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Zmiany powierzchni lodów morskich na morzach eurazjatyckiej Arktyki i ich potencjalny wpływ na nawigację na Północnej Drodze Morskiej w drugiej dekadzie XXI wieku
Changes of sea ice extent on the Euro-Asiatic Arctic seas linked to potential of navigation on the Northern Sea Route in the second decade of XXI century
Marsz, A. A.
Pastusiak, T.
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
lód morski
zmiany pokrywy lodowej
Północna Droga Morska
Arktyka Rosyjska
sea ice
changes of sea ice extent
Northern Sea Route
Russian Arctic
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki szczegółowej analizy zachodzącej współcześnie (1979-2013) ewolucji pokrywy lodowej na morzach Arktyki Rosyjskiej, przez które prowadzą trasy Północnej Drogi Morskiej (PDM) oraz analizę długości sezonu żeglugowego (okresu, w którym koncentracja lodów nie przekracza 15%). Stwierdzono występujące w ostatnich latach (2002-2013) wyraźne polepszenie się potencjalnych warunków żeglugi, choć na morzach Łaptiewów i Wschodniosyberyjskim warunki te pozostają nadal bardzo trudne i labilne, nawet w okresie najmniejszego rozwoju pokrywy lodowej (druga połowa sierpnia – pierwsza połowa października). Przeprowadzona analiza długości okresu „bezlodowego”, w którym warunki lodowe dopuszczają względnie swobodną żeglugę statków nieposiadających najwyższych klas lodowych wykazuje, że w obecnych, wyjątkowo łagodnych warunkach lodowych, trasy na morzach Łaptiewów i Wschodniosyberyjskim nie gwarantują corocznej swobodnej żeglugi bez pomocy lodołamaczy nawet w sezonie nawigacyjnym, stanowiąc „wąskie gardła” całego szlaku PDM. Dla okresu od lipca do listopada podano orientacyjne ryzyko żeglugi na poszczególnych morzach dla statku samodzielnie pokonującego trasę PDM.
The paper presents the results of the detailed analysis of the evolution of the ice cover occurring currently (1979-2013) on the Russian Arctic seas (Fig. 2-19), through which leading the Northern Sea Route (NSR) as well as the results of the detailed analysis of the length of the navigation season (the period in which the ice concentration does not exceed 15%). In recent years (2002-2013) was noted a clear improvement of potential navigation conditions, although these conditions on the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea are still very difficult and labile, even during periods of the smallest development of the ice cover (second half of August – the first half of October). The analysis of the length of the "ice-free" period, during which an ice conditions allow for relatively free navigation of vessels without a high ice class shown that in the current, very mild ice conditions, routes leading through the Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea do not guarantee ”ice-free” navigation without assistance of icebreakers in the navigation season each year, being the "bottlenecks" of the entire route NSR. An approximate risk to navigation of the ship overcoming the NSR alone in the period from July to November has been determined for each sea (Table 1).
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2014, 24; 73-99
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Accuracy of Sea Ice Data from Remote Sensing Methods, its Impact on Safe Speed Determination and Planning of Voyage in Ice-Covered Areas
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
Ice-Covered Area
Sea Ice Data
Remote Sensing Method
Safe Speed Determination
Route Planning
Voyage Planning
Ice Navigation
Polar Navigation
The data related to ice floe concentration and ice thickness were analysed. Sources of data have been verified by visual observation and by comparison in between information from different remote sensing sources. The results of this work exceeded initial expectations. The discrepancies of the information provided by various data sources result from the error of the measurement method, which can be as high as 15% of the concentration of ice floes. It should also be borne in mind that the more generalized information about the state of the ice cover, the lower probability of detection of ice floe patches of a high concentration and spatial extent. Each vessel that is planning voyage in ice should take into consideration inaccurate estimation of concentration and thickness of ice floes received by means of satellite remote sensing methods. The method of determining permissible speed of various ice class vessel in ice on basis of safe speed graph for the icebreaker was developed. A well-defined equation approximates relationship between speed of the icebreaker and the vessels of specified ice classes. Average distance of 24.1 Nm from sea ice extent line was related to all analysed lines representing 30-40% ice floe concentration (IUP product excluded) and 30.6 Nm for analysed lines representing 70-81-91% ice floe concentration. The maximal average distance of the furthest analysed line (IUP product excluded) was equal 37.2 Nm. The average standard deviation of that results was equal 8.3 Nm only. Average distances of analysed lines from sea ice extent line to maximal ice data values were found as follow: 8.4 Nm (23%) for NSIDC-CCAR ice age, 12.3 Nm (33%) for minimal distance of 30-40% ice concentration, 15.4 Nm (41%) for OSISAF ice type “ambiguous” zone from Open Water side, 25 Nm (67%) for minimal distance of 70-81-91% ice concentration, 26.6 Nm (72%) for OSISAF ice type “ambiguous” zone from 1st year ice age side, 35.9 Nm (97%) for maximal distance of 30-40% ice concentration and 36.3 Nm (98%) for maximal distance of 70-81-91% ice concentration data. In the parentheses placed relative distances from first ice data including IUP 40% concentration isolines. Sea ice extent of most of available data sources delineated the edge of “area to be avoided” for vessels of ice class lower than L1. Estimated average speed of L3 ice class vessel was from 3.3 knots till 5.2 knots at average speed 5.0 knots. For L1 ice class vessel estimated average speed was from 6.5 knots till 12.1 knots at average speed 9.7 knots. Relative standard deviation of averaged speed for both ice class vessels was equal 18%. The highest relative deviations were found up to 50% below the average speed value. The highest relative deviations upward were equal 22%. Above speeds for L3 and L1 ice class vessels corresponded well with average technical speed of “Norilsk SA-15” ULA class vessel equal 12,6 knots. The results of the work were not intended to be used for decision making on spot - “on-scene” - during direct guiding vessel in ice. They should be useful for initial voyage planning to allow decision-makers to identify the best freely available data sources for considered voyage and vessel of defined ice class; to understand advantages and limitations of available in the internet data sources; to estimate vessel’s maximal safe speed in encountered ice conditions, to estimate spatial distribution and correlations in between various levels of sea ice concentration and thickness. All above data allow estimate voyage time that is, in addition to fuel consumption, basic criterion of maritime transport economics.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2016, 10, 2; 229-248
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Assessment of safety and economy of navigation in ice on the Northern Sea Route
Ocena bezpieczeństwa i ekonomiki żeglugi w lodach na Północnej Drodze Morskiej
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy "SPATIUM"
Northern Sea Route
ice navigation
sea transportation
transport economics
Północna Droga Morska
przewozy tranzytowe
transport morski
żegluga morska w lodach
ekonomiczność przewozu
This article discusses safety and economic issues of sea transport during transit voyages of a vessel across the North Sea Route (NSR) in the Arctic Ocean. The main obstacles to shipping and threat to vessels are the regions of ice occurrence and, in particular, clusters of ice with high and very high concentration, thickness and hummocking occurring each year in the same places, which are called ice massifs. Speed of vessels has the greatest impact on the economy of transit voyage. The safe speed of vessels, as a means of transport that ensures trouble-free navigation of the vessels depends on ice conditions. Until now, the concept of safe speed has not been precisely defined. Also, the impact of speed of the vessel in certain ice conditions on over-coming the ice and the risk of damage to vessel has not been precisely defined. Issues of direct and potential costs of vessel’s safety, damages and consequences of damages in ice were also not fully considered. The author analyzed the above relation-ships on the example of the first commercial vessel transit voyage through the NSR and obtained generalized results that can be applied to the initial, general and tactical route planning till 10 days - 6 months ahead and transit schedule of a vessel between Europe and the Far East ports via the Northern Sea Route. The presented method should increase safety and economy of sea transportation in areas covered with ice.
W artykule omówiono zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa i ekonomiczne transportu morskiego podczas podróży tranzytowych statku przez Północną Drogę Morską (PDM) na Oceanie Arktycznym. Głównym utrudnieniem dla żeglugi i zagrożeniem dla statków są na niej rejony występowania lodu a w szczególności skupiska lodu o dużej i bardzo dużej zwartości, grubości i zwałowaniu, występujące każdego roku w tych samych miejscach, które są nazywane masywami lodowymi. Największy wpływ na ekonomiczność podróży tranzytowych stanowi prędkość statku. Bezpieczna prędkość statku, jako środka transportu, która zapewni bezawaryjną jego nawigację zależy od warunków lodowych. Do chwili obecnej pojęcie prędkości bezpiecznej nie zostało precyzyjnie określone. Również wpływ prędkości statku w określonych warunkach żeglugi lodowej na utrudnienie żeglugi i zagrożenie uszkodzeniami statku nie zostały precyzyjnie ustalone. Nie były rozpatrywane również kwestie bezpośrednich i potencjalnych kosztów zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa statku w lodach. Autor przeanalizował powyższe zależności na przykładzie przypadku pierwszej komercyjnej podróży tranzytowej statku przez PDM i uzyskał uogólnione wyniki, które mogą być zastosowane do wstępnego, generalnego i taktycznego planowania trasy i harmonogramu podróży tranzytowej statku pomiędzy Europą i portami Dalekiego Wschodu przez Północną Drogę Morską. Przedstawiona metoda powinna zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo i ekonomiczność transportu morskiego w rejonach pokrytych lodem.
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe; 2018, 19, 6; 193-197, CD
Pojawia się w:
Autobusy : technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Consistency of data presented on modern maps of ice cover in the Arctic
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Oddział Kartograficzny Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
ice map content
S-411 standard
remote sensing
sea transport
ice navigation
Information about the condition of ice cover on surface of the water, which are the content of map, are important for carrying out safe navigation and efficient economic activity in the polar regions. Methods of mapping can be fully automated on the basis of developed through years of experience algorithms or additionally supported by experienced professionals. The content of some of those now commonly encountered maps is compiled on the basis of mixed methods. In this work geographic positions of ice maps content are analyzed taking into consideration their usefulness for planning ship’s voyage in ice. The results of this work allow using the contents of studied maps for determining the ship’s route in ice and voyage planning of the ship in ice according to her hull strengthening. The ice maps often have boundary lines for different values of reference. The maximum width of the strips of each boundary line within the Marginal Ice Zone is 100 km. The mean square error of position of the analyzed maps is +/- 2.0 km. Average locations of boundaries are consistent except for GRIB type maps of the OSI SAF and NIS, which seem to indicate much lower value of ice floe concentration. The NIC MIZ maps and S-411 standard maps are consistent for the 13% and 81% concentration. The 40% limits on MASIE maps and 46% limits of concentration on S-411 standard maps are also consistent. The course of ice edge issued by the NIS for the GMDSS METAREA, 19 region visualizes well the boundaries of the area where the ship might encounter any form of ice. Information of the GMDSS METAREA 20 region issued by the AARI represents the average of the limits 1 to 46% of all sources of information, and on average the 13% limit of ice concentration. The one-year old ice limit with thickness of 0.10 to 0.30 meters on the AARI map is consistent with course and average location of boundaries of 81% ice concentration on the NIC MIZ map and S-411 standard map. The multi-year old ice limit of thickness from 0.30 to 2.00 meters on the AARI map is coincident with the 79% limit of concentration displayed on the NIS map.
Polish Cartographical Review; 2016, 48, 2; 55-66
Pojawia się w:
Polish Cartographical Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Evaluation Criteria and Approach to Voyage Planning in Ice. Verification on the Example of German Ship Activity During the Second World War
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Forum Nawigacyjne
Northern Sea Route
ice navigation
voyage planning
Vessels designed for navigation in ice can perform voyage with the assistance of icebreaker in the navigation season in case an ice cover area is less than 20%. Whereas the same vessels could carry out successfully completed voyage through the NSR with intensive icebreaker help at the ice-covered area lower than 42%. Navigation of the same vessel at ice covered area above 80% is possible with intensive icebreaker help, but it threatens to damage the hull, rudder or propeller. Excessive generalization of data analyzed may cause to wrong, even opposite conclusions. Using only basic statistical information in the form of average values and standard deviation may be not sufficient for the purpose of vessel’s voyage planning in areas covered with ice. Much more opportunities for the assessment of navigation in ice covered regions provides cumulative distribution, which should be related to the time and geographical space distribution. It allows to determine the duration of time window for given area covered with ice in a particular region and predetermined probability of its occurrence. It is thus possible to plan approximate date of departure and duration of voyage for assumed safety criteria. Also, it is possible to plan a number of consecutive voyages in a navigation season. Mathematical approach to voyage planning in ice based on a cumulative distribution is presented in the paper. It allows creation of an advisory computer application to support decision-making by the commander of a vessel. It will reduce the human factor in data processing and reduce possibility of making a mistake. By this way, can be enhanced the safety of maritime transport. Novell approach is verified on the example of historical data about the German Navy ship activity during the Second World War.
W 1940 Roku na Północnej Drodze Morskiej (PDM) panowały ekstremalnie lekkie warunki lodowe w stosunku do kilku lat wcześniejszych i późniejszych. Najniższa powierzchnia pokrywy lodowej w regionach PDM w latach 1940-1945 występowała średnio w pierwszej dekadzie września. Statki przeznaczone do żeglugi w lodach mogą realizować podróże ze wsparciem lodołamaczy w sezonie nawigacyjnym w przypadku, gdy powierzchnia pokrycia poszczególnych mórz lodem jest mniejsza niż 20%. Nawigacja tego samego statku w rejonach PDM pokrytych lodem powyżej 80% jest możliwa przy intensywnej pomocy lodołamacza, ale grozi uszkodzeniem kadłuba, steru lub śruby napędowej. Do błędnych a nawet przeciwnych wniosków może prowadzić nadmierne uogólnienie analizowanych danych. Wykorzystanie jedynie podstawowych informacji statystycznych w postaci wartości średnich i odchyleń standardowych może być niewystarczające do celów planowania podróży statku na akwenach pokrytych lodem. Znacznie więcej możliwości dla oceny warunków żeglugi w regionach pokrytych lodem zapewnia rozkład skumulowany, który powinien być związany z rozkładem czasowym i rozkładem geograficznym. Rozkład skumulowany pozwala określić czas trwania okienka czasowego występowania określonych warunków żeglugi lodowej statków dla określonej powierzchni pokrycia danego regionu lodem i założonego prawdopodobieństwa o wystąpienia takich warunków. W ten sposób można zaplanować przybliżoną datę początku podróży i czas trwania podróży dla przyjętych kryteriów bezpieczeństwa. Możliwe jest również zaplanowanie szeregu kolejnych podróży w jednym sezonie nawigacyjnym. Przedstawione matematyczne podejście do planowania podróży w lodzie oparte na rozkładzie skumulowanym pozwala na stworzenie doradczej aplikacji komputerowej wspierającej proces decyzyjny osoby dowodzącej statkiem. Zmniejszy to udział czynnika ludzkiego w przetwarzaniu danych i ograniczy możliwość popełnienia błędu. W ten sposób będzie można zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo transportu morskiego.
Annual of Navigation; 2018, 25; 5-26
Pojawia się w:
Annual of Navigation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Functionality of Sea Ice Data Sources on the NSR
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
Northern Sea Route
sea ice data source
ISM Code
ice navigation
IRIDIUM Satellite System
arctic area
ice certificate
The functionality of available official sources of sea ice data for the Northern Sea Route to date is low. In recent years a large number of new publicly available sources have appeared. Their functionality for purposes of route planning has yet to be evaluated. This study presents results of qualitative and expert analyses of various sources. It is proposed to use new indicators to enable comparison of functionality of data sources. New sources provide the technical progress that is instrumental in reducing the amount of effort and influence of the human factor in the decision-making system. The study also presents solutions to the problem of limited bandwidth available at high latitudes with Iridium satellite system. Presented solutions can be used on any vessel by any company or navigator to implement or design the decision support system related to route planning in ice in accordance with the requirements of the ISM Code and concept of e-Navigation.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2016, 10, 3; 441-450
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Hydrology of tidal waters at the glacier terminus and their Impact on hydrographical surveys and navigation safety
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
navigational safety
tidal waters
glacier terminus
hydrographical surveys
The data analysed in the paper are related to the hydrology of tidal waters at a tidewater glacier terminus. Set of data was collected in the wide span of time from 2009 till 2015 in the Nordaustlandet and Southwest Spitsbergen near various tidal glaciers terminus. The data are related to tidal phenomenon, calving glacier, drifting ice, hydrology of brackish water from ice of glacial origin and theirs consequences on safety of navigation. Thus, results of analysis of hydrological data may serve for improvement of safety of maritime transport in polar regions on high latitudes in vicinity of tidewater glaciers. The research work was part of the reconnaissance of hydrological and hydrographic conditions for the needs of other studies. Measurements were taken at the Kamavika inlet leading from the Hans Glacier to-wards Hornsund fjord (Southern Svalbard). Based on above data, the causes of disturbances and errors of hydrographic measurements that may occur in area of occurrence of brackish water layer and their influence on errors of digital information displayed in ECDIS systems as well as prediction of ice conditions and safety of watercrafts in vicinity of glacier terminus and on anchorage were described.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2020, 14, 2; 425-431
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ice conditions affecting passage of Polish vessels convoy though the NSR in 1956. Long-term ice forecasts and passage strategies
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
arctic shipping
ice conditions
Northern Sea Route (NSR)
ice forecast
history of navigation
passage startegies
Polish vessels convoy
The goal of the study was to examine ice cover conditions that accompanied the passage of convoy of seven Polish vessels from Europe to the Far East in year 1956, which initiated an international commercial shipping transit. Several different sources of information on the state of ice cover in the Arctic were used in this study. Ice conditions (decisive for ability of a merchant vessel or icebreaker to cross the route) during the following navigational seasons in most of the NSR areas showed extremely divergent results - from the most favorable to the most difficult and vice versa. Existing in years 1940-1957 ice cover conditions and shipbuilding technologies did not guarantee a successful transit passage in one navigation season. The Soviet Union used icebreakers that were not able to lead vessels in heavy ice conditions that occurred in 1950s. The NSR Administration used passive strategy ? waiting for improvement of ice conditions - instead of forcing heavy ice. Passive strategy of navigation through the NSR included wintering and continuation of passage next year when ice conditions improved. Annual variability of ice conditions approximated by third degree polynomial line showed trends well. However, the high annual anomalies of ice conditions in relation to trend line did not allow for effective forecasts on particular sections of the NSR in next navigation season.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2018, 12, 1; 101-106
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Intensywny dryf lodu w rejonie wyspy Wrangla, zjawiska z nim związane i konsekwencje dla bezpieczeństwa żeglugi
Intensive sea-ice drift near Wrangel Island, associated effects and consequences for the safety of navigation
Pastusiak, T.
Styszyńska, A.
Data publikacji:
Stowarzyszenie Klimatologów Polskich
dryf lodu morskiego
rzeka lodu
Północna Droga Morska
dywergencja lodu
zmiany pokrywy lodowej
sea-ice drift
ice jet
Northern Sea Route
divergence of ice
ice cover changes
Praca omawia zjawiska hydrometeorologiczne towarzyszące intensywnemu dryfowi lodu w rejonie Wyspy Wrangla w dniach 19-30 marca 2012 roku. Rezultaty badania związków pomiędzy parametrami hydrologiczno-meteorologicznymi wykazały silne zależności pomiędzy prędkością wiatru, prędkością prądu morskiego, prędkością dryfu lodu i gradientem poziomu morza. Oszacowana długość „koryta” rzeki lodu wahała się od 100 do 580 Mm zaś jego szerokość od 30 do 180 Mm. Można przyjąć, że długość „koryta” rzeki lodu jest wprost proporcjonalna do prędkości dryfu tego lodu, a szerokość „koryta” jest odwrotnie proporcjonalna do prędkości dryfu tego lodu.
The work discusses the hydro-meteorological phenomena associated with intense ice drift in the vicinity of Wrangel Island in the days of 19-30 March 2012. The results of the study of the correlations between hydrological and meteorological parameters showed strong relationship among the wind speed, sea current rate, speed of ice drift and gradient of sea level. The observed length of the “bed” of ice jet ranges from 100 to 580NM and its width from 30 to 180NM. It can be assumed that the length of the "bed” of ice jet is directly proportional to the speed of the ice drift and the width of the "bed" is inversely proportional to the speed of the ice drift.
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej; 2013, 23; 191-204
Pojawia się w:
Problemy Klimatologii Polarnej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Modeling navigation, ecologic and economic results of planned voyage of ship on the Northern Sea Route
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
safety at sea
Northern Sea Route
voyage planning
ship's passage
arctic navigation
ship's voyage timetable
Over the years, many publications have been published on planning ship’s passage through the NSR and input and output data modeling. Results were not considered in terms of errors of modeled output data. Basic research for the years 2008 - 2020 was carried out in the study on opening and closing dates of ice-free transit corridor on the NSR and probable number of tariff zones where paid assistance of icebreakers would be required. Mathematical relationships of average values and probable errors of navigational, ecological and economic ship voyage performance were developed. For this purpose, partial derivatives of functions were used. The outcomes of the study have shown that changes of total average cost of vessel’s transit voyage depends mostly on number of tariff zones where assistance of icebreakers is required. But navigation with icebreakers assistance ensures smaller standard deviation of total voyage time and thus more precise scheduling of ship's voyage timetable through the NSR. The higher probability of meeting requirements set by decision-maker when planning a long-term voyage of ship, the shorter time window for meeting these requirements. Outside the favorable time window, the navigational, ecological and economic results of voyage deteriorate very quickly.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2022, 16, 4; 611--623
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nautical electronic maps of S-411 standard and their suitability in navigation for assessment of ice cover condition of the Arctic Ocean
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Oddział Kartograficzny Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego
ice cover map
standard IHO S-411
water transport
Northern Sea Route
The research on the ice cover of waterways, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans by satellite remote sensing methods began at the end of the twentieth century. There was a lot of data sources in diverse file formats. It has not yet carried out a comparative assessment of their usefulness. A synthetic indicator of the quality of data sources binding maps resolution, file publication, time delay and the functionality for the user was developed in the research process. It reflects well a usefulness of maps and allows to compare them. Qualitative differences of map content have relatively little impact on the overall assessment of the data sources. Resolution of map is generally acceptable. Actuality has the greatest impact on the map content quality for the current vessel’s voyage planning in ice. The highest quality of all studied sources have the regional maps in GIF format issued by the NWS / NOAA, general maps of the Arctic Ocean in NetCDF format issued by the OSI SAF and the general maps of the Arctic Ocean in GRIB-2 format issued by the NCEP / NOAA. Among them are maps containing information on the quality of presented parameter. The leader among the map containing all three of the basic characteristics of ice cover (ice concentration, ice thickness and ice floe size) are vector maps in GML format. They are the new standard of electronic vector maps for the navigation of ships in ice. Publishing of ice cover maps in the standard electronic map format S-411 for navigation of vessels in ice adopted by the International Hydrographic Organization is advisable in case is planned to launch commercial navigation on the lagoons, rivers and canals. The wide availability of and exchange of information on the state of ice cover on rivers, lakes, estuaries and bays, which are used exclusively for water sports, ice sports and ice fishing is possible using handheld mobile phones, smartphones and tablets.
Polish Cartographical Review; 2016, 48, 1; 17-28
Pojawia się w:
Polish Cartographical Review
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Navigating a vessel without an ice class on the NSR close to the front of Ice-free zone during ice melting period
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
Arctic shipping
ice-free zone
ice melting period
ice class
Northern Sea Route (NSR)
ice-free transit corridor
Arctic area
Arctic navigation
Arikaynen A.I., Tsubakov K.N. 1987. Alphabet of ice navigation. [in Russian] (Aзбyкa лeдoвoгo плaвaния). Transport, Moscov: 224 Buysse J. 2007. Handling ships in ice, A practical guide to handling 1A and 1AS classed ships. The Nautical Institute, London: 166 House D.J., Lloyd T., Toomey P.R.M., Dickins D. 2010. The ice navigation manual. Witherby Seamanship International Ltd: 409 International Hydrographic Office, 1953. Limits of oceans and seas. Publication S-23: 40 International Hydrographic Office, 2002. Limits of oceans and seas. Publication S-23, Draft 4th Edition, 2002: 235 Jurdziński M. 2000. Planning the navigation in ice [in Polish] (Planowanie nawigacji w lodach). Wyższa Szkoła Morska, Gdynia: 192 NATICE, 2018. MIZ ice concentration maps in ESRI Shape format. U.S. National Ice Center, Accessed 19.12.2018 Natural Earth, 2017. Free vector and raster map data at 1:10 m, 1:50 m, and 1:110 m scales, Accessed 01.01.2017 Parnell G.Q. 1986. Ice seamanship, Monograph. The Nauitical Institute: 87 Pastusiak T. 2016a. The time window for vessels without ice strengthening on the Northern Sea Route, Annual of Navigation, No. 23: 103-119 Pastusiak T. 2016b. The Northern Sea Route as a shipping lane. Expectations and Reality, ISBN 978-3-319-41832-2, ISBN eBook 978-3-319-41834-6, Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland: 247 Pastusiak T. 2016c. Principles of Vessel Route Planning in Ice on the Northern Sea Route, TRANSNAV, International Journal of Marine Navigation and safety of sea transportation, Vol. 10 No. 4 - December 2016 Pastusiak T. 2018. Planning independent transit voyages of vessel without ice strengthening through the Northern Sea Route [in Polish] (Planowanie samodzielnych podróży tranzytowych statku bez wzmocnień lodowych przez Północną Drogę Morską). Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Gdynia, ISBN 978-83-7421-286-1: 278 Pastusiak T. 2020. Voyages on the Northern Sea Route, Springer International Publishing, 1st ed. 2020, XXXVIII, Print ISBN 978-3-030-25489-6: 279 Shapaev V.M. 1975. Hydrometeorological conditions and navigation [in Russian] (Гидрометеорологические условя и мореплавание). Moscov, Transport: 248
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2020, 14, 1; 227-233
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Navigation infrastructure of the Northern Sea Route
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie. Wydawnictwo AMSz
Northern Sea Route
navigation infrastructure
voyage planning
Aids to Navigation
quality assessment
radio-navigational systems
The reduction of sea ice area in the Arctic has increased the availability of the Russian Arctic seas for navigation by vessels of relatively low ice class. The signing of the Act on the Northern Sea Route (NSR) by the President of the Russian Federation has created the possibility for ships from countries other than Russia to use the NSR. However, the NSR is very poorly recognized in terms of navigation by countries other than Russia. The author of the paper analyzed the NSR navigation infrastructure components in terms of the reliability of the information provided by the main producers of nautical publications for initial voyage planning. For the purpose of this analysis an indicator of the quality of the navigation infrastructure was developed. The value of this indicator, obtained on the basis of the above analysis, is low. Navigators that collect information during the initial stage of voyage planning may be misled if they use nautical publications originating from only one global producer of charts and publications. If the navigators act in accordance with good seamanship and familiarize themselves with information from two or three global producers of nautical publications, they may be disoriented due to the receipt of divergent information. It seems that before the voyage begins and preferably before planning a trip, the master or owner of the vessel intending to carry out a voyage by the NSR should first use the most current local knowledge in the possession of the Northern Sea Route Administration. This is also where information can be found as to where to obtain the most current and reliable information for initial voyage planning.
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie; 2015, 44 (116); 74-82
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Principles of vessel route planning in Ice on the Northern Sea Route
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni. Wydział Nawigacyjny
ice navigation
route planning
vessel route planning
Northern Sea Route (NSR)
arctic area
human factor
Safety at Sea
polar navigation
A complex of ice cover characteristics and the season of the year were considered in relation to vessel route planning in ice-covered areas on the NSR. The criteria for navigation in ice - both year-round and seasonal were analyzed. The analysis of the experts knowledge, dissipated in the literature, allowed to identify some rules of route planning in ice-covered areas. The most important processes from the navigation point of view are the development and disintegration of ice, the formation and disintegration of fast ice and behavior of the ice massifs and polynyas. The optimal route is selected on basis of available analysis and forecast maps of ice conditions and ice class, draught and seaworthiness of the vessel. The boundary of the ice indicates areas accessible to vessels without ice class. Areas with a concentration of ice from 0 to 6/10 are used for navigation of vessels of different ice classes. Areas of concentration of ice from 7/10 up are eligible for navigation for icebreakers and vessels with a high ice class with the assistance of icebreakers. These rules were collected in the decision tree. Following such developed decision-making model the master of the vessel may take decision independently by accepting grading criteria of priorities resulting from his knowledge, experience and the circumstances of navigation. Formalized form of decision making model reduces risk of the "human factor" in the decision and thereby help improve the safety of maritime transport.
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation; 2016, 10, 4; 587-592
Pojawia się w:
TransNav : International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy dostępności map i publikacji nautycznych na Północnej Drodze Morskiej
The problem of the availability of nautical charts and publications on the Northern Sea Route
Pastusiak, T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
Północna Droga Morska
oficjalne mapy morskie
oficjalne publikacje nautyczne
Northern Sea Route
official sea charts
official nautical publications
Stwierdziwszy dużą liczbę nieszczęśliwych zdarzeń na morzach Arktyki podległych Federacji Rosyjskiej, autor przedstawia wyniki własnych badań nad problemem bezpieczeństwa żeglugi na Północnej Drodze Morskiej z punktu widzenia dostępności oficjalnych map i publikacji nautycznych. Podkreśla brak rosyjskich publikacji dotyczących pływów oraz niedostępność przewodnika do planowania tras na Północnej Drodze Morskiej. Globalni producenci oficjalnych map i publikacji nautycznych nie zapewniają właściwego zabezpieczenia nawigacyjnego w tym zakresie i zalecają korzystanie z dostarczanych przez Rosję produktów w języku rosyjskim, co znacznie ogranicza ich użyteczność. Administracja Północnej Drogi Morskiej zaleca prowadzenie statków tylko trasami wyznaczonymi na mapach i opisanymi w publikacjach nautycznych. Obecnie prace hydrograficzne są ukierunkowane na wytyczanie nowych tras, co nie rozwiązuje jednak problemu kompleksowego zbadania mórz rosyjskiej Arktyki na potrzeby bezpiecznej żeglugi.
Statistical studies of marine accidents and unfortunate events in ice-covered areas in 1995–2004 and 2004–2011 showed a general lack of information from the area under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. The author’s research for the period 2004–2011 showed a large number of unfortunate events caused by lack of adequate provision of nautical charts, shortage of accurate position systems on board vessels as well as weak technical condition of these vessels. The author examined the problem of navigation safety on the Northern Sea Route in terms of availability of the official nautical charts and publications. The availability of official nautical publications supplied by global producers is more diverse and ambiguous than it is in case of nautical charts. Sur prising is lack of Russian publications related to tides and unavailability of a guide for planning routes on Northern Sea Route issued by Russia in Russian and English languages. Global producers of official charts and nautical publications do not provide full range of information and recommend vessels the use of the products supplied by Russia. These products are issued in Russian. This is a serious impediment to their use and thus introduces privilege of ships’ crews who speak Russian. Northern Sea Route leads through regions that are not sufficiently explored. The Northern Sea Route Administration recommends guiding ships only on designated routes marked on maps and described in nautical publications. The currently hydrographic work is focused on determining new routes according to the spatial distribution of the ice massifs during the navigation season. However, this does not solve the problem of a comprehensive exploration of the Russian Arctic regions for the purpose of safe navigation on the customized routes.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2015, T. 47, nr 1, 1; 67-77
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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