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Analiza statusu prawnego Rzecznika Praw Pacjenta – zagadnienia wybrane
Analysis of the legal status of Patient Ombudsman after its six-year operation
Drozdowska, Urszula
Śliwka, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
patients’ rights
Patient Ombudsman
Polish Patient Ombudsman (PPO) was established to protect individual and collective patients’ rights. Contrary to original plans, it was established as an organ of central government administration. Therefore, the name may be confusing, as it suggests that PPO belongs to the group of entities similar to traditional ombudsmen. In fact, it implements government policy. This lack of independence is associated with the necessity of giving PPO the power to impose penalties for breach of the so called “collective patients’ rights”. Accordingly, PPO can be considered as a kind of “subtype” of the Ombudsman only from the perspective of competencies in relation to violation of the individual patient’s rights. The article analyzes the origins of the Patient Ombudsman institution in Poland, its place in Polish polity and its legal prerogatives in comparison to other bodies that offer protection of patient’s rights. The authors analyze in detail the competence of the Patient Ombudsman in case of violation of individual and collective patients’ rights.
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS; 2015, 3(47); 9-34
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pozycja Rzecznika Praw Pacjenta w polskim systemie ustrojowo-prawnym
Position of the Ombudsman of Patient’s Rights in the Polish legal system
Hoffmann, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
prawa pacjenta
Rzecznik Praw Pacjenta
Patient’s Rights Ombudsman
medical law
Artykuł porusza kwestię pozycji prawnoustrojowej Rzecznika Praw Pacjenta, a także jego zadań i kompetencji. Autor dochodzi do wniosku, iż Rzecznik Praw Pacjenta nie jest typowym ombudsmanem, a jego działalność jest ściśle podporządkowana władzy wykonawczej, co zaprzecza niezależności charakterystycznej dla potencjalnego ombudsmana. W artykule zastosowano dwie metody badawcze, takie jak analiza systemowa oraz instytucjonalna. Subsydiarnie zastosowano metodę historyczną oraz obserwacji. Jako techniki badawcze użyto analizę treści aktów prawnych, analizę tekstów opracowań specjalistycznych oraz analizę innych dokumentów
The article deals with issues related to the legal and systemic position of the patient ombudsman, as well as his tasks and competences. The author concludes that the ombudsman is not a typical ombudsman and that his activity is strictly subordinate to the executive, which is a denial of independence characteristic of a potential ombudsman. The article uses several research methods, such as system analysis and institutional analysis. The comparative, historical and observational methods were used subordinately. The research techniques used in the article include the analysis of the content of legal acts, the analysis of the texts of specialist studies, and the analysis of other documents.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego; 2021, 1 (59); 311-331
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Łaska‑Formejster, Alicja
Sudra, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie
health, the profile of the contemporary patient, socialisation to the Polish empowered patient, complaints and requests, Patients Ombudsman
The aim of the article is to present unmet expectations and needs of patients concerning the scope and quality of medical care. The complaints submitted with the Patients Ombudsman at the Ministry of Health have been deemed as exemplary, since this is a central authority of governmental administration relevant in cases regarding the protection of patients specified in the act, which encompasses the entire country in the scope of its powers. This is also the authority which has most often appeared in the mass media, hence it is the most probable thatthe patients will address exactly this institution with any problem they may have (very often without knowing any other way or procedure). The aim of the article is also to present selected strategies assumed by thepatients to allow them to solve the encountered difficulties. Recipients of benefits more and more effectively manage and undertake effective actions aimed at obtaining assistance to the extent they expect. They adopt attitudes proving the assumption of responsibility for their own health (empowered), which is proved even by their Internet activity to the extent of which they search for information on e.g. disease prevention, treatment, application of medicines or good nutrition (however, the conclusions in this regard one cannot generalize interms of the whole population of people enjoying medical benefits). In addition, the article presents also a process of changes with respect to the attitudes towards the value of health and changes occurring in the profile of the modern patient. Presentation of the selected problem area was made on the basis of the results of qualitative analysis of the scope and nature of the complaints submitted with the Patients’ Ombudsman (2009–2013) as well as a selective review and survey of the literature and its analysis.
Studia Humanistyczne AGH; 2018, 17, 3
Pojawia się w:
Studia Humanistyczne AGH
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Protection of Patient Rights by The Patient Rights Ombudsman
Jacek, Anna
Ożóg, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
The Patient Rights Ombudsman has become another body for the investiga-tion of patients’ claims . For independence from the State bodies, the Ombudsman should be a single, term-limited body appointed and dismissed by the Sejm . He can pass the case to the public prosecutor’s office, appoint experts and request for expertise . To sum up, the Ombudsman is one of the mechanisms to ensure respect for patient rights . However, the act on PR does not limit the scope of the constitu-tional powers of ombudsmen, who may also take action in the area of health pro-tection . The ombudsman can ask them to take action within their competence . The analysis of the reports of the Office of the Patient Rights Ombudsman and the views of the representatives of the doctrine of patient rights, allows to draw some conclusions concerning the violations of the rights of patients . A particu-larly widespread phenomenon was violation of the right to consent to the provi-sion of health benefits, as well as restricting access to health services . Medical personnel do not respect the rights of the patient to the respect for their intimacy and dignity, and the right to information . Patients are not aware of the process and way of treatment and do not know the refund policy . Most cases of violations in Poland was due to ignorance of the applicable laws . Patients’ claims relating to their rights will improve the quality of provided health benefits and determine the 10position of the patient as an equal participant in the health system . Patients have unparalleled access to medical knowledge via modern means of communication, they have never had such possibilities for controlling the regularity of medical actions . The effect of these changes is an increase in the number of claims against the medical staff the entities providing medical services . To sum up, the execution of patient rights requires continuous education among medical personnel, which should be carried out on the initiative of the heads of the entities and professional authorities . We should also improve awareness of patients by conducting national information and communication actions.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2016, 24, 1; 9-22
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawa pacjenta z perspektywy funkcjonalnej refleksji
Patient’s rights viewed from the functional reflection
Kmieciak, Błażej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
patient’s rights
human rights ombudsman
direct coercion
commercialization of medical services
In 1991 was passed in Poland the Healthcare Institutions Act. In the cited act was for the first time used the phrase of „patient’s rights”. Currently in our country there are several other laws that directly relate to that issue. In recent years, there has also been set up new offices in the field of patients’ rights (Patient Ombudsman, Ombudsman for Psychiatric Patients and specialist for patient’s rights working in hospitals). Discussions concerning rights of the patient most often relate to matters of a formal nature. Specialist literature refers basically to: the issue of consent to treatment, the issue of medical confidentiality, the aspect of the dignity of the patient and the system of protection of patient rights using the services of the health care system. Rarely however – in this context – debates undertake a problem of the importance of interaction between a patient and a doctor. There is also no reflection on the position that physicians and patients occupy in the course of treating. The present text aims to depict the patient’s rights from the perspective of functional reflection. In the first place, it will be presented the context of treatment within which the sick and the doctors as well as nurses play their roles. In particular, it will be shown the commercial face of medical services. Based on the concept of ombudsman will be taken also an attempt to present medical staff as „the first ombudsmen of the rights and interests of the patient.”
Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna; 2014, 3, 1; 169-191
Pojawia się w:
Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Patient Rights Within the System of Legal Aid. A Starting Point Towards Medical Anthropology
Sylwia, Bartnik, Adriana
Błażej, Kmieciak,
Julia, Kowalska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
patient’s rights
medical information
therapeutic relationship
the medical professional-patient relationship
Patients’ Rights Ombudsman
prawa pacjenta
informacja medyczna
relacja terapeutyczna
relacja pacjent‒ lekarz
Rzecznik Prawa Pacjenta
Paper expounds upon the problem of patient rights, taking particular account of the right to information: on one’s state of health, examination, diagnosis, proposed and practicable diagnostic methods, proposed and practicable medical methods, prognosis. The authors also pinpoint that, in a broader context, free legal aid centres operating under the 2015 Act might face up to issues pertaining to patient rights. An answer is also sought to the question of how the realization of the right to information could be enhanced, and the authors furnish recommendations on the matter.
Studia Iuridica; 2019, 82; 53-69
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowelizacja ustawy o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego z dnia 3 grudnia 2010 roku – analiza socjologiczno-prawna
Amendments to the mental health protection act of 3 December 2010 – socio-legal analysis
Kmieciak, Błażej
Data publikacji:
Medical Communications
Ombudsman for the Psychiatric Patient Right Protection
direct coercion
hospitalisation in the petition mode
human rights
mental health protection act
rzecznik praw pacjenta szpitala psychiatrycznego
hospitalizacja w trybie wnioskowym
prawa człowieka
przymus bezpośredni
ustawa o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego
The mental health protection act has been operating in the Polish legal system for less than seventeen years. This act has been revised three times so far. Subsequent changes to the law referred to: clarifying the rules of admission to hospital without patients’ consent, introduction of the institution of Ombudsman for the Psychiatric Patient Right Protection, assumptions of the National Mental Health Protection Program etc. This year’s fourth amendment to the act does not introduce changes that could be called revolutionary. However, this act adds significant issues which may be important for everyday functioning of patients and medical staff. These changes deal especially with such issues as: compulsory sychiatric hospitalisation in the petition mode, the use of the direct coercion, clarification of the competence of the above mentioned Ombudsman, and undertaking new measures to promote mental health. Especially with respect to the issues of direct coercion you can see significant changes, which include in particular authorization of medical emergency workers to use immobilization and hold. It is also important that at the moment only the courts decide on all forms of forced transportation to the hospital or nursing home. Taking up the analysis of the above act, it is worth to make a preliminary assessment of the proposed changes. It is worth to considering, whether the proposed changes will have a positive impact on the functioning of both patients and medical staff. Not less important is considering whether presently some major issues can be perceived that have not been covered by the amendment.
Ustawa o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego funkcjonuje w polskim systemie prawnym od niespełna siedemnastu lat. Akt ten był do tej pory trzykrotnie nowelizowany. Kolejne zmiany ustawy mówiły o: doprecyzowaniu zasad przyjęcia pacjenta do szpitala bez jego zgody, wprowadzeniu instytucji Rzecznika Praw Pacjenta Szpitala Psychiatrycznego, założeniach Narodowego Programu Ochrony Zdrowia Psychicznego etc. Tegoroczna czwarta nowelizacja ustawy nie zakłada zmian, które można by określić mianem rewolucyjnych. Omawiany akt wprowadza jednak istotne zapisy, które mogą mieć znaczenie dla codziennego funkcjonowania zarówno pacjentów, jak i personelu medycznego. Zmiany te dotyczą zwłaszcza takich zagadnień, jak: procedura hospitalizacji w trybie wnioskowym, stosowanie przymusu bezpośredniego, doprecyzowanie kompetencji ww. Rzecznika oraz podjęcie nowych działań w zakresie promocji zdrowia psychicznego. Szczególnie w odniesieniu do kwestii przymusu bezpośredniego można dostrzec istotne zmiany, do których zaliczyć należy przede wszystkim upoważnienie ratowników medycznych do stosowania unieruchomienia oraz przytrzymania. Istotne jest także, iż w chwili obecnej wyłącznie do sądu należy decyzja o wszelkich formach przymusowego transportu do szpitala lub też domu pomocy społecznej. Podejmując się analizy wspomnianej ustawy, warto spróbować dokonać wstępnej oceny zaproponowanych zmian. Warto zastanowić się, czy proponowane zmiany wpłyną pozytywnie na codzienne funkcjonowanie zarówno pacjentów, jak i personelu medycznego, a także czy w chwili obecnej dostrzec można istotne kwestie, które nie zostały uregulowane w omawianej nowelizacji.
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna; 2011, 11, 1; 31-36
Pojawia się w:
Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-7 z 7

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