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Международная научная конференция «Искусствоведение в контексте других наук в современном мире: Параллели и взаимодействия» 21–26 апреля 2019 года
International Academic Conference “Art Criticism in the Context of Other Sciences in the Modern World: Parallels and Interactions” April 21–26, 2019
Консон, Григорий
Data publikacji:
Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
International Academic Conference
Art Criticism
humanities and social sciences
an interdisciplinary perspective of Research
education and science prospects activities of Universities
Modern Art and Science
The article shows the history of an original Project –International Academic Conference that for almost eleven years has met with great resonance in academic circles: the Project highlights the most interesting issues in art in the context of the integration of interdisciplinary research in the humanities as well as the social sciences. This year the Conference has acquired an unprecedented scope. More than 100 people from twelve countries took part in it (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, USA). But the most striking were the topics “The New Trends in Academic Work and Education in the Humanities: Russia vs Foreign Countries”, “The Image of Art in Classical and Modern Art – an Interdisciplinary Angle of Research”, “Art History, Philology and Linguistics – Points of Intersection in the Context of Perspectives of Creating the Single Scientific Expanse”, “Psychological Methods in the Science of Art – Perspective Research Models”, “Concept vs Context in Art and Other Humanities”, “Source Studies and Textology in Modern Art Research in the Context of Other Humanities”, “Mass Media and Cinema in a Philosophical and Cultural Context: Methods of Creating a New Reality in Modern Society”, “Opera Theater and Jazz: Expanding the Space of Artistic Phenomena”, “Scientometrics in Art Criticism and other Areas of Humanitarian Knowledge: Perception of the Newest Data by Traditional Academic Consciousness in the Context of Systemic Improvement Research”, “Art and Culture in the Context of Legal Regulation in Different Spheres of Public Life”, etc. In general, the Project has become one of the most promising scientific events integrating the humanities and social disciplines. This provides the comprehensive study of the art in the life of society in the context of improving the conscience of humankind.
Ars inter Culturas; 2019, 8; 319-334
Pojawia się w:
Ars inter Culturas
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Building interdisciplinary research teams according to the requirements of the national research evaluation system
Wiechetek, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Evaluation system
Interdisciplinary research
Research evaluation
Research teams
University evaluation
Aim/purpose - The paper explores the issue of building interdisciplinary research teams from the point of view of the evaluation requirements for Polish researchers and research units. The main aim of the paper is to determine the possibility of creating interdisciplinary research teams involving management and economics researchers. Design/methodology/approach - The author searched 30,404 journals. An assumption was made that team creation should reflect the evaluation requirements of several measurement factors of similarity between disciplines, these were duly developed. An analysis of the possibility of developing effective interdisciplinary teams to maximise the possible number of places for publications and points scored was performed and discussed. The analysis was performed by considering all of the scored journals useful for the development of young researchers and well-regarded journals publishing original research prepared by experienced scientists. Findings - The analysis indicates that the relevant journals are not evenly spread among the various scientific disciplines examined. Considering the possibility of finding many shared journals for publication while achieving favourable interdisciplinary research outcomes and scoring a high number of evaluation points, researchers in the fields of economics as well as finance and management and quality sciences should mainly cooperate with researchers in the field of socio-economic geography and sociological sciences. Research implications/limitations - The analysis was based on the Polish national research evaluation system, which may limit the generalisation of the results. Originality/value/contribution - The results presented in the paper may be useful for researchers, research team managers and authorities who run research units and create effective research teams.
Journal of Economics and Management; 2020, 42; 118-139
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Economics and Management
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozważania nad dziedzictwem myśli badawczej Jana Dylika w Katedrze Badań Czwartorzędu w latach 1994–2012
Reflections on the legacy of research idea of Jan Dylik in the Department of Quaternary Research (Łódź University) between 1994–2012)
Turkowska, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
geomorfologia dynamiczna
geomorfologia peryglacjalna
poligeneza rzeźby
metody badań czwartorzędu
badania interdyscyplinarne
dynamic geomorphology
periglacial geomorphology
relief polygenesis
Quaternary research
interdisciplinary studies
Rozważania odniesiono do koncepcji programowej Profesora Jana Dylika, przedstawionej w artykule Rozwój myśli badawczej w łódzkim ośrodku geomorfologicznym, którego przedruk rozpoczyna niniejszy zeszyt. Wybrano cztery tematy (geomorfologia dynamiczna, utwory pokrywowe jako świadectwo morfogenezy peryglacjalnej, kartowanie geologiczne i wykorzystanie map geologicznych do interpretacji paleogeograficznych oraz kartowanie geomorfologiczne i mapy geomorfologiczne w różnej skali), w zakresie których rozważono dowody kontynuacji i negacji idei Jana Dylika. Wykazano, że problematyka dominująca w okresie rozwoju łódzkiej szkoły peryglacjalnej w profilu badawczym Katedry Badań Czwartorzędu stanowiła już tylko jeden spośród realizowanych wątków. Sformułowany w 1958 r. program badawczy był kontynuowany na poziomie jego założeń ogólnych, rozumianych jako badania nad poligenezą rzeźby środkowej Polski. Aktualna pozostaje istota metod badawczych, określana przed laty jako geomorfologia dynamiczna, a obecnie oznaczająca wykorzystywanie coraz szerszego i nowocześniejszego wachlarza metod interdyscyplinarnych. Wyrażono opinię, że rozwój wiedzy nad zmieniającym się i zróżnicowanym przestrzennie środowiskiem morfogenetycznym obszaru jest proporcjonalny do upływu czasu.
Considerations are related to the conception of Professor Jan Dylik, presented in the article Rozwój myśli badawczej w łódzkim ośrodku geomorfologicznym (in Polish with French summary) from 1958, the reprint of which begins this volume. Four problems were selected (dynamic geomorphology, cover deposits as the evidence of periglacial morphogeny, geological mapping and application of geological maps to palaeogeographical interpretations, geomorphologi-cal mapping and geomorphic maps at various scales) for which the evidence of the negation of or the continuation of the J. Dylik’s idea was considered. It has been shown that the leading issues of the Łódź geomorphological school were in the research profile of the Department of Quaternary Research only one of the tasks. Formulated in 1958 a research program was continued at the level of general principles, understood as the study of the polygenesis of central Poland relief. Research methods are still in use and refer to a dynamic geomorphology, but now it denotes the use of an wider and modern range of interdisciplinary methods. Expressed is opinion that the development of knowledge on the changing and diverse environment spatially morphogenetic environment, which is the heritage Professor Jan Dylik idea, is proportional to time.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2013, 101; 117-126
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kwestie fundamentalne metodologii katechetyki
Fundamental issues of catechetics methodology
Questioni fondamentali di metodologia della catechetica
Tomasik, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
nauka interdyscyplinarna
model badań naukowych.
interdisciplinary science
model of research
la catechetica
la metodologia della catechetica
Autor określa katechetykę jako naukę o katechezie i wskazuje, że definicja katechetyki jako nauki uzależniona jest od rozumienia katechezy w Kościele, co zmieniało się na przestrzeni wieków. Katechetyka była zatem definiowana bądź jako nauka pedagogiczna, bądź jako teologiczna. W tym drugim przypadku katechetyka jest rozumiana jako subdyscyplina teologii pastoralnej albo jako autonomiczna i interdyscyplinarna nauka teologiczna. Opowiadając się za tym ostatnim rozwiązaniem autor wskazuje na relację między katechetyką a jej naukami pomocniczymi: pedagogiką, socjologią i psychologią, wyjaśnia specyfikę wnioskowania katechetycznego oraz wyszczególnia modele badań katechetycznych.
Author defines catechetics as a research on catechesis and points, that the definition of catechetics as a science is conditional upon the comprehension of catechesis in the Church, which was altering through the centuries. Therefore, catechetics was beeing defined either as a pedagogical or a theological science. In the second case, catechetics is implied either as a subdiscipline of the pastoral theology or autonomous and interdisciplinary theological science. Pronouncing for this last answer, the author indicates the relation between catechetics and its supporting scientific disciplines: pedagogics, sociology and psychology, elucidates the pecularity of catechetical deduction and itemises models of catechetical research.
L’autore definisce catechetica come la scienza della catechesi e indica che la sua definizione dipende dalla mutata nell’arco della storia comprensione della catechesi nella Chiesa. La catechesi è stata così definita come una scienza o pedagogica o teologica. In quell’ultimo caso, la catechetica è intesa come una sotto-disciplina della teologia pastorale o come una autonoma e interdisciplinare scienza teologica. Optando per la seconda opzione l’autore mostra la relazione tra la catechesi e le sue scienze ausiliarie: pedagogia, sociologia e psicologia, spiega quindi le specifiche di inferenze catechistiche e specifica modelli della ricerca catechistica.
Studia Katechetyczne; 2013, 9; 71-90
Pojawia się w:
Studia Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interdisciplinarity in Pastoral Theology. An Example of Socio-Theological Research
Szymczak, Wioletta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
interdisciplinary research
pastoral theology
qualitative research methods
The purpose of the article is to analyze the idea of interdisciplinary research involving pastoral theology and sociology. This is one of the methodological proposals for research projects carried out under pastoral theology. Interdisciplinarity is understood as combining research methods for the cooperation of scientists from both disciplines in the process of planning, implementing and interpreting the results of empirical research. It is inspired by a problem identified in pastoral theology that requires exploration. The presentation consists of three parts. The first is devoted to the location of empirical research within pastoral theology. The second concerns the assumptions and significance of interdisciplinary research involving pastoral theologians and sociologists. In the final part, the areas of interdisciplinary cooperation among the research teams are pointed out. The potential of qualitative research as a space for cooperation among representatives of both sciences and as an important source of knowledge from the viewpoint of pastoral theology is shown. The comparative and synthetic method was used. The analysis shows that interdisciplinary research in the field of pastoral theology has great potential related to the acquisition and interpretation of multi-faceted empirical data and the designation of new research fields, which will significantly enrich the theological analysis process as well as the presentation and application of pastoral models.
Verbum Vitae; 2020, 38, 2; 503-527
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monitoring XX-wiecznych wraków wojennych na przykładzie badań środowiskowych jednostki SS Stuttgart ‒ studium przydatności pozyskanych danych w kontekście prac archeologicznych i ochrony podwodnego dziedzictwa kulturowego
Environmental supervision of the 20 century shipwrecks using the example of the remains of vessel SS Stuttgart - case study of the usefulness of obtained data in the context of archaeological work and the protection of underwater cultural heritage
Święch, Andrzej W.
Hac, Benedykt
Data publikacji:
Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie
archeologia podwodna
archeologia wraków stalowych
wraki z 1 i 2 wojny światowej
poszukiwania wraków z wojen światowych
badania interdyscyplinarne
zanieczyszczenie środowiska morskiego
underwater archaeology
archaeology of the iron shipwrecks
shipwrecks of World War 1 and 2
research of world war's shipwrecks
interdisciplinary research
contamination of the marine environment
This brief article discusses the matter of iron and steel shipwrecks in the context of the remains of vessel SS Stuttgart, and its environmental research conducted by scientists from Maritime Institute in Gdańsk. Her shipwreck is on the Polish list of 28 wrecks being treated for environmental reasons in the Polish part of South Baltic. At the present SS Stuttgart is most dangerous sunken object on the Polish coast. She was taking part in the 2nd World War. As such they are interesting objects which can be used in the studies of underwater archaeology of the contemporary past. The authors focus on their possible use in archaeology of the data obtained during oceanographic and hydrographic research.
Materiały Zachodniopomorskie; 2016, 12; 657-669
Pojawia się w:
Materiały Zachodniopomorskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania interdyscyplinarne nad polskimi zielnikami drukowanymi
Междисциплинарные исследования польских печатных гербариев
Suchecka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Nauki i Kultury Libra
zielniki drukowane
badania interdyscyplinarne
historia nauk przyrodniczych
historia historiografii
printed herbals
interdisciplinary research
history of natural sciences
history of historiography
печатные гербарии
междисциплинарные исследования
история естество-знания
история историографии
Междисциплинарные исследования польских печатных гербариев эпохи Возрождения имеют более чем столетнюю традицию. Их специфика состоит в сочетании источников и методов, используемых в области гуманитарных и естественных наук. Автор показывает междисциплинарный характер этих исследований подчеркивая, что в них переплетаются такие области науки, как история ботаники, фармации, медицины и других естественных наук, с историей культуры и культурной антропологией или исторической биб-лиологией (история печати и типографики), а также с лингвистикой в обла-сти естественной номенклатуры.
Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny; 2020, XVII, 2; 199-224
Pojawia się w:
Wschodni Rocznik Humanistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Grafemika jako dział językoznawstwa - rozważania teoretyczne i perspektywy badań interdyscyplinarnych
Smoczyńska, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Wydawnictwo UMK
interdisciplinary research
badania interdyscyplinarne
There are not many publications dedicated to the topic of graphemics and featuring it as the main tool of research. In fact, this can be the reason why there is a lack of a regular, systematic description of this field. Hence, the aim of this paper is, firstly, to characterize graphemics as a branch of linguistics. Secondly, to analyze its research items and tools. Lastly, to describe its field of interest. The following article examines the division of graphemics research areas into phonographic and ideographic systems of writing, and distinguishes their characteristic features. Moreover, the article presents the current state of research in the field of graphemics and suggests the possibilities for further interdisciplinary inquiries.
Pojawia się niewiele publikacji, w których grafemika stanowi główny przedmiot rozważań. Podobna sytuacja na scenie naukowej powoduje brak systematycznego opisu tej dziedziny. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie grafemiki jako działu językoznawstwa, wskazanie jej aparatu badawczego oraz opisanie obszaru refleksji naukowej. Praca przedstawia podział zagadnień badawczych na grafemikę pisma fonograficznego oraz ideograficznego i wyróżnia ich cechy charakterystyczne. Ponadto, artykuł analizuje stan badań w dziedzinie grafemiki oraz sugeruje możliwości zastosowania zagadnień związanych z tym aspektem językoznawstwa w badaniach interdyscyplinarnych.
Linguistica Copernicana; 2018, 15
Pojawia się w:
Linguistica Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Engineer meets sociologist. Interdisciplinary team in academic and business practice
Skibińska, Maja
Wieczorek, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
academic practice
interdisciplinary teams
project management
qualitative research
volunteering research
This article pertains to a research project carried out by an interdisciplinary team. What distinguished this project from others performed in market or academic conditions was voluntary participation of the members of the research team. This is a situation which requires constant review of the teaching habits as well as creativity and skilful use of soft competences in order to keep the team in its initial composition and give it an incentive to work. The aim of this article is to present practical aspects related to the management of interdisciplinary teams by two main researchers with different scientific background.
World Scientific News; 2017, 72; 398-406
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Towards comeniology as a science – the scientific and didactical workshop; research methodology
Sitarska, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
John Amos Comenius
John Amos Comenius’ ideas
contemporary educational challenges
interdisciplinary character of John Amos Comenius’ writings
interdisciplinary comeniological research
evolutional character of comeniological research
comeniology as an emerging scientific discipline
significance of comeniological research
The article depicts John Amos Comenius’ selected ideas and their reference to the contemporary times. It is mainly based on his two major works: Great Didactics and Pampaedia, my own research papers and other available ones, as well as on some research conducted by education science students for their MA theses concerning John Amos Comenius’ teacher in reference to the modern teacher2. It focuses on Comenius’ idea of permanent education, which refers to contemporary education3. Nowadays permanent education is a key educational challenge in Poland, Europe and all over the world. The article is an attempt to define comeniology as an emerging scientific discipline and specify the areas and ranges of comeniological research, mentioning its authors and describing their output published in “Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin. pedagogy series”. I prove the evolutional character of comeniological research. The article also mentions my education science students’ interest in Comenius and their activity including the research conducted for their MA theses about Comenius, presentations and written texts intended to be published in “Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin, pedagogy series”.
Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne. Seria pedagogika; 2019, 6; 55-80
Pojawia się w:
Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne. Seria pedagogika
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The benefits of interdisciplinary team work: my research experience on lifestyle choices
Shpakau, A.
Shpakou, A.
Kulak-Bejda, A.
Bejda, G.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Instytut Nauk o Zdrowiu
interdisciplinary team
group work
research experience
life style
physical activity
healthy behaviour
Background: A common international research area is being created as a result of linked activities of research centres. Aim of the study: To implement an interdisciplinary approach based on the example of a pilot study of lifestyle and identify connections between physical activity levels (PA), health-related behaviours, and the locus of health control among students. Material and methods: The research was carried out using 294 students of human sciences (235 females and 59 males) aged 18-24. A diagnostic survey method was chosen using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Health-Related Behaviour Inventory (HBI) and Health Locus of Control Scale (MHLC). Results: Total PA was assessed at 3829.3 MET-min/week. The dominant types of activities were walking (1245 MET-min/week) and moderate PA (1254 MET-min/week). Higher values in intensive and moderate efforts were reported among the male students, while women reported higher values in walking. The general severity index HBI is 72-93 points. There were no significant gender-related differences regarding the general indicator (except for the increased frequency of low health-related behaviours among females). Respondents mostly presented with internal locus of control with influence of others being reported less frequently, and accident locus of control least frequently. The analysis revealed a correlation between the internal placement of MHLC and PA among men (r=0.226, p<0.01) and individual HBI indices among women. Conclusions: Most young people present a sufficient level of PA, desirable HBI, and, to a large extent, the internal locus of MHLC. The participants had a greater sense of responsibility for their own health. Females, when deciding on a lifestyle, are more easily influenced by other people. It is necessary to conduct interdisciplinary group work for comparative research in order to create educational and preventive programs addressing identified lifestyle abnormalities.
Medical Science Pulse; 2018, 12, 1
Pojawia się w:
Medical Science Pulse
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Swoistość zjawisk w komunikacji medialnej i problemy w ich badaniach empirycznych
The Specific Nature of Phenomena in Media Communication and Problems with their Empirical Research
Sasińska-Klas, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii
interdyscyplinarne podejście
badania empiryczne
nowe wyzwania badawcze dotyczące mediów
interdisciplinary approach
empirical research
new research challenges in the media
Media, nowe media znajdują się aktualnie na etapie zmiany, która dokonuje się przez cały czas. Ta sytuacja wywiera wpływ na proces zmian w obszarze badań naukowych dotyczących komunikacji medialnej. Poszerza się zakres badań interdyscyplinarnych uwzględniających procesy komunikacji medialnej. W obecnie prowadzonych badaniach w zakresie mediów i komunikowania coraz bardziej elastycznie, a nie, jak dotychczas, rygorystycznie, stosuje się zarówno podejście kwantytatywne, jak i kwalitatywne. Najczęściej prowadzi się badania typu survey, badania opinii publicznej, a następnie ustrukturyzowane wywiady, obserwacje i wywiady pogłębione. Inne metody i techniki stosowane są znacznie rzadziej niż to miało miejsce w przeszłości. Na tę zmianę podejścia w badaniach wywierają wpływ następujące zmiany dokonujące się w procesach komunikowania: nasilająca się interaktywność, coraz bardziej aktywna rola nadawcy / komunikatora i rozwój multimediów.
Media, new media are currently at the stage of change, which has been taking place all the time. This situation has an impact on the process of change in the area of scientific research in regards to media communication. It expands the area of interdisciplinary research which includes processes of media communication. In the area of current media and communication research there is a tendency to apply, in a more and more flexible manner, both a qualitative and quantitative approach. The most common research techniques include: survey research, opinion poll research and then structured interviews, observations and in-depth interviews. Other methods and techniques which are less often applied than it was in the past. This change in approach can be explained by the following communication processes: increasing interactivity, a more and more active role of the sender / communicator and development of multi-media.
Studia Medioznawcze; 2014, 1 (56); 13-20
Pojawia się w:
Studia Medioznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transnational constitutional values and protection of the person in the age of climatic migrations
Transnarodowe wartości konstytucyjne i ochrona osoby ludzkiej w okresie zmian klimatycznych
Транснациональные конституционные ценности и защита человеческой личности в период климатических изменений
Policastro, Pasquale
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
prawo zmian klimatycznych
ochrona prawna biosfery
badania interdyscyplinarne w prawie
prawo konstytucyjne transnarodowe
prawo międzynarodowe i prawo konstytucyjne
prawoznawstwo porównawcze
climate migrations law
legal protection of biosphere
interdisciplinary research in law
transnational constitutional law
international law and constitutional law
comparative jurisprudence
Prowadzenie badań nad migracjami klimatycznymi w perspektywie prawnej powinno mieć na uwadze zarówno trudności, jak i korzyści łączenia rożnych metod i podejść do istotnych potrzeb migrantów. Z tego powodu, aby właściwie wykorzystać instytucje prawne, zwłaszcza w ramach prawa międzynarodowego i jego implementacji, szczególnie ważne wydaje się zrozumienie ich wewnętrznych celów i warunków stosowania. Analiza argumentów podnoszonych przez sądy, w szczególności w odniesieniu do konwencji genewskiej z 1951 r., wskazuje na trudności w adaptacji do kwestii migracji klimatycznych rozwiązań prawnych, które kształtowały się w innej przestrzeni politycznej. W artykule podjęto zatem próbę sprawdzenia, w jaki sposób i według jakich kryteriów można łączyć rożne narzędzia prawne w pluralistycznym i odpowiadającym aktualnym potrzebom podejściu do migracji klimatycznych.
The study of climatic migration from a legal perspective ought to take into account both the difficulty and the importance of combining different methods and approaches to the essential needs of the migrants. For this reason, to properly make use of legal institutions, especially in the ambit of international law and its implementation, it would seem to be particularly relevant to understand their intrinsic aims and conditions of application. The analysis of the arguments used by the courts, in particular in relation to the Geneva Convention of 1951, shows difficulties in adapting to issues related to climate change, which took shape in different legal circumstances. Therefore, the paper attempts to verify how, and according to which criteria, different legal instruments may be connected within a pluralistic approach to climate migration, which might respond to current needs.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2021, 4; 127-149
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Philosophy in science: A name with a long intellectual tradition
Polak, Paweł Jan
Data publikacji:
Copernicus Center Press
Michael Heller
philosophy in science
analytic philosophy
Lvov-Warsaw School
non-foundational philosophy
interdisciplinary research
science and religion
This paper presents Michael Heller’s notion of “philosophy in science” and re-introduces Michael Heller’s classical text that first presented this concept of philosophy entitled How is “philosophy in science” possible?. The paper discusses the historical context of Heller’s idea as it emerged from the discussions and works of the Krakow philosophical scene and discusses the basic tenants of this philosophy, its analytic character, the role of intellectual tradition in the development of this philosophy, and the critical role played by an interdisciplinary dialogue between philosophy, science, and theology. Despite the idea of philosophy in science having emerged about 40 years ago, this concept still inspires and fuels innovative research. The notion of “philosophy in science” lies at the foundations of the philosophy published in two journals: Philosophical Problems in Science (Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce) and Philosophy in Science.
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce; 2019, 66; 251-270
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ethnogenesis of Slavs as a research problem in physical anthropology
Piontek, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
physical anthropology
interdisciplinary research
The main contradictions, between hypotheses posed by physical anthropologists or geneticists, and the hypotheses put forward by archaeologists or historians, regarding the origin and spread of the Slavs, concerned and still concern the following: (a) the state and biological dynamics of Slavic populations (the capacity for population expansion) , (b) diversity and biological similarity of various groups living in Central Europe at the end of antiquity and in the early Middle Ages, (c) migration movements and their intensity, (d) directions of migration and their importance in the formation of Slavic “ethnos”. On the basis of the results of anthropological research, it can be concluded that: (a) both in the late antiquity period and in the early Middle Ages, the regional diversity of the populations inhabiting the Odra and Vistula basins was maintained, (b) there was a geographical gradient in the variability of morphological features of the skull from west to east of Europe, (c) populations belonging to the Germanic population and populations living in Scandinavia in the Middle Ages clearly differed in terms of morphological features of the skeleton from the population of Western Slavs inhabiting the Odra and Vistula basin. On the other hand, the emergence of a clear geographical gradient in the variability of morphological features of the skeleton, in late antiquity and in the Middle Ages, in Central Europe, allows to conclude that there were no intense migratory movements and the population exchange between late antiquity and the early Middle (d) results of the skeletal morphological features and state and biological dynamics of the population from the Roman period and the Middle Ages indicate a similar level of adaptation of these groups of people to living conditions. This result does not confirm the thesis put forward by some archaeologists and historians that the cultural system of the Slavs was characterized by poverty and a low level of material culture.
Nauka; 2020, 1
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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