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Praktyki w zakresie mikroinnowacji w przedsiębiorstwach chińskich – cechy, typy i determinanty
The Practices of Micro-Innovation in Chinese Enterprises: Traits, Types and Affecting Factors
Zhou, Qing
Yang, Wei
Ma, Xiangyuan
Fang, Gang
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania
basic types
affecting factors
empirical research
podstawowe typy
badania empiryczne
Mikroinnowacje, jako rodzaj innowacyjnego sposobu myślenia i proces innowacyjny, można podzielić na mikroinnowacje ciągłe, imitacyjne i niezależne. Podział ten oparty jest na wymiarach innowacyjności, zakłóceń rynku i powtarzalności w dziedzinie innowacji. Na podstawie badań teoretycznych i empirycznych w artykule dokonano analizy wpływu głównych determinant mikroinnowacji na kształtowanie ich typów. Determinanty te, do których należą zasoby produktywne, zasoby zarządcze i ograniczenia zewnętrzne, wywierają bardziej znaczący wpływ na mikroinnowacje imitacyjne, a jednocześnie wykazują mniejszą korelację z mikroinnowacjami niezależnymi i ciągłymi. Wdrażając mikroinnowacje, przedsiębiorstwa powinny wybrać odpowiedni typ lub odpowiednie kombinacje różnych typów mikroinnowacji na podstawie kompleksowej analizy wewnętrznych zasobów produktywnych, zasobów zarządczych oraz ograniczeń zewnętrznych.
Micro-innovation, a kind of innovative thinking and innovative manner, can be divided into continuous micro-innovation, imitating micro-innovation and independent micro-innovation based on the dimensions of innovativeness, market disruption and repetitiveness in the innovation domain. On the basis of theoretical and empirical research, this paper analyzes the impact of the main micro-innovation affecting factors on micro-innovation types. Affecting factors including productive resources, management resources and external restrictions have a more prominent impact on imitating micro-innovation, while having a lower correlation with independent micro-innovation and continuous micro-innovation. Enterprises should select an appropriate micro-innovation type or different type combinations according to the comprehensive analysis of enterprise internal productive resources, management resources and external restrictions when implementing micro-innovation.
Studia i Materiały; 2015, 2/2015 (19); 51-65
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
Polish catechetic
empirical research
teaching religion in schools
catechetical solutions
Contemporary Polish catechetical idea takes into account various issues of teaching and Christian education in the family, at school or in the parish. A lot of attention is paid to concepts and models of teaching religion in schools. Polish catechetists from various academic centers (eg. Lublin, Poznań, Olsztyn) make attempts to verify the existing catechetic theories through empirical research. Significant here is the contribution of Fr. prof. Stanisław Kulpaczyński from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. The article focuses on methodological and substantive aspects of empirical research in the Polish catechetics. First there have been described methods, techniques and research tools. It has been shown that Polish katechetetics usually employ quantitative and qualitative methods using a questionnaire. They select different groups of respondents. Most often they conduct empirical re-search in schools – among young people and among catechists from different dioceses. From the merits they are interested in their issues such as catechesis in schools, the formation of catechists, religion teaching methods, giving marks on catechesis, conflict solution, cooperation with parents, parish catechesis. The results of empirical research are presented in articles and monographs as well as in doctoral dissertations. On this basis the Polish catechetists work out new catechetical solutions.
Studia Ełckie; 2015, 17, 2; 191-200
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Frances Baumgarten’s empirical research of lie (falsehood) in children and teenagers
Zeidler, Włodzisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
kwestionariusz w badaniach empirycznych
różnice indywidualne
kłamstwo w domu i szkole
przyczyny czy motywy kłamstwa
kłamstwo czy solidarność
questionnaire in empirical research
individual differences
lie in school and home
reasons or motives of lie
lie or solidarity
Na przełomie wieków XIX i XX rozwój psychologii ograniczały w sposób ewidentny zarówno bariery polityczne, jak i wpływy ideologiczne. Pozytywnie wspomagały jej rozwój, prowadzone przez nią samą, badania empiryczne. Było to szczególnie ważne ze względu na rozwijanie w każdym z nowo powstałych krajów własnej terminologii psychologicznej. Badania i publikacje Franciszki Baumgarten, o których będzie mowa w tym artykule, wykonane w języku polskim w roku 1914, a opublikowane w tymże języku dopiero po 13 latach pokazują jeden z bardziej interesujących i szczególnie wartościowy przykład rozwoju metodologii badań empirycznych oraz są dowodem intensywnego rozwoju i specjalizacji języka polskiej psychologii.
At the turn of 19th and 20th century Frances Baumgarten’s empirical research was one of the positive influences in the development of psychology, otherwise clearly hampered by political barriers and ideological influences. It was particularly important for the development of psychological terminology in each of the emerging new countries. Frances Baumgarten’s research, which was done in 1914 and published in several publications in Polish 13 years later, shows one of the more interesting and particularly valuable examples of the development of empirical research methodology and is the evidence of high development and specialization of Polish psychological language.
Studia Psychologica; 2016, 16, 1; 121-138
Pojawia się w:
Studia Psychologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An investigation of planning practices in select companies
Wyrozębski, P.
Spałek, S.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
project management
project planning
planning process
empirical studies
key factors
The aim of the article is to answer two research questions concerning the influence of organizational factors and shape of project portfolio on the content and scope, as well as on the stakeholders engagement in project planning. The research strategy included a questionnairebased method. The respondents were representatives of the chosen companies located in Poland, from varied types of industries. The key research finding is that most frequently addressed areas of project planning are those of the iron-triangle of project constraints. There is still lack of understanding for communication, risk and quality planning in projects, which is consonant with recent studies of maturity in project management areas. There are significant differences between industries in terms of areas of project planning. Power engineering seems to be more mature in terms of more frequent practices of planning the project schedule, resources and risk. The research showed a number of significant correlations between components of project planning and both organizational and project portfolio factors, which justifies the statement that those factors can be seen as determinants of project planning practices.
Management and Production Engineering Review; 2014, 5, 2; 78-87
Pojawia się w:
Management and Production Engineering Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Model wdrażania strategii – wnioski z badań empirycznych liderów biznesu
Strategy Implementation Model - Conclusions from Empirical Research on Business Leaders
Модель внедрения стратегии – выводы из эмпирических исследований лидеров бизнеса
Wołczek, Przemysław
Ignacy, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Polski Instytut Ekonomiczny
model wdrażania strategii
strategia rozwoju
badania empiryczne
zarządzanie strategiczne
strategy implementation model development strategy
empirical research
strategic management
модель внедрения стратегии стратегия развития
эмпирические исследования стратегическое управление
W artykule zaprezentowano model wdrażania strategii, który powstał w wyniku przeprowadzenia badań empirycznych na grupie 200 polskich przedsiębiorstw. Grupę respondentów stanowili liderzy biznesu, którzy skutecznie wdrażają strategię rozwoju. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdzają, że nawet w wybitnych firmach z każdym elementem modelu powiązane są praktyczne problemy, których efektem są bariery wdrożeniowe i luka aplikacyjna strategii. Badania zrealizowano w ramach projektu pt. Wdrażanie strategii organizacji - model, uwarunkowania i implikacje finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki (decyzja numer DEC-2011/03/B/HS4/04247).
The main purpose of the article is to present the strategy implementation model. The model is a result of empirical research based on a group of 200 Polish companies that are industry leaders and that can be considered as effective in the process of the strategy implementation. Empirical studies confirm that even outstanding companies suffer from practical problems related to elements of the presented model, which results in barriers and implementation gap of the strategy. The research was carried out within the project “The implementation of the strategy in the organisation - model, determinants and implications” funded by the National Science Centre (Decision number DEC-2011/03/B/HS4/04247).
В статье представили модель внедрения стратегии, возникшую в результате проведения эмпирических исследований на группе 200 польских предприятий. Группу респондентов представляли лидеры бизнеса, которые успешно внедряют стратегию развития. Проведенные исследования подтверждают, что даже в лучших фирмах с каждым элементом модели связаны практические проблемы, эффектом которых являются барьеры внедрения и аппликативная брешь стратегии. Исследование провели в рамках проекта Внедрение стратегии организации - модель, обусловленности и импликации, финансируемо- го за счет средств Национального центра науки (решение № DEC-2011/03/B/HS4/04247).
Handel Wewnętrzny; 2017, 3 (368) Tom II; 168-180
Pojawia się w:
Handel Wewnętrzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Determinanty lokalizacji bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych
The Location Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment
Wawrzyniak, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie. Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych
foreign direct investment
FDI determinants
empirical research
The paper reviews empirical studies on how various location factors influence foreign direct investment (FDI). The author focuses on some recent research and takes into account determinants such as market size, market growth, labor costs, labor quality, openness to trade, geographic distance, taxes, country risk, and corruption. These factors do not represent a closed set of factors that affect FDI location decisions, but are most frequently considered, Wawrzyniak says. Research theories list many factors that can influence the location of FDI. These include economic determinants (that depend on the type of FDI) as well as the policy framework for FDI and business facilitation. Moreover, these FDI determinants tend to change over time, Wawrzyniak says, and some of them, such as privatization of transition economies, are particularly important to some countries and regions. Empirical studies on the impact of various determinants on the location of FDI are inconclusive because different authors have reported different results. Some researchers say that a specific factor has a positive influence on FDI, while others argue the opposite. Still others believe that this particular factor is statistically insignificant. However, not all the potential determinants of FDI are equally controversial, Wawrzyniak says. The results of empirical research on different location factors show a varying level of consistency. They are generally more consistent in the case of factors such as market size and less consistent in the case of labor costs, for example.
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics; 2010, 239, 4; 89-111
Pojawia się w:
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauki empiryczne i warsztat badawczy katechetyków
Empirical Sciences and Research Methodology in Catechetics
Le scienze e la tecnica della ricerca di catecheti
Walulik, Anna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
nauki empiryczne
badania empiryczne
synergia metodologiczna
empirical science
empirical research
methodological synergy
le scienze
gli studi empirici
la catechetica
sinergia metodologica.
Podstawą badań empirycznych jest doświadczenie. Humanistyka mówiąc o codziennych doświadczeniach, odwołuje się zarówno do badanych przedmiotów, jak i badacza. Na skutek przemy¬ślenia i medytacji nad zjawiskami staje się ono wewnętrznym ujęciem rzeczywistości, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do poszukiwania ich sensu. W teologii podstawowe doświadczenia człowieka stanowią jakby „bramę” dla Ducha „przy¬chodzącego” oświetlić życie ludzkie. Poszukując odpowiedzi na pytanie: jakie związki istnieją między naukami przyrodniczymi i humanistycznymi a katechetyką i co to oznacza dla praktyki badawczej należy uwzględnić specyfikę i odrębność przedmiotową dyscypliny naukowej. Użycie metodologii i metodyki nauk społecznych w katechetyce wymaga uzasadnienia przewyższającego uzasadnienie w naukach społecznych. Katechetyce jest zdecydowanie bliżej do nauk empirycznych uprawianych w duchu paradygmatu interpretatywnego, a nawet krytycznego niż pozytywistycznego. W tym kierunku zmierza również humanistyka i nauki społeczne. Synergia metodologiczna w obrębie „nauk o duchu” może wspomagać człowieka w interpretacji świata, co z kolei może stanowić pomoc w poszukiwaniu orientacji życiowej, odnalezieniu siebie przez odkrycie sensu życia. Człowiek szuka „niejednostronnych” form poznania i jakby spontanicznie odkrywa wartość doświadczenia, także religijnego i doświadczenia wiary.
The basis of empirical research is experience. Talking about everyday experiences humanities refer both to the objects of research and to the researcher. As a result of reflection and meditation on the events experience becomes an internal perception of reality, which in turn leads to the search for their meaning. In theology basic human experiences constitute a "gate" for the Spirit “coming” to illuminate human life. In seeking answer to the question what relationships exist between natural science, humanities and catechetics, and what it means for the research practice, the specificity and individual character of the scientific discipline should be taken into consideration. The use of methodology of the social sciences in catechetics requires stronger justification than in social sciences themselves. Catechetics is much closer to the empirical sciences cultivated in the spirit of the interpretative, and even critical, paradigm, rather than positivist. The humanities and social sciences also tend to move in this direction. Methodological synergy within the Geisteswissenschaften may assist in the interpretation of the world, which in turn may help in the search for life orientation, in finding oneself by discovering the meaning of life. Man looks for comprehensive forms of knowledge, and spontaneously discovers the value of experience, including religious and faith experience.
L’autore cerca di rispondere alla domanda: quale è la relazione tra le scienze naturali e quelle umanistiche e la catechetica e che cosa essa significa per la ricerca, tenendo conto della specificità e dell’autonomia delle discipline. Utilizzo di metodologia e la metodica delle scienze sociali in catechetica richiede una giustificazione che supera il ragionamento nelle scienze sociali stesse. La catechetica è molto più vicino alle scienze empiriche coltivati nello spirito di paradigma interpretativo o addirittura critico piuttosto che quello positivista. In questa direzione tendono anche scienze umane e sociali. Sinergia metodologica all’interno delle “scienze sullo spirito” può aiutare l’uomo a l’interpretazione del mondo, egli cerca forme “non unilaterali” di conoscenza e come se scoprisse spontaneamente il valore di esperienza, anche quella religiosa e di fede.
Studia Katechetyczne; 2013, 9; 169-179
Pojawia się w:
Studia Katechetyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Budowanie typów jako droga generowania teorii – wybrane rozwiązania
Building Types as a Way of Generating a Theory – Selected Solutions
Urbaniak-Zając, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej
badania empiryczne
typ idealny
typ empiryczny
empirical research
ideal type
empirical type
Cechą współczesnych empirycznych badań jakościowych w naukach społecznych, w tym w pedagogice, są ich aspiracje teoretyczne. Za jeden ze sposobów tworzenia teorii uznaje się budowanie typologii. W literaturze przedmiotu „obowiązuje” rozróżnienie na typy idealne i typy realne (empiryczne). Autorka omawiając specyfikę obu typów, zwraca uwagę, iż podział ten jest umowny. Wynika z większej wagi nadawanej jednemu z komponentów typu: komponentowi teoretycznemu lub empirycznemu. W rzeczywistości oba komponenty współwystępują. Związek teorii z empirią jest znakiem nowoczesnych dyscyplin naukowych. Chodzi o to, by ich teorie można było oceniać w świetle danych empirycznych, i o to, by danym empirycznym nadać sens. Utrzymywanie opozycji typ idealny – typ empiryczny nie wydaje się korzystne, przysłania bowiem wspólny „komponent” obu typów, a zaakceptowany porządek osłabia potrzebę pracy myślowej. Autorka sygnalizuje koncepcję typu idealnego M. Webera, koncepcję A. Schütza przyjmującego, że typiki naukowe są wtórne wobec typik codzienności, omawia tworzenie typologii poprzez grupowanie cech przedmiotów, a także funkcje typologii w metodzie dokumentarnej, opierającej się na socjologii wiedzy K. Mannheima.
The characteristic feature of empirical qualitative research in social sciences, including pedagogy, are their theoretical aspirations. Building a typology is said to be one way of creating a theory. In the subject literature there is a differentiation between ideal and real (empirical) types. The author, discussing both types, emphasises that this division is contractual. It results from paying more attention to one of the type components: either a theoretical or an empirical one. As a matter of fact, these both components coexist. The relation of theory with empiricism is a sign of modern scientific disciplines. The aim is to evaluate those theories in the light of empirical data, to which a meaning is given. Maintaining the opposition of an ideal type versus an empirical type does not seem to be advantageous, as it blocks out the “common” component of those two types and the accepted order weakens the need of intellectual work. The author signals M. Weber’s concept of ideal type, as well as A. Schütz’ concept, which assumes that scientific typologies are secondary to the typologies of everyday life. She also discusses the creation of typology by the means of grouping the objects’ features and the typology functions in the documentary method, based on sociology of K. Mannheim’s knowledge.
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja; 2017, 20, 2(78); 115-127
Pojawia się w:
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Robert Kreitz, Ingried Miethe, Anja Tervooren (red.), Theorien in der qualitativen Bildungsforschung – Qualitative Bildungsforschung als Theoriegenerierung, Opladen Berlin Toronto 2016, Verlag Barbara Budrich, ss. 256
Urbaniak-Zając, Danuta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
badania jakościowe
badania biograficzne
teoria w badaniach empirycznych
qualitative research
biographical research
theory in empirical research
Tekst jest recenzją monografii pod redakcją Roberta Kreitza, Ingried Miethe, Anji Tervooren, wydanej przez Kommision für qualitative Bildungs- und Biographieforschung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaf. 12 artykułów zamieszczonych w książce dotyczy: 1) empirycznych konsekwencji teoretycznych stanowisk przyjmowanych przez badaczy; 2) teoretycznych innowacji w badaniach jakościowych; 3) innowacji w metodyce badań będących konsekwencją teoretycznych orientacji.
The text is a review of a monograph edited by Robert Kreitz, Ingried Miethe and Anja Tervooren, published by Kommision für qualitative Bildungs- und Biographieforschung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaf. The 12 articles included in the book concern: 1) empirical consequences of theoretical positions taken by researchers; 2) theoretical innovations in qualitative research; 3) innovations in research methodology resulting from theoretical orientations.
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne; 2021, 12, 1; 277-284
Pojawia się w:
Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
IT Reliability and Innovation in SMEs: Empirical Research
Tworek, Katarzyna
Walecka-Jankowska, Katarzyna
Zgrzywa-Ziemak, Anna
Data publikacji:
Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie
IT reliability
empirical research
Purpose: Analysis of theoretical views and empirical research concerning the relation between IT reliability and the innovation level of organizations. Implications: Findings enable us to indicate the direction of further promising research that should concern the relationship between IT reliability and innovation in the context of stages of the innova tion process and different types of innovation, which should be analyzed separately. Methodology: The pilot (sample: 100) and main (sample: 400) survey was conducted in 2017 among SMEs located in Poland. Findings: The empirical analysis shows that there is a relation between IT reliability and innova tion level. Moreover, information reliability appears as a factor that may influence the organization’s ability to create innovations. Furthermore, service reliability proves to correlate with innovation level as well, which provides additional conclusions that support the realization that service is an important feature, which may also influence employees’ ability to employ IT appropriately and efficiently, thereby supporting the generation of innovation. Value: The article presents a new factor that may influence the possibility of creating various types of innovations. Usually, papers focus on IT systems, while the relationship between IT reliability and innovation allows us to look deeper into this relationship.
Central European Management Journal; 2019, 27(2); 83-96
Pojawia się w:
Central European Management Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wymienność partnerów aspektowych, czyli kilka uwag na temat irrelewancji aspektu
Terka, Beata
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Kultury Języka
aspectual pair
empirical research
language teaching
Polish language
German language
This paper discusses the issue of irrelevance of the aspect of the Polish verb. In specifi c contexts, the grammatical category of aspect, being obligatory in the Polish language, is in fact redundant. The identifi cation of such contexts (and hence review of the most important current observations and convictions in this respect), the attempt at ordering and describing them enabled systematic material research based on a (Polish–German and German–Polish) translation. The fi ndings presented in the paper might be a good starting point for a refl ection on the reasonability of including the described issue in curricula of teaching Polish as a foreign language. Due to its reach and frequency, the phenomenon of alternation of aspectual partners should be more frequently discussed in the literature dedicated to aspect and Polish glottodidactics.
Poradnik Językowy; 2021, 784, 5; 51-62
Pojawia się w:
Poradnik Językowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odstraszające oddziaływanie kary na sprawcę przestępstwa w świetle badań empirycznych
Deterrent Effect of Punishment on the Offender (a Review of Empirical Research)
Szamota-Saeki, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
sprawca przestępstwa
badania empiryczne
criminal offender
empirical research
The number of studies on specific deterrence is not large. Some data on this subject can be found in other studies aimed e.g. at evalution of effectiveness of diffrent penal measures, or analysis of criminal careers. One of the reasons of this lack of interest in specific deterrence is a belief,  rather common today and particularly marked in the 1960s, that punishment not only fails to deter the convicted person from futher offenses but – quite the contrary - increases the probability of his futher criminal carrer.  Another reason is probably the great difficulty in distinguishing for research purposes of the impact of specific deterrence from the other effects of punishment. Unfortunately, a statement made by J. Gibbs over twenty years ago still remains valid: there is no theory of specific deterrence, and the hypotheses concerning specific deterrence are vague and difficult to verify empirically. During the last twenty  years, there was a progress in the methodology of research into specific deterrence. New success criteria were introduced into the assessment of deterrent effect of punishment, and the method of random field experiment was used. Researchers started to compare the effect of punishment with the effects of escaning punishment, instead of limiting themselves to comparisons of relative effectiveness of some penalties as opposed to some other ones. The progress was less marked in the formation of the theory of specific  deterrence. It consists in attempts, on the one hand, at a new conceptualization of the problem of deterrence, and on the other hand, at integrating the deterrence hypothesis with other theoretical approaches. The paper consists of seven parts. The Introduction (I) contains analysis of the notion of specific deterrence, the criteria to distinguish between specific and general deterrence, tvpes of deterrence. Also discussed have the recent attempts at a new conceptualization of tne problem of deterrence through inclusion into that notion of not only the “direct costs of legal sanctions” but also “indirect costs”, or through the use of another criterion to distinguish between specific and general deterrence. Chapter II contains a brief discussion of early studies on specific deterrence; the findings have been discussed and numerous methodological flaws pointed out. The conclusion from those studies (that severe penalties involve a higher recidivism rate than lenient penalties) was generally seen as a prove that punishment has no specific deterrent effect on the futher behaviour of convicted persons. This conclusion was unjustified, though. And that for several reasons. The discussed studies often failed to distinguish between the mechanism of deterrence and the other effects of punishment. They also failed to solve the problem of selection bias in sentencing where specific types of penalties are imposed on specific categories of offenders; the difference between such groups of convicted persons is that even before the imposition of penalty, the probability of their relapse into crime was different. The studies examined but a marginal effectiveness of some  penalties as compared to some other ones. What they overlooked, instead, was that the growth in recidivism rate cannot be estimated which would have taken place were no criminal penalties at all imposed on offenders. Chapter III discusses the findings of studies which tested two opposing hypotheses; i.e. that punishment either deters offenders (deterrence hypothesis) or amplifies offendling (amplification hypothesis). Both the conception of deterrence and that of labeling involve too one-sided and simplified an approach to the impact of punishment on the further conduct of offenders as they ignore the possibility of effects  other than the anticipated ones. This was reflected in these studies in which the researches posed instead of posing questions in the categories of “whether” (does punishment deter? does pinishment amplify affending?), instead of trying to define the conditions of emergence of each of those two effects. Analyzed in few studies only were mediating psycho-social processes between punisment and the punished pefsons’ further conduct. The findings of different studies are often inconsistent. Some seem to confirm the amplification hypothesis although researchers sometimes stress that this effect is not stable Other findings point  to the effect of deterrence. Still other studies showed that: punishment seems do not influence a pefson’s further criminal career. Finally, some of the latest findings also indicate the possibility of amplifijing offending under some conditions and of deterring effect on offending - under some other circumstances. Chapter IV discusses the implications of the criminal careers approach for methodology of studies on specific deterrence. What is particularly worthy of attention here is: 1) departure from the use of a sole success criterion in the evaluation of deterrent effect of punishment, and an attempt at grasping the impact of punishment on different dimensions of criminality such as the length of criminal career or fraquency of offenses; 2) investigation of the impact of punishment at different stages of a person’s criminal career. The success criterion  where success means a person’s abstention from further offenses is replaced with the before and after comparison criterion where the intensity of a person’s criminal career before and after punishment is compared; this replacement is of a great importance in studies of effectiveness of penal  measures imposed on chronic offnders. As suggested by the findings, certain penalties may in cessation of delinquency at the initial stage of the criminal career (on the occasion of the first and possibly also the second contact with the police). At further stages of that career, a decrease in the intensity of delinquency of the persons convicted is possible. Chapter V discusses attempts at including the hypothesis of  specific deterrence into the economic model of delinquent behawior, and studies carried out by economists. According to some economists, specific deterrence can be included into the theory of rational choice provided it is treated as a special case of general deterrence. In tlis approach, the experience of a sanction becomes a factor influencing the anticipated sanctions. Chapter VI is devoted to discussion of the results of a series of rondom field experiments conducted in selected cities of the United States. The purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of arrest as compared to other reactions to violence against a spouse (nearly all victims in the study were women). The obtained results were not uniform: in some experiments, deterrent effect of arrest was found out, while the rest showed an amplifying effect of arrest on the arrested person’s  further violence against his spouse. The authors explain this divergence of results with a different impact of arrest on different types of persons. Thus the results suggest that arrest has  a deterrent effect on permanently employed suspects; instead, suspects without a regular job tended to use violence more often after the  arrest incident. The last Chapter (VII) recapitulates the findings. They show that it was a premature decision to reject the hyphothesis of specific deterrence. Punishment has a different impact on different persons: in some situations it results in amplication of offending; in some other ones, it deters a person from further offenses; and  in still other situations it seems not to have any effect at all on furter offending. The findings point to a great importance in this respect of the first contacts with the law enforcement agencies. Moreover, the differentiated effect of punishment seems to depend on the offender’s age, sex, and attitude towards risk, and also on his permanent employment. It should be stressed that many studies use a broader definition of punishment, not limited to the penalties  imposed by court. Some researchers treat even a person’s contact with the police as punishment; others believe that this function is performed by arrest. These different working definitions of punishment make it difficult to interpret the findings that relate to absolute deterrence, that is assessment of the effects of imposing punishment as compared to those of escaping punishment. Nearly all studies dealt with recidivism and, first and foremost, the effectiveness of punishment in reducing a person’s further delinquency. To a slight extent only did they try to define the meaning of punishment for those punished, their subjective estimations of probability and severity of punishment. For this reason, interpretation of the findings in the categories of stating whether punishment has a deterrent effect is not always justified.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1995, XXI; 7-39
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ prawa karnego na przekonania moralne społeczeństwa w świetle wybranych badań empirycznych
Influence of Penal Law on Moral Beliefs of the Society in the Light of Selected Empirical Research
Szamota-Saeki, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
prawo karne
moralność społeczeństwa
badania empiryczne
penal law
morality of society
empirical research
Archiwum Kryminologii; 2008, XXIX-XXX; 203-214
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polski szlak "The American Soldier". Przyczynek do historii wędrówek idei socjologicznych
A Polish Career of "The American Soldier". A Contribution to the History of Circulation of Sociological Ideas
Sułek, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
"The American Soldier"
Samuel Stouffer
empiryczne badania społeczne
socjologia polska
dyfuzja idei socjologicznych
„The American Soldier”
empirical social research
Polish sociology
diffusion of sociological ideas
Badania zespołu Samuela Stouffera nad armią amerykańską w czasie II wojny światowej i książka "The American Soldier" (1949–1950) odegrały ważną rolę w rozwoju i instytucjonalizacji empirycznych badań społecznych w Stanach Zjednoczonych i w innych krajach. W artykule opisano recepcję i wpływ tej książki na socjologię daleko od USA – w Polsce. Oprócz opisu historycznego artykuł zawiera także materiał do uogólniającej analizy dyfuzji idei socjologicznych.
The study conducted by Samuel Stouffer and his team in the US Army during the World War II is generally considered to be a founding research of empirical sociology. The book "The American Soldier" (1949–1950) played a major role in the process of development and institutionalization of empirical social research. Joseph Ryan’s monograph Samuel Stouffer and the GI Survey (2013) analyzes the history and reception of this research and the book in the United States. This paper goes one small step further. It investigates the reception and impact of this book far away from the US: in Poland. Apart from its purely descriptive value, this paper provides an analysis of the diffusion of sociological innovation.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2017, 1(224); 59-79
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Marienthal 1931/1932 Study and Contemporary Studies on Unemployment in Poland
Sułek, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
Great Depression
Marienthal study
empirical social research
combining methods
sociology in Poland
The paper outlines Polish studies of unemployment in the 1930s-at the times of the well-known study in Marienthal, Austria. They focused on living conditions, social life and psychological well being of the unemployed. They combined various methods and data: statistical data, institutional records, diaries and memoirs, family interviews, and sample surveys. Research started with simple descriptions of life style of the unemployed and ended with an elaborate empirical study, cross-country comparisons and theory of unemployment. The image of unemployment and its consequences was parallel to the Marienthal study results-unemployment caused not only poverty, but also apathy and disintegration of social life. The Marienthal study was known in Poland at the time and to some extent served as an inspiration. The case of Polish unemployment studies in 1930s shows how sociography transformed into sociology. It shows the birth of common method of social research in Central Europe that was so unexpectedly put to a holt by Nazism and the Second World War.
Polish Sociological Review; 2007, 157, 1; 3-26
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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