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Georóżnorodność nowozelandzkiej Wyspy Północnej na przykładzie wybranych stanowisk turystycznych
Geodiversity of New Zealand’s North Island based on selectedexamples
Rychel, Joanna
Karasiewicz, Tomasz
Woronko, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Geodiversity of New Zealand’s North Island is closly associated with its geological evolution that left numerous attractive geosites and influenced the biodiversity of this area. Its location in the collision zone of the Australian and Pacific lithospheric plates resulted in many exogenous processes, e.g. volcanism, earth quake or geysers. The meridional location of New Zealand has an impact on climate and weather conditions. Many endemic species of flora and fauna have survived here. The landscape diversity of New Zealand’s islands is a great scenery for many films, e.g.The piano, The Last Samurai, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit. Volcanoes in the north and mountain glaciers in the south make visitors feel as if they have moved to a wonderful, unknown fairy-tale world.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2020, 68, 6; 500--510
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Provenance of heavy minerals to the Middle and Upper Jurassic epicontinental deposits of NW Poland
Bembenek, Kinga
Woronko, Barbara
Ziółkowski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Middle Jurassic
Upper Jurassic
weathering indices
sea level change
stratigraphic gaps
The source of clastic material supplied to the epicontinental sea during the Middle and Late Jurassic in the Pomeranian Segment of the northern part of the Mid-Polish Trough is analysed, using deposits from the Rzeczyn PIG-1 borehole that represent the Łyna, Chociwel, Brda, Pałuki, Kcynia and Rogoźno formations. Heavy mineral analysis, including weathering indices (ZTR, GZI, RZI and Q) and standardised scores for each mineral species, shows that each formation is characterized by a different heavy minerals association. In each association, transparent minerals include both ultrastable minerals (zircon, tourmaline and rutile), occurring in various proportions, and unstable minerals. This indicates that deposits subject to earlier multiple reworking were eroded from the surrounding landmasses. Most probably these deposits represented Triassic rocks, although fresh weathering covers were also eroded. The main direction of clastic material supply was from the N and NW, and to a lesser degree from the NE. The main reasons for changes in the source areas were probably sea level oscillations, while during regressions, exposed parts of the seabed became source areas of clastic material. Conversely, during transgressions, parts of the seabed became cut off from the supply of clastic material from eroded landmasses.
Geological Quarterly; 2021, 65, 1; 2
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Litologia, geneza i wiek osadów w Kalnikowie i Chotyńcu na Płaskowyżu Tarnogrodzkim (Kotlina Sandomierska)
Lithology, origin and age of sediments in the Kalników and Chotyniec in the Tarnogród Plateau (Sandomierz Basin)
Gębica, Piotr
Superson, Sławomir
Trybała-Zawiślak,, Katarzyna
Woronko, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
uziarnienie osadów
obróbka ziarn kwarcu
datowanie OSL
stanowiska archeologiczne
Płaskowyż Tarnogrodzki
grain size
quartz grain roundness
OSL dating
archaeological sites
Tarnogród Plateau
Artykuł omawia wyniki analiz uziarnienia, obróbki ziarn kwarcu i datowań metodą OSL zróżnicowanych pod względem pochodzenia i wieku osadów czwartorzędowych (osady eoliczne, rzeczne, fluwioglacjalne) występujących na stanowiskach archeologicznych w południowej części Płaskowyżu Tarnogrodzkiego. Osady wydmowe w Kalnikowie-Zagrebli miąższości 1,2 m charakteryzują się dominacją ziarn drobnoziarnistych o średniej średnicy Mz=2,9 phi. Tak drobnoziarniste osady są rzadko spotykane w wydmach z późnego glacjału w Kotlinie Sandomierskiej. Depozycja piasków wydmowych na podstawie datowań OSL miała miejsce w młodszym dryasie. Osady budujące podłoże wydmy, to piaski drobnoziarniste z poziomami bruków żwirowych pochodzenia fluwioglacjalnego, które jak wykazała obróbka ziarn kwarcu, znajdują się na wtórnym złożu. Terasę nadzalewową Wiszni o wysokości 6–8 m n.p.rz. budują warstwowane horyzontalnie drobnoziarniste utwory piaszczyste, które na powierzchni terasy tworzą wał przykorytowy. Cechy strukturalne osadów oraz rozkład parametrów uziarnienia wskazują, że akumulowane były w strefie przykorytowej równi zalewowej. Analiza osadów pylastopiaszczystych pokrywających wierzchowinę płaskowyżu w otoczeniu wału grodziska z okresu celtyckiego w Chotyńcu wykazała, że nie są to utwory pochodzenia wietrzeniowego, ale prawdopodobnie osady genezy eolicznej.
The article presents the results of grain size, quartz grain roundness analysis and OSL datings, differing in origin and age of the Quaternary deposits (aeolian, fluvial, fluvioglacial) occurring in the archaeological sites in the southern part of the Tarnogród Plateau. The dune sediments in the Kalników-Zagrebla site of a thickness of 1.2 m are characterized by the domination of fine grains with the mean diameter Mz=2.9 phi. Such fine sediments are unusual in the Late Glacial dunes in the Sandomierz Basin. The deposition of the dune was dated by the OSL to the Younger Dryas. The dunes are underlain by fine sands with thin gravel horizons of fluvioglacial origin, which represent the redeposited sediments according to quartz grain roundness analysis. The terrace of the Wisznia River 6–8 m above the river channel is built of horizontally bedded fine sands, which form the natural levees on the terrace surface. Structural features and the distribution of grain size parametres indicate, that sands were accumulated in the proximal part of the floodplain. An analysis of the silty-sandy sediments covering the plateau around the hill-fort rampart from the Celtic Period in Chotyniec site, excluded their weathering origin and proved their aeolian genesis.
Acta Geographica Lodziensia; 2017, 106; 65-86
Pojawia się w:
Acta Geographica Lodziensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sedimentological distinction in glacigenic sediments between load casts induced by periglacial processes from those induced by seismic shocks
Van Loon, Antonius Johannes
Pisarska-Jamroży, Małgorzata
Woronko, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
load casts
soft-sediment deformation structures
Loading processes and the resulting load structures induced by processes related to periglacial conditions are compared to those induced by seismic shocks. The load structures themselves are relatively easily recognizable but the responsible trigger mechanism is, though depending on the geological context, commonly difficult to establish. Load structures like load casts, pseudonodules, ball-and-pillow structures and flame structures are commonly ascribed to instable density gradients within sediments and to differential loading, but their formation always requires liquefaction. In glacigenic sediments, deformation structures have most commonly been ascribed to periglacial processes (as a type of cryoturbations), but it becomes ever more clear that glacigenic sediments can, particularly during ice-front fluctuations, be affected by faulting-related earthquakes (due to glacio-isostatic adjustment), and the thus triggered seismic shocks may result in deformations, including - most commonly - load structures. We inventory the evidence that may help to distinguish, on the basis of textural and structural features, load structures with a seismic origin from those that result from periglacial processes, taking into account that truly diagnostic criteria do not exist.
Geological Quarterly; 2020, 64, 3; 626--640
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Black sand properties in beach-dune system, Patea Beach, North Island, New Zealand
Dłużewski, Maciej
Hilton, Mike
Muszyński, Andrzej
Rotnicka, Joanna
Woronko, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
black sand
beach-dune deposits
grain size distribution
grain shape
aeolian sorting
The study focuses on sand grain properties in different parts of a beach-dune system built entirely of heavy mineral particles. These properties are related to: (1) resistance of particular minerals to weathering and abrasion, (2) hydraulic sorting in the swash zone, and (3) aeolian sorting during grain transport inland from the upper beach. The main waterlain and windlain sand properties depend on settling velocity which results from grain density (reflecting grain mineralogy), size, shape and roundness. The study was performed on the beach and dunes at Patea on the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand, which are comprised of heavy minerals assemblage containing a ferromagnetic (dominated by titanomagnetite) and non-ferromagnetic (mainly pyroxene and amphibole) fractions. The result demonstrates that three zones of different sand properties can be distinguished: (1) a lower swash zone dominated by non-ferromagnetic, larger and more angular particles which are carried back from the upper swash zone down the foreshore by the backwash; (2) an uppermost swash zone and beach with almost 100% of ferromagnetic, smaller and more rounded particles deposited at the back of the beach by the uprush, which during high tide and storms can reach the cliff toe, and can be reworked by wind; and (3) a climbing dune composed of a more poorly sorted mixture of non- and ferromagnetic particles. In terms of both mineralogy and grain size and shape, the dune sand is less uniform than the beach sand. Aeolian segregation resulted here in sand textural features opposite to those found in dune sands composed of light minerals. The results highlight the density-dependent variability of grain size and shape of beach-dune deposits consisting of only heavy minerals, and broaden our understanding of mechanisms of sedimentary processes which is particularly important when reconstructing older sedimentary successions.
Geological Quarterly; 2021, 65, 3; 65: 35
Pojawia się w:
Geological Quarterly
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ice-sheet dynamics of warta glaciation (saale) in the marginal zone of Knyszewicze area, north eastern Poland
Rychel, Joanna
Woronko, Barbara
Karasiewicz, Mirosław T.
Szymczuk, Paweł
Morawski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Czytelnia Czasopism PAN
ice lobe
marginal zone
glaciotectonic disturbances
thrust-block push moraines
The pa per pres ents a re search on a mar ginal zone near Knyszewicze in the south ern part of Sokó³ka Hills (north east ern Po land). Ter mi nal mo raine hills are ar ranged amphitheatrically in a lobal pat tern. Dy nam ics of the Knyszewicze frontal ice-sheet lobe dur ing the Saale Gla ci ation and suc ces sive stages of the mar ginal zone near the vil lage of Knyszewicze were re con structed based on sed i men tary and geomorphological anal y sis, us ing a dig i tal el e va tion model and morpholineaments. Three main phases of the Knyszewicze gla cial-lobe ac tiv ity were iden ti fied in clud ing ac cu mu la - tion of glaciofluvial de pos its, ad vances of the ice mar gin and ice-lobe re treat. Mo raine hills de vel oped at a sta ble ice-lobe ter mi nus, ini tially as short end-mo raine fans with the fol low ing se quence of lithofacies GhÞSGhÞSh or GmÞGhÞSh. Such a se quence in di cates cy clic sheet-floods. Dur ing a small but dy namic ad vance of the ice sheet termi nus, these de pos its were moved for ward and monoclinally folded, then fur rowed with slop ing faults due to hor i zontal pres sure. Typ i cal thrust-block push mo raines de vel oped in this way. Ice sheet ad vance took place when per ma frost was pres ent in the sub stra tum and very high wa ter pres sure oc curred at gla cial ter mi nus. In side a lobal con fig u ra tion of mo raines, there is a rich in ven tory of gla cial forms with a clas sic ter mi nal de pres sion in the cen tral part. Based on this landform pat tern, their shape, rhythm and glaciotectonic dis tur bances, the land re lief may be re ferred to as a hill-hole pair. The struc ture of Horczaki Knoll, de pos ited on the sub-Qua ter nary tec tonic struc ture, sig nif i cantly con trib uted to a de vel op ment of this mar ginal zone.
Studia Quaternaria; 2015, 32; 79-90
Pojawia się w:
Studia Quaternaria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rekonstrukcja zmian paleośrodowiskowych w eemskich zagłębieniach bezodpływowych przedpola lądolodu ostatniego zlodowacenia na przykładzie stanowiska Stara Maryśka II (Północne Mazowsze, Polska Centralna)
Paleoenvironmental changes reconstruction in the Eemian kettle holes of the last ice sheet glaciation foregrounds on the example of the Stara Maryśka II site (Northern Mazovia, Central Poland)
Rychel, Joanna
Sieradz, Dominika
Massalska, Barbara
Standzikowski, Karol
Wasiluk, Radosław
Woronko, Barbara
Nawrocki, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Geomorfologów Polskich
późny plejstocen
zagłębienie bezodpływowe
warunki peryglacjalne
maksymalny zasięg lądolodu zlodowacenia Wisły
Late Pleistocene
kettle hole
periglacial conditions
palaeoenvironmental changes
maximum limit of the Weichselian (Vistulian) ice sheet
Odsłonięta w stanowisku Stara Maryśka II sukcesja osadowa obejmuje górną część interglacjału eemskiego po zlodowacenie wisły. Na podstawie ciągłości zapisu palinologicznego w osadach wypełniających zbiornik odtworzony został przebieg zmian klimatu i środowiska w okresie późnego plejstocenu (MIS5e-MIS2). Wyniki datowań metodą OSL pozwoliły wyróżnić okresy funkcjonowania warstwy czynnej wieloletniej zmarzliny podczas zlodowacenia wisły (MIS4- -MIS2), która jest wyznacznikiem warunków peryglacjalnych panujących przed czołem lądolodu. Oznaczony został również czas formowania się wydm w rejonie stanowiska.
The sedimentary succession exposed in Stara Maryśka II site includes last part of Eemian Interglacial (MIS 5e) to Late Weichselian (MIS2) deposits. On the base of the palynological record in the paleo-lake, the climate and environmental changes during MIS 5e were reconstructed. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of the sands pseudomorphoses of ice wegdes made it possible to distinguish periods of increased aeolian activity during the Weichselian glaciation.
Landform Analysis; 2022, 41; 53--68
Pojawia się w:
Landform Analysis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Heavy and light minerals as a tool for reconstructing depositional environments: an example from the Jałówka site (northern Podlasie region, NE Poland)
Woronko, Barbara
Rychel, Joanna
Karasiewicz, Mirosław T.
Ber, Andrzej
Krzywicki, Tomasz
Marks, Leszek
Pochocka-Szwarc, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
heavy minerals
quartz grain
periglacial processes
source deposits
Vistulian glaciation
NE Poland
minerały ciężkie
ziarna kwarcu
procesy peryglacjalne
złoża źródłowe
zlodowacenie Wisły
Polska północna
Part of northern Podlasie (NE Poland), shaped during the Wartanian stadial of the Odranian glaciation (Saalian), was situated in the periglacial zone during the Vistulian (Weichselian) glaciation. Both landforms and sediments were affected by the periglacial conditions. This is recorded at the Jałówka site, at the floor of a dry valley, where mineral deposits of 4.13 m thick, overlying organic deposits from the Eemian interglacial, were examined. These mineral deposits form four units, from bottom to top: a fluvial unit (I), a loess-like unit (II), a solifluction unit (III), and an aeolian unit with ice wedges (IV) on top of unit III. The heavy and light minerals were analysed, as well as the geochemistry, in order to find out about the parent material and to reconstruct the climatic conditions during deposition. The mineral analysis indicates that the Saalian till was predominantly derived from shallow-marine deposits; erosion accompanied by sorting of the heavy minerals took place on the basis of their mass and grain size. The original material of the till seems therefore to be sedimentary rocks from the eastern Central Baltic Basin. This material became strongly weathered under the periglacial conditions, resulting in the destruction of the quartz grains, as well as in leaching, leading to complete decalcification of the deposits. Aeolian activity resulted in infilling of ice wedges and the creation of thin layers. The intensity and the duration of these processes was limited, so that the effects of the aeolian abrasion are insignificant. Neither resulted the aeolian activity in significant reshaping of the landscape.
Geologos; 2013, 19, No. 1-2; 47-66
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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