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Kultura analizy w polityce publicznej. Jej źródła i teraźniejszość
The analytical cultural bias in policymaking. Its roots and the present day
Zybała, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
public policy
public policy analysis
decision-making process
intellectual culture
polityka publiczna
analiza polityki publicznej
proces decyzyjny
kultura umysłowa
Autor dowodzi, że rozwój dyscypliny wiedzy o polityce publicznej wymaga silnie rozwiniętej kultury analizy w państwie i społeczeństwie. Stawia tezę mówiącą o istnieniu wielu trudności w kształtowaniu wysokiej kultury analizy w Polsce. Wskazuje na uwarunkowania kulturowe i niektóre praktyki w życiu zbiorowym, które ograniczają skłonność do analizy. Problemy z jakością kultury analizy widoczne są w administracji publicznej i klasie politycznej, a także we wciąż niedorozwiniętej sieci instytucji analitycznych typu think tanki. Jednocześnie autor podkreśla znaczenie profesjonalnej i nowoczesnej analizy dla uzyskania wysokiej jakości procesu decyzyjnego w państwie. Umożliwia ona ograniczenie wielu rodzajów ryzyka, które kryją się w procesie formułowania i wdrażania polityki publicznej, głębsze diagnozowanie problemów, jakie społeczeństwo chce i musi rozwiązywać. Ma za zadanie uchwycenie ich dynamiki, nim zacznie ona mieć niszczące skutki. Proces analizy wspiera również zadanie tworzenia właściwej agendy problemów, czyli takiej, która odzwierciedla hierarchię ważności problemów. Analiza może pomóc również udowodnić trafność zaplanowanej interwencji publicznej.
The author claims that the development of the discipline of policy analysis and the professionalization of state activities in policymaking (from public education, public administration or political activities) takes the high quality policy studies. The policy analysis craft has plays many public role. Generally, its main task is to achieve the maximum of rational judgments relating to the key components in policymaking. It helps to diagnose the policy problems which affect the society and must be resolved, including capturing their dynamics before the damages are done. It supports as well the agenda setting which is to reflect the hierarchy of public problems. It helps to crystallize the evidence base which are to prove the effectiveness of policy intervention which has been planned. The author describes the historical circumstances in Poland shaping the cultural bias in policy analysis. He points to some public life practices which limit the inclination for analyzing policies or affect their quality. At the same time he emphasizes the significance of the professional policy analysis to make sure the decision making process is effective. It enables to detect many sorts of risks hidden on the stage of policy formulation and policy implementation. The public administration, political class, and many analytical institutions like think tanks have troubles in policy analysis.
Studia z Polityki Publicznej; 2014, 1, 3(3); 51-70
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Polityki Publicznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityka przestrzenna i jej rezultaty w warunkach rosnącej złożoności jej problemów
The spatial policy and its outcomes in the context of growing complexity of its problems
Zybała, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
public policy
spatial policy
public governance
group interest
decision-making process
polityka publiczna
polityka przestrzenna
zagospodarowanie przestrzeni
interesy grupowe
Autor analizuje wybrane mechanizmy w polityce przestrzennej, a także to, co można nazwać jej rezultatami w Polsce. Wskazuje na źródła złożoności, wzorce ładu i chaosu w tej polityce. Stawia tezę, że niesatysfakcjonujące rezultaty wynikają z tego, iż instytucje państwa wypracowały niski poziom sterowności w programowaniu, implementowaniu i ewaluowaniu problemów przestrzennych. To skutek ich nieadekwatnego potencjału instytucjonalnego, analitycznego. W konsekwencji instytucje państwa nie są w stanie w sposób adekwatny posługiwać się instrumentami regulacyjnymi, nadawać odpowiedniego znaczenia roli analizy, w tym analizy konsekwencji i długoterminowych skutków występowania chaosu przestrzennego. Dla zrozumienia problemów z potencjałem państwa w tej polityce autor uważa za ważny kontekst kulturowy. Sprawia on, że zagadnienia zagospodarowania przestrzeni są nisko ulokowane na agendzie dyskutowanych zagadnień publicznych wśród innych zagadnień życia publicznego (jak cele gospodarcze, rozwojowe).
The author analyses the selected mechanisms in the spatial (planning) policy as well as its outcomes. He points out at the sources of complexity within this area, patterns of order and chaos. His hypothesis claims that unsatisfactory results come from the low level of the state’s governability in the area of policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. It also derives from inadequate institutional and analytical potential. As a consequence, public institutions are not able to use the regulatory instruments in an adequate way as well as to pay a proper attention to the policy analysis, including the consequences and long-term effects of spatial chaos. According to the author, cultural background seems to be important while trying to understand the state’s problems in the area of spatial policy. It leads to the fact that spatial issues are rather lower on the public agenda among other public concerns (like economic or developmental goals).
Studia z Polityki Publicznej; 2019, 6, 2(22); 103-122
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Polityki Publicznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Doskonalenie systemów eksploatacji maszyn
Improvement of machine operational systems
Żółtowski, B.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
ocena stanu
uzgadnianie decyzji
dedykowane systemy diagnostyki
assessment of technical state
decision making
dedicated systems of diagnostics
W pracy omówiono wybrane i nowe problemy eksploatacji złożonych maszyn, wspomaganej metodami diagnostyki technicznej i monitorowania stanu. Dotyczy to coraz częściej systemów wymian profilaktycznych, zagadnień doskonalących skuteczność metod diagnozowania, nowych rozwiązań oprogramowania na etapie uzgadniania decyzji (jedno- i wielowymiarowej), jak i dedykowanych systemów diagnozowania w inżynierii diagnostyki. Przedstawiona problematyka tego opracowania znajduje swoje uzasadnienie w procesach destrukcji maszyn, towarzyszących każdej maszynie tuż po jej wytworzeniu aż do likwidacji. Kształtowanie się kosztów eksploatacji maszyn i różnorodność działań organizacyjnych w tym obszarze różnicują możliwości stosowania znanych strategii eksploatacji. Rozwijająca się diagnostyka techniczna daje podstawy do racjonalnej eksploatacji maszyn w nowo tworzonych lub doskonalonych diagnostycznych systemach eksploatacji.
The article presents both selected and new problems connected with the maintenance of complex machinery which can be addressed and solved with the use of methods of technical diagnostics and monitoring of the state of the devices in question. This often concerns the systems of preventive replacements, issues of improving the effectiveness of the applied methods of diagnostics, new software solutions supporting the stages of single and complex decision making, and dedicated systems of diagnostics in diagnostic engineering. The problems this article deals with particularly concern machine destruction processes that can be noticed in the case of each and every machine from the very moment it is produced up to the moment it is scrapped. The varying costs of operation and maintenance of machines, together with a variety of organizational actions undertaken in that field decide on the operational strategies to be selected and applied. The developing technical diagnostics forms the basis for rational exploitation of machines in newly created or established, but improved, diagnostic operational systems.
Problemy Eksploatacji; 2012, 2; 7-20
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Eksploatacji
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Finansowe implikacje decyzji ubezpieczeniowych gospodarstw domowych
The Financial Implications of the Insurance Decisions of Households
Znaniecka, Krystyna
Szewieczek, Daniel
Ogrodnik, Helena
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Budżet gospodarstwa domowego
Gospodarstwa domowe
Podejmowanie decyzji finansowych
Świadomość ubezpieczeniowa
Ubezpieczenia majątkowe
Ubezpieczenia osobowe
Budgets of households
Decision making of finance
Insurance awareness
Personal lines insurance
Property insurance
Households which are the essential participants in the economic system, are also an important part of the real economy. Specific location and scale of the impact of households on the financial system supports the validity of a detailed analysis of the factors and determinants of household attitudes to risk and to insurance for both property and personal insurance. Decisions taken by the households in the area of insurance are often the result of risk-taking by members of the household, which is a non-economic conditionality, but deeper analysis shows that the dominant factor is the value of the income of the household members and the potential value of the losses that may arise both in estate property and personal goods of household members. Empirical studies conducted on a representative sample of households in the Silesia province indicated that often are concluded personal insurance, although the risk identification made by households is focused more on estate property. This means that the insurance protection of property household goods, despite the identification of risk is not sufficiently realized.
Studia Ekonomiczne; 2014, 198 cz 2; 260-274
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola kokpitu menedżerskiego w procesie podejmowania decyzji
The role of performance dashboard in decision-making process
Ziuziański, P.
Furmankiewicz, M.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Śląska. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej
kokpit menedżerski
proces podejmowania decyzji
performance dashboard
decision-making process
Artykuł porusza temat procesu podejmowania decyzji we współczesnej organizacji, która ma do dyspozycji wiele narzędzi informatycznych wspomagających ten proces. Autorzy scharakteryzowali kokpit menedżerski jako element warstwy prezentacji systemu Business Intelligence i zidentyfikowali jego rolę w procesie decyzyjnym.
The article discusses decision-making process in the modern organization, which has a range of IT tools designed to improve the process. Authors characterized performance dashboard as an element of Business Intelligence system presentation layer and identified its role in the decisionmaking process.
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska; 2015, 77; 311-321
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cognitive model of intuition in solving investment problems
Ziuziakowski, Milan
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska
EPAM model
decision making
The problem of rational investment and allocation of funds for an agent with individual goals and experiences is presented in this paper. Simon Herbert’s model of decision making, the EPAM model of intuition as a decision tree with the accompanying Soar so!ware which is a modern cognitive architecture for modeling intelligent agents are considered. The state space and selection of decision rules for determining the optimal solution are presented, emphasizing the role of intuition. A decision making scheme is presented, leading to the acquisition of distinct experiences resulting in an increase in the procedural knowledge stored in the long-term memory. The next stage is to visualize the decision making process in the working memory in order to satisfactorily allocate funds into three categories. The results obtained indicate the intuitively correct decision according to an assumed quality factor which is the level of overall agent satisfaction. Reference is also made to the possible application of GAN neural networks, showing their potential in supporting intuitive decision making in the stock market. The considerations confirm the validity of an intuitive approach to business solutions and also enable a closer look at multidimensional aspects of intuition. The considerations confirm the validity of the intuitive approach to business solutions, as well as presenting an insight into multidimensional aspects of intuition itself.
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk; 2022, 26, 1; 1-24
Pojawia się w:
TASK Quarterly. Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cloud computing solutions in the management of a contemporary business organization. The vendor and user perspective
Ziora, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
cloud computing
software as a service
decision making support
Management Information Systems
The aim of the paper is to present the current state of cloud computing solutions application in the management of a contemporary business organization. The author outlined such theoretical aspects of cloud computing solutions as its key concept and architecture, and the benefits resulting from its implementation in contemporary companies and enterprises. The article presents the vendor perspective of cloud computing services utilization in business organizations prepared on the basis of case studies, practical examples and an international research review. The research presenting the user perspective on cloud computing usage was based on the opinions of 100 respondents of cloud computing services and indicated the pros and cons resulting from the implementation and application of this solution which allowed to indicate not only its benefits but also its limitations.
Informatyka Ekonomiczna; 2018, 4(50); 169-182
Pojawia się w:
Informatyka Ekonomiczna
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Otoczenie społeczne a decyzje polityczne podejmowane na szczeblu lokalnym. W poszukiwaniu warunków skutecznej partycypacji społecznej
Social Environment and Political Decisions Taken at the Local Level. In Searching of Conditions for Effective Social Participation
Ziętek, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
partycypacja społeczna
decydowanie polityczne
skuteczna komunikacja
social participation
political decision-making
effective communication
Celem artykułu jest analiza relacji między władzami lokalnymi (samorządem lokalnym) a środowiskiem społecznym oraz określenie czynników, które wpływają na te relacje w sposób pozytywny i rozwijający. Główna hipoteza postawiona w artykule brzmi: rodzaj relacji i komunikacji między środowiskiem społecznym a władzami lokalnymi wpływa na zakres uczestnictwa obywateli w procesach decyzyjnych na poziomie lokalnym. Możliwe jest zatem określenie warunków umożliwiających wzmocnienie jakości tego procesu (czyli zwiększenie rzeczywistej partycypacji społecznej) na poszczególnych etapach procesu. decyzyjnego.
The aim of the article is to analyze the relationship between local authority (local government) and social environment and to identify factors that affect these relationships in a positive and developing way. The main hypothesis is that the type of relationship and communication between the social environment and local authorities affects the scope of citizens’ participation in decision-making processes at the local level. It is possible, therefore, to specify conditions enabling the quality of this process to be strengthened at particular stages of decision-making process.
Społeczeństwo i Polityka; 2019, 3(60); 239-253
Pojawia się w:
Społeczeństwo i Polityka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metody grupowego podejmowania decyzji Promethee GDSS i AHP – analiza porównawcza
Methods for making group decisions – Promethee GDSS and AHP
Ziemba, Paweł
Budziński, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Katedra Ekonometrii i Statystyki
Promethee GDSS
grupowe podejmowanie decyzji
analiza GAIA
Group Decision Making
GAIA analysis
Podjęcie „dobrej” decyzji wymaga rozpatrzenia wielu wariantów decyzyjnych. Warianty i kryteria decyzyjne mogą być inaczej oceniane przez różnych decydentów, więc w żadnym wypadku decyzja wielokryterialna nie może być uznana za całkowicie obiektywną. Jednym ze sposobów pozwalających zobiektywizować taką ocenę, jest wykonanie oceny grupowej. W niniejszej pracy do oceny grupowej wykorzystano metody Promethee GDSS i AHP oraz analizę GAIA, mającą na celu analizę „dobroci” uzyskanego rozwiązania i wskazanie kierunków jego ewentualnej poprawy.
Making a “good” decision requires considering many decisive variants. Different decision makers may evaluate the variants and criteria in different ways, hence a multicriterial decision cannot be recognized as fully detached. One way to make such an evaluation significantly more objective is to take advantage of a group of experts instead of only one expert. In this work, the AHP and Promethee GDSS methods were applied for group evaluation. GAIA analysis was performed to evaluate the “accuracy” of the obtained decision and to point out the ways of its possible improvement.
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych; 2011, 12, 2; 428-438
Pojawia się w:
Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Decision-making on the integration of renewable energy in the mining industry: A case studies analysis, a cost analysis and a SWOT analysis
Zharan, K.
Bongaerts, J. C.
Data publikacji:
Główny Instytut Górnictwa
renewable energy technologies
mining industry
decision-making rule
greenhouse gas emission
levelized cost of electricity
technologie energii odnawialnej
przemysł wydobywczy
reguła decyzyjna
emisja gazów cieplarnianych
uśredniony koszt energii elektrycznej
The mining industry is showing increasing interest in using renewable energy (RE) technologies as one of the principles of sustainable mining. This is witnessed in several pilot projects in major mining countries around the world. Positive factors which favor this interest are gaining importance and negative barrier factors seem to be less relevant. For a mine operator, the switch from fossil fuel to RE technologies is the outcome of decision making processes. So far, research about such decision making on the use of RE in mining is underdeveloped. The purpose of this paper to present a practical decision rule based on a principle of indifference between RE and fossil fuel technologies and on appropriate time management. To achieve this objective, three investigations are made: (i) a case studies analysis, (ii) a comparative cost analysis, and (iii) a SWOT analysis.
Journal of Sustainable Mining; 2017, 16, 4; 162-170
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Sustainable Mining
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of medical service quality based on a novel multi-criteria decision-making method with unknown weighted information
Zhao, Butian
Zhang, Runtong
Xing, Yuping
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
interval-valued q-rung dual hesitant fuzzy set
Maclaurin symmetric mean
multi-criteria decision-making
aggregation operators
In modern society, people concern more about the evaluation of medical service quality. Evaluation of medical service quality is helpful for medical service providers to supervise and improve their service quality. Also, it will help the public to understand the situation of different medical providers. As a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem, evaluation of medical service quality can be effectively solved by aggregation operators in interval-valued q-rung dual hesitant fuzzy (IVq-RDHF) environment. Thus, this paper proposes interval-valued q-rung dual hesitant Maclaurin symmetric mean (IVq-RDHFMSM) operator and interval-valued q-rung dual hesitant weighted Maclaurin symmetric mean (IVq-RDHFWMSM) operator. Based on the proposed IVq-RDHFWMSM operator, this paper builds a novel approach to solve the evaluation problem of medical service quality including a criteria framework for the evaluation of medical service quality and a novel MCDM method. What’s more, aiming at eliminating the discordance between decision information and weight vector of criteria determined by decisionmakers (DMs), this paper proposes the concept of cross-entropy and knowledge measure in IVq-RDHF environment to extract weight vector from DMs’ decision information. Finally, this paper presents a numerical example of the evaluation of medical service for hospitals to illustrate the availability of the novel method and compares our method with other MCDM methods to demonstrate the superiority of our method. According to the comparison result, our method has more advantages than other methods.
Archives of Control Sciences; 2021, 31, 3; 645-685
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Control Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation of medical service quality based on a novel multi-criteria decision-making method with unknown weighted information
Zhao, Butian
Zhang, Runtong
Xing, Yuping
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
interval-valued q-rung dual hesitant fuzzy set
Maclaurin symmetric mean operator
multi-criteria decision-making
aggregation operators
In modern society, people concern more about the evaluation of medical service quality. Evaluation of medical service quality is helpful for medical service providers to supervise and improve their service quality. Also, it will help the public to understand the situation of different medical providers. As a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem, evaluation of medical service quality can be effectively solved by aggregation operators in interval-valued q-rung dual hesitant fuzzy (IVq-RDHF) environment. Thus, this paper proposes interval-valued q-rung dual hesitant Maclaurin symmetric mean (IVq-RDHFMSM) operator and interval-valued q-rung dual hesitant weighted Maclaurin symmetric mean (IVq-RDHFWMSM) operator. Based on the proposed IVq-RDHFWMSM operator, this paper builds a novel approach to solve the evaluation problem of medical service quality including a criteria framework for the evaluation of medical service quality and a novel MCDM method. What’s more, aiming at eliminating the discordance between decision information and weight vector of criteria determined by decisionmakers (DMs), this paper proposes the concept of cross-entropy and knowledge measure in IVq-RDHF environment to extract weight vector from DMs’ decision information. Finally, this paper presents a numerical example of the evaluation of medical service for hospitals to illustrate the availability of the novel method and compares our method with other MCDM methods to demonstrate the superiority of our method. According to the comparison result, our method has more advantages than other methods.
Archives of Control Sciences; 2021, 31, 3; 645-685
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Control Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conversion timing of seafarer’s decision-making for unmanned ship navigation
Zhang, R. L.
Furusho, M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
maritime safety
unmanned ship
unmanned ship navigation
on-board decision-making
decision-making algorithm
conversion timing
bayesian risk prediction
The aim of this study is to construct an unmanned ship swarms monitoring model to improve autonomous decision-making efficiency and safety performance of unmanned ship navigation. A framework is proposed to determine the relationship between on-board decision-making and shore side monitoring, the process of ship data detection, tracking, analysis and loss, and the application of decision-making algorithm, to discuss the different risk responses of specific unmanned ship types under various latent hazard environments, particularly in terms of precise conversion timing in switching over to remote control and full manual monitoring, to ensure safe navigation when the capability of automatic risk response inadequate. This frame-work makes it easier to train data and the adjustment for machine learning based on Bayesian risk prediction. It can be concluded that the automation level can be increased and the workload of shore-based seafarers can be reduced easily.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2017, 11, 3; 463-468
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spherical fuzzy power partitioned Maclaurin Symmetric Mean Operators and their application in Multiple Attribute Group Decision Making
Zhang, Huiyuan
Cai, Qiang
Wei, Guiwu
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
spherical fuzzy sets
partitioned Maclaurin symmetric mean operator
power average operator
multiple attribute group decision making
Spherical fuzzy sets (SFSs) provide more free space for decision makers (DMs) to express preference information from four aspects: approval, objection, abstention and refusal. The partitioned Maclaurin symmetric mean (PMSM) operator is an effective information fusion tool, which can fully capture the interrelationships among any multiple attributes in the same block whereas attributes in different block are unrelated. Therefore, in this paper, we first extend PMSM operator to spherical fuzzy environment and develop spherical fuzzy PMSM (SFPMSM) operator as well as spherical fuzzy weighted PMSM (SFWPMSM) operator. Meanwhile, we discuss some properties and special cases of these two operators. To diminish the impact of extreme evaluation values on decision-making results, then we integrate power average (PA) operator and PMSM operator to further develop spherical fuzzy power PMSM (SFPPMSM) operator and spherical fuzzy weighted power PMSM (SFWPPMSM) operator and also investigate their desirable properties. Subsequently, a new multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) method is established based on SFWPPMSM operator under spherical fuzzy environment. Finally, two numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed method, and comparative analysis with the existing methods to further testy the validity and superiority of the proposed method.
Archives of Control Sciences; 2023, 33, 1; 179--238
Pojawia się w:
Archives of Control Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A model for assessing the commercial potential of high technologies
Zemlickienė, Vaida
Bublienė, Raimonda
Jakubavičius, Artūras
Data publikacji:
Instytut Badań Gospodarczych
high technologies
assessing the commercial potential
multiple criteria decision making method
Research background: technology development and its application for human activities - R&D - have been recognized as the basis of economic performance, a source of technological solutions and of high value-added supply both in scientific literature as well as in the strategic documents of the Government and international organizations. In order to ensure the harmonious activity of the institutions engaged in R&D and to reduce the uncertainty of the commercialization of technologies, an advanced tool for verifying decisions on technology development at early stages of commercialization, i.e. an instrument for assessing the commercial potential of technology, is needed. Over the last decade, the analysis of the tools on a global scale led to the unequivocal conclusion - so far developed methodical basis has suffered from lack of maturity for its practical use in business, a need for assessing commercial potential at an early stage of technology commercialization has been ignored, and the assessment of commercial potential has not considered the specificity of high technology. Purpose of the article: This article discusses in detail the preparation and application pro-cesses of the model for assessment the commercial potential of high technologies. Methods: in the model the multiple criteria method is applied the selection of which was determined by the motive related to the goal of assessment - assess the commercial potential of high technologies. Findings & Value added: The essence of scientific novelty embraces the creation of a qualitatively new, original, science-based model for assessing the commercial potential of technologies thus flexibly applying it to assessing different levels of technologies. The original model is based on: the focus on the specificity of high technologies in assessment the commercial potential of technologies; the focus on the early stage of technology commercialization by assessing the commercial potential of technologies; flexibility in the application of the model taking into account the technological level, legal status, opportunity to assess the commercial potential of technologies in different countries and institutions; mathematical calculations based on assessing commercial potential.
Oeconomia Copernicana; 2018, 9, 1; 29-54
Pojawia się w:
Oeconomia Copernicana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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