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„Kulturowe DNA” – permanentna zmiana i polonistyczne praktyki inicjacyjne
“Cultural DNA “– permanent change and Polish studies initiation practices
Kwiatkowska-Ratajczak, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
control and dispersion of culture
Polish language education
cultural preferences of high school students
kultura kontroli i rozproszenia
edukacja polonistyczna
preferencje kulturowe licealistów
Autorka wyprowadza wnioski z permanentnych zmian cywilizacyjnych skutkujących renesansem zainteresowań kwestiami tożsamości. Skupia uwagę na autoanalizie młodzieży. Rekonstruuje indywidualne kody kulturowe licealistów. Materiałami dokumentacyjnymi są prace uczniów poświęcone ich własnej refleksji dotyczącej wartości kultury i poszukiwaniom miejsca w tradycji rodzinnej, sąsiedzkiej, lokalnej, narodowej, globalnej.
The author draws conclusions from permanent civilization changes resulting in a renaissance of interest in identity issues. The attention is focused on young people’s self-analysis. The analysis reconstructs individual cultural codes of high school students. The documentary materials are pupils’ work devoted to their own reflection on the value of culture and the search for a place in family, neighborhood, local, national and global traditions.
Polonistyka. Innowacje; 2018, 7; 119-128
Pojawia się w:
Polonistyka. Innowacje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
“Patavium virum me fecit” – Padova come luogo di formazione delle antiche élite polacche
“Patavium virum me fecit”: the university of Padua as a teaching centre for polish-lithuanian elite
Tygielski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
social elites
Confederazione polacco-lituana
élite sociali
Using the Atti della Nazione Polacca at the University of Padua as a main source, the author describes the role that this university played in the education of students from the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth from the 16th to 18th centuries. According to the author’s research, this role was crucial in the 16th century, when a significant part of Polish elites included a stay at this university in their curriculum. In the 17th century, the number of students from Poland-Lithuania studying in Padua decreased slowly but continuously, and in the 18th century, the number was marginal. In the period under discussion, the social structure of this group significantly changed: students looking to acquire knowledge that was necessary for their future professional career were gradually replaced by young men of aristocratic and noble families, for whom a visit in Padua, be it long or short, was only a stage in their educational European Grand Tour. According to the author, this can be explained by intellectual changes in Polish-Lithuanian society: a general and rather superficial education was gradually preferred to university-based and professionally-provided knowledge. A study of selected travel diaries supplemented and confirmed the results of the presented statistical analysis. All Polish travellers visiting Padua in the 16th and 17th centuries described the University and considered it as the most important institution of the city; meetings with compatriot students were also often mentioned. Later on, the University was no longer the obvious subject of the descriptions and 18th-century travellers often did not even mention it at all. Nevertheless, there is still available evidence that the Polish presence in Padua, although reduced, was visible and important for the city.
Analizzando i registri di immatricolazione della nazione polacca (Metryka nacji polskiej) dell’Università di Padova, pubblicati mezzo secolo fa da Henryk Barycz e Karolina Targosz, l’autore riflette sul ruolo di Padova nel sistema educativo dei giovani polacchi giuntivi a studiare. Sottolineando l’eccellente reputazione dell’università e l’alta qualità del personale docente, mette in luce l’importanza fondamentale del centro di Padova nel processo di educazione delle élite intellettuali polacco-lituane nel XVI secolo. Documenta poi la presenza dei nuovi arrivati dalla Rzeczpospolita, la quale diminuì gradualmente nel corso del XVII secolo e venne quasi a sparire nel XVIII secolo, interrogandosi sulle ragioni del declino del ruolo dell’Università di Padova nel sistema educativo della Polonia antica. L’autore nota inoltre il mutamento della struttura sociale della comunità di studenti, nella quale diminuisce il numero di persone interessate ad acquisire conoscenze e competenze specifiche, che in futuro sarebbero state alla base della loro attività professionale, mentre cresce la rappresentanza di famiglie magnatizie e nobili, per le quali la permanenza a Padova era solo una tappa del Grand Tour, giro di carattere generale, e non strettamente educativo, dei più importanti centri europei. Questa osservazione sembra confermare il graduale cambiamento del modello educativo dei giovani nella Confederazione polacco-lituana e delle aspettative educative nel paese. Le osservazioni, avanzate sulla base di analisi statistiche, vengono confermate dalla lettura dei diari di viaggio, alla luce dei quali l’università, in essi un primo tempo presente, pian piano cessa di essere un punto di riferimento ricorrente ed oggetto di descrizione da parte dei viaggiatori. Allo stesso tempo, però, la costante presenza polacca a Padova viene confermata dalle pagine dei diari, il che sembra indicare che i rapporti tra la Repubblica di Polonia, Padova e l’Università di Padova siano stati mantenuti, anche se probabilmente su una scala minore. Le conseguenze della formazione all’estero delle élite polaccolituano-rutene rimangono un argomento aperto ed è proprio il caso di Padova che ci invita in modo particolare a riprenderlo e ad approfondirlo.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2021, 12.1; 21-46
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Uczyć się od błędów” – analiza uchybień w pisemnych pracach uczniów szkół polonijnych w USA
Learn from Errors – an Analysis of Errors in the Written Assignments of Polish Community School Students in the USA
Maliszewski, Bartłomiej
Data publikacji:
Krakowskie Towarzystwo TERTIUM
język Polonii amerykańskiej
language of Polish students in the USA
Tematem artykułu jest analiza błędów popełnionych przez uczniów polonijnych szkół amerykańskich podczas warsztatów przygotowujących do egzaminu certyfikatowego z języka polskiego jako obcego. Zestawienie powtarzających się uchybień pozwala ukazać specyfikę języka przedstawicieli młodej Polonii amerykańskiej i może też posłużyć jako pomoc w procesie glottodydaktycznym, gdyż błędy pokazują, na co warto położyć nacisk podczas przygotowań do takiego egzaminu.
The article focuses on the analysis of the errors made by the students of Polish from community schools based in the USA collected during the workshop preparing them for the certification examination in Polish as a foreign language. The comparison of the recurring errors allows some insight into the language used by young representatives of the Polish community in the USA. It may also serve as an aid in the didactic process since the errors point to those aspects which need to be given due attention during the preparation for such an examination.
Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium; 2020, 5, 1; 211-232
Pojawia się w:
Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Ukrainizacja” polskich uczelni na tle umiędzynarodowienia kształcenia na poziomie wyższym w Polsce
Gierko, Vadim
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
“ukrainization” of the Polish universities
internationalization of higher education in Poland
students from Ukraine in Poland
"ukrainizacja" polskich uczelni
umiędzynarodowienie kształcenia wyższego w Polsce
studenci z Ukrainy w Polsce
In the article the author describes factors and social and economical consequences of the constantly increasing number of Ukrainian students in Poland. In the academic year 2014/2015 Ukrainians constituted more than 50,6% of all foreigner students in Poland. This process has been called the “ukrainization” of the polish universities. The factors which have an impact on the increasing number of Ukrainian students are the opportunity to make a European diploma, not stable political and economical situation in Ukraine, corruption in Ukrainian universities. The “ukrainization” of the Polish universities, in one hand, is an antidote for the consequences of bad demography and is a part of wider process of the internalization of higher education in Poland. In the other hand, the increasing number of students from Ukraine makes some of Polish students do feel being discriminated because of – in their opinion – Ukrainians are treated by teachers with a bigger tolerance because of the lower level of knowing Polish language and because of the situation in Ukraine in 2014–2015. Also Polish students are against the government’s financial support for the Ukrainians who arrived from the Eastern Ukraine. The written paper is based on government statistics, articles published by “Perspektywy” Foundation and other articles on the subject. 
W artykule zostały przedstawione czynniki sprzyjające zwiększającemu się napływowi Ukraińców na studia do Polski oraz społeczno-ekonomiczne konsekwencje tego procesu. W roku akademickim 2014/2015 Ukraińcy stanowili 50,6% ogółu studentów cudzoziemców na polskich uczelniach. Zjawisko to zostało określone w mediach mianem „ukrainizacji”. Czynnikami, które mają wpływ na podjęcie decyzji o przyjeździe do Polski coraz większej liczby studentów z Ukrainy, są możliwość zdobycia europejskiego dyplomu, niestabilna sytuacja polityczna i ekonomiczna na Ukrainie w latach 2013–2015 oraz zjawisko korupcji na ukraińskich uczelniach wyższych. Z jednej strony „ukrainizacja” polskich uczelni stanowi antidotum na konsekwencje niżu demograficznego i jest częścią szerszego procesu umiędzynarodowienia szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce, a z drugiej – część polskich studentów deklaruje, że czują się dyskryminowani, gdyż w ich opinii wykładowcy traktują studentów z Ukrainy ulgowo ze względu na słabą znajomość języka polskiego i sytuację polityczno-ekonomiczną na Ukrainie. Polscy studenci deklarują również sprzeciw wobec finansowania studiów dla Ukraińców z publicznych pieniędzy. Opracowanie powstało w oparciu o dane statystyczne Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego, artykuły udostępnione przez Fundację „Perspektywy” i inne opracowania z danego obszaru.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio I – Philosophia-Sociologia; 2015, 40, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio I – Philosophia-Sociologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aksjolingwistyczny portret wartości i ich postrzeganie przez polskojęzyczną i ukraińskojęzyczną młodzież akademicką
Axiolinguistic portrayal of values and their perception by Polish-speaking and Ukrainian-speaking academic youth
Borkowska, Alisa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
linguistic view of the world
point of view
Values are an essential, intrinsic part of language and the linguistic view of the world. They are associated with the point of view and perspective of perception of the surrounding reality, and the linguistic view of the world is derived from the presumed value system. When studying language, one can discuss values, their hierarchy, the cultural orientation of the system of judgments and patterns, ways of judging, typical of a given community. Interest in the influence of values on worldview and, consequently, on intercultural communication resulted in a study in the form of an associative experiment among Polish and Ukrainian youth. Its results showed that the perception of values is most often similar or even the same in both nationality groups, e.g. associative interpretations of such phenomena as health, love, friendship, etc. Differences in understanding are more noticeable in values that are ranked differently, cf. security, honesty, etc.
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe; 2022, 22; 11-26
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aktualne możliwości kształcenia polskich studentów za granicą w kontekście 25. rocznicy powołania programu „Erasmus”
Stala, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
“Erasmus” programme
international education
Polish students
program „Erasmus”
międzynarodowe kształcenie
polscy studenci
“Erasmus”, named after a Dutch humanist and theologian, Erasmus of Rotterdam, is the European Commission’s programme for Higher Education (students, teachers and institutions). It was introduced with the aim of increasing student mobility within the European Community, subsequently including the European Economic Area countries, Switzerland and the Candidate Countries. Erasmus has been one of the four sectoral programmes supported under the EU Lifelong Learning Programme until the end of 2013. The author of this article in relation to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the “Erasmus” program describes the current educational opportunities of Polish students. Firstly, he presents the selected challenges and opportunities of cultural and educational uniting Europe. Then, the statistical outline of youth in Poland in the context of the European Union and the display of the educational offers within the framework of European programs is shown.
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne; 2013, 32, 2
Pojawia się w:
Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An unexpected return to the nest. Young Polish people in tertiary education residing with their parents due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Nieoczekiwany powrót do gniazda. Polska młodzież akademicka zamieszkująca z rodzicami w związku z pandemią
Peret-Drążewska, Paulina
Myszka-Strychalska, Lucyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe EDUsfera
young people
polish students
research on COVID-19
returning to the family home
COVID-19 global pandemic
polscy studenci
przegląd badań nad COVID-19
powrót do domu rodziców
pandemia COVID-19
Aim. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused various changes in the lives of academic youth. The closure of universities, the transition to distance education, limited social interactions and difficulties in the labour market often resulted in decisions to return to the family home and live with their parents again. This change generated subsequent transformations in various areas of the students’ functioning. The considerations undertaken in this article were devoted to the analysis of the specific functioning of students living with their parents again during a pandemic, based on the results of the team’s own research, as well as a review of other research carried out during this period with the participation of students. Methods and materials. The study was conducted using an online survey questionnaire on a sample of 1, 215 students of Polish universities from February to November 2020. The research results revealed that the surveyed young students who returned to their family home during the pandemic experienced a decline in civic engagement, spiritual life, activities related to professional career development, and deterioration of their interpersonal relationships. Results and conclusion. The considerations made in the article seem to be justified because they may help determine the psychophysical condition, relationships with parents, and economic, educational, and professional conditions of students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This will enable the implementation of appropriate actions and preventive programs to support this social group in adapting to functioning in the new pandemic (and post-pandemic) reality and counteracting difficulties, fears, and anxieties related to life changes expected in the future.
Cel. Pandemia COVID-19 wywołała różne zmiany w życiu młodzieży akademickiej. Zamknięcie szkół wyższych, przejście na edukację zdalną, ograniczone interakcje społeczne oraz trudności na rynku pracy skutkowały nierzadko decyzjami o powrocie do domu rodzinnego oraz ponownym zamieszkaniu z rodzicami. Niniejsza zmiana generowała kolejne, liczne przeobrażenia w różnorodnych obszarach funkcjonowania studentek. Rozważania podjęte w niniejszym artykule zostały poświęcone analizie specyfiki funkcjonowania młodzieży akademickiej ponownie zamieszkującej z rodzicami w okresie pandemii COVID-19 w oparciu o uzyskane wyniki własnych badań zespołowych, jak i również przegląd innych eksploracji badawczych przeprowadzonych w tym okresie z udziałem studentów. Metody i materiały. Badanie przeprowadzone zostało za pomocą internetowego kwestionariusza ankiety na próbie 1215 studentek i studentów polskich uczelni wyższych w terminie od lutego do listopada 2020. Wyniki badań ujawniły, że u badanej młodzieży akademickiej, która powróciła do domu rodzinnego na czas pandemii nastąpił spadek w zaangażowanie obywatelskie, życie duchowe, aktywności związane z rozwijaniem kariery zawodowej oraz pogorszenie jej relacji interpersonalnych. Wyniki i wnioski. Rozważania podjęte w artykule wydają się być zasadne, ponieważ mogą być pomocne przy określeniu kondycji psychofizycznej, relacji z rodzicami oraz warunków ekonomicznych i edukacyjno-zawodowych studentek oraz studentów w warunkach pandemii COVID-19. Umożliwi to wdrożenie odpowiednich działań oraz programów profilaktycznych wspierających niniejszą grupę społeczną w adaptacji do funkcjonowania w nowej rzeczywistości pandemicznej (jak również postpandemicznej) oraz przeciwdziałających trudnościom, lękom, obawom związanym ze zmianami życiowymi przewidywanymi w przyszłości.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie; 2023, XXX, (4/2023); 173-196
Pojawia się w:
Wychowanie w Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Awareness of K-Culture Among Polish University Students and Preferred Teaching Methods
Moon, Hyoung-Jin
Nam, Jong-ho
Juszczyk-Frelkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Polish university students
audio-visual teaching method (ATM)
language and culture teaching method (LCTM)
This study explores the most preferred and effective teaching methods for Korean language and culture for university students. Statistical analysis of awareness of the Korean language, history, and culture was conducted. It tested differences in students’ knowledge about Korea dependently on a teaching method and sociodemographic variables. The study investigated is there a dependency between favourite teaching methods of K-culture and analogical methods using K-pop, K-drama, and K-food. The main research tool was the survey conducted among 70 students studying Korean language and culture at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. The study’s statistical analyses employed the IBM SPSS Statistics 29.0 package, used for analysing basic descriptive statistics, r Pearson and rho Spearman correlation analyses, and t Student test for independent variables. The analysis proves that the students do not differ in terms of knowledge about Korea in relation to a preferred and effective teaching method.
The New Educational Review; 2023, 73; 95-108
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Between integration and assimilation. Ukrainian students in Polish schools
Bobryk, Adam
Kochan, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie
Ukrainians students
Polish schools
The aim of this article was to make an attempt to outline the perception of the acculturation process of Ukrainian children in Polish schools in their parents. Applying Berry's theory of acculturation, it was demonstrated that the systemic solutions concerning the education of children of a national minority in public institutions are rooted in the classical model of assimilation. The attitudes of the children’s parents who came to Poland for work or to escape war also indicate a desire to assimilate their children in the school environment as soon as possible, and at the same time to separate them in the home environment or in the group of compatriots.
Studia z Teorii Wychowania; 2022, XIII(4 (41)); 291-304
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Teorii Wychowania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Borderland as a space fostering the contracting of mixed marriages – the truth and myths
Szafrańska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Polish-Czech borderland
mixed marriages
Globalization phenomena not only enhance cultural cognition but also foster establishing close relationships, which might be also legally confirmed. Today, many borders - like the Polish-Czech one - are “dematerialized” and exist more in the memory and awareness of people than in the physical sense. For the needs of the analyses, the category of borderland in its territorial sense was applied. Living in the borderland provides chances for establishing close interpersonal relations. What enhances the establishing of such relations in the case of the Polish-Czech borderland are the similarity of languages, common history and cultural closeness. This also fosters contracting mixed marriages. However, do close neighbourhood and similar social environments really make people seek contacts with neighbours? Does this enhance shaping a positive attitude to cultural diversity. The conducted analyses were aimed at familiarizing with the declarations of the examined university students from Poland and the Czech Republic concerning the way in which mixed marriages are perceived in their environment.
Edukacja Międzykulturowa; 2021, 14, 1; 167-177
Pojawia się w:
Edukacja Międzykulturowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in the cultural intelligence of students at Cracow University of Economics
Zmiany w inteligencji kulturowej studentów Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie
Dudek, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Poznańska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej
cultural intelligence
cultural competences
students’ competences
Polish students
cross-cultural competences
kompetencje międzykulturowe
polscy studenci
kompetencje kulturowe
inteligencja kulturowa
kompetencje studentów
Collaborating with people from different cultures at work went from being an exception to being the new norm. The work environment is becoming increasingly diversified due to global trends including migration, new technologies and the proliferation of remote work. Well-managed diversity can positively affect a company’s financial performance, innovativeness or increased resilience. Concurrently organizations that do not have inclusive practices in place are wasting the potential of a cross-cultural environment. Employers are realizing the value of cultural intelligence (CQ), which allows employees to successfully cooperate in a culturally diversified team. CQ can increase over time, therefore students can develop their CQ already during their years at university. The focus of the study is to determine how the perception of CQ changes over time among management students at the Cracow University of Economics. The results of self-reported CQS suggest that students’ assessment of their CQ has declined over time. The results also indicate that students possess the lowest levels of cognitive CQ out of all CQ facets. The last section covers recommendations for employers, on initiatives that can help current students and their future potential employees have a high CQ.
Praca w zróżnicowanym kulturowo zespole jest już nową normą ze względu na globalne trendy, w tym migracje, rozwój technologii i upowszechnienie się pracy zdalnej. Dobrze zarządzana różnorodność może pozytywnie wpłynąć na wyniki finansowe firmy, innowacyjność czy zwiększoną odporność. Jednocześnie organizacje, które nie stosują praktyk inkluzywnych, marnują potencjał zróżnicowanego środowiska. Pracodawcy zdają sobie sprawę, jak cenna jest inteligencja kulturowa, która pozwala pracownikom skutecznie współpracować w zróżnicowanym kulturowo zespole. Poziom tej inteligencji może z czasem wzrosnąć, dlatego studenci mogą ją rozwijać już w trakcie studiów na uniwersytecie. Celem badania jest określenie, jak zmienia się w czasie postrzeganie inteligencji kulturowej wśród studentów zarządzania na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Krakowie. Wyniki samooceny sugerują, że percepcja własnej inteligencji z czasem się pogorszyła. Wskazują też, że studenci najniżej oceniają swoją inteligencję w wymiarze kognitywnym. Możliwe wyjaśnienie wyników, sprzecznych z przyjętymi hipotezami, jest zawarte w ostatniej sekcji artykułu. Ostatnia część tekstu zawiera rekomendacje dla pracodawców dotyczące inicjatyw, które mogą sprawić, że przyszłe pracowniczki i pracownicy będą charakteryzowali się wysoką inteligencją kulturową.
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Poznańskiej. Organizacja i Zarządzanie; 2022, 85; 71--81
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Poznańskiej. Organizacja i Zarządzanie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
COVID Anxiety and Social Support from the Perspective of Polish Students in Online Study Time
Bartoszek, Adam
Kopczyński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
remote education
social support
Polish students
This study aimed to evaluate the COVID-19 pandemic anxiety experienced by students in Poland and its impact on their: social support, satisfaction with studying online and expectations of success in life. The data was obtained from a survey of Polish public and private university students. The research presented here examined the environmental and psychosocial effects of social withdrawal during the first period of the pandemic on the well-being and confidence in their chances for success in academic study. Recognising the individual and social condition of adolescents standing at the threshold of social maturity is essential to understanding the pedagogical and motivational consequences of institutional anti-pandemic regulation.
The New Educational Review; 2022, 69; 27-38
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cultural, Class, or Scientific Aspirations? Polish Jews at the University of Padua
Aspirazioni culturali, di classe o scientifiche? Ebrei polacchi all’Università di Padova
Marchel, Sławomir
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Jewish medics
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Among the students of medicine in Padua from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, in XVII and XVIII centuries, we can note a certain number of Jews. This article contains a short analysis of so far findings in the area of research on this aspect of Jewish history in the First Republic of Poland. Referring to more and less known facts, the Author paid particular attention to the motivations and aspirations of Jewish scholars who had come to City of Antenor from Polish-Lithuanian land. Following the careers of Jewish medical graduates, we can see, that for most of them having a Padua diploma was not only the way to gain a better status in the Jewish community but also a gateway to overcoming cultural barriers. According to the Author, this was possible due to the fact, that many of the representatives of polish nobility, who were called “Paduans,” had similar experiences of contact with the university environment and the culture of the Venetian Republic.
Tra gli studenti di medicina a Padova provenienti dalla Confederazione Polacco-Lituana, nei secoli XVII e XVIII, possiamo notare un certo numero di Ebrei. L’articolo contiene una breve analisi dei risultati fino ad ora ottenuti nell’ambito della ricerca su questo aspetto della storia delgi Ebrei nella Prima Repubblica di Polonia. Riferendosi a fatti più o meno conosciuti, l’Autore presta particolare attenzione alle motivazioni e alle aspirazioni degli studenti ebrei che arrivavano alla città di Antenore dalle terre Polacco-Lituane. Seguendo la carriera degli Ebrei laureati in medicina, possiamo osservare che per molti di loro conseguire il diploma a Padova non non era solo un modo per ottenere uno status migliore nella comunità ebraica, ma anche una porta per superare le barriere culturali. Secondo l’Autore, ciò era possibile poiché molti dei rappresentanti della nobiltà polacca, detti “padovani”, avevano avuto analoghe esperienze di contatto con l’ambiente universitario e con la cultura della Repubblica di Venezia.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2023, 41, 2/1; 147-162
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy kupujesz "Cisowiankę"? Garść refleksji na temat polskiej pomocy dla krajów Afryki
Do you buy "Cisowianka"? Some remarks on Polish aid for African countries
Nadolska-Styczyńska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Polish aid
Humanitarian aid
Polish students
The subject of the article is the level of interest that Polish students show for issues of humanitarian aid, organized in Poland for the current needs of Africa. The author decided to verify the conviction arising from her own observations that the degree of knowledge and commitment for this topic, among Polish students, is rather low. Therefore, she conducted a survey in three academic centres, among students representing four faculties in humanities (98 respondents). Unfortunately, the results confirmed her initial observations. In this group, knowledge about the scope and nature of Polish humanitarian aid for Africa was pour and shallow. In addition, the author drew attention to the low level of interest for this issue, presented by the respondents. However, the author believes that the undertaken study is worth continuing, for instance, with respect to reasons for this situation.
Forum Politologiczne; 2011, 12 - Problemy bogactwa i biedy we współczesnej Afryce; 353-366
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czytając Znanieckiego i Carnapa. Studenckie lata Stefana Żółkiewskiego
Reading Znaniecki and Carnap. Stefan Żółkiewski’s student years
Sidorowicz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Stefan Żółkiewski
Polish Theoretical Literary Studeis
Literary Theory in XX century
Warsaw students' circle for Polish Studies
polskie literaturoznawstwo teoretyczne
literaturoznawstwo w XX wieku
Warszawskie Koło Polonistów
Artykuł jest próbą opisania pierwszych lat działalności naukowej Stefana Żółkiewskiego. Autor zaczyna od analizy obowiązków przyszłego badacza, szukajac jego pierwszych mistrzów. Analizuej również tezy zawarte w pracy magisterkiej Żókiewskiego aby zakończyc na opisie jego aktywności w Warszawskim Kole Polonistów. Autor arykułu próbuje wskazać na genezę cech Żółkiewskiego, które będą też charakterystyczne dla jego poźniejszej postawy: lewicowego światopogladu, zdolności organizacyjne, socjologicznego myślenia o literaturze i troski o stan humanistyki. 
The article is an attempt to describe the first years of Stefan Żółkiewski's scientific activity. The author begins by analyzing the student duties of a future researcher, looking for his first masters. He also considers the theses contained in Żółkiewski's thesis and concludes with a description of his activity in the students’ scientific circle known as “Warszawskie Koło Polonistów”. The author of the article tries to point out the genesis of Żółkiewski's qualities, which characterize his later attitude: a leftist worldview, organizational skills, sociological thinking about literature and concern for the general condition of the humanities.
Tematy i Konteksty; 2022, 17, 12; 349-362
Pojawia się w:
Tematy i Konteksty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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