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Wyszukujesz frazę "„Polish Science”" wg kryterium: Temat

Żukowski, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
political science
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dear Readers, I am very pleased to present you the 45th volume of the Polish Political Science Yearbook (2016). From the beginning, the journal was connected with the Polish Association of Political Science (established in 1957) and in fact played a role of its organ. At first, the periodical was published under the title Polish Round Table, and then the name was changed into the current one.
Polish Political Science Yearbook; 2016, 45; 7
Pojawia się w:
Polish Political Science Yearbook
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Science policy in Poland. Influence of human resource policy on the presence of Polish science in the world
Jeran, Agnieszka
Piechowiak-Lamparska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
science policy
human resource policy
evaluation of research
Web of Science
Polish science
The aim of the article is to indicate the influence of human resource policy on the presence of Polish science in global science. Research findings include an analysis of changes over time in the number of research personnel and papers indexed in the Web of Science database. The research method used in the study is statistical analysis with the use of correlation analysis and regression analysis. Application of these tools allowed for establishing basic relationships between the analysed variables. Obtained results point to the fact that the human resource policy in Polish science, aimed at increasing the number of papers published at international level or in international circulation, turns out to be effective. This growth was especially visible in the years 1999–2011.
The New Educational Review; 2015, 39; 17-26
Pojawia się w:
The New Educational Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Retoryka dominacji – polityczne sterowanie nauką
Rhetoric of domination – political steering of science
Konstańczak, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
nauka polska po II wojnie światowej
I Kongres Nauki Polskiej
szkoła lwowsko-warszawska
etatyzacja nauki polskiej
Polish science after World War II
Ist Congress of Polish Science
Lvov and Warsaw School
state control of Polish science
Na przykładzie polskich doświadczeń z końca lat 40-tych XX w. autor prezentuje drogę, na której sfera nauki może zostać podporządkowana władzy państwowej. Artykuł jest zatem także prezentacją sytuacji w polskiej nauce w trakcie przygotowań do I Kongresu Nauki Polskiej, który miał miejsce 29.06 – 2.07.1951 r. Na podstawie zachowanej korespondencji i wspomnień głównie przedstawicieli filozoficznej Szkoły Lwowsko-Warszawskiej autor przedstawia zastosowane przez ówczesnych polityków sposoby manipulowania naukowcami i instytucjami nauki dla osiągnięcia doraźnych korzyści politycznych. W konkluzji autor ocenia długofalową skuteczność zastosowanych działań oraz zastanawia się, czy podobne działania można zastosować również obecnie.
The author presents the way how the area of science might be subordinated to state authority on the basis of Polish experience at the end of 40’s of XXth century. Therefore, the article is also a presentation of the situation in Polish science while preparing for the Ist Congress of Polish Science which took place between June 29th and July 2nd 1951. Based on preserved letters and memories of mainly representatives of philosophical Lvov and Warsaw School, the author presents the ways of manipulating of scientists and institutions of science used by politicians of that time to reach immediate political benefits. In conclusion the author evaluates long-term effectiveness of the used activities and wonders if similar activities might also be applied nowadays.
Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa; 2013, 49, 2(196); 101-115
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Motyw obcego w Podróży ósmej Stanisława Lema
The theme of the alien in The Eighth Voyage by Stanisław Lem
Düring, Michael
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Alien Contact
Polish science fiction
Stanisław Lem
Star Diaries
The article contains a reconstruction of the theme of the alien in The Star Diaries  by Stanisław Lem, with special emphasis on The Eighth Voyage. The Author treats this theme as a starting point for existential considerations, and - by reference to the work of Bernard Waldenfels - also for cultural and civilizational considerations.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2016, 28; 155-166
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pomiędzy filozofią a ideologią
Between Philosophy and Ideology Disputes on Philosophy in the Post-war Polish Science
Konstańczak, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
szkoła lwowsko-warszawska
ideologia marksistowska
I Kongres Nauki Polskiej
sowietyzacja nauki polskiej
Lvov-Warsaw school
Marxist ideology
I Congress of Polish Science
sovietization of Polish science
The article presents the situation of Polish philosophy in the post-war period, when there was an attempt to dominate science by Marxists. The culmination of this process happened during the session of the First Congress of Polish Science (29.06-2.07.1951). The Congress had a symbolic meaning for the Polish philosophy because along with the Congress independent philosophical magazines were closed, pre-war professors were dismissed, and also a social scientific movement was liquidated. The state authorities considered philosophy, next to law and history, as disciplines which were essential for the promotion of Marxist ideology. As a result, the pre-war research and didactic professors at universities were replaced by “educated Marxists”, for whom philosophy was only a discipline which served for ideological tasks. For many years it changed the way of practicing philosophy in Poland, the consequences of which can be felt to this day.
Artykuł prezentuje sytuację w polskiej filozofii w okresie powojennym, gdy miała miejsce próba zdominowania nauki przez marksistów. Kulminacja tego procesu przypadła podczas obrad I Kongresu Nauki Polskiej (29.06 - 2.07.1951 r.). Kongres miał znaczenie symboliczne dla filozofii polskiej, gdyż wraz z jego przeprowadzeniem zamknięto niezależne czasopisma filozoficzne, odsunięto od dydaktyki przedwojenną kadrę profesorską, zlikwidowano także społeczny ruch naukowy. Władze państwowe uznały bowiem wówczas filozofię obok prawa i historii, za dyscypliny kluczowe dla propagowania ideologii marksistowskiej. W efekcie przedwojenne kadry naukowo-dydaktyczne w uczelniach wyższych zostały zastąpione przez „wykształconych marksistów”, dla których filozofia była tylko dyscypliną usługową wypełniającą zadania ideologiczne. Na wiele lat zmieniło to sposób uprawianiu filozofii w Polsce, czego konsekwencje odczuwa się po dzień dzisiejszy.
Folia Philosophica; 2017, 38
Pojawia się w:
Folia Philosophica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niezamierzone konsekwencje punktozy jako wartości kulturowej polskiej społeczności akademickiej
Unintended Consequences of „Pointosis” as a Cultural Value of the Polish Academic Community
Kulikowski, Konrad
Antipow, Emil
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
społeczność akademicka
nauka polska
ocena parametryczna
academic community
Polish science
parametric evaluation
Artykuł prezentuje hipotezę, iż istotnym współczesnym wyzwaniem dla polskiej społeczności akademickiej jest punktoza, rozumiana jako wartość kulturowa, wskazująca, iż jednym z najważniejszych celów pracy naukowej jest publikowanie i zdobywanie punktów za publikacje naukowe. Jako element systemu aksjo-normatywnego stanowi ona regułę wyznaczającą normy i kształtującą zachowania akademików, mając przy tym szereg niezamierzonych negatywnych konsekwencji. Punktoza przyczynia się do rozwoju systemów parametrycznej oceny pracowników naukowych, które utożsamiają indywidualny poziom naukowy z miejscem publikacji, generując nietrafne i nierzetelne oceny pracy badawczej. Punktoza może negatywnie wpływać na zdrowie naukowców, obniża jakość prowadzonych badań i nie zwiększa, wbrew intuicyjnym oczekiwaniom, motywacji do podnoszenia poziomu naukowego. Poprawa jakości nauki nie nastąpi przez zmienianie zasad ewaluacji działalności naukowej, ale jedynie poprzez zmianę leżącej u podłoża tych zasad wartości kulturowej, wskazującej publikacje w określonych miejscach jako cel pracy naukowej.
The article formulates a hypothesis that “pointosis” is a contemporary challenge for the Polish academic community. “Pointosis” is a cultural value that holds that publishing and collecting points for scientific publications are important goals of academic work. Being an element of the axio-normative system, this value is a rule that sets norms and shapes the members’ of the academic community behavior. It also has many unintended negative consequences. Pointosis generates inaccurate and unreliable evaluations of scholarly work. Pointosis might negatively affect the health of scholars, it reduces the quality of the research process and, counter-intuitively, does not increase the motivation to improve the quality and robustness of research endeavors. We propose that the improvement of the quality of science will not occur through changing the principles of evaluating scholars but only through changing the underlying cultural value that treats publications as the primary goal of academic work.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2020, 3(238); 207-236
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wyznaczniki gatunkowe fantastyki naukowej w Teodora Tripplina „Lunatyka podróży po Księżycu”
Science Fiction Genre Determinants in Teodor Tripplin’s „A Sleepwalker’s Journey around the Moon”
Mikołajczuk, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta
science fiction
Polish science fiction
journey to the Moon
Teodor Tripplin
A Sleepwalker’s Journey around the Moon;
The article aims to analyse the dilogy Lunatyka podróż po Księżycu (A Sleepwalker’s Journey around the Moon) in terms of science fiction genre determinants present therein. Mikołajczuk verifies whether the stories about Serafin Boliński, considered as one of the very first Polish science fiction text, are legitimately treated as such. In this aspect a so-called embryonic stage of a foundational piece of work plays a crucial role as this novel is not a typical representative of science fiction. Many fictional and nonfictional elements of Lunatyka podróż po Księżycu may disqualify it from this genre. Presenting the origins of science fiction in the worldwide literature and its definition allows to indicate a moment when this genre appeared in the Polish history of literatury and how it evolved in due course. The second part of the article discusses crucial science fiction genre features that can be found in Tripplin’s dylogy. Based on them, Mikołajczuk strives to prove that Tripplin’s work ought to be included in Polish science fiction canon as it employs a number of distinguishable science fiction tropes.
Creatio Fantastica; 2018, 2(59); 69-94
Pojawia się w:
Creatio Fantastica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pięćdziesięciolecie Komitetu Problemów Energetyki (Komitetu Energetyki) Polskiej Akademii Nauk (1962-2012)
Fifty-year-long activity of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Energy Issues
Marecki, J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Komitet Problemów Energetyki PAN
nauka polska
rozwój energetyki
Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Energy Issues
Polish science
energy development
Archiwum Energetyki; 2012, 42, 2; 5-15
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Energetyki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Resentymentalny racjonalizm w ocenie polskich czasopism naukowych: chaos, upolitycznienie i utowarowienie
Resentment rationalism in the evaluation of Polish scientific journals: chaos, politicization and commodification
Baranowski, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Polish science
journals' evaluation
resentment rationalism
nauka polska
ewaluacja czasopism
resentymentalny racjonalizm
Artykuł ma na celu charakterystykę oceny polskich czasopism naukowych z zakresu humanistyki i nauk społecznych w szerszym kontekście krajowych reform nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego. W tym celu wprowadzono pojęcie resentymentalnego racjonalizmu, nawiązujące do pracy Maxa Schelera, by uwypuklić dezorganizację kolejnych prób przebudowy systemu nauki zakorzenionych w złych i atawistycznych namiętnościach. W konsekwencji przyjętej optyki badawczej wyłania się obraz chaotycznych, upolitycznionych i utowarowionych reform, które nie tylko nie korygują pozycji nauki polskiej, ale dodatkowo antagonizują środowisko badaczy, uniemożliwiając zajmowanie się jej ważnymi problemami strukturalnymi.
The article aims to characterize the evaluation of Polish scientific journals in the fields of the humanities and social sciences, in the broader context of national science and higher education reforms. For this purpose, the notion of resentment rationalism, referring to Max Scheler’s work, was introduced to highlight the disorganization of successive attempts to rebuild the system of science rooted in evil and atavistic passions. As a consequence of the adopted research optics, what emerges is a picture of chaotic, politicized and commodified reforms, which fail to correct the position of Polish science and antagonize the community of researchers, by making it impossible to deal with important structural problems in this field.
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny; 2021, 83, 2; 83-99
Pojawia się w:
Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Akta sejmikowe jako źródła do historii staropolskiej wojskowości
Sejmik Records as Sources for the History of the Old-Polish Military Science
Kupisz, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Old-Polish military science
source editions
wojskowość staropolska
edycje źródeł
W ostatnich latach na rynku wydawniczym pojawiło się wiele wydawnictw zawierających akta sejmikowe z XVI–XVIII w., a nad kolejnymi pracują zespoły badawcze z kilku ośrodków naukowych. Instrukcje poselskie na sejm oraz inne uchwały sejmików ziemskich są jednym z podstawowych źródeł dla badania wielu aspektów życia społeczno-politycznego szlacheckiej Rzeczypospolitej. Wykorzystują je także historycy wojskowości, powstaje jednak pytanie czy wydawcy tego typu źródeł zamieszczają cały interesujący ich materiał, związany z działalnością sejmiku. Z drugiej strony, można zadać pytanie, czy ci pierwsi sięgają do akt sejmikowych i potrafią je wykorzystać w badaniach nad staropolską wojskowością. W tym przypadku chodzi o zaprezentowanie wartości publikowanych akt sejmikowych w badaniach nad rożnymi aspektami funkcjonowania armii koronnej i litewskiej, i życia żołnierskiego. Ich fundamentalne znaczenie dla ukazania mechanizmów funkcjonowania pospolitego ruszenia wydaje się oczywiste, ale czy warto po nie sięgać, badając problemy związane z funkcjonowaniem wojska kwarcianego lub komputowego? Autor artykułu stara się poddać analizie również zakres materiału zamieszczanego w publikowanych zbiorach akt sejmikowych. Chodzi o próbę oceny, czy źródła powiązane z działalnością sejmiku na polu wojskowości są w nich kompletne, czy też badacze opracowujący owe wydawnictwa pomijają pewne materiały, które mogą być ważne dla badaczy staropolskiej wojskowości.
In recent years, many publications presenting the records of sejmiks (regional assemblies in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) from the sixteenth-eighteenth centuries have appeared on the publishing market, and teams of historians from several research centres are working on new ones. Instructions for deputies to the Sejm and other resolutions of sejmiks are the fundamental sources for studying many aspects of the social and political life of the noble Commonwealth. Also, military historians use this type of source. However, the question arises whether the publishers of such sources include all the material related to the activity of the sejmik that would be of interest to researchers of martial history. On the other hand, a question can be asked whether they reach for sejmik records and can use them in their research into Old-Polish military science. In this case, the aim is to present the value of published sejmik records in studies of various aspects of the functioning of the Crown and Lithuanian armies and soldier life. Their fundamental importance for showing the mechanisms of the functioning of the noble levy (Polish. pospolite ruszenie, i.e. mass national conscription) seems obvious, but is it worth using them when researching problems related to the functioning of the so-called quarter army (Polish: wojsko kwarciane) or the comput army (Polish: wojsko komputowe)? The author also tries to analyse the scope of the material contained in published collections of sejmiks records. The purpose is to assess whether the sources related to the sejmiks’ activities in military matters are complete or whether the researchers compiling and editing these publications omit certain materials which may be important to historians of Old-Polish military science.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2022, 21, 1; 417-432
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Method of New Positivism as Elaborated by Ludwik Ehrlich
Hachkevych, Andrii
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
Ludwik Ehrlich
Polish science of international law
principle of good faith
new positivism
case law
international responsibility
This article is an attempt to identify the essence of new positivism, described by Ludwik Ehrlich as a method of interpretation of international law. The evolution of his views on international law is examined with respect to the place of this method from the beginning of 1920s until his retirement in 1961. The article expounds on both the theoretical and methodological aspects of new positivism, according to which judicial decisions should be taken into account in addition to international treaties and customs for the determination of international law. The question of the obligatory force of international law is discussed as being related to the principle of good faith, which is at the core of Ehrlich’s views on international law. The article offers suggestions on how the method of new positivism might be used and what tasks it can fulfil today. It also makes an attempt to critically analyse Ehrlich’s method and to characterize it both in general and in the context of the theory of international law.
Polish Yearbook of International Law; 2018, 38; 99-113
Pojawia się w:
Polish Yearbook of International Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wincenty Lutosławski i jego zainteresowanie Stanami Zjednoczonymi Ameryki w świetle korespondencji z Fundacją Kościuszkowską
Wincenty Lutosławski and his interest in the United States of America in the light of the correspondence addressed to the Kosciuszko Foundation
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Wincenty Lutosławski
Stefan Mierzwa
Roman Dyboski
Fundacja Kościuszkowska
nauka polska
współpraca polsko-amerykańska
The Kosciuszko Foundation
Polish science
Polish-American cooperation
Autor na podstawie odnalezionej korespondencji Wincentego Lutosławskiego ze Stefanem Mierzwą, dyrektorem wykonawczym Fundacji Kościuszkowskiej w Nowym Jorku, obejmującej lata 1926–1930, omawia nieznane fakty z życia wileńskiego filozofa. Lutosławski jawi się w niej jako wielki wielbiciel Teatru Reduta Juliusza Osterwy. Przy okazji wyjawia swoje ambicje ponownego przyjazdu do Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki na przełomie lat 20. i 30. XX wieku pod auspicjami fundacji. Z lektury listów wynika, że Lutosławski, skupiony na promowaniu własnej osoby i dorobku, wypowiadał się krytycznie nawet o tych uczonych, którzy, jak Roman Dyboski, byli mu przychylni. Korespondencja potwierdza tym samym nie najlepszą opinię, jaką cieszył się filozof w świecie polskiej nauki.
Author found and gave to print unknown letters of Vilnius philosopher and scholar, Wincenty Lutosławski to Stefan Mierzwa, executive director of the Kosciuszko Foundation – the source kept in the Archives of the Kosciuszko Foundation in New York City. The letters reveal unknown facts from the life of Vilnius philosopher. Lutosławski appears to be a great admirer of Juliusz Osterwa and his The Reduta (Redoubt) Theatre, as well as a good advocate of his students. In the same time despite of being in late 60. Lutosławski had great plans and ambitions to arrive to the U.S. under auspices of the KF. What is more, the correspondence shows that Lutosławski, focused on promoting his own person and achievements, was not far of underestimating the authority even those scholars, who like Roman Dyboski, were generally favorable to him. The correspondence confirms therefore not the best opinion enjoyed by Polish philosopher in the world of science.
Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU; 2015, 14; 81-97
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
If Machines Want to Dream... Adam Wiśniewski-Snerg on Ethical Consequences of There Being No Substantial Distinction between Humans and Robots
Jocz, Artur
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Adam Wiśniewski-Snerg
Polish science fiction of the 1970s
Bruno Schulz
Adam Wiśniewski-Snerg (1937-1995) was a Polish science fiction writer. In his novel Robot (1973), he made an attempt at a literary visualization of a machine acquiring human identity. In this article I would like to follow the ethical consequences of such situations in created literary worlds. It is worth remembering, however, that these artistic worlds often serve to test non-literary reality. In his novel, Wiśniewski-Snerg also dealt with the problem of human feelings (e.g. moral dilemmas) in a thinking machine, which is formed in the image and likeness of a human being. Such literary reflection is valuable, partly because it enters into an interesting dialogue with the work of Bruno Schulz (1892- 1942), one of the most important Polish writers of the 20th century. It is also one of the first attempts in Polish literature to address the issue of sentient machines, and is a kind of preview of contemporary dilemmas connected with the work on the creation of artificial intelligence. An example of such a dilemma is the issue of the sentient machine’s perception of the tasks imposed on it by the human-constructor. Perhaps it will start to experience them as a kind of unethical oppression. In Wiśniewski-Snerg’s writing this problem of is, of course, expressed in a metaphorical way.
Ethics in Progress; 2019, 10, 2; 45-51
Pojawia się w:
Ethics in Progress
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Towarzystwa naukowe a uniwersytety na łamach Rocznika Kasy im. Mianowskiego „Nauka Polska, Jej potrzeby, Organizacja i Rozwój” (1918-1947)
Scientific societies and universities in the Yearbook of Józef Mianowski Fund “Polish Science. Its Needs, Organization and Development” (1918-1947)
Jeszke, Jaromir
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Polish scientific societies
Polish universities
Polish Science. Its Needs, Organization and Depeloment
polskie towarzystwa naukowe
polskie uniwersytety
Nauka Polska. Jej Potrzeby, Organizacja i Rozwój
The author analyzes the relations between scientific societies and universities in Poland in the interwar period. The source material is the Yearbook “Polish Science. Its Needs, Organization, and Development” published by the Józef Mianowski Fund in the years 1918-1947. An investigation of the relationships between scientific societies and universities offers excellent opportunities for interpreting the scientific activity in the Second Polish Republic. The connections between scientific societies and universities involved the centers for propelling scientific thought, where university chairs or scientific society committees played the leading role. Sometimes the works of non-university experts were important. The analysis of the material collected in the “Polish Science” also points to many other professional organizations (associations of professors, associate professors, or assistants). Many universities had societies supporting them. Gaining social support for universities was extremely important at the time.
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki; 2021, 66, 4; 65--82
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Słupska Komisja Badań Słowiańskich 1945-1946. Przyczynek do dziejów zainteresowań ludnością rodzimą oraz słowiańską przeszłością Pomorza Zachodniego po drugiej wojnie światowej
The Słupsk Committee for Slavic Studies 1945–1946. A contribution to the history of interest towards the native people and the Slavic history of West Pomerania after the Second World War
Migdalski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Szczeciński. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
West Pomerania
Committee for Slavic Studies
Polish Science Association
Pomorze Zachodnie
Komisja Badań Słowiańskich
Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Artykuł poświęcony jest działającej w latach 1945–1946 przy Miejskiej Radzie Kultury w Słupsku Komisji Badań Słowiańskich, której celem było zbieranie materiałów potwierdzających słowiański charakter Pomorza Zachodniego. Omówione zostały założenie, działalność, likwidacja oraz włączenie organizacji do powstałego w lutym 1946 roku w Słupsku Polskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego na podstawie dostępnego materiału źródłowego.
The article concerns the Committee for Slavic Studies which operated in the years 1945-1946 with the support of the City Council for Culture in Słupsk. The goal of the committee was to gather data which would prove the Slavic character of West Pomerania. The article discusses the establishing, activities, the dissolution of the committee and the incorporation of the organisation into the Polish Science Association founded in Słupsk in February 1946, based on available source material.
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski; 2017, 3; 283-299
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Zachodniopomorski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
PAN Archive in Warsaw, Poznań Branch 1956–2021. Its history, resources and significance for research on the history of Polish science
PAN Archiwum w Warszawie, Oddział w Poznaniu 1956–2021 – historia, zasoby i znaczenie dla badań nad dziejami nauki polskiej
Matysiak, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
archival materials
archival legacy
scientific legacy
Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences
history of Polish science
Anna Marciniak
Heliodor Święcicki
Adam Wrzosek
The Poznań Branch of the PAN Archive in Warsaw was established in May 1956. From April 1974, the headquarters of the Branch was located in the building of the Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences in Poznań. The Archive collects, pro- cesses and makes available archival materials on the activities of the Polish Aca- demy of Sciences and legacies of scholars. The legacies that form the backbone of archival resources are gathered through purchases, donations and deposits. Then they are compiled in the form of inventories and made available for re- search purposes. The collections of the Archive of the Polish Academy of Scien- ces in Poznań contain rich documentation of the history of science in Poznań and in Poland. They concern both scientific institutions, including laboratories, edi- torial offices and some institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Univer- sity of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and other Poznań universities, as well as bio- graphies of individual scientists, especially those connected to Poznań and Great- er Poland. Archival collections with valuable materials related to groundbreaking events in the post-war history of Poznań and Poland are also interesting. Archival collections are also displayed at exhibitions and during scientific conferences. Archives from two legacies are available on the CYRYL portal – the Poznań Local Digital Repository.
Nauka; 2022, 1; 145-157
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Why collaboration with men is dominating in science? Gender homophily among 25,000 academic scientists
Kwiek, Marek
Roszka, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
research collaboration
sociology of science
publication patterns
academic career
probabilistic record linkage
Polish academic science
We examined the male-female collaboration practices of all internationally visible Polish university professors (N = 25,463) based on their Scopus-indexed publications from 2009–2018 (158,743 journal articles). We merged a national registry of 99,935 scientists with the Scopus publication database, using probabilistic and deterministic record linkage. Our database (“The Polish Science Observatory”) included all professors with at least a doctoral degree employed in 85 research-involved universities. We determined an “individual publication portfolio” for every professor. The gender homophily principle (publishing predominantly with scientists of the same sex) was found to apply to male scientists - but not to females. The majority of male scientists collaborate solely with males; most female scientists, in contrast, do not collaborate with females at all. Gender homophily in research-intensive institutions proved stronger for males than for females. Finally, we used a multi-dimensional fractional logit regression model to estimate the impact of gender and other individual-level and institutional-level independent variables on gender homophily in research collaboration.
Nauka; 2021, 1
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O znaczeniu kategorii pogranicza w polskiej politologii
On the significance of the category of borderland in the contemporary Polish political science
Opioła, Wojciech
Czepil, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Instytut Politologii
polska politologia
Polish political science
Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie o rolę kategorii pogranicza w polskiej politologii. Opiera się na informacjach uzyskanych w ankiecie skierowanej do 223 polskich politologów, w której zapytano ich o wagę oraz eksplanacyjny potencjał kategorii pogranicza w analizie politologicznej. Niski poziom responsywności uniemożliwia dokonanie generalizacji na całe środowisko politologiczne, dlatego tekst niniejszy jest jedynie syntezą opinii politologów, którzy odpowiedzieli na naszą ankietę. Kategoria pogranicza przedstawiona jest jako ważna i przydatna w analizie politologicznej, przede wszystkim ze względu na jej integralny związek ze współcześnie zachodzącymi zmianami, takimi jak globalizacja, deterytorializacja i regionalizacja. Pogranicze jest szczególnie istotną kategorią w politologicznej refleksji nad zmianą statusu państw narodowych oraz zmieniającą się funkcją granic państwowych. W tekście wyodrębniono również podstawowe konteksty badawcze, w jakich politolodzy wykorzystują pojęcie pogranicza. W końcowej części artykułu autorzy formułują postulaty teoretyczno-metodologiczne dotyczące stosowania kategorii pogranicza w analizie politologicznej.
This article is an attempt to address a question of significance of the borderland as a research category in the Polish political science. The authors use information collected in the survey conducted among 223 polish political scientists, who were asked about the importance and explanatory potential of the borderland concept in the political analysis. Since the response rate was low it is impossible to make any generalizations concerning the whole academia of the Polish political science, thus the text is merely a synthesis of the opinions of those who have responded. According to this data, the category of borderland is an important and useful tool in the political analysis, due to its close connection with the changes of the contemporary world like globalization, deteritorialization and regionalization. The borderland category is especially significant in the reflection on the changing status of nation-states and functions of state borders. The article also outlines the basic research themes within which the concept of borderland is employed by the political scientists. The authors conclude with a few methodological and theoretical postulates on applying the category of borderland in political science.
Pogranicze. Polish Borderlands Studies; 2013, 1, 1; 58-63
Pojawia się w:
Pogranicze. Polish Borderlands Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Precedent in the Decision-Making Process. Point of Legal Theory and Judicial Practice
Leszczyński, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
the Polish science of law
judicial practice
codified law order
polska nauka prawa
praktyka sądowa
porządek prawa stanowionego
This publication encompasses the presentation of precedent as a legal category in the context of practical (judicial) approach and in the light of the theory of law. After introducing the term “precedent”, which is both universal and relevant to the codified law order, the question of distinguishing its particular kinds is described, which appears in the Polish science of law, mainly in the theory and philosophy of law. In the practical part, precedent is treated as a part of judicial practice, which in case of the codified law order constitutes a qualified form of applying a prior judicial decision. The most significant features of this practice are covered within the framework of the legal reasoning (with regard to validation and interpretation), which occurs during the decisional process, as well as the quality of justification of the judicial decision as regards law enforcement.
Opracowanie obejmuje prezentację precedensu jako kategorii prawnej w kontekście zarówno teoretycznoprawnym, jak i praktycznym (sądowym). Po wyprowadzeniu uniwersalnego i relewantnego dla porządku prawa stanowionego pojęcia precedensu, rozważana jest pojawiająca się w polskiej nauce prawa (głównie w teorii i filozofii prawa) problematyka wyodrębniania poszczególnych jego rodzajów. W części praktycznej precedens potraktowany został jako składnik praktyki sądowej, która w porządku prawa stanowionego stanowi kwalifikowaną postać wykorzystania wcześniejszej decyzji sądowej. Najważniejsze właściwości tej praktyki zostały ujęte w ramach występujących w procesie decyzyjnym rozumowań prawniczych (walidacyjnych i interpretacyjnych) oraz argumentacyjnej jakości uzasadnienia sądowej decyzji stosowania prawa.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2018, 27, 1
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kasa Imienia Józefa Mianowskiego (1881–1951)
Józef Mianowski Fund (1881–1951)
Hübner, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Popierania Nauki
Kasa im. Józefa Mianowskiego
Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie
„Nauka Polska”
mecenat naukowy
Józef Mianowski Fund
Warsaw Scientific Society
„Polish Science”
scientific patronage
Artykuł zawiera opracowany źródłowo „portret” dawnej Kasy imienia Józefa Mianowskiego. Ujęty jest w porządku chronologicznym, ale uwzględnia też podział problemowy oraz uzależnienie losów Kasy od biegu zdarzeń historycznych. Była to instytucja społeczna mecenatu naukowego, powstała w okresie zniewolenia ziem polskich przez zaborców, działająca w realiach II Rzeczypospolitej i w okresie powojennej „budowy podstaw socjalizmu”. Mimo społecznego charakteru, działalność Kasy Mianowskiego została zablokowana, a następnie zlikwidowana przez władze komunistyczne. Dorobek Kasy zawsze doceniało polskie środowisko akademickie.
The article contains a „portrait” of the former Józef Mianowski Fund. It is presented in chronological order, but also takes into account the problematic division and the dependence of the Fund’s fate on the course of historical events. It was a social institution of scientific patronage, established in the period of the enslavement of Polish lands by the partitioning powers, operating in the realities of the Second Polish Republic and in the post-war period of „building the foundations of socialism”. Despite its social nature, the activities of the Mianowski Fund were blocked and then liquidated by the communist authorities. The achievements of the Fund have always been appreciated by the Polish academic community.
Nauka Polska. Jej Potrzeby, Organizacja i Rozwój; 2021, XXX (LV); 133-143
Pojawia się w:
Nauka Polska. Jej Potrzeby, Organizacja i Rozwój
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność Polskiego Towarzystwa Gleboznawczego
Skłodowski, Piotr
Chojnicki, Józef
Data publikacji:
Towarzystwo Naukowe Płockie
Polskie Towarzystwo Gleboznawcze
soil science
Polish Society of Soil Science
Autorzy szczegółowo i chronologicznie prezentują wydarzenia z dziejów Polskiego Towarzystwa Gleboznawczego.
The authors present in detail and chronologically the history of Polish Society of Soil Science.
Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego; 2013, 5; s. 267-302
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauki historycznoprawne w latach 60. XX w. – organizacja badań
The research in legal history in the 1960s: The organization of research and the major publications in this field
Tyrchan, Mikołaj
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
jurisprudence in Poland
Polish Academy of Science
"Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne"
The paper is concerned with the development of legal history research in Poland in the post-Stalinist period, up to the end of the 1960s. The legal historians actually engaged themselves in the academic research of the time and developed, to the extent to which that was possible, the contacts with the western University centres. What was published were the significant handbooks and monographs. The publications laid out the new important research lines. The paper reviews, in a synthetic way, the interests of the authors of the publications both in the areas of Polish constitutional and legal history as well as in the field of general history of state and law. The publications of the most important authors were presented.
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa; 2012, 5, 4; 355-373
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A Few Observations on the Cultural Aspects of 19th Century Polish Archaeology
Kilka uwag na temat aspektów kulturowych archeologii polskiej XIX wieku
Zinkow, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
historia kultury
nauka polska XIX wieku
history of culture (aspects)
Polish science in 19th century
collecting of antiquities
The article identifies and discusses several examples of specific perceptions of archeology developing in the 19th century in constructing and sustaining national identity, especially in the face of the loss of the political subjectivity of the state, which sometimes even resulted in outlining an opposition of discovering, collecting and studying artifacts of native “antiquity” against the dynamically developing Mediterranean archeology (ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome) in Western Europe.
Artykuł wskazuje i omawia kilka przykładów specyficznego postrzegania roli rozwijającej się w XIX wieku archeologii w konstruowaniu oraz podtrzymywaniu narodowej tożsamości, zwłaszcza w obliczu utraty politycznej podmiotowości państwa, co skutkowało niekiedy nawet definiowaniem opozycji odkrywania, kolekcjonowania oraz badania artefaktów rodzimej „starożytności” wobec dynamicznie rozwijającej się w zachodniej Europie archeologii śródziemnomorskiej (starożytny Egipt, Grecja, Rzym).
Perspektywy Kultury; 2023, 43, 4/2; 693-702
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Comparison of soil texture classification according to the new Polish Standard, PTG and international classifications [FAO and USDA]
Drzymala, S
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
Polish Soil Science Society
Polish Normalization Committee
soil fraction
international classification
Polish standard PN-R-04033
soil texture
textural group
The classification into soil fractions found in the new Polish Standard PN-R-04033 is fully comparable- with the international classifications (FAO/USDA) in question. The following diameters were adopted as the main groups of soil fractions: stones >75 mm, gravel 75-2 mm, sand 2.0-0.05 mm, silt 0.05-0.002 mm and clay <0.002 mm. On the other hand, soil fractions classification according to the Polish Soil Science Society (PTG), including so-called fine particles (<0.02 mm), is not compatible with both the new Polish Standard and the discussed international classifications. This also refers lo the classification into textural groups according to PTG. However, the classification into textural groups according lo Polish Standard is quite similar to international classifications.
Acta Agrophysica; 2000, 35; 49-53
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polish Popular Science Magazines from 1758 to 1939 as a Topic and a Source in Research on the History of Populari- zation of Science
Polskie czasopisma popularnonaukowe w latach 1758–1939 jako obiekt badań i źródło w badaniach nad dziejami popularyzacji nauki
Wrona, Grażyna
Cieślikowa, Agnieszka
Kamisińska, Dorota
Wójcik, Ewa
Zając, Renata M.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish popular science magazines in the 18th–20th century
popularization of science
popular press as a historical source
Czasopisma popularnonaukowe wydawane na ziemiach polskich od 1758 do 1939 roku stanowią dla badaczy cenne oraz interesujące obiekty badawcze, zarówno z perspektywy możliwości ich interdyscyplinarnego oglądu, jak również odkrywania nowych metodolo- gicznych rozwiązań. Pozwalają ponadto uzyskać ważne informacje dotyczące nauki i jej społecznych funkcji, statusu uczonego, modelu popularyzacji nauki i jego ewolucji, kanałów oraz form komunikowania, zasad konstrukcji popularnonaukowego przekazu, także z wykorzystaniem materiału graficznego.
Popular science magazines published in Poland between 1758 and 1939 are an important resource for all kinds of research including interdisciplinary analysis as well testing new methodological approaches. They provide insights into the changing understanding of science and its social functions, the status of the scientist, models of popularization of science, the channels and forms of communications, techniques of construction of the popular science text enhanced with graphics and illustrations.
Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej; 2020, 23, 3; 5-18
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analogowa i cyfrowa komunikacja naukowa w Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Analogue and digital scientific communication at the Polish Academy of Sciences
Sabała, Martyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
scientific communication
Polish Academy of Science
Open Access
komunikacja naukowa
Polska Akademia Nauk
Polska Akademia Nauk przez kilkadziesiąt lat wypracowała różne sposoby komunikowania naukowego, począwszy od komunikacji nieformalnej – konferencji, zjazdów, spotkań o charakterze naukowym – przez książki i czasopisma, po publikacje udostępniane w bibliotekach cyfrowych oraz w modelu Open Access. Celem artykułu jest analiza analogowej komunikacji naukowej i funkcjonowania PAN w kulturze konwergencji oraz wykazanie, że instytucja ta wykorzystuje najnowsze formy udostępniania wyników badań, w tym narzędzia Web 2.0. W artykule przedstawiono dane liczbowe dotyczące drukowanych publikacji naukowych PAN. Na podstawie danych rejestrowanych przez bazę Arianta, przeglądu stron internetowych instytutów, komitetów i oddziałów oraz wywiadu przeprowadzonego w Biurze Upowszechniania i Promocji Nauki PAN opisano rozwój cyfrowego modelu komunikacji naukowej w PAN.
The Polish Academy of Sciences for several dozen years developed different manners of scientific communication, starting from unofficial communication - conferences, conventions, meetings having a scientific character - from books and magazines to publications made available at digital libraries and in the Open Access model. The purpose of this article is the analysis of the analogue scientific communication and functioning of the Polish Academy of Science in the convergence culture and showing that this institution is using newest forms of submitting research results, including 2.0 Web tools. Figures concerning printed academic publications of the Polish Academy of Science are described in the article. Based on data registered by the Arianta base, the review of websites of institutes, committees and branches and an interview conducted in the Office of Popularization and Promotion of Education of the Polish Academy of Science, the development of the digital communication scientific model of the Polish Academy of Science is described. 
Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe; 2013, 2, 42; 119-127
Pojawia się w:
Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Status prawny i działalność lwowskich towarzystw naukowych (1900-1939)
Legal Status and Activities of Lviv Scientific Societies (in the Years 1900-1939)
Pyter, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Towarzystwo dla Popierania Nauki Polskiej
status prawny
Towarzystwo Naukowe we Lwowie
Society for the Promotion of Polish Science
Scientific Society in Lviv
The purpose of the article is to acquaint the reader with the activity of scientific institutions present in Lviv in early 20th century. The Society for the Promotion of Polish Science came into being in 1900. Its objective was to promote science in its broad sense, both in academic circles and elsewhere. Scientific Society, which evolved from the former, had a similar profile. Undoubtedly, the activities of these institutions positively influenced numerous fields of science, not only in Lviv but also elsewhere in the country and beyond.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2009, 19, 2; 75-90
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pierwsza wyższa szkoła techniczna na ziemiach polskich 1826–1831
Zaleski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Polski Uniwersytet na Obczyźnie w Londynie
history of technical education in Poland
the Polytechnic Institute in Warsaw
the Preparatory School for the Polytechnic Institute in Warsaw
Polish science
Kajetan Garbiński
Stanisław Staszic
The first higher education technical college in Poland 1826–1831
Zeszyty Naukowe PUNO; 2014, 2; 61-75
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe PUNO
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Recenzja: Jarosław Szczepański, Ideowe podstawy polskiego spektrum politycznego, Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR, Warszawa 2019, ss. 214
Przybył, Sebastian Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
political science, polish political system
dividing axes
polish political parties
spekturm polityczne
polskie partie polityczne
osie podziałów
The text is a review of a monograph by Jarosław Szczepański entitled "Ideological foundations of the Polish political spectrum"
Tekst jest recnezją monografii autorstwa Jarosława Szczepańskiego pt. "Ideowe podstawy polskiego spektrum politycznego".
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia; 2021, 28, 1; 206-210
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio K – Politologia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska jako "Antemurale" i "Ojczyzna Świętych". Motyw przedmurza w "Nowych Atenach" księdza Chmielowskiego
Poland as "Antemurale" and " Homland of Saints" . Theme of "bulwar" in the "New Athens" by Benedict Chmielowski
Paszyński, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Instytut Wydawniczy Księży Misjonarzy Redakcja "Nasza Przeszłość"
Przedmurze chrześcijaństwa
antemurale christianitatis
ojczyzna świętych
Benedykt Joachim Chmielowski
Nowe Ateny
pierwsza polska encyklopedia
nauka staropolska
Bulwark of Christianity
homeland of saints
New Athens
first Polish encyclopedia
history of Polish science
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie stanowiska księdza Benedykta Joachima Chmielowskiego (1700-1763) wobec dogmatu przedmurza, z perspektywy mniej lub bardziej domniemanej megalomanii i ksenofobii. Dokonano próby odpowiedzi na szereg istotnych pytań. Czy Nowe Ateny należy uznać za kolejny megalomański pean na cześć sarmackiej ojczyzny? Czy w stosunku do sąsiadów Chmielowski kieruje się serią stereotypów, a swą polskość opiera na bezkrytycznym poczuciu wyższości? Wreszcie, jak wygląda jego wizja mitu Polski jako przedmurza? Nowe Ateny uznawane są za pierwszą polską encyklopedię powszechną sensu stricto (I wydanie 1745 r.). Szczególny nacisk kładł autor na elementy kuriozalne, co było typowe dla barokowej nauki. Podczas zaborów dzieło stało się ofiarą krzywdzącej czarnej legendy. Chmielowski gloryfikuje rolę Polski jako państwa stojącego na straży cywilizacji łacińskiej. Swój kraj nazywa szumnie „ojczyzną świętych”. Aczkolwiek jego dzieło dalekie jest od megalomanii i bezkrytycznego samouwielbienia. Przepełnione jest natomiast autentyczną żarliwą wiarą oraz gorącym patriotyzmem. Pomimo narodowej dumy i braku kompleksów, autor potrafi być krytyczny wobec swoich rodaków a obiektywny wobec sąsiednich nacji. Za rozbudzanie patriotyzmu, uczuć narodowych i religijnych – poza krzewieniem wiedzy – należy się autorowi wdzięczna pamięć następnych pokoleń. Sama popularyzacja mitu przedmurza powinna być poczytywana zaś jako znaczący wkład w budowanie polskiej tożsamości narodowej.
The main goal of this article is to present the views of Rev. Benedict Joachim Chmielowski (1700-1763) towards the myth of Poland as bulwark of Christianity, from the perspective of more or less implied megalomania and xenophobia. Attempts have been made to answer a number of important questions. Should ‘New Athens’ be considered as another megalomaniac affirmation in honor of the so-called “Sarmatian” homeland? Is Chmielowski guided by a stereotypes towards Polish neighbors and is his Polishness based on an uncritical sense of superiority? Finally, what is his vision of the myth of “antemurale”? Chmielowski’s famous work – ‘New Athens’ – is considered to be the first Polish encyclopedia (first edition in 1745). Particular emphasis was put on the curiosities, which was typical for pre-Enlightenment science. After the Partitions of Poland (1795), POLSKA JAKO „ANTEMURALE” I „OJCZYZNA ŚWIĘTYCH” 199 encyclopedia became a victim of a black legend. Chmielowski glorifies the role of Poland as a state guarding the Christian civilization. He also called his country “homeland of saints”. Although his work is far from megalomania and uncritical national selfsatisfaction. It is filled with authentic religious faith and fervent patriotism. Despite the national pride and lack of complexes, the author is able to be critical for his compatriots and objective towards his neighbors and other European nations as well. For the awakening of patriotism, national and religious feelings – aside from the propagation of knowledge – the author should have the grateful memory of the next generations. The popularization of the myth of Poland as the bulwark itself should be also considered as a significant contribution for the building of Polish national identity.
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce; 2017, 127; 185-199
Pojawia się w:
Nasza Przeszłość. Studia z dziejów Kościoła i kultury katolickiej w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ananiasz Zajączkowski – orientalistyka przede wszystkim
Ananiasz Zajączkowski – above all Orientalistics
Zajączkowska-Łopatto, Maria Emilia
Data publikacji:
Związek Karaimów Polskich. Karaimska Oficyna Wydawnicza Bitik
Ananiasz Zajączkowski
Warsaw Univeristy
Institute of Oriental Studies
Department of Turcology
Oriental Committee
Polish Academy of Science
Department of Oriental Studies of the Polish Academy od Science
Polish Oriental Society
East-West Major Project at UNESCO
Profesor dr hab. Ananiasz Zajączkowski w listopadzie 1945 został mianowany dyrektorem Instytutu Orientalistycznego UW na 5 lat. Powtórnie został dyrektorem w latach 1957-1961. Jego podstawowym zadaniem było stworzenie warunków do rozpoczęcia normalnego trybu nauczania. Od 1948 rozpoczyna pięcioletni cykl studiów w ramach którego wykształcił kilka pokoleń filologów orientalnych prowadzących badania dotyczące Wschodu Muzułmańskiego. W latach 1946-1950 kierował Instytutem Orientalistycznym na Uniwersytecie we Wrocławiu. W 1952 został członkiem nowopowstałej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, zorganizował Komitet Orientalistyczny PAN, którym kierował do 1965. W 1953 powstał Zakład Orientalistyki PAN, którego był kierownikiem 1969, do zamknięcia. Całe swoje życie poświęcił orientalistyce. Poza dydaktyką zajmował się pracami wydawniczymi, edytorskimi i oczywiście działalnością organizacyjną. Był prezesem Polskiego Towarzystwa Orientalistycznego w latach 1949 – 1958. Był redaktorem Przeglądu Orientalistycznego 1948 - 1952, wydał 16 tomów Rocznika Orientalistycznego 1950-1970. Współpracował z redakcjami Języka Polskiego i Poradnika Językowego. Był zapraszany na wykłady do Instytutu Wschodoznawstwa w Moskwie, na uniwersytet w Jerozolimie, na Uniwersytet w Stambule i Ankarze, Baku, do Instituto Universitario w Neapolu itd. Był przewodniczącym prezydium Polskiej Grupy Roboczej d/s realizacji projektu UNESCO „Wschód –Zachód”. Uczestniczył aktywnie w pracach naukowych i organizacyjnych wielu dziesiątków zjazdów, kongresów i konferencji międzynarodowych. Był członkiem Societe Finno-Ougrienne, Türk Dil Kurumu, Societas Uralo-Altaica, PAU, TNW, Wrocławskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Jest autorem 341 prac. Z okazji 60-lecia urodzin poświęcono mu XXXVI Ural-Altaische Jahrbucher Napisano o nim i jego pracach z zakresu osmanistyki, zabytków kipczackich i Złotej Ordy, zabytków piśmiennictwa tureckiego z Egiptu Mameluckiego kilka dziesiątków artykułów.
In November 1945 Professor Ananiasz Zajączkowski was appointed director of the Oriental Institute of Warsaw University for 5 years. Later, he became its director once more in the years 1957–1961. His primary task was to prepare the groundwork for launching the normal curriculum. In 1948 he started a five-year cycle of study in which he educated several generations of oriental philologists, who conducted research on the Muslim East. In the years 1946–1950 he was head of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the University of Wroclaw. In 1952 he became a member of the newly formed Polish Academy of Science, where he organized the Committee of Oriental Studies, which he headed till 1965. In 1953, the Department of Oriental Studies of Polish Academy of Science was created and Professor Zajączkowski directed it from its very beginnings until its closure in 1969. He devoted his entire life to oriental studies. In addition to teaching, the Professor also focused on research and publishing, as well as editorial and organizational work. He was president of the Polish Society of Oriental Studies from 1949 to 1958. He was the editor of the “Oriental Review” between 1948 and 1952, and issued sixteen volumes of the Rocznik Orientalistyczny from 1950 to 1970. In addition, he collaborated in the editing of Język Polski and Poradnik Językowy. He was invited to give lectures at the Institute of Eastern Studies in Moscow, at the University of Jerusalem, the Instituto Universitario in Naples, etc. He was the president of the Board of the Polish Team working on the UNESCO “East-West” project. He played an active academic and organizational role in several dozen conferences, congresses and convention. He was a member of the Société Finno-Ougrienne, Türk Dil Kurumu, Societas Uralo-Altaica, PAU, TNW, Wroclaw Scientific Society. Professor Ananiasz Zajączkowski is the author of 341 publications. To mark the 60th anniversary of his birth the 36th volume of Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher was named in his honour. Dozens of articles have been written about him and his work on Ottoman studies, the Kipchak monuments, the Golden Horde and the historical Turkish literature of Mameluke Egypt.
Profesor dr hab. Ananiasz Zajączkowski w listopadzie 1945 został mianowany dyrektorem Instytutu Orientalistycznego UW na 5 lat. Powtórnie został dyrektorem w latach 1957-1961. Jego podstawowym zadaniem było stworzenie warunków do rozpoczęcia normalnego trybu nauczania. Od 1948 rozpoczyna pięcioletni cykl studiów w ramach którego wykształcił kilka pokoleń filologów orientalnych prowadzących badania dotyczące Wschodu Muzułmańskiego. W latach 1946-1950 kierował Instytutem Orientalistycznym na Uniwersytecie we Wrocławiu. W 1952 został członkiem nowopowstałej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, zorganizował Komitet Orientalistyczny PAN, którym kierował do 1965. W 1953 powstał Zakład Orientalistyki PAN, którego był kierownikiem 1969, do zamknięcia. Całe swoje życie poświęcił orientalistyce. Poza dydaktyką zajmował się pracami wydawniczymi, edytorskimi i oczywiście działalnością organizacyjną. Był prezesem Polskiego Towarzystwa Orientalistycznego w latach 1949 – 1958. Był redaktorem Przeglądu Orientalistycznego 1948 - 1952, wydał 16 tomów Rocznika Orientalistycznego 1950-1970. Współpracował z redakcjami Języka Polskiego i Poradnika Językowego. Był zapraszany na wykłady do Instytutu Wschodoznawstwa w Moskwie, na uniwersytet w Jerozolimie, na Uniwersytet w Stambule i Ankarze, Baku, do Instituto Universitario w Neapolu itd. Był przewodniczącym prezydium Polskiej Grupy Roboczej d/s realizacji projektu UNESCO „Wschód –Zachód”. Uczestniczył aktywnie w pracach naukowych i organizacyjnych wielu dziesiątków zjazdów, kongresów i konferencji międzynarodowych. Był członkiem Societe Finno-Ougrienne, Türk Dil Kurumu, Societas Uralo-Altaica, PAU, TNW, Wrocławskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Jest autorem 341 prac. Z okazji 60-lecia urodzin poświęcono mu XXXVI Ural-Altaische Jahrbucher Napisano o nim i jego pracach z zakresu osmanistyki, zabytków kipczackich i Złotej Ordy, zabytków piśmiennictwa tureckiego z Egiptu Mameluckiego kilka dziesiątków artykułów.
Almanach Karaimski; 2014, 3; 133-148
Pojawia się w:
Almanach Karaimski
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geometryczny opis polikryształów w IMIM PAN
Morawiec, A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Metalurgii i Inżynierii Materiałowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk
tekstura krystalograficzna
Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Polish Academy of Science
crystallographic texture
LAB Laboratoria, Aparatura, Badania; 2013, 18, 6; 12-15
Pojawia się w:
LAB Laboratoria, Aparatura, Badania
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawozdanie Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2015/2016
Report on the activities of the PAU Commission on the History of Science in 2015/2016
Kokowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Komisja Historii Nauki PAU
Commission on the History of Science, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Omówiona została działalność Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2015/2016. Przedstawiono spisy: posiedzeń naukowych i posiedzeń administracyjno-wyborczych, nowych Członków Komisji oraz nowych publikacji.
The report discusses the activities of the Commission on the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2015/2016. It presents the lists of: scientific meeting, administrative-election meetings, new members, and new publications.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2016, 15; 455-458
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Licencja do nauczania” czyli Lehrbefugnis i Lehrbefähigung w tłumaczeniu maszynowym
“License to Teach” or Lehrbefugnis and Lehrbefähigung in Machine Translation
Mikolajczyk, Beata
Waliszewska, Karolina
Aptacy, Jaroslaw
Data publikacji:
Komisja Nauk Filologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Oddział we Wrocławiu
machine translations
specialist terminology
German and Polish law on science and higher education
scientific advancement
principles of habilitation
The subject of this article is the machine translation (MT) of the German terms Lehrbefugnis (“authorisation to teach”) and Lehrbefähigung (“teaching qualification”) into Polish. After highlighting the role of these terms in international academic careers, their semantics are described and basic information about the principles of MT are outlined. The structural equivalents of German terms in Polish and typical mistakes made by translators are also discussed. The analysis concludes that translators are not yet able to translate such specific terms correctly, therefore further work (also of a linguistic nature) is necessary to improve the quality of translations, e.g. by supplementing lexical resources.
Academic Journal of Modern Philology; 2022, Special Issue, 16; 183-194
Pojawia się w:
Academic Journal of Modern Philology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szkic do portretu Witolda Staniewicza, profesora ekonomiki rolnej i ministra reform rolnych. Działalność naukowa, dydaktyczna i organizacyjna w latach 1921–1939
Sketch for a portrait of Witold Staniewicz, professor of agricultural economics and minister of agricultural reforms. Scientific, didactic and organizational activity in the years 1921–1939
Łapa, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Staniewicz Witold
Druga Rzeczpospolita
nauka polska
Uniwersytet Stefana Batorego w Wilnie
ekonomika rolnicza
polityka rolna
Second Republic of Poland
Polish science
Stefan Batory University in Vilnius
agricultural economy
agricultural policy
Witold Staniewicz (1887–1966) to urodzony i mieszkający w Wilnie w okresie Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej naukowiec, polityk i działacz społeczny. Był profesorem Uniwersytetu Stefana Batorego w Wilnie, jego rektorem i prodziekanem Wydziału Rolniczego. Zainteresowania naukowe Staniewicza obejmowały: teorię polityki agrarnej i znaczenie rolnictwa w gospodarce narodowej, ekonomikę rolną, ekonomikę społeczną, historię rolnictwa i studiów rolniczych, problemy regionalnych uwarunkowań gospodarczych Wileńszczyzny oraz politykę deflacyjną. Artykuł podsumowuje aktualny stan wiedzy o Witoldzie Staniewiczu i przedstawia jego działalność naukową, dydaktyczną i organizacyjną w latach 1921–1939.
Witold Staniewicz (1887–1966) is a scientist, politician and social activist born and living in Vilnius during the Second Polish Republic. He was a professor at the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius, its rector and vice-dean of the Faculty of Agriculture. Staniewicz’s scientific interests included: theory of agrarian policy and the importance of agriculture in the national economy, agricultural economics, social economy, history of agriculture and agricultural studies, problems of regional economic conditions of the Vilnius Region and deflation policy. The article summarizes the current state of knowledge about Witold Staniewicz and presents his scientific, didactic and organizational activities in the years 1921–1939.
Zeszyty Wiejskie; 2022, 28; 37-69
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Wiejskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The report on the activities of the PAU Commission on the History of Science in 2018/2019
Kokowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Commission on the History of Science, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU), 2018/2019
Komisja Historii Nauki PAU, 2018/2019
The report discusses the activities of the Commission on the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2018/2019. It presents the lists of: scientific meetings, conferences, symposia, new members of the Commission, and new publications.
Omówiona została działalność Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2018/2019. Przedstawiono spisy: posiedzeń naukowych, konferencji i sesji naukowych, nowych Członków Komisji oraz nowych publikacji.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2019, 18
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The report on the activities of the PASS Commission on the History of Science in 2019/2020
Kokowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Commission on the History of Science, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAAS), 2018/2019
Komisja Historii Nauki PAU, 2019/2020
The report discusses the activities of the Commission on the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2019/2020. It presents the lists of scientific meetings, conferences, symposia, and new publications.
Omówiona została działalność Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2019/2020. Przedstawiono spisy: posiedzeń naukowych, konferencji i sesji naukowych oraz nowych publikacji.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2020, 19
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawozdanie Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2019/2020
Kokowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Commission on the History of Science, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAAS), 2018/2019
Komisja Historii Nauki PAU, 2019/2020
The report discusses the activities of the Commission on the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2019/2020. It presents the lists of scientific meetings, conferences, symposia, and new publications.
Omówiona została działalność Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2019/2020. Przedstawiono spisy: posiedzeń naukowych, konferencji i sesji naukowych oraz nowych publikacji.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2020, 19
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawozdanie Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2018/2019
Kokowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Commission on the History of Science, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU), 2018/2019
Komisja Historii Nauki PAU, 2018/2019
The report discusses the activities of the Commission on the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2018/2019. It presents the lists of: scientific meetings, conferences, symposia, new members of the Commission, and new publications.
Omówiona została działalność Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2018/2019. Przedstawiono spisy: posiedzeń naukowych, konferencji i sesji naukowych, nowych członków Komisji oraz nowych publikacji.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2019, 18
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Working Session „Polish scientific journals from the disciplines: «history and philosophy of science» and «science of science» – current challenges” (Kraków, 25 June 2019)
Kokowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Polish scientific journals, scientific journals evaluation, Polish scientific journals evaluation system, history and philosophy of science, science of science, Commission of the History of Science, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
polskie czasopisma naukowe, ewaluacja czasopism naukowych, polski system ewaluacji czasopism naukowych, historia i filozofia nauki, naukoznawstwo, Komisja Historii Nauki PAU, Polska Akademia Umiejętności
The article describes the course of the Working Session „Polish scientific journals from the disciplines: «history and philosophy of science» and «science of science» – current challenges” (Kraków, 25 June 2019), organized by the Commission of the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Artykuł opisuje przebieg sesji roboczej „Polskie czasopisma naukowe z dyscyplin: «historia i filozofia nauki» oraz «naukoznawstwo» – aktualne wyzwania” (Kraków, 25 czerwca 2019 r.), zorganizowanej przez Komisję Historii Nauki PAU.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2019, 18
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Perspektywy rozwoju socjologii polskiej
Podgórecki, Adam
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Due to Bronislaw Malinowski, Florian Znaniecki, Leon Petrazycki and several others' achievements, Polish sociology has enjoyed an a priori recognition. Sadly, this situation is changing. According to the author, there are following alarming trends and phenomena in Polish sociology: absence of criticism, lack of 'middle range theories' as well as the lack of will to formulate them; loosing the potential of social change laboratory, unsatisfactory state of social change research; lack of new ideas that would spread abroad, sticking with one paradigm; absence of appreciation of novel research in Poland (e.g. sociology of morality); insufficient co-operation across sub-disciplines and fragmentarization. Yet, there are several problem areas in Polish sociology, that are could be recognized as outstanding in the world. These are: 1) social norms and deviation sociology, 2) social stratification; 3) theory of social change, 4) sociology of science and 5) social engineering. At a closer look, however, it turns out that the achievements in theory of social change are smaller than one would expect in the social context extremely beneficial for this type of studies. In the area of social stratification there are too few 'middle range' generalizations. There five ways of improving this situation: 1) concentrating on successful developments, 2) implementation of practical test for existing methodological approaches, 3) transforming technicalized thinking by humanities' approach; 4) developing new abilities of theory building in social sciences, and 5) undertaking comprehensive analysis of Polish society.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2011, 1(200); 209-225
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Państwowe Muzeum Zoologiczne wobec powstania Polskiej Akademii Nauk: droga do powołania Instytutu Zoologicznego PAN
The State Zoological Museum and the establishment of the Polish Academy of Sciences: the beginnings of the Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Zabłocki, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
State Zoological Museum
Zoological Cabinet
Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Zoology
National Natural History Museum
Congress of Polish Science
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Warsaw Scientific Society
new biology
Państwowe Muzeum Zoologiczne
Gabinet Zoologiczny
Polska Akademia Nauk
Instytut Zoologiczny
Narodowe Muzeum Przyrodnicze
Kongres Nauki Polskiej
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie
nowa biologia
The State Zoological Museum, established in 1928, inherited and developed the legacy of the Zoological Cabinet of the University of Warsaw (existing since 1818). The Cabinet’s collection had been gathered for decades and belonged to eminent personages not only in Poland but also in Europe. The Museum and its collections were threatened many times: first by a great fire in 1935, then by the German attack on Warsaw in 1939 and subsequent occupation, as well as by the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising and the destruction of the city. After the post-war reconstruction of the Museum, it was time to function in a new political reality, in which the most significant change for this institution was the establishment of the Polish Academy of Sciences. A planned inclusion of the State Zoological Museum in the structures of the newly-founded Polish Academy of Sciences meant that the scientists had to face a dilemma: in exchange for research funds and career development opportunities, they were expected to show favour to the communists and readiness to implement the idea of socialism. In the background of this process, numerous scientific conferences took place, where controversial visions of the future of biological sciences clashed. This process resulted in the transformation of the State Zoological Museum into the Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki; 2020, 65, 4; 81--98
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An introduction to the topic of the Working Session “Polish scientific journals from disciplines: «history and philosophy of science» and «science of science» – current challenges” (Kraków, 25 June 2019) and specific proposals for organizational, ...
Kokowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
working session, Polish scientific journals, Polish publishing houses, history and philosophy of science, science of science, Polish system of evaluation of scientific journals, postulates of organizational and editorial solutions,
sesja robocza, polskie czasopisma naukowe, polskie wydawnictwa naukowe, historia i filozofia nauki, naukoznawstwo, polski system ewaluacji czasopism naukowych, postulaty rozwiązań organizacyjno-redakcyjnych dla czasopism i wydawnictw
The article presents an introduction to the topic of the Working Session “Polish scientific journals from disciplines: «history and philosophy of science» and «science of science» – current challenges” organized by the PAU Commission on the History of Science in Kraków on 25 June 25 2019, along with specific proposals of organizational and editorial solutions for journals and publishing houses, as well as of legislative solutions regarding the principles of journal evaluation.
W artykule przedstawiono wprowadzenie do tematyki sesji roboczej „Polskie czasopisma naukowe z dyscyplin: «historia i filozofia nauki» oraz «naukoznawstwo» – aktualne wyzwania”, zorganizowanej przez Komisję Historii Nauki PAU w Krakowie w dniu 25 czerwca 2019 r., wraz z konkretnymi propozycjami rozwiązań organizacyjno-redakcyjnych dla czasopism i wydawnictw oraz rozwiązań legislacyjnych dotyczących zasad ewaluacji czasopism.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2019, 18
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Popularyzatorska działalność Jana Jędrzejewicza
Jan Jędrzejewicz and the popularisation of science
Siuda-Bochenek, Magda
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii Nauki im. Ludwika i Aleksandra Birkenmajerów
popularyzacja nauki
astronomia i meteorologia w XIX w.
polskie czasopiśmiennictwo popularnonaukowe w XIX w.
Jan Jędrzejewicz
popularisation of science
astronomy and meteorology in the 19th century
Polish popular science periodicals in the 19th century
The article is a summary of the activities of the amateur astronomer Jan Jędrzejewicz (1835–1887), who popularised science by publishing articles in different newspapers, such as “Wszechświat”, and delivering popular speeches. The article analyses the magazines that Jędrzejewicz published in, the scope of his articles and the ways of explaining complex scientific ideas. The articles are compared to those of other authors, such as Stanisław Kramsztyk and Jan Kowalczyk. The article also discusses the role played by Jędrzejewicz in the popularisation of astronomy and meteorology.
Analecta. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki; 2019, 28, 2; 135-156
Pojawia się w:
Analecta. Studia i Materiały z Dziejów Nauki
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historie alternatywne w literaturze polskiej: typologia, tematyka, funkcje
Alternate History in Polish Literature: Typology, Subject Matter, Functions
Wąsowicz, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
alternate history
counterfactual history
polish literature
Alternate history, the type of fiction which describes worlds in which history developed differently than in reality, is often depreciated as a subgenre of science–fiction. Yet Polish alternate history novels are in reality an interesting commentary on polish culture, history and memory. In this paper I present the subject–matter of Polish alternate history novels, their functions and their relevance to Polish culture. In the first part I describe the history of counterfactual thinking and historians’ attitude towards it. In the second part, I emphasize that there are two types of alternate history. I name them “non-fiction” and “fiction”. Next, I provide the definition of alternate history. In the third part of the article I describe functions of alternate history novels. These functions show clearly that they are not created for entertainment only. On the contrary, they comment on important features of Polish culture.
Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich; 2016, 59/118 z. 2; 91-105
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Internacjonaliści i miejscowi – międzynarodowa współpraca badawcza w Polsce na mikropoziomie indywidualnych naukowców
Kwiek, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
international research collaboration
global science
local science
Polish scientists
Polish academic profession
współpraca naukowa
kariera akademicka
wzorce produktywności naukowej
umiędzynarodowienie badań
W tekście porównano „internacjonalistów” i „miejscowych” (czyli badaczy umiędzynarodowionych i lokalnych w badaniach naukowych) – pierwsi to naukowcy zaangażowani w międzynarodową współpracę badawczą, a drudzy w nią niezaangażowani. Jako wyraźnie zdefiniowana grupa polskich naukowców (51,4%), internacjonaliści stanowią ich odrębny typ. Dehermetyzacja polskiego systemu nauki stawia miejscowych w radykalnie trudniejszej sytuacji. Procesy nazwane przez nas „skumulowaną przewagą z racji umiędzynarodowienia” i „skumulowaną stratą z racji braku umiędzynarodowienia” zachodzą jednocześnie, dzieląc środowisko naukowe pod względem prestiżu, uznania i dostępu do konkurencyjnego finansowania badań. Umiędzynarodowienie w badaniach naukowych jest potężną siłą rozwarstwiającą nie tylko instytucje (powodującą ich pionowe zróżnicowanie), ale także ich wydziały (doprowadzając do segmentacji poziomej). Wyłaniają się zatem wysoce umiędzynarodowione instytucje, wydziały, grupy badawcze i indywidualni naukowcy. Przetestowano dziewięć hipotez roboczych dotyczących płci, wieku i stanowiska, współpracy krajowej, poziomu produktywności badawczej, rozkładu czasu pracy, orientacji na role akademickie, predyktorów bycia internacjonalistą i typu produktywności badawczej. Internacjonaliści to głównie mężczyźni i naukowcy starsi, mający dłuższe doświadczenie akademickie i wyższe stopnie naukowe. We wszystkich klastrach dyscyplin akademickich internacjonaliści generują ponad 90% publikacji powstałych w ramach współpracy międzynarodowej: brak współpracy międzynarodowej w praktyce oznacza brak międzynarodowych publikacji współautorskich. Internacjonaliści są znacznie bardziej produktywni jeśli chodzi o międzynarodowe publikacje współautorskie: reprezentują 2320% produktywności miejscowych w przypadku artykułów recenzowanych i 1600% w przypadku ich ekwiwalentów. Internacjonaliści poświęcają mniej czasu na działalność dydaktyczną, więcej na badania i więcej na obowiązki administracyjne. W Polsce większość kobiet naukowców stanowią miejscowi (55%), a większość mężczyzn – internacjonaliści (56%). W związku z tym awans kobiet na drabinie akademickiej opartej o osiągnięcia czysto naukowe będzie z czasem prawdopodobnie dłuższy, a dostęp do coraz bardziej konkurencyjnych funduszy indywidualnych na badania – coraz bardziej utrudniony. Nasze analizy wielowymiarowe (regresja logistyczna) zidentyfikowały nowe predyktory zaangażowania w międzynarodową współpracę badawczą. Wyniki analiz przeprowadzonych w oparciu o rozległe badanie ankietowe (n = 3704 zwróconych kwestionariuszy) prowadzą do wniosków dotyczących kariery akademickiej, wzorców produktywności i umiędzynarodowienia badań naukowych.
The paper contrasts „internationalists” and „locals” (i.e. researchers who are international and local in their research): the former are researchers involved in international research cooperation and the latter are not. As a clearly defined group of Polish scientists (51.4%), internationalists are a separate type. Dehermetisation of the Polish science system puts locals in a radically more difficult situation. The processes we call „internationalization cumulative advantage” and „internationalization cumulative disadvantage” occur simultaneously, dividing the scientific community in terms of prestige, recognition and access to competitive research funding. Internationalisation in research is a powerful stratifying force, not only for institutions (causing their vertical diversification) but also for their departments (leading to horizontal segmentation). Highly internationalised institutions, departments, research groups and individual researchers are therefore emerging. Nine working hypotheses have been tested concerning gender, age and academic position, national cooperation, research productivity, distribution of working time, orientation towards academic roles, predictors of being internationalist and type of research productivity. Internationalists are mainly men and older scientists with longer academic experience and higher degrees. In all clusters of academic disciplines, internationalists generate more than 90% of publications produced as part of international cooperation: the lack of international cooperation in practice means the lack of internationally co-authored publications. Internationalists are much more productive when it comes to international co-authored publications: they represent 2320% of local productivity for peer-reviewed articles and 1600% for their equivalents. Internationalists spend less time on teaching, more on research and more on administrative duties. In Poland, the majority of female researchers are local (55%) and the majority of men are internationalists (56%). Therefore, the advancement of women on the academic ladder basedon purely scientific achievements is likely to be longer over time, and access to increasingly competitive individual funds for research is increasingly difficult. Our multidimensional analyses (logistical regression) have identified new predictors of engagement in international research collaboration. The results of our analyses based on an extensive survey (N = 3,704 returned questionnaires) lead to conclusions about academic careers, productivity patterns and internationalisation of research.
Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe; 2019, 1-2, 53-54; 47-105
Pojawia się w:
Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fantastyka naukowa w polskim piśmiennictwie krytycznofilmowym przełomu lat pięćdziesiątych i sześćdziesiątych XX wieku
Science fiction in Polish film journalism at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s
Dudziński, Robert
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
science fiction
Polish People’s Republic
film criticism
The article is devoted to the Polish reception of science-fiction cinema; the statements of film critics from 1956–1965 were analysed. During this period, science fiction, previously absent from the screens of Polish cinemas for ideological and censorship reasons, returned to the repertoire and became the subject of press discussions and reviews. The analysis of articles devoted to this genre and published at the time allows reconstruction of the cultural context in which science-fiction productions operated. The article consists of three main parts. In the first of these, the author describes which science fiction films were present in Polish cinemas at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. In the second part, he analyses press statements devoted to the history and aesthetics of the genre. The subject under consideration in the third part is the reception of two productions, which at the time enjoyed the greatest interest from contemporary critics: Godzilla (Gojira, 1954, dir. Ishirō Honda) and The Silent Star (Der schweigende Stern 1960, dir. Kurt Maetzig).
Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication; 2020, 28, 37; 99-125
Pojawia się w:
Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Belief and unbelief in God among Polish scholars and their views on the relationship between science and religion
Gołąb, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Polish scholars
belief in God
science–religion relationship
The paper presents selected results of a study on the religious views of 279 Polish scholars with a doctoral or higher degree. The percentage of scholars who declared belief in God was 56.3%. The four groups with the highest indices were chemists (80%), geographers and Earth scientists (76.2%), mathematicians and information technology specialists (73.1%), and medical scientists (64.5%). A small proportion of respondents (6.5%) chose the following option: “I don’t believe in a personal God but I believe in a higher power of some kind.” The percentages of atheists and agnostics were 18.3% and 7.2%, respectively. The subjects’ views on the relationship between science and religion were categorized according to the Barbour’s typology (Barbour, 1990). The largest proportion of the subjects (41.9%) denied the inevitability of conflict between science and religion; 13% held the opposite view. Some scholars (19.6%) expressed the view that science and religion should be treated as independent areas of inquiry. The relationship of dialog seemed to be the best form of their coexistence to 2% respondents, while 3.6% were in favor of the cooperation of science and religion in building a comprehensive worldview.
Roczniki Psychologiczne; 2017, 20, 1; 81-97
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rękopisy Mariana Smoluchowskiego – ważne źródło do studiów nad filozofią w nauce
Marian Smoluchowskis manuscripts - important source for philosophy in science
Polak, Paweł
Dziekan, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Copernicus Center Press
Marian Smoluchowski
philosophy in science
history of science
Polish philosophy
philosophy on nature in Krakow
The aim of tis article is to present the selected Marian Smoluchowski's manuscripts to be published in this volume. At the beginning, a history and current state of research of his manusript legacy was showed. Next there were characterized a philosophical significance of his unpublished manuscripts and a short analysis of the manuscripts published in this volume. At the end of the article the details about the current edition of Smoluchowski's manuscripts were described.
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce; 2017, 62; 141-169
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Foreign scientific centres of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The Centre in Rome
Zagraniczne stacje naukowe PAN. Stacja w Rzymie – z doświadczeń dyrektora
Salwa, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish Academy of Sciences
foreign scientific centre
promotion of science
international scientific cooperation
science diplomacy
The article is intended to be an appendix to an earlier discussion on the activi- ties of the foreign scientific centres of the Polish Academy of Sciences (“Nauka” 4/2020 and 2/2021). It presents another case study, namely the centre situated in Rome – one of the eldest Polish centres abroad – its historical background and heritage as well as its recent activities. It points out also some actual present problems and challenges in order to stimulate a broader debate on how the PAS foreign centres could be better used to promote and disseminate the achieve- ments of Polish researchers.
Nauka; 2021, 3; 135-145
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Merited, (Un)Appreciated, (Un)Remembered: Women in Educational and Social Policy Sciences as a Scholarly Discipline in Poland, 1900–39
Bołdyrew, Aneta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Polish female scholars
history of science
educational sciences
social policy
The first four decades of the twentieth century saw an intense development in the Polish lands of educational sciences and social policy sciences. A role of importance in the development of the underlying theory for these scientific domains and in the pursuit of pioneering empirical studies fell to a group of women who combined their intellectual interests and scientific research with activities in the fields of education and social work. This article seeks to outline their scholarly achievements (until 1939) and point to the specificity of their effort: none of them pursued a ‘classical’ academic career comprehended in terms of getting employed and promoted by a university. Their formative experience consisted in studying abroad and obtaining their doctoral degrees there. Migrations and membership in (or contribution to) international scientific organisations enabled them to deepen their knowledge and present their theories in the international forum whilst also making them acquainted with the academic models functioning in West European countries in the context of female participation. The personal histories of Polish female scholars researching into education and social history show the ‘typical’ experience of reluctance and arbitrariness of the academic circles, male-dominated as they were at that time when gender weighed high on career-seeking in science. This implied search for strategies and areas of activity which enabled to participate in the world of science. Pursuance of research, in selected areas, and publication of scholarly texts was enabled through the cooperation with organisations which welcomed female experts such as those employed (for example) with ministries; the Polish Society for Social Policy was one such organisation. In spite of multiple hindrances and restrictions, those female scholars who got employed on a full-time basis with academies which were ‘alternative’ to the traditional universities – the Institute of Special Pedagogy, the State Institute of Teachers, and primarily, the Free Polish University – enjoyed the most favourable conditions of work.
Acta Poloniae Historica; 2018, 117
Pojawia się w:
Acta Poloniae Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wokół myśli Józefa Życińskiego
Around Józef Życińskis thoughts
Trombik, Kamil Piotr
Data publikacji:
Copernicus Center Press
Józef Życiński
Polish philosophy
philosophy of science
philosophy of nature
Recenzja książki: Media – kultura – dialog. W piątą rocznicę śmierci arcybiskupa Józefa Życińskiego, red. R. Nęcek, W. Misztal, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, Kraków 2017, ss. 343.
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce; 2020, 68; 300-305
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Legal status of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Gubała, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uczelnia Łazarskiego. Oficyna Wydawnicza
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
higher education
The aim of this article is to analyse the legal status of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, an entity operating within the system of higher education and science. The study explores the Academy’s origins, its legal form and role it plays within the system of higher education and science, and its rights and obligations under the law. The findings presented in the paper allow for drawing conclusions on the legal status of the Academy, in particular recognising that it is a legal person functioning in the legal form of a (registered) association, and at the same time an organisation directly included by the legislator in the category of entities of the system of higher education and science. The study indicates the reasons justifying the Academy’s inclusion in the catalogue of entities of this system, primarily its exceptional achievements in the field of scientific activities and popularising their results, as well as the universality of undertaken activities, tradition and reputation within the scientific community.
Ius Novum; 2023, 17, 3 ENG; 117-134
Pojawia się w:
Ius Novum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Foreign scientific centers of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Paris and Brussels: action plan, administrative support, communication
Stacje naukowe PAN w Paryżu i Brukseli: program merytoryczny, wsparcie administracyjne, komunikacja
Poprawka, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Polish Academy of Sciences
foreign scientific center
international scientific cooperation
science diplomacy
scientific outreach
science policy
Through this article, the current director of the PolSCA Office in Brussels (Dr. Tomasz Poprawka) and former director of the PAS Scientific Center in Paris (Dr. Kamil Szafrański) share their reflections and thus contribute to the dis- cussion on the functioning and role of foreign centers of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In response to the article co-authored by the former directors of the PAS stations in Vienna, Paris and Brussels – in which they initiated the debate – the authors present their own perspective on a vision of the balanced operation of the stations in three key areas: the action plan, administrative support and communication. Having in mind an effective operation of the PAS centers abroad, the authors wish to share their ideas, based on the experience to date. These include strengthening of the stations in the future, taking up new challenges and searching for innovative solutions for their continuous development, thus meaningfully contributing to the promotion of Polish science abroad. At the same time, the authors declare their willingness to take part in further discussions on the role and operationality of the Academy’s scientific centers abroad. This pub- lication consists of the following elements: introduction, discussion of issues related to science diplomacy, lobbying and advocacy of interests, analysis of administrative issues, an outline of aspects of internal communication and ex- ternal dissemination, and a summary.
Nauka; 2022, 1; 159-169
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fantastyka naukowa jako pole przenikania się kultur polskiej i rosyjskiej (na przykładzie twórczości Andrzeja Sapkowskiego i Siergieja Łukianienki)
Science fiction and fantasy as an area of intersection between Polish and Russian culture (exemplified with works by Andrzej Sapkowski and Sergey Lukyanenko)
Witecki, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Sergey Lukyanenko
science fiction
Polish literature
Russian literature
Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski and his Russian colleague Sergey Lukyanenko are considered to be two best-known living science-fiction and fantasy authors from their countries at the turn of the century. What is more, their popularity is not only connected with their homeland, but also spreads to other countries. As we can observe, Lukyanenko is the most important living Russian modern SF&F author in Poland, whereas Sapkowski is one of the best-known Polish contemporary writers in Russia (not only SF&F, but in general - right after Lem and Chmielewska). It is interesting to take a close look at their popularity and reveal how their works connect and influence many different branches of culture in Poland and Russia. It is impossible to take into consideration all of their works, so we concentrate on Sapkowski’s The Witcher saga and Lukyanenko’s four urban fantasy novels about The Night Watch and The Day Watch. On this basis we present their influence on such cultural areas as film, comic books and computer games. We also describe the reception of this influence and its results in Poland and Russia.
Acta Polono-Ruthenica; 2008, 1, XIII; 217-231
Pojawia się w:
Acta Polono-Ruthenica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analysis of structure of ranked economic academic journals in the institutional section
Kunasz, Marek
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
ranked economic academic journals
Polish ministerial list of journals
the B list
parametrisation of science
The paper contains analysis of structure of ranked economic academic journals paying special attention to the place of their publishing. Therefore subpopulation of ranked academic journals in the field of economic sciences was extrapolated from list presented in the Announcement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of 18th December 2015. The analyses were conducted both at the stage of single institutions (creating adequate rankings), as well as groups of institutions (7 homogenous groups of subjects publishing economic academic journals were distinguished, additionally in the group containing the biggest number of public colleges – 5 subgroups were distinguished). Number of journals (generally, published in English and dominating Polish, average number of journals) assigned to a given institution (group) and average number of points for a journal. Basic methods of statistic description of population and structure analyses were applied in the paper.
Nauka; 2016, 4
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Finansuj lub giń. Ludzie nauki, prestiżowe publikacje a system finansowania B+R w Polsce
Jeran, Agnieszka
Piechowiak-Lamparska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Polish academic research
higher education
science policy
Web of Science
publishing policy
research evaluation
The aim of this article is to present the possible relationship between the level of financing of R+D, the R+D personnel rate (particularly in the higher education sector) and the presence of Polish academic research in the world demonstrated by prestigious publications indexed in the Web of Science (WoS). The research findings concern the analysis of changes in time and show a clear, strong and positive correlation between the level of financing of research and development activity and the number of publications listed in the WoS. The received result indicates with a wellfitting regression model that there is a direct relationship between the expenditure on research and the presence of Polish scholars in the international science.
Kultura i Edukacja; 2016, 3(113); 228-241
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Edukacja
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Motivation to commence studies in special education in the opinion of students of The Pedagogical University of Cracow
Gagat-Matuła, Anna
Malik, Natalia
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
motivations students
Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Pedagogical University of Cracow
Special Education
motywacje studentów
polskie Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie
kształcenie specjalne
According to the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Polish Central Statistical Office the number of students systematically decreases since 2015. This demographic change was a reason to examine students motivation for undertaking their studies in order to improve educational program and to encourage students to peruse higher education. By approaching the subject of “Motivations for Undertaking Special Education Studies in The Opinion of Students at Pedagogical University of Cracow”, the answers were sought to the three following questions: What were the main reasons for choosing studies at Pedagogical University of Cracow? What motivators played a key role for students while selecting field of studies? What student’s personality traits did mainly influence their choice? Research material was collected basing on a self-designed questionnaire. The group of first-year 54 students year were tested, in which 39% didn’t know which specialization they would choose after a one year. The article’s conclusions present key factors motivating students for undertaking Special Education Studies and explain how personality traits influenced their choice.
Rocznik Komisji Nauk Pedagogicznych; 2018, LXXI; 115-125
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Komisji Nauk Pedagogicznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Einige Bemerkungen zur Adaptation der deutschen Entlehnungen aus dem Bereich der Wissenschaft im Polnischen
Some words about the adaptation of borrowed German words from the field of science in the Polish language
Sikorska-Bujnowicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
old and new in the vocabulary
borrowed German lexical elements from the field of the science in Polish language
the change in meaning of the borrowed German vocabulary in Polish
The matter under consideration in this article is the problem of borrowed German lexical elements and their life in the borrowing Polish language. The starting point is a short overview of the elements of the lexical field of science and their change of meaning in the Polish language.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica; 2014, 10; 65-78
Pojawia się w:
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Scholarly Careers of Polish Women Historians in the Era of the People’s Republic of Poland (Selected Universities)
Kolbuszewska, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
history of historiography
history of science
women in science
academic careers
the Polish People’s Republic
This article offers a survey of the careers of 54 Polish female historians who received the habilitacja degree in 1945–1989 at seven Polish universities – four of those were founded soon after the Second World War (University of Łódź, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, University of Wrocław, Maria Skłodowska‑Curie University in Lublin), while three had been established earlier (University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University in Kraków and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań). Analysis of personal files and various biographical materials has led the author to a number of conclusions about female historians’ academic careers. The careers reflected the discipline’s development, both in terms of the expansion of its field of inquiry, as well its methodological diversity and the conditions in which it operated. Career paths followed by women were not much different from those followed by men. Neither advancement requirements, nor employment policy at the schools of higher learning were discriminatory towards any of the sexes. However, as far as the female career advancement is concerned, there were some differences between the old and new universities: it was easier for women to obtain managerial positions at the latter.
Historyka studia metodologiczne; 2021, 51, Spec. iss.; 283-297
Pojawia się w:
Historyka studia metodologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Socjogia polska na tle socjologii światowej
Kwilecki, Andrzej
Doktor, Kazimierz
Mokrzycki, Edmund
Szacki, Jerzy
Sztompka, Piotr
Wiatr, Jerzy J.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
The discussion about the position of Polish sociology at the background of world sociology organized by the Sociological Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences revealed significant differences among the participating scholars. The pessimistic view about the state of Polish sociology and its functioning within world sociology was expressed by Edmund Mokrzycki and Jerzy Szacki, who pointed out at both institutional and political difficulties (e.g. isolation of Polish sociology from world sociology, limitation of contacts) as well as theoretical predicaments of the discipline (e.g. the fact that the change of dominant paradigm in Western sociology had passed virtually unnoticed by Polish sociological theory). Piotr Sztompka expressed the concern that insufficient number of Polish sociological research was being published in renowned international scholarly publishing houses, at the same time he envisaged the concrete measures for the improve of the current situation. The state of Polish sociology was assessed rather differently by Kazimierz Doktór, who concentrated on the relations between Polish sociology and sociologies of socialist countries. First, he emphasized the good positions of Polish sociology in this group, and second he urged to promote this co-operation further while ceasing to mimic Western sociology. Jerzy Wiatr suggested that pessimistic evaluations of Polish sociology were a misperception. Although he was critical of Polish sociology for the particularity of its empirical research and medium standards of daily work, he optimistically placed its achievements in the long-term perspective and saw the development of theory of socialist society as its unique and original contribution to world sociology.
Studia Socjologiczne; 2011, 1(200); 369-394
Pojawia się w:
Studia Socjologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nauki społeczne w Polsce jako generator znaczeń
The Social Sciences in Poland as a Generator of Meanings
Kolasa-Nowak, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czasopisma i Monografie PAN
Polish elites
sociology of science
historical sociology
Polish social sciences
global science
Polskie elity
socjologia nauki
socjologia historyczna
polskie nauki społeczne
globalna nauka
W eseju recenzyjnym książki pod redakcją Tomasza Zaryckiego Polskie nauki społeczne w kontekście relacji władzy i zależności międzynarodowych omawiam główne wątki tej pracy z perspektywy socjologii nauki. Studia poszczególnych dyscyplin społecznych zostały oparte na wspólnej perspektywie teoretycznej i jednej metodzie analizy, które wywodzą się z socjologii pól społecznych Pierre’a Bourdieu. Głównym problemem jest stopień autonomii polskich nauk społecznych od pełnionych w kraju ról publicznych oraz związane z tym szanse na zdobycie uznania w globalnym obiegu naukowym. Pokazuję jak historyczne analizy różnych etapów rozwoju polskich nauk społecznych dostarczają kontekstu do refleksji nad współczesną kondycją tych dyscyplin. Twierdzę, że książka jest ważnym głosem w dyskusji nad sytuacją i perspektywami polskich nauk społecznych, pokazując strukturalne uwarunkowania i specyfikę ich rozwoju.
The essay presents an analysis of the collective work Polskie nauki społeczne w kontekście relacji władzy i zależności międzynarodowych (lit. The Polish social sciences in the context of power relations and international dependencies). The reviewer sees it as the next stage of a research programme undertaken by Tomasz Zarycki and his colleagues, the thematic axis of which has for many years been the functioning of elites in contemporary Poland, and in particular the intelligentsia as the group responsible for the emergence of meaning constellations creating a discursive space for Polish society. The authors of the work’s chapters address the academic world and the mechanisms for producing knowledge in the Polish social sciences. Although belonging to the sociology of science, the work steps significantly beyond this area, constituting a statement on the specificity of the functioning of Poland’s intellectual elites from the 19th century and through the years of communism to the present day. It bears the hallmarks of a study in historical sociology, but it is the contemporaneity of the Polish social sciences that provides its centre of gravity. The interesting theoretical framework laid out here reveals the diverse consequences of Poland’s semi-peripheral positioning in global hierarchies pertaining to science, innovation, and also economic standing. The social sciences have been treated as a special area because of their substantial role in creating the symbolic universe formatting the Polish cultural canon, and the analyses of specific disciplines not only demonstrate their semi-peripheral place in global academic space, but also their close relations with the sphere of Polish politics and public debate. The theses put forward invite discussion concerning the state of the humanities in Poland, offering a wealth of fresh material for academia’s self-reflection.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo; 2023, 67, 2; 205-216
Pojawia się w:
Kultura i Społeczeństwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola nauki w państwowej służbie geologicznej
Science in the national geological survey
Peryt, Tadeusz
Głuszyński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny
badanie geologiczne
Polish Geological Institute
geological survey
For a century - since the initiative of a group of parliament members to constitute the Polish Geological Institute (PGI) was supported by the Polish Parliament on May 30, 1919 - the PGI has success fully fulfilled all basic responsibilities and commitments that are conventionally assigned to national geological surveys. Like in the past, in modern geological surveys the research is of great importance and it is clear that they cannot exist without science, the same applies to the PGI. The scientific knowledge achieved during the implementation of geological survey tasks is important for the society and the country's development.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2020, 68, 5; 312--318
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Moc MOOC-ów – czas na polskie rozwiązania systemowe
Power of MOOC - time to polish system solutions
Kaczmarek-Kacprzak, A.
Lewicki, J.
Muczyński, B.
Szreniawa–Sztajnert, A.
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Gdańska. Wydział Elektrotechniki i Automatyki
Polish MOOC
Foundation of Young Science
Fundacja Młodej Nauki
polskie MOOC-e
MOOC-i, czyli masowe otwarte kursy online to nowoczesna, efektywna i bardzo wygodna forma kształcenia docierająca do szerokiego grona odbiorców. MOOC-i umożliwiają prowadzenie zajęć o szerokiej tematyce począwszy od kursów poradniczych, przez popularnonaukowe po wyjaśniające złożone zagadnienia techniczne. Artykuł prezentowany przez Fundację Młodej Nauki poświęcony jest inicjatywie mającej wspierać powstawanie i promowanie polskich MOOC-ów, omawia podjęte już działania i zdobyte doświadczenia oraz ukazuje drogę, jaka stoi przed twórcami polskich kursów.
MOOC, massive open online courses is a modern, efficient and very convenient form of education that reaches a wide audience. MOOCs are dedicated for a broad-themed courses from the courses guidance, by popular after explaining complex technical issues. Article presented by the Foundation of Young Science is an initiative dedicated to support the creation and promotion of Polish MOOC Facilities, discusses the work already undertaken and lessons learned, and shows the way, which is facing the creators of Polish courses.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej; 2015, 41; 21-26
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poezja spekulatywna a fantastyka naukowa w poezji polskiej po 2010 roku. Próba ujęcia zjawiska
Nowacka, Sonia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
science fiction poetry
speculative poetry
Polish poetry after 2010
poezja science fiction
poezja spekulatywna
poezja polska po 2010 roku
Artykuł ma na celu naświetlenie zjawiska poezji science fiction oraz podjęcie próby charakteryzacji jej najważniejszych cech i wyróżników. Autorka zarysowuje różnice i podobieństwa między poezją SF funkcjonującą w obiegach anglosaskim oraz polskim, wskazując na odrębność rodzimej poezji względem tej pierwszej. Analizując definicje gatunkowe poezji spekulatywnej, umieszcza w ich ramach nowe tendencje obecne w polskiej literaturze i wskazuje szczególnie na zagadnienie kreacji świata przedstawionego.
This article highlights the phenomenon of science fiction poetry and attempts to characterize its most important and distinguishing features. The author outlines the differences and similarities between science fiction poetry in Anglo-Saxon and Polish circulation, pointing to the distinctiveness of Polish poetry from the former. Analyzing the genre definitions of speculative poetry, the author places these works within the new trends present in Polish literature, pointing in particular to the issue of the creation of the represented world.
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica; 2021, 9; 258-272
Pojawia się w:
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kontakty między towarzystwami naukowymi na ziemiach polskich pod zaborami – stan i potrzeby badań
Hinc, Alina
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
academic associations
academic institutions
Partitions of Poland
Polish lands
scientific studies
history of science
The article describes contacts between academic societies operating in the lands of partitioned Poland. Its purpose is to present the current status of research on this very wide topic and to indicate the need for research that arises in this respect. A comprehensive view of these contacts shows that the topic has not been acknowledged to-date. Therefore, it has not been properly reflected in the professional literature. Where the topic has been recognized by authors, it has often not been properly interpreted. The most frequent mistake that has been made by researchers is perceiving the issue from an exclusively ethnic angle, which – particularly in respect of the lands of partitioned Poland – is related to the conflicts arising in such conditions. Seen against the background of the contacts between the various academic institutions operating in the three partitions, it is clearly visible how complicated the matter was and how different factors played a role in forming and discontinuing relationships.
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych; 2013, 73
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Dziejów Społecznych i Gospodarczych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polish popular-science periodicals published until 1939. Interrelationships between science and the arts
Polskie czasopisma popularnonaukowe do 1939 roku. Związki nauki ze sztuką
Kamisińska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
press graphics in the 18th and 19th c.
press graphics in 1900–1939
Polish popular-science periodicals until 1939
grafika prasowa XVIII i XIX wieku
grafika prasowa 1900-1939
polskie czasopisma popularnonaukowe do 1939
W artykule zaprezentowano zarys wyników badań grafiki pięćdziesięciu polskich czasopism popularnonaukowych, ukazujących się na ziemiach polskich od 1758 do 1939 roku.
The paper offers an outline of research into the graphic design and layout of fifty Polish popular-science periodicals, as published on the Polish lands in the period spanning 1758–1939.
Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej; 2019, 22, 2; 135-138
Pojawia się w:
Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sto lat Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (1921– 2021)
100 years of the Polish Geological Society (1921-2021)
Sikora, Rafał
Waśkowska, Anna
Kowalczewska, Oliwia
Krzywiec, Piotr
Ploch, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne     historia nauk geologicznych
polscy geolodzy
Polish Geological Society
history of geological science
Polish geologists
The Polish Geological Society (PGS) was established on April 24, 1921. The seat of the PGS Board is in Kraków, as the Jagiellonian University in Kraków was the most active centre of geological sciences before Poland regained independence in 1918. Forover100years, the main forms of the Society's activity have been annual conferences in various parts of Poland and the publication of the journal Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae. There are three main periods in the history of the Society. During the first period, covering the years 1921-1939, the activities of PGS focused on the integration of the geological community and the development of regional branches (Warszawa, Lwów, Borysław and Wilno). During this period, the tradition of annual scientific meetings of PGS in various parts of Poland was established. Additionally, PGS members were instrumental in establishing the Carpatho-Balkan Geological Association and the INQUA. The development of PGS was abruptly stopped in September 1939 by World War II, during which several dozens of Society's members lost their lives. The third period covers the post-war period. The most intense development of the society took place in the 1960s and 1970s, when membership reached almost 1,500 active members, and the attendance at the annual meetings was in the order of hundreds of participants, often including foreign guests. During this period, many regional branches and specialist sections were established. The society's activity was high also during the crisis years of the1980s. After the political changes in 1989-1990, PGS significantly developed international contacts. In the1990s, representatives of the Society were invited to AEGS, EFG and AAPG, which resulted in the organization of numerous international conferences. One of the most important initiatives of the 21st century was the organization of the Polish Geological Congresses in 2008, 2012 and 2016. The most important element of the Society's activities is still the very popular annual PGS Scientific Meetings together with the accompanying field trips and seminars.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2022, 70, 4; 247--266
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaniecki’s Analytic Induction as a Method of Sociological Research
Tacq, Jacques
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
analytic induction
social science research
research methodology
qualitative research
Polish sociology
The Polish sociologist and philosopher Florian Znaniecki, well-known by his research together with W. I. Thomas on Polish immigrants in the United States, explicated the principles of his “analytic induction” in a later publication The Method of Sociology. This is a method in which research units are examined one by one and in which theoretical insights are adjusted to each observation. This process of continuous re-formulation of the research hypotheses completes when new observations do no longer offer new insights, i.e., when theoretical saturation takes place. In this paper a treatment of the original view of Znaniecki is offered. His starting-points-inductive approach, respect for the facts, dynamical fundamental attitude, special treatment of exceptions, attention for validity and intensional approach-are explained, as well as his formulation of analytic induction in four steps and the principle of structural dependence and the principle of causality. Starting from this original view, the advantages and disadvantages of analytic induction are balanced against each other and this method is examined with the aim of application. Critiques of the approach in the period around 1950, by Robinson, Lindesmith and Cressey and, later in time, by Peter Manning, are discussed and additional research examples from Belgium and the Netherlands serve as illustration of the arguments.
Polish Sociological Review; 2007, 158, 2; 187-208
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Myślenie na długi dystans
Long-distance thinking
Trombik, Kamil Piotr
Data publikacji:
Copernicus Center Press
Michał Heller
filozofia w nauce
filozofia nauki
filozofia przyrody
historia filozofii polskiej
philosophy in science
philosophy of science
philosophy of nature
history of Polish philosophy
Book review: Oblicza filozofii w nauce, P. Polak, J. Mączka, W.P. Grygiel (eds.), Copernicus Center Press, Kraków 2017, pp. 386.
Recenzja książki: Oblicza filozofii w nauce, P. Polak, J. Mączka, W.P. Grygiel (red.), Copernicus Center Press, Kraków 2017, ss. 386.
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce; 2018, 64; 201-207
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konsekwencje globalistycznego modelu nauki
Consequences of Global Model of Science
Błaszczyński, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
globalna nauka
globalistyczna nauka
polskie szkolnictwo wyższe
ład akademicki
global science
globalistic science
polish higher education
academical order
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest opis i wyjaśnienie idei globalistycznej nauki oraz stosunkowo nowego zjawiska jakim jest globalna nauka. Następnie opis i wyjaśnienie procesu implementacji oraz ukonstytuowania się globalistycznej idei nauki oraz globalnego modelu nauki (GMN) w Polsce i na ïwiecie. Opis uzupełniony jest o konsekwencje dominacji GMN dla funkcjonowania polskiego szkolnictwa wyższego. Ostatnim celem jest opis i wyjaïnienie procesu straty kacji uczonych w skali lokalnej oraz globalnej. Narracja artykułu osadzona będzie na tle teoretycznym paradygmatu strukturalnego funkcjonalizmu oraz teorii konfliktu.
The purpose of this article is to describe and explain the idea of globalistic science and a relatively new phenomenon named global science. Next follows a description and explanation of the implementation process and the constitution of the globalistic idea of science and the Global Model of Science (GMS) in Poland and in the World. Description is supplemented with the consequences of dominance of the GMS for the functioning of Polish higher education. The last aim is to describe and explain the process of strati cation of scholars on the local and the global scale. Narration of the article will be set on the theoretical background of the structural functionalism and con ict theory paradigms.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2014, 4; 13-22
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Marian Walczak (1923–2020) – w służbie nauce, nauczycielom i edukacji
Marian Walczak (1923–2020) – serving the science, teachers and education
Madalińska-Michalak, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego
Marian Walczak
an activist of Polish Teachers’ Union
SecretaryGeneral of the Polish Educational Research Association
Polish EducationalResearch Association (PERA) social scientific movement
people of science
Aim: The aim of the article is to analyse the selected aspects of the social and scientific activities of Prof. Marian Walczak (1923–2020). Particular attention is paid to the activity of Prof. Marian Walczak for the Polish Educational JOANNA 118 MADALIŃSKA-MICHALAK Research Association, PERA, of which he was the Secretary General in the years 1981–2020. Methods: A historical analysis of source materials. Results: Bringing closer the history and development of the Polish Educational Research Association, PERA, the chosen examples of tasks carried out by Professor Walczak in cooperation with the authorities of the Society, which are part of the broad spectrum of scientific, organizational and programmatic activities of PERA have been presented. The article shows that Prof. Marian Walczak’s social and scientific activities have resulted in very important achievements. Conclusions: Prof. Marian Walczak has gone down in the memory of posterity with his activities for the history of the Polish Teachers’ Union, the history of education in Poland in the twentieth century and the history of the Polish Educational Research Association. The presented analyses show that the scientific output of Prof. Marian Walczak and his involvement in the social scientific movement are very significant for the development of the Polish pedagogical thought, educational practice and the social scientific movement.
Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy; 2021, LXIV, 1-2; 107-118
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polska Bibliografia Naukowa – powstanie, rozwój i znaczenie
Polish Scientific Bibliography – Origin, Development and Meaning
Woźniak, Barbara
Zawadzka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Polish Scientific Bibliography
science evaluation system
Polska Bibliografia Naukowa
system ewaluacji nauki
W artykule przeanalizowano rozwój systemu instytucjonalnej ewaluacji nauki w Polsce. Szczegółowo omówiono Polską Bibliografię Naukową (PBN) – jej transformację, stan obecny, funkcjonalność, potrzeby, oczekiwania użytkowników oraz znaczenie i zadania na przyszłość. PBN jest istotnym portalem Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki oraz bazą bibliograficzno-analityczną zintegrowanego Systemu Informacji o Szkolnictwie Wyższym POL-on. Ranga PBN wynika z przypisywanej jej roli oficjalnego źródła danych, wykorzystywanego w procesie ewaluacji jednostek naukowych, a w konsekwencji służącego do podziału dotacji w szkolnictwie wyższym.
The article characterizes the development of the system of institutional evaluation of science in Poland. The Polish Scientific Bibliography (PBN) is discussed in detail – its transformation, current state, functionality, needs, users’ expectations as well as its importance and tasks for the future. The PBN is an important portal of the Ministry of Education and Science and a bibliographic-analytical database of an integrated Information System on Higher Education POL-on. The importance of the PBN results from its role as an official data source used in the process of evaluation of scientific units and consequently, for the distribution of subsidies in higher education.
Folia Bibliologica; 2021, 63; 91-109
Pojawia się w:
Folia Bibliologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Politics of Political Science in Poland: The Ongoing Reform of Higher Education
Warzec, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Instytut Nauki o Polityce
political science
international relations
political theory
IR theory
Polish higher education
higher education politics
The 21st century can be called a "century of reforms" in the Polish system of higher education and science. Each successive ruling party was looking for an opportunity to revise the way the Polish Academia was organized. Those reforms were aimed at changing the system of evaluation of higher education institutions (and the associated system of granting public subsidies thereto). But also they were targeting the list of scientific disciplines recognized and subsidized by the government. That was possible thanks to the fact that each piece of legislation on funding the Polish system of higher education was imparting power on the Minister of Higher Education to issue an executive act. Such discretionary decisions allow for influencing the way institutional science is organized in Poland. It is also a reason why in Poland "scientific lobbying" has arisen and various research coteries have been trying to promote their subfields to the rank of "discipline" by influencing the Ministry. This paper is an attempt at summing up the 21st-century debate over the shape and legal foundations of the institutional dimension of the realm of political science. It is also an attempt to provide evidence that in Poland it is not theory that is influencing the decisions of recognizing new disciplines that are arising from the field of political science, but rather the political (and lobbying) practice as well as discretionary decisions of the Ministry are shaping the development of theory.
Polish Journal of Political Science; 2023, 9, 1; 46-59
Pojawia się w:
Polish Journal of Political Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Perspektywy gwiazdarskie”. Lunety w literaturze i piśmiennictwie naukowym polskiego baroku
„Perspektywy gwiazdarskie” – „Stellar outlook” (transl.). Telescopes in the mainstream and academic literature of the Polish Baroque period
Raubo, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
scientific revolution
the history of astronomy
the telescope
Polish literature
the popularization of science
academic literature
The telescope played a crucial role in the modern scientific revolution and occupied a significant place in Baroque culture. Interest in the telescope has been confirmed by Polish literary sources and writings, including scientific treatises and compendia of knowledge. Telescopes are the subject of works on the popularization of science written in the scientia curiosa convention. Reflections on the telescope appear in the context of deliberations on the world system, on the possibility of the existence of life forms on the Moon and other celestial bodies, and in the context of polemic against Aristotelian cosmology. The telescope is an element of religious deliberations concerning eschatology and those focused on astronomy, whose aspiration to get to know the universe is motivated by secular curiosity. The matter of conducting observations of the sky with the use of the telescope has turned into a comedy show, in a satirical way relating to the practice of astrology.
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka; 2017, 31; 213-251
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The English Connection: Jacob and Johann Philipp Breyne, James Petiver and Plants: The Correspondence between the Breynes and Petiver from the 1690s
Pękacka-Falkowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
history of science
transfer of knowledge
Polish Prussia (in the seventeenth century)
Danzig/Gdańsk, Royal Society
The article discusses the hitherto unknown correspondence between the Danzig (present-day Gdańsk) botanist Jacob Breyne, his son Johann Philipp Breyne, and James Petiver in the last decade of the seventeenth century. Their correspondence documents contacts between one of the most important naturalists of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the second half of the seventeenth century and members of the Royal Society. The content of the letters reveals how books, naturalia and various artefacts circulated between Western and East-Central Europe. It also reveals the principles of reciprocity and friendship followed by those who conducted inquiries into natural history.
Kwartalnik Historyczny; 2022, 128, 2; 167-198
Pojawia się w:
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sto lat międzynarodowej współpracy Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego
100 years of international cooperation of the Polish Geological Society
Ślączka, Andrzej
Sikora, Rafał
Waśkowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
historia nauk geologicznych
Polish Geological Society
history of geological science
In the 100-year history of the Polish Geological Society (PGS), international activity has been very important element of its activity. Shortly after the formation of PGS in 1921, CBGA (1922) and INQUA (1928) were formed as a result of the activities of PGS members. In the post-WWII period, international cooperation was undertaken by both the Main Board of PGS, as well as regional branches and specialist sections. During this period, foreign activity was limited mainly to the countries of the Eastern Block (Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Yugoslavia) and Austria. Nevertheless, the Ore Deposit Genesis Section and Palaeontological Section joined international organizations (IAGOD and IPA). The revival of international contacts took place in the 1990s. Cooperation was established with societies from the Baltic Countries, Albania and Bulgaria. The Polish Geological Society has become a member of AEGS and EFG and is affiliated with the AAPG. In the first two decades of the 21st century, PGS organized several international conferences: 12th MAEGS (2001), Pan-European Correlation of the epicontinental Triassic 4th Meeting (2007), GEO-Pomerania (2007), ICHNIA (2008), SEDIMENT (2009), 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology (2015) and 16th CETEG Meeting (2018). An important element of international cooperation has always been the participation of geologists from neighbouring countriesin the annual scientific meetings of PTGeol and symposia of specialist sections taking place in border areas. In this respect, the best cooperation in several decades was with colleagues from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, and after 2000 also from Ukraine. PGS grants the status of an honorary member of the Society to distinguished persons from abroad. Even before World War II, Maurice Lugeon became the first honorary member of PGS in history. In 100-year history ofPGS, 47persons from Poland and abroad received it, also members of PGS received status of an honorary member from other Geological Societies.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2022, 70, 4; 282--291
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geopolityczne i polityczne przesłanki "polskiej idei imperialnej"
The geopolitical and political premises of the "Polish imperial idea"
Ambrożek, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne
myśl polityczna
„Polska idea imperialna”
political thought
„Polish imperial idea”
political science
W manifeście „Polska idea imperialna” opisano postulaty polskich konserwatystów w stosunku do polskiej polityki zagranicznej późnego Międzywojnia. Sytuacja międzynarodowa była dla Polski niekorzystna: otoczenie przez dwa totalitaryzmy przejawiające charakter ekspansjonistyczny wymuszało konieczność odpowiedzi gwarantującej zachowanie stanu posiadania. Tytułowy imperializm miał służyć obronie samej niepodległości. Utożsamianie go z chęcią ekspansji jest sprzeczne z przyjętą hierarchią celów. Warunkiem wytworzenia ducha imperialnego było wcześniejsze zagwarantowanie warunków bytowych, które – zdaniem twórców manifestu – były zagrożone. Opisywał on tylko stworzenie fundamentów państwa, nie zaś zasady jego działania w przyszłości. Manifest ten został omówiony z dwóch perspektyw: geopolitycznej i politycznej. W perspektywie geopolitycznej zbadano zgodność polityki zagranicznej postulowanej przez autorów manifestu z przesłankami geopolitycznymi. Analiza polityczna z kolei miała na celu krytyczną ocenę propozycji ustrojowych autorów manifestu.
The manifesto titled “The Polish imperial idea” describes the postulates of Polish conservative circles in relation to the Polish foreign policy of the late Interbellum period. The international situation was then unfavorable for Poland, which was a state bordered by two totalitarian powers, displaying the expansionist character. It required the political response guaranteeing the very existence of the state and preservation of the possession. The term “imperialism” was to denote the defense of independence itself. Equalizing it with the will to expand is against the adopted hierarchy of goals. The condition for the creation of the imperial spirit was the earlier guarantee of living conditions, which - according to the creators of the manifesto - were in danger. They described only the creation of the foundations of the state, not the principle of its operation in the future. This manifesto is discussed from two perspectives: geopolitical and political. In the geopolitical perspective, the conformity of foreign policy postulated by the authors of the manifesto with geopolitical premises was examined. Political analysis, in turn, aimed at critically evaluating the political proposals of the authors of the manifesto.
Przegląd Geopolityczny; 2018, 23; 39-54
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geopolityczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications Polish Academy of Sciences : structure, activities, perspectives
Modelski, J.
Romaniuk, R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications
Polish Academy of Sciences
technical sciences in Poland
research conferences
research expertise
information technologies
science policy
science funding
Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Polish Academy of Sciences (KEiT PAN) has been acting on behalf of scientific community in Poland since 1960. The article presents structure, statutory tasks, and Committee activities on behalf of the integration and development of electronics and telecommunications sciences and technology in Poland. The Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of PAS is all the time an active participant of research life in the country. However, this participation is different than it used to be, and all the time is subject to intense changes. The authors present critically the current status of the Committee, but also undertake an effort to newly define the role, activity and potential of KEiT PAN, in completely new conditions of doing research in Poland, Europe and worldwide, than it was at that time, when the PAS Committees were originally defined. The conclusions, upon possible acceptance by the national research and technical communities of electronics and telecommunications, may possibly serve to change and/or optimise the work of the Committee in the near future.
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2015, 61, 1; 49-56
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dostęp online do wybranych polskich czasopism branżowych i naukowych w ofertach wydawniczych wydawców polskich a ich udostępnianie w Bibliotece Nauki CEON i Polskiej Bibliografii Naukowej
Online access to selected professional and scientific Polish journals in Polish publishers’ offers and sharing them through the Library of Science and Polish Scholarly Bibliography
Knop, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Jerzego Kukuczki w Katowicach
Biblioteka Nauki
czasopisma polskie
dostęp online
oferty wydawców
Polska Bibliografia Naukowa
Library of Science
Polish journals
online access
publishers’ offers
Polish Scholarly Bibliography
Celem artykułu było przedstawienie dostępu online do polskich czasopism branżowych i naukowych w ofertach wydawniczych niektórych polskich wydawców oraz ich udostępniania w Bibliotece Nauki CEON i Polskiej Bibliografii Naukowej. Dokonano przeglądu stron internetowych wybranych wydawców, z uwzględnieniem oferty online periodyków. Zbadano opisy bibliograficzne czasopism wybranych z ofert wydawców w Bibliotece Nauki i PBN pod kątem dostępu do zasobów online. Ustalono, że dostęp online do polskich czasopism branżowych i naukowych podlega rozmaitym zmianom. Bezpłatne periodyki online oferują głównie wydawnictwa uczelniane i PAN. Komercyjni wydawcy Abrys, INFOR PL, SIGMA-NOT, Wolters Kluwer Polska utrzymują odpłatną ofertę online. W bezpłatne udostępnianie zasobów włączają się Biblioteka Nauki CEON i Polska Bibliografia Nauki. Kierunek rozwoju oferty online zależy od podejścia do publikowania, dystrybucji, rozpowszechniania i udostępniania czasopism.
The aim of the paper was to present, the availability of online access to Polish professional and scientific journals in publishing offers of some Polish publishers and how they can be shared through the Library of Science (Biblioteka Nauki CEON) and Polish Scholarly Bibliography. Bibliographic descriptions of journals selected from publishers’ offers in the Library of Science and Polish Scholarly Bibliography were examined for online access. It has been established that online access to Polish professional and scientific journals is subject to various changes. Free online periodicals are mainly offered by university publishing houses and the Polish Academy of Science. Commercial publishers including Abrys, INFOR PL, SIGMA-NOT, andWolters Kluwer Polska maintain paid access. Free access to resources is partly available at the Library of Science (Biblioteka Nauki CEON) and the Polish Scholarly Bibliography. The direction of online availability depends on the approach to publishing, distribution, dissemination, and sharing of journals.
Bibliotheca Nostra. Śląski Kwartalnik Naukowy; 2019, 3(57); 153-167
Pojawia się w:
Bibliotheca Nostra. Śląski Kwartalnik Naukowy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Omówienie książki: Władysław Marek Kolasa, Historiografia prasy polskiej (do 1918 roku). Naukometryczna analiza dyscypliny 1945–2009. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2013; „Prace Monograficzne” nr 678, ISBN 0239-6025, 978-83-7271-843-1, ss. 525 + Bibliografia przedmiotu (CD)
A discussion of a book: Historiografia prasy polskiej (do 1918 roku). Naukometryczna analiza dyscypliny 1945–2009 by Władysław Marek Kolasa. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2013; “Prace Monograficzne” 678, ISBN 0239-6025, 978-83-7271-843-1, 525 pp. + BIbliography (CD)
Kokowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
historiografia prasy polskiej
metodologia historiografii
Władysław Marek Kolasa
historiography of the Polish press
methodology of historiography
science of science
Artykuł przedstawia krytyczne omówienie książki Władysława Marka Kolasy na temat historiografii prasy polskiej. Dotyczy on metodologii historiografii, naukoznawstwa i jego subdyscyplin: naukometrii i bibliometrii.
This article presents a peer review of the book by Władysław Marek Kolasa on the historiography of the Polish press. It regards the methodology of historiography, the science of science and its sub-disciplines: scientometrics and bibliometrics.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2016, 15; 363-371
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy nauka milczy o sensach i wartościach? Przypadek polskich przyrodników
Rogińska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
wywiad pogłębiony
polscy przyrodnicy
in-depth interviews
Polish natural scientists
Can science produce meanings and values? The case of the Polish natural scientists
Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa; 2015, 51, 4(206); 467-482
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tadeusz Czeżowski – obszary filozofowania
Tadeusz Czeżowski – areas of practising philosophy
Słomski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Tadeusz Czeżowski
historia filozofii
filozofia polska
history of philosophy
Polish philosophy
Artykuł przedstawia poglądy Tadeusza Czeżowskiego, który był jednym z najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej. Sformułował szereg reguł określających sposób postępowania w nauce. Najważniejszym wnioskiem jest stwierdzenie, że także teorie metafizyczne mają określoną strukturę logiczną, czyli są interpretacjami logiki, nic zatem nie stoi na przeszkodzie, by również metafizykę uznać za dziedzinę nauki. Według Czeżowskiego istnieją dwa rodzaje teorii etycznych: etyka empiryczna oraz etyka dedukcyjna. Czeżowski jednak nie podjął próby stworzenia własnego systemu etycznego.
This article presents the views of Tadeusz Czeżowski, who was one of the most prominent representatives of the Lviv-Warsaw school. He formulated a number of rules defining the rules of conducting science. His most important conclusion is that also metaphysical theories have a specific logical structure, i.e. they are interpretations of logic, therefore there is nothing to prevent metaphysics from also being considered as a branch of science. According to Czeżowski, there are two types of ethical theories: empirical ethics, and deductive ethics. Czeżowski, however, did not attempt to create his own ethical system.
Galicja. Studia i materiały; 2022, 8: "Filozofia w Galicji III"; 225-235
Pojawia się w:
Galicja. Studia i materiały
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Principles and requirements for the soil texture analysis according to methods recommended by International Standard Organization [ISO]
Drzymala, S
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
International Standard Organization
soil science
Polish standard
Polish Normalization Committee
soil material
particle size distribution
International Standard-ISO 11277
international standard
soil texture
For several years now the Polish Normalisation Committee (PKN) has been angaged in the process of introduction (and implementation) of international standards complying with the Internationsl Standard Organsation (ISO) into the set of of Polish Standards.At present, in the PKN Commission of Soil Physics, a number of such standards are being prepared (translated) -including a very comprehensive standard dealing with partiele size distribution determination in soil material-ISO 11277 [6], Some principles and requirements included in this standard differ significantly from those commonly accepted and widely in use now in numerous pedologie laboratories in Poland [7,8]. Below there are some of the most important differences: (1 ) the requirement to remove organic matter from test samples (using 30% v/v solution of H2O2), (2) the requirement to remove water soluble salts and gypsum (to electrical conductivity 0,4 dS/m), (3) sample dispersion process must be longer than 18 hours. Many other requirements, of relatively lesser importance, in many cases also do not correlate with those commonly accepted in our laboratories.
Acta Agrophysica; 2000, 35
Pojawia się w:
Acta Agrophysica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Grupy nieletnich przestępców
Gangs of juvenile delinquents
Pawełczyńska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
grupy przestępcze
nieletni przestępcy
Zakład Kryminologii Państwowej Akademii Nauk
criminal groups
juvenile offenders
Department of Criminology at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Science
In the years 1953 to 1955 the Department of Criminology of the Institute of Legal Sciences carried out research on gangs of juvenile delinquents; it was a matter of the offences committed by three or more boys aged up to 17 who formed gangs of offenders. At the Warsaw Juvenile Court the records of 716 juveniles who had, during the period in question; participated in 181 crime-committing gangs, have been investigated. Out of this material detailed investigation has been carried out on 50 groups, comprising 215 juveniles. Such detailed investigation comprised environment interviews in the family home, comprehensive conversations with the mothers, interviews at the schools, psychological examination of the minors themselves (part of them were also examined by a physician) and talks with the juveniles, who were investigated in detail from the point of view of the problem of gangs. Apart from the research carried out in Warsaw, 74 gangs comprising 309 juvenile offenders were investigated at the Juvenile Courts in the following provincial cities: Łódź, Katowice, Cracow, and Bialystok. The research dealt with all the gangs of juvenile offenders whose cases came before the above-mentioned four Juvenile Courts in the first six months of 1954. Such research has been carried out by the Judges of the Juvenile courts themselves, according to a special questionnaire; and consisted in the juveniles giving detailed evidence concerning circumstances such as participation in the gangs, in talks with the mothers, and environment interviews (with part of the cases also psychological examination was carried out). The basic material for the present, contribution are the 50 Warsaw and the 74 provincial gangs, all of them investigated in detail. 1. Out of a total of 255 gangs investigated (181 gangs investigated on the basis of judicial record and 124 gangs investigated in detail) there were: a) 113 gangs systematically committing thefts. b) 36 gangs committing either thefts or else deeds consisting in aggressively accosting or beating up (whether boys of their own age or older persons), in destroying property and in disturbing public peace. These are so-called acts of hooliganism. c) 24 gangs committing only acts of a hooligan character mentioned above. Finally, out of the 255 gangs investigated 82 gangs were selected which had committed only one theft, and the majority of which cannot be considered to be offender gangs because of the lack of any real bond between the members of such gangs. The age of the members of the offender gangs was as follows: 17.3 per cent of the boys were under 10 years of age. 34.6 per cent were from 11 to 12. 31 per cent were from 13 to 14. 17.1 per cent were from 15 to 17. The percentages in the several types of gangs are, in principle, rather similar. In the gangs which systematically committed thefts a bigger span between the ages of the members was found than in the other types of gangs. While in the remaining types of gangs the juveniles are usually of the same age, or else the difference of age between them amounts to from one to two years, in the gangs which systematically commit thefts, in 37 per cent of the cases the difference of age amounts to more than three years. As far as the number of members of whom a gang was composed is concerned, detailed investigation has established the fact that gangs numbering from three to four members amounted merely to 16 per cent, while gangs composed of six and more members were as many as 64 per cent (gangs of ten and more members were 22 per cent), It ought to be stressed that the actual number of members of a gang was not known to the Court; in the records the number of members of such an offender gang was, as a rule, considerably smaller. 2. The data concerning the home environment of the members of the gangs under investigation, their way of life and personality look more or less similarly as those concerning juvenile recidivists whose cases are discussed in the same volume of the Archives, and this is why we do not discuss these data in detail here. It is worth noting that a bad material situation of the families was more frequent in the case of the juveniles belonging to the gangs which went in for systematic thefts than with the other types of gangs: there were 60 per cent of such cases, while e.g. with the members of hooligan gangs the same situation was found in a mere 21 per cent. In the gangs which went in for systematic thefts there were more juveniles who hailed from homes where the family life had altogether gone to pieces. They were families in which an accumulation of such factors as the alcoholism of the fathers, continual brawls in the home, delinquency, etc., was found. In 66.6 per cent of the gangs which went in for systematical stealing all their members came just from such families, while e.g. in 45 per cent of the hooligan gangs all their members carne from families in which no decay of the family was found. Similarly, the number of children deprived of parental control at home was the largest among the members of the gangs which went in for systematic stealing. On the other hand, a bad attitude of the parents towards their child was more frequently found among the members of hooligan gangs than in the other types of gangs. The percentage of fathers who treated their children brutally was also highest here. 3. With offender gangs it is a matter of great importance whether the members of such gangs had committed criminal offences prior to their starting criminal their activities in gangs. In the areas of the several Juvenile Courts the percentage of juveniles who had previously been committing offences amounted to from 30.3 per cent to 52.6 per cent. The largest number of juveniles who had been committing crimes before, and consequently brought a considerable degree of depravation with them into the gangs belongs to the hooligan-and-stealing gangs (62.4 per cent) and to the gangs which go in for systematic thefts (42.4 per cent). On the other hand, the percentage of recidivists is low in the hooligan gangs and in those gangs which committed theft but once. Thefts constitute 76.7 per cent of the total of the offences committed previously, thefts together with hooligan acts - 14 per cent, and hooligan offences alone - only 9.3 per cent. Prior to their joining the gang, the boys stole mostly small sums of money, and' in the next place, food and sweets. Thefts of intoxicating liquor appear more frequently than with other types with those juveniles who later on joined hooligan gangs. At the time of making our investigations, the juveniles who acted in delinquent gangs had already gone astray considerably, and their way of life was almost entirely disorganized. 4. The data concerning the origin of the gangs show that: 40 per cent of the gangs arose owing to contacts between boys who lived in the neighborhood; 32 per cent of them arose partly owing to neighbourly contacts, and partly owing to acquaintance struck at school; 15 per cent of the gangs arose as a result of boys meeting in the street, in public parks, at the cinema, in various places of public entertainment; 9 per cent of the groups were composed of boys who had met only at school; 4 per cent of the gangs were composed of boys who had come near each other during escapes from home or a correctional institution. The large majority of the gangs which arose owing to neighborhood and school contacts consists of stealing gangs. The picture is altogether different in the case of gangs which arose in places of common entertainment. Here the majority consists of hooligan gangs mostly formed by older boys. The period of activity of such a gang down to the moment of it committing its first offence is mostly very brief. The mechanism of the formation of such criminal gangs also varied: the boys, as a rule, at first formed groups just with the view to having good time. The transformation of ordinary neighborhood groups for purposes of play into criminal gangs was fostered by the family conditions of the members of such groups; by the lack of adequate care and of proper bonds between the boy and his family home, as well as by the harmful influence of the social environment at large. School becomes, under certain circumstances, an additional factor favorable for the creation of gangs. Part of the members of such gangs consist of children who are excitable, nervous, retarded in development, and encountering great difficulties in adapting themselves to study at school and to the requirements set by the school. Such children easily become alienated from the pupils community, forming a peculiar social margin within the school. 5. From the point of view of organizational structure we can distinguish, in the material under investigation, loose gangs, gangs with certain elements of organization, and organized gangs. Loose gangs amounted to 52.4 per cent. Their composition varied, they lacked elements of an organization altogether, they had no leader and no ,,den" of their own. Organized gangs, with a leader and a crystallized division of roles within the gang, amounted to 23.4 per cent. Gangs with but some elements of organization amounted to 24.2 per cent. Organized gangs occur more frequently among the gangs which go in for systematic stealing (35 per cent) than among other types of gangs, while, on the other hand, loose gangs are typical, of hooligan gangs (91 per cent). There exists a very essential difference between the gangs which go in for systematic stealing and those of a hooligan character. While the former are offender gangs the prime purpose of which is to commit thefts, the gangs which go in for hooligan offences are really groups for purposes of play, with whom the offence is closely connected with perverted play. 6. With the gangs which committed thefts the object of such thefts were mostly things of very small material value - food in 31 per cent of the cases, sums of money, mostly very small, in 10 per cent, sports and technical articles in 10.1 per cent, sweets in 9.1 per cent, alcoholic liquors in 8.5 per cent, building materials in 7 per cent, clothing in 6,4 per cent, while bicycles accounted for only 1.1 per cent, and watches and jewelry - for 0.8 per cent. A comparison between the objects stolen by the hooligan-cum-stealing gangs with those stolen by the stealing ones shows obvious differences in accordance with the type of the gang. In the gangs which went in for stealing only, the most frequent object of theft is food (37 per cent), then sport and technical articles (12.9 per cent), sweets (11.8 per cent), clothing are (8.3 per cent). Alcoholic liquors one of the most infrequent objects of theft (0.8 per cent). On the other hand, with the hooligan-cum-stealing gangs, it is precisely alcohol that constitutes the most frequent object of theft !34.5 per cent); the next place is occupied by money (22.3 per cent), while the remaining objects of theft appear much more seldom; they are mostly such objects as can be sold (e.g. building materials account for 12.6 pe cent). In a definite majority of the investigated gangs the value of the stolen object is the outcome of mere chance, and it is dependent on the opportunity of theft which has arisen. The largest number of theft committed by the gangs investigated took place in shops (70.3 per cent). Specialization as to the mode of performing theft is an extremely rare phenomenon with the gangs investigated. The investigated boys who belonged to hooligan and hooligan-cum-stealing gangs have committed the following acts of a hooligan character: Aggressive accosting and beating up 41.6 per cent. Destruction of property (breaking window-panes, street-lamps ect.) 37.6 pe cent. Disturbance of public peace and order 19.1 per cent. Others 1.7 per cent. The character of the hooligan acts perpetrated is closely connected with the age of the investigated. For the younger age groups the characteristic offences are destruction of property (44.4 per cent) and disturbance of public peace (39.5 per cent). 66 per cent of the offences committed by older boys consist of more serious offences - accosting and beating up. Along with the age of the boys and the length of time a gang has existed the number of frequency of hooligan acts perpetrated by them also increases. Hooligan offences were mostly committed by them at school (68.1 per cent) and in the streets and gardens (27 per cent). 7. In the investigation concerning the 50 Warsaw gangs follow-up studies have been carried out, from two to four years after the trial and the following was stated: In this period only 42 per cent of the gangs underwent complete decay, while 58 per cent of them continued to go in to their criminal activities, including 38 per cent, the numerical strength of which had even increased. Nearly all the groups which had committed theft but once underwent a complete decay; so did one half of the gangs which went in for systematic stealing, and one about one-fourth of the hooligan and hooligan-cum-stealing gangs. In the light of our investigation it appears that the gangs composed of younger boys (9 to 12 years) are much more permanent than the gangs composed of older boys. As far as the individual destinies of the several members of the gangs are concerned, the follow-up studies which have been carried out have shown that only 28 per cent of the investigated have completely mended their ways. One half of the investigated have been declared to be recidivists, while with 22 per cent further symptoms of serious demoralization were found, in spite of lack of data concerning the commission of any criminal offences by them. Improvement took place mostly in the case of the less demoralized boys, those who played but a marginal role in the gang. The improvement with younger boys was much more infrequent than that with the older ones (more than 70 per cent of the members of the hooligan-cum-stealing and systematically stealing gangs, aged up to 12, have proved to be incorrigible). The lack of improvement was also related to the length of the period of a juvenile offender's association with his gang. The longer they had participated in the offences committed by the gang, the more difficult it was for them to mend their ways, even after having severed any contacts between themselves and the gang.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1960, I; 113-163
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O niedoskonałościach ChatGPT i wątpliwym wykorzystaniu go w obecnym kształcie technologicznym w nauczaniu języka polskiego oraz w badaniach naukowych
About the imperfections of ChatGPT and its dubious use in its current technological shape in teaching Polish and in scientific research
Prościak, Beata
Prościak, Marcin
Suszyło-Martula, Renata
Sroka, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
artificial intelligence
Polish language
sztuczna inteligencja
język polski
Celem artykułu było pokazanie wad ChatGPT – z punktu widzenia nauczycieli polonistów – w kontekście możliwości wykorzystania go przez uczniów przy pisaniu wypracowań szkolnych z języka polskiego w szkole średniej oraz w badaniach naukowych. Aby opisać problem wykorzystano ankietę internetową o zasięgu ogólnopolskim w czterech losowo wybranych grupach na Facebooku. Ponadto przeprowadzono analizę jakościową tekstów wygenerowanych przez ChatGPT. Okazało się, iż sztuczna inteligencja poprawnie analizuje badania ankietowe jedynie w około 57,6%; nie sprawdza się też przy pisaniu dłuższych wypowiedzi pisemnych na poziomie szkoły średniej. ChatGPT, generując wypracowania, popełnia liczne błędy rzeczowe, ortograficzne, stylistyczne oraz językowe.
The purpose of the article was to show the disadvantages of ChatGPT – from the point of view of Polish language teachers – in the context of its possible use by students when writing school essays in Polish in high school and scientific research. Among the research methods in social research, a nationwide online survey was used in four randomly selected Facebook groups. In addition, a qualitative analysis of the texts generated by ChatGPT has been carried out. It turned out that artificial intelligence correctly analyzes surveys only about 57.6% of the time; it also fails to write longer written statements at the high school level. ChatGPT, when generating essays, makes numerous factual, spelling, stylistic, and linguistic errors.
Polonistyka. Innowacje; 2023, 18; 173-188
Pojawia się w:
Polonistyka. Innowacje
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szkic aktualnej debaty nad naukometrią i bibliometrią w Polsce i zapomniane naukoznawstwo
A sketch on the current debate on scientometrics and bibliometrics versus the forgotten science of science
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
metodologia naukometrii
nadużycia metod naukometrycznych
polityka naukowa
polskie i międzynarodowe standardy naukometrii
methodology of scientometrics
abuses of scientometric methods
science of science
science policy
Polish and international context
W toczonej w Polsce w ostatnich trzech dekadach debacie na temat naukometrii i bibliometrii popełniono bardzo poważny błąd metodyczny: pominięto refleksję naukoznawczą, szczególnie historyczno‑metodologiczną. Artykuł rozważa to pominięte zagadnienie. Aby zrealizować ten cel, posłużono się metodą badań interdyscyplinarnych z zakresu naukoznawstwa i historii naukoznawstwa. Zastosowano tę metodę do analizy wybranych najważniejszych publikacji na temat naukometrii i bibliometrii ostatnich trzech dekad, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kontekstu polskiego. Artykuł omawia: a) kontekst aktualnej debaty na temat naukometrii i bibliometrii w Polsce; b) historię polskich analiz naukometrycznych opartych na zagranicznych bazach indeksacyjnych; c) aktualną dyskusję na temat naukometrii i bibliometrii w Polsce oraz d) pominięty w aktualnej debacie kluczowy aspekt – nierozerwalny związek naukometrii i bibliometrii z naukoznawstwem. Wnioskiem z przeprowadzonych badań jest postulat powrotu w Polsce do badań informetrycznych (naukometrycznych, bibliometrycznych, webometrycznych, …), świadomie rozwijanych w kontekście zintegrowanego naukoznawstwa. Wiedzę tę należy wykorzystać w kształtowaniu aktualnej polityki naukowej: struktury organizacyjnej nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego oraz formowania zasad oceny dorobku naukowego instytucji i poszczególnych pracowników oraz czasopism naukowych.
In the debate on scientometrics and bibliometrics, taking place in Poland in the last 25 years, a very serious methodical and methodological mistake has been committed by neglecting the reflection about the science of science, especially of historical and methodological character. The following article discusses this issue. This aim was achieved with the use of a method of interdisciplinary research originating from the scope of the science of science and the history of the science of science. This method was applied to the analysis of selected major publications on scientometrics and bibliometrics in the past 25 years, with special emphasis on Polish context. The results are discussed in the article, i.e. a) the context of the current debate on scientometrics and bibliometrics in Poland; b) the history of Polish scientometric analyses based on foreign indexation databases; c) the current discussion on scientometrics and bibliometrics in Poland and d) the key aspect ignored in the current debate, namely the inseparable connection of scientometrics and bibliometrics with the science of science. The study leads to the following conclusions: it is postulated that the informetric (scientometric, bibliometric, Webometric, etc.) studies return to the scientific discourse, which would be consciously developed in the context of the integrated science of science. This knowledge should be utilized in the development of the current science policy, i.e. the organizational structure of science and higher education and the formation of rules of appraisal of scientific institutions, individual employees and scientific journals.
Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU; 2015, 14; 117-134
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jakiej naukometrii i bibliometrii potrzebujemy w Polsce?
What kind of scientometrics and bibliometrics do we need in Poland?
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
metodologia naukometrii
nadużycia metod naukometrycznych
polityka naukowa
polskie i międzynarodowe standardy naukometrii
methodology of scientometrics
abuses of scientometric methods
science of science
science policy
Polish and international context
Celem tego badawczo‑przeglądowego artykułu jest zbadanie podstaw naukowych naukometrii / bibliometrii – wskazanie jej faktycznych możliwości „detekcyjno‑pomiarowych”. Przeprowadzana analiza dokonywana jest z autorskiej perspektywy zintegrowanego naukoznawstwa oraz historii i metodologii tak pojmowanego naukoznawstwa (szczególnie historii i metodologii naukometrii / bibliometrii oraz historii i metodologii nauki). Stanowi to o nowości ujęcia tematyki i determinuje: a) sposob wyboru publikacji i ich interpretacji oraz b) hierarchię analizowanych zagadnień. Artykuł opisuje: dominujący na świecie i w Polsce (niekrytyczny) pogląd na temat podstaw naukometrii / bibliometrii i liczne poważne naukowe ograniczenia podstaw naukometrii / bibliometrii, takie jak: a) niezgodność z danymi empirycznymi tzw. praw naukometrycznych i prawa koncentracji Garfielda; b) stronniczość dziedzinowa, językowa oraz geograficzna baz indeksacyjnych; c) róożne praktyki komunikacji naukowej; d) orientacja lokalna (narodowo‑państwową) nauk humanistycznych i społecznych oraz lokalne indeksy cytowań; e) wady definicji wskaźnika wpływu (IF) i manipulacje jego wartościami, „gra w Impact Factor”; f) rozliczne problemy z cytowaniami: syndrom Mendla, syndrom klasycznej publikacji, tzw. cytowania drugorzędne i trzeciorzędne, syndrom palimpsestu, efekt zaniku cytowań, kradzieże cytowań, tzw. efekt Mateusza, negatywne cytowania, „modne bzdury”, przymusowe cytowania, patologie: tzw. karteli albo spółdzielni cytowań, „autorstwa gościnnego” oraz „autorstwa honorowego”; g) odróżnienia „wpływu publikacji” i „znaczenia publikacji, doniosłości publikacji”; h) efektywność indeksowania publikacji w bazach elektronicznych i internetowych a nowoczesność techniczna publikacji. Odkrycie tego typu ograniczeń naukometrii / bibliometrii wywołało powstanie biobibliometrii, alternatywnych metryk (‘altmetrics’) oraz ruchu otwartej nauki. Uwzględnienie analizowanych informacji prowadzi do ogolnej konkluzji mającej znaczenie dla aktualnej polityki naukowej w Polsce: należy przeciwstawić się „tyranii bibliometrii”, gdyż nie służy to rozwojowi nauki. Dlatego trzeba ograniczyć stosowanie metod naukometrycznych w ocenie działalności naukowej, szczególnie nauk humanistycznych i nauk społecznych. Artykuł opowiada się również za realizacją priorytetowej dla MNiSW idei promowania dorobku polskich nauk humanistycznych i społecznych w kraju i za granicą. W tym celu wnioskuje się: a) rozwijać zintegrowane naukoznawstwo (uwolni to od licznych błędow naukometrii i bibliometrii); b) rozbudowywać bazy indeksacyjne publikacji, biblioteki cyfrowe oraz repozytoria cyfrowe, c) intensyfikować udział polskich badaczy w międzynarodowej przestrzeni badawczej, w tym aktywnie włączyć się w projekt budowy europejskiej bazy indeksacyjnej humanistyki i nauk społecznych, d) rozwijać otwarty dostęp do treści naukowych oraz e) unowocześnić polskie czasopisma naukowe i wydawnictwa naukowe.
The aim of this research study and review article is to examine the scientific basis of scientometrics and bibliometrics, i.e. to show their real “detection and measurement” capabilities. The analysis is conducted from the author’s perspective of the integrated science of science and the history and methodology of the science of science following this perspective. Particular emphasis is placed on the history and methodology of scientometrics and bibliometrics and the history and methodology of science. This perspective is a new approach to the subject matter and determines a) how to select publications and their interpretations and b) which hierarchy the analyzed issues should follow. The article describes the view, dominant both in the world and in Poland, on the basics of scientometrics and bibliometrics and their numerous serious scientific restrictions, such as: a) the incompatibility of the so‑ called scientometric laws and the Garfield law of concentration with the empirical data; b) the domain bias, the language bias and the geographical bias of indexation databases; c) various practices of scientific communication; d) the local (national or state‑ level) orientation of humanities, social sciences and citation indexes; e) the disadvantages of the impact factor (IF), the manipulations with its values and the “impact factor game”; f) the numerous problems with and abuses of citations, e.g. the Mendel syndrome, the “classic” publication bias, the palimpsestic syndrome, the effect of the disappearance of citations, the so‑ called Matthew effect, the theft of citations, the so‑ called secondary and tertiary citations, negative citations, “fashionable nonsenses”, forced citations, the pathologies of the so‑ called citation cartels or cooperative citations, the guest authorship and the honorable authorship; g) the distinction between the “impact of publication” and the “importance of publication” or the “significance” of publication; h) the effectiveness of indexation of publications in electronic and Internet databases and the technological modernity of publications. The discovery of such restrictions regarding scientometrics and bibliometrics has led to the creation of, among others, biobibliometrics, alternative metrics (“altmetrics”) and the open science movement. The analysis of this information results in a general conclusion that is relevant to the current scientific policy in Poland, i.e. it is necessary to resist the “tyranny of bibliometrics”, because it does not serve the development of science. As a consequence, the use of scientometric methods in evaluations of scientific activities should be limited, particularly in the humanities and social sciences. The article also advocates for implementing the idea, considered as priority, of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which is the promotion of the achievements of Polish humanities and social sciences at home and abroad. In order to achieve this aim, the following is proposed: a) developing the integrated science of science (as protection against the numerous errors of scientometrics and bibliometrics); b) expanding indexation databases of publications, digital libraries and digital repositories; c) intensifying the participation of Polish scientists in international research, including becoming actively involved in the international project aiming at building a European indexation database for humanities and social sciences, d) developing open access to scientific contents and e) modernizing Polish scientific journals and scientific publishing.
Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU; 2015, 14; 135-184
Pojawia się w:
Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Gender Order and the Disassembling She-Protagonists: Polish Academic Culture in the First Half of the Twentieth Century as an Illustrative Example
Dadej, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
Polish female scientists
history of gender and science
female venia legendi in Poland
Helena Polaczkówna
Helena Willmann-Grabowska
The article deals with Polish academic culture and the gender order prevalent therein in the former half of the twentieth century. The protagonists are a group of women who worked, in the circumstances of their time, on their postdoctoral (habilitation) theses. In my perception, this was the group that initiated the processes of change in the gender relations in the academic environment. The struggle for recognition in the world of science is exemplarily shown on the basis of the professional trajectories of Helena Polaczkówna and Helena Willmann-Grabowska.
Acta Poloniae Historica; 2018, 117
Pojawia się w:
Acta Poloniae Historica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The report on the activities of the PAU Commission on the History of Science in 2016/2017
Sprawozdanie Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2016/2017
Kokowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Commission on the History of Science
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Komisja Historii Nauki PAU
The report discusses the activities of the Commission on the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2016/2017. It presents the lists of: scientific meeting, conferences, and new publications.
Omówiono działalność Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2016/2017. Przedstawiono spisy posiedzeń naukowych, konferencji naukowych oraz nowych publikacji.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2017, 16; 463-466
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nieletni recydywiści
500 juvenile recidivists
Kołakowska, Helena
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
nieletni recydywiści
Zakład Kryminologii Państwowej Akademii Nauk
przestępczość nieletnich
juvenile recidivists
Department of Criminology at the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Science
juvenile delinquency
The research conducted by the Department of criminology of the Institute of Legal sciences has covered 240 juvenile recidivists in Warsaw, and 260 juvenile recidivists in Łodź, Katowice, Cracow and Białystok. In a total of 500 juvenile recidivists there were 463 boys and 37 girls. The age of the juveniles covered by the investigation was as follows: 116 recidivists were between 7 and 12 years of age, while 384 were between 13 and 16. The research carried out in Warsaw in the years 1954 to 1955 consisted in examining judicial records, in environment interviews, interviews at school, at the place of work, as well as in psychological and medical examinations. All the cases of recidivism, whether formal or actual, which came before the juvenile court, were included in the research. Follow-up studies, carried out several times, have made it possible to establish what were the further destinies of the juvenile recidivists after the lapse of some three years from the termination of the research. The research carried out in the four provincial juvenile courts was less detailed and did not comprise psychological or medical examination. Moreover, they could not be supplemented with follow-up studies. All the cases of juvenile recidivists which came before the juvenile courts in six months of the year 1954 were included in the research. The results of the follow-up studies in Warsaw are the following: It appeared that out of the 240 juvenile recidivists examined 116 continued to commit criminal offences within the following three years, 32 of them did not, to be sure, commit offences, but they could be considered as but partly reformed considering their unsettled way of life, their unsystematic work and the whole of their social attitude, while 54 had completely mended their ways. The remaining 38 examined persons could not be included into any of the preceding groups, since part of them still remained in correctional institutions and concerning the rest of them reliable data were lacking. Thus out of 202 juvenile recidivists in Warsaw the percentage of those who continued to commit offences within a three-year period after the termination of our research amounted to 57 per cent, and, over and above that, a further 16 per cent could not be considered as truly reformed. 1. Out of the 500 juveniles recidivists examined only 49 per cent have both parents living, 30 per cent are being brought up only under the care of solitary mothers, 16 per cent have a stepfather and mother, or else a stepmother and father, 3 per cent are brought up by a solitary father, and 2 per cent are orphans who remain under the care of relations. The percentage of factory workers among the fathers amounted to 65 per cent, 13 per cent of the fathers were unskilled manual workers, 10 per cent were clerical workers, 4 per cent were handicraftsmen, and 2 per cent farmers. 32.3 per cent of the mothers did not have any trade and had never worked, 30 per cent were employed as workers, 2s per cent worked manually as cleaners, laundresses, while 9 per cent were clerical workers. In the families where both parents are alive both father and mother worked in 52 per cent of the cases, and the father only - in 48 per cent. In the families where the mother is solitary, as many as 90 per cent of the mothers work. The material situation in the families investigated was described as bad in 47 per cent of the families, middling in 36 per cent and good - in 17 per cent. Taking into consideration both the social outlook of the families and an evaluation of the total of educational factors at work in the family home, four categories of families have been singled out: Family Group A, the most negative, where we have to do, first and foremost, with a particularly intense alcoholism of the fathers, a complete neglect of the home by the parents, bad relations between the parents, a delinquency of the father, a bad attitude towards the child, a lack of care for the child and control over it, and similar factors. These are family environments of the lowest moral level, in which the habitual drunkenness of the fathers has led to a decay of family life. Of such families there were 101, i.e. 20.2 per cent. Family Group B includes the families which also deserve a negative evaluation, but the intensity of negative factors in them is less than in the Group A families. The alcoholism of the fathers is also a typical factor here, only it assumes slightly lesser proportions, while the mothers show more care for their home. A lack of protection of the child, bad educational methods, bad material conditions are present in these families too, just as they are in Group A. of such families there were 125, i.e. 25 per cent. Family Group C consists, first and foremost, of those families in which the children are usually brought up by a solitary mother (42.5 per cent of the cases), who cannot cope with all her duties, and in which the children are deprived of proper care and control. Moreover, in those families where there is a stepfather or stepmother, a very bad attitude to the child and very faulty educational methods have been found to exist. Of such families there were 162, i.e. 32.4 per cent. Family Group D is composed of the families described as ,,good home environment", in which investigators have failed to find any factors negative in the educational sense. Both the moral level of the parents, their mutual relations and the care of the child were beyond any obvious criticism. Of such families there were only 112, i.e. 22.4 per cent. It ought to be stressed, however, that on the basis of the investigation which has been carried out it was not possible to establish properly either the whole of the complicated factors which go to form the educational atmosphere of the home, or fully to elucidate the father's and mother's emotional attitude to their child. It is, therefore, probable, that a detailed analysis of such good family environments (Group D) could yet bring to light the sources of such psychical experiences and emotional conflicts with the children under investigation, as did influence them, causing character deviations. In analyzing how, apart from the delinquency factor, data concerning the degree of demoralization of the five hundred juvenile recidivists investigated looked in the several family groups, and making use of such factors only as the degree of neglecting school work, the amount of playing truant from school, the number of flights from home, strolling about the streets in the company of demoralized schoolmates, etc., on the basis of the Chi-square test a significant relationship has been stated to exist between the type of family environment and the intensity of the demoralization of the juveniles investigated. What is noteworthy, besides, is the fact that among the brothers and sisters of the investigated there were the following percentages of children above 10 years of age, showing symptoms of very serious demoralization: in Group A families - 90 per cent, in Group B families - 32 per cent, in Group C families - 30 per cent, and in Group D families - only 8 per cent. The data concerning the further destinies of 202 Warsaw juvenile recidivists after a lapse of three years also testify to the fact that there exists a significant relationship between the type of family environment and the recidivism or else improvement of the investigated in the future. Of the juveniles seriously demoralized and continuing to steal systematically only 15.2 per cent came from Group D homes, i.e. those with a good reputation, while among the juveniles who had completely mended their ways a mere 7.4 per cent came from the worst family environments (Group A). Among the investigated brought up in those worst family environments as many as 68.5 per cent continued to steal systematically after a lapse of three years, while among the investigated who belonged to Group D families only 26.6 per cent continued to show recidivism on a large scale. 2. On the basis of the results of psychological and psychiatric examination it can be stated that 42 per cent of the Warsaw juvenile recidivists exhibited various pathological traits, while among those of the investigated who later on proved unreformed the percentage of juveniles with pathological traits amounted to 53.4 per cent, among the partly reformed - to 40.6 per cent, and among the entirely reformed - to 18.5 per cent. The percentage of children with psychopahatic traits and of children with symptoms of neurosis together constituted 22 per cent of the total of those examined in Warsaw (42 cases). Of children with symptoms of a post-traumatic state there were 16, of sufferers from epilepsia - 7, with post-encephalitic disorders - 3. Mental deficiency (feeblemindedness) has been stated in g per cent of the cases. Even though the majority of the recidivists who continued to commit criminal offences in the period of the next three years exhibited pathological traits, yet 47 per cent of the recidivists, with whom no such traits were found, also committed offences. On the other hand, among the entirely reformed there were 18.5 per cent of such recidivists who also exhibited pathological traits. Although on the basis of the Chi-square test we find a significant relationship to exist between pathological traits and the lack or the presence of moral improvement, yet we ought not to forget the dependence between other factors and the lack of improvement, which has been established in the course of tests. 3. All the 500 juvenile recidivists examined committed thefts, even those few (16 per cent) who were tried for various other offences, also committed thefts. Barely 8 per cent of the boys examined committed thefts individually, while a typical phenomenon are thefts committed by them in a group of juvenile accomplices. 68 per cent of the investigated acted in gangs of three or more. 43 per cent of the juvenile recidivists (boys) began to steal between the 7th and the 10th  year of their lives, and 28 per cent between the 11th and 12th. There exists a significant relationship between the early starting of delinquent activities and recidivism later on. Out of the investigated with whom the first thefts took place between the 7th and the 10th year of their lives as many as 72.5 per cent continued to steal during the period of follow-up studies, while only 11.4 per cent reformed. Similarly, those recidivists who had begun stealing at the age of from 11 to 12 continued to steal systematically in 68.4 per cent of the cases. On the other hand, such recidivists with whom the first thefts took place only at the. age of 13 or 14, or even of 15or 16, later on figured in the entirely reformed groups in 44 per cent and 52 per cent respectively. There also exists a significant association between the length of the period of committing thefts and the further destinies of the investigated. Those juvenile recidivists who had previously been stealing for from 3 to 4 years and from 5 to 9 years, later on figured in the ,,unreformed" group to the amount of 69 per cent and 63.5 per cent respectively. On the other hand, those juveniles with whom the period of committing thefts did not exceed two years formed almost equal percentages in the unreformed groups (52 per cent and 48 per cent respectively). The results of the investigation seem to speak in favor of the view that the younger the age of the juvenile delinquent, and the longer the period of his criminal activities, the bigger the probability that he will continue to commit thefts for at least several years to come. Moreover, those juvenile offenders who had started stealing at the age of from 7 to 10 years continued to steal then systematically in 85 per cent of the cases, while those juveniles who had started stealing only after completing their 13th or 14th year of age, later on stole only sporadically, at least in an overwhelming majority of the cases. Moreover, there exists a significant relationship between the systematic character of committing thefts and the lack of improvement later on. Out of the juvenile recidivists who stole ,systematically only 14 per cent were found, after the lapse of three years, in the entirely reformed group, while among those who stole only sporadically the percentage amounted to as many as 47 per cent. 4. The majority of the juvenile recidivists stole, first and foremost, money, and, apart from money, food articles and single articles of clothing. OnIy 11 per cent of the investigated went in for stealing objects of greater value, such as watches, bicycles, etc. A typical theft concerned but a small number of objects and the damage thereby caused was, as a rule, negligible. The place where thefts are most frequently perpetrated are shops and kiosks, and only after them - the family home and the school. Depending on the age of the investigated and on various lengths of the periods during which they committed offences there are, of course, differences, both as to the objects of theft and as to the places where the latter were committed. The thefts committed by the 37 recidivist girls investigated differed from the thefts committed by the boys. The girls stole almost exclusively money and articles of clothing, and it was only in exceptional cases that they committed thefts in shops. Girls began stealing a great deal later in Iife than the boys, and, as a rule, stole alone, without partners. The last chapter of the contribution discusses critically the practice of juvenile courts 'concerning the fight against the recidivism of juvenile offenders and the activities of the probation officers and correctional institutions.
Archiwum Kryminologii; 1960, I; 55-112
Pojawia się w:
Archiwum Kryminologii
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Українська наука та освіта у міжвоєнний період на землях, що входили до Польщі
Ukrainian education and learning on Ukrainian lands included in the Second Republic of Poland in the interwar period
Oświata i nauka ukraińska w okresie międzywojennym na ziemiach wchodzących w skład II Rzeczpospolitej
Sahan, Hałyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
українська наука, українсько-польські зв’язки, західноукраїнські землі, Наукового товариства ім. Шевченка
nauka ukraińska, stosunki ukraińsko-polskie, Ukraina Zachodnia, Towarzystwo Naukowe im. Tarasa Szewczenki.
Ukrainian science, Ukrainian-Polish relations, Western Ukrainian lands, Shevchenko Scientific Society
У статті розкрито становище української вищої освіти та науки на західноукраїнських землях, які у міжвоєнний період увійшли до складу Польщі. Показано зусилля Наукового товариства ім. Шевченка у Львові, Товариства українських наукових викладів ім. П.Могили та Ставропігійського братства при греко-католицькій церкві Успіня Пресвятої Богородиці щодо організації університетських курсів. Зазначено, що значний влад у розвиток української науки та її презентації на світовому рівні зробила Богословська Академія у Львові (заснована у жовтні 1929 р.). Беззаперечним лідером української науки в регіоні у міжвоєнний період було Наукового товариства ім. Шевченка, яке попри всі складнощі змогло розвивати українську науку і знайомити з нею іноземний світ.
The article describes the situation of Ukrainian higher education and science in the western Ukrainian lands, which became part of Poland in the interwar period. Through the efforts of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv, the Association of Ukrainian Scientific Exhibitions. P. Graves and the Stavropigian Brotherhood at the Greek Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the organization of university courses. It is noted that a significant authority in the development of Ukrainian science and its presentation at the world level was made by the Theological Academy in Lviv (founded in October 1929). The undisputed leader of Ukrainian science in the region during the interwar period was the Scientific Society. Shevchenko, who, despite all the difficulties, was able to develop Ukrainian science and familiarize it with the foreign world.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie sytuacji ukraińskiego szkolnictwa wyższego oraz nauki na zachodnich ziemiach ukraińskich, które stały się częścią Polski w okresie międzywojennym. Szczególna uwagę zwrócono na wysiłki Towarzystwa Naukowego im Tarasa Szewczenki we Lwowie, Towarzystwa Ukraińskich Wykładów Naukowych im P. Mohyły i Bractwa Stawropigijskiego przy Kościele greckokatolickim Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w zakresie organizacji kursów uniwersyteckich. Autorka konstatuje, że znaczący wkład do rozwoju nauki ukraińskiej podniesienia jej poziomu miała Akademia Teologiczna we Lwowie (założona w październiku 1929 r.). Analiza dokumentów źródłowych wskazuje jednoznacznie, że w okresie międzywojennym niekwestionowanym liderem rozwoju nauki ukraińskiej w tym regionie było Towarzystwo Naukowe im. Tarasa Szewczenki, które mimo rozlicznych trudności było w stanie rozwijać ukraińską naukę i prezentować ją poza granicami Ukrainy.
TEKA Komisji Polsko-Ukraińskich Związków Kulturowych; 2019, 5, 14; 235-244
Pojawia się w:
TEKA Komisji Polsko-Ukraińskich Związków Kulturowych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Videoconference “The Polish journals on the history and philosophy of science and the science of science: How to get to Scopus, WoS, ICI, DOAJ and ERIH+? Why is it worth doing?” (Kraków – Warsaw – Toruń, Poland, April 16, 2020, 10.00–15.00).
Kokowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
scientific journals, history and philosophy of science, science studies, Scopus, WoS, ICI, DOAJ, ERIH +, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAAS), Institute of the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IHS PAS), Commission of the History
czasopisma naukowe, historia i filozofii nauki, naukoznawstwo, Scopus, WoS, ICI, DOAJ, ERIH+, Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Instytut Historii Nauki PAN, Komisja Historii Nauki PAU, Pracownia Naukoznawstwa IHN PAN
The article sketches the subject matter and the course of the first videoconference in the history of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Institute of the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences: “The Polish journals on the history and philosophy of science and the science of science: How to get to Scopus, WoS, ICI, DOAJ and ERIH+. Why is it worth doing?” (Krakow – Warsaw – Toruń, 16 April 2020, 10.00–15.00).The conference was organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Commission on the History of Science at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, and to mark the establishment of the Laboratory for the Science of Science at the Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, currently the only one (!) unit for the science of science in Poland.
Artykuł szkicuje tematykę i przebieg pierwszej w dziejach Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności i Instytutu Historii Nauki PAN Wideokonferencji pt. „Polskie czasopisma z historii i filozofii nauki oraz naukoznawstwa: Jak dostać się do Scopus, WoS, ICI, DOAJ oraz ERIH+? Dlaczego warto to zrobić?” (Kraków – Warszawa – Toruń, 16 kwietnia 2020, godz. 10.00–15.00).Konferencję zorganizowano z okazji 20-lecia Komisji Historii Nauki PAU i powołania Pracowni Naukoznawstwa IHN PAN, aktualnie jedynej placówki naukoznawczej w Polsce.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2020, 19
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teologia duchowości jako dyscyplina naukowa. Zarys problematyki
Spiritual Theology as a Scientific Discipline. An Outline of Issues
Chmielewski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
metoda teologiczna
polskie środowisko teologiczne
theological method
polish theological environment
Wśród specjalności oferowanych przez wydziały teologiczne na uniwersytetach i uczelniach często znajduje się teologia duchowości. Oznacza to, że jest to pełnoprawna dyscyplina naukowa. Ma ona swoją historię, własną nazwę, która ją identyfikuje, przedmiot badań, konkretne źródła i odpowiednią metodę badawczą. Na poziomie uniwersyteckim teologią duchowości zajmuje się wielu naukowców, których osiągnięcia są uznawane i doceniane w świecie nauki. Oprócz struktur uniwersyteckich, w których prowadzone są badania i dydaktyka oraz zwoływane konferencje, teologowie duchowości tworzą organizacje i stowarzyszenia posiadające osobowość prawną. Artykuł ma na celu pogłębienie wyżej wymienionych zagadnień, biorąc pod uwagę polskie środowisko teologiczne i kościelne. Znajomość głównych kwestii metodologicznych jest bardzo ważna dla każdego zaangażowanego teologa, rzetelnej pracy naukowej, a także jego powołania w Kościele.
Among the specialties offered by theological faculties at universities and colleges, there is often theology of spirituality. This means that it is a full-fledged scientific discipline. Therefore, it has its own history, own name that identifies it, the subject of research, specific sources and an adequate research method. At the university level, it is practiced by a large number of scientists whose achievements are recognized and appreciated in the world of science. In addition to university structures in which research and teaching are conducted, and conferences are convened, spiritual theologians form organizations and associations that have legal personality. The article aims at to deeping aforementioned issues, taking polish theological and ecclesiastical background on board. The awareness of the main methodological matters is very important for every committed theologian and his reliable scientific work, as well his spiritually-ecclesiastical vocation.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2019, 66, 5; 115-132
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The origin and development of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. A historical outline by 1993
Trombik, Kamil Piotr
Data publikacji:
Copernicus Center Press
Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
Michał Heller
Józef Życiński
history of Polish philosophy
philosophy of nature
philosophy in science
The paper concerns the origin and early stage of development of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Kraków. Center for Interdisciplinary Studies was founded by Michał Heller and Józef Życiński in the late 1970s. It was an informal institution which focused on conducting scientific activity in the area of philosophy of nature, relationship between mathematical & natural sciences and philosophy, history of science, as well as relationships between science and religion. In this paper I would like to present how this institution developed, I will discuss various forms of its activity and discuss-very generally-what kind of philosophy was promoted by M. Heller, J. Życiński as well as their pupils and close associates. An important part of the paper will also concern the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies as a unique institution, which has developed-in difficult historical period in Poland-philosophical research in the spirit of freedom and respect for the new achievements of science, and also promoted interdisciplinary dialogue between scientists and philosophers.
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce; 2019, 66; 271-295
Pojawia się w:
Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The report on the activities of the PAU Commission on the History of Science
Kokowski, Michał
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Umiejętności
Commission on the History of Science
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences
Komisja Historii Nauki PAU
The report discusses the activities of the Commission on the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2017/2018. It presents the lists of: scientific meetings, new members, new publications, and members who have died.
Omówiona została działalność Komisji Historii Nauki PAU w roku 2017/2018. Przedstawiono spisy: posiedzeń naukowych, nowych Członków Komisji, nowych publikacji oraz Członków Komisji, którzy zmarli.
Studia Historiae Scientiarum; 2018, 17
Pojawia się w:
Studia Historiae Scientiarum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Filozofia Chrześcijańska a obraz świata. Uwagi z perspektywy socjologii filozofii
Christian Philosophy and the image of the world. Notes from the perspective of the Sociology of Philosophy
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Christian philosophy
sociology of philosophy
philosophy of science
Polish philosophy
filozofia chrześcijańska
socjologia filozofii
filozofia nauki
obraz świata
filozofia polska
W artykule przedstawiam propozycję badania filozofii chrześcijańskiej rozumianej jako tradycja badawcza z perspektywy socjologii filozofii. Dla socjologa filozofii, filozofia chrześcijańska to określone zjawisko empiryczne, które możemy poznać odkrywając mechanizmy jego funkcjonowania. W artykule koncentruję się na zagadnieniu akceptacji obrazu świata, który określa tożsamość filozofii chrześcijańskiej. Zadaniem socjologii filozofii jest odkrycie mechanizmów, które wpływają na kontekst akceptacji tego obrazu świata. Socjologia filozofii dystansuje się od oceny prawdziwości czy fałszywości treściowej tez głoszonych przez poszczególnych filozofów. Choć każda filozofia rozwija się według zasad tzw. immanentnej logiki, to jednak określone czynniki społeczne i psychologiczne mają wpływ na to, co dany filozof akceptuje jako oczywiste i nie podlegające żadnej dyskusji. W artykule wykazałem, że akceptacja obrazu świata jest konsekwencją wychowania, które dokonuje się w określonej grupie społecznej (np. rodzina, szkoła) wyznającej określone idee aksjologiczne i przekonania deskryptywne. Dzięki wychowaniu w przyszłym adepcie filozofii, który zawsze pozostaje dzieckiem swojego czasu i kultury, zostaje przygotowany umysłowy i emocjonalny grunt pod akceptację już bardziej spekulatywnego obrazu świata, z którym adept zapoznaje się podczas fachowych studiów uniwersyteckich (filozoficznych lub teologicznych) pod okiem uznawanych przez niego autorytetów. Ukształtowany za pomocą określonych procesów wychowawczych umysł, jest w stanie dokonać osobistego, i całościowo angażującego aktu wiary epistemicznej w określony obraz świata, który jest mu podawany poprzez teorie i praktykę edukacyjna. Akceptacja i zaangażowanie w obraz świata umożliwia formułowanie w jego ramach określonych strategii argumentacyjnych, których zadaniem jest (i) eksplikacja, (ii) objaśnienie i (iii) uzasadnienie przedmiotowych konsekwencji obrazu świata. Praktyki argumentacyjne przejmujemy poprzez trening, uczymy się ich w mowie i piśmie, oczywiście pod okiem tych, którzy sami wcześniej te argumenty praktycznie wypróbowali. Uczeń po prostu wierzy nauczycielom i podręcznikom. Do pewnego etapu wiara ta jest racjonalna. Obraz świata jako pewna całość, na którą składają się treściowe przekonania deskryptywne i normatywne nie podlega żadnemu ostatecznemu racjonalnemu uzasadnieniu. Zaakceptowanym tezom przedmiotowym przypisuje się różny status epistemologiczny; od tez obdarzonych bezwarunkową oczywistością, których korelatem jest nie tylko subiektywne przeżycie, ale obiektywna rzeczywistość, do takich, które mogą być poddane mniej lub bardziej twórczej rewizji za pomocą różnych rodzajów zabiegów interpretacyjnych. Żaden obraz świata nie zniewala w sposób ostateczny. Zawsze możliwa jest zmiana obrazu świata na inny, który bardziej odpowiada naszych potrzebom intelektualnym i wrażliwości emocjonalnej. Zmiana ta przybiera w niektórych sytuacjach formę szczególnej konwersji
In this article, I present a proposal to study Christian philosophy understood as a research tradition from the perspective of the sociology of philosophy. For a sociologist of philosophy, Christian philosophy is a specific empirical phenomenon that we can learn by discovering the mechanisms of its functioning. The article focuses on the issue of accepting the image of the world that defines the identity of Christian philosophy. The task of the sociology of philosophy is to discover the mechanisms that influence the context of acceptance of this image of the world. The sociology of philosophy distances itself from assessing the truth or falsehood of the content of theses advocated by individual philosophers. Although each philosophy develops according to the principles of the so-called immanent logic, it is, however, certain social and psychological factors that influence what a given philosopher accepts as obvious and beyond discussion. In the article, I showed that the acceptance of the image of the world is a consequence of upbringing that takes place in a specific social group (e.g. family, school) which shares certain axiological ideas and descriptive beliefs. Thanks to the upbringing, in the future student of philosophy, who always remains a child of his time and culture, the mental and emotional ground is prepared for the acceptance of an already more speculative image of the world, which the adept gets acquainted with during professional university studies (philosophy or theology) under the supervision of recognized by him authorities. The mind, shaped by specific educational processes, is able to carry out a personal and holistic act of epistemic faith in a specific picture of the world that is given to it through theories and educational practice. Acceptance and involvement in the image of the world enables the formulation of specific argumentation strategies within it, the task of which is (i) explication, (ii) explanation and (iii) justification of the objective consequences of the image of the world. We adopt argumentative practices through training, we learn them both orally and in writing, of course under the supervision of those who have practically tried these arguments themselves. The student simply believes teachers and textbooks. Up to a certain point, this belief is rational. The image of the world as a whole, consisting of content-descriptive and normative beliefs, is not subject to any final rational justification. The accepted theses are assigned a different epistemological status; from theses endowed with unconditional obviousness, the correlate of which is not only subjective experience, but also objective reality, to those that can be subjected to a more or less creative revision by means of various kinds of interpretative procedures. No picture of the world is ultimately captivating. It is always possible to change the image of the world to a different one that better suits our intellectual needs and emotional sensitivity. This change takes the form of a specific conversion in certain situations.
Filozofia Chrześcijańska; 2021, 18; 79-110
Pojawia się w:
Filozofia Chrześcijańska
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kongres futurologiczny. Eurocon 1976 w Poznaniu
Wierzchowska, Aleksandra
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla PAN w Warszawie
science fiction
Union of Polish Writers
Stanisław Lem
Security Service
Związek Literatów Polskich (ZLP)
Służba Bezpieczeństwa (SB)
Tekst ukazuje przebieg i znaczenie III Europejskiego Kongresu Science Fiction (Euroconu), powody zorganizowania międzynarodowego zjazdu twórców i miłośników fantastyki w kraju komunistycznym oraz działania podejmowane przez Służbę Bezpieczeństwa w związku z przyjazdem gości zagranicznych.
The text shows the course and significance of the 3rd European Science Fiction Convention (Eurocon), the reasons for organising an international convention of fantasy authors and enthusiasts in a communist country and the actions taken by the Security Service in connection with the arrival of foreign visitors.
Dzieje Najnowsze; 2021, 53, 3; 185-205
Pojawia się w:
Dzieje Najnowsze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pięć lat aktywności Sekcji Badań Strukturalnych i Geozagrożeń Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego
Five years of activity of the Structural Geology and Geohazards Research Group of the Polish Geological Society
Sikora, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
historia nauk geologicznych
sekcja naukowa
Polish Geological Society
history of geological science
scientific section
The Structural Geology and Geohazards Research Group (SRGR) of the Polish Geological Society (PGS) was established in 2017 on the initiative of employees of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, the University of Wrocław, and the Jagiellonian University in order to integrate structural geologists, exchange views and information, and undertake various forms of cooperation. Geologists from over a dozen Polish scientific and commercial institutions, as well as foreign ones, participate in the works of the section. The activity of the section focuses on improving the research skills of its members and supporting them in achieving the best possible research results. An important element of the section's work is the promotion of issues related to structural research and the dissemination of research results through organizations, and participation in national and international conferences. During the first five years of its activity, the section organized, among others, the 16th CETEG Meeting in 2018 in Rytro (southern Poland), and its members delivered several lectures at conferences organized by PGS and during the “Polish National Scientific Meetings of the Polish Geological Society”, which was organized on the 100th anniversary of the organization's existence.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2022, 70, 4; 346--349
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Służące domowe we współczesnej literaturze popularnonaukowej
Domestic Servants in Contemporary Popular Science Literature
Wesołowska, Julia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
historia Polski
służba domowa
źródła historyczne
literatura popularnonaukowa
Polish history
domestic servants
historical sources
popular science literature
W artykle poddano krytycznej analizie dwie prace popularnonaukowe o służących domowych „Służące do wszystkiego” Joanny Kuciel-Frydryszak i Instrukcja nadużycia Alicji Urbanik-Kopeć. Autorka recenzji zwraca uwagę na fakt, że do niedawna służba domowa w Polsce była wyłącznie przedmiotem rozważań akademickich. Współcześnie temat ten podjęła literatura popularnonaukowa, która oferuje czytelnikowi portret „typowej” służącej jako młodej (około 20-25 lat), samotnej kobiety, niewykształconej, udręczonej życiem i wyzyskiwanej przez „państwa”. Autorka recenzji zastanawia się nad kwestią, na ile taki portret odzwierciedla rzeczywistość historyczną. Jej zdaniem omawiane książki powielają pewne tropy historyczne i literackie, które mają za zadanie w określony sposób przedstawić dzieje służących i pracodawców. W związku z tym pojawia się pytanie, dlaczego właśnie taki sposób pisania o temacie zyskał grono odbiorców i czy rzeczywiście realizują one postulat oddania głosu służącym.  
The article offers a critical reading of two popular science works about domestic servants Służące do wszystkiego [Servants for Everything] by Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak and Instrukcja nadużycia [Instruction on Abuse] by Alicja Urbanik-Kopeć. According to the author, until recently domestic servants in Poland were exclusively the subject of academic consideration. At present, the subject has been taken up by popular science literature, which offers the reader a portrait of an archetypal female servant – a young (about 20-25 years old) and uneducated single woman, tormented by life and exploited by “masters”. The author of the review ponders the question to what extent such a portrait genuinely reflects historical reality. She believes that the books under discussion deploy certain historical and literary tropes, which are intended to portray the history of servants and employers in a certain way. This raises the question of why exactly this way of narrating the subject has gained an audience, and whether it really fulfills the need to give voice to servants.
Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze; 2022, 20; 197-208
Pojawia się w:
Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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