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W kierunku chrystologii integralnej
On a Path Towards Integral Christology
Pondel, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
chrystologia odgórna
chrystologia oddolna
chrystologia integralna
Top Down Christology
Bottom Christology
Integral Christology
Autor niniejszej rozprawy za swoje podstawowe zadanie obrał wykazanie, iż w chrystologii konieczna jest transpozycja metodologiczna i merytoryczna. W tym celu zostały przeanalizowane obecne we współczesnej chrystologii modele, które dotąd dominowały, jak również została wykazana ich dzisiejsza niewystarczalność. Zamiarem Autora nie było zanegowanie współczesnych ujęć chrystologicznych, ale ich połączenie na tle nowego modelu. Zastosowana metoda jest jedynie zaprezentowaniem próbki analizy historycznej dostępnych modeli chrystologicznych, z jej odpowiednikami we współczesnej teologii oraz eksplikacją pojęciową tych kierunków badań, które wymagają wyjaśnienia i pogłębienia. Zwieńczeniem niniejszej publikacji jest próba połączenia dostępnych modeli, prezentująca tym samym integralny kierunek badań respektujący dostępne w nauce metody.
The fundamental task of this paper, which the author has chosen was to show that the Christology is in need of methodological and substantive transposition. For this purpose, the Author will analyze the contemporary models for Christology which dominate today, as well, as show their current inadequacy. The Author's intention will not be to contradict the current Christological approaches but to combine them against the background of the new model. The applied method will only present a sample of historical analysis of available Christological models, with its equivalents in contemporary theology and a conceptual explication of the directions of research, that require clarification and broadening of the knowledge. The culmination of this publication will be an attempt to combine available models, thus presenting an integral direction of research that respects the methods available in science.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2019, 66, 2; 153-168
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Need and Ways of Integration in Christology
Łydka, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
&. e need for multiple integration in Christology as well as the Christologicalcorrelation of all theology must not raise any doubts nowadays. As we haveseen, this is supported by the clear indications of the last Council as well as bythe multiple tendencies that can be seen in the post-conciliar renewal of theology.e Christological correlation of theology profoundly corresponds notonly to its unity, but also to its return to biblical sources, to apostolic traditionand its kerygmatic character, the proclamation of the mystery of salvation andthe call to faith. Similarly, the systematic integration of Christology itself, thegreater link between biblical and speculative Christology and the mystery of theIncarnation and the mystery of Redemption allow it be possible to make fromthe mystery of Christ the central theme of the entire lecture on dogmatic theologyand, more importantly, to show Christ and his salvific works as eternallyliving and highest value in which we are involved and to which we are to makea full consecration. e integration of the different directions of Christologybetter reflects the unfathomable richness of the revealed truth about Christand the history of constant efforts of Christian thought to penetrate this truthmost deeply. It also takes into account the specific circumstances that haveled to the gradual clarification of the various aspects of the mystery of Christin dogmatic definitions. Finally, it emphasises the fact that one and the sameChristian faith has been expressed over the centuries in different traditions in theEast and West, and that there has almost always been a variety of theologicalapproaches to one and the same Christological dogma. erefore, such an integrationof Christology is of great importance for the preparation of ecumenicaldialogue and the proper exposition of the problems of theological pluralism andreinterpretation of dogmas.3. However, it is difficult to find any ideal way to achieve this correlation and integration.Attempts made so far show many different possibilities, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. As for the Christological correlationof the whole theology, especially the dogmatic, one can take Christology – thescience, the work and Christ Himself – as the starting point for the lectureof all other theological treatises because the whole salvific economy of God wasrevealed to us fully only in the mystery of Christ. It is also possible, followingthe traditional dogmatic system, to consider Christology as a central theologicaltreatise and to show that the whole revelation of God and the history of salvationwere directed towards Christ, that in him they found their full realisation,and that the further history of salvation in the Church in the world until thesecond coming of the Lord is the continuation of Christ’s salvific work andderives its meaning and effectiveness from the mystery of the Incarnation andRedemption. e systematic integration of Christology itself can also take ondifferent forms. It is possible to move from Christ’s work, His words and deedsto His person, or from Christ’s person to His work. In other words, it is possibleto begin by showing what Christ has done, and then analyse who he was, or viceversa. e first way is probably more in line with the biblical phenomenologicalcharacter of the latest approaches to Christology. e second follows the lineof traditional concepts.Integration in the historical direction can also be carried out in differentways. e prospective method recommended by the Council can be adopted,i.e. to show the gradual development of the revelation of the mystery of Christin St. and N. e Testament and the development of an awareness of faith in thismystery in the history of the Church up to the present day, the formation of differenttraditions and many theological approaches, while preserving the essentialidentity of faith, is precise where necessary in symbols of faith and dogmaticdefinitions. It is also possible to use a more traditional retrospective method,i.e. to present today’s awareness of the Church’s faith in the mystery of Christwith various theological controversies and emerging problems, and, going backthrough centuries of Church tradition and the development of theological thought,to show the whole historical-biblical background of Christian Christology. iswill prove its identity and at the same time its constant development and richnessof views. us, theologians, lecturers and textbook authors have differentpossibilities to implement the postulates of correlation and integration. elack of one ready-made model in this field as a result of the ongoing processof post-conciliar renewal of the entire theology sometimes gives rise to someanxiety. However, it is a creative anxiety, protecting against routine and situation makes it necessary to rethink and adapt the lectures on thecentral mystery of Christianity to the current conditions and needs of the listenersin order to revive their faith and commitment to the salvific work of Christ.
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia; 2019; 279-295
Pojawia się w:
Studia Theologica Varsaviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wieloznaczne słownictwo w chrystologii Nowego Testamentu
Gryglewicz, Feliks
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Es gibt in NT Worte, die verschiedene Tatsachen aus dem Leben Jesu beschreiben, wobei man nicht weiss an welche Tatsachen der Hagiograph gedacht hat, und auch solche Worte, die zwei oder drei Bedeutungen glechzeitig haben, die man nicht genau trennen kann. Diese vieldeutige Worte sind Widerhall der Schwierigkeiten mit denen die Urkirche und die neutestamentlich Verfasser kämpften um aus Mangel der eigentlichen theologischen Nomenklatur diesen Inhalt, der von Person und Lehre Jesu dargebracht ist, auszudrücken. Man adaptierte gemeinsam gebrauchte Worte und suchte neue, manchmal erfolglos. Dem ältesten christlichen Wortschatz gehören an: egeiro und anistemi — über die Mission Jesu, eleusis— über sine Fleischwerdung, und pais Theou. Aus späterem Zeitraum stammen: faneroo, epifaneia und auch didomi über die Mission Jesu. Das von Lukas (1, 79) im Benedictus-Hymnus gebrauchte Zeitwort epifaino kann als eine Grenze zwischen dem ältesten und dem späteren Zeitraum gesehen werden.
The Biblical Annals; 1976, 23, 1; 17-27
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Marianus Pale Hera, Christology and Discipleship in John 17 (WUNT II/342; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013).
Darowski, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Gospel of John
Book review:Marianus Pale Hera, Christology and Discipleship in John 17 (WUNT II/342; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013). Pp. 206 + XIV. €64. ISBN 978-3-16-152219-2.
The Biblical Annals; 2015, 5, 2; 443-446
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jerzy Hulewicz, czyli o religijnych, gnostycznych aspiracjach literatury
Jocz, Artur
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Religioznawcze
Jerzy Hulewicz
The aim of this article is to present selected phenomena of the exclusive religiosity of Jerzy Hulewicz (1886–1941), that manifested itself through his editorial activity and literature. Publishing (in the years 1917–1922) the first literature magazine in the newly gaining independence Poland he also attempted to show in it not just the purely artistic content, but also neognostic spiritual searches. Hulewicz also developed his religious ideas in the literary works that followed, among which a special attention goes to the drama Kain (1920). In this very work he expressed the idea of a gnostic rebellion most clearly which was one of the constitutive elements of his own religiosity.
Przegląd Religioznawczy; 2020, 1/275; 147-159
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Religioznawczy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chrystologia Pawła w egzegezie współczesnej
Wolniewicz, Marian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
nauczanie Pawła
Paul' teaching
Dans son article 1’auteur s’occupe seulement de deux livres consacrés à la christologie de Saint Paul, parus dernièrement dans la collection „Lectio Divina”. Il s’agit de travail écrit par Fr. Amiot sous le titre: Les idées maîtresses de Saint Paul, Paris 1958 et celui de L. Cerfaux, Le Christ dans la théologie de Saint Paul, Paris 1951 (2-ème édition Paris 1954). En comparant ces deux oeuvres au point de vue de la méthode de l’exposition exégétique, 1’auteur préfère celle de L. Cerfaux, et c’est pourquoi il s’intéresse au travail du célèbre professeur lovanien, d’une manière plus spéciale. En conclusion il recommande la méthode de L. Cerfaux comme très utile et constructive dans l’exposition de la théologie biblique et surtout de la christologie aux Grands Séminaires des Prêtres.
The Biblical Annals; 1963, 10, 1; 77-84
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Why metaphysics matters for the science-theology debate – an incarnational case study
Lawson, Finley I.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
critical realism
This article examines the relationship between science and theology within a critical realist framework. Focusing on the role of metaphysics as a unifying starting point, especially in consideration of theological issues that are concerned with corporeality and temporality (such as in the incarnation). Some metaphysical challenges that lead to the appearance of “paradox” in the incarnation are highlighted, and the implications of two forms of holistic scientific ontology on the appearance of a paradox in the incarnation are explored. It is concluded that ultimately both science and theology are concerned with the nature of reality, and the search for coherent models that can describe the unseen. Whilst one should maintain a criticality to any realist conception of theological and scientific theories, a shared metaphysics ensures theological doctrine can continue to be interpreted with relevance in a world in which scientific thought is increasingly stretching into the meta-scientific.
Studia Philosophiae Christianae; 2020, 56, 3; 125-155
Pojawia się w:
Studia Philosophiae Christianae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chrystologia Ewangelii Marka
Langkammer, Hugolin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ewangelia według św. Marka
Der Artikel über die Christologie in Markusevangelium ist in zwei Haupteile gegliedert. Im ersten wurden die wichtigsten literar-kritischen Forschungen untersucht. Der Verf. geht natürlich auch auf Fragen ein, die schon in der literarischen Sicht theologisch zugespitzt wurden. Daher wird W. Wrede (1901), der als erster auf das „Messiasgeheimnis” im Mk aufmerksam machte, genauer untersucht. Der Verf. baut nun auf dem „Missverständnis” von Wrede den zweiten Teil seines Studiums und zeigt anhand der Texte, dass Markus eigentlich auf eine Glaubensaussage dringt, die der Gottesohnschaft Jesus von Nazareth gewidmet ist. Die Spuren dieser Sohn-Gottes-Christologie im Mk verfolgt der Verf. hauptsächlich im zweiten Hauptteil seines Artikels.
The Biblical Annals; 1975, 22, 1; 49-63
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Humanity of God in Karl Barth’s Christological Interpretations
Barth, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Karl Barth’s Christology
The article shows the key aspects of the Christological approach to Karl Barth’s teaching about “the humanity of God”. The author argues that in the mirror of Jesus Christ’s humanity the humanity of God included in Jesus’s divine nature is revealed. It is in Jesus Christ that kenosis and gloria, humanum and divinum meet in an amazing way; and in the negotiating space which is constituted by His Person they explain each other, speaking more sonorously with their own voice. Hence the point of departure for a reflection on the problem that is posed here, is looking closely at the formal basis of Barth’s theology. Jesus Christ’s central place – with respect to the contents, form and method – is considered to be one of its most important attributes. The author of Die Kirchliche Dogmatik starts his argument by discussing Jesus Christ’s pre-existence with the help of the doctrine of “the gracious election” that is a modified conception of his earlier Trinitarian theology. It says that God “from the beginning” is directed to man, suggesting a pro-human character of God’s being and acting. In the light of Barth’s doctrine Jesus Christ, as the second Person of the Trinity, is not only the object of election”, but He is also the electing subject. As the One Who Wants to complete the Father’s salutary work, he is the justification and guarantee of our salvation. Barth categorically pronounces himself in favor of the Christological paradigm of the Revelation saying that around history and the dialogue, in which God and a man meet and are together – around a mutually made and kept relation – there is the most complete opening and exchange. It happens in the Person, since Jesus Christ is in the only and in the highest degree: a true God's man (Gott des Menschen) and a true Divine Man (Mensch Gottes). The phrase about the “humanity of God” – is Emmanuel, to whom we pass from the Christological centre, taking into consideration the theological and anthropological consequences following this movement.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2016, 63, 2 English Version; 221-239
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relektura cytatów z Księgi Psalmów w Ewangelii według św. Jana
A Rereading of Quotations from the Book of Psalms in the Gospel according to St. John
Sikora, Adam Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Gospel according to St. John
The author of the article analyses eights passages from the Gospel according to St. John which contain quotations from the Book of Psalms. The quotations come from Ps 22,19 (Jn 19,24), Ps 41,9 (Jn 13,18), Ps 69,5 (Jn 15,25), Ps 69,10 (Jn 2,17), Ps 69,28 (Jn 19,28); Ps 78,24 (Jn 6,31), Ps 82,6 (Jn 10,34) and Ps 118,26 (Jn 12,13). As a result of the undertaken inquiry the author states that all the quotations from the psalms were reinterpreted in a specific theological perspective. The author of the Fourth Gospel was not interested in the meaning of the quotations in their original context but rather in the Christological thought embedded in them. From those psalms, read in a Christological key within a new context, emerges an image of Jesus who is the Son of God in an absolute sense (Ps 82,6), the Messianic King (Ps 118,26), who despite unjustified hatred on the part of the world (Ps 69,5), unbelief on the part of some of His interlocutors (Ps 78,24) and His awareness of the hostility of one of His disciples (Ps 41,10), zealously fulfills the Father’s plan (Ps 69,10), surrendering himself to all the humiliations (Ps 22,19) and tribulations of salvific passion (Ps 69,22). It should also be underscored that many exegetes interpret the content of those quotations not merely literally, i.e. by linking them to historical events, but expound their deeper spiritual sense.
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne; 2010, 24; 121-138
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Threshold of Victory: Theodicy and Relief in the Theology of John Paul II
Griffin, Drew
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Pope John Paul II
The Twentieth Century provided the religious and irreligious alike with tremendous challenges in regards to belief. Evil and carnage were pervasive and the Church was in decline. In that cultural moment rose an interpreter of that challenge who theodicy was clear and efficient in answering the complex challenge of evil in the modern world. John Paul II, more than almost any other figure of the age, addressed the vexing issue of evil in the modern world. In the corpus of his writing mankind comes to know evil through an act of memory, remembering from where evil sprang, and what evil has done in man to separate him from his creator. And mankind comes to terms with identity of evil as seen and experienced through the act of suffering. Through processing memory, and examining identity, mankind can discover how Jesus Christ’s work on Calvary places us at the threshold of victory.
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II; 2018, 8, 2
Pojawia się w:
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chrystologiczna koncepcja nadziei w Listach Ignacego z Antiochii
Christologica spei conceptio in Ignatii Antiocheni litteris
Widok, Norbert
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ignacy z Antiochii
Ignatius of Antioch
Hac in dissertatiuncula notiones „spes” et „spero” perpensae sunt atque rationes theologicae, quae de his nominibus efficiuntur. Vox „spes” in Litteris Ignatii Antio- cheni decies adhibita est, at vox „sperare” - quater. Ut de enumeratione evenit frequentiam harum non magnam esse. Vox „spes”, quam Ignatius in singulis textibus adhibuit, ad Christum attinet significatque Eius titulus. Aliquotiens utitur Ignatius hanc vocem in locutione „spes nostra”. Solummodo semel notio „spes” est adhibita ut significatio virtutis moralis. Enimvero vocabulum „sperare” bis significationem theologicam habet, quia ad Christum petinet.
Vox Patrum; 2008, 52, 2; 1213-1222
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problem Boga jako kwestia podstawowa w myśli Waltera Kaspera
The Problem of God as a Fundamental Issue in the Thought of Walter Kasper
Kornek, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
Walter Kasper
problem of God
The topic about ‘The Problem of God’ (die Gottesfrage) is one of the most important discussions for contemporary dogmatic theology and theology in general. The thought of Walter Kasper, who this year is celebrating his 90th birthday, is characterised by a creative and open-minded approach to contemporary challenges. This article analyzes Kasper’s reflection on ‘The Problem of God’ based on three monographs of the German cardinal: ‘Jesus der Christius’, ‘Der Gott Jesus Christi’ and ‘Katholische Kirche. Wesen – Wirklichkeit – Sendung’. The first part of the article presents selected topics of Kasperʼs Christology. The next part analyzes the causes of the current crisis of faith in God and the solutions proposed by the German theologian as a response to modern atheism. In the last part, the subject of reflection is the Church, which, according to Kasper, is to effectively make present in history the salvific work of Jesus Christ and be an icon of the Holy Trinity.
Studia Ełckie; 2023, 25, 1; 27-39
Pojawia się w:
Studia Ełckie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zbawienie wobec historii. Próba teologicznej rehabilitacji pojęcia utopii
Salvation towards History. An Attempt at a Theological Rehabilitation of the Term Utopia
Kempa, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
For an abstract in Polish, scroll down.Jacek KempaDepartment of Dogmatic Theology and SpiritualityFaculty of TheologyUniversity of Silesia in Katowice, Poland Salvation towards History. An Attempt at a Theological Rehabilitation of the Term Utopia Abstract: Christian theology teaches that eternal salvation cannot be defined in terms familiar to us. Therefore, it can be described as utopia –  in accordance with the etymological meaning of the word. That is how the tension between this and another world, which is present in the Christian teaching, becomes more apparent. Does it cause the depreciation of history, as critics of religion in the 19th century wanted? The article presents some nodal points in the Christian philosophy which are important for the development of the doctrine. They reveal the problem of the relation between earthly life and eternity and highlight the significance of history. In the Church reception,  a reflection which avoided both extremes always prevailed: it did not separate eternal salvation from its connection with history and it did not equate eternal salvation with a stage of history. The article emphasizes  the theological justification of this perspective: it is Christology captured in the frame of the doctrine of the Church and the teaching about the relation between God’s freedom and freedom of a human being.Keywords:  theology, utopia, salvation, Christology, anthropology Jacek KempaKatedra Teologii Dogmatycznej i DuchowościWydział TeologicznyUniwersytet Śląski Zbawienie wobec historii. Próba teologicznej rehabilitacji pojęcia utopii Abstrakt: Teologia chrześcijańska uczy, że zbawienia wiecznego nie można określić według znanych nam miar. Można je więc określić „utopią” – zgodnie z etymologicznym znaczeniem tego słowa. W ten sposób wyraźnie ujawnia się napięcie między „tym” i „tamtym” światem, obecne w nauce chrześcijańskiej. Czy rodzi ono deprecjację historii, jak chcieli tego dziewiętnastowieczni krytycy religii? W artykule zostaje przedstawionych kilka węzłowych punktów refleksji chrześcijańskiej, ważnych dla rozwoju doktryny, w których dochodzi do głosu problem relacji doczesności do wieczności i w których pada akcent na wartość tożsamości historii. W kościelnej recepcji zawsze zwyciężała refleksja, która unikała obu skrajności: odcięcia zbawienia wiecznego od powiązania z historią oraz sprowadzenia zbawienia wiecznego do etapu historii. Na końcu wskazano na rdzeń uzasadnienia teologicznego takiego ujęcia: jest nim uchwycona w ramy kościelnej doktryny chrystologia oraz nauka o relacji między wolnością Boga a wolnością człowieka. Słowa kluczowe: teologia, utopia, zbawienie, chrystologia, antropologia
For an abstract in Polish, scroll down.Jacek KempaDepartment of Dogmatic Theology and SpiritualityFaculty of TheologyUniversity of Silesia in Katowice, Poland Salvation towards History. An Attempt at a Theological Rehabilitation of the Term Utopia Abstract: Christian theology teaches that eternal salvation cannot be defined in terms familiar to us. Therefore, it can be described as utopia –  in accordance with the etymological meaning of the word. That is how the tension between this and another world, which is present in the Christian teaching, becomes more apparent. Does it cause the depreciation of history, as critics of religion in the 19th century wanted? The article presents some nodal points in the Christian philosophy which are important for the development of the doctrine. They reveal the problem of the relation between earthly life and eternity and highlight the significance of history. In the Church reception,  a reflection which avoided both extremes always prevailed: it did not separate eternal salvation from its connection with history and it did not equate eternal salvation with a stage of history. The article emphasizes  the theological justification of this perspective: it is Christology captured in the frame of the doctrine of the Church and the teaching about the relation between God’s freedom and freedom of a human being.Keywords:  theology, utopia, salvation, Christology, anthropology Jacek KempaKatedra Teologii Dogmatycznej i DuchowościWydział TeologicznyUniwersytet Śląski Zbawienie wobec historii. Próba teologicznej rehabilitacji pojęcia utopii Abstrakt: Teologia chrześcijańska uczy, że zbawienia wiecznego nie można określić według znanych nam miar. Można je więc określić „utopią” – zgodnie z etymologicznym znaczeniem tego słowa. W ten sposób wyraźnie ujawnia się napięcie między „tym” i „tamtym” światem, obecne w nauce chrześcijańskiej. Czy rodzi ono deprecjację historii, jak chcieli tego dziewiętnastowieczni krytycy religii? W artykule zostaje przedstawionych kilka węzłowych punktów refleksji chrześcijańskiej, ważnych dla rozwoju doktryny, w których dochodzi do głosu problem relacji doczesności do wieczności i w których pada akcent na wartość tożsamości historii. W kościelnej recepcji zawsze zwyciężała refleksja, która unikała obu skrajności: odcięcia zbawienia wiecznego od powiązania z historią oraz sprowadzenia zbawienia wiecznego do etapu historii. Na końcu wskazano na rdzeń uzasadnienia teologicznego takiego ujęcia: jest nim uchwycona w ramy kościelnej doktryny chrystologia oraz nauka o relacji między wolnością Boga a wolnością człowieka. Słowa kluczowe: teologia, utopia, zbawienie, chrystologia, antropologia
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura; 2018, 36
Pojawia się w:
ER(R)GO: Teoria – Literatura – Kultura
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasady teologii pośrednictwa w świetle chrystologii Paula Tillicha oraz ich implikacje dla myśli i praktyki katolickiej
Principles of the Theology of Mediation in the Light of Paul Tillichs Christology and Their Implications for Catholic Thought and Practice
Walczak, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego
Paul Tillich
catholic spirituality
duchowość katolicka
Paul Tillich, jeden z największych teologów protestanckich XX wieku, jest twórcą oryginalnego systemu teologicznego, w którym centralne miejsce zajmuje chrystologia. Choć teolog niechętnie operował pojęciem pośrednictwa, w swoim dziele przedstawił Chrystusa właśnie jako Pośrednika objawienia i zbawienia. Chrystologia Tillicha stanowi cenne źródło dla refleksji nad tym, czym jest pośrednictwo i według jakich zasad powinno być rozumiane i przedstawiane w teologii. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia zasady kształtowania teologii pośrednictwa w oparciu o myśl Tillicha. W pierwszej części zasady te zostaną wyliczone i omówione, w drugiej zaś wyprowadzone zostaną wnioski związane z teologią i praktyką katolicką. Myśl Tillicha w tym zakresie okazuje się cennym przyczynkiem do dialogu ekumenicznego, skoro temat pośrednictwa stanowił od czasów reformacji jedną z głównych osi sporu międzywyznaniowego.
Paul Tillich, one of the greatest Protestant theologians of the twentieth century, is the creator of an original theological system in which Christology plays a central role. Although the theologian was reluctant to use the term “mediation”, in his work he presented Christ as the Mediator of revelation and salvation. Tillich's Christology is a valuable source of reflection on what mediation is and on what principles it should be understood and presented in theology. This article presents the principles of shaping the theology of mediation based on the thought of Tillich. In the first part, these principles will be listed and discussed, and in the second part, conclusions related to Catholic theology and practice will be drawn. Tillich's thought in this regard turns out to be a valuable contribution to the ecumenical dialogue, since the topic of mediation has been one of the main fields of the catholic-protestant dispute since the Reformation.
Studia Oecumenica; 2022, 22; 173-191
Pojawia się w:
Studia Oecumenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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