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A critical review and reinterpretation of bio-, litho- and seismostratigraphic data of the Southern Baltic deposits
Zachowicz, J.
Miotk-Szpiganowicz, G.
Kramarska, R.
Uścinowicz, Sz.
Przedziecki, P.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
pollen and diatoms diagrams
14C datings
bio- litho- and seismostratigraphy
Late Pleistocene
southern Baltic Sea
The aim of this study was the reinterpretation of the published and unpublished Late-Pleistocene and Holocene pollen and diatom diagrams of deposits from the sedimentary basins of the Southern Baltic Sea and the correlation of the distinguished biostratigraphic units with lithological parameters, seismostratigraphic units. Chronostratigraphic subdivision of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene was also made. To facilitate the correlation and reinterpretation of the results of biostratigraphic (palynological and diatom) analyses, new unified and simplified diagrams were drawn using the POLPAL software. Such diagrams were constructed for all the sites under comparison, even for those of no numerical data. In such cases, the published diagrams were scanned and their percentage values were the basis for new diagrams. A review and reinterpretation of biostratigraphic data show an almost complete lack of palynological documentation and diatom diagrams for the Late Pleistocene period and poor documentation for the Early Holocene. Middle and Late Holocene Baltic muds have the best biostratigraphic documentation and radiocarbon dating, which greatly facilitates their location on the geological time scale. Among the Southern Baltic postglacial sediments three lithostratigraphic units were identified. They differ in their lithological features reflecting the conditions prevalent in the sedimentary basin during deposition. It should be noted that these units meet no formal criteria for distinguishing lithostratigraphic units. Similarly, within the Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments of Southern Baltic deep-water basins, three main seismostratigraphic complexes have been identified. The integrated analysis of seismoacoustic profiles, lithological profiles of cores and reinterpretated biostratigraphic data allow a correlation of the bio-, litho- and seismostratigraphic units with chronostratigraphic units and Baltic evolutionary phases.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2008, 23; 117-138
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Integration of Late Glacial and Holocene pollen data from Poland
Walanus, A.
Nalepka, D.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
isopollen maps
radiocarbon dating
weighting function
Vistulian Late Glacial
Quaternary palynological data are stored in tables which are typical computer database objects. The individual pollen table, in order to be integrated with other tables using computer-based methods, has to be attributed with (1) geographical coordinates, (2) dates attached to each row (sample) of the table, and (3) taxa names, common to all tables, attached to each column. In this paper, integration of individual lists of palynological taxa is shortly described, and some remarks are given on extracting data for selected time slices. The problem of dating of all pollen spectra, while few radiocarbon dates are available in the profile, is considered. Some mathematical models of age-depth relation are proposed, as well as incorporation of information derived from lithology of the profile. The algorithm of integration (averaging) of pollen percentages on the map of Poland is discussed. The techniques of bootstrap and so-called removed residuals are proposed as tools for assessment of reliability of isopollen lines. A possibility of construction of migration (rate of change) maps is also mentioned. The presented algorithm has been used to obtain hundreds of isopollen maps for the Holocene in the area of Poland .
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2004, 74, No 3; 285-294
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Terrestrial deposits from the Słupsk bank as an evidence of the late glacial and early holocene Baltic sea level
Uścinowicz, Szymon
Zachowicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
torfy i osady jeziorne
spektrum pyłkowe
daty 14C
późny glacjał
wczesny holocen
Ławica Słupska
peat and limnic deposits
pollen spectrum
14C dates
Late Glacial
Early Holocene
Słupsk Bank
Baltic Sea
Badania sejsmoakustyczne oraz analizy osadów (litologiczne, palinologiczne, malakologiczne), a zwłaszcza datowania radiowęglowe torfów, pozwoliły na szczegółową charakterystykę stanowiska późnoglacjalnych i wczesnoholoceńskich torfów i osadów jeziornych we wschodniej części Ławicy Słupskiej. Wykazano, że od deglacjacji do początków transgresji litorynowej, około 8000-7500 lat BP, Ławica Słupska była lądem, a maksymalny poziom wód w zbiornikach bałtyckiego jeziora lodowego i jeziora ancylusowego nie był wyższy niż 24-25 m poniżej współczesnego poziomu morza.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2005, 16; 133--141
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rapid sea level changes in the Southern Baltic during late glacial and Early Holocene
Uścinowicz, Sz.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
sea level changes
shoreline migrations
erosional surfaces
progradational structures
Late Glacial
Early Holocene
southern Baltic Sea
In the area of the southern Baltic Sea, the largest and most violent changes in water level took place in Late Glacial and Early Holocene, during the period between 13.0-8.5 ka BP. These changes depended on the varied glacio-isostatic movements between the northern and southern parts of the Baltic Sea, the glacio-eustatic increase in the ocean level and the closing or opening of the connection between the Baltic Sea basin with the ocean. During the Late Glacial and Early Holocene, the sea level changed within an amplitude as wide as 25-27 m. In some extreme cases, the sea level could have fallen at a rate of about 100-300 mm/a, the sea level rise rate reaching up to about 40-45 mm/a. In Late Glacial and Early Holocene, there were three transgressions: during 12.0-11.2, 11.0-10.3 (the Baltic Ice Lake) and 10.2-9.2 ka BP (the Yoldia Sea and the Ancylus Lake). There were also three regressions, setting on 11.2, 10.3 and 9.2 ka BP. During regressions, depending on the real drainage rate and the local gradient of the bottom inclination, the land possibly grew at a rate of 0.3 to 4 km per year. During transgressions, rate of shoreline migration could reach in some cases up to 150-200 m per year. These processes took place on the surface of the sea bottom currently located at the depth of c. 55 to 25 m below sea level and from 30 to 60 km away from the present-day southern coast of the Baltic Sea. Rapid changes of shoreline position are recorded in progradational barrier structures and in the erosion surfaces of the glacial till and glacio-marine clays.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2004, 11; 9-18
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relative sea level changes, glacio-isostatic rebound and shoreline displacement in the Southern Baltic
Uścinowicz, Sz.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
zmiany poziomu morza
rozwój wybrzeży
późny plejstocen
południowy Bałtyk
sea level changes
shoreline evolution
Late Pleistocene
Southern Baltic
Krzywą względnych zmian poziomu morza skonstruowano na podstawie 314 dat radiowęglowych osadów pochodzących z różnych środowisk lądowych i morskich. Próbki do datowań pobrano z 163 stanowisk zlokalizowanych na obszarze polskiej części południowego Bałtyku i przyległej strefy brzegowej. Przy konstruowaniu krzywej wykorzystano również relikty różnych form związanych z rozwojem strefy brzegowej oraz zasięgi powierzchni erozyjnych, zlokalizowane na profilach sejsmoakustycznych. W późnym plejstocenie i wczesnym holocenie, między 13,0 i 8,5 tys. lat BP, poziom wody trzykrotnie wzrastał i opadał, a zakres wahań dochodził do 25-27 m. Poziom wody obniżał się w skrajnych przypadkach w tempie do ok. 100-300 mm/rok, a tempo wzrostu dochodziło do ok. 35-45 mm/rok. W późnym boreale, ok. 8,5 tys. lat BP, Bałtyk uzyskał stałe połączenie z oceanem na poziomie niższym od obecnego o ok. 28 m. Do początku okresu atlantyckiego poziom morza wzrósł do ok. 21 m poniżej współczesnego poziomu morza (p.p.m.). W okresie 8,0-7,0 tys. lat BP poziom morza wzrósł do 10 m p.p.m., w średnim tempie ok. 10 mm/rok. Do końca okresu atlantyckiego poziom morza wzrósł do 2,5 m p.p.m., a tempo wzrostu zmalało do ok. 2,5 mm/rok. W pierwszym tysiącleciu okresu subborealnego poziom wody wzrósł do ok. 1,1-1,3 m, a do końca tego okresu do ok. 0,6-0,7 m niższego niż współczesny. W okresie subatlantyckim średni poziom morza zmienił się już nieznacznie. Przebudowa glaciizostatyczna rozpoczęła się ok. 17,5 tys. lat BP i zakończyła ok. 9,2-9,0 tys. lat BP. Całkowity zakres podniesienia (total uplift) w tym okresie wyniósł ok. 120 m. Maksimum prędkości ruchów wznoszących, dochodzące od ok. 45 mm/rok, wystąpiło w okresie ok. 12,4-12,2 tys. lat BP. W okresie od ok. 9,0 do ok. 7,0 tys. lat BP przez obszar południowego Bałtyku migrowało nabrzmienie brzeżne, a w okresie od ok. 7,0 do ok. 4,0 tys. lat BP wystąpiły ruchy obniżajace. Od ok. 4,0 tys. lat BP położenie skorupy ziemskiej wróciło do stanu równowagi. Linia brzegowa południowego Bałtyku w późnym plejstocenie i wczesnym holocenie kilkukrotnie uległa szybkim i znacznym przemieszczeniom. Zmieniła położenie w tempie od kilkudziesięciu metrów do kilku kilometrów rocznie. Procesy te rozgrywały się na powierzchni dna morskiego położonej obecnie na głębokości od ok. 55 do 25 m p.p.m. i w odległości 30-60 km od dzisiejszego wybrzeża. W środkowym holocenie linia brzegowa przemieściła się ku południowi od ok. 60 km w Zatoce Pomorskiej do ok. 5 km w Zatoce Gdańskiej. Położenie linii brzegowej zbliżyło się do współczesnego w końcu okresu atlantyckiego. W późnym holocenie dominowały procesy wyrównywania wybrzeży, a linia brzegowa stopniowo zbliżała się do obecnego położenia.
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers; 2003, 10; 5-79
Pojawia się w:
Polish Geological Institute Special Papers
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lateglacial-Middle Holocene stable isotope records in two coeval stalagmites from the Bihor Mountains, NW Romania
Tamaş, T.
Onac, B. P.
Bojar, A. V.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
NW Romania
Late Glacial
Middle Holocene
stable isotopes
uranium-thorium TIMS dating
Oxygen and carbon stable isotope records of two stalagmites from NW Romania provide a continuous climatic record between 14.8 and 5.6 ka BP. The chronology is established by 21 TIMS uranium series ages. Uncertain ties in the isotope chronology range between ±20 and ±100 yr. The δ18 O values are positively correlated with temperature, whereas δ13 C fluctuations suggest changes in soil CO2 production. Lateglacial deposition of both stalagmites started at ~14.8 ka BP. The delta 18 O records subsequently show a slow decline in temperatures until 12.6 ka BP. Three warmer periods with increased soil productivity occurred at 14.5-13.9 ka BP, 13.6-13.2 ka BP, and 12.9-12.6 ka BP. Lower delta 18 O and high δ13 C values between 12.6 and 11.4 (11.7) ka BP in dicate a cold and dry climate during the Younger Dryas (GS-1). During the Early Holocene, three short cold intervals are marked on the δ 18 O profiles at 11.0-10.6, 10.5-10.2 and 9.4-9.1 ka BP. For the remainder of the Holocene sequence, the δ18 O records show less variation between 9 and 7.8 ka BP and gradual warming from 7.6-5.6 ka BP. The speleothem records correlate with the Green land ice core records and with other proxies through out Europe and the North Atlantic region.
Geological Quarterly; 2005, 49, 2; 185-194
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Malacofauna in cave deposits of the Udorka valley (Krakow-Czestochowa Upland)
Szymanek, M.
Krajcarz, M.T.
Krajcarz, M.
Sudol, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika. Wydział Biologii i Ochrony Środowiska. Stowarzyszenie Malakologów Polskich
cave deposit
Middle Holocene
Late Holocene
Udorka valley
Krakow-Czestochowa Upland
Folia Malacologica; 2016, 24, 1
Pojawia się w:
Folia Malacologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Environment and man around Lakes Duba and Pelesa, SE Lithuania, during the Late Glacial and Holocene
Stančikaite, M.
Kabailiene, M.
Ostrauskas, T.
Guobyte, R.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
SE Lithuania
Late Glacial
environmental changes
human impact
Interdisciplinary investigations (pollen and diatom analysis, 14C dating and geological-geomorphological and archaeological data) around Lakes Duba and Pelesa, in SE Lithuania, have elucidated the environmental history and human impact throughout the Late Glacial and Holocene. Aerial photograph interpretations indicate that both lakes are residual basins of one Post-Glacial palaeolake outside the morainic relief of the Nemunas (Weichselian) Glaciation. Pollen assemblages from lacustrine deposits date back to the Older Dryas (Lake Duba) and Alleröd (Lake Pelesa) and cover all chronozones of the Post-Glacial. Diatom analysis has illustrated the palaeoecological conditions in the lakes and helped reconstruct successive water levels throughout the last 12300 radiocarbon years. Diatom abundance and the distribution of the planktonic, benthic and epiphytic species suggest a lowering of Lake Duba and Lake Pelesa at (e.g.) 11900-10900 14C BP, (e.g.) 10000-8100 14C BP and (e.g.) 3700-2500 14C BP. Pollen data suggest that the earliest signs of human impact and local forest clearances data from about (e.g.) 8400-8300 14C BP. The first record of cereal pollen in sediments dates from earlier than (e.g.) 6000 14C BP. Therefore, agriculture was introduced into the area not earlier than the second half of the Midle Neolithic, at about (e.g.) 5000-4400 14C BP. Continous indications of agriculture and progressive clearing of woodland is consistent with the increasing role of a farming economy during the Bronze Age. Since the 1800-1900 14C BP formation of an open canopy, increasing soil erosion and changes in vegetation emphasize the remarkable human impact on the environment.
Geological Quarterly; 2002, 46, 4; 391-410
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chronostratigraphy and changes of environment of Late Pleistocene and Holocene at Starunia palaeontological site and vicinity (Carpathian region, Ukraine)
Sokołowski, T.
Stachowicz-Rybka, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
Late Pleistocene
fluvial deposits
Carpathian region
This paper presents the results of absolute dating and biostratigraphical analysis carried out for alluvial sediments of an abandoned Starunia ozokerite mine located in the Velyky Lukavets River valley, in which large mammal remains were discovered in the first half of the 20th century. The sediments build up three terrace levels. The highest one, up to 8 m high (terrace II), is likely to be associated with a stage of aggradation, as well as with a short episode of valley broadening, which occurred in the Weichselian Late Pleniglacial. The lower one, 4 m high (terrace I), is most likely to be linked with the Holocene, despite a considerable transformation of its top due to mining activity. The lower part of this terrace cover bears coarse-grained channel sediments dated to 120.6-58.9 ka BP (Eemian Interglacial?-Early Pleniglacial - OIS 5e, 4 and 3), and overbank (distal floodplain) mud with intercalations of biogenic deposits (peat, peat mud and biogenic mud). The overbank deposits are dated to 48.2-11.11 ka BP (Glinde Interstadial?-Younger Dryas, OIS 3-2) and are overlain by Holocene (OIS 1) mud and biogenic deposits. In boreholes drilled in the vicinity of the present-day river channel, younger sediments occur more frequently. These include sediments originating from the Late Weichselian overlain by Holocene sediments. However, sediments originating exclusively from the Holocene are infrequent. The deposition of sediments took place in specific conditions of a permanent saturation of the environment with brine, petroleum and thickened bitumen. In the longest period of deposition (48.2-1.27 ka BP), ephemeral swamps, ponds and lakes were developed in different parts of the floodplain. They were marked by the presence of: Juncus glaucus/effusus, J. articulatus, Typha sp., Batrachium sp., Potamogeton filliformis, Bidens tripartita, Ranunculus sceleratus and Phragmites communis, as well as by halophytic species, like: Zannichellia palustris, Triglochin maritimum, Schoenoplectus tabernemontani, Puccinelia distans and Eleocharis palustris. Rhythmic oscillations between cold and warm climatic conditions, typical of the Weichselian age and well identified in Western Europe, are here marked by the changes of plant communities (woody assemblages passing into steppe and tundra), but are not noticeably recorded in the sediments of the Velyky Lukavets River. This shows that the greatest part of the discussed period involved the formation of poorly differentiated silty overbank sediments with intercalations of biogenic sediments. However, the variability of sediments provides evidence for extreme events which occurred in the Holocene.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae; 2009, 79, No 3; 315-331
Pojawia się w:
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Early and Middle Holocene paleoclimates in the South Western Desert of Egypt – the worldbefore unification
Schild, R.
Wendorf, F.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
South Western Desert
Late Glacial
prehistoric cultural entities
climatic changes
In the field sea sons of 1990 to 2008 the Com bined Pre his toric Ex pe di tion con ducted an ex ten sive ar chae o log i cal, archaeozoological, archaeobotanical and geomorphological field work at more than a hun dred sites in the Nabta, Kiseiba, El Kortain, Gebal El Beid, Gebel Ramlah and Berget El Sheb Ar eas, South West ern Desert of Egypt. The re - search has helped to de velop a long chro no log i cal se quence of Late Gla cial and Ho lo cene cli ma tic changes in the re - gion. The cli ma tic se quence has been sup ported by more than 300 14C and OSL as says that per mit ted to place most of the cli ma tic events in a firm chro no log i cal frame.
Studia Quaternaria; 2013, 30; 125-133
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Multi-proxy inferred hydroclimatic conditions at Bęczkowice fen (central Poland); the influence of fluvial processes and human activity in the stone age
Płóciennik, Mateusz
Jakiel, Aleksandra
Forysiak, Jacek
Kittel, Piotr
Płaza, Dominik K.
Okupny, Daniel
Pawłowski, Dominik
Obremska, Milena
Brooks, Stephen J.
Kotrys, Bartosz
Luoto, Tomi P.
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
climate changes
Late Weichselian
Early Holocene
central Poland
Fens have been forming in the river valleys of central Poland since the Bølling and went through a transformation from fully aquatic to semiterrestrial habitats during the Younger Dryas/Holocene transition. This drove plant and invertebrate communities and left a distinct pattern in chemical sediment composition, which is why river valley peatlands are sensitive palaeo-archives of climatic, hydrological and edaphic changes. Here we reconstruct the Late Weichselian history of the Bęczkowice fen in the upper Luciąża River valley using geochemical, pollen, Cladocera and Chironomidae proxies. Pollen-based age estimation indicates that the analysed peat sequence dates from the Bølling to Early Holocene. The layers 190-170 cm and 125-105 cm of the studied core were reworked by fluvial processes. Chironomidae and Cladocera communities indicate mostly limnetic conditions during the Allerød and early Younger Dryas. Peatland pools were supplied mostly by Luciąża River floods, but also by groundwater. Since the onset of the Holocene, the water level has dropped, eliminating aquatic midges and water fleas, and supporting taxa typical of astatic waters and wet soil.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2021, 111; 135-157
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sedimentological features and depositional conditions of accumulative fans in the lower Serteyka River valley, Western Russia
Piech, Wiktor
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
slope processes
denudation valleys
erosion cuts
sediment lithodynamics
Late Weichselian
Little Ice Age
In the Serteyka River valley in western Russia, eight accumulative fans formed at the mouths of ravines were examined geologi-cally and geomorphologically. The test samples were collected from individual geological drillings made with a manual probe, as well as from excavations in the central and distal zones of the fans. Using the Gradistat program, sedimentological indicators were calculated, i.e. mean grain diameter (MZ), standard deviation (sorting – σI), skewness (SkI) and kurtosis (KG),and then particle-size distribution frequency curves, cumulative curves and a Passega C/M diagram were drawn. It has been documented that the grain size of the fan sediments depends on the characteristics of the source material. Analysis of sedimentological indicators (mean grain diameter, sorting, skewness, kurtosis) showed the studied fans deposits to have a large variability of erosion and accumulation conditions. For the deposits of younger fans, the 2nd system of the MZ-versus-σI relationship after Mycielska-Dowgiałło (1995) was distinguished, while for the older, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th systems were recognised. The main process of grain transport within these forms was saltation. The ravines on the eastern slope of the Serteyka valley were most likely created in the periglacial period, while the gullies on the western side of the valley developed in the early modern period.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2021, 111; 159-188
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Late Holocene water-level changes in Lake Iso Lehmälampi, Southern Finland, reflected in subfossil Cladocerans and Chironomids
Nevalainen, Liisa
Luoto, Tomi P.
Sarmaja- Korjonen, Kaarina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
late Holocene
lake-level changes
Anal y ses of subfossil cladocerans (Crustacea: Cladocera) and chi rono mids (Diptera: Chironomidae) were ap plied to ex am ine wa ter-level changes in a small and oligotrophic lake in south ern Fin land over the past 2000 years. Ma jor changes in the in ver te brate com mu ni ties oc curred ca. 400 AD on wards when the lit to ral cladoceran Alonella nana started to re place the plank tonic Eubosmina as the dom i nant spe cies and chi rono mids Psectrocladius sordidellus group and Zalutschia zalutschicola in creased. These changes were most likely due to a de creas ing wa ter level and an en larg ing pro por tion of the lit to ral area, pro vid ing suit able veg e ta tive hab i tats, e.g. aquatic bryophytes (mosses), for these taxa. The low er ing wa ter level reached its min i mum just be fore the Me di eval Warm Pe riod, ca. 800–1000 AD, af ter which the lake level rose again and re mained high un til mod ern times. A prom i nent change in the chi rono mid as - sem blages oc curred dur ing the 20th cen tury when Ablabesmyia monilis and Chironomus anthracinus type in creased, pre sum ably due to changes in wa ter chem is try, caused by anthropogenic load of pol lut ants.
Studia Quaternaria; 2008, 25; 33-42
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The evolution of the southern Baltic coastal zone
Mojski, J.E.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Oceanologii PAN
coastal zone
post-glacial topography
Baltic Sea
Late Glacial
water level
This article discusses the formation and evolution of the coastal zone of the southern Baltic from the decay of the last Scandinavian ice-sheet, which took place some 14 ka BP. During the first 4 ka, the shores of the then southern Baltic basins were shaped under the dominant influence of considerable variations in water level and the young, post-glacial topography emerging from under the ice. Later, until the beginning of the Atlantic transgression, the shores were also unstable, because sea level changes resulting from periodic connections with the World Ocean followed one another in rapid succession. Since that transgression destroyed much of the former shoreline, its reconstruction is at best highly problematical, and in some places no longer possible. The maximum range of the Litorina Sea gave rise to a coastal zone that in many places is to this day quite conspicuous in the local topography and sediments. During the last 4 ka, the shoreline has changed relatively little, thus the present shoreline is largely redolent of the original one. In the coming 100 years or so, the abrasion of the cliffs along the southern Baltic shore will probably accelerate, as will the retrogradation of certain sections of the shoreline, with the result that the shoreline will be less of a straight line than it is at present. Land up to a height of 1 m above sea level will be inundated. The greatest changes in the lie of the shoreline are to be expected in the River Wisła (Vistula) delta and around the Zalew Szczeciński (Oderhaff, Szczecin Lagoon).
Oceanologia; 2000, 42, 3
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
History of the Białowieża Primeval Forest, NE Poland
Milecka, Krystyna
Noryśkiewicz, Agnieszka M.
Kowalewski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Pollen and macrofossil analysis
Białowieża Primeval Forest
NE Poland
Late Glacial
Bia³owie¿a in Po land is a very fa mous re gion in Eu rope (be cause of its pri me val for est and bi son pop u la tion), but its en vi ron men tal his tory is poorly known. This ar ti cle shows the re sults of palynological anal y sis, macrofossil anal y sis and geo log i cal set tings of two mires in the Bia³owie¿a For est. The pol len di a grams show changes of the veg e ta tion cover from the youn ger part of the Late Gla cial un til the pres ent time. The rel a tive time scale is based on palynostratigraphy and com par i son to pub lished re sults of other sites from the ad ja cent re gions. Dur ing the Late Gla cial two stages of the veg e ta tion suc ces sion were re vealed: steppe and for est dur ing the Alleröd pe riod and tun dra-like veg e ta tion during the Youn ger Dryas. The Ho lo cene his tory con sists of five stages of plant cover de vel op ment. The spe cial fea tures of the Bia³owie¿a For est are con di tioned by two main fac tors: low de gree of anthropogenic im pact and in flu ences of con ti nen tal cli mate and bo real zone, stron ger than in the other re gions of Po land.
Studia Quaternaria; 2009, 26; 25-39
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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