
centre of pressure
Physical and hormonal modifications occuring during the pregnancy, can lead to an increase in postural instability and to a higher risk of falls during gait. The first objective was to describe the center of pressure (COP) during late pregnancy at different gait velocity. Comparison of nulliparous women with postpartum women were conducted in order to investigate the effects of pregnancy. The second objective was to analyse COP variability between pregnant and non-pregnant women in order to investigate the effects of regnancy on gait variability. Methods: Fifty-eight pregnant women in the last four months of pregnancy, nine postpartum women and twenty-three healthy non-pregnant women performed gait trials at three different speeds: preferred, slow and fast. Results: In the last four months of pregnancy gait velocity decreased. During the pregnancy, gait velocity decreased by 22%, stopover time increased by 6–12%, COP excursion XY decreased by 5% and COP velocity decreased by 16% and 20% along the anteroposterior and transverse axes, respectively. After delivery, gait velocity increased by 3% but remained a lower compared to non-pregnant women (–12%). Intra-individual variability was greater for non-pregnant than pregnant women. Conclusions: COP parameters were influenced by pregnancy. This suggests that pregnant women establish very specific and individual strategies with the aim of maintaining stability during gait.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2017, 19, 4; 95-102
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Temporal and spatial parameters of gait during pregnancy
Bertuit, J.
Feipel, V.
Rooze, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Wrocławska. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej
analiza lokomocji
gait analysis
The objective of this study was to describe spatial and temporal parameters during gait in pregnant women, and to compare it with women in post-partum and with a control group. Methods: To investigate alteration in natural locomotion, we used an electronic walkway (GAITRite system). Fifty-eight pregnant women (four last months of pregnancy), nine post-partum women and twenty-three healthy nulligravidae women participated in this study. The women performed the motor task at three different speeds: preferred, fast and slow. Spatial and temporal parameters for pregnant and non-pregnant were compared. Results: In pregnant women, gait speed, step length and cadence were reduced. Consequently, cycle time was longer. The gait cycle was modified by an increase of stance phase and a decrease of swing phase. As a result, an increase of double support and a decrease of single support phases were observed. Step width increased by 15%. Conclusions: The pattern of gait displayed significant modifications during pregnancy as compared to nulliparous women. These changes favour a more stable and safe gait. After childbirth, women kept some characteristics of gait in pregnancy during 8 months.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics; 2015, 17, 2; 93-101
Pojawia się w:
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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