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Demand for private health insurance: an empirical study of post-communist countries
Śliwiński, Adam
Borkowska, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów
health insurance
demand analysis
The development of voluntary health insurance is characteristic of post-Communist and CEE countries. The aim of the paper is to identify the factors determining the demand for private voluntary health insurance. The main finding of the research is that the most important factor is the demographic factor. Other factors include the factor related to the ineffectiveness of treatment under universal health insurance, the factor related to health condition, the demographic factor related to longevity, and the factor related to insurance awareness and income. The research confirms conclusions from previously published studies. The most important is to confirm that the income factor positively influences the studied phenomenon. However, the results shed new light on the aspect of the demand factor, as this indicates the ageing of society and the consequent increase in private spending on health, which are the key mechanisms in the discussion, with the other factors constituting a complementary element.
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences; 2023, 50; 109-129
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Management and Financial Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mitigating Cyber Risk in Personal Finance of the Elderly. Insights into Vulnerabilities, Cyber Hygiene and the Role of Personal Cyber Insurance
Strupczewski, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
cyber risk
cyber threats to the elderly
cyber hygiene
personal cyber insurance
The paper investigates the growing cyber threats to personal finance, faced by the elderly in the digital age. It begins by acknowledging the surge in cyber incidents, particularly impacting seniors amid their increasing engagement in the digital space. The research explores the theoretical background of individual attitudes towards cybersecurity, emphasizing the unique vulnerabilities of the elderly population and their heightened susceptibility to cyber threats. It offers practical recommendations for personal cyber hygiene. Moreover, it introduces personal cyber insurance (PCI) and discusses its advantages and challenges. As the main contribution to the body of knowledge, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of the specific challenges faced by the elderly in the digital realm. It offers practical strategies for risk mitigation and introduces PCI as a means of enhancing resilience. It also sets the groundwork for further exploration and targeted strategies to protect individuals, especially older adults, in the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity and Law; 2024, 11, 1; 281-298
Pojawia się w:
Cybersecurity and Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Świadomość ubezpieczeniowa pracowników biur rachunkowych w Polsce
Insurance Awareness of Employees of Accounting Offices in Poland
Jańska, Anna
Dziewit, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
biura rachunkowe
odpowiedzialność cywilna
odpowiedzialność prawna
accounting offices
civil liability
legal responsibility
Prezentowane badania miały na celu analizę świadomości ubezpieczeniowej oraz zapotrzebowania na ubezpieczenie odpowiedzialności cywilnej biur rachunkowych oraz osób świadczących usługi księgowe w świetle aktualnych zmian rynkowych. Podjęta problematyka jest aktualna i istotna ze względu na coraz szybszą zmianę przepisów w prawie podatkowym i szoki rynkowe wywołane pandemią COVID-19 oraz wojną na Ukrainie, wpływające istotnie na prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej w Polsce, a w konsekwencji także na bieżącą pracę i zakres odpowiedzialności biur rachunkowych.W badaniach wykorzystano metody takie jak: analiza literatury, analiza aktów prawnych oraz sondaż, który został przeprowadzony w biurach rachunkowych, kancelariach podatkowych oraz wśród doradców podatkowych i innych pracowników zajmujących się księgowością.W ocenie uczestników badania wprowadzenie w Polsce obowiązkowego ubezpieczenia było potrzebne i słuszne. Zaprezentowane badania wskazują, iż w dzisiejszych czasach oraz przy teraźniejszym stopniu ryzyka występującego w powyższym zawodzie ubezpieczenie odpowiedzialności cywilnej biura jest wręcz niezbędne do prawidłowego funkcjonowania działalności gospodarczej. Wpływa ono pozytywnie na pracę podmiotów świadczących usługowe prowadzenie ksiąg rachunkowych lub doradztwo podatkowe. Respondenci wykazują wysoki poziom świadomości ubezpieczeniowej i dostrzegają zasadność korzystania z ochrony ubezpieczeniowej w ramach obowiązkowego ubezpieczenia odpowiedzialności cywilnej. Są również skłonni uiszczać dodatkowe opłaty z tytułu klauzul dodatkowych. Z perspektywy zakładów ubezpieczeniowych interesująca może być informacja potwierdzająca chęć rozszerzania ochrony ubezpieczeniowej o dodatkowe klauzule oraz deklaracje zakupu dodatkowych ubezpieczeń dobrowolnych w omówionym zakresie.
The presented research aimed to analyze insurance awareness and the need for liability insurance of accounting offices and persons providing accounting services in light of current market changes. The issues raised are up-to-date and essential due to the ever-faster change in the tax law and market shocks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, significantly affecting the conduct of business in Poland, and, consequently, also the day-to-day work and scope of responsibility of tax offices accounting.The study used methods such as analysis of literature, research of legal acts, and a survey, which was conducted in accounting offices, tax offices, and among tax advisors and other employees dealing with accounting.In the opinion of the respondents, the implementation of compulsory insurance in Poland was necessary and right. The presented research shows that nowadays and with the current degree of risk in the above profession, civil liability insurance of the office is even necessary for the proper functioning of business and has a positive effect on the functioning of entities providing bookkeeping services or tax consultancy. Respondents see the legitimacy of using insurance protection as part of compulsory third party liability insurance, and are willing to pay additional fees under additional clauses. From the perspective of insurance companies, information confirming the willingness to extend insurance cover with additional clauses and declarations of purchase of additional insurance in the discussed scope may be interesting.
Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny; 2024, 1; 29-44
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawno-Ekonomiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The relationship between the digital maturity and efficiency of Croatian non-life insurers: Exploratory research
Ćurak, Marijana
Duvnjak, Mirela
Pervan, Maja
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
digital transformation and maturity
Croatian non-life insurance companies
Aim/purpose – In line with the general trend of digitalization and changing customers’ needs and preferences, insurance companies have increasingly applied digital technology to their business. This digital transformation should enhance insurance companies’ efficiency and provide further advantages. Therefore, this study’s main aim is to analyze the current relationship between the digital maturity of Croatian non-life insurers and their efficiency. Design/methodology/approach – The empirical analysis is based on the data collected via an online survey on a sample of Croatian non-life insurers and from the insurance companies’ financial statements. The data was analyzed using the Digital Maturity Model 5.0 by Forrester Research, Inc., Data Envelopment Analysis, and correlation analysis. Findings – The surveyed Croatian non-life insurance companies have achieved the second level of a four-level digital maturity scale, on average. Although the digital transformation of insurance companies is a promising efficiency driver, the current level of digital maturity of Croatian non-life insurance companies is not positively related to their efficiency. Research implications/limitations – The research has implications for insurance companies regarding their path of digital transformation, as well as for the regulators establishing an adequate regulatory framework to encourage the digital development of insurance companies. The objective limits of the research refer to the means of measuring digital maturity and the sample size. The research is limited to the Croatian insurance market. Originality/value/contribution – Analysis of the efficiency of insurance companies from the information technology perspective is rare in the academic literature, and this issue has not been investigated using a sample of Croatian insurers. The research contributes to advancing knowledge on the relationship between digital maturity and insurance companies’ efficiency.
Journal of Economics and Management; 2024, 46; 55-78
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ świadomości ubezpieczeniowej na zachowania klientów na rynku ubezpieczeń rolnych
The impact of insurance awareness on customer behaviour in the agricultural insurance market
Witkowska, Justyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Gdański. Wydział Ekonomiczny
agricultural insurance
insurance awareness
customer behaviour
ubezpieczenia rolne
świadomość ubezpieczeniowa
zachowanie klienta
Prowadzenie działalności rolniczej jest narażone na wiele ryzyk, które można ograniczać w różny sposób. Jednym z rozwiązań minimalizującym ryzyko występujące w branży rolniczej jest jego ubezpieczenie. Celem głównym artykułu jest określenie zachowań klientów na rynku ubezpieczeń rolnych. Do celu głównego wyznaczono cele szczegółowe dotyczące identyfikacji posiadanych przez respondentów dobrowolnych i obowiązkowych ubezpieczeń rolnych, określenia poziomu świadomości ubezpieczeniowej nabywców ubezpieczeń rolnych oraz identyfikacji wag i rodzajów czynników wpływających na podejmowane przez rolników decyzje zakupu usług ubezpieczeń rolnych. Badania przeprowadzono za pomocą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza ankiety wśród rolników prowadzących swoje gospodarstwa rolne na terenie województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego oraz województwa mazowieckiego. Najczęściej wybieranym przez nabywców dobrowolnym ubezpieczeniem rolnym jest ubezpieczenie mienia, natomiast obowiązkowym ubezpieczeniem rolnym jest ubezpieczenie budynków rolniczych. Prawie jedna trzecia badanych rolników swój poziom znajomości ubezpieczeń rolnych ocenia jako dobry i bardzo dobry. Najbardziej znanymi ubezpieczeniami są ubezpieczenia obowiązkowe: ubezpieczenie budynków rolniczych oraz ubezpieczenie OC rolnika. Największą korzyścią, która wynika z posiadania ubezpieczenia rolnego jest ochrona majątku i pomoc finansowa na wypadek nieszczęścia. Ankietowani najczęściej poszukiwali informacji odnośnie oferty produktowej ubezpieczycieli w intrenecie oraz u agentów ubezpieczeniowych. Suma ubezpieczenia, szeroka oferta ubezpieczycieli oraz wysokość składki są najczęściej wskazywanymi determinantami wyboru ubezpieczeń rolnych.
The conduct of agricultural business is exposed to many risks, which can be mitigated in various ways. One of the solutions to minimize the risks occurring in the agricultural industry is to insure it. The main objective of the article is to determine customer behaviour in the agricultural insurance market. To the main objective, specific objectives were set to identify the respondents' possession of voluntary and compulsory agricultural insurance, to determine the level of insurance awareness of agricultural insurance buyers, and to identify the weights and types of factors influencing farmers' decisions to purchase agricultural insurance services. The research was carried out by means of a diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire among farmers running their farms in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship and the Mazovian Voivodeship. The voluntary agricultural insurance most often chosen by buyers is property insurance, while the mandatory agricultural insurance is agricultural buildings insurance. Nearly a third of surveyed farmers rate their level of familiarity with agricultural insurance as good or very good. The most familiar insurances are compulsory insurance: agricultural buildings insurance and farmer's liability insurance. The biggest benefit that comes from having agricultural insurance is protection of assets and financial assistance in case of misfortune. Respondents most often sought information on the product offerings of insurers on the Internet and from insurance agents. The sum insured, a wide range of insurers and the amount of premium are the most frequently indicated determinants of the choice of agricultural insurance.
Współczesna Gospodarka; 2024, 18, 1 (42); 27-41
Pojawia się w:
Współczesna Gospodarka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Choroby cywilizacyjne jako czynnik ryzyka w ubezpieczeniach na życie w Polsce
Civilization diseases as a risk factor in life insurance in Poland
Tokarska, Marta
Borda, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
choroby cywilizacyjne
ubezpieczenia na życie
underwriting medyczny
civilization diseases
life insurance
medical underwriting
CEL: Celem artykułu jest zbadanie możliwości objęcia ochroną ubezpieczeniową osób z chorobami cywilizacyjnymi w oparciu o rozwiązania stosowane przez zakłady ubezpieczeń na życie w Polsce. Coraz więcej ludzi choruje przewlekle, a schorzenia te mają niewątpliwie wpływ na poziom ryzyka przyjmowanego do ubezpieczenia. Aby zapobiegać zupełnemu wykluczeniu osób chorujących na choroby cywilizacyjne z segmentu ubezpieczeń, rynek powinien stworzyć takie produkty ubezpieczeniowe, które przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu opłacalności umowy dla ubezpieczyciela spełnią również podstawowe wymagania zabezpieczenia życia osób ubezpieczonych. METODA: W artykule dokonano przeglądu literatury dotyczącej tendencji związanych z występowaniem chorób cywilizacyjnych w Polsce na tle tendencji europejskich. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w ogólnych warunkach ubezpieczenia wybranych produktów ubezpieczeniowych przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą tych ofert pod kątem uwzględnienia w nich schorzeń cywilizacyjnych. WYNIKI I WNIOSKI: Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że dla osób dotkniętych chorobami cywilizacyjnymi istnieją znaczne trudności w uzyskaniu adekwatnej ochrony ubezpieczeniowej. W odniesieniu do najczęściej występujących chorób układu krążenia czy też nowotworów ubezpieczyciele uwzględniają te schorzenia w swojej ofercie, jednak wciąż istnieje luka w przypadku schorzeń takich, jak: cukrzyca, alergie czy zaburzenia psychiczne. ORYGINALNOŚĆ I WKŁAD: Wstępne wyniki badania przedstawione w artykule sygnalizują konieczność modyfikacji dotychczasowego podejścia do oceny ryzyka w ubezpieczeniach na życie poprzez uwzględnienie dynamicznego charakteru chorób cywilizacyjnych, co daje szanse na poszerzenie oferty produktowej. Proponuje się zastosowanie monitoringu stanu zdrowia ubezpieczonych, chociażby z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnych technologii, co, choć jest w praktyce dyskusyjnym narzędziem, stwarza możliwość lepszego zarządzania ubezpieczonym ryzykiem oraz posiada walory profilaktyki zdrowotnej.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the paper is to examine the possibility of providing insurance coverage to people with civilization diseases based on the solutions used by life insurance companies in Poland. More and more people are becoming chronically ill, and these diseases undoubtedly affect the level of insurance risk. In order to prevent the complete exclusion of people suffering from civilization diseases from the insurance segment, the market faces the challenge of creating such products that, while maintaining the profitability of the contract for the insurer, will also meet the basic requirements of the life insurance protection. DESIGN/METHOD: A review of the literature in the field of trends related to the occurrence of civilization diseases in Poland against the background of European trends was conducted in the paper. On the basis of the information contained in the general terms and conditions of the selected insurance products, a comparative analysis of these selected offers was carried out in terms of including civilization diseases. RESULTS/FINDINGS: The conducted analysis shows that people suffering from civilization diseases face significant difficulties in obtaining an adequate insurance cover. With regard to the most common cardiovascular diseases or types of cancer, insurers include these diseases in their offers, but there is still a gap in the case of diseases such as diabetes, allergies or mental disorders. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The preliminary results of the study indicate the need to modify the current approach to risk assessment in life insurance by taking into account the dynamic nature of civilization diseases, which gives an opportunity to expand the product offer. It is proposed to use health monitoring of the insured, with the application of modern technologies. Although in practice it seems to be a debatable tool, it enables better insurance risk management and promotes health prevention.
Studies in Risk and Sustainable Development; 2023, 397; 1-8
Pojawia się w:
Studies in Risk and Sustainable Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Claim modeling and insurance premium pricing under a bonus-malus system in motor insurance
Ieosanurak, Weenakorn
Khomkham, Banphatree
Moumeesri, Adisak
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
bonus malus system
claim severity
exponential-GaL distribution
motor insurance
number of claims
Poisson-GaL distribution
system bonus malus
rozkład wykładniczy
ubezpieczenie komunikacyne
Accurately modeling claims data and determining appropriate insurance premiums are vital responsibilities for non-life insurance firms. This article presents novel models for claims that offer improved precision in fitting claim data, both in terms of claim frequency and severity. Specifically, we suggest the Poisson-GaL distribution for claim frequency and the exponential-GaL distribution for claim severity. The traditional method of assigning automobile premiums based on a bonus-malus system relies solely on the number of claims made. However, this may lead to unfair outcomes when an insured individual with a minor severity claim is charged the same premium as someone with a severe claim. The second aim of this article is to propose a new model for calculating bonus-malus premiums. Our proposed model takes into account both the number and size of claims, which follow the Poisson-GaL distribution and the exponential-GaL distribution, respectively. To calculate the premiums, we employ the Bayesian approach. Real-world data are used in practical examples to illustrate how the proposed model can be implemented. The results of our analysis indicate that the proposed premium model effectively resolves the issue of overcharging. Moreover, the proposed model produces premiums that are more tailored to policyholders’ claim histories, benefiting both the policyholders and the insurance companies. This advantage can contribute to the growth of the insurance industry and provide a competitive edge in the insurance market.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2023, 33, 4; 637--650
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparison of Compulsory Liability Insurance of Tax Advisors in Poland to the Czech Counterpart
Myśliński, Marcel
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
obligatory insurance
liability insurance
tax advisor
adequacy assessment
This paper aims to assess the adequacy of obligatory tax advisors’ insurance to meet their needs in Poland and Czechiausing the comparative-legal method. It is crucial, due to the need to protect the weaker party in a transaction andprovide certainty in trading. The comparison is made between legislation concerning compulsory liability insurancefor tax advisors and the general contracts negotiated by professional self-governing bodies. The Polish product ischaracterised by mandatory coverage and private initiative. Like other compulsory insurance, this product is moreaccessory than voluntary insurance because the insurer also provides protection in case of damage caused by grossnegligence. In that insurance, there are no limitations of a financial nature (deductible, integral, and deductible fran-chise) on the liability of insurance companies. Consequently, the insurance company’s liability is even more similarto the insured’s. The reduction of accessoriality occurs only in regulated exclusions. The Czech legislator has onlyimposed the obligation to have this insurance without handling its details. The General Insurance Conditions regulatethe remaining matter. The analysis indicated that the Polish regulations provide more complete protection. However,they require some modernisation— an increase in the sum assured (10,000 EUR is too low) or how it is calculated. Rea-sults show faults in existing Polish regulations and indicate ways to improve them
Central European Economic Journal; 2023, 10, 57; 163-179
Pojawia się w:
Central European Economic Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Compulsory Liability Insurance of the Entity Conducting Medical Experiments - Polemical Remarks
Obowiązkowe ubezpieczenie odpowiedzialności cywilnej podmiotu przeprowadzającego eksperymenty medyczne – uwagi polemiczne
Węgrzyn, Maria
Wieteska, Stanisław
Janiszewska, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
medical experiment insurance
coverage amount for medical experiment insurance
insurance company liability in medical experiments
damage settlement in medical experiments
ubezpieczenie eksperymentów medycznych
suma gwarancyjna dla ubezpieczeń w eksperymentach medycznych
odpowiedzialność gwarancyjna zakładu ubezpieczeń w eksperymentach medycznych
likwidacja szkody w eksperymentach medycznych
Conducting medical experiments by healthcare entities is highly necessary as it is only through such actions that we can confirm the effectiveness of new solutions, however carrying out medical experiments involves unique risks that must/should be subject to special protection. The aim of this article is to address the debatable elements contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Finance regarding the civil liability of entities conducting medical experiments. The raised concerns are intended to improve the quality of the adopted legal solutions to increase the safety of all entities and individuals participating in the process of conducting medical experiments.
Prowadzenie eksperymentów medycznych przez podmioty lecznicze jest bardzo potrzebne, gdyż tylko dzięki takim działaniom można potwierdzić skuteczność nowych rozwiązań. Z drugiej strony jednak prowadzenie eksperymentów medycznych cechuje wyjątkowe ryzyko, które musi/powinno być objęte szczególną ochroną. Celem artykułu jest ustosunkowanie się do dyskusyjnych elementów zawartych w Rozporządzeniu Ministra Finansów dotyczącym odpowiedzialności cywilnej podmiotów przeprowadzających eksperymenty medyczne. Przedstawienie wątpliwości ma służyć poprawie jakości przyjmowanych rozwiązań w systemie prawnym po to, aby zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo wszystkich podmiotów i osób uczestniczących w procesie prowadzenia eksperymentów medycznych.
Financial Sciences. Nauki o Finansach; 2023, 28, 2; 21-35
Pojawia się w:
Financial Sciences. Nauki o Finansach
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Determinants of Liquidity Risk in the Countries of the European Economic Area
Wysocka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
Financial Institution
Liquidity Risk
Deposit Insurance
The paper documents cross-country variation in the relationship between the deposit insurance scheme and liquidity risk in banks and explores the banking sector specific and macroeconomic determinants that can explain the variation. There is a lack of articles exploring the phenomenon in Europe, authors studying the issue focus on the United States and other parts of the world, so it is difficult to apply their results to Europe. The results of their research are also ambiguous. Using data from 28 countries of the European Economic Area by means of panel regression calculated with the use of GLS estimator with random effects, I established that an increase in deposit insurance coverage reduces the risk of liquidity. The study provides new information to help evaluate deposit insurance schemes across EEA countries.
Journal of Banking and Financial Economics; 2023, 1(19); 114-136
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Banking and Financial Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dopuszczalność postępowania sądowego dotyczącego opłacania przez pracodawcę składek na ubezpieczenia społeczne i jego skutki dla pracownika
Admissibility of court proceedings concerning the payment of social security contributions by the employer and its effects on the employee
Dzienisiuk, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
social insurance
labour law
The status of an employee entails compulsory coverage by social insurance, regardless of the em‑ ployer’s fulfilment of the obligation to report the employee to social insurance and pay contribu‑ tions. The Act on the Social Insurance System does not provide for the possibility of paying so‑ cial insurance contributions for a retroactive period without proving the title of a person’s social insurance coverage (e.g. employment relationship) during the relevant period. At present, illegal employment or understatement of the employees’ contribution basis causes that the contribu‑ tions are not imposed on the insured person and all of them are payable by the employer from the employer’s own funds. This new regulation casts doubts regarding financial settlements between the employees and the employers due to the rules of financing contributions in earlier periods.
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS; 2023, 1(77); 281-291
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze BAS
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Duties of the ship’s master in the event of a maritime accident as a type of isured loss
Pijaca, M.
Bulum, B.
Primorac, Ž.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
ship’s master
maritime insurance
ship insurance
cargo insurance
liability insurance
maritime accident
insured loss
The ship's master has a number of duties in relation to the ship, the cargo and the shipowner's liability. His duties in the event of a marine accident are particularly important since all marine accidents occur as a type of insured loss. In addition to a number of general duties, some of the master's special duties are informing the classification society about the accident, damage report, cooperation with the insurer's expert and informing the P&I club about the accident. The content of the master's duties is the subject of analysis of this paper. Therefore, the goal of the paper is to analyse the content of the master's duties in the event of an accident that could result in damage, i.e. the occurrence of the insured event. The purpose of this analysis is to point out the important role of the master in the subject of maritime insurance.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2023, 17, 2; 305--311
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of the crop insurance performance in Haryana
Ocena efektów działania programu ubezpieczeń upraw w stanie Haryana
Sheoran, Vandana
Kait, Rohtas
Data publikacji:
Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
crop insurance
risk mitigation
physical performance
financial performance
Subject and purpose of the work: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the overall physical and financial performance of the crop insurance schemes in Haryana. Materials and methods: The study was purely based on secondary data collected from the Department of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Union of Haryana. The compound annual growth rate and the percentage method have been used to analyse the performance of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. Results: The compound annual growth rate of benefited farmers was higher in the Rabi crop (28%), and in the same way, the overall area covered (1.4%) was also higher in the Rabi crop. The non-loanee farmers adopted Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) without any kind of loan in any scheme such as the Kisan credit card. The growth rates of non-loanee farmers of Rabi and Kharif crops were observed at 143.2% and 184.3% which was highly satisfactory. Loanee farmers were already large in number since the commencement of PMFBY. Conclusions: It was found that the parameters such as area covered, loanee, non-loanee farmers and the number of beneficiaries of Rabi and Kharif crops increased and had a significant effect on the farmer’s coverage over the years. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana gives a positive assurance to farmers. As the number of beneficiaries of this scheme increases and farmers have the assurance that if their crop is damaged due to natural calamities their claim will be settled, they will use a high-yielding variety of seeds, pesticides, herbicides, and new technology, thus production and productivity will increase. They play a vital role in the coverage of cultivated area and will ultimately decide to participate in crop insurance. Hence, this scheme has proved effective in maintaining the farmer’s interest in crop insurance and ensuring the timely settlement of claims, which has been the main driving force in retaining farmers under crop insurance.
Economic and Regional Studies; 2023, 16, 1; 133-142
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Regional Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evolution of the Internal Structure of the Social Insurance Fund
Wantoch-Rekowski, Jacek
Wilmanowicz-Słupczewska, Martyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
social insurance finances
Social Insurance Fund
earmarked funds
reserve funds
The focus of the article is the Social Insurance Fund, which has been operating since 1 January 1999, and is a state special purpose fund with a specific structure. Separate funds function and operate within its framework. The number of these funds has already changed twice. The aim of the article is to analyse the legislative changes concerning the components of the Social Insurance Fund and to evaluate them. The study is dominated by the dogmaticlegal research method, and the historical-legal method is of auxiliary use.
Acta Iuris Stetinensis; 2023, 43; 145-158
Pojawia się w:
Acta Iuris Stetinensis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcjonowanie i rozwój małych portów morskich - najistotniejsze problemy
Functioning and Development of Small Seaports – Main Problems
Krawczyk, Sylwia
Mędrzak, Bogumiła
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
małe porty morskie
plany rozwoju portów
głębokość torów podejściowych
ochrona przeciwpożarowa portów
ubezpieczenie portów
small seaports
development plans for ports
depth of fairways
fire protection of ports
insurance for ports
Podejmowane przez NIK kontrole koncentrowały się dotychczas na portach o podstawowym znaczeniu dla gospodarki narodowej oraz na problematyce rozwoju średnich i małych portów pod kątem realizacji założeń przyjętych w programach rządowych. W ostatnim czasie Izba zaś sprawdziła, czy działalność małych portów morskich była prowadzona prawidłowo i przyniosła zakładane efekty. Oceniono także ochronę i nadzór nad ich infrastrukturą oraz gospodarkę finansowo-księgową. Artykuł przedstawia szczegółowe wyniki kontroli.
In Poland there are 29 smaller seaports, and 25 of them are located in the Pomorskie and Zachodniopomorskie Regions. They vary as for, among others, infrastructure, surface, functions performed and management forms. These are either regional or local ports, and some of them serve are fishing ports. Their land areas belong to various entities: municipalities (local self-governmental units – JST), the State Treasury and private persons. Usually it is a combination of private and municipal ownership. The form of management for small seaports is decided by the respective municipality if it owns the majority of their land. Small seaports are most frequently managed by JSTs within their organisational structures, or by entities that JSTs establish. If the majority of a port’s assets is owned by the State Treasury and has not been granted for perpetual usufruct, or is subject to the State Treasury’s perpetual usufruct – the managing entity for a port is the respective director of the sea office. The rules for establishing managing entities for seaports and harbours, and the organisation and functioning thereof, have been set forth in the Act of 20th December 1996 on seaports and sea harbours. The manner of performing tasks, stemming from the legal and internal regulations, by seaports managing entities, or supervision of them were not an area of interest for NIK over the last years. That is why NIK started an audit aimed at assessing the activities of small seaports undertaken by various entities. The audit also intended to identify potential barriers and weaknesses that hamper the operations of small seaports, including those related to the way in which seaports are manager.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2023, 68, 5 (412); 85-92
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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