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Krzyż jako symbol władzy kosmicznej w bizantyńsko-słowiańskiej tradycji literackiej
Cross as the symbol of cosmic power in Byzantine and Slavic literary and liturgical tradition
Stradomski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
apokryfy eschatologiczne
literatura cerkiewnosłowiańska
rękopisy cyrylickie
eschatology apocrypha
Church-Slavonic literature
Cyrillic manuscripts
The image of a cross appearing in the sky has been present in Christian literature not only in the body of texts related to several saints, but it has also become one of the most favourite motives of Christian apocryphal literature, especially in its apocalyptic and eschatological section. Revelation of Pseudo-Methodius Patarensis, which is very popular in Medieval literature, is an example of using the motive of a cross as a symbol of cosmic power to illustrate the scenario of the apocalypse and the second advent awaited by Christians. In the apocryphal text, the image of the cosmic cross serves, inter alia, the purpose of graphic and suggestive presentation of the fundamental axiom of that period concerning the existence and co-dependence of two intermingling parallel worlds, namely the earthly (material, mundane) and the heavenly one (divine, eternal). The text constitutes an example of building apocryphal narrative on the basis of a precise semantic code of the Christian vision of times (the past and also the future) testifying to its multi-faceted mythological, biblical, historical and literary implications.
Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo; 2017, 7(10); 205-215
Pojawia się w:
Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Księdza Mateusza Bembusa SJ poglądy na temat schizmy kościelnej i propozycje pojednania z Cerkwią prawosławną
Father Mateusz Bembus’, S.J., Views on Church Schism and Proposals for Reconciliation with the Orthodox Church
Stradomski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
polemika religijna
unia kościelna
synod we Lwowie
jezuici, Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów
religious polemic
church union
the Synod in Lviv
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Synod biskupów unickich we Lwowie z 1629 r. był jedną z prób doprowadzenia do zgody dwóch chrześcijańskich wyznań obrządku wschodniego w Rzeczypospolitej – obecnej na ziemiach ruskich od stuleci Cerkwi prawosławnej oraz nowo powstałego w wyniku zawarcia unii brzeskiej (1596) Kościoła greckokatolickiego. Podjęty z zaangażowaniem metropolity Józefa Welamina Rutskiego i króla Zygmunta III Wazy wysiłek unijny nie przyniósł spodziewanych rezultatów, a jednym z niewielu namacalnych owoców zjazdu stała się homilia krakowskiego jezuity, Mateusza Bembusa, wygłoszona w dniu otwarcia synodu. Tekst mowy znany jest z dwóch XVII-wiecznych edycji, jakie ukazały się w odstępie zaledwie kilku miesięcy w Krakowie i Lwowie. W dziele tym jezuita zawarł szereg wątków dotyczących historii chrześcijaństwa oraz propozycję sposobu przełamania schizmy kościelnej. Całość ubrana została w klasyczną strukturę mowy retorycznej, wyrażonej barwnym językiem i nietypowymi argumentami. Studium stanowi analizę formalno-treściową pracy Bembusa przedstawioną na tle wydarzeń historycznych, których dotyczy.
The Synod of the Greek Catholic Bishops in Lviv of 1629 was one of the attempts to bring about an agreement between two Eastern-rite Christian denominations in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth – the Orthodox Church, which had been present in Ruthenia for centuries, and the newly established Greek Catholic Church which stemmed from the proclamation of the Brest Union (1596). Efforts for the union undertaken by Metropolitan Józef Welamin Rutski and King Sigismund III Wasa did not bring abouot the expected results, and one of the few concrete effects of the congress was the sermon of the Jesuit from Krakow, Mateusz Bembus, preached on the day of the opening of the synod. The text of the speech is known from two 17th-century editions, which were published just a few months apart in Kraków and Lviv. In this work, the Jesuit included a number of threads concerning the history of Christianity and a proposal on how to break the church schism. The content has been put into the classic structure of rhetorical speech, expressed in vivid language and unusual arguments. The paper is a structural and content analysis of Bembus’ work presented against the background of historical events.
Perspektywy Kultury; 2022, 38, 3; 15-40
Pojawia się w:
Perspektywy Kultury
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rękopiśmienne kopie antyłacińskich druków z okresu unii brzeskiej w zbiorach Biblioteki Narodowej w Warszawie
Handwritten Copies of Anti-Latin Prints from the Union of Brest Period in the Collections of the National Library in Warsaw
Stradomski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
rękopisy cerkiewne
druki cyrylickie
polemika religijna
Well-preserved copies of religious polemics from the period of the 16th and the 17th century in library and museum collections usually constitute a rarity. Such writings were often purposefully destroyed by religious opponents; therefore, procuring them was not easy even in the past. One of the manners of copying such works which aroused powerful controversies was their manual rewriting. This also refers to the old prints from the period of disputes concerning the Union of Brest by the Bug River (1596). The collection of Cyrillic manuscripts of the National Library in Warsaw contains two books which feature copies of anti-Latin texts expressing dissatisfaction and protests of a well-known representative of the Orthodox Church – Kiev Monk Father Zachariasz Kopysteński, in relation to the conclusion of the religious union with the Roman Catholics and its formal and legal consequences of delegalisation of the Orthodox Church in the Republic of Poland. The article contains a codicological description of both manuscripts and their textual relations with printed books of polemics from the beginning of the 17th century.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2016, Dawna cyrylicka księga drukowana: twórcy i czytelnicy, 7; 159-176
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Literacka, polityczna i cerkiewna działalność prawosławnego metropolity kijowskiego Grzegorza Cambłaka w świetle współczesnych mu źródeł
Stradomski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
THE LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND RELIGIOUS WORK OF THE ORTHODOX METROPOLITAN OF KIEV GRIGORIJ CAMBLAK IN THE LIGHT OF HIS CONTEMPORARY SOURCESThe Kiev metropolitan Grigorij Camblak is an interesting fi gure in the Slavic Middle Ages. Formed spiritually and creatively by the Tyrnovo literary circle, he was compelled to leave Turkish-occupied Bulgaria and search for a more favorable environment in other Orthodox countries. Wherever he went (Byzantium, Mount Athos, Serbia, Moldavia, Poland [„Crown”], and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania), he left behind him traces of political and Orthodox-religious involvement, and literary works of extraordinary beauty. The latter became unquestionable models of Old-Church-Slavonic hesichastic writing and assured Grigorij Camblak a permanent place in the history of national literatures of Orthodox Slavs. He was involved in reinvigorating the idea of a union of Christian states which would aim to drive islam out of Europe and to liberate Balkan Slavs from Turkish subjugation. After he controversially rose to the rank of metropolitan (1415-1420), Camblak became engaged in building a  istinctive image of the Kievan Orthodox Church through close contacts with southern Slavdom on the plane of spirituality, religious literature, and worship of saints. Instructed by the Grand Duke Withold of Lithuania and Polish king Władysław II Jagiełło, Grigorij Camblak took part in the Council of Constance in 1418, charged with the diffi cult task of forging a church union. Distinct traces of his political, literary, and religious work are seen in more than a dozen sources from the period (15th-16th centuries), which offer fi rst-hand evidence in any attempt to reconstruct the biography of this remarkable man. The article discusses the picture of the Kiev metropolitan as arises out of accounts by his contemporary observers and commentators
Studia Religiologica; 2008, 41
Pojawia się w:
Studia Religiologica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Did Two Zlatousts from the Collection of the Princes Chartoryski Library in Cracow Once Belong to Fr Iwan Wiszeński?
Czy dwa Złatousty ze zbiorów Biblioteki xx. Czartoryskich w Krakowie należały niegdyś do o. Iwana Wiszeńskiego?
Stradomski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Byzantino-Slavonic literature
Cyrillic manuscripts
Balkan region
The Polish--Lithuanian Commonwealth
Iwan Wiszeński
In the collection of manuscripts of the Princes Chartoryski Library in Cracow, there are two manuscripts (from the beginning of the 17th century) which are related, in academic literature, with the person of Orthodox monk, Iwan Wiszeński. The volumes, described in catalogues as Zlatousts, were to be brought by him directly from the Mt Athos. Codicological and textual analysis of the manuscripts shows that the tomes are not the Zlatousts, but two volumes (Lent and Paschal period) from an extensive collection of Byzantine and Slavic panegyrical works, known as Studios Monastery Homiliarium. Characteristic features of both the books show that the manuscripts were written on the area of the former Polish Republic (The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), thus they may only be copies of the originals brought from the Balkan region (not necessarily the Mt Athos). It is possible that Iwan Wiszeński was engaged personally in the delivery of manuscripts of this type, unpopular in Orthodox literature in the Ruthenian territory, but not of these particular ones.
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne; 2018, 14
Pojawia się w:
Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Apokryficzne Proroctwo o Chrystusie w pogańskiej świątyni boga Apollona i jego znaczenie dla badań nad związkami literatury ruskiej z Bałkanami
Apocryphal “Prophecy About Christ in the Pagan Temple of Apollo” and its Significance for Studies on Relations Between Ruthenian Literature and the Balkans
Stradomski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
Christian Apocrypha
prophecies about Jesus Christ
Byzantine and Slavic literature
Cyrillic manuscripts
The “Tale Afroditian” is one of the most popular Christian Biblical apocrypha in the Byzantine-Slavic literature. In the Medieval Cyrillic manuscripts, it is accompanied by a brief text entitled “Prophecy About Christ in the Pagan Temple of Apollo.” There are assumptions that both texts have a common origin, even though the Greek text of the “Prophecy” has not been found to date. Thanks to the analysis of several copies of the “Prophecy”, it is possible to reconstruct the common history of both apocrypha in the Church-Slavonic literature, which once again confirms durable relations of the literature of the former Ruthenia with the Balkans. Copies of both apocrypha from the handwritten “Bonarówka Code” are very helpful in re-tracing some unclear moments in the textology of the “Tale of Afroditian” and the “Prophecy About Christ”.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2019, Вѣнецъ хваленїѧ. Studia ofiarowane profesorowi Aleksandrowi Naumowowi na jubileusz 70-lecia, 10; 85-100
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ortodoksja języka czy język ortodoksji? Argument lingwistyczny w sporze reprezentantów Kościoła łacińskiego i Cerkwi ruskiej w dobie kontrreformacji
Stradomski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Akademia Supraska
Kościół łaciński
Cerkiew ruska
język liturgii
Latin Church
Russian Orthodox Church
Language Liturgy
During the Counter-Reformation issues of using the national languages in the liturgy and the rite of the church became the source of lively discussion of the representatives of the Roman Church (Catholic) and the Greek Church (Orthodox). Strategy outlined by the Council of Trent to maintain the dominance of Latin as the universal language of all Christians subordinate to Pope after the establishment of the union in Brest-on-the-Bug had to be significantly modified. The best interests of the Church consolidation required concessions on the part of Rome and recognition of the Slavonic language to be, as effective as the Latin an instrument of the saving activity of the Church. Following the Slavonic, Polish language gradually breaks into the missionary and catechetical use, which the Greek Catholics are increasingly eager to speak. The subject of this article is the phenomenon of coexistence of many languages in liturgical and administrative practice of the Latin and Russian Christians in the Republic of Poland in the 16 th -18th century and reflection on resulting from this fact preferences and translations of polemic and religious texts.
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej; 2012, Język naszej modlitwy- dawniej i dziś, 3; 125-134
Pojawia się w:
Latopisy Akademii Supraskiej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Коментарите към библейските четива от Теофилакт Охридски в ръкописните сбирки в Полша
Stradomski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
biblical exegesis
Church Slavonic literature
Cyrillic manuscripts
Eastern Orthodox Church
Old Bulgarian literature
Old East Slavonic literature
Bible Commentaries by Theophylact of Ohrid in the collection of manuscripts in PolandIn the Church Slavonic literary tradition, Theophylact of Ohrid is mostly associated with his exegeses to the Bible. The collections of Cyrillic manuscripts in Poland include only a single copy of his annotated Book of Gospels (BN 12431 III, beginning of the sixteenth century), which has not yet been the subject of a separate study. The book is particularly interesting and valuable, as it contains archaic linguistic features, proving that it is an extremely old copy of the first Slavonic translation of the work. This is an important example of the presence of manuscripts related to Old East Slavonic, and also indirectly – Old Church Slavonic literary tradition in the former Polish-Lithuanian state. The article gives a codicological and linguistic characteristic of this manuscript, and its primary aim is to draw attention to the manuscript from researchers of the works of Theophylact of Ohrid, the Church Slavonic literature, and the Bible. Komentarze do Ewangelii Teofilakta Ochrydzkiego w zbiorach rękopisów w PolsceW cerkiewnosłowiańskiej tradycji piśmienniczej postać Teofilakta Ochrydzkiego najczęściej kojarzona jest z jego egzegezami do ksiąg biblijnych. W zbiorach rękopisów cyrylickich w Polsce znajduje się tylko jeden egzemplarz Ewangeliarza komentowanego (BN 12431 III, początek XVI wieku), który dotychczas nie był przedmiotem osobnych badań. Kodeks należy do szczególnie ciekawych i cennych, bowiem zawiera archaiczne cechy językowe, świadczące o tym, że jest kopią bardzo starego tekstu pierwszego słowiańskiego przekładu dzieła. Jest to ważny przykład obecności na terenach dawnego państwa polsko-litewskiego rękopisów związanych ze staroruską, a pośrednio również starobułgarską tradycją piśmienniczą. Artykuł jest kodykologiczną i językową charakterystyką tego rękopisu i ma na celu zwrócenie na niego uwagi badaczy zajmujących się twórczością Teofilakta Ochrydzkiego oraz cerkiewnosłowiańską literaturą biblijną.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2016, 16
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Cykl apokaliptycznych egzegez wizji proroka Daniela w kontekście doktrynalnego sporu wschodniego chrześcijaństwa z judaizmem (na materiale kodeksu BN 12245)
Stradomski, Jan
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki PAN
apocalyptic literature
Church Slavonic literature
Cyrillic manuscripts
Eastern Orthodox Church
Old Bulgarian literature
Old East Slavonic literature
Series of eschatological exegeses in prophet Daniel’s visions in the context of the doctrinal dispute of Eastern Christianity and Judaism (about the manuscript BN 12245) The Bible’s Book of Daniel, along with commentaries of St. Hippolytus of Rome, belongs to the most important sources of Christian knowledge about the end of the world and the Final Judgment. In the medieval Old Church Slavonic literature, the Book of Daniel functions not only as a part of the Old Testament canon (separately or with comments), but it is also present in historiography, and in particular in apocryphal literature. Prophet Daniel and his vision of four beasts are also the basis for preparation of new eschatological texts where the threads of the doctrinal dispute with Judaism are noticeable. Such writings include a series of visions of Prophet Daniel with commentaries, rarely encountered in Cyrillic manuscripts, featured in Codex BN 12245. The article presents a textological, historical and literary analysis of the text. Cykl apokaliptycznych egzegez wizji proroka Daniela w kontekście doktrynalnego sporu wschodniego chrześcijaństwa z judaizmem (na materiale kodeksu BN 12245) Biblijna Księga Daniela, wraz z komentarzami św. Hipolita Rzymskiego, należy do ważniejszych źródeł wiedzy chrześcijan na temat końca świata i Sądu Ostatecznego. W średniowiecznej literaturze cerkiewnosłowiańskiej materiał Księgi Daniela funkcjonuje nie tylko jako część korpusu kanonicznych pism Starego Testamentu (osobno lub z komentarzami), ale obecny jest też w historiografii, a zwłaszcza w literaturze apokryficznej. Postać proroka Daniela i jego wizja czterech bestii są też bazą opracowywania nowych tekstów o tematyce eschatologicznej, w których widoczne są wątki doktrynalnego sporu z judaizmem. Do takich pism zalicza się rzadko spotykany w rękopisach cyrylickich cykl komentowanych wizji proroka Daniela, jaki znajduje się w kodeksie BN 12245. W artykule przedstawiono analizę tekstologiczną i historycznoliteracką zabytków.
Slavia Meridionalis; 2017, 17
Pojawia się w:
Slavia Meridionalis
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-9 z 9

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