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Spory graniczne Etiopii z państwami sąsiednimi. Niekończąca się wojna
Ethiopian border disputes with its neighbors: the endless war
Gemechu, Degefe
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Ethiopia shares its frontiers with 5 countries: Sudan, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, and Djibouti. It has border disputes with all above mentioned countries. However, the nature and the extent of the problem vary; based on the specific relations with individual country. This article focuses on the major Ethiopian wars of border with Somalia and Eritrea. The politics of post-independence Somalia during the early 1960s was dominated by public opinion to unify all areas populated by ethnic Somalis into one country, to realize the concept of "Greater Somalia". Somalia has border dispute with Ethiopia especially Ogaden, in the South East of the country. Somalia started the border war with Ethiopia in February 1964. The conflict was ended by fast and successful intervention of the Organization of African Unity. The second war of Ogaden erupted in July 1977. Somalia decided to invade Ogaden, when internal political problems in Ethiopia were intensified, after emperor Haile Selasse was over thrown by the military. The Superpowers were also involved in the war; The Soviet Union and its allies supported Ethiopia and the United States, the Somali side. During the second war of Ogaden, about 8,000 Somali soldiers have been killed. In the aftermath of the war more than 400 000 civilians have been displaced. Ethiopia won both, the first and the second war of Ogaden. The war between Ethiopia and Eritrea over the border dispute started in May 1998 and ended in December 2000. Tens of thousands of people have lost their life in the conflict. Different sources have provided different numbers of victims of war on both sides. Approximately from 70 000 to 100 000 from the Ethiopian side and 30 000 Eritreans have lost their life. The Organization of African Unity (OAU), and the United Nations, the United States of America and other countries have actively involved in the peace process to stop the war. After two years of war, both parties agreed to form an independent boundary commission whose decision would be final and binding. In accordance with the treaty of Algiers, Eritrea accepted the April 2002 decision by an international Boundary Commission delimiting its borders with Ethiopia; but Ethiopia rejected it. The Security Council on 31 June 2000, by its resolution 1312 established the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE), to verify the cessation of hostilities Agreement and assist in planning peace keeping. The Security Council of the UN unanimously adopted resolution 1827, on 30 July 2008, which terminated the mandate of the United Nations mission in Eritrea and Ethiopia. This decision came after Eritrea imposed restrictions on UNMEE, which could not carry out its mandate tasks. So far, there is no solution for the disputed areas, which means a war can be erupted again at any time.
Forum Politologiczne; 2010, 10 - Przestrzeń i granice we współczesnej Afryce; 353-371
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Granice i narodowy porządek rzeczy a uchodźcy afrykańscy
The borders and national order of things and African refugees
Ząbek, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
This article aims to draw attention, perception that refugees generally as a people passive, abrasion of specificity of culture, places and history, they do not necessarily have to reflect that. In the refugee camps sometimes arise very aware of their subjectivity refugee communities. Anthropologist Aristide Zolberg calls them "The New Palestinians", or "Refugee-Warriors". They create refugee identity and culture, aimed at returning to their country, to gain power, just like real Palestinians are threat to the existing political status quo and the existing borders and governments.
Forum Politologiczne; 2010, 10 - Przestrzeń i granice we współczesnej Afryce; 403-413
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konflikt o Górski Karabach i próby jego rozwiązania
The conflict over Mountainous Karabagh and attempts of solving it
Zieliński, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
The article discusses one of the key problems of the post-Soviet area in respect of broadly understood security. Although almost two decades have passed since its beginning, the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan still remains unregulated. It is a serious obstacle to normalizing relations between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia. The stance of the latter is particularly important to the possibility of peacefully resolving the conflict.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica; 2014, 12; 131-172
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Development of a risk assessment methodological framework for seaborders
Gkrizis, V.
Leventakis, G.
Nikitakos, N.
Sfetsos, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Polskie Towarzystwo Bezpieczeństwa i Niezawodności
sea borders
risk assessment
Sea borders are identified as a major entry point in EU. In order to be adequately prepared to manage illegal immigrant’s inflow and mitigate the significant socioeconomic impact. The present paper introduces a comprehensive risk analysis methodological framework for the analysis of the present situation, risk prioritization and mitigation analysis. The proposed approach will be applied to a specific site in a N. Aegean Island, Greece as the country is the access point of over 80% of all immigration flow to the EU.
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association; 2014, 5, 2; 29--32
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Introductory Comments
Sujecka, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Introductory CommentsThe sixth issue (not just in the Thematic Section) is devoted to the borders of civilization in our memory, in culture, in art, in literature, in the arrangement of political objectives. Both their demarcation and their crossing is a matter of the objectives we can and want to set ourselves in the context of the order that exists and into which we try to fit, transforming it or levelling.The value of this survey of  “images of borders” is its setting in such varied material, owing to which the theoretical speculations gain a representative illustration and, at the same time, a guarantee of being rooted, even if it is only a “contact zone”. WprowadzenieSzósty numer (nie tylko sekcja tematyczna) jest poświęcony kwestii granic cywilizacji w naszej pamięci, kulturze, sztuce, literaturze, w definiowaniu celów politycznych. Zarówno ich wyznaczanie, jak i przekraczanie, jest kwestią celów, jakie możemy i chcemy postawić sobie w kontekście istniejącego ładu, w który staramy się wpisać, przekształcając go lub dostosowując się do niego. Wartością niniejszego przeglądu "obrazów granic" jest przedstawienie ich poprzez tak zróżnicowany materiał, dzięki czemu rozważania teoretyczne zyskują reprezentatywną ilustrację, a zarazem gwarancję zakorzenienia, nawet jeśli będzie to tylko "sfera kontaktu".
Colloquia Humanistica; 2017, 6
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Humanistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hybrydowość granic Unii Europejskiej w środowisku międzynarodowym
Hybridity of Borders of the European Union in International Environment
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
European Union
hybridity of borders
Unia Europejska
hybrydowość granic
The border is a key element in the security strategy of the state. The EU as an entity of international relations has contributed to a qualitative change in the essence of state borders. On the one hand, it takes into account the role of border in organizing the legal systems of sovereign states, and on the other “detaches” borders from their territorial dimension. The idea of borders within the European Union matches with the concept of the hybrid structure of the EU itself. They are a unique phenomenon in international law with no equivalent in any other current integrating structure. EU borders are a hybrid form of their traditional perception form the state perspective and they are characterized by heterogeneity, variability and high sensitivity to the turbulence of the international environment.
Granica jest kluczowym elementem strategii bezpieczeństwa państwa. UE jako podmiot stosunków międzynarodowych przyczyniła się do jakościowej zmiany istoty granic państwowych. Z jednej strony uwzględnia jej funkcję porządkowania dwóch systemów prawnych na poziomie suwerennych państw, a z drugiej „odrywa” granicę od jej jedynie terytorialnego wymiaru, wyznaczającego zakres owej suwerenności, i umieszcza w przestrzeni, gdzie zachodzi synteza interakcji między różnymi podmiotami stosunków międzynarodowych. Idea funkcjonowania granic Unii Europejskiej wpasowuje się w koncepcję hybrydowej struktury samej Unii. Jest unikalnym bytem w kategorii prawa międzynarodowego, nie mając swojego odpowiednika w żadnej innej aktualnej strukturze integracyjnej. Granice UE są hybrydową formą tradycyjnie rozumianego określenia granicy w odniesieniu do państwa, cechuje je nie jednorodność i zmienność funkcjonalna oraz wysoka wrażliwość na turbulencje środowiska międzynarodowego.
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej; 2017, 11; 27-38
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Talking about Bordering. Prof. Nira Yuval-Davis interviewed by Prof. Louise Ryan, 15 July 2019
Yuval-Davis, Nira
Ryan, Louise
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
In the summer of 2019 as the UK was in the midst of heated Brexit debates and Theresa May’s minority government clung on to power, Professor Louise Ryan interviewed Professor Nira Yuval-Davis about her recent book Bordering (Yuval-Davis, Wemyss and Cassidy 2019). Although things have changed in some significant ways since that interview, for example Boris Johnson has now replaced Theresa May as Prime Minister, and won a landslide election victory in December, 2019, and the controversial Brexit Bill was passed by the British Parliament, many of the issues about borders and bordering remain extremely relevant today. The current pandemic has not only revealed Britain’s dependence on migrant workers, especially in health and social care, but also exposed health inequalities among migrants and ethnic minorities. As the post-Brexit immigration landscape begins to emerge, the analysis of Nira Yuval Davis remains as pertinent as ever.
Central and Eastern European Migration Review; 2020, 9, 1; 13-27
Pojawia się w:
Central and Eastern European Migration Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Introduction to the Thematic Section
Sajkowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
Introduction to the Thematic SectionThe images of the borders of civilizations is the main topic of the thematic section of this issue of Colloquia Humanistica. In the call for papers it was emphasised, that this issue is particularly important, because the notion of civilization is strictly related to the issue of borders since it would became meaningless without the opposition to another civilization, or the lack of it. The juxtaposition between the notion of civilization and its different antinomies seems easier to display when seen from its centre, however the shape of its border is not always clear, even if it has a foundation in clear geographical or political divisions. Thus, this border can be represented as a linear frontier between a civilized state and barbaric lands, or as a borderland which encompasses some kind of fluent transition. The civilization border can be also represented in a macro scale, shaping geographic divisions of the continents (as it was in the case of the Balkans), but its depiction can also concern the micro scale, for example the difference between an urban and a natural landscape. The notion is even broader, because it is not only treated in the context of space but also social behaviours and their evolution (which is bound with notion of the progress since the Enlightenment). The question establishing the difference between the civilized and the uncivilized is still shaping the identity of modern societies, and thus it is worth attention. Wprowadzenie do sekcji tematycznejTematem przewodnim szóstego numeru rocznika Colloquia Humanistica są obrazy granic cywilizacji. Temat ten wydaje się niezwykle istotny, ponieważ pojęcie cywilizacji ściśle wiąże się z kategorią granicy, skoro traci ono znaczenie, gdy nie zachodzi opozycja wobec innej cywilizacji. Zestawienie pojęcia cywilizacji i jego różnych antynomii najłatwiej przejawia się, jak się wydaje, z perspektywy centrum, jednakże kształt jej granic nie zawsze rysuje się wyraźnie, nawet gdy wywodzi się ona z jasnych podziałów geograficznych czy politycznych. Granicę może zatem reprezentować linia między cywilizowanym państwem a krajami barbarzyńskimi lub też pogranicze, stanowiące coś w rodzaju płynnego przejścia. Granicę cywilizacji można też przedstawić w makroskali poprzez podziały geograficzne na kontynencie (jak ma to miejsce w przypadku Bałkanów), lecz jej obraz dotyka również mikroskali, na przykład różnicy między krajobrazem miejskim a naturalnym. Pojęcie to ma wręcz szerszy charakter, ponieważ porusza kontekst nie tylko przestrzenny, lecz również kwestię zachowań społecznych i ich ewolucję (od czasu oświecenia związaną z pojęciem postępu). Kwestia ustanowienia granicy między cywilizowanym a niecywilizowanym wciąż wpływa na kształt tożsamości współczesnych społeczeństw i dlatego warto podjąć się jej zbadania.
Colloquia Humanistica; 2017, 6
Pojawia się w:
Colloquia Humanistica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biopolityczna przestrzeń bezpieczeństwa w Globalnej Wojnie z Terroryzmem
Kania, Magdalena M.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
biopolitics, Global War on Terror, Smart Borders, securitization of borders
biopolityka, Globalna Wojna z Terroryzmem, Smart Borders, sekurytyzacja granic
The article analyzes the spaces of security produced by the American administration after 9/11 through the lenses of the concept of biopolitics, as delivered by French philosopher Michel Foucault. The main aim of this article is to reveal interconnections between the population-centric notion of biopolitcs, practices of liberal governmentality and security per se. As a tangible example of that linkage there will be introduced the process of borders enhancement, which operating through the biometric technologies of risk management produces the so-called Smart Borders. In the biopolitical context, the result of Smart Borders was the reduction of negative elements in the circulation of goods in the security space.
Artykuł stanowi analizę przestrzeni bezpieczeństwa budowanej przez administrację amerykańską po 11 września 2001 r. przez pryzmat koncepcji biopolityki Michela Foucault. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie zależności między populacjo-centryczną biopolityką, praktykami liberalnej władzy a bezpieczeństwem. Przeanalizowano proces wzmacniania granic amerykańskich z wykorzystaniem biometrycznych technik zarządzania ryzykiem, tzw. Smart Borders, których celem jest redukcja negatywnych elementów z przestrzeni bezpieczeństwa.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia; 2015, 22, 2
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyszłość państwa i granic w Afryce. Alternatywny punkt widzenia
The future of the African state and borders. An alternative perspective
Trzciński, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Ifeanyi Menkiti
In this article I present and critically analyze the main ideas of the Nigerian thinker, Ifeanyi A. Menkiti, on the problem of African borders for the future of the African state. Menkiti appears to consider that the basic condition for the successful coexistence of the various groups of peoples (ethnic groups, tribes) occupying the states of Africa is for relations between them to rest on equitable principles. Justice, in his opinion, should involve the fair and equitable division amongst peoples of the burdens and benefits of living in a common state. To realize this ideal, he proposes the creation in Africa of morally neutral, minimalist managerial states, in which the competencies of the regional authorities would be increased at the cost of the central government. He bases his plan in part on the ideas of John Rawls, especially on his 'law of peoples'. Close analysis of Menkiti's views shows that his vision of the managerial state is only a temporary solution, which is to lead to the peaceful dismemberment of the current post-colonial model of multi-ethnic states functioning within the old colonial borders. The basic value of Menkiti's thought rests in his reversal of the usual perspective on African states, as he considers that maintaining territorial integrity or achieving unity should no longer be considered a paramount necessity.
Forum Politologiczne; 2010, 10 - Przestrzeń i granice we współczesnej Afryce; 243-262
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Różnorodność w pojmowaniu granic i własności ziemi w Republice Czadu
Diversity in recognition of borders and ownership of lands in the Republic of Chad
Różański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. Instytut Nauk Politycznych
Republic of Chad
The article shows accidentalness in construction of the borders in the Republic of Chad. On close examination to mark out the ground no one respects neither local tradition nor the cultural differences.Origin of the strong centralized country (French example) was not based of changing the mentality of understanding "our land" or "our territory" as over tribal an exclusive proprietary. At the same time there were not any trials neither to fall into line between the tribes over the land ownership nor to understanding with the preferred model of private ownership or country ownership. There is misunderstanding and conflict between the local long time honoured laws - customs - regarding ownership of lands and the law of the state. The conflict on the law of land is not the only one. We ought to count also differences based on different cultural, religious groups and their profession (shepherd and farmer) and their migration on impact of armed conflicts. The large part of the conflicts regarding the land ownerships might be resolved on the bases of the existing tribal rights as well as the state law.
Forum Politologiczne; 2010, 10 - Przestrzeń i granice we współczesnej Afryce; 319-336
Pojawia się w:
Forum Politologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Border Metaphors in the Polish Sociology of Borderlands
Kurczewska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
sociological imagery
This paper treatises Polish sociology of borderlands (mostly Eastern) as the rich resources of metaphors of borders, especially national and political ones. It shows how these metaphors are linked to different sociological imagery-modern and postmodern. Its aim is to reconstruct analytical strategies and research projects from this sub-discipline, focusing on metaphors of borders. These strategies and projects are based on very different approaches to metaphors. The first operation is an instrument which the theoretician uses to reconstruct the theoretical typology of borders and borderlands. The second operation is a tool which the researcher uses to reflect more deeply on the empirical data concerning individual and collective reactions to borders and borderlands. The third operation is a narrative tool used by examinees who inhabit the borderlands. The paper provides a broad and intensive discussion of the functions of different metaphors about borders in relation to the different intellectual approaches to problems of borderlands and borders. It stresses the needs for equal treatment in Polish sociology of borderland problems of borderlands and problems of national borders. Especially emphasizes the positive functions of academic interest in borders metaphors in this scientific treatment. Generally speaking, this analyse enhances many links between sociology of borderlands and cultural anthropology and is closely connected to the question of where these intellectual operations on metaphors belong in the project of an interdisciplinary approach to borders and borderlands.
Polish Sociological Review; 2009, 166, 2; 193-212
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcje granic państwa polskiego u progu odzyskania niepodległości
The concepts of the Polish state boundaries on the threshold of independence
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Polish territory
Polish borders
concepts of Polish borders
terytorium polski
granice Polski
polskie koncepcje graniczne
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcje i wizje badaczy polskich działających w XIX i na początku XX w. Dotyczyły one rozległości terytorialnej odrodzonego w przyszłości państwa polskiego. Nawiązywały początkowo do granic historycznej Rzeczypospolitej. W późniejszym czasie uwzględniały również kryteria etniczne i strategiczne. Zaprezentowano na kolejnych mapach koncepcje Oskara Żebrowskiego, Stanisława Tomaszewskiego, Aleksandra Janowskiego, Czesława Jankowskiego, Włodzimierza Wakara, Wiktora Skargi-Dobrowolskiego, Józefa Jaskólskiego. Ostatnie dwa omówione programy terytorialne miały już charakter oficjalnych dokumentów. Pierwszy z nich był opracowany w Lozannie przez Komitet Narodowy Polski, ostatni zaś osobiście był przygotowany przez Romana Dmowskiego, ale reprezentował oficjalne stanowisko Rządu Polskiego.
After the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was liquidated and disappeared from the map of Europe at the end of the 18th century, and was partitioned by Russia, Prussia, and Austria, Polish activists of the independence movements never consented to the fact and continued to work for the revival of the Polish state. One of the issues pondered about was that of the future boundaries of this state. Initially, the issue was not complicated at all, since it was commonly held that the sole just solution would be the return to the historical boundaries of 1772. In the later period, the awareness arose that this option cannot be realised. This was not only the consequence of the stable and disadvantageous for Poland geopolitical situation in Europe, but also of the ethnic diversification of the territory of the former Commonwealth. That is why various concepts started to appear, concerning the future boundaries of Poland, considering the historical, geopolitical, strategic, and ethnic conditioning. These concepts were primarily the visions of individual scholars or activists, but often they did represent definite ideological and political orientations. The article presents and comments upon some of these designs. Those more original in substantive terms, and containing an interesting cartographic illustration, were selected for presentation. Thusthe article treats the concepts authored by: Oskar Żebrowski, Stanisław Tomaszewski, Aleksander Janowski, Czesław Jankowski, Włodzimierz Wakar, Wiktor Skarga-Dobrowolski, and Józef Jaskólski. These concepts, postulating the shape of boundaries of Poland, differed significantly as to the general territorial reach of the country and the shapes of its boundaries. Some of them were of clear maximalist character, while other ones were more moderate, and so had higher chances of implementation. The two last proposals for the boundaries of Poland, presented in the article, were already the official documents. The first of those two represented the position of the Polish National Committee, which was active in Lausanne in the years 1917–1918. The last concept of the boundary of Poland, shown in the article, was the official stance of the authorities of the newly re-established Polish state, which was presented at the Peace Conference in Paris in 1919. This concept was developed by Roman Dmowski, who headed Polish delegation at this conference. At the end of the article this most important design, prepared for the Versailles conference, is compared to the actual course of boundaries of the Polish state as it re-emerged after the First World War.
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej; 2015, 4; 9-35
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Geografii Politycznej i Historycznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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