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Zmiany w rolnictwie Mazowsza w latach 2002–2020
Changes in the agriculture of Mazovia in 2002–2020
Ogniewska, Marta
Macierakowska, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Mazowieckie Biuro Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie
zmiany w rolnictwie
użytki rolne
użytkowanie gruntów
struktura agrarna
ludność wiejska
agricultural change
arable land
land use
agrarian structure
rural population
Artykuł jest syntezą opracowania przygotowywanego w Mazowieckim Biurze Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie (MBPR) mającego na celu zbadanie zmian jakie zaszły w ostatnich kilkunastu latach w rolnictwie i na obszarach wiejskich województwa mazowieckiego. Badanie przeprowadzone zostało głównie na podstawie Powszechnych Spisów Rolnych z lat 2002 i 2020. Objęto nim, możliwe do porównania, zagadnienia charakteryzujące rolnictwo i obszary wiejskie Mazowsza, poświęcając szczególną uwagę problematyce wykształconych na Mazowszu specjalizacji rolniczych związanych z produkcją roślinną i zwierzęcą, przeobrażeń w strukturze agrarnej gospodarstw rolnych, czy zmian w strukturze użytków rolnych regionu. Poruszono również wybrane zagadnienia odnoszące się do ludności zamieszkującej tereny wiejskie, w tym dotyczące rynku pracy, procesów demograficznych. Próbowano ustalić, czy w trakcie kilkunastu analizowanych lat nastąpiły istotne przeobrażenia w tych dziedzinach. W artykule przedstawiono i omówiono przestrzenny rozkład badanych zagadnień i tendencji zarysowujących się w rolnictwie regionu, uzupełniając je, w miarę potrzeb, uwagami metodycznymi. Artykuł został wzbogacony licznymi rycinami obrazującymi wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz. Głównym źródłem informacji wykorzystywanych w opracowaniu są dane Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego prezentowane w Banku Danych Lokalnych (głównie wg siedziby gospodarstwa) , analizy ujęte w opracowaniu Zmiany w rolnictwie Mazowsza w latach 2002–2010 wydanym w ramach serii Mazowsze. Analizy i Studia, a także inne publikacje i materiały branżowe. Przeprowadzona analiza jest elementem monitorowania polityki rozwoju rolnictwa i obszarów wiejskich Mazowsza, wyrażonej w głównych dokumentach strategicznych województwa, tj. Strategii rozwoju oraz Planie zagospodarowania przestrzennego województwa. Wyniki analiz dokonanych w ramach opracowania mogą być pomocne podczas konkretyzacji i weryfikacji prowadzonej polityki regionalnej.
The article is a synthesis of a study being prepared in the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning in Warsaw (MBPR), aimed to examining the changes that have occurred in recent years in agriculture and rural areas of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. The study was mainly conducted on the basis of the Agricultural Censuses of 2002 and 2020. It covered, for comparability, issues characterizing agriculture and rural areas of Mazovia, devoting particular attention to the problems of agricultural specializations related to plant and animal production, transformations in the agrarian structure of farms, or changes in the structure of agricultural land in the region. Selected issues related to the rural population were also addressed, including the labour market, demographic processes. Attempts were made to determine whether significant transformations occurred in these areas during the analysed years. The article presents and discusses the spatial distribution of the studied issues and emerging trends in the region’s agriculture, supplemented, where appropriate, with methodological remarks. The article is enriched with numerous graphs and cartograms depicting the results of the conducted analyses. The main source of information used in the study is data from the Statistics Poland presented in the Local Data Bank (mainly by the seat of the farm), analyses included in the study Changes in the agriculture of Mazovia in 2002–2010 [Zmiany w rolnictwie Mazowsza w latach 2002–2010] published as part of the series MAZOVIA. Analyses and Studies, as well as other publications and industry materials. The conducted analysis is a component of monitoring the development policy of agriculture and rural areas in Mazovia, as expressed in the main strategic documents of the region, i.e. the Development Strategy and the Spatial Development Plan of the Voivodeship. The results of the analyses carried out as part of the study can be useful during the specification and verification of the ongoing regional policy.
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne; 2024, 48; 91-111
Pojawia się w:
MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A multicriteria approach to different land use scenarios in the Western Carpathians with the SWAT model
Kowalczyk, Agnieszka W.
Grabowska-Polanowska, Beata
Garbowski, Tomasz
Kopacz, Marek
Lach, Stanisław
Mazur, Robert
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
catchment area
land use
soil erosion
SWAT model
Western Carpathians
Water erosion in mountainous areas is a major problem, especially on steep slopes exposed to intense precipitation. This paper presents the analysis of the topsoil loss using the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model. The SWAT model is a deterministic catchment model with a daily time step. It was designed to anticipate changes taking place in the catchment area, such as climate change and changes in land use and development, including the quantity and quality of water resources, soil erosion and agricultural production. In addition to hydrological and environmental aspects, the SWAT model is used to address socio-economic and demographic issues, such as water supply and food production. This program is integrated with QGIS software. The results were evaluated using the following statistical coefficients: determination (R2), Nash-Sutcliff model efficiency (NS), and percentage deviation index (PBIAS). An assessment of modelling results was made in terms of their variation according to different land cover scenarios. In the case of the scenario with no change in use, the average annual loss of topsoil (average upland sediment yield) was found to be 14.3 Mg∙ha-1. The maximum upland sediment yield was 94.6 Mg∙ha-1. On the other hand, there is an accumulation of soil material in the lower part of the catchment (in-stream sediment change), on average 13.27 Mg∙ha-1 per year.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2023, 57; 130--139
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of the impact of the Tomaszów Lubelski bypass on the spatial structure of rural areas
Ocena wpływu budowy obwodnicy miasta Tomaszowa Lubelskiego na strukturę przestrzenną obszarów wiejskich
Piwko, Monika
Leń, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie
spatial structure
land use
linear investments
land consolidation
landscape planning
struktura przestrzenna
użytkowanie gruntów
inwestycje liniowe
scalenie gruntów
projektowanie krajobrazu
In recent years, the road network in Poland has undergone significant development, meeting the objective of creating a coherent network of roads to ensure the efficient functioning of passenger and freight transport. Linear investments, such as the construction of motorways, expressways or bypasses, are an important element that improves the safety and comfort of the life of residents, and has a significant impact on the economic and regional progress. In addition to the undoubted benefits of constructing a bypass, its possible negative impact on the surrounding agricultural and forest areas should be emphasised. Poor planning and construction of the bypass itself, without prior programming of survey and management works, can lead to disturbances in the spatial structure of neighbouring villages. This study attempts to analyse and evaluate the impact of the construction of the Tomaszów Lubelski bypass on the spatial structure of rural areas located in the eastern part of Tomaszów County (Lubelskie Voivodeship), which is a 9.58 km long section of the S17 Warsaw – Hrebenne expressway. The study undertook a detailed analysis of only those factors that adversely affect the spatial structure of rural areas. On the basis of research on the subject, factors affecting and significantly changing the spatial structure of rural areas were identified, which allowed to formulate final conclusions regarding the problem of realising linear investments in relation to shaping the space of rural areas.
Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat sieć drogowa w Polsce uległa znaczącej rozbudowie, realizując zamierzenia stworzenia spójnej sieci dróg zapewniających efektywne funkcjonowanie transportu osobowego i towarowego. Realizacje inwestycji liniowych jakimi są między innymi budowy autostrad, dróg ekspresowych, czy obwodnic, stanowią istotny element podnoszący bezpieczeństwo oraz komfort życia mieszkańców, jak również mają znaczący wpływ na postęp gospodarczy i ekonomiczny regionu. Obok niewątpliwych korzyści budowy obwodnicy należy podkreślić, że może ona wywierać negatywny wpływ na otaczające tereny rolne i leśne. Niewłaściwe przeprowadzenie procesu planowania jak i samej budowy obwodnicy, bez wcześniejszego programowania prac geodezyjno-urządzeniowych, może prowadzić do zaburzeń w strukturze przestrzennej sąsiadujących miejscowości. W niniejszej pracy podjęto próbę analizy i oceny wpływu budowy obwodnicy miasta Tomaszowa Lubelskiego na strukturę przestrzenną terenów wiejskich, położona we wschodniej części powiatu tomaszowskiego (woj. lubelskie), stanowiąca odcinek drogi ekspresowej S17 Warszawa – Hrebenne o długości 9,58 km. W pracy podjęto szczegółową analizę wyłącznie tych czynników, które w niekorzystny sposób przekształcają przestrzeń obszarów wiejskich. Opierając się na badaniach wyodrębniono czynniki oddziaływujące oraz znacząco zmieniające strukturę przestrzenną terenów wiejskich. Na ich podstawie sformułowano ostateczne wnioski dotyczące problematyki budowy inwestycji linowych w odniesieniu do kształtowania przestrzeni obszarów wiejskich.
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape; 2023, 1; 35--44
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes within permanent grasslands used for agriculture in the West Pomeranian Voivodship
Kitczak, Teodor
Podlasiński, Marek
Jarnuszewski, Grzegorz
Malinowski, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
agricultural land
decrease in permanent grasslands share
grasslands share
land use changes
transformation of grasslands
The study of changes in grassland was conducted on the territory of individual counties of the West Pomeranian Voivodship. Based on data collected in the Valorisation of the Agricultural Production Space of Poland and spatial data (an electronic 1:5000 soil and agricultural map) the basic information on the use of agricultural land in the 70s of the 20th century. Changes in use over time were analysed based on data the Statistics Poland (Pol.: Główny Urząd Statystyczny - GUS), General Geographic Database and The Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture Crop Register (Pol.: Agencja Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa - ARiMR). The studies showed that in the West Pomeranian Voivodship, a successive decrease in the share of permanent grasslands (0.9%) and arable lands (1.4%) is observed. There is a spatial variation in the share of permanent grassland in the province’s counties, with a distinction between northern and southern counties. The main direction of change in grassland area is arable land, which applies to counties with the highest share of permanent grassland (PG) and counties with a high share of the best soils and forest direction. Land quality was the main factor determining the direction of grassland changes, with the best PG converted to arable land or for investment purposes. In contrast, the weakest were converted to forestry or spontaneously wooded through abandonment. The main reasons for changes in grassland areas in the West Pomeranian Voivodship were: conversion of use to arable land, afforestation of grasslands, land use for urban planning purposes, leaving land fallow and conversion for constructing fishponds.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2023, 59; 108--117
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historical and projected land-use / land cover changes of the Welmel River Watershed, Genale Dawa Basin, Ethiopia
Ayalew, Solomon E.
Nigussie, Tewodros A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
CA-Markov chain model
change detection
land use/land cover
Welmel Watershed
Human activities on land have grown significantly changing the entire landscape, while most of the changes have occurred in the tropics. The change has become a serious environmental concern at the local, regional and global scales. The intensity, speed, and degree of land use / land cover (LULC) changes are nowadays quicker compared to the past because of the development of society. Moreover, the rapid increase in population resulted in disturbing a large number of landscapes on the Earth. The main objective of this study was to detect historical (1990-2020) and predicted (2020-2050) LULC changes in the Welmel River Watershed, which is located in the Genale-Dawa Basin, South Eastern Ethiopia. The dataset of 1990, 2005, and 2020 was generated from Landsat 5, Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 respectively to determine the historical LULC map. The result of this study revealed that agriculture/ settlement increased by 6.85 km2 ∙y-1, while forestland declined by 9.16 km2 ∙y-1 over the last 31 years between 1990 and 2020. In the coming 31 years (by 2050), if the existing trend of the LULC change continues, agriculture/settlement land is expected to increase from 290.64 km2 in 2020 to 492.51 km 2 in 2050 at the rate of 6.73 km2 ∙y-1, while forestland is expected to shrink from 690.48 km2 in 2020 to 427.01 km2 in 2050 by a rate of 8.78 km2 ∙y-1.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2023, 58; 89--98
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of land use and land cover changes on carbon stock in Aceh Besar District, Aceh, Indonesia
Achmad, Ashfa
Ramli, Ichwana
Nizamuddin, Nizamuddin
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
Aceh Besar District
carbon stock
land use and land cover
The international community affirms the critical role of forests in climate change mitigation, which includes reducing emissions from degradation and deforestation, carbon stock conservation, sustainable forest management, and increasing carbon stocks in developing countries. It relates to land use and land cover changes. This study aims to review land use and land cover changes (LULC) in two decades, namely 2000-2010 and 2010-2020, and the impact on carbon stocks. Landsat satellite imagery in 2000, 2010, and 2020 are classified into six categories: built-up area, cropland, forest, water body, bareland, and grassland. This classification uses supervised classification. The accuracy kappa coefficient values obtained for the LULC 2000, LULC 2010, and LULC 2020 maps were 89.61%, 83.90%, and 87.10%, respectively. The most dominant systematic LULC change processes were forest degradation in 2000-2020; the transition of forest to cropland (349.20 ha), forest to bareland (171.19 ha), and forest to built-up area (661.68 ha). Loss of using the forest for other uses was followed by a decrease in carbon stock. There was a high decrease in carbon stock in the forest category (11,000 Mg C∙y-1). The results showed a significant change in land use and cover. The decline in the area occurred in the forest category, which decreased from year to year. Meanwhile, the built-up area increases every year. Carbon stocks also decrease from year to year, especially forests as the most significant carbon store, decreasing in the area.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2023, 57; 159--166
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investments in small retention as a factor influencing land-use changes. A case study of Poland
Feltynowski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
building permits
investment process
land-use planning
spatial correlation
Building permit decisions are one of the most important elements of the investment process in Poland. It should be noted that water reservoirs influence the diversification of landscapes by increasing their attractiveness in both urban and rural areas. The article aimed to verify the relationship between the changes in land-use development and investments related to small retention. Another goal was classifying objects for which building permits have been obtained and registered. Changes in land-use development associated with the introduction of ponds, which blend in with the landscape, are desirable from the perspective of retaining water resources in urban and rural ecosystems. The research methodology was based on spatial data and included statistical analyses in three regions: Mazowieckie, Lodzkie and Swietokrzyskie. Studies carried out in these regions showed a spatial correlation associated with investments in small retention. The research used methods of the global I Moran statistic and local Moran statistics. The data used in the study came from the Register of Applications, Decisions and Notifications, made available by the Main Office of Construction Site. The research indicates clusters of investments in small retention in analysed regions. The majority of investors are residents who invest in earth ponds. The study shows that investment in small retention is connected with ecosystem services.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2023, 56; 235--241
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Long-term variability of runoff from a small agricultural catchment of the North Masovian Lowland
Kolasińska, Karolina
Kierasiński, Bartosz
Karpińska, Katarzyna
Szymczak, Tomasz
Banasik, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
agricultural watershed
climate change
flow decrease
hydrological characteristics
land use change
renewable water resources
Changes of land use, population and climate cause spatial and temporal changes in renewable water resources. For better understanding of the changes and effective management of water resources, hydrological investigations in river catchments are carried out around the world. A special investigation involves a study of hydrological processes in small site-specific catchments. The aim of the study is to analyse three characteristic river flows of a small lowland river on the basis of field surveys over two multiannual periods and to evaluate the applicability of indirect methods for determining characteristic flows in the catchment. Hydrological studies in the small agricultural catchment of the Mławka River, located in the Mławka Hills mesoregion, a part of the North Mazovian Lowland macro-region, have continued since 1966. The recorded data were used to determine daily flows and selected characteristic flows for multiannual periods of 1966-1990 and 1991-2020. To determine characteristic flows with indirect methods, three regional formulae and isorea methods were used. The study showed a decrease in renewable water resources over the period. In the multiannual periods, the average flow at the gauge station of Mławka River decreased by 15.6%. The outflow coefficient decreased from 0.303 to 0.265. The minimum annual flows also decreased by 29.1% and annual maximum flows showed an average increase by 19.7%. The use of indirect methods to determine the mean flow yielded results that converged with those from the second multiannual period.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2023, 58; 212--219
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mapping of impervious surfaces with the use of remote sensing imagery: Support Vector Machines classification and GIS-based approach
Wizualizacja powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych z wykorzystaniem zdjęć teledetekcyjnych: klasyfikacja support vector machines i podejście oparte na GIS
Sobieraj, Janusz
Fernández Marín, Marcos
Metelski, Dominik
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
powierzchnia nieprzepuszczalna
maszyna wektorów nośnych
system informacji geograficznej
użytkowanie gruntów pokrycie gruntów
uczenie maszynowe
impervious surface
support vector machine
remote sensing
geographic information system
land use land cover
machine learning
This study focuses on the problem of mapping impervious surfaces in urban areas and aims to use remote sensing data and orthophotos to accurately classify and map these surfaces. Impervious surface indices and green space assessments are widely used in land use and urban planning to evaluate the urban environment. Local governments also rely on impervious surface mapping to calculate stormwater fees and effectively manage stormwater runoff. However, accurately determining the size of impervious surfaces is a significant challenge. This study proposes the use of the Support Vector Machines (SVM) method, a pattern recognition approach that is increasingly used in solving engineering problems, to classify impervious surfaces. The research results demonstrate the effectiveness of the SVM method in accurately estimating impervious surfaces, as evidenced by a high overall accuracy of over 90% (indicated by the Cohen’s Kappa coefficient). A case study of the “Parkowo-Leśne” housing estate in Warsaw, which covers an area of 200,000 m², shows the successful application of the method. In practice, the remote sensing imagery and SVM method allowed accurate calculation of the area of the surface classes studied. The permeable surface represented about 67.4% of the total complex and the impervious surface corresponded to the remaining 32.6%. These results have implications for stormwater management, pollutant control, flood control, emergency management, and the establishment of stormwater fees for individual properties. The use of remote sensing data and the SVM method provides a valuable approach for mapping impervious surfaces and improving urban land use management.
Niniejsze badanie koncentruje się na problemie wyznaczania powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych na obszarach miejskich i ma na celu wykorzystanie danych teledetekcyjnych i ortofotomap do dokładnej klasyfikacji i wizualizacji tych powierzchni. Wskaźniki powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych i oceny terenów zielonych są szeroko stosowane w planowaniu przestrzennym i urbanistycznym do oceny środowiska miejskiego. Władze lokalne polegają również na oszacowaniu wielkości powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych w celu obliczania opłat za wodę deszczową i skutecznego zarządzania odpływem wody deszczowej. Jednak dokładne określenie wielkości nieprzepuszczalnych powierzchni jest poważnym wyzwaniem. W niniejszym badaniu zaproponowano wykorzystanie metody Support Vector Machines (SVM), podejścia opartego na rozpoznawaniu wzorców, które jest coraz częściej stosowane w rozwiązywaniu problemów inżynieryjnych, do klasyfikacji powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych. Wyniki badań pokazują skuteczność metody SVM w dokładnym szacowaniu powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych, o czym świadczy wysoka ogólna precyzja wynosząca ponad 90% ( na co wskazuje współczynnik Kappa Cohena). Studium przypadku osiedla „Parkowo-Leśne” w Warszawie o powierzchni 200 000 m² pokazuje skuteczne zastosowanie metody. Wyniki wskazują, że powierzchnie przepuszczalne stanowiły około 67,4% całego kompleksu, podczas gdy powierzchnie nieprzepuszczalne stanowiły pozostałe 32,6%. Wyniki te mogą mieć wpływ na zarządzanie wodami opadowymi, kontrolę zanieczyszczeń, zapobieganie powodziom, zarządzanie kryzysowe i ustalanie opłat za wodę opadową dla poszczególnych nieruchomości. Wykorzystanie danych teledetekcyjnych i metody SVM zapewnia cenne podejście do wizualizacji powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych i poprawy zarządzania użytkowaniem gruntów miejskich.
Archives of Civil Engineering; 2023, 69, 3; 129--146
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Civil Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature from Landsat Imagery: A Case Study of Al-Anbar Governorate in Iraq
Morsy, Salem
Ahmed, Shaker
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
land surface temperature
single channel algorithm
land use
land cover
Land surface temperature (LST) estimation is a crucial topic for many applications related to climate, land cover, and hydrology. In this research, LST estimation and monitoring of the main part of Al-Anbar Governorate in Iraq is presented using Landsat imagery from five years (2005, 2010, 2015, 2016 and 2020). Images of the years 2005 and 2010 were captured by Landsat 5 (TM) and the others were captured by Landsat 8 (OLI/TIRS). The Single Channel Algorithm was applied to retrieve the LST from Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 images. Moreover, the land use/land cover (LULC) maps were developed for the five years using the maximum likelihood classifier. The difference in the LST and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values over this period was observed due to the changes in LULC. Finally, a regression analysis was conducted to model the relationship between the LST and NDVI. The results showed that the highest LST of the study area was recorded in 2016 (min = 21.1°C, max = 53.2°C and mean = 40.8°C). This was attributed to the fact that many people were displaced and had left their agricultural fields. Therefore, thousands of hectares of land which had previously been green land became desertified. This conclusion was supported by comparing the agricultural land areas registered throughout the presented years. The polynomial regression analysis of LST and NDVI revealed a better coefficient of determination (R2) than the linear regression analysis with an average R2 of 0.423.
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering; 2023, 17, 3; 61--81
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
New Built Land Threat of Martapura River – Implementation of Environmental Sustainability in Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Rusdiyanto, Edi
Munawir, Abdillah
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Ekologicznej
environmental degradation
land use
Martapura river
built-up land
The threat of environmental degradation of the Martapura River as a result of an increase in built-up land has become a serious problem, so it is important to implement a new method using the integration of calculations of changes in built-up land and the sustainability of river area environmental management. This study aimed to calculate the change in built-up land directly integrated through Rap-RiverBuiltUp quantitative analysis on the environmental sustainability of the Martapura river area, Banjarmasin City. The research method used is the technique of spatial analysis of ETM/Landsat 8 OLI satellite landsat images and analysis of ecological, social and economic sustainability with Rap-RiverBuiltUP analysis. The results of the analysis of built-up land around the Martapura river, Banjarmasin City, have increased by 2.31% over the last 12 years, followed by a growth in population density of ±1.5% annually. The implementation of sustainable environmental management needs to be prioritized with the efforts to periodically revise regional spatial planning regulations, especially the boundaries of built-up land to reduce the development of built-up land around the Martapura River. The sustainability status of the built-up area around the Martapura river is currently not sustainable. The ecological dimension indicates a less sustainable status, while the economic and social dimensions indicate a fairly sustainable status. Increasing the sustainability index value of the Martapura river from each dimension in the future is by making the lever factor an input for the management policy of the Martapura river, Banjarmasin City.
Journal of Ecological Engineering; 2023, 24, 5; 276--287
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oszacowanie wyłączeń gruntów rolnych z produkcji rolnej w Polsce
Estimation of agricultural land exclusions from agricultural production in Poland
Śleszyński, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
spatial planning
land exclusions from agricultural production
demographic absorption
spatial order
spatial chaos
monitoring of spatial planning
spatial organisation
land use
The purpose of the article is to estimate the number of municipalities (gminas) that should apply for the exclusion of agricultural land from agricultural production due to the entry into force of the proposed amended Law on Planning and Spatial Development. In Poland, this problem is significant due to the oversupply of construction land, which contributes to the dispersion of settlements and spatial chaos. Analyses were conducted in 2175 rural and urban-rural municipalities. Several variant estimates of the number of municipalities were made, using data on municipal studies and local plans. It was estimated that the number of municipalities that could apply to exclude agricultural land from agricultural production ranged from 321 to 1343 (14.8%–61.7% of non-urban municipalities). This means that the scale of expected land exclusions could be very large and occur in up to every second non-urban municipality. This indicates the need for prudent formulation of regulations to serve rational and efficient land use and spatial organisation.
Studia BAS; 2023, 1(73); 21-45
Pojawia się w:
Studia BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Regulacje urbanistyczne dotyczące tymczasowości
Urban planning regulations for temporary use
Wróblewski, Wiktor
Data publikacji:
PWB MEDIA Zdziebłowski
użytkowanie tymczasowe
zagospodarowanie tymczasowe
plazma miejska
planowanie urbanistyczne
temporary use
temporary land use
urban plasma
urban planning
Celem publikacji jest analiza i ocena wpływu zmian w regulacjach urbanistycznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nowelizacji ustawy o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym, na elastyczność procesów i adaptacyjność struktur miejskich. Przeglądu dokonano, korzystając z analizy literatury naukowej, aktów prawnych i orzecznictwa oraz studiów przypadków ze Szkocji i Szwajcarii. Przeprowadzone badania pokazują, że uelastycznienie regulacji może mieć znaczący wpływ na adaptacyjność struktur urbanistycznych. Różne elementy środowiska miejskiego, określane jako szkielet, tkanka i „plazma”, wykazują zróżnicowaną podatność na zmiany. Podkreślenie rangi „plazmy” miejskiej jako przedmiotu planowania podnosi znaczenie krótkotrwałych elementów w urbanistyce. Kluczową refleksją jest to, że tymczasowość obejmuje procesy, a podatność na zmiany odnosi się do struktur miejskich.
The aim of the paper is to analyse and assess the impact of changes in urban planning regulations, with particular emphasis on the amendment to the Act on Spatial Planning and Development, on the flexibility of processes and adaptability of urban structures. The research contains the analysis of scientific literature, legal acts and case law, as well as case studies from Scotland and Switzerland. The conducted research shows that making regulations more flexible can have a significant impact on the adaptability of urban structures. Various elements of the urban environment, referred to as frame, tissue and “plasma”, show varying adaptability. Emphasizing the importance of urban “plasma” as a design subject increases the importance of short-term elements in urban planning. The key reflection is that temporality involves processes and adaptability relates to urban structures.
Builder; 2023, 27, 12; 32--34
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Remote sensing monitoring of irrigated areas from 1972 to 2018 in the Guigou Plain, Middle Atlas, Morocco
El-Bouhali, Abdelaziz
Cotonnec, Adeline
Lebaut, Sébastien
Amyay, Mhamed
Thomas, Alban
El Ouazani Ech-Chahdi, Khadija
Laouanne, Mohamed
Gille, Emmanuel
Data publikacji:
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
irrigated crops
land use
Middle Atlas
remote sensing
The cartography and quantification of irrigated fields in the context of decreasing rainfall constitute a key element for water resources management. Therefore, in this context, the use of remote sensing methods applied to Landsat-type images with a high spatial resolution for monitoring the changes in land use in general and irrigated crops, in particular, is highly relevant. This paper aims to present a method for mapping spatial and temporal changes in irrigated parcels in the Guigou Plain, located in the central Middle Atlas, based on Landsat images and fieldwork. For the years 1985, 1998, 2010 and 2018, the use of a supervised classification method based on the principle of machine learning, fed by precise field surveys, has made it possible to highlight a significant extension of irrigated areas to the expense of pastureland and rainfed crops. Over the entire period under consideration, the results obtained with good precision (98.5% overall accuracy) showed that the area under irrigated crops has increased from approximately 699 ha to 3988 ha, i.e. an increase of 570%. The corollary of this increase is strong pressure on the water resource, especially groundwater. This information on the total extension of irrigated plots can be taken as a reference in the perspective of reasoned management of water resources in the sector.
Journal of Water and Land Development; 2023, 56; 249--261
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Water and Land Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spatial-temporal heterogeneity and driving factors of water yield services in Citarum river basin unit, West Java, Indonesia
Nahib, Irmadi
Ambarwulan, Wiwin
Sutrisno, Dewayany
Darmawan, Mulyanto
Suwarno, Yatin
Rahadiati, Ati
Suryanta, Jaka
Prihanto, Yosef
Radiastuti, Aninda W.
Lumban-Gaol, Yustisi
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
water yields
land use land cover
InVEST Model
geographically weighted regression
socio-ecological model
Many countries, including Indonesia, face severe water scarcity and groundwater depletion. Monitoring and evaluation of water resources need to be done. In addition, it is also necessary to improve the method of calculating water, which was initially based on a biophysical approach, replaced by a socio-ecological approach. Water yields were estimated using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs (InVEST) model. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and geographic weighted regression (GWR) methods were used to identify and analyze socio-ecological variables for changes in water yields. The purpose of this study was: (1) to analyze the spatial and temporal changes in water yield from 2000 to 2018 in the Citarum River Basin Unit (Citarum RBU) using the InVEST model, and (2) to identify socio-ecological variables as driving factors for changes in water yields using the OLS and GWR methods. The findings revealed the overall annual water yield decreased from 16.64 billion m3 year-1 in the year 2000 to 12.16 billion m3 year-1 in 2018; it was about 4.48 billion m3 (26.91%). The socio-ecological variables in water yields in the Citarum RBU show that climate and socio-economic characteristics contributed 6% and 44%, respectively. Land use/Land cover (LU/LC) and land configuration contribution fell by 20% and 40%, respectively.The main factors underlying the recent changes in water yields include average rainfall, pure dry agriculture, and bare land at 28.53%, 27.73%, and 15.08% for the biophysical model, while 30.28%, 23.77%, and 10.24% for the socio-ecological model, respectively. However, the social-ecological model demonstrated an increase in the contribution rate of climate and socio-economic factors and vice versa for the land use and landscape contribution rate. This circumstance demonstrates that the socio-ecological model is more comprehensive than the biophysical one for evaluating water scarcity.
Archives of Environmental Protection; 2023, 49, 1; 3--24
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Environmental Protection
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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