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“And this was always a house of reticence, of things unspoken,wasn’t it?”: Brian Friel’s Aristocrats
Kozub, Monika
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Brian Friel
Northern Irish Drama
the demise of the Catholic Big House
the issue of social
the death of a patriarch as indicator for a new dispensation
Aristocrats (1979), one of Friel’s most Chekhovian plays, is a revealing family drama which takes place during an explosion of political violence in Northern Ireland in the mid-1970s. The play depicts the dissolution of the “Catholic Aristocracy”, the once influential O’Donnells, who have gathered at a family reunion in their crumbling home, Ballybeg Hall. The play centres on the gap between the O’Donnells’ view of themselves and the bleak reality of their lives. Despite the fact that the O’Donnell family find themselves on the verge of bankruptcy, they keep dwelling in the past remembering the times when the Big House was in its heyday. Moreover, the protagonists are leading a life of seclusion, as they have totally isolated themselves from their surroundings. The play ends on a note of indeterminacy and the playwright seems to ask how much of the O’Donnells’ plight is inevitable, and whether alternative solutions are possible.
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny; 2017, 1; 81-94
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„BRICS” jako kreator bezpieczeństwa w środowisku międzynarodowym : rola Federacji Rosyjskiej w świetle kryzysu krymskiego
BRICS : a securitys creator in the international environment : the role of the Russian Federation against the background of the Crimea Crisis
Limanowski, J. T.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
kryzys krymski
raport Goldmana
crimea crisis
Big Four
BRICS Nations
eThekwini Declaration
Goldman Sachs’ Reports
In November 2001, an analyst at Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill for group of the four largest emerging markets with high economic potential has created the acronym “BRIC”. These markets belong to the Federative Republic of Brazil , the Russian Federation, the Republic of India and the People's Republic of China. In February 2011, the group was expanded to include South Africa, causing a change in the name of the group to „BRICS”. According to Goldman Sachs' forecasts, in the near future the world's economies, in particular, equity markets will depend on the economic development of this group of countries. In addition , in 2050 the total value of the BRICS economies will exceed the value of the G-7 economies . Such predictions seem quite reasonable, taking into account the fact that the BRICS countries have a significant amount of resources. For example, China is a source of cheap labor , both Russia and South Africa have large stocks of natural resources , agro-industry in Brazil is very highly developed , while India has cheap intellectual resources. So today is not only the BRICS group of countries with considerable economic potential , but also has a number of general political interest , which allow members of the BRICS to conduct a coordinated policy and acting as a strong player in the international arena. A total of BRICS occupy 26 % of the territory of the world, nearly 2.83 billion population represents almost half of the total population entourage (42% ), while the combined nominal GDP ( 15,434 trillion ) is 14.6 % of global GDP ratio. This study refers to the facts and development forecasts for this group of countries. In this paper the author tries to define the directions of economic development of the „rising giants”, their investment position in the world , the power supply of the „engine of the global economy”, their political views , but also the most important views on strengthening economic and military new alliances. Due to the ensuing new military- political situation in the region of Eastern Europe (Crimea) and sustained in the course of writing the author tries to develop in a very marginal way to show how these events will affect the configuration of the world economy, and influence on the military- economic situation of the globe.
Zeszyty Naukowe AON; 2013, 4(93); 148-174
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe AON
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Dary mogą czasami drogo kosztować”. Kulisy polityki Belgii wobec akcji pomocowej UNRRA
‘Gifts Can Sometimes Cost Dearly’. The Inside Story of Belgium’s Policy towards UNRRA Relief Operations
Łaptos, Józef
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Policy of the Belgian government-in-exile
international aid
policy of small states towards the Big Four
threats to the integrity of post-war Belgium
polityka rządu belgijskiego na emigracji
pomoc międzynarodowa
polityka małych państw wobec wielkiej czwórki
zagrożenia dla integralności powojennej Belgii
Artykuł jest pierwszą próbą wyjaśnienia roli i postawy belgijskiego rządu na emigracji w dyskusji nad zadaniami i funkcjami międzynarodowej organizacji mającej help the people to help themselves, jak zapowiadali twórcy UNRRA. Pełne poparcie propozycji przez Belgów wydawało się oczywiste z racji zachowanej we wdzięcznej pamięci akcji Committee for Relief in Belgium podczas I wojny światowej. Autor pokazuje, dlaczego tym razem polityka rządu była inna, mówi o obawach, jakie rząd podzielał, oraz omawia rozwiązania uznane za odpowiadające belgijskiej racji stanu.
The article is the first attempt to explain the role and attitude of the Belgian government-in-exile in the discussion on the tasks and functions of international organizations trying to ‘help the people to help themselves’, as announced by the founders of United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA). The full support of the proposal by the Belgians seemed evident due to the action of the Committee for Relief in Belgium during World War I, which was kept in grateful memory. The article reveals why the government’s policy was different this time, what fears drove it, and what solutions were considered more appropriate to the Belgian raison d’état.
Dzieje Najnowsze; 2022, 54, 3; 85-108
Pojawia się w:
Dzieje Najnowsze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Jest nas już trzysta tysięcy”. Autotematyczne spojrzenie na słuchaczy i wykonawców w polskich piosenkach bigbeatowych z lat 60. i początku lat 70. XX wieku
“There are already three hundred thousand of us:” A self-referential look at fans and performers in Polish big-beat songs from the 1960s and early 1970s
Mamczur, Patryk
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
popular music
big beat
Polish music
history of the People’s Republic of Poland
muzyka popularna
muzyka młodzieżowa
muzyka polska
historia PRL
Autor skupia się na polskiej muzyce bigbeatowej z lat 60. i początku lat 70. XX wieku. Analizując teksty wybranych utworów z tego okresu, wskazuje na występujący w nich autotematyzm – prezentuje różne sposoby, na jakie wykonawcy bigbeatowi wypowiadali się w piosenkach o swoich słuchaczach, o samych sobie i o muzyce młodzieżowej jako zjawisku. Wykorzystuje przy tym zarówno utwory popularnych zespołów, jak i mniej znanych, lokalnych grup. Rozważania umieszczone są w szerszym kontekście społecznym i politycznym, a źródła muzyczne uzupełniono cytatami z ówczesnej prasy, wypowiedziami polityków oraz organizatorów życia kulturalnego. Autor wykazuje, że autotematyzm obecny w tekstach piosenek bigbeatowych świadczy o sporej samoświadomości polskich artystów w omawianym okresie.
The author focuses on Polish big-beat music from the 1960s and early 1970s. He analyzes the lyrics of selected songs from that period, pointing to their self-referential nature and explaining how big beat performers described their fans, themselves, and teenage music in their songs. Songs by both popular and less known local bands are analyzed. The analysis functions in a broader social and political context, and the study of lyrics is further supplemented with quotations from the contemporary press and statements by politicians, journalists, and managers. The author shows that the self-referentiality present in the lyrics of big-beat songs proves that Polish artists in the 1960s and early 1970s were aware of their lyrical and musical strategies.
Forum Poetyki; 2022, 27; 8-27
Pojawia się w:
Forum Poetyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Seriale-rzeki” (taiga dorama) telewizji NHK a pamięć zbiorowa we współczesnej Japonii
"Big River Drama" (taiga dorama) of NHK and the Collective Memory in Contemporary Japan
Kordzińska-Nawrocka, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Orientalistyczne
taiga dorama
big-river drama
Japan Broadcasting Corporation
collective memory
historical period drama
contemporary Japan
The main topic of the article is the role of public television, the NHK (Nippon hōsō kyōkai, Japan Broadcasting Corporation), takes in shaping the collective memory in contemporary Japan. The NHK, as a public institution, modelled on the British BBC, conducts a so-called “public mission”, meaning their active and creative participation in shaping social and civil attitudes as well as personality models amongst the Japanese. One of the ways in which the NHK carries out its mission is taiga dorama (“Big River Drama”), the NHK’s flagship productions released yearly since 1963. The creators of these year-long TV series design great national epics recounting historic events and portraying famous historical figures. “Big River Dramas” do not only retell historical events, but also rekindle the interest of the Japanese in their own history and culture. As the carriers of collective memory, they contribute to developing its three elements: cognitive (propagating historical knowledge amongst the society), emotional (creating certain attitudes towards history) and behavioural (developing national tourism).
Przegląd Orientalistyczny; 2016, 1-2; 101-115
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Orientalistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
«Что делает дьявол на нашем диване?»: Холокост и Ленинградская блокада в прозе Сильвии Хутник, Игоря Остаховича, Андрея Тургенева
“What is the Devil Doing on our Sofa?”: The Holocaust and the Leningrad Blockade in the Prose of Sylvia Chutnik, Igor Ostachowicz, Andrei Turgenev
Adelgejm, Irina
Data publikacji:
Karpacka Państwowa Uczelnia w Krośnie
oblężenie Leningradu
wielka narracja
trauma historyczna
terapia prowokatywna Franka Farrelliego
the Siege of Leningrad
big narrative
historical trauma
provocative therapy of F. Farrelli
W artykule zaanalizowano teksty polskich autorów Igora Ostachowicza i Sylwii Chutnik oraz rosyjskiego pisarza Andrieja Turgieniewa (pseudonim Wiaczesława Kuricyna), zrodzone perspektywę postpamięci, wcześniej czy później odsłaniającej i wypełniającej „białe plamy” – przez poczucie, że adekwatny dyskurs nie został wypracowany lub też istniejący już dyskurs nie funkcjonuje. Teksty literackie odnoszą się do tej części traumy historycznej, która nie została dostatecznie przepracowana albo została wyparta ze względu na haniebny lub przynajmniej nieheroiczny charakter doświadczenia, co uniemożliwia włączenie go do wielkiej narracji. Głównym pytaniem, na które stara się odpowiedzieć autorka artykułu, jest psychologiczno-artystyczny powód posługiwania się groteską, sarkazmem, czarnym humorem w odniesieniu do tematów sakralizowanych przez samą skalę ludzkiej tragedii – doświadczenie Holokaustu i oblężenie Leningradu.
The article analyzes the texts of the Polish authors Igor Ostachowicz and Sylvia Chutnik and the Russian writer Andrei Turgenev (the pen name of Vyacheslav Kuritsyn), generated by post-memory perspective, sooner or later revealing and filling the «blank spots», through the feeling that an adequate discourse has not been worked out or the existing discourse «doesn’t work». The literary texts refer to the part of historical trauma that was not (at all or sufficiently) worked through, was repressed because of its shameful or, at least, non-heroic nature, which prevents the inclusion of this experience into the «big narrative». The main question that the author of the article is trying to answer concerns the psychological and artistic reasons for using grotesque, sarcasm, and black humor when referring to topics sacralized by the very scale of human tragedy – the experience of the Holocaust and the Siege of Leningrad.
Studia Pigoniana; 2021, 4, 4; 103-119
Pojawia się w:
Studia Pigoniana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
‘Big 4’ influence on audit market
Tache, Marta
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
Big 4
audit fees
financial reporting
accounting standards
audit market
The main purpose of this paper is to determine the impact that Big 4 companies have had after the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) became mandatory on the audit market. Thus, after thorough research of the specialised studies, the impact of the financial reporting based on IFRS is analysed, while considering that Big 4 companies have created a strong monopoly that led to several changes on the audit market. All the companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange that traded premium shares from 2011 to 2019 were analysed. With the use of ANOVA analysis, this paper verifies if the profitability, shareholders’ funds, firm size and the size of the business group influence the choice of the audit firm. Our results confirm that the choice of an audit firm is influenced by the shareholders’ funds, number of employees and the size of the business group. Besides, this paper presents an analysis of the changes that have occurred from 2011–2019 on the audit market of Romania.
Central European Economic Journal; 2020, 7, 54; 143 - 156
Pojawia się w:
Central European Economic Journal
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Big Data processing strategy for hybrid interpretation of flood embankment multisensor data
Chuchro, M.
Franczyk, A.
Dwornik, M.
Leśniak, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
flood embankment
anomaly detection
numerical modelling
big data
stability assessment
The assessment of flood embankments is a key component of a country’s comprehensive flood protection. Proper and early information on the possible instability of a flood embankment can make it possible to take preventative action. The assessment method proposed by the ISMOP project is based on a strategy of processing huge data sets (Big Data). The detection of flood embankment anomalies can take two analysis paths. The first involves the computation of numerical models and comparing them with real data measured on a flood embankment. This is the path of model-driven analysis. The second solution is data-driven, meaning time series are analysed in order to detect deviations from average values. Flood embankments are assessed based on the results of model-driven and data-driven analyses and information from preprocessing. An alarm is triggered if a critical value is exceeded in one or both paths of analysis. Tests on synthetic data demonstrate the high efficiency of the chosen methods for assessing the state of flood embankments.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2016, 42, 3; 269-277
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Big-Bang Big-Crunch optimized general type-2 fuzzy logic approach for Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making
Naim, S.
Hagras, H.
Data publikacji:
Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi. Polskie Towarzystwo Sieci Neuronowych
General Type-2 Fuzzy Logic
Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making
Big Bang-Big Crunch
intelligent apartment
Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making (MCGDM) aims to find a unique agreement from a number of decision makers/users by evaluating the uncertainty in judgments. In this paper, we present a General Type-2 Fuzzy Logic based approach for MCGDM (GFLMCGDM). The proposed system aims to handle the high levels of uncertainties which exist due to the varying Decision Makers’ (DMs) judgments and the vagueness of the appraisal. In order to find the optimal parameters of the general type-2 fuzzy sets, we employed the Big Bang-Big Crunch (BB-BC) optimization. The aggregation operation in the proposed method aggregates the various DMs opinions which allow handling the disagreements of DMs’ opinions into a unique approval. We present results from an application for the selection of reading lighting level in an intelligent environment. We carried out various experiments in the intelligent apartment (iSpace) located at the University of Essex. We found that the proposed GFL-MCGDM effectively handle the uncertainties between the various decision makers which resulted in producing outputs which better agreed with the users’ decision compared to type 1 and interval type 2 fuzzy based systems.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research; 2013, 3, 2; 117-132
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Cloud Platform for the Internet of Things
Swarnalatha, K.
Alankar, Supriya N.
Bhagyalakshmi, Y.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Cloud of Computing
Internet Things (IoT)
big data
Cloud computing is a major pattern for large data storage and analytics. The combination of cloud computing and IoT can enable the resource sharing more efficiently than individually handling them. In distributed systems, the resources are termed as cloud services and handled in a centralized way. However, new challenges arise when integrating cloud for IoT. This paper presents the architecture for integrating of cloud computing for Internet of Things and its issues. Cloud computing has long been recognized as a paradigm for big data storage and analytics. The combination of cloud computing and IoT can enable ubiquitous sensing services and powerful processing of sensing data streams beyond the capability of individual “things”, thus stimulating innovations in both fields. With the trend going on in ubiquitous computing, everything is going to be connected to the Internet and its data will be used for various progressive purposes, creating not only information from it, but also, knowledge and even wisdom. Internet of Things (IoT) becoming so pervasive that it is becoming important to integrate it with cloud computing because of the amount of data IoT's could generate and their requirement to have the privilege of virtual resources utilization and storage capacity, but also, to make it possible to create more usefulness from the data generated by IoT's and develop smart applications for the users. For example, cloud platforms allow the sensing data to be stored and used intelligently for smart monitoring and actuation with the smart devices. Novel data fusion algorithms, machine learning methods, and artificial intelligence techniques can be implemented and run centralized or distributed on the cloud to achieve automated decision making. These will boost the development of new applications such as smart cities, grids, and transportation systems.
World Scientific News; 2016, 41; 9-21
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A customized root cause analysis approach for cost overruns and schedule slippage in paper-machine-building projects
Aikhatib, Maha
Altarazi, Safwan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
project quality management
project evaluation
paper industry
paper-machine-building projects
root cause analysis
big machines
This study presents a customized root cause analysis approach to investigate the reasons, provide improvements measures for the cost overruns, and schedule slippage in papermachine-building projects. The proposed approach is an analytical-survey approach that uses both actual technical data and experts’ opinions. Various analysis tools are embedded in the approach including: data collection and clustering, interviews with experts, 5-Whys, Pareto charts, cause and effect diagram, and critical ratio control charts. The approach was implemented on seven projects obtained from a leading international paper machine supplier. As a result, it was found that the main causes behind cost and schedule deviations are products’ related; including technical accidents in the Press section, damaged parts, design issues, optimization of the machine and missing parts. Based on the results, prevention measures were perceived.
Management and Production Engineering Review; 2019, 10, 2; 83--92
Pojawia się w:
Management and Production Engineering Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A distributed big data analytics model for traffic accidents classification and recognition based on SparkMlLib cores
Mallahi, Imad El
Riffi, Jamal
Tairi, Hamid
Ez-Zahout, Abderrahmane
Mahraz, Mohamed Adnane
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
big data
machine learning
traffic accident
severity prediction
convolutional neural network
This paper focuses on the issue of big data analytics for traffic accident prediction based on SparkMllib cores; however, Spark’s Machine Learning Pipelines provide a helpful and suitable API that helps to create and tune classification and prediction models to decision-making concerning traffic accidents. Data scientists have recently focused on classification and prediction techniques for traffic accidents; data analytics techniques for feature extraction have also continued to evolve. Analysis of a huge volume of received data requires considerable processing time. Practically, the implementation of such processes in real-time systems requires a high computation speed. Processing speed plays an important role in traffic accident recognition in real-time systems. It requires the use of modern technologies and fast algorithms that increase the acceleration in extracting the feature parameters from traffic accidents. Problems with overclocking during the digital processing of traffic accidents have yet to be completely resolved. Our proposed model is based on advanced processing by the Spark MlLib core. We call on the real-time data streaming API on spark to continuously gather real-time data from multiple external data sources in the form of data streams. Secondly, the data streams are treated as unbound tables. After this, we call the random forest algorithm continuously to extract the feature parameters from a traffic accident. The use of this proposed method makes it possible to increase the speed factor on processors. Experiment results showed that the proposed method successfully extracts the accident features and achieves a seamless classification performance compared to other conventional traffic accident recognition algorithms. Finally, we share all detected accidents with details onto online applications with other users.
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems; 2022, 16, 4; 62--71
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Automation Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A hybrid scheduler for many task computing in big data systems
Vasiliu, L.
Pop, F.
Negru, C.
Mocanu, M.
Cristea, V.
Kolodziej, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski. Oficyna Wydawnicza
many task computing
scheduling heuristics
big data system
obliczenia wielofunkcyjne
szeregowanie zadań
duży zbiór danych
With the rapid evolution of the distributed computing world in the last few years, the amount of data created and processed has fast increased to petabytes or even exabytes scale. Such huge data sets need data-intensive computing applications and impose performance requirements to the infrastructures that support them, such as high scalability, storage, fault tolerance but also efficient scheduling algorithms. This paper focuses on providing a hybrid scheduling algorithm for many task computing that addresses big data environments with few penalties, taking into consideration the deadlines and satisfying a data dependent task model. The hybrid solution consists of several heuristics and algorithms (min-min, min-max and earliest deadline first) combined in order to provide a scheduling algorithm that matches our problem. The experimental results are conducted by simulation and prove that the proposed hybrid algorithm behaves very well in terms of meeting deadlines.
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 2017, 27, 2; 385-399
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A new computational method for structural reliability with Big Data
Nowa metoda obliczeniowa oceny niezawodności konstrukcji w oparciu o Big Data
Fang, Yongfeng
Tao, Wenliang
Tee, Kong Fah
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Polskie Naukowo-Techniczne Towarzystwo Eksploatacyjne PAN
big data
stochastic loads
obciążenia stochastyczne
A new computational method for structural reliability based on big data is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the big data is collected via structural monitoring and is analyzed. The big data is then classified into different groups according to the regularities of distribution of the data. In this paper, the stress responses of a suspension bridge due to different types of vehicle are obtained. Secondly, structural reliability prediction model is established using the stress-strength interference theory under the repeated loads after the stress responses and structural strength have been comprehensively considered. In addition, structural reliability index is calculated using the first order second moment method under vehicle loads that are obeying the normal distribution. The minimum reliability among various types of stress responses is chosen as the structural reliability. Finally, the proposed method has been validated for its feasibility and effectiveness by an example.
W artykule zaproponowano nową metodę obliczeniową oceny niezawodności konstrukcji w oparciu o tzw. duże dane (ang. big data). W metodzie tej, duże dane gromadzi się poprzez monitorowanie konstrukcji, a następnie analizuje. W dalszej kolejności, dane są kwalifikowane do różnych grup zgodnie z ich rozkładem. W przedstawionej pracy, rejestrowano reakcje naprężeniowe mostu wiszącego na obciążenia różnymi typami pojazdów. Następnie, po dokładnym zbadaniu reakcji naprężeniowych i wytrzymałości konstrukcji mostu, utworzono model predykcyjny niezawodności konstrukcji z wykorzystaniem teorii obciążeniowo-wytrzymałościowej (ang. stress-strength interference) w warunkach powtarzających się obciążeń. Ponadto, wykorzystano metodę estymacji momentów (FOSM) do obliczenia wskaźnika niezawodności konstrukcji przy obciążeniach ruchem pojazdów zgodnych z rozkładem normalnym. Najmniejszą wartość niezawodności spośród wartości obliczonych dla różnych typów reakcji naprężeniowych przyjęto jako niezawodność konstrukcji. Proponowaną metodę zweryfikowano pod kątem możliwości praktycznego wykorzystania i skuteczności na przykładzie mostu wiszącego w Chinach.
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność; 2019, 21, 1; 159-163
Pojawia się w:
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A new mechanism for data visualization with TSK-type preprocessed collaborative fuzzy rule based system
Prasad, M.
Liu, Y.-T.
Li, D.-L.
Lin, C. -T.
Shah, R. R.
Kaiwartya, O. P.
Data publikacji:
Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Łodzi. Polskie Towarzystwo Sieci Neuronowych
fuzzy interference system
collaborative clustering
fuzzy logic
big data
data visualization
A novel data knowledge representation with the combination of structure learning ability of preprocessed collaborative fuzzy clustering and fuzzy expert knowledge of TakagiSugeno-Kang type model is presented in this paper. The proposed method divides a huge dataset into two or more subsets of dataset. The subsets of dataset interact with each other through a collaborative mechanism in order to find some similar properties within eachother. The proposed method is useful in dealing with big data issues since it divides a huge dataset into subsets of dataset and finds common features among the subsets. The salient feature of the proposed method is that it uses a small subset of dataset and some common features instead of using the entire dataset and all the features. Before interactions among subsets of the dataset, the proposed method applies a mapping technique for granules of data and centroid of clusters. The proposed method uses information of only half or less/more than the half of the data patterns for the training process, and it provides an accurate and robust model, whereas the other existing methods use the entire information of the data patterns. Simulation results show the proposed method performs better than existing methods on some benchmark problems.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research; 2017, 7, 1; 33-46
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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