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Traditional smoking and e-smoking among medical students and students-athletes – popularity and motivation
Andrei Shpakou, Andrei
Kovalevskiy, Valeriy
Klimatskaia, Ludmila
Naumau, Ihar
Sivakova, Sviatlana
Zaitseva, Olga
Dykhno, Yury
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
electronic nicotine delivery systems
tobacco products
medical students
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2018, 1; 61-66
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Katolicka moralność seksualna w wyobrażeniach i ocenie polskiej młodzieży z perspektywy minionego trzydziestolecia
Catholic sexual morality in the imaginings and assessment of Polish Youth from the perspective of the past thirty years
Baniak, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
katolicka moralność seksualna
etyka katolicka
przedmałżeńska abstynencja seksualna
naturalna regulacja poczęć
niepłodność małżeńska
zapłodnienie metodą in vitro
lekarska klauzula sumienia
catholic sexual morality
catholic ethics
premarital sexual abstinence
natural birth control
marital infertility
in vitro fertilization
medical conscience clause
high school students
university students
W artykule tym ukazuję poglądy i postawy uczniów szkół średnich i studentów uczelni wyższych w Polsce wobec moralności seksualnej postrzeganej w świetle zasad etyki katolickiej. Postawy te respondenci przejawiali w drugiej połowie XX wieku i w dwóch kolejnych dekadach XXI wieku. Podstawę analizy postaw licealistów i studentów stanowią wyniki wielu badań socjologicznych, zrealizowanych w obu częściach przyjętego okresu. Badania te ukazują, w jakim stopniu i zakresie polska młodzież zmieniała w tym czasie własne nastawienie – poglądy i postawy – dotyczące katolickiej moralności seksualnej, katolickich zasad etycznych regulujących seksualność ludzi oraz wobec stanowiska Kościoła katolickiego w tej kwestii. Pytanie to stanowi też problem główny przedstawianego artykułu. Z kolei omówienie postaw i zachowań młodzieży dotyczących katolickiej moralności seksualnej stanowi jego przedmiot. Dokładna prezentacja badań socjologicznych i analiza ich wyników stanowi metodę zastosowaną w tym opracowaniu. Na treść opracowania składają się następujące zagadnienia dotyczące nastawienia młodzieży polskiej do katolickiej moralności seksualnej: 1) przedmałżeńska czystość seksualna i jej wartość; 2) współżycie seksualne po ślubie cywilnym, a przed ślubem kościelnym; 3) rola i znaczenie współżycia seksualnego w małżeństwie; 4) antykoncepcja i naturalna regulacja poczęć; 5) aborcja – jej sytuacje i okoliczności oraz konsekwencje; 6) pozaustrojowe zapłodnienie metodą in vitro a leczenie niepłodności w małżeństwie i w innych związkach.
In this article I present the views and attitudes of high school and university students in Poland towards sexual morality perceived in the light of the principles of Catholic ethics. These attitudes were manifested by the respondents in the second half of the 20th century and in the next two decades of the 21st century. The bases for the analysis of the attitudes of high school students and students are the results of many sociological studies carried out in both parts of the period. These studies show to what extent and scope Polish youth changed their own attitudes – views and opinions – regarding Catholic sexual morality during this period; towards Catholic ethical principles regulating people’s sexuality and the position of the Catholic Church in this matter. This question is also the main issue of this article. On the other hand, discussing the attitudes and behaviors of young people regarding Catholic sexual morality is its subject. A thorough presentation of sociological research and the analysis of its results is the method used in this study. The content of this study consists of the following issues concerning the attitude of Polish youth to Catholic sexual morality: 1) premarital sexual purity and its value; 2) sexual intercourse after a civil marriage and before a church wedding; 3) the role and importance of sexual intercourse in marriage; 4) contraception and natural regulation of conception; 5) abortion – its situations and circumstances as well as consequences; 6) in vitro fertilization and infertility treatment in marriage and other relationships.
Uniwersyteckie Czasopismo Socjologiczne; 2020, 26, 1-2; 7-34
Pojawia się w:
Uniwersyteckie Czasopismo Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Między nakazem a wyborem. Zapłodnienie pozaustrojowe metodą in vitro w opinii licealistów i studentów. Na podstawie własnych badań socjologicznych
Between Order and Choice. In vItro Fertilization Method in the Opinion of High School and University Students. On the Basis of Sociological Research
Baniak, Józef
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Instytut Socjologii
in vitro fertilization method
infertility of spouses
in vitro as immoral action
medical conscience clause
moral evaluations
high school students
university students
metoda zapłodnienia in vitro
niepłodność małżonków
in vitro jako działanie niemoralne
lekarska klauzula sumienia
oceny moralne
In this article I analyze the opinions of high school students from Kalisz (Poland) and unversity students from Poznań (Poland) on the extracorporeal fertilization in vitro and the possibility of using it by infertile married couples. The problem of this method of treatment is connected with medical conscience clause which can in practical application prevent married couples from using it and becoming parents. The basis of this analysis is sociological research carried out in 2011 on 456 students in Kalisz and 426 students in Poznań (courses: sociology, pedagogy, information technology and management). These studies have shown that the majority of the respondents (70.4 %) accepts this method of infertility treatment and its use in practice; a similar proportion (69.8%) opposes the negative position of the Roman Catholic Church questioning this method of infertility treatment and prohibiting its use by its followers. Similarly, the majority of high school students and university students (52.4%) reject the medical conscience clause that Catholic doctors use in relation to in vitro fertilization. The dominant percentage of respondents (68.8%) does not recognize this method of fertilization as morally wrong or as a cardinal sin. Only 23,6% of the responders support the position of the Catholic Church and are against the in vitro method. 
W artykule tym analizuję opinie i poglądy licealistów z Kalisza i studentów z Poznania dotyczące pozaustrojowego zapłodnienia metodą in vitro i stosowania jej w sytuacji małżeństw niepłodnych. Związek z tą metodą leczenia niepłodności małżeńskiej ma lekarska klauzula sumienia, która w praktycznym zastosowaniu uniemożliwia przeprowadzenie tej formy zapłodnienia i pozbawia małżonków niepłodnych możliwości zostania rodzicami własnego dziecka. Podstawę tej analizy stanowią moje badania socjologiczne zrealizowane na ten temat w 2011 roku wśród 456 licealistów w Kaliszu i wśród 426 studentów czterech kierunków studiów: socjologii, pedagogiki, informatyki i zarządzania w Poznaniu. Badania te wykazały, że dominująca większość respondentów (70,4%) akceptuje tę metodę leczenia niepłodności małżonków i jej stosowanie w praktyce. Zbliżony odsetek (69,8%) sprzeciwia się negatywnemu stanowisku Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego kwestionującego tę metodę leczenia niepłodności i zakazującego jej stosowania swoim wyznawcom. Podobnie większość licealistów i studentów (52,4%) odrzuca lekarską klauzulę sumienia, którą stosują lekarze katoliccy w odniesieniu do zapłodnienia metodą in vitro. Dominujący odsetek respondentów (68,8%) nie uznaje tej metody zapłodnienia za czynność złą moralnie czy za grzech ciężki. Przeciw tej metodzie zapłodnienia, a zarazem za zakazami moralnymi Kościoła dotyczącymi jej stosowania w sytuacji małżonków niepłodnych opowiada się zaledwie jedna czwarta licealistów i studentów (23,6%). 
Konteksty Społeczne; 2018, 6, 1; 7-25
Pojawia się w:
Konteksty Społeczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Association of hand grip strength with psychological stress, exercise habits and body composition amongst medical students: a cross-sectional study
Barre, Samira
Inyingi, Laura
Orrego Castellanos, Julianna
Patel, Agastya
Ruckemann-Dziurdzinska, Katarzyna A.
Bryl, Ewa D.
Witkowski, Jacek M.
Data publikacji:
Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny
psychological stress
medical students
Hand grip strength
Background The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of hand grip strength (HGS) test in identifying highly stressed individuals and to examine the effect of exercise and lifestyle on HGS and stress measures. Material and methods It is cross-sectional study. Students of the Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland were asked to fill out a questionnaire, undergo body composition analysis, perform HGS test and provide a saliva sample for cortisol measurement. Results Self-rated stress (SRS) was significantly higher in pre-clinical years (PCY) compared to clinical years (CY). HGS was significantly lower in PCY males than CY males. Participants who performed some form of exercise had significantly higher HGS compared with those who did not exercise. A positive correlation between HGS and BMI was noted. Students with low HGS were found to have lower levels of salivary cortisol (SC). However, there was no significant difference in SC levels between PCY and CY students. Conclusions HGS may be a reliable method of identifying stressed individuals and promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors. HGS testing is a safe, cheap and easy to perform method for a large number of participants while being time economical.
European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine; 2024, 7, 1; 33-46
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Translational and Clinical Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Style radzenia sobie ze stresem i poziom poczucia własnej skuteczności u studentów VI roku medycyny Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
Styles of coping with stress and level of sense of self-efficacy among VI year medical students of Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
Borek, Irena
Drzastwa, Witold J.
Matuszewska-Zbrońska, Hanna
Oleksiak, Aleksandra
Bujak-Rosenbeiger, Ewa
Mizgała, Elżbieta
Lewandowski, Dominik
Karpe, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
choice of specialization
coping styles with stress
medical students
poczucie własnej skuteczności
sense of self-efficacy
studenci medycyny
style radzenia sobie ze stresem
wybór specjalizacji
INTRODUCTION: The medical profession belongs to those professions having one of the highest levels of stress. The aim of the work was to define the styles of coping with stress and the level of sense of self-efficacy and to establish the dependencies of the factors mentioned by students of medicine. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The survey study included a group of 184 VI year students of medicine. The following were used: Questionnaire for coping in stressful situations CISS, Generalized self-efficacy scale – GSES, authors’ own multiple-choice research questionnaire for the specialization of medicine. Analysis was conducted using the statistical package for IBM, SPSS Statistics 22. RESULTS: Among the 184 surveyed students, there were 122 women and 62 men. 57 people considered the choice of family medicine as their target specialization and 127 subjects chose other specializations. More than half of the students had a task-oriented style of coping, among 32% the the evasion style dominated and 14.6% of the emotional style, equally in men and women. There were no inter-group differences in the styles of coping with stress. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Medical students, regardless of their choice of specialization, have a task style of coping with stress and a high level of self-efficacy. 2. Students with higher levels of self-efficacy often display the task style of coping with stress and engage in seeking social contacts. 3. Students choosing a specialization other than family medicine had a significantly higher sense of self-efficacy. 4. A high level of self-efficacy and task style of coping with stress as part of the personality profile of a future doctor may indicate the possibility of better functioning in the profession.
WSTĘP: Zawód lekarza należy do profesji cechujących się jednym z najwyższych wskaźników poziomu stresu. Celem pracy było określenie stylów radzenia sobie ze stresem i poziomu poczucia własnej skuteczności oraz ustalenie zależności wymienionych czynników u studentów VI roku medycyny. MATERIAŁ I METODY: Badaniem ankietowym objęto grupę 184 studentów VI roku medycyny SUM w Katowicach. Zastosowano Kwestionariusz Radzenia Sobie w Sytuacjach Stresowych – CISS, Skalę Uogólnionej Własnej Skuteczności – GSES, autorską ankietę badania wyboru specjalizacji medycznej. Analizę przeprowadzono za pomocą pakietu statystycznego IBM SPSS Statistics 22. WYNIKI: Spośród 184 badanych studentów (122 kobiety i 62 mężczyzn) 57 osób rozważało wybór medycyny rodzinnej jako specjalizacji docelowej, a 127 wybrało inne specjalizacje. Ponad połowa studentów charakteryzowała się stylem zadaniowym radzenia sobie ze stresem, u 32% dominował styl unikowy, a u 14,6% styl emocjonalny, w równym stopniu u kobiet i mężczyzn. Nie stwierdzono różnic międzygrupowych w stylach radzenia sobie ze stresem. WNIOSKI: 1. Studenci medycyny, niezależnie od wyboru specjalizacji, w większości charakteryzują się zadaniowym stylem radzenia sobie ze stresem i wysokim poziomem poczucia własnej skuteczności. 2. Badani studenci o wyższym poziomie poczucia własnej skuteczności częściej radzą sobie ze stresem w sposób zadaniowy i angażują się w poszukiwanie kontaktów towarzyskich. 3. Studenci wybierający specjalizację inną niż medycyna rodzinna charakteryzują się istotnie wyższym poczuciem własnej skuteczności. 4. Wysoki poziom poczucia własnej skuteczności i zadaniowy styl radzenia sobie ze stresem, jako elementy profilu osobowościowego przyszłego lekarza, mogą wskazywać na możliwości lepszego funkcjonowania w zawodzie.
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis; 2016, 70; 229-235
Pojawia się w:
Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The system of values and styles of success in the medical career: A longitudinal study
Budziński, Waldemar
Walkiewicz, Maciej
Tartas, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
medical students
medical career
occupational satisfaction
medical education
Objectives The purpose of the study was to investigate the relation between system values during medical education and styles of success in the medical career. Material and Methods The participants were first examined when they applied to the medical school. Questionnaires were given to these students each academic year. Medical doctors who had participated in the first phase of the study completed a questionnaire 4 years after their graduation, too. The baseline questionnaire measured the system values. The follow-up questionnaire included measures of quality of life, work stress and burnout, satisfaction with medicine as a career and professional competency. Results The identified 3 groups of students representing 3 types of careers had been different regarding their preferred terminal values and instrumental values. Out of 3 groups, 2 presented a high risk of burnout. What is more the life goals (terminal values) are relatively stable, but preferable modes of behavior (instrumental values) are likely to change. The most important differences between students who may suffer from burnout later as doctors and those who are at a lower risk are e.g., family security, freedom, happiness, mature love, self-respect, social recognition and wisdom. Conclusions The Rokeach Value Survey may be applied to identify specific tendencies in the development of medical career. The obtained results may be used by the medical school admission officers as well as resident selection committees in order to identify candidates who may be at risk of professional difficulties. Authors can identify during medical education which student will be at risk of professional burnout after studies. Thus there could be a selection of interventions directed toward differentiated groups of students, e.g.: supplying them with proper coping vs. guiding them, to increase life satisfaction and productivity. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(6):823–835
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2018, 31, 6; 823-835
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mindfulness in healthcare professionals and medical education
Chmielewski, Jacek
Łoś, Kacper
Łuczyński, Włodzimierz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
medical education
medical students
Healthcare professionals are exposed not only to the ubiquitous stress, but also to the culture of perfectionism. Therefore, they need tools to achieve a balance between work and rest in order to effectively help their patients. The study objective is a review of the literature on the implementation of mindfulness in healthcare professionals and medical students. The authors searched the literature in PubMed and Google Scholar databases for publications about “mindfulness” in “healthcare professionals” and “medical students.” The search included manuscripts published to July 31, 2019. Mindfulness is a process of intentional paying attention to experiencing the present moment with curiosity, openness and acceptance of each experience without judgment. Mindfulness training leads to a better mood perception, lower stress perception, and responding to stimuli more effectively. All these features can have a potentially positive effect on healthcare service. The paper describes methods of intervention as well as their effects, which may be useful both in maintaining the well-being of healthcare professionals and in patient care. Mindfulness meditation has a beneficial effect on stress, depression, burnout, well-being and empathy among doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers. However, the method has a number of limitations, including a small number of participants, a high dropout rate in the intervention group and, above all, ceasing to practice mindfulness in the longer term after the course termination. Mindfulness can be widely implemented by healthcare professionals, thus improving their well-being and the quality of care they provide. Further standard scientific research is needed to confirm this impact.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2021, 34, 1; 1-14
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hygienic assessment of the occurrence and development of emotional burnout syndrome among medical students and its prevention
Chorna, Valentyna
Syrota, Hanna
Syrota, Mariia
Khliestova, Svitlana
Poliarush, Vlada
Hudzevych, Lyudmyla
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
COVID-19 pandemic
emotional burnout syndrome
medical students
Introduction and aim. Emotional burnout syndrome has become increasingly common in recent decades, regardless of the field of professional activity. The purpose of our study was to compare the prevalence of emotional burnout in medical students of Vinnytsia National Medical University before the beginning of the academic semester and during the passing of exams. Material and methods. An anonymous, voluntary survey before the start of study was taken by 300 students, among them 82.3% were women, 17.7% were men. Results. During the exams, 362 students took part, including 76.2% women and 24.1% men. According to the results of the study, the proportion of the “average” degree of exhaustion increased in second-year students by 15.6%; third-year students by 44.4%. The “high” degree of emotional exhaustion according to the results of the study before the start of training was found in male students of the third year – 44.4% and 36.4% of male students of the sixth year. During the exams, the rate of “high” emotional exhaustion was observed in first-year students, increasing from 12.5% to 18% and in sixth-year students from 36.4% to 50%. Conclusion. Thus, it was found that female students are the most adapted to the educational load, to passing exams, which affects the psychosomatic state of future doctors.
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; 2023, 3; 465-475
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Awareness among medical students regarding the binocularity level in the course of future specialty choice
Fedoryak, Xeniya
Simiera, Justyna
Loba, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
medical students
binocular vision
vision standards
medical specialty
occupational requirements
BackgroundVision standards exist in many occupations with particular reference to medical science. The presence of a sufficient level of binocular vision is especially important in surgical specialty to perform visually demanding procedures. The purpose of this study was to reveal the level of awareness of one’s binocular status among medical students, and the significance of having binocular vision in terms of specialty choice.Material and Methodsself-constructed questionnaire was given to all subjects enrolled in the study. The first group comprised 53 students from the second and third year of the Medical University of Lodz, who then underwent an ophthalmological examination with binocularity assessment. The second group included 57 students of the last years of the Medical Faculty, who did the same survey and outlined how the ophthalmology course improved their knowledge of stereoacuity and vision requirements for the chosen specialty. Statistical analysis was performed using Person’s χ2 test.ResultsOverall, 32% (N = 17) of the students from the first group and 84% (N = 48) from the second group stated to be familiar with the term “binocularity” and its importance in performing surgical procedures. The awareness of the existing occupational contraindications related to low visual acuity and binocularity was declared by 16% (N = 9) and 54% (N = 31) of the subjects included in each group, respectively. University lectures were indicated as the main source of knowledge by 28% (N = 15) of the individuals from the first group and by 59% (N = 39) from the second group. The ophthalmology course was considered to be sufficiently covering the basics needed for the future doctor by 34 resident physicians (60%).ConclusionsThe medical students’ awareness of their own binocular status appears low. There is a strong need for implementing at least some quality standards for visual assessment to decide if a given student has an adequate eye function to participate in surgical procedures.
Medycyna Pracy; 2020, 71, 1; 9-16
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in alcohol consumption among medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic – results from POLLEK study
Gajda, Maksymilian
Szemik, Szymon
Kowalska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
medical students
alcohol consumption
questionnaire study
Objectives Social distancing and remote learning as one of the ways to fight against COVID-19 pandemic have affected universities and changed the lifestyle of many students. Psychoactive substances use was one of the way to deal with the anxiety caused by these new settings. Studies published so far have not provided a clear answer on whether COVID-19 leads to changes in the structure of alcohol consumption among medical students. The presented study attempted to answer this question based on the data available from the POLLEK study. Material and Methods The study group included 3 separate groups of medical students (recruited in the following academic years: 2019/2020, 2020/2021, and 2021/2022) with a total number of 899 students. To assess the characteristics of alcohol consumption the authors used a Polish version of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT). Results Students surveyed during the lockdown lived in the family home much more often, reported good health, and declared consumption of a smaller number of alcoholic beverages. Their AUDIT scores were statistically significantly (p = 0.04) lower compared to the group surveyed before the pandemic (5 vs. 6, respectively). There were no significant differences in the AUDIT results between other study periods. Conclusions Lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic might be associated with a decrease in alcohol intake among medical students. This may be due to a different place of residence of students, a family home rather than a dormitory. However, the debate on this topic seems to be still open.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2023, 36, 3; 406-416
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A physical activity assessment of Wroclaw Medical University students with IPAQ – long questionnaire: a cross sectional study
Gaweł-Dąbrowska, Dagmara
Einhorn, Jakub
Połtyn-Zaradna, Katarzyna
Zatońska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Medycyny Rodzinnej i Lekarzy Rodzinnych
physical activity
Medical University
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review; 2016, 1; 12-18
Pojawia się w:
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Status prawny medycznej marihuany – badanie wiedzy i opinii studentów farmacji
Legal status of medical marijuana - studying knowledge and opinions among pharmacy students
Gazdowicz, Magdalena
Susłowska, Natalia
Piątkowska, Kamila
Zimmermann, Agnieszka E.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne
medyczna marihuana
status prawny
studenci farmacji
prawo farmaceutyczne
medical marijuana
legal status
pharmacy students
pharmacy law
Background: Medical marijuana was legalized in Poland in 2017. Cannabinoids contained in marijuana can play a big role in the treatment of pain. The right to pain treatment is especially needed for palliative patients, as it ensures them dying in dignity and peace. With the growing occurrence of medical marijuana in the treatment of patients, future pharmacists should acquire the necessary knowledge on this topic during their studies. Pharmacists have a legal obligation to provide information on prescription medicinal products containing cannabis, including storage and use of the medicinal product dispensed, as well as precautions related to the medicinal product dispensed. Aim of the study: The study looked for answers to questions about the level of pharmacy students’ knowledge concerning medical marijuana and relationship between the year of study and level of knowledge. On the basis of a medical prescription, pharmacists make prescription drugs containing medicinal hemp in pharmacies. Materials and methods: The survey study was conducted from February 25 to April 19. The studied group consisted of 132 pharmacy students from all Pharmaceutical Departments in Poland. The form contained 16 questions. Most of these questions were disjunctive and in several of them the Likert scale was used again. Results: The results of the study indicate that pharmacy students rate their knowledge of medical marijuana very low. Students do not know the indications for medical cannabis use or its side effects. The study sought to find out if there was a need for additional education for students about medical marijuana. No correlation was found between the year of study and the knowledge of pharmacy students. Conslusions: Education about endocannabinoid system in the course of pharmacy studies is negligible, therefore there is an increased need to include this topic in the pharmaceutical study program. Regardless of the year of study, the level of pharmacy students' knowledge about indications, side effects or how to take medical marijuana is low and they need additional education in this field
Przedmiot badań: Medyczna marihuana zyskuje obecnie popularność w terapii pacjentów cierpiących na przewlekły ból. Produkty lecznicze zawierające w swoim składzie kannabinoidy są coraz częściej obecne na aptecznych półkach, dlatego przyszli farmaceuci powinni zdobywać niezbędną wiedzę o medycznej marihuanie podczas studiów. Cel badań: Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie wiedzy i opinii studentów farmacji w Polsce na temat medycznej marihuany. W badaniu szukano związku między rokiem studiów a poziomem wiedzy studentów. Badanie miało również na celu sprawdzenie, czy istnieje potrzeba dodatkowej edukacji na temat marihuany medycznej na studiach farmaceutycznych. Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono autorską ankietę, w grupie 132 studentów farmacji ze wszystkich wydziałów farmaceutycznych w Polsce. Wyniki: Analiza obowiązujących przepisów prawnych w Polsce oraz badanie ankietowe pozwalają stwierdzić, że poziom wiedzy studentów na temat marihuany medycznej jest niski, niezależnie od roku studiów. Wnioski: Edukacja o układzie endokannabinoidowym w toku studiów na kierunku farmacja jest znikoma, dlatego istnieje zwiększona potrzeba zawarcia tego tematu w programie studiów farmaceutycznych
Farmacja Polska; 2020, 76, 5; 250-257
Pojawia się w:
Farmacja Polska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Medical students’ perceptions of people with disabilities
Guzowski, A.
Kułak-Bejda, A.
Stelcer, B.
Jasiński, M.
Łukaszuk, C.R.
Cybulski, M.
Kułak, W.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Medical students
people with disabilities
life satisfaction
Introduction: Little is known about associations of attitudes of medical students towards people with disabilities and their life satisfaction and empathy. Purpose: To assess the social perception of people with disabilities by medical students. Materials and methods: The present study interviewed 451 medical students of the Medical University of Białystok regarding their perceptions of people with disabilities, especially in light of their own satisfaction with life and empathy. We used the following questionnaires: the original questionnaire about attitudes towards people with disabilities, The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and Empathy Understanding Questionnaire (KRE). Results: Attitudes towards people with disabilities people were generally positive. Almost 40% of respondents expressed a willingness to help for people with disabilities. In general, disabled people do not have full access to all fields of social (63.4%) and professional (63.2%) life. At the same time, disabled people tend to marry (84.9%), have children (82.1%), work (88.2%), and drive cars (76.1%). Respondents were convinced that contact with a disabled person teaches ways to help others (42.1%), and in fact 58.6% of respondents reported having decided to participate with helping the disabled. The average life satisfaction of the students was 22.7 ± 5.3 which indicates that the respondents are satisfied with their lives. The empathy level of respondents was 66.97 points ± 2.98, which indicates average level of empathy. Conclusions: This study shows that students’ perception of people with disabilities depends upon how the students viewed disabled people’s, life satisfaction and empathy.
Progress in Health Sciences; 2016, 6(2); 125-131
Pojawia się w:
Progress in Health Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Behaviors, attitudes and opinions of medical students in the field of smoking and anti-smoking counseling in two countries of Central and Eastern Europe
Hejda, Paulina
Hubert-Lutecka, Agnieszka
Chmiel, Zdzisława
Sidor, Adam
Iwanowicz-Palus, Grażyna
Żal, Marcin
Koryl, Agnieszka
Binkowska-Bury, Monika
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
anti-smoking education
cessation training
ciggarete smoking
medical students
tobbaco smoking
Introduction. Europe is the region with the greatest proportion of deaths (16%) attributable to tobacco smoking worldwide. Medical students and physicians should set an example of tobacco-smoking abstinence for their patients. Aim. The aim of the study was to compare opinions on behaviors and attitudes of Czech and Polish medical students about tobacco smoking and the position of a physician in anti-smoking counseling. Material and methods. The Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) was conducted among 707 medical students in Czech Republic in 2011 and among 1164 medical students in Poland. Results. Twety percent of polish and 25,7% of Czech medical students declared current tobacco smoking. Eighty-one percent in Poland and 60% in Czech Republic felt that physicians should be trained in smoking cessation techniques but only 27% of the medical students in Poland and 2,8% in Czech Republic , declared that such a course had been realized during the course of their education. Conclusion. Over a fifth of Polish students and a quarter of Czech students declared themselves as active smokers. It is worrying that about half of Polish students were exposed to environmental tobacco smoke, while only one-fifth of Czech students declared such exposure. Polish and Czech students agreed that the doctor will play an important role in the patient’s smoking cessation process and that physicians should give advice on quitting smoking.
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; 2020, 3; 206-213
Pojawia się w:
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiedza wybranej grupy studentów medycyny w zakresie tlenoterapii hiperbarycznej
The knowledge of a selected group of medical students on hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Henrykowska, G.
Buczyński, A.
Lewicka, M.
Zawadzka, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny i Techniki Hiperbarycznej
terapia hiperbaryczna
wiedza studentów medycyny
hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO)
knowledge of medical students
W ciągu ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat nastąpił gwałtowny rozwój w badaniach i stosowaniu terapii tlenem hiperbarycznym (ang. hyperbaric oxygen therapy, HBO), a współczesna medycyna coraz częściej korzysta z jego dobroczynnego działania. Celem badania było sprawdzenie, co na temat tlenoterapii hiperbarycznej wiedzą przyszli lekarze (studenci medycyny). Badanie ankietowe przeprowadzono wśród 240 studentów kierunku lekarskiego (III i V roku studiów) Wydziału Wojskowo-Lekarskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi. Jako narzędzie wykorzystano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety zawierający pytania o kafeterii zamkniętej. Wiedza studentów dotycząca tlenoterapii hiperbarycznej była zróżnicowana i niektórych przypadkach nie była zależna od roku studiów. Zaobserwowano, że wiedza studentów z zakresu omawianej tematyki jest zależna od ilości godzin dydaktycznych na nią przeznaczonych.
During the last decades, there has been a rapid development in the research and use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO), and modern medicine is increasingly taking advantage of its beneficial effects. The aim of the study was to check the level of knowledge of future doctors (medical students) on hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The survey was conducted among 240 students of the medical faculty (3rd and 5th year of study) of the Military and Medical Faculty of the Medical University of Lodz. The author's questionnaire with forced-choice questions was used as research tool. The students' knowledge of hyperbaric oxygen therapy was varied and in some cases was not dependent on the year of study. It was observed that students' knowledge of the subject matter depends on the number of teaching hours allocated to it.
Polish Hyperbaric Research; 2018, 1(62); 75-84
Pojawia się w:
Polish Hyperbaric Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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