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With rhymes about the human fate. Philosophy in the poetry of Giacomo Leopardi
Mową wiązaną o losie człowieka. Filozofia w poezji Giacoma Leopardiego
Koman, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
dyskurs filozoficzny
dyskurs literacki
środki poetyckie
philosophical discourse
literary discourse
figures of speech
Giacomo Leopardi is one of those authors whose texts oscillate on the border between literature and philosophy. It is true that Leopardi does not use traditional forms of philosophical expression, but the fact is that most of the considerations of the Italian thinker are expressed by the simultaneous conduct of two discourses: literary and philosophical. Leopardi experimented almost every form of literary expression, but he went down in history mainly as a poet, who contained a significant part of his highest beliefs in poetry. The practice of philosophizing through poetry is nothing new in literature, and the various connections between literature and philosophy are almost ancient, but the ongoing discussions in the world of Italian critics about the relationship between Leopardi and philosophy suggest that the reflective lyrics of the famous poet from Recanati are an noteworthy case. This article is a reflection on the use of figures of speech in the process of explaining the worldview by Leopardi, with particular emphasis on metaphor, and on the overall impact of the poetic medium on the presentation and shaping of adopted ideology.
Giacomo Leopardi jest jednym z tych autorów, którzy w historii kultury zachodniej zapisali się jako twórcy z pogranicza literatury i filozofii. Co prawda Leopardi nie posługuje się tradycyjnymi formami wypowiedzi filozoficznej, jednak faktem jest, że większość rozważań włoskiego myśliciela wyraża się poprzez jednoczesne prowadzenie dwóch dyskursów: literackiego i filozoficznego. Leopardi próbował swych sił niemalże w każdej formie wypowiedzi literackiej, do historii przeszedł jednak głównie jako poeta, który znaczną część swych najwznioślejszych przekonań zawarł w mowie wiązanej. Praktyka filozofowania za pośrednictwem wiersza nie jest w poezji niczym nowym, a rozmaite związki literatury z filozofią stanowią zagadnienie niemalże starożytne, jednak toczące się do dziś w świecie włoskiej krytyki dyskusje na temat relacji Leopardiego z filozofią pozwalają sądzić, że liryka refleksyjna słynnego poety z Recanati stanowi przypadek nad wyraz zajmujący. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi refleksję nad użyciem środków poetyckich w procesie wykładania światopoglądu przez Leopardiego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem metafory, oraz nad ogólnym wpływem medium poetyckiego na prezentowanie i kształtowanie przyjętej ideologii.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica; 2020, 59, 4; 101-114
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stanisław Brzozowski: lettore di Leopardi
Stanisław Brzozowski: A Reader of Leopardi
Masi, Leonardo
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Stanisław Brzozowski
Giacomo Leopardi
Polish-Italian cultural relations
Polish writers
in Florence
Młoda Polska
relazioni culturali italo-polacche
polacchi a Firenze
Młoda Polska/Giovane Polonia
Polish philosopher Stanisław Brzozowski (1878–1911) spent the last five years of his life almost entirely in Italy (in Nervi and in Florence). The article traces back the chronology of his encounter with Italian culture, also explaining his idea of culture. In particular, his reading of Giacomo Leopardi is examined. Leopardi had been known in Poland since the 1880s, mainly through Edward Porębowicz’s translation of his poems, but Brzozowski in all probability first read him in Nervi in 1907. Subsequently, he mentioned Leopardi a few times in his own writings. These references are highly significant as they offer an original interpretation, which is not influenced by the ‘existentialist’ reading dominant at the beginning of the twentieth century. Instead, Brzozowski foregrounds other aspects of Leopardi’s philosophy, including his connection with Italian history and culture of the past (Brzozowski considered Leopardi’s demystifying urge interwoven with patriotic feelings to be a recommendable model for the moral renewal of Poland), the materialist and ‘pre-communist’ element, and the enigmatic juxtaposition of the figure of Leopardi and that of the Buddha. In the article, I compare these insights with other contemporaneous and prior readings of Leopardi (von Meysenbug, De Sanctis, Labriola, and Croce) in order to show that some of Brzozowski’s intuitions anticipated interpretations of Leopardi proposed by intellectuals in the following decades (from Rensi to Cioran). Brzozowski’s readings of Leopardi are retraced on the basis of the Polish philosopher’s correspondence, his published works, unpublished manuscripts and notes and by consulting the check-out log book of the Gabinetto di Lettura Vieusseux in Florence.
Stanisław Brzozowski (1878‒1911) trascorse quasi interamente in Italia gli ultimi cinque anni della sua vita (a Nervi e soprattutto a Firenze). Nell’articolo si ricostruisce una cronologia del suo incontro con la cultura italiana, spiegando anche quale fosse l’idea di cultura secondo il filosofo polacco. In particolare viene esaminata la sua lettura di Giacomo Leopardi. Il poeta italiano era conosciuto in Polonia, soprattutto grazie alla traduzione di Edward Porębowicz, fin dagli anni Ottanta dell’ Ottocento, ma Brzozowski vi si accostò probabilmente per la prima volta a Nervi nel 1907. Successivamente menzionerà nei propri scritti Leopardi poche volte, ma in maniera molto significativa, fornendone un’interpretazione originale, che non è influenzata dalla lettura “esistenzialista” dominante a inizio Novecento, ma sposta in primo piano altri aspetti della filosofia del poeta: il suo legame con la storia e la cultura italiana del passato, nel quale la carica demistificatoria si fonda con l’incitamento a sentimenti patriottici (una posizione che per Brzozowski dovrebbe fungere da modello per un rinnovamento anche in Polonia); l’elemento materialista e “pre-comunista”; l’accostamento alla figura del Buddha. In questo articolo confrontiamo queste intuizioni con altre letture di Leopardi fatte in quegli anni e nel secolo precedente (von Meysenbug, De Sanctis, Labriola, Croce), per mostrare come alcune idee di Brzozowski anticipino letture di Leopardi fatte da altri intellettuali nei decenni successivi (da Giuseppe Rensi a Emil Cioran). La ricostruzione delle letture di Leopardi da parte di Brzozowski è effettuata sulla base della corrispondenza del filosofo polacco, dei suoi lavori pubblicati e dei manoscritti inediti, dei suoi appunti, nonché dalla consultazione del libro dei prestiti del Gabinetto di Lettura Vieusseux di Firenze.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2022, 13.2; 61-83
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Reminiscenze leopardiane nell’ opera di Maria Konopnicka
Reminiscences of Leopardi in Maria Konopnicka’s Oeuvre
Reminiscencje Leopardiańskie W Dziełach Marii Konopnickiej
Trzeciak, Małgorzata Ewa
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Drawing upon studies on the reception of Leopardi’s poetry in Poland, this essay investigates the influence of Leopardi’s works on Maria Konopnicka’s oeuvre as it argues that the influence was key to a certain change of poetic imagery in her works. Through an analysis of poems and other writings by Konopnicka, the article throws a new light on the reception of Leopardi’s poetry in Poland. This subject has so far been rather neglected by critics.
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny; 2016, 2; 234-243
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rappresentazioni mentali e serie interpretative. L’infinito e Alla luna in polacco
Mental Representations and Interpretative Series: Giacomo Leopardi’s L’Infinito and Alla luna in Polish
Ceccherelli, Andrea
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Giacomo Leopardi in Poland
mental representation
cognitivism and translation
stereotypes in translation
intentio interpretis
Giacomo Leopardi in Polonia
rappresentazione mentale
cognitivismo e traduzione
stereotipi in traduzione
The article examines the Polish ‘translation series’ of two idylls by Giacomo Leopardi: L’infinito and Alla luna, focusing on selected linguistic and cultural factors behind the translators’ choices. In L’Infinito, one notices a recurrent difficulty in effectively rendering the alternation of the demonstratives questo and quello and the key metaphor of naufragare. In both cases, the purported Polish lexical counterparts fail to produce an adequate mental representation, and as a result the scene constructed by the translators hardly conveys the scene constructed by the author. For their part, the Polish versions of Alla luna display a striking interpretative tradition of the last verse, with the second che in ‘ancor che triste e che l’affanno duri’ understood by all translators in an optative sense (as a wish), rather than in a concessive sense. Having used the variantist approach to show that the intentio auctoris unequivocally provides a concessive phrase and that the intentio operis does not admit the stereotype of masochism (a degeneration of the topos of Leopardi as a Weltschmerz poet), I focus on the intentio interpretis (a specific form of intentio lectoris) and argue that this tradition of translatory infidelity stems not only from the probable reliance of each version on its predecessor(s) (typical of what textual philology calls ‘conjunctive errors’), but also – given the absence of such an interpretative tradition in other languages and cultures – from the Polish translators’s unconscious mental predisposition to accept such a misrepresentation. The roots of this predisposition are to be found in the history of Polish culture as it has been formed – and deformed – since the 19th century, when the cult of suffering became central to it.
L’articolo prende in esame le “serie traduttive” polacche di due idilli di Leopardi: L’infinito e Alla luna, concentrandosi su alcuni fattori linguistici e culturali che condizionano i traduttori, indirizzando le loro scelte. In particolare, nell’Infinito si nota una difficoltà a rendere l’alternanza dei dimostrativi “questo” e “quello” e la metafora chiave del “naufragare”: in entrambi i casi la lingua polacca pone ostacoli in termini di rappresentazione mentale suggerita dai presunti equivalenti lessicali, con la conseguenza che la scena costruita dai traduttori fatica a porsi come equivalente rispetto alla scena costruita dall’autore. Nelle versioni polacche di Alla luna colpisce invece la tradizione interpretativa riguardante l’ultimo verso: il secondo “che” di “ancor che triste e che l’affanno duri” è infatti inteso da tutti i traduttori in senso ottativo – come un auspicio. Dopo aver mostrato, tramite la variantistica, che l’intentio auctoris prevede inequivocabilmente una frase concessiva e che l’intentio operis non ammette lo stereotipo del masochismo (degenerazione del topos di Leopardi cantore del Weltschmerz), l’articolo si concentra sulla intentio interpretis (forma specifica di intentio lectoris), ipotizzando che all’origine di tale tradizione di tradimento traduttivo vi sia non solo la probabile dipendenza di ogni versione da una o più di quelle che la precedono (come è il caso di quelli che la filologia testuale chiama “errori congiuntivi”), ma anche – a fronte dell’assenza di tale tradizione interpretativa in altre lingue e culture – un’inconscia predisposizione mentale dei traduttori polacchi ad accettare un simile travisamento; predisposizione le cui radici sono da cercare nella storia della cultura polacca quale si è andata formando – e deformando – a partire dall’Ottocento, soprattutto in riferimento al ruolo che in essa occupa da allora il culto della sofferenza.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2022, 13.2; 15-34
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Julia Dickstein-Wieleżyńska e la storia editoriale della prima traduzione completa dei Canti in polacco
Julia Dickstein-Wieleżyńska and the Editorial History of the First Polish Translation of Giacomo Leopardi’s Canti
Kłos, Anita
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Giacomo Leopardi
Julia Dickstein-Wieleżyńska
Raffaele Pettazzoni
literary translation
collaboration and translation
traduzione e genere
traduzione e collaborazione
The paper focuses on the long and complex editorial history of the first complete translation of Giacomo Leopardi’s Canti into Polish. Entitled Poezje and published by Instytut Wydawniczy ‘Biblioteka Polska’ in 1938, the volume was translated by Julia Dickstein-Wieleżyńska (1881–1948), a polyglot, poet, organiser of cultural events, feminist activist and literature and philosophy scholar. Dickstein-Wieleżyńska’s letters to Raffaele Pettazzoni (1883–1959), her close friend and mentor and himself an eminent scholar of religions, suggest that the original idea of the book as conceived in the early 1920s also envisaged the inclusion of translations by Edward Porębowicz (1862–1937), which had been made for his 1887 collection of Leopardi’s writings. Although Porębowicz had withdrawn his permission for publishing his versions in 1924 and Dickstein-Wielżyńska had to translate another eighteen poems, the manuscript was ready for printing at the beginning of 1925. Drawing on archival resources, the author investigates the reasons behind the conspicuous temporal distance between the drafting of the translations and their publication in the volume of Poezje. Examined from the perspective of recent translation and collaboration studies, Wieleżyńska’s letters shed some new light not only on the agents, modes and circumstances of translation and editorial work in the early twentieth century, but also on the position of women in the cultural and academic hierarchies of the time.
Lo studio si concentra sulla lunga e travagliata storia editoriale della prima edizione completa dei Canti leopardiani in polacco, ad opera di Julia Dickstein-Wieleżyńska (1881–1948), traduttrice poliglotta, poetessa, animatrice della vita culturale, attivista femminista e studiosa di letteratura e filosofia. Il volume, intitolato Poezje, fu pubblicato nel 1938 presso la casa editrice Instytut Wydawniczy “Biblioteka Polska”. Eppure dalle lettere inedite di Dickstein-Wieleżyńska a Raffaele Pettazzoni (1883–1959), eminente studioso delle religioni e suo caro amico e mentore, risulta che nel progetto originario, risalente all’inizio degli anni Venti del Novecento, nella raccolta dovevano esser incluse le traduzioni di Edward Porębowicz (1862–1937), studioso delle lingue e delle letterature romanze, eseguite per la sua selezione di scritti leopardiani del 1887. Nonostante che Porębowicz avesse ritirato il permesso per la pubblicazione dei suoi testi nel 1924 e Dicksteinówna fosse stata costretta a tradurre altre diciotto poesie, il volume era stato approntato per le stampe all’inizio del 1925. Basandosi su materiali di archivio, l’autrice indaga sui motivi di questa cospicua distanza tra la stesura dei testi e la pubblicazione del volume. Esaminate nella prospettiva dei recenti studi sulla traduzione, le lettere di Wieleżyńska gettano una nuova luce non solo su agenti, modi e circostanze del lavoro traduttivo ed editoriale nel primo Novecento, ma anche sulla posizione delle donne nelle gerarchie culturali e accademiche dell’epoca.
Italica Wratislaviensia; 2022, 13.2; 35-60
Pojawia się w:
Italica Wratislaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Immagini d’Italia in Foscolo Manzoni Leopardi
Images of Italy in Foscolo Manzoni Leopardi
Wizerunek Włoch W Twórczości Foscolo Manzoniego Leopardiego
Danelon, Fabio
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Italian Literature
19th Century
Ugo Foscolo
Alessandro Manzoni
Giacomo Leopardi
The article analyses some examples of Italy’s idea in the literary works of the most important Italian writers in the romantic age in order to illustrate their importance in the formation of Italian national cultural identity.
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny; 2016, 2; 158-168
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Giacomo Leopardi in lituano: L’ Infinito nelle traduzioni di Nyka Niliūnas e Lanis Breilis
di Nunzio, Novella
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
ponowne tłumaczenie
This article proposes a comparative analysis of two translations from Italian into Lithuanian of the idyll The Infinite by Giacomo Leopardi. The first translation, published in 1968, was made by the poet and translator Nyka‑Niliūnas. The second one, published in 2017, was made by then translator Lainis Breilis. The introduction demonstrates the interest of Lithuanian intellectuals living in the diaspora toward contemporary Italian poetry starting from the sixties in the context of the Soviet occupation. The study proceeds with a close reading of the two target‑texts, aimed at understanding how the two relate with the source‑text and also between each other. Among the several aspects analyzed, there is the deficiency in both translations of the deictic system relied upon by Leopardi’s idyll. More specifically, the attention will be focused on the semantic implications of this deficiency.
Niniejszy artykuł proponuje analizę porównawczą dwóch litewskich przekładów sielanki L’Infinito Giacomo Leopardiego. Pierwszego przekładu, opublikowanego w 1968 roku, dokonała poetka i tłumaczka Nyka‑Niliūnas, drugi, opublikowany w 2017 roku, został wykonany przez tłumacza Lainisa Breilisa. We wstępie jest pokazane zainteresowanie litewskich intelektualistów żyjących w diasporze wobec współczesnej poezji włoskiej, począwszy od lat sześćdziesiątych i w kontekście okupacji sowieckiej. W dalszej części staranna analiza porównawcza obu tłumaczeń, ma na celu zrozumienie, w jaki sposób odnoszą się one do tekstu źródłowego. Wśród kilku analizowanych aspektów uwypukla się brak w obu przekładach systemu deiktycznego, na którym opiera się sielanka Leopardiego. W szczególności uwaga skupi się na semantycznych implikacjach tego braku.
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny; 2021, 2; 229-245
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Wieszcz negacji ” i „pobożna heretyczka”. Przemyślenia w zibaldonowym stylu wokół nieznanego tropu recepcji Leopardiego w Niemczech
„Prophet of negation” and „pious heretic”. Zibaldon-Style thought around an unknown trial of Leopardis’s reception in Germany
Czajka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
humanistyka międzykulturowa
recepcja jako spotkanie
linia spotkań: Leopardi–Susman–Caracciolo–Gadamer
intercultural humanities
reception as an encounter
line of encounters: Leopardi–Susman–Caracciolo–Gadamer
The text in zibaldon’s multi-discursive style presents hitherto unexplored moments of influence of Leopardi’s work in its transmission to German culture. It focuses on the acquisition and transformation of the poetic message of the Italian in the work of the poet and philosopher Margarete Susman, the result of which is to perceive poetry as penetrating philosophy and opening access to the Mystery of Being (Susman, then Heidegger, Gadamer).
Colloquia Litteraria; 2023, 34, 1; 7-34
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Litteraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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