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Chrześcijaństwo Gaiusa – jeszcze kilka uwag
Gaius’ Christianity – a few more comments
Adamczewski, Karol
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Chrześcijaństwo Gaiusa
Gaius noster
Gaius’ Christianity
To this day, Gaius, as a person, continues to be shrouded in mystery. Even though he left behind such a rich heritage, he seems to have lived and died in “a social void”. The considerable interest this Roman jurist has attracted among scholars, did not, however, produce a lot of reliable information about him, his background, or career. The question of Gaius’ Christian background constitutes an even more difficult and serious, yet not new, challenge. Issues such as his social isolation, use of first name only, and the title of Gaius noster appearing in some sources, are all well worth considering. Indeed, they can shed new light on the problem of Gaius’ Christianity.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 27, 2; 11-20
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teodor Dydyński i legenda Gaiusa
Teodor Dydyński and the legend of Gaius
Czech-Jezierska, Bożena Anna
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Instytucje Gaiusa
Theodor Dydyński
Institutiones by Gaius
The author analyses the place of Gaius in the research of Teodor Dydyński – a Polish law historian. Gaius, though not well known, became a famous Roman jurist, recognized as a great authority. His Institutiones was a complete exposition of the elements of Roman law. Dydyński thought that Gaius and his works were significant so he devoted much research to him. Dydyński translated Institutiones from Latin into Polish and published them with his own notes. He regarded Gaius as a great teacher of Roman law, he had much reverence and admiration for him, which was reflected in Dydyński’s writings. Therefore Dydyński should be seen as a scientist who created a kind of legend – the legend of Gaius.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 27, 2; 21-32
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo spadkowe w systematyce „Instytucji” Gaiusa
Inheritance law in the systematics of the Gaius “Institutiones”
Świrgoń-Skok, Renata
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Instytucje Gaiusa
prawo spadkowe
Institutiones of Gaius
inheritance law
The study examines the position of inheritance in the systematics of Institutiones of Gaius and discusses the significance of such approach to inheritance law in the subsequent development of private law. In Institutiones of Gaius issues related to succession account for approximately 1/3 of the entire contents. Presentation of matters connected with inheritance comprises a larger part of the second book (G. 2, 99–289) focusing on various legal aspects of testate succession (G. 2, 100–190) and the related acquisition of material benefits at the expense of the legacy, through endowments (G. 2, 192–289); additionally, the beginning of the third book comprised rules of intestate succession (G. 3, 1–87). While analysing the specific problems associated with succession, Gaius presents them as examples of property rights acquisition under general and specific terms. Similar approach to inheritance in Rome was also adopted in Institutiones of Justinian. It was only the German Pandectists that distinguished succession law as a separate segment of law. However, the nineteenth century European civil codes in their contents and systematics make reference to the three-fold distinction of law (personae – res – actiones) introduced by Gaius in his Institutiones. For instance the Civil Code of Austria (ABGB) did not treat succession law as a separate segment of law but, following the systematics in the Institutes of Gaius, as a part of property law related to acquisition of ownership rights per universitatem. Similar approach was adopted in Napoleonic Code where matters related to succession were contained in Book Three, entitled "Of the Different Modes of Acquiring Property".
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 27, 2; 125-134
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gajusz Oktawiusz i II kampania hiszpańska Cezara Przyczynek do badań nad augustiańską propagandą historyczną
Gaius Octavius and Caesar’s second Hispanian campaign A contribution to the study of Augustan historical propaganda
Faszcza, Michał Norbert
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Gajusz Oktawiusz
II kampania hiszpańska
Gajusz Juliusz Cezar
Gaius Octavius
second Hispanian campaign
Gaius Julius Caesar
The author’s aim was to present two literary traditions which refer to the way in which the image of Gaius Octavius, who went on to become Emperor Augustus, which was created in order to legitimate his assumption of power, was presented. The first episode where these traditions are so distinctly perceptible is Gaius Julius Caesar’s second Hispanian campaign (46—45 BC). The representatives of the first tradition (Nicholas of Damascus, Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus) attempted to emphasise Octavius’s personal qualities which were supposed to make him a vigorous and resolute leader. This suggests that the sources of this tradition should be sought in the period of the civil wars when Octavius had to face above all the challenge presented by Mark Anthony in the context of propaganda. Whereas the representatives of the second tradition (Velleius Paterculus, Dio Cassius) no longer attempted to emphasise the purported achievements of Octavius and they concentrated instead on the question of legitimisation resulting from the appurtenance to Caesar’s family. This may indicate that the tradition emerged in the period when one was no longer obliged to be held accountable for the doubtful military achievements of the years 44—36 BC, and what results from the following: when one was no longer obliged to respond to political invectives hurled by his adversaries. In this approach instead of emphasising military accomplishments it was much more important to indicate the decision that was made by Caesar, and perhaps the vaticinal signs, for such a distinguished individual as the murdered dictator doubtlessly was, could not misjudge the talents of the successor whose greatness was even foretold by the gods themselves.
Wieki Stare i Nowe; 2015, 9, 14; 9-21
Pojawia się w:
Wieki Stare i Nowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gaius’ Concept of The Law of Nations ( Ius Gentium ) and Natural Law ( Ius Naturale )
Brtko, Róbert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
rzysmkie prawo klasyczne
ius gentiu
ius naturale
ius civile
jursyta Gaius
Instytucje Gaiusa
jurusprudencja rzymska
classical Roman law
ius gentium
Roman jurist Gaius
Institutes of Gaius
Roman jurisprudence
The paper, after a brief presentation of the classical Roman jurist Gaius and his mostimportant and best known work, Gai Institutionum commentarii quattuor, presentsand analyzes his legal texts concerning mainly ius gentium and its relationship to iusnaturale. At the beginning of his textbook, this Roman jurist distinguishes only twotypes of law: civil law – ius civile and the law of nations – ius gentium (Gai Inst. 1, 1).Gaius mentions the law of nations (ius gentium) explicitly in the above mentionedfragment in a way that he relates it to “natural ratio” – natural order or natural reason.Gaius defined the concept of ius gentium two centuries after Cicero. Unlike Cicerowho was more a philosopher than a lawyer and perceived “ius gentium” mainly inan abstract sense, Gaius came up with the concrete concept of ius gentium, whichwas clearly separated from the concept of ius civile. Ius gentium is the law which iscommon for all nations. On the other hand ius civile is the law which concerns onlyRoman citizens. Ius gentium is the law which obliges both Romans and foreigners,because its basis is “naturalis ratio”.In addition, Gaius, in characterizing ius gentium, gives attention to two elements:a) any standards apply to all nations; b) or standards come out of natural reason(naturalis ratio). Gaius in this way presented two perspectives on one and the sameius gentium which are intrinsically and therefore necessarily linked. The first point ofview is concrete and the second one is abstract. In other words Gaius presented somelegal institutions which belong to the area of ius gentium from the concrete point ofview, the other ones from the abstract point of view, which is based on the so-called“naturalis ratio”.As far as the category of ius naturale is concerned, Gaius, in terms of content, identifiedit with ius gentium. So ius gentium differs from ius naturale only on the basis ofa point of view, which individual standards or legal institutions are expressed through.If legal standards are expressed from the concrete point of view (i.e. in standardsthere is an explicit mention that they apply to all nations), then they can be includedin the category of ius gentium. If they are formulated from the abstract point of view(i.e. in standards there is a mention of their origin from “naturalis ratio”), they can beincluded in the category of natural law.
W artykule, po krótkiej prezentacji sylwetki jurysty Gaiusa i jego najważniejszeji najbardziej znanej pracy, Gai Institutionum commentarii quattuor, autor skoncentrował się na jego spostrzeżeniach dotyczących głównie ius gentium i jego związkuz ius naturale. Na początku swojego podręcznika ten rzymski jurysta wyróżnił tylko dwa rodzaje prawa: prawo cywilne – ius civile i prawo narodów – ius gentium(Gai Inst. 1, 1). Gaius wyraźnie przywołał prawo narodów (ius gentium) we wspomnianym fragmencie w taki sposób, że odnosiło się do naturalis ratio – porządkunaturalnego. Zdefiniował pojęcie ius gentium dwa wieki po Cyceronie. W przeciwieństwie do niego, który był bardziej filozofem niż prawnikiem i postrzegał iusgentium głównie w sensie abstrakcyjnym, Gaius wymyślił konkretną koncepcję iusgentium, która była wyraźnie oddzielona od pojęcia ius civile. Ius gentium było prawem wspólnym dla wszystkich narodów. Z drugiej strony ius civile to prawo, któ-re dotyczyło tylko obywateli rzymskich. Ius gentium to prawo, które zobowiązujeRzymian i cudzoziemców, ponieważ jego podstawą jest naturalis ratio.Ponadto Gaius, charakteryzując ius gentium, zwracał uwagę na dwa elementy:a) wszelkie normy mają zastosowanie do wszystkich narodów; b) lub normy pochodzą z naturalnego rozumu (naturalis ratio). W ten sposób przedstawił dwie perspektywy na jedno i to samo ius gentium, które są wewnętrznie ze sobą powiązane.Pierwszy punkt widzenia jest konkretny, a drugi abstrakcyjny. Innymi słowy, Gaiusprzedstawił pewne instytucje prawne, które należą do obszaru ius gentium z konkretnego punktu widzenia, pozostałe z abstrakcyjnego punktu widzenia, który opierał sięna tak zwanym naturalis ratio. Jeśli chodzi o kategorię ius naturale, Gaius pod względem treści zidentyfikował ją zapomocą ius gentium. Więc ius gentium różni się od ius naturale tylko na podstawiepunktu widzenia, przez który wyrażane są poszczególne standardy lub instytucjeprawne. Jeśli normy prawne są wyrażone z konkretnego punktu widzenia (czyli w normach istnieje wyraźna wzmianka, że mają one zastosowanie do wszystkich narodów),wówczas mogą one zostać włączone do kategorii ius gentium. Jeśli są sformułowanez abstrakcyjnego punktu widzenia (czyli w normach jest wzmianka o ich pochodzeniuz naturalis ratio), mogą one zostać włączone do kategorii prawa naturalnego.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2018, 17, 2; 39-54
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Supplicationes Gajusza Juliusza Cezara
The supplicationes of Gaius Julius Caesar
Kowalski, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Gajusz Juliusz Cezar
Gaius Julius Caesar
Religion played a very important role in the public life of ancient Rome. One of the most peculiar rites which combined a religious aspect with the policy of the Roman state were the supplicationes. They were organised mostly for three reasons: a) to propitiate the gods and to avert their anger, whose results included military failures, epidemics, the action of the elements (this function was also performed by prodigia); b) for precatory reasons; c) in order to render thanks, for example after the achievement of a military victory or after important political events. The supplicationes were public in nature; they consisted of prayers to the gods combined with a procession, making an offering and religious feasts. These rites attracted many Romans, and frequently invoked strong emotional reactions in them. In the period of the decline of the Roman Republic the most important supplicationes, as far as the duration (number of days) and their nature was concerned, were the ones decreed by the senate in order to celebrate Caesar’s victories. Supplicationes were decreed in 57, 55 and 52 BC in honour of Caesar and to celebrate his military achievements. A peculiar feature of the rites organised in 55 BC was their prolongation to last 20 days. The supplicationes which were decreed during the civil war were even longer: after the battle of Thapsus (40 days) and after the battle of Munda (50 days). The supplicationes which were decreed on 1 September 44 BC were extraordinary in nature, for they were organised not for the sake of the gods but for the sake of Caesar. We may surmise from the fragments of Cicero’s first philippic that these were rites in which prayers were directed not to gods but directly to Caesar. This meant that the senate recognised his divinity since it consented to prayers and rituals being directed to him without an intermediary party.
Wieki Stare i Nowe; 2015, 8, 13; 9-27
Pojawia się w:
Wieki Stare i Nowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
De-sacralizing Gaius
Zabłocka, Maria
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Gaius; sacramentum; confarreatio; coemptio; adrogatio; sacra privata.
Informacje podane przez Gaiusa w jego Instytucjach, przedstawiające najstarsze instytucje prawne, które w II w. po Chr. miały już tylko historyczne znaczenie, ukazują tylko niezbędne cechy takich instytucji, jak na przykład sacramentum, confarreatio, coemptio, adrogatio, testamentum calatis comitiis, co nie odzwierciedla ich pierwotnego kształtu. Dopiero dzięki pracom historyków można poznać pierwotny, sakralno-prawny kształt tych instytucji. Dlatego też, moim zdaniem, komentarz Gaiusa ad legem XII tabularum prawdopodobnie nie ukazuje pierwotnej systematyki czy treści tego najstarszego znanego nam pomnika prawa, gdyż pomija powiązanie ius z bardzo ważnym dla archaicznego Rzymianina fas.
The information available in Gaius’ Institutions on the most ancient institutions of Roman law, such as the sacramentum, confarreatio, coemptio, adrogatio, or testamentum calatis comitiis, only had a historical value by the 2nd century AD, when they were drawn up; and they were not a faithful representation of their original sense. We have only arrived at the original religious and legal meaning of the earliest Roman institutions thanks to the research which has been done to retrieve it. Hence, in my opinion, the commentary we have in Gaius on the Twelve Tables most probably does not show the original arrangement or sense of the earliest memorial we have of Roman law, because it fails to connote the relationship of ius with fas, which was an extremely important association for Roman society in the archaic period.
Zeszyty Prawnicze; 2022, 22, 2; 241-265
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Prawnicze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gai Institutiones według Cezarego Kunderewicza
Gaius’ “Institutiones” by Cezary Kunderewicz
Jakubowski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Instytucje Gaiusa
polskie tłumaczenie
Cezary Kunderewicz
Institutiones by Gaius
Polish translation
In his work the author presents the process of creating the first complete Polish translation of Gaius’s Institutiones by Cezary Kunderewicz (in the 19th c. the first two books were translated into Polish by Dydyński). The translation was published by PWN in 1982 (in 2003 another Polish edition was published by Rozwadowski). The author supposes that professor Kunderewicz probably started his translation in the early 1970s. He refers to his own memories as he is now the oldest disciple of Professor Kunderewicz. The author mentions that Kunderewicz was excellently prepared for this difficult work. Several years earlier Kunderewicz translated the treatise on Roman Aqueducts written by Frontinus. The article is clearly based on memories. This is the reason why the author is quoting only one review of Kunderewicz’s translation and why he does no try to evaluate the translation. In the end the author writes also about Kunderewicz’s another translation – Polish edition of Justinian’s Institutes, which was published in 1986.
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne; 2018, 27, 2; 41-47
Pojawia się w:
Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On some International Regulations in Gaius’s Institutes
Leraczyk, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
peregrini dediticii
regulacje międzynarodowe
international regulations
the Latins
Przedmiotem artykułu są regulacje międzynarodowe wspomniane przez Gaiusa w jego Instytucjach. Dzieło to, będące podręcznikiem do nauki prawa, w kilku fragmentach odnosi się do instytucji respektowanych na arenie międzynarodowej – statusu Latynów, peregrini dediticii oraz zawierania na arenie międzynarodowej sponsio. Przywołanie przez jurystę powyższych instytucji miało na celu porównanie ich z rozwiązaniami prywatnoprawnymi, co w zamyśle ułatwiało zrozumienie omawianych w dziele norm odnoszących się do jednostek.  
The subject matter of the article concerns international regulations mentioned by Gaius in his Institutes. The work under discussion, which is also a textbook for students of law, refers in several fragments to the institutions respected at the international level – the status of the Latins, peregrini dediticii and sponsio, contracted at the international arena. The references made by Gaius to the above institutions was aimed at comparing them to private-law solutions, which was intended to facilitate understanding of the norms relating to individuals that were comprised in his work.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2019, 39, 4; 99-119
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Piękne czy wierne, czyli o polskich przekładach Instytucji Gaiusa (II wiek)
Beautiful or Literal: A Few Words about Polish Translations of Gaius’ Institutions (2nd Century)
Dyjakowska, Marzena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
terminologia prawnicza; prawo rzymskie; Instytucje Gaiusa; przekład
legal terminology; Roman law; Gaius’ Institutions; translation
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy łacińskie terminy prawnicze, występujące w tekstach źródłowych z prawa rzymskiego, należy w przekładzie na język polski pozostawić w formie oryginalnej, czy też znaleźć ich polskie odpowiedniki. Podstawą do rozważań są trzy przekłady na język polski Instytucji Gaiusa, prawnika z II wieku. Przekład dwóch pierwszych ksiąg autorstwa Teodora Dydyńskiego ukazał się w latach sześćdziesiątych XIX wieku. W 1982 r. całość dzieła przetłumaczył Cezary Kunderewicz, a w 2003 r. nowego przekładu dokonał Władysław Rozwadowski. Na podstawie analizy rozwiązań przyjętych przez trzech tłumaczy w końcowej części artykułu autorka proponuje własną odpowiedź na postawione pytanie. Belle ou fidèle : Quelque remarques à propos des traductions en polonais des Institutions de Gaius (IIe siècle) L’objectif de l’article est de chercher une réponse à la question si les termes juridiques latins dans les textes sources du droit romain doivent être laissés sous leur forme originale ou s’il faut créer des équivalents polonais. La réflexion porte sur trois traductions en polonais des Institutions de Gaius, juriste du IIe siècle. La traduction des deux premiers volumes, faite par Teodor Dydyński, est parue dans les années soixante du XIXe siècle. L’œuvre tout entière a été traduite en 1982 par Cezary Kunderewicz, et en 2003 une nouvelle traduction a été réalisée par Władysław Rozwadowski. Après avoir analysé les solutions adoptées par les trois traducteurs, l’auteur de l’article propose sa propre réponse à la question posée au début.
The subject of this paper is to present the ways in which the authors of translations of the Gaius’ Institutions into Polish reflect the Latin legal terms. On the basis of various solutions adopted by translators, the author attempts to answer the question whether Latin legal terms, appearing in source texts of Roman law, should be left in the original form or their Polish counterparts should be found.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2017, 65, 8; 11-29
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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