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Klasyfikacja surowca wybranych gatunków według norm polskich i Unii Europejskiej
Classification of wood of selected tree species according to the Polish and the EU standards
Michalec, K.
Wąsik, K.
Barszcz, A.
Groń, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
surowce drzewne
drewno bukowe
drewno debowe
drewno jodlowe
drewno swierkowe
wady drewna
jakosc drewna
klasyfikacja drewna
normy unijne
normy polskie
raw wood
wood defects
wood value
The aim of this paper was to perform a comparative analysis of the quality and the value of beech, oak, fir and spruce wood classified according to the Polish and the EU standards. The research was carried out in Lesko and Baligród forest districts (south−eastern Poland). The measurements of the investigated raw wood were taken at the upper landings. With regard to fir, spruce and beech 50 specimens per species were measured, while in the case of oak only 25 pieces were examined. Each specimen was classified in respect of its quality and size according to the Polish standards (PN) and the European Union (PN−EN) standards. Then, the results of both classifications were compared in terms of the share of volumes of particular wood quality classes, the impact of wood defects on the raw wood classification results, and the value of wood determined by the means of both standards. With regard to the beech wood, the share of the poorest class D upon applying PN−EN was smaller than that for PN norms. This decrease was in favour of other classes, due to which the value of the entire beech wood increased by ca. 16%, when classified with the use of the EU standards. The oak wood revealed a slight increase in the share of wood volume in the class C and a decrease in the class D of PN−EN when compared with the Polish norms. The value of the oak wood classified with the use of the EU standards was merely by 2.3% higher than that of the Polish norms. With regard to the softwood (fir and spruce), a decrease in the share of wood of the class C in PN−EN was recorded, which was in favour of the classes B and D. The value of raw wood classified by means of the EU standards was lower for both of the coniferous species. The decrease for fir accounted for 13.3%, while for spruce it was only 1.5%. For the evaluation of the softwood, Polish classification was more profitable, whereas for hardwood the EU standards were more favourable.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 06; 459-465
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modelowanie, sterowanie i wizualizacja quadrocoptera
Modeling, control and visualisation of a quadrocopter
Liecau, T.
Warkocz, M.
Wąsik, K.
Grochowski, M.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów
przetwarzanie obrazów
image processing
Artykuł przedstawia podejście do budowy modelu matematycznego quadrocoptera. Głównym celem budowy modelu było zaprojektowanie odpowiedniego sterowania obiektu oraz analiza jego zachowania się w różnych sytuacjach. Jako założenie przyjęto budowę modelu, systemu sterowania oraz wszelkich towarzyszących algorytmów w otwartym środowisku programistycznym, co pozwoli na późniejszą ich implementację w rzeczywistym obiekcie, bez konieczności stosowania drogiego oprogramowania. Sterowanie quadrocopterem przez operatora odbywa się przy pomocy ruchów dłoni sczytywanych przez kamerę i odpowiednio interpretowanych przy pomocy zaawansowanych metod przetwarzania obrazów. Całość systemu zwizualizowana jest i osadzona w trójwymiarowym środowisku symulacyjnym.
The paper presents an approach for building a mathematical model of a quadrocopter. The main objective was to design the appropriate quadrocopter control and analysis of its behavior in different situations. As the assumption was that the model, control system and all the accompanying algorithms have to be realized in an open source and free programs, to allow for their later implementationin plant, without the need for expensive software. Quadrocopter control by the operator is carried outusing hand movements read by the camera and then properly interpreter with the great help of advanced methods of image processing techniques. The whole system is visualized and embedded in threedimensional simulation environment.
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka; 2012, 16, 2; 234-240
Pojawia się w:
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność wybranych cech makrostruktury i gęstości drewna dębu czerwonego (Quercus rubra L.) z Polski południowo-wschodniej
Variability of selected macrostructural features and the wood density of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) from south-eastern Poland
Wąsik, R.
Michalec, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
red oak
annual rings
The aim of the paper was to determine the variability of selected macrostructural features and wood density for northern red oak growing in south−eastern Poland. On 4 study plots, we sampled each tree, taking an increment core from the northern side of the trunk, from the height of 1.3 m. The number of tree rings, width and the share of sapwood was measured. The cores were scanned and then tree ring and latewood widths were measured. The latewood proportion in each ring was calculated. Next, starting from the bark, the cores were divided into sections containing 10 annual rings. The relative wood density was determined for each section, then the density was calculated for entire stem cross−section. The mean sapwood width was 1.5 cm. It included 7 annual rings on average, and its share in the trunk cross−sectional area reached 17%. Younger red oaks (II and III age classes) had a significantly higher share of sapwood compared to older trees (IV and V age classes). The investigated red oaks formed narrow−ring wood with an average width of 2.16 mm. The trees growing on deciduous forest habitat had a more equal tree ring width compared to trees from coniferous forest habitats, where this feature showed also higher variability. The latewood proportion in the studied red oaks was 60% on average. The mean relative wood density was 0.578 g/cm3 and it was slightly higher than the value given for red oaks growing in North America. The calculated absolute density (with an assumed volumetric shrinkage from 12.9 to 13.7%) varied from 0.664 to 0.670 g/cm3. It classifies the investigated wood as moderately heavy. Similar density values are given for native oaks, which allows to assume that the technical quality of the wood of red oaks growing in Poland is similar to native oak species. The wood of trees from deciduous forest habitat showed a significantly higher density and a more equal distribution compared to the trees from coniferous forest sites. The raw material of red oaks obtained from deciduous forest habitats should characterize by a better technical quality of wood in comparison with that obtained from coniferous forest sites.
Sylwan; 2020, 164, 10; 850-859
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Skuteczność oczyszczania ścieków bytowych w filtrach piaskowych o przepływie pionowym z dodatkiem ziarnistego węgla aktywnego
The effectiveness of domestic wastewater treatment in sand filters vertical flow of granular activated carbon addition
Wasik, E.
Chmielowski, K.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Stowarzyszenie Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich PAN
scieki bytowe
oczyszczanie sciekow
filtry piaskowe
filtry o przeplywie pionowym
wegiel aktywny
skutecznosc oczyszczania
scieki oczyszczone
wskazniki zanieczyszczen
zawiesina ogolna
biochemiczne zapotrzebowanie tlenu
chemiczne zapotrzebowanie tlenu
W artykule przedstawiono ocenę skuteczności oczyszczania ścieków bytowych z zastosowaniem filtrów piaskowych o przepływie pionowym z dodatkiem ziarnistego węgla aktywnego. Badania efektywności usuwania związków organicznych, związków azotowych oraz zawiesiny ogólnej wykonywano w warunkach zwiększającego się obciążenia hydraulicznego. Stwierdzono, że oczyszczanie ścieków bytowych w wielowarstwowym filtrze piaskowym z dodatkiem ziarnistego węgla aktywnego zapewniło odpowiednią jakość filtratu dla obciążenia hydraulicznego wynoszącego 43 mm·d-1 oraz 88 mm·d-1. Ze względu na zmienne warunki panujące wewnątrz poszczególnych warstw złoża, zaobserwowano duże wahania skuteczności zmniejszenia BZT5 (6- 99%), ChZTCr (31- 90%) oraz zawiesiny ogólnej (55- 95%). Wykazano, że jednowarstwowy filtr wypełniony ziarnistym węglem aktywnym był najbardziej odpowiedni do stworzenia w jego wnętrzu korzystnych warunków dla rozwoju zarówno bakterii heterotroficznych, jak i bakterii nitryfikacyjnych. Podczas trzymiesięcznego cyklu oczyszczania ścieków bytowych średnia skuteczność zmniejszania BZT5, ChZTCr oraz zawiesiny ogólnej wyniosła odpowiednio 98%, 97% oraz 87%.
The article presents an assessment of the effectiveness of municipal wastewater treatment using sand filters of vertical flow with granular activated carbon. Research of organic compounds, nitrogen compounds and total suspension removal were performed under increasing hydraulic loading rates. It was found that the treatment of domestic sewage in a multi-layer sand filter with granular activated carbon ensured the quality of the filtrate for hydraulic loading rates 43 mm·d-1 and 88 mm·d-1. Due to the changing conditions within the layers observed large fluctuations reduce the effectiveness of BOD5 (6- 99% ), ChZTCr (31 - 90% ) and total suspension (55 -95%). Tthe effectiveness of removing organic compounds, nitrogen compounds and total suspension was determined. It was shown that the single-layer granular activated carbon filter was adequate to establish in the interior of the optimal conditions for the development of both heterotrophic bacteria and nitrifying bacteria. For 3 month cycle mean effectiveness of BOD5, CODCr and total suspension was respectively 98%, 97% and 87%.
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich; 2013, 3/I
Pojawia się w:
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Image analysis in wood testing - selected examples
Analiza obrazu w badaniach drewna - wybrane przykłady
Wąsik, R.
Michalec, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Rolniczej
image analysis
analiza obrazu
This paper is a review article which presents examples of application of the image analysis in wood testing. The objective of the paper was to present selected research methods with the use of image analysis used in the research on anatomy and macro-structure of wood carried out in the Department of Forest and Wood Utilization of the Institute of Forest Utilization and Forest Technology of the University of Agriculture in Krakow. In the part concerning research on wood anatomy the following areas of application of the image analysis were indicated: identification of wood species and variability of the selected parameters of the anatomic structure with special attention to coniferous trees. In the part concerning the research on macro-structure of wood, methodology of collection and preparation of wood samples and measurement of the most important properties of the macrostructure was described with the use of the image analysis program. Moreover, the selected areas of practical application of the results of such analysis were indicated.
Niniejsza praca jest artykułem przeglądowym, prezentującym przykłady zastosowania analizy obrazu w badaniach drewna. Celem pracy było przedstawienie wybranych metod badawczych z zastosowaniem analizy obrazu, wykorzystywanych w badaniach anatomii i makrostruktury drewna, prowadzonych w Zakładzie Użytkowania Lasu i Drewna, Instytutu Użytkowania Lasu i Techniki Leśnej Uniwersytetu Rolniczego im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie. W części dotyczącej badań anatomii drewna wskazano na takie obszary zastosowania analizy obrazu jak: identyfikacja gatunku drewna oraz zmienność wybranych parametrów jego budowy anatomicznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem gatunków iglastych. W części dotyczącej badań cech makrostruktury drewna opisano metodykę pobrania i przygotowania próbek drewna oraz pomiaru najważniejszych cech makrostruktury przy pomocy programu do analizy obrazu. Wskazano także wybrane obszary praktycznego zastosowania wyników takiej analizy.
Agricultural Engineering; 2016, 20, 3; 183-195
Pojawia się w:
Agricultural Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obecność martwic na pniach drzew stojących a jakość i wartość surowca dębowego
Necroses occurring on trunks of standing trees against the quality and the value of oak timber
Michalec, K.
Wąsik, R.
Gruchała, K.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewa lesne
drzewa stojace
uszkodzenia mechaniczne
martwice drewna
drewno debowe
timber damage
mechanical injuries
timber classification
This paper aimed to evaluate the impact of necroses occurring on trunks of standing oak trees on their wood quality and value. The research was carried out in five study plots situated in the Meszcze Forestry, Piotrków Forest District (central Poland). The investigations covered: measuring the diameter at breast height of every injured tree with diameter ≥7 cm, estimating the length of the trunk fragment that should be cut off to remove the defect, the assessment of the quality and size of the 3−m butt−end fragment of a trunk, excluding the detected damage or rot (classification I), as well as the quality and size assessment of the same trunk fragment, though including the encountered defect (classification II). The theoretical volume of timber within the particular quality classes was computed (WAt, WBt, WCt and WDt). Afterwards, the real volumes (WAr, WBr, WCr and WDr) were compared with those of groups S2r and S4r. Based on the analysis of the quantity of damaged trees in the investigated trial plots, the lowest share of such specimens was recorded in the compartment 2a (1.6% of defective trees). Whereas, the highest share of damaged trees was encountered in the compartment 39a (8.5%). The timber of more valuable large−sized classes 'migrated', due to damages, to the groups of medium−sized timber (S2 or S4). With respect to the total volume of timber within the particular classes and groups, the greatest loss was reported in the WB class. The timber in question 'migrated' mostly to the group S2, though a part of it was classified to the group S4 as well. The established decrease in the timber value, due to damages to trunks, accounted for ca. 26%, which amounted to ca. 5.8 thous. PLN, in relation to the entire investigated material. The obtained results indicated the necessity to reduce the damages occurring in oak stands and remove the injured trees as soon as possible to avoid a significant depreciation and a value loss of raw wood.
Sylwan; 2015, 159, 09; 740-746
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Variability in static bending strength of the "Taborz" Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Wasik, R.
Michalec, K.
Mudryk, K.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Drewna
static bending strength
Taborz Scotch pine
pine wood
Scotch pine
Pinus sylvestris
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty; 2016, 59, 196
Pojawia się w:
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kształtowanie się szerokości przyrostów rocznych i wytrzymałości na zginanie statyczne drewna kasztanowców białych (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) w warunkach środowiska miejskiego
Formation of the annual rings width and bending strength of horse chestnuts wood (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) in urban environment
Wasik, R.
Barszcz, A.
Michalec, K.
Data publikacji:
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Leśny Zakład Doświadczalny. Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej w Rogowie
drzewa lisciaste
kasztanowiec bialy
Aesculus hippocastanum
drewno kasztanowca
przyrosty roczne
sloje przyrostu rocznego
wytrzymalosc na zginanie statyczne
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej; 2014, 16, 2B[39]
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Materiały Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo-Leśnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy ochrony złóż surowców balneologicznych a planowanie przestrzenne na przykładzie złoża torfu Kołobrzeg
Protection of balneology resources and planning of land use as exemplified by peat of Kołobrzeg
Poprawski, L.
Wąsik, M.
Chudy, K.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
ochrona zasobów naturalnych
tereny podmokłe
protection of natural resources
water in peatlands
This article presents results of analysis and findings incorporated in „Contextual analysis of the economic development of Kolobrzeg” allowing for a variety of economic activity and investments in the mining area of Mirocice, with the consideration of their potential impact on water in peatlands. The analysis incorporates description of the natural resources, exisiting and planned development of these resources and areas within its vicinity, as well as potential impact from exisiting facilities and current plans for development. The facilities have been assigned three possible levels of risk to water in peatlands: potentially high, potentially low and no risk. The areas dedicated to storage and production functions pose a potnetially high level of risk. Aside from their direct impact, they will also indirectly dirve higtened traffic by heavy trucks as well as heavy loads carried by rail. The areas dedicated to mulifamily living units, especially when accompanied by well designed infrastructure and not too densly populated, pose a potentially low level of risk. The green areas, excluded from other urban or economic development, pose no risk to water in peatlands. The current state of research around water in peatlands and its surrounding areas is insufficient. Appropriate preservation of water in peatlands necessaitates interedsciplinary research and regular monitoring which will outline the current state of the peatlands’ resources, point out actual risks and provide direction for preservation of these natural resources. Finally, this work also highlights social conflicts that emerged during our research.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2015, 63, 10/2; 1004--1010
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka szacowania kosztów ustanawiania obszarów ochronnych wybranych GZWP w utworach czwartorzędowych w regionie środkowej Odry
The problem of estimating costs of establishing protection areas in selected MGBs in the Quaternary aquifers of the Middle Odra region
Gurwin, J.
Sowińska, K.
Wąsik, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
zasoby dyspozycyjne
obszar ochronny
szacowanie kosztów
Major Groundwater Basins
protection areas
cost estimation
One of the important tasks of state policy is to protect groundwater against quantitative and qualitative degradation. Estimation of costs of establishing protection areas of MGBs is of crucial meaning taking into account the balance between the costs of prohibitions and restrictions and the benefits related to the value of protected groundwater resources. The costs have been evaluated on the basis of a legal opinion, where the key components are major prohibitions that take into account the assumptions of the Water Law, the Environmental Protection Act, and the Local Spatial Development Plans. The analysis was based on two MGBs located in the Central Odra region, characterized by different sizes, hydrogeological conditions and development, both of Quaternary age. The land cover and the development of the area are keyfactors influencing potential compensations and conflicts. The final results of the calculations with accuracy to the municipality have shown a strong dominance of the benefits of the existence and protection of both MGBs over the possible costs.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2017, 65, 11/1; 1062--1068
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jakość surowca świerkowego pochodzącego z drzewostanów naturalnych (rezerwatowych) i drzewostanów pełniących funkcje gospodarcze
The quality of spruce timber from natural stands (forest reserves) and managed stands
Michalec, K.
Barszcz, A.
Wasik, R.
Data publikacji:
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Technologii Drewna
drzewostany swierkowe
drzewostany naturalne
drzewostany gospodarcze
surowce drzewne
drzewa lesne
drewno swierkowe
struktura jakosciowa
wady drewna
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy porównawczej jakości surowca świerkowego pochodzącego z drzewostanów naturalnych (rezerwatowych) i drzewostanów pełniących funkcje gospodarcze. W analizach uwzględniono również wady drewna wpływające na wyniki klasyfikacji badanego surowca oraz częstotliwość ich występowania. Wytypowane do badań drzewostany zlokalizowane były w terenach górskich: w Sudetach i Karpatach. W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz stwierdzono, że nieznacznie lepsze pod względem jakości surowca drzewnego są w porównaniu z drzewostanami naturalnymi (rezerwatowymi) drzewostany pełniące funkcje gospodarcze.
The aim of this study is to determine the variation in the quality structure of spruce timber and to analyze the frequency of occurrence of trees with defects, including the generic structure of defects in natural stands (forest reserves) and stands serving economic functions. The study was conducted on 20 experimental plots located within the Sudeten and Carpathian Mountains, of which 10 were located in the area of nature reserves or national parks while the other 10 - in the managed stands (table 1). Each experimental plot constituted 5 or 10% of the area of the whole stand, depending on its differentiation. The following tasks were performed on the experimental plots: measurement of the breast-height diameter of each tree with a thickness of at least 7 cm, measurement of the height of each tree, quality assessment of the first section of the tree stem from the base along with its quality-dimensional class or group [Zasady... 2003], recording the types and varieties of wood defects. Analyzing the research material obtained, the stem of each tree growing on an experimental plot underwent simulated division into sections corresponding to the quality-dimensional classes and groups which could theoretically be distinguished over the whole length of a stem up to its top. The starting point was the quality-dimensional class noted in the butt section of the stem (section 1) during the field research. The above tasks included the use of the Radwański tables [Roczniki... 1956], which allowed the determination of the size and volume of each section of the spruce stems on the basis of the breast-height diameter and the tree height; wood defects, noted in field, were also taken into account. The material obtained was divided into 2 groups: data from the reserves and from the managed stands. For the material grouped in this way, juxtapositions were made of the average volumes of individual stem sections in quality-dimensional classes and groups of timber and the percentages of particular timber classes and groups in the two stand types were calculated. The material was also analyzed taking into account the generic structure of defects (percentages of individual trees with particular wood defects in a given group of stands). The next stage consisted in statistical analyses using the U-Mann-Whitney test, examining the significance of differences in the quality-dimensional structure of timber and the share of trees with defects between the two groups of stands. The research showed that trees growing in natural stands (reserves) are characterized by a greater average height, thickness (d1.3 and d1/2) and volume of individual trees as compared with the same characteristics of spruce trees in managed stands (table 2). Also, the average volume of the large-sized timber sections (WA, WB1, WB, WC, WD) of individual trees from natural forests dominated the volume of tree sections in managed stands. Despite that fact, the volume/ha of natural forest stands was lower (355.91 m3/ha) than of managed stands (380.27 m3/ha). By analyzing the quality-dimensional structure of the examined timber it was found that the proportion of higher quality timber classes (WA and WB) prevails in the managed stands, resulting in a lower share of the WC class of timber (fig. 1). Only the share of WB1 class timber prevails in natural stands. The managed stands also showed a larger share of medium-sized timber (groups S1, S2 and S4) as compared to natural forests. TheU-Mann-Whitney statistical test, however, did not show statistically significant differences in the timber quality structure between the natural and the managed stands (U = 49.00, Z = -0.0378, p = 0.9698). Subsequently, it was found that the proportion of trees with quality reduced by defects was higher in the natural stands (70.38%) as compared to the managed stands (67.13%). The main defect, decisive for timber quality, were knots (in both groups of stands). The share of trees with that defect was greater in the stands of natural origin (fig. 2). In those stands, there was also a larger share of trees with rot (external and internal rot) and unilateral curvatures. The managed stands demonstrated a share of injuries (overgrown and open ones) as well as bilateral and multilateral curvatures that was higher than in the natural stands. In conclusion, it should be emphasized that in the managed stands within the research area a higher quality of spruce timber as well as higher volume/ha were noted as compared to the natural stands (forest reserves). Stands in forest reserves are generally located at higher altitudes in the mountains or hardly accessible areas; their main purpose are protective functions, they also serve the purposes of research. In the stands situated in forest reserves there was reported, in comparison with the managed stands, a higher incidence of trees with a large number of knots and highly affected by rot. A frequent presence of such defects is inevitable there because this group does not undergo any management cuts that would improve timber quality. Moreover, the presence of rot is due to the advanced age of these stands. At the same time, what is disturbing is a large share of trees with injuriesin the managed stands. Given that spruce is very sensitive to mechanical damage of the stem, resulting in rapid development of rot, caution is recommended during forest management work and harvesting in spruce stands.
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty; 2013, 56, 189
Pojawia się w:
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metodyka szacowania kosztów ustanawiania obszaru ochronnego GZWP na przykładzie zbiornika nr 138 Pradolina Toruń–Eberswalde
Methodology of estimating costs of establishing MGB protection areas based on MGB No. 138
Gurwin, J.
Pajewski, K.
Sowińska, K.
Wąsik, M.
Data publikacji:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
zasoby wód podziemnych
obszar ochronny
szacowanie kosztów
Main Groundwater Basin
protection areas
cost estimation
The paper presents the methodology of estimating costs related to the legal establishment of MGB protection areas designated in hydrogeological documentations. The methodology outlines the actions allowing for carrying out balance sheets of costs arising from the introduction of rules, prohibitions and restrictions on land or water use in protected areas, compiled with the benefits of current and potential use of groundwater and preservation of current water quality. Implementation of the methodology is intended to help in the rational evaluation of the correctness of establishing protected areas. Pilot calculations were made for MGB No. 138 Pradolina Toruń-Eberswalde. The costs and benefits were estimated at the amount of 31.6 million PLN and 483.2 million PLN, respectively. Finally, the legal basis for the establishment ofprotection areas for this groundwater basin was addressed positively.
Przegląd Geologiczny; 2017, 65, 11/1; 1055--1061
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Geologiczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jakość surowca sosnowego pochodzącego z terenów rekultywowanych dla leśnictwa na przykładzie zwałowiska odpadów po wydobyciu siarki w Piasecznie
Quality of Scots pine wood on the lands reclaimed for forestry - spoil heap after the exploitation of sulphur in Piaseczno case study
Pająk, K.
Michalec, K.
Wąsik, R.
Kościelny, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
tereny przemyslowe
Kopalnia Siarki Piaseczno
zwalowiska odpadow
zwalowiska zewnetrzne
rekultywacja lesna
drzewa lesne
sosna zwyczajna
Pinus sylvestris
drewno sosnowe
jakosc drewna
raw wood
wood defects
pinus sylvestris
The research was conducted on the external spoil heap of the 'Piaseczno' Sulphur Mine (southern Poland). This paper aimed to determine the quality of wood in 40−year−old Scots pine trees planted onto the external spoil heap of the mine, in the scope of forest reclamation, depending on the soil substrate and employed reclamation treatments. The investigations were carried out at one−are circular trial plots. A total number of 17 study plots was established, located on: Quaternary loose sands (PL), mixed Quaternary sands and Tertiary Krakowieckie clays (PI), and mixed Quaternary sands and Tertiary clays after an intense initial fertilisation (PIN). Measurements performed at the study plots included determination of diameter at breast height of every tree with a diameter ≥7 cm and height of every tree. We classified the wood of standing trees, including a specification of class or quality and dimension group of the butt−end part of the trunk, identifying types and variants of defects that determined the results of quality classification of raw wood. We found significant differences in trees dimensions between soil substrates. No significant difference was found for fertilised substrates, therefore it may be assumed that fertilising of more fertile soils was an unnecessary treatment. The quality of pine wood was mostly affected by knots and curvatures. An impact of knots on the results of wood classification increased with fertility of soil substrate. With regard to curvatures, the opposite trend was recorded. The frequency of occurrence of the above−mentioned defects was determined not only by the habitat type, but also by the manner of forest management. To reduce the frequency of occurrence of the defects in question in the reclaimed areas, an appropriate closure of stands should be maintained and adequate tending treatments should be performed competently and skilfully, as this is done in commercial stands.
Sylwan; 2016, 160, 04; 284-291
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Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Influence of iron nanowires oxidation on their semiconducting properties
Krajewski, M.
Gołasa, K.
Wasik, D.
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Fizyki PAN
The main aim of this work was to study the impact of thermal annealing on the structure of iron oxide shell covering iron nanowires in relation to their semiconducting properties. Studied nanomaterial has been produced via a simple chemical reduction in an external magnetic field and then it has been thermally-treated at 400°C, 600°C and also 800°C in a slightly oxidizing argon atmosphere. Annealed iron nanowires have been characterized by means of the Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence in order to study the structure of iron oxide shell and its influence on semiconducting properties of the whole nanostructure. According to obtained experimental results, the composition of iron oxide shell covering the studied nanomaterial is changing with annealing temperature. The thermal treatment at 400°C leads to oxidation of iron coming from the core of nanomaterial and formation of a mixture of Fe₃O₄ and α -Fe₂O₃ on the surfaces of nanowires, while annealing at higher temperatures results in further oxidation of iron as well as the phase transformation of previously created Fe₃O₄ into the most thermodynamically stable form of iron oxide at ambient conditions - α -Fe₂O₃. This oxide has a major impact on the semiconducting properties of studied nanomaterial. Thereby, the measurements of photoluminescence enabled to estimate the bandgap of bulk and surface layer at about 1.8 eV and 2.1 eV, respectively.
Acta Physica Polonica A; 2016, 129, 1a; A-135-A-137
Pojawia się w:
Acta Physica Polonica A
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zmienność wybranych cech makrostruktury i gęstości drewna świerkowego (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) pochodzącego z drzewostanów rosnących na różnych siedliskowych typach lasu
Variability of selected features of macrostructure and density of Norway spruce wood (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) from stands growing in different forest habitats
Michalec, K.
Wasik, R.
Barszcz, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Leśne
drzewostany rebne
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
drewno swierkowe
sloje przyrostu rocznego
gestosc drewna
czynniki siedliska
typy siedliskowe lasu
common beech
silvicultural value
This paper presents the genetic variability in the growth parameters and morphological traits, as well as the silvicultural quality of progeny of 23 European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances from south−eastern Poland. The research was conducted on the experimental plot established in the Łosie Forest District in spring 2006. After 10 years, during the spring and autumn, we determined and measured the spring phenology and survival rate, the diameter at breast height (dbh), the tree height, and the straightness of trunk. The results obtained point out the considerable variability of analysed features, both within and between different beech populations (tab.). Highest and lowest survival rates are noted for the beeches from Lutowiska and Leżajsk (populations 451 and 461), respectively (fig. 2). Lowest mean height and dbh were achieved by beeches from Bircza (453), while the tallest and broadest trees were from the Kielce population (390) (fig. 3−4). The overall silvicultural assessment based on survival, height, dbh, spring phenological phases and straightness of the trunk revealed that the most valuable populations of beech are those originating from Kielce (390), Bircza (454), Strzyżów (459), Lesko (452), Rymanów (457) and Lutowiska (451). In turn, the analysis resulted in least favourable assessments for beeches from Bircza (453) and Gromnik (362). Thus, we confirmed also that trees of local origin are not always best−adapted to (and do not always grow best in) the place they originate from. The obtained results are highly relevant from the principles of creating the seed source regions for beech in Poland, as the proper selection of a population for the given place of growth may yield benefits for forest ecology and management.
Sylwan; 2019, 163, 03; 188-197
Pojawia się w:
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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