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Zabezpieczenie egzystencji (livelihoods) w dyskusji o bezpieczeństwie ekonomicznym regionów peryferyjnych1
Livelihoods in the discussion about economic safety in peripheral regions
Czerny, Mirosława
Czerny, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
rural development
global South
rozwój wsi
zabezpieczanie egzystencji
globalne Południe
In the discussion on the possibilities for emerging from a state of backwardness and underdevelopment that may be available to rural parts of developing countries, and in the search for a concept that might help reduce poverty levels in these same areas, reference is made to various strands of thought through which authors basically evoke one or other of the fundamental “schools” of development present in the subject literature for more than three decades now. Last two decades at least have brought a downward trend for the numbers working in agriculture in the world as a whole, the share of the overall workforce engaged in this kind of activity remains considerable in many developing countries. Agriculture continues to represent a basic source of income, thanks to which large groups of people in rural areas continue to have upkeep. And while today’s world has a globalized system of food production, there remain – and continue in a strong position – the two key systems of farm production, i.e. commercial (albeit of diff ering magnitudes and production profi les) and subsistence (thanks to which the populations living in underdeveloped, poor and marginalized rural areas continue to be able to maintain their lives, if “only just”). Th e concept of livelihood used in this study is very useful in helping us understand the process of the accumulation – and the accessing – of certain non-material features and material goods known in general as assets, which allow each household or each community to devise a strategy by which the basic existential needs are to be safeguarded. Th ese are also sought in the context of features of the surroundings in which communities operate. It is accepted that the environment defi ned in this way is variable and vulnerable to all kinds of change, be this institutional, political or environmental (Carney 1998).
W geografi i rozwoju ważnym zagadnienie, które jest szeroko omawiane w literaturze są kwestie ubóstwa, zacofania i braku możliwości rozwoju na szczeblu lokalnym, w regionach trudnodostępnych, zamieszkanych przez ludność tubylczą. Oprócz czynników lokalizacyjnych przyczyn tej sytuacji szuka się w historii gospodarczej i politycznej regionów, a szczególnie w procesach politycznych odpowiedzialnych za redystrybucję ziemi rolnej od czasów kolonialnych. Reformy rolne realizowane w krajach andyjskich w latach 60. XX wieku nie zmieniły radykalnie tej sytuacji i w dalszym ciągu istnieją rzesze rolników gospodarujących na niewielkich poletkach (minifundios). Stąd też projekty rozwojowe kładą duży nacisk na promowanie działalności pozarolniczej na obszarach wiejskich, także w krajach globalnego Południa Kwestia ta ma fundamentalne znaczenie dla poprawy warunków życia ludności wiejski i zwiększenia jej aktywów (Kinsey 2002). Liczba osób, pracujących w rolnictwie, wykazuje wprawdzie w skali globalnej od co najmniej dwóch dekad wyraźną tendencję spadkową, jednak w dalszym ciągu w krajach rozwijających się ich udział w zatrudnieniu jest znaczny. Rolnictwo w dalszym ciągu stanowi podstawowe źródło utrzymania znacznych grup ludności regionów wiejskich. We współczesnym, zglobalizowanym systemie produkcji żywności utrzymują się i nie schodzą ze swoich silnych pozycji dwa najważniejsze systemy produkcji rolnej: gospodarstwa towarowe (różnej wielkości i o różnym profi lu produkcji) oraz gospodarstwa subsystencyjne, dzięki którym utrzymuje się ludność wiejska obszarów nierozwiniętych, ubogich, zmarginalizowanych.
Journal of Modern Science; 2015, 25, 2; 241-260
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Modern Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wetland importance and dependence among households around the Ogun River Basin, Nigeria
Olarewaju, Titilope Omolara
Shittu, Adebayo
Dipeolu, Adewale
Oduntan, Oladapo
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Wetland is particularly important in developing countries for economic purposes. This study examines livelihood activities, wetland dependence and its determinants among wetland households. Primary data were collected from households in a two stage random sampling procedure. Both descriptive and quantitative methods were employed for data analysis. Results show that support for dry season production, all year round water supply, and fishing were the first, second and third most important benefits of wetland to households. Socio-economic factors have influences on wetland dependence. This study concludes that wetland support dry season farming and is heavily depended upon for income by households in wetland communities. It is therefore recommended that skills acquisition centres should be established in wetland communities to engage youths particularly male in other employment apart from wetland related ones so as to reduce dependence on wetlands and thus take pressure off them.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development; 2022, 63, 1; 61-69
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Understanding Farmers’ Adoption Decisions for New Cash Crops: Evidence from Xishuangbanna in Tropical China
Uwarunkowania zainteresowania rolników nowymi uprawami komercyjnymi: przykład rejonu Xishuangbanna w Chinach
Zhang, L.
Kono, Y.
Hua, X.
Zheng, L.
Zhou, R.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Człowiek i Środowisko PAN
land use
crop choice
livelihood transition
tropical agriculture
farmland leasing
zagospodarowanie terenu
wybór uprawy
rolnictwo tropikalne
leasing pól uprawnych
On a global basis, cash cropping is usually identified as an important enterprise undertaken by farmers to increase incomes. However, the responses of farmers to these new enterprises vary greatly. Through a case study of a Dai village in Xishuangbanna, China, this paper examines how farmers make decisions about adopting new cash crops by focusing on the farm economy and land conditions. The results show that farmers did not adopt watermelons due to poor irrigation and accessibility conditions, and then they did not adopt bananas due to a transient collapse of banana market, induced by a rumor suggesting that eating bananas causes cancer. Consequently, although these non-adopters benefited from commercial exchanges with external businessmen in terms of ecological experiments and management diversification, and leasing lowlands to external businessmen is a livelihood choice that is based on the outcome of the farmer’s trade-off between profitability and risk, they missed opportunities to substantially increase incomes through cash cropping, as evidenced by the success of the farmers who adopted the cash crops. These findings suggest that the government ought to design tailored extension programs for villages, implement efficient refutation strategies to prevent rumor-induced market collapse and promote extension services as early as possible in the initial stages of transition to cash cropping.
Patrząc z perspektywy globalnej za uprawy komercyjne uznaje się istotne działania podejmowane przez rolników w celu zwiększenia swoich dochodów. Jednakże zainteresowanie rolników nowymi rozwiązaniami jest bardzo zróżnicowane. Niniejszy artykuł na przykładzie doliny Dai w należącym do Chin rejonie Xishuangbanna pokazuje jakie czynniki finansowe i środowiskowe wpływają na podjęcie przez rolników decyzji odnoszących się do nowych upraw komercyjnych. Otrzymane wyniki pokazują, że za odrzuceniem arbuzów stały ograniczone możliwości nawadniania i ograniczony dostęp, a za odrzuceniem bananów chwilowe załamanie rynku zbytu tych owoców, związane z szerzącą się pogłoską, jakoby konsumpcja bananów mogło być przyczyną nowotworów.Konsekwentnie, chociaż rolnicy odrzucający nowe uprawy korzystali z wymiany handlowej z zewnętrznymi przedsiębiorcami pod kątem eksperymentów ekologicznych i dywersyfikacji zarządzania, a ponadto biorąc pod uwagę, że przeznaczanie pól dla zewnętrznych przedsiębiorców jest decyzją opartą na ocenie możliwych zysków i strat, ci rolnicy stracili szansę na znaczące zwiększenie przychodów z upraw komercyjnych. Pokazuje to przykład rolników, którzy jednak zdecydowali się na nowe uprawy. Uzyskane rezultatu wskazują, że rząd powinien przygotować dostosowane do potrzeb rolników programy i strategie odnoszące się do tych zagadnień.
Problemy Ekorozwoju; 2017, 12, 2; 99-108
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Post-Socialist Mobility Cultures
White, Anne
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne
migration culture
livelihood strategies
The concept of migration culture is sometimes used to suggest that migration became normalised in particular sending locations. It is helpful however to explore the cultural context of migration more thoroughly, investigating norms and beliefs about how to ‘do’ migration. I analyse why cultures change, and how this links to broader changes in society. In some respects post-2014 Ukrainian migration to Poland and, for example, Polish migration pre-2004 are strikingly similar, for example regarding informal networks, and migration to finance children’s higher education. To some extent Ukrainian migration can be labelled ‘post-socialist.’ I argue however that it is also shaped by the specific 21st century context, such as enhanced opportunities for communication between migrants and potential migrants on social media and in receiving countries, as well as Ukrainians’ encounters in Poland with Polish return migrants. Hence Ukrainian mobility discourses and practices have to be studied transnationally, not just locally.
Polish Sociological Review; 2022, 220, 4; 443-456
Pojawia się w:
Polish Sociological Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
White, Anne
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
The paper is based on 49 semi-structured interviews conducted in 2012–3 with return migrants and/or long-term unemployed people in Grajewo and Limanowa. I explore the causes of circular migration from Poland to West European countries today (preferring the term ‘repeated migration,’ since interviewees often migrated at irregular intervals). Migration theory suggests that as migration networks proliferate, migration becomes less selective and some poorer people begin to migrate. Applying a livelihood strategy approach to understand how residents of small towns – especially parents – make choices about where to work, I found that even the poorest interviewees had contacts abroad and did consider international migration as an option. However, these contacts did not always facilitate their migration and, if interviewees went abroad, they lacked confidence to expand their networks in the receiving country and stay long enough to significantly improve their household income. Obtaining contacts abroad, in the context of an overall expansion of transnational networks between Poland and the UK, does not always make migration easy, and only partly explains why poor people migrate. Push factors remain very significant.
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny; 2016, 42, 1 (159); 153-166
Pojawia się w:
Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Munda Tribe Perception Towards Livelihood Through Sustainable Development
Sposób na życie plemienia Munda w kontekście wymagań zrównoważonego rozwoju
Kumari, Laxmi
Rahman, Mojibur
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Człowiek i Środowisko PAN
sustainable development
Munda tribe
Non-Wood Forest Product (NWFP)
rozwój zrównoważony
plemię Munda
środki do życia
The purpose of the present study is to portray the perception of tribal communities towards sustainable development. The motive of the study is to picture the awareness which these tribal communities imbibe in themselves from primitive times. The idea to study Munda tribe of Jharkhand is because they are large in numbers, and will easily represent their outlook towards importance of preserving forest and livelihood development. The study focused on socio-capital and cultural understanding of the tribe in their livelihood. It emphasized on importance of women in the development of better livelihood. It showed how Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP) are used in commercial and industrial form without affecting the natural resources, thus promotes sustainable development. The study also defined how through sustainable livelihood the tribe contributed in the revenue of the state government and also helped in generating income for the weaker section of the community.
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest omówienie postrzegania świata przez społeczności plemienne w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju. Motywem badania jest zobrazowanie świadomości, którą te społeczności plemienne przyswajają sobie od pokoleń. Za wyborem Munda z Jharkhandu przemawiała jego duża liczebność. Dzięki niej możliwe będzie głębsze spojrzenie na ich wizję znaczenie ochrony lasów i zapewnienia źródeł utrzymania. Badanie koncentrowało się na społeczno-kapitałowym i kulturowym rozumieniu plemienia jako źródła utrzymania. Podkreślono znaczenie kobiet w rozwoju i drodze do lepszych warunków życia. Pokazano w jaki sposób niedrzewne produkty leśne (NWFP) są wykorzystywane w formie komercyjnej i przemysłowej, bez negatywnego wpływu na zasoby naturalne, promując zarazem w ten sposób zrównoważony rozwój. Badanie określiło również, w jaki sposób poprzez zrównoważone środki do życia plemię wnosiło wkład w dochody rządu stanowego, a także pomagało w generowaniu dochodów dla słabszej części społeczności.
Problemy Ekorozwoju; 2021, 16, 1; 181-185
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Livelihood diversification and income: a case study of communities resident along the Kiri Dam, Adamawa State, Nigeria
Zróżnicowanie źródeł utrzymania a dochody: studium przypadku społeczności zamieszkujących przy zaporze Kiri w stanie Adamawa w Nigerii
Amurtiya, M.
Lumbonyi, C.A.
Abdullahi, A.
Olayiwola, S.A.
Yaduma, Z.B.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
livelihood diversification
Kiri Dam
Adamawa State
This research analysed livelihood diversification and income in resident communities along the Kiri Dam, Adamawa state, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were: to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, assess the level of livelihood diversification of the respondents, analyse income of the respondents, identify factors associated with varying levels of income, and identify constraints to livelihood diversification in the area. A multistage sampling technique was used to collect primary data from 120 respondents from the study area. The data collected were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The results showed that the majority of the respondents were male (78%), married (76%), educated (70%), below 60 years of age (93%) and employed in agricultural activities (83%). The Simpson index of diversification shows that 43% of the respondents diversify at an average level. The majority (60%) of the respondents’ annual income is over ₦ 200,000. The ordinary least square estimation shows that age, marital status, education, irrigation activities, fishing, farm size and level of diversification affect income level in the area. The main constraints to diversified livelihood in the area were a lack of basic social infrastructure, a hippopotamus menace and flooding. The study recommended the provision of social infrastructure and the control of hippopotamuses.
W niniejszym artykule przeprowadzono analizę zróżnicowania źródeł utrzymania oraz poziomu dochodów społeczności zamieszkujących przy zaporze Kiri w stanie Adamawa w Nigerii. Szczegółowe cele badania to: określenie socjoekonomicznego profilu respondentów, ocena poziomu różnorodności źródeł ich utrzymania, analiza dochodu, identyfikacja czynników wpływających na poziom dochodów oraz identyfikacja ograniczeń w zróżnicowaniu źródeł utrzymania na badanym obszarze. Na potrzeby pozyskania danych podstawowych od 120 respondentów posłużono się techniką doboru wielostopniowego. Zgromadzone dane poddano opisowi oraz wnioskowaniu statystycznemu. Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały, że większość (78%) respondentów to mężczyźni, osoby pozostające w związku małżeńskim (76%) i wykształcone (70%). Aż 93% badanych miało poniżej 60 lat i zajmowało się rolnictwem (83%). Wskaźnik Simpsona wykazał, że 43% respondentów charakteryzowało się różnorodnością na poziomie przeciętnym. Roczny dochód większości (60%) respondentów wynosił ponad 200 tys. ₦. Oszacowanie klasyczną metodą najmniejszych kwadratów wykazało, że wiek, stan cywilny, wykształcenie, działalność w zakresie nawadniania i rybołówstwa, wielkość gospodarstwa oraz poziom różnorodności wpływały na poziom dochodu na badanym obszarze. Głównymi ograniczeniami zróżnicowania źródła utrzymania były: brak infrastruktury społecznej, szkody wyrządzane przez hipopotamy oraz powodzie. Zaleca się zapewnienie odpowiedniej infrastruktury społecznej i opanowanie zagrożenia ze strony zwierząt.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development; 2016, 42, 4
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Livelihood assessment in district 1 of Medellin – Colombia
Mendoza, Ciro Alfonso Serna
Czerny, Miroslawa
Pineda, Abraham Allec Londoño
Rojas, Oscar Alonso Velez
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych
human development
The livelihood approach aims at the analysis, understanding and restrictions that the poorest people have to face in order to recover from difficult situations. The Department for International Development model is applied to an urban zone with the purpose of making an assessment of the livelihood of the district ’la Comuna 1’ in Medellin, Colombia, which has been recognised as the poorest and one of the most dangerous districts of the city. The case study presents both a quantitative analysis (macro) and qualitative (micro) analysis, as a mixed method that allows a more complete analysis and understanding of livelihood, and providing a deeper understanding of the district from the livelihood approach. The results indicate a stable growth of livelihood during the period of analysis.
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development; 2015, 19, 4; 9-20
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Geographica. Regional Studies on Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of Irrigation on Agricultural Growth and Poverty Alleviation in West Java Province, Indonesia
Rizal, Achmad
Rochima, Emma
Rahmatunnisa, Mudiyati
Muljana, Budi
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
West Java Province
rural livelihood
Irrigation in developing countries tends to be stereotyped as equity reducing, in competition with other uses for scarce water resources, often negatively impacting disadvantaged groups. This study aims to clarify the linkages between irrigation and poverty by offering an objective review of recent research on the subject. The key questions addressed herein are: (1) what is the role of irrigation development and management in poverty alleviation? (2) what are the linkages and pathways through which irrigation contributes to poverty alleviation? (3) what is the magnitude of anti-poverty impacts of irrigation? And (4) what are the critical determinants of anti-poverty impacts of irrigation? Our review focuses on topical empirical research studies in West Java Province, Indonesia. Agricultural intensification through the practice of irrigation as a strategy for poverty reduction is examined. There are four inter‐related mechanisms through which irrigated agriculture can reduce poverty. These are improvements in the levels and security of productivity, employment, and incomes for irrigating farm households and farm labor; the linkage and multiplier effects of agricultural intensification for the broader economy; provision of opportunities for diversification of rural livelihoods; and multiple uses of irrigation supply. There are also significant risks that poorly designed and managed irrigation can negatively impact on poverty. It is concluded that two factors of production (irrigation and literacy rate) have a larger role in the overall rural development and poverty alleviation process in a region, as also clearly illustrated in this study's regression results.
World Scientific News; 2021, 151; 64-77
Pojawia się w:
World Scientific News
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Factors affecting livelihood strategies of smallholder tobacco and non-tobacco farmers and off-farm households benefittin from land reform in Zimbabwe
Mapfumo, Alexander
Mushunje, Abbyssinia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
livelihood strategies
land reform
multinomial logit model
The main objective of this paper was to determine the factors that affect the livelihood strategies of resettled smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. The study was conducted in Manicaland Province in Zimbabwe, and the respondents were stratified into four groups. These were smallholder farmers resettled under the A1 and A2 models, as well as tobacco and non-tobacco smallholder farmers. The two models differ in how they were implemented and supported, which might lead to them having different livelihood strategies. A total of 300 respondents were surveyed, consisting of 114 tobacco and 149 non-tobacco farmers and 24 off-farm and 13 wageearner households in Manicaland province. The study used a Multinomial Logit model to investigate the factors influencing a household’s decision to choose different livelihood strategies. In the model, the dependent variables included four livelihood strategies, while the explanatory variables included various household social-economic and institutional factors. The results obtained from the multinomial logistic regression model established that gender and land size were significant at a level of 1%, and education, household size, access to credit and access to inputs were significant at 5% in the adoption of tobacco farming, access to credit and gender were significant at a 1% level in the adoption of non-tobacco farming, while education was significant at a 10% level in adopting off-farm were found to be significant in determining the adoption of the tobacco farming in the study area up to less than 10% probability level in adopting off-farm activities. Smallholder farmers who did not adopt tobacco farming indicated that limited land size, shortage of labour and access to tobacco inputs were the major impediments to adopting tobacco farming. The government should support the efforts of smallholder farmers to increase their livelihood strategies through unveiling credit lines for farming activities. Access to inputs for smallholder farmers should be made a priority by the government through the provision and fair distribution of adequate agricultural inputs.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development; 2022, 64, 2; 153-160
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Determinants of rural on-farm livelihoods diversification: the case of intsika yethu local municipality, eastern cape, South Africa
Tyenjana, Abongile
Taruvinga, Amon
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
on-farm livelihood diversification,
rural households,
ordered logistic regression,
Intsika Yethu Local Municipality
The purpose of this paper was to identify the factors influencing households to diversify rural on-farm livelihood activities in Intsika Yethu Local Municipality. This is against a background where literature suggests low livelihoods diversification among rural households despite several claimed benefits of diversification. Cross-sectional survey data was randomly collected for this study in October 2018 from 190 rural households in Intsika Yethu Local Municipality. A structured questionnaire was used for that purpose. Ordered logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the data. The results showed that diversification of on-farm livelihood activities was influenced by the gender of household head, education level of household head, household size, and number of livestock units owned. To promote on-farm livelihoods diversification in rural areas, the paper suggests targeting gender differential, informal education and awareness, labor dynamics associated with on-farm livelihood activities and household livestock units.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development; 2019, 54, 4; 373-384
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Determinants of Income Diversification among Support Zone Communities of Nigeria National Parks
Jacob, Daniel Etim
Onadeko, Samuel
Nelson, Imaobong
Shotuyo, Abdul
Ityavyar, James
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski
Income diversification
Protected area
This paper examined determinants of income diversification among households in support zones communities of national parks in Nigeria. This involved the use household data collected through questionnaires administered randomly among 1009 household heads in the study area. The data obtained were analyzed using probability and non-probability statistical analysis such as regression and analysis of variance to test for mean difference between parks. The result obtained indicates that majority of the household heads were male (92.57%0, between the age class of 21 – 40 years (44.90%), had non-formal education (38.16%), were farmers (65.21%), owned land (95.44%), with a household size of 1 – 5 (36.67%) and an annual income range of ₦401,000 - ₦600,000 (24.58%). Mean Simpson index of diversity showed a general low (0.375) level of income diversification among the households. Income, age, off-farm dependence, education, household size and occupation where significant (p<0.01) factors that affected households’ income diversification. The study recommends improvement in the existing infrastructures and social capital in the communities as avenues to improve the livelihood and ensure positive conservation behaviors in the study area.
Economic and Environmental Studies; 2020, 20, 1 (53); 7-23
Pojawia się w:
Economic and Environmental Studies
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Decyzje w rodzinie w interpretacji nauk psychologicznych i ekonomii behawioralnej
Family decision making in the interpretation of psychological sciences and of behavioral economics
Biela, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
decision analysis in family context
economic decision-making in family
family decision making
livelihood momentous decisions
systematizing of family decisions
The aim of this paper is to present a theoretical schema of decision making which could be a base for integrating of each branch of psychology within each theoretical stream of contemporary psychology. Family psychology will be taken into consideration as an illustrative example where the decision analysis scheme could be applied to family life issues. There will be also carried out a systematizing of decision making in various family contexts where the main attention will be paid to characterizing of the livelihood momentous decisions in the family contexts. Then, there will be shown a possibility of economic decision analysis in family- system-oriented situations, based on behavioral economics approach.
Polskie Forum Psychologiczne; 2014, XIX, 2; 229-242
Pojawia się w:
Polskie Forum Psychologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Contribution of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) to Livelihood of People in Mokwa Local Government Area, Niger State, Nigeria
Fajobi, E. A.
Fingesi, U. I.
Data publikacji:
Przedsiębiorstwo Wydawnictw Naukowych Darwin / Scientific Publishing House DARWIN
Non-Timber Forest Products
This study focused on the contribution of NTFPs species to the livelihood of Mokwa people, Niger state. It was undertaken to ascertain the proportion of humans involved in the exploitation of NTFPs in the study area, to determine the types of NTFPs exploited and their roles in the lives of the communities and to determine the actual contribution of NTFPs species to the livelihood of the Mokwa people. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and oral interviews to acquire information from sampled members of the Mokwa LGA communities. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (tables, chart, and graphs). The findings from this study indicate that NTFPs are abundant in the study area and are found in all the forested land areas within the communities. NTFPs collection for utilization is usually carried out throughout the year. All the respondents in Ja’agi, Kudu, Kpaki, and Mokwa town collect and use the NTFPs in food preparation for the family and for other purposes. The number of households involved in the collection of NTFPs was highest in the Ja’agi community (95%), while only (28%) households were involved in Mokwa town. The chi-square test revealed that there were high significant differences (P>0.05) between the number of respondents involved in the collection and non-collection of NTFPs in Mokwa LGA. Twenty (20) plant by-products and fruits were the major types of NTFPs being collected. Most NTFPs species were of medicinal plants, while some supplement everyday meals. It should be noted that Mokwa LGA communities earn some money from the collection of NTFPs - especially from plants such as Vitellaria paradoxa (73%) Pakia biglobosa (16%), and Mangifera indica (4%). Lack of jobs in the government established institutions is the major problem facing the communities. It is, therefore, recommended that provision of jobs and business opportunities will help improve the living standard of the people and hence reduce their effect on the forest resources.
World News of Natural Sciences; 2018, 21; 77-89
Pojawia się w:
World News of Natural Sciences
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Boko-Haram Insurgency and Rural Livelihood Dilemma: Implication for Sustainable Development in North-East Nigeria
Rebelia Boko-Haram i dylemat braku środków do życia na wsi: implikacje dla zrównoważonego rozwoju północno-wschodniej Nigerii
Abubakar, Tafida Ahmadu
Amurtiya, Michael
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Człowiek i Środowisko PAN
rural development
sustainable livelihood
North-East Nigeria
rozwój obszarów wiejskich
zrównoważone źródła utrzymania
północno-wschodnia Nigeria
The Boko-Haram insurgency has affected livelihoods in the Northeast Nigeria in all ramifications. This study reviewed scholarly submissions on the drivers and impact of the insurgency in the area. The outcome of the review showed that the insurgency is driven mainly by poverty, religious extremism, and politics. Equally, the insurgency has affected rural livelihoods entirely and has exacerbated food insecurity, unemployment, and poverty. This is because critical infrastructure like schools, hospitals, markets, and electricity/telecommunication facilities have been largely destroyed, and residents of some communities are still displaced. Hence, to better the livelihood of the people in communities where normalcy has been restored, there is the need to promote agriculture and trade by securing the communities and enhancing access to affordable agricultural inputs.
Rebelia Boko-Haram wpłynęła negatywnie na poziom życia mieszkańców północnego-wschodu Nigerii. W tym badaniu dokonano przeglądu opinii naukowych na temat czynników powodujących i wpływu rebelii na ten obszar. Wyniki przeglądu wykazały, że rebelia jest napędzana głównie przez biedę, ekstremizm religijny i politykę. Rebelia znacząco wpłynęła na obniżenie dochodów na wsi i zaostrzyła brak bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego, zwiększyła poziom bezrobocia i ubóstwa. Wynika to z faktu, że infrastruktura krytyczna, taka jak szkoły, szpitale, rynki oraz instalacje elektryczne/telekomunikacyjne, została w dużej mierze zniszczona, a mieszkańcy niektórych społeczności nadal są przesiedlani. Dlatego też, aby poprawić warunki życia ludzi w społecznościach, w których przywrócono normalność, istnieje potrzeba promowania rolnictwa i handlu dla lokalnych społeczności i zwiększenie dostępu do przystępnych cenowo środków produkcji rolnej.
Problemy Ekorozwoju; 2023, 18, 1; 216--225
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Ekorozwoju
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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