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Problemy ochrony i wykorzystania wartości kulturowych w procesach modernizacji miejskich zasobów mieszkaniowych
Przyłęcki, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
modernizacja miejskich zasobów mieszkaniowych
rewaloryzacja miejskich zespołów zabytkowych
rewaloryzacja miast zabytkowych
studium historyczno-urbanistyczne
rewaloryzacja miast i zespołów staromiejskich
plan rewaloryzacji
A difficult situation in house building in Poland, a great insufficiency of flats when compared to the needs, is, i.a., a result of the fact that due to many-years’ negligence the existing resources get decapitalized and demolished on a large scale, which brings about a further and ever growing increase in the demand for new housing; the demand that cannot be met by present work potentials, material possibilities and financial means. For a long time it has been getting more and more evident that it is necessary to halt a great loss of rooms in the so-called old housing resources ; with this in mind various concepts of saving these resources and their best adaptation to modern needs are being prepared. Generally, this trend is referred to as „modernization of buildings from before 1950” . This term applies to structures and complexes which are not included in the register of monuments. Still, it is closely associated with technical treatment and modernization processes in buiding complexes, already recognized as historic and covering an ever bigger number of buildings and complexes from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and even from the later period. Comprehensive work on the complexes that arc of interest to conservators is often called „the renewal of historic towns and complexes” . The programme of these works covers the following three major trends : 1. modernization of utility functions of complexes and individual buildings, 2. stabilization of technical structures and development of infrastructure such as waterworks, gas, electric, heating, power, telecommunication systems and others, 3. aesthetic arrangement of land structures and artistic elements. A proper use of cultural values in these complicated organizational, technical, social and financial processes calls for a detailed study of all elements going to make the cultural values of towns and complexes, often preceded by thorough specialistic examinations. The scope of these studies should cover such fields as general history, art history (including architecture and town-planning), archaeology, history of technics, etc. It should also envisage a revival of regional elements, not always found in official monuments present functions registers and often even contemporray elements. Such a study should be prepared before all necessary town-planning and architecture designs are drawn. The present article contains a general discussion on scope of studies and planning as well as on existing regulations and adopted organizational principles of renewal processes in Poland. Attention has also been drawn to „non-conservation” factors conditioning a proper course of the renewal and including different present functions of historic towns in various regions of Poland. Finally, the author puts forward twelve postulates aimed at improving the processes of programming, planning and executing the modernization and renewal works in Polish towns.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1981, 3-4; 123-134
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przemiany funkcjonalno-przestrzenne ośrodków zabytkowych w strukturze miast Legnicko-Głogowskiego Okręgu Miedziowego w latach 1961-1970
Przyłęcki, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona zabytkowych zespołów miejskich
Legnicko-Głogowskie Zagłębie Miedziowe
zmiana funkcji gospodarczej miasta
zmiana pierwotnych funkcji zabytków
The L owe r Silesian region m ay be re g a rd e d as one where, if th e q u e stio n is to be con sid e red on th e “a ll- c o u n try sc a le ”, th e g re a te s t n um b e r of tow n s can be fou n d w ith th e ir v a lu ab le m o n um en ts of a rc h ite c tu re and in te re s tin g tow n p lan n in g lay o u ts su rv iv ed. The w a r damage s, te ch n ic a l d ep re c ia tio n , obsolescence of fu n c tio n a l p a tte rn s an d th e changes in sy stems of cons tru c tio n a re c re a tin g re a lly se rio u s d ifficu ltie s in p ro g ram m in g th e p ro te c tio n , co n se rv a tio n an d th e uses fo r th e histo ric u rb a n centres. In th e p re s e n t a rtic le th e a u th o r deals w ith changes o ccu rin g in fu n c tio n al and sp a tia l p a tte rn s of h isto ric towns s itu a te d w ith in th e mo re and more in d iv id u a liz in g L egnica-Głogów Copper Mining District. He p re s e n ts a h a n d fu l o f o b s e rv a tio n s collected on th e b a ck g ro u n d of a su rv ey p re p a re d by th e Wroclaw B ran ch of th e In s titu te of T ow n p lan n in g and A rc h ite c tu re in th e p e rio d 1960— —1970. The in d u s tria l d ev e lo pm en t of th is D istric t b a sin g on mining an d processing of copper ores h a s led to a p p a re n t changes both in s tru c tu r e of emp lo ym en t and p o p u la tio n figures. Th e above changes p e rta in m a in ly to h isto ric — towns as, fo r in stan c e , Chobienia, Chocianów, Głogów, Legnica, Lu b in , Polkowice, Prochowice, Ru d n a an d Ścinawa. U n til 1970 th e d ev e lo pm en t of in d u s try in th is a re a caused a co n sid e rab le e x ten s io n or sp e ed in g -u p of re b u ild in g of th e fiv e towns u n d e r in v e stig a tio n , namely Polkowice, Lubin, Głogów, Legnica and Chocianów. In c re a sed b u ild in g a c tiv itie s could also be observed in R u d n a an d Ścinawa. Such tow n s as Legnica, Lu b in , Głogów an d Polkowice h av e grown to th e m a in in d u s tria l an d a dm in is tra tiv e an d service c en tre s w ith in th e e x p an d in g Copper Mining D istrict, a t th e same time becoming to u rin g cen tre s on th e so u th e rn reg io n a l ro u te , owing to th e e x isting mo n umen ts, mo d e rn in d u s tria l p la n ts and c u ltu ra l centres. In fiv e from among th e towns u n d e r discussion it was possible to observe th e above de sc rib ed changes of civic fu n c tio n s wh en comp ared w ith th e sta te from 1960 b u t only in fo u r of th em th e s e changes a ffected th e ir h is to ric centres. As one of th e fe a tu re s of changes in fu n c tio n a l p a tte rn of u rb a n c en tre s m ay be reg a rd ed co n sid e rab le in c re a se of liv in g spaces, those occupied by tra d e , r e s ta u r a n ts an d adm in is tra tio n . Within a decade u n d e r discussion no in c re a se s have b een o b serv ed in spaces d esigned fo r in d u s try w ith in th e histo ric c en tre s which th e fa c t may also be re g a rd ed as a p o sitiv e fe a tu re . Both in d u s try and sto rag e a re being removed from h is to ric centres. However, w ith in th e h is to ric c en tre s an o th e r, th is time neg ativ e, fe a tu re was ob se rv ed , i.e. e re c tio n of m o d e rn re s id e n tia l bu ild in g s which, as a ru le , a re in conflict w ith th e ir su rro u n d in g s . F o r ex amp le , in L e gnica th e city a re a is being fo rm ed of m u lti-s to re y , aggressive re s id e n tia l houses th a t a re e n tire ly u n a d a p ta b le to o th e r ex is tin g build in g s. The p re s e rv ed h isto ric ob je c ts though, in p rin c ip le , still d omin a tin g sp a tia lly a re fre q u e n tly enough chan g in g th e ir o rig in a l fu n c tio n s which th e o c cu rren c e is v isib le in p a rtic u la r in housing. This h ig h ly n eg a tiv e fe a tu re was conn ected w ith a tre n d tow a rd m o d e rn iz a tio n of h is to ric c entres. By doing so w e re neg lec ted all compositional, a e sth e tic a l an d co n se rv a tio n p ro b lem s th a t h a v e been moved to more rem o te plans. The a rtic le is ending w ith conclusions proposing to re v iew th e h is to ric a l an d sp a tia l v a lu e s p re s e n t in a re a s of h isto ric tow n s w ith in Legnica—Głogów Copp e r Mining D istric t an d to in tro d u c e th e n e c e ssa ry a lte ra tio n s which could improve th e e ffe c ts in u rb a n p lan n in g achieved in th e p a s t y e a rs also in compositio n a l respect. At th e same time th e need h a s been emphasized to s ta r t th e stu d ie s on th e fo rms of modern b u ild in g in tro d u c ed to h is to ric u rb a n c en tre s.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 1; 39-46
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Techniczno-biologiczna metoda zabezpieczania i ekspozycji murów trwałych ruin
Przyłęcki, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
techniczno-biologiczna metoda zabezpieczania murów
konserwacja zespołów trwałych ruin
metoda biologicznej konserwacji trwałych ruin
zabezpieczenie korony murów warstwą biologicznie aktywną
A proper protection, preservation and display o f the complexes o f permanent ruins, which, as a role, are incomplete, destructed and often in the state of decay, is not an easy task. Although there is no question o f adapting them for utility purposes, still the problem of a proper display o f permanent ruins and their elements, which differ in their condition and thus it is often difficult to interpret them, gains in importance in terms o f didactic, scientific and aesthetic values. At present one can distinguish the following three main trends in the works carried out on the ruins: 1) Full or partial reconstruction o f the missing sections or parts o f fortifications 2) Petrification, conservation of the remains preserved without the introduction o f reconstructed elements 3) Conservation of defensive complexes with the partial making-up o f the substance in fragments connected with a technical structure o f the building (parts of the facing, missing parts in the walls, roofing of the turrets, etc.). It seems that a higher effectiveness of conservation treatment as well as its lower cost and speeding-up may be achieved by the examination and introduction of rather unusual, not well-known and rarely employed biological and chemical methods. The biological method would consist in selecting proper plants that would grow in upper parts o f petrified ruins that are most exposed to destruction and in this way give them a specific charm. Basing on preliminary findings it is possible to identify the main features of the plants to be used for the conservation of permanent ruins. In the first place, the following characteristics should be mentioned : — ability to overgrow self-sown plants (trees, bushes), — small overground height (10—30 cm), — ability to grow without cultivation (i.e. weeding, watering, mowing, fertilizing), — ability to form a compact and strong underground structure (rhizomes, roots)without,however,destructive tendencies (showing and growing through walls, etc.), — resistance to frost, — resistance to drought, — resistance to insolation, — ability to grow on small patches o f soil (e.g. on the area of 1 square m. and 10—20 cm wide), — resistance to wind (adhesiveness), — a relatively long period o f the annual vegetation in green (from early spring to late autumn), — long duration (best o f all if unlimited or at least for a few years), — aesthetic values (colour, form, flower), — a relatively insignificant threat to adjacent squares or cultivations with weed-growing or a disturbance in the compositional balance or economic effects, — easy to grow at different heights, — low costs o f planting and cultivating. The author discusses details of introducing such a method on selected complexes o f fortifications in the towns o f south-western Poland and brings to the fore the undertaking of works on a technical and biological method o f the preservation o f permanent ruins in the Wrocław group o f the Enterprise for the Conservation o f Art.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1981, 1-2; 11-19
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi na temat programów ochrony konserwatorskiej zabytkowych zespołów miejskich
Przyłęcki, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
ochrona zabytkowych zespołów miejskich
ocena wartości zabytkowych elementów
zabytek urbanistyki
ochrona zabytkowego układu przestrzennego
komponowanie zabytkowego krajobrazu
Th e a u th o r , ta k in g th e c o n s e rv a to r’s p o in t of view, de a ls w ith p ro b lem s of p ro te c tio n of h is to ric a l u rb a n se ttin g s w ith in th e processes of reb u ild in g , re c o n s tru c tio n , ex te n s io n an d ad a p ta tio n . All m e a su re s in th is re sp e c t re q u ire th a t b efore th e all a se t of c rite ria fo r a ss e ssm e n t a n d selection be p re p a re d wh ile both tow n -p la n n e r an d a rc h ite c t should b e a r in th e ir minds the fu n c tio n a n d th e role p lay ed by a h is to ric a l u rb a n s e ttin g w ith in th e e n tire u rb a n organism of a modern town. A p p ro p ria te step s should be ta k e n in each se p a r a te c ase a imed a t d e fin in g of th e h e ig h ts an d sizes a n d a lso of k in d s of b u ild in g th a t h a s to comp lemen t th e h is to ric a l b u ild in g s an d also be considered th e te ch n ic a l, te ch n o lo g ic a l an d o rg an iz a tio n a l aspects of m o d e rn iz a tio n s to b e in tro d u c ed in h isto ric a l settings. Th e a b o v e -lis te d p o in ts w e re a lre ad y sev e ra l time s d iscu ssed d u rin g th e m e e tin g s of ex p e rts. The damage s c au sed to h is to ric a l u rb a n s e ttin g s by m ilita ry ac tio n s d u rin g th e World War II h av e forced a ll th e concerned w ith th a t p ro b lem, i.e. a rc h ite c ts, tow n -p la n n e rs an d c o n se rv a to rs to look a fte r a p p ro p ria te so lu tio n s th a t could be ap p lied to re b u ild in g a n d re c o n s tru c tio n of towns. In th is connection n um e ro u s th e o re tic a l cons id e ra tio n s an d p ro p o sa ls of g en e ra l n a tu r e w e re fo rm u la te d b u t, fo r in s tan c e , th a t be in g a co n c ep t of a „ tow n -re s e rv a tio n ” fo r h is to ric a lly p a tte rn e d towns did n o t fin d su p p o rt by those co n cern ed in th is co u n try . Nowadays, w h ile p la n n in g th e re h a b ilita tio n it should, in th e f ir s t line, be b o rn e in min d th a t a ll tr a n s it, i.e. d ire c tly ru n n in g ma ss tr a ffic sh o u ld be removed from h is to ric a l u rb a n c en tre s, gre en b e lts be e s ta b lish ed an d th e a r c h ite c tu ra l d om in an ts c a re fu lly a ccen tu a te d . One of th e most d ifficu lt p ro b lem s is p e rm an e n tly e n co u n te re d in tow n s h av in g th e ir u rb a n tissu e s composed of b u ild in g s v a ry in g as to th e ir v a lu e and, in a d d itio n , th e selection of a p ro p e r concept of th e ir sp a tia l deve lo pm en t. U n til th e re c e n t tim e th e re w e re c re a te d th re e concepts of re h a b ilita tio n of a h isto ric a l u rb a n s e ttin g co n sistin g in: (1) a d a p ta tio n of new a rc h ite c tu re to a defin ed sty le of e x is tin g h isto ric a l b u ild in g w hich th e solution w h en con sid e red from an a e s th e tic a l v iew p o in t co n ta in s th e sm a lle st possible n um b e r of risk s a n d th u s has fo u n d n um e ro u s su p p o rte rs ; (2) rem o v a l of an c ie n t, in p rin c ip le , n o t h is to ric a l b u ild in g (though in p ra c tic e s ev e ra l in s tan c e s may be listed in w h ich also h is to ric a l b u ild in g s w e re removed) an d c re a tin g in its pla c e of m o d e rn a rc h ite c tu r e w ith its s ta n d a rd iz e d shapes (blocks of fla ts); in th is case, however, h is to ric a l b u ild in g s a re m a rk e d ly c o n tra s tin g w ith th o se mo d e rn an d th e towns a re d e p riv e d of th e ir original, h is to ric a l, c u ltu ra l an d a e s th e tic a l v a lu e s ; (3) designing of new b u ild in g in a ll th e se p la c e s w h e re losses a re to be fou n d in th e densely b u ilt q u a r te r s w ith a sim u ltan eo u s c a re fu l a d a p ta tio n of new b u ild in g s to th e ir h is to ric a l su rro u n d in g s. While emphasizing th e n e ed to c a re fu lly a p ro a c h to h is to ric a l u rb a n p a tte rn s th e a u th o r mak e s a n a p p e a l to d esig n ers th a t th e y sh o u ld rem em b e r a b o u t th e nec e ssity to lim it th e ag gressive fe a tu re s in a r c h ite c tu r a l fo rm s of th e ir b u ild in g s, to m o d e ra te ly use th e colours on th e ir fa ç ad e s an d d e ta ils and, fin a lly , to ap p ly th e p ro p e rly ad a p te d m a te ria ls. As a n o th e r im p o rta n t fe a tu re th a t may decisively in flu en c e th e c h a ra c te r of th e new b u ild in g s is m en tio n ed th e m o d e ra te use of p u b lic ity media in th e fo rm of illum in a te d a d v e rtisin g a n d e le c tric signs. All th e above re q u irem e n ts w e re sev e ra l time s p u t fo rw a rd d u rin g discussions on new designs of th e h is to ric a l u rb a n centres. Howeve r, u n til now th ey a re s till considered as p ro p o sa ls w ith o u t an y co n c re te ex am p le s th a t could be tr e a te d as some k in d of model solution. All th e above rem a rk s m ad e by a p ra c tic isin g a r c h ite c tc o n se rv a to r a re c le a rly enough ch a ra c te riz in g th e ra n g e of d ifficu ltie s w ith w h ich a re fa c ed th e d e sig n e rs in th e ir e v e ry -d a y w o rk devoted to a d a p ta tio n a n d r e h a b ilita tio n of h is to ric a l u rb a n settings.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 1; 29-39
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielonarodowe tradycje w obiektach dziedzictwa kulturowego na Śląsku ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dzieł obronnych
Przyłęcki, Mirosław.
Fortyfikacja 2000, t. 12, s. 11-32
Data publikacji:
Twierdze Śląsk 12-20 w. materiały konferencyjne
Architektura obronna Polska 12-20 w. materiały konferencyjne
Rys.; Materiały konferencji naukowej pt. "Nowożytne fortyfikacje Śląska. Twierdze Kłodzko i Srebrna Góra". Kłodzko, Srebrna Góra, 6-8 X 2000 r.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Umocnienia polowe i adaptacje zabytkowych miast i obiektów do działań obronnych w latach 1944-45
Przyłęcki, Mirosław.
Fortyfikacja 1995, t. 3, s. 137-139
Data publikacji:
Architektura obronna niemiecka historia 1944-1945 r. materiały konferencyjne
Fortyfikacje Niemcy 1944-1945 r. materiały konferencyjne
Twierdze modernizacja Śląsk 1944-1945 r. materiały konferencyjne
Materiały konferencji naukowej "Fortyfikacje polskie, niemieckie i radzieckie związane z II wojną światową. Stan badań i problemy ochrony". Warszawa, 10-12 XII 1993 r.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Prowizoryczne umocnienia polowe 2 Armii Wojska Polskiego nad Nysą Łużycką : (kwiecień)
Przyłęcki, Mirosław.
Fortyfikacja 1995, t. 3, s. 55-56
Data publikacji:
Wojsko Polskie ludowe jednostki 1945 r. materiały konferencyjne
2 Armia Wojska Polskiego działania bojowe fortyfikacje Zgorzelec (okręg) 1945 r. materiały konferencyjne
Umocnienia polowe budowa Zgorzelec, okręg 1945 r. materiały konferencyjne
II wojna światowa (1939-1945)
Twierdze i fortyfikacje
Rys.; Materiały konferencji naukowej "Fortyfikacje polskie, niemieckie i radzieckie związane z II wojną światową. Stan badań i problemy ochrony". Warszawa, 10-12 XII 1993 r.
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
Szlak 2 armii Wojska Polskiego na Dolnym Śląsku
Uciński, Eugeniusz.
Żelezik, Janusz.
Przyłęcki, Mirosław.
Majewski, Ryszard. Recenzja
Data publikacji:
Wrocław : Dolnośląskie Towarzystwo Społeczno-Kulturalne: Wojewódzki Komitet Ochrony Pomników Walki i Męczeństwa
Wojsko Polskie na Wschodzie (1943-1945) Druga (2) Armia WP szlak bojowy Śląsk, Dolny recenzja
Szlakiem 2 armii Wojska Polskiego
Dostawca treści:
Bibliografia CBW
    Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 10

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