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Prawna ochrona gruntów rolnych i leśnych w procesie lokalizacji infrastruktury technicznej
Katarzyna, Leśkiewicz,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
agricultural land
forest land
technical infrastructure
grunty rolne
grunty leśne
infrastruktura techniczna
The aim of the paper is to answer the question whether the legislator provides protection of agricultural and forest land in the process of localization of technical infrastructure. The technical infrastructure has not reached the universal legal definition, but in many different legal acts there is a reference to this notion. According to the final conclusions, the protection of agricultural and forest land includes the need for localization of technical infrastructure when the technical infrastructure is the part of the composition of the normative notion of agricultural and forest land regulated by the Act on the Protection of Agricultural and Forest Land and according to the Forest Act. Technical infrastructure are an integral part of these legal concepts, although their normative borders are different. For incomprehensible reasons, the legislature does not explicitly recognize land under power lines as agricultural land, but they fall within the scope of the legal concept of the forest. However, in practice, the administrative courts in the cases of certain investments of the technical infrastructure, especially power lines, consider these facilities as not infringing the nature of agricultural land or for forestry purposes.
Studia Iuridica; 2017, 72; 179-194
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawne aspekty kwalifikacji stosunku prawnego jako umowy kontraktacji w świetle orzecznictwa sądów powszechnych
Katarzyna, Leśkiewicz,
Izabela, Lipińska,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
contract farming
agricultural produce
contracting party
legal classification
legal relation
umowa kontraktacji
produkt rolny
producent rolny
kwalifikacja prawna
stosunek prawny
The object of considerations is legal issue of qualification of legal relations as cultivation contract in accordance with article 613–622 of Civil Code. Cultivation contract has productive character. Its subject is closely related to the manufacturing process in agriculture, where at the same time it is important starting position in the chain of supply of agricultural products, although sometimes it is regarded by mistake as sale or delivery contract. Judicial decisions, analyzed in the article confirm the existence of several model features, which occurence in particular legal relationship makes it a part of cultivation contract. While lack of characteristic features for code model of contracting causes that the agreement is not recognized as cultivation contract in the meaning of article 613–626 of Civil Code. Features of cultivation contract highlighted in the judicial practice can be divided into features so called connected with subjective aspects – parties to the contract and features connected with object of the contract. Party to the contract may be agricultural producer, who produces agricultural products in his own farm in productive process, and provides it to contracting person, and of course contracting person (most often entrepreneur). The subject of performance is “facere” – production and delivery of fixed amount of agricultural products, produced in own farm.
Studia Iuridica; 2016, 66; 153-167
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawne uwarunkowania zmiany lasu na użytek rolny
Katarzyna, Leśkiewicz,
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
agricultural use
forest land
protection of forest
przeznaczenie rolnicze
tereny leśne
ochrona lasu
The subject of the paper is the legal issue of changing the forest for agricultural use regulated in art. 13 para. 2 of the Forest Act. The aim of the paper is an attempt to determine what circumstances empower the authority to issue a decision on changing the forest for agricultural use, according to the Forestry Act, and whether the issue of the said decision requires taking into account the provisions of the Act on the protection of agricultural and forest land. The decision on changing the forest for agricultural use, which may be issued on the basis of art. 13 para. 2 of the Forest Act is an administrative act of an individual sui generis. The solution contained in art. 13 para. 2 of the Forest Act does not require changing the use of forest land in the way of the local zoning plan.
Studia Iuridica; 2018, 78; 254-263
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Administracyjne kary pieniężne związane z wprowadzaniem do obrotu nielegalnie pozyskanego drewna i produktów z drewna
Administrative financial sanctions for the marketing of illegally harvested timber and timber products
Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
timber trade
administrative sanctions
The legislator imposes a number of obligations on Member States to combat the illegal harvest of timber resulting from Regulations No. 2173/2005 and 995/2010. Member States should ensure that effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions are applied for infringement of the provisions of this Regulation, including by entities, traders and monitoring organizations. The rules of liability for infringement of the provisions of EU regulations No. 2173/2005 and 995/2010 are regulated by the the Forest Act in Art. 66a-66i. As a rule, the Polish legislator has complied the obligation to introduce sanctions for infringements of the UE regulations to prevent the marketing of illegally harvested timber and timber products. The measures introduced as a administrative sanctions can be assessed as sufficient in the context of effectiveness features, because they are applicable to administrative enforcement and may be treated as public law fees. From the proportionality point of view, certain legal conditions for determining the amount of penalties, such as the value of timber and timber products in the light of the Article 66f 2 of the Forest Act, are too vague, because they have no reference criterion. The legislator may impose a specific criterion for evaluation, eg. in relation to the level of income achieved.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2017, 15
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dysfunkcjonalność pojęcia gospodarstwa rodzinnego w ustawie o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego
Dysfunctionality of the concept of a family household provided for in the Act on shaping the agricultural system
Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
agricultural system
family farm
definition of terms
functions of law
ustrój rolny
gospodarstwo rodzinne
definicja pojęć
funkcje prawa
Przesłanką leżącą u podstaw prowadzonych rozważań jest twierdzenie, że pojęcie gospodarstwa rodzinnego przewidziane w ustawie o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego jest dysfunkcjonalne. W pierwszej kolejności przedstawiono teoretyczne aspekty definiowania pojęć i ich funkcji, a następnie dokonano analizy pojęcia gospodarstwa rodzinnego na tle jego ujęcia w regulacjach innych państw. Następnie stwierdzono, że wadliwe zdefiniowanie tego pojęcia utrudnia realizację funkcji ochronnej gospodarstwa rodzinnego, jaką jest zabezpieczenie rodzinnego charakteru gospodarstw rolnych, ich dochodowości i efektywności. Analiza stabilizujących i dynamizujących funkcji definicji gospodarstwa rodzinnego daje również podstawę do twierdzenia, że definicja ta nie posiada cech, które sprzyjałyby wzmocnieniu takich gospodarstw i zwiększeniu ich efektywności ekonomicznej. Wadliwa definicja gospodarstwa rodzinnego uniemożliwia zadowalającą ochronę wartości określonych w Konstytucji, a w konsekwencji utrudnia realizację celów ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego w Polsce.
The premise underlying the conducted considerations is the assertion that the concept of a family household as provided for in the Act on shaping the agricultural system is dysfunctional. Firstly, the theoretical aspects of defining concepts and their functions are presented, followed by an analysis of the concept of a family holding made against the background of its formulation in the regulations in other countries. It is then concluded that the defective definition of this concept hinders the protective function of the family holding which is to secure the family character of farms, their profitability and efficiency. The analysis of the stabilising and dynamising functions of the definition of a family holding also gives rise to the claim that this definition fails to possess the characteristics that would be conducive to the strengthening of such farms and increasing their economic efficiency. A defective definition of a family holding prevents satisfactory protection of the values specified in the Constitution, and consequently obstructs the achievement of the objectives of the Act on shaping the agricultural system in Poland.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2023, 1(32); 25-40
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
In vitro food production from animal cell cultures as a meat alternative (selected legal aspects)
Produzione alimentare in vitro da colture cellular come alternativa alla carne (aspetti giuridici scelti)
Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
carne in vitro
legislazione alimentare
produzione agricola
in vitro meat
food law
agricultural production
mięso in vitro
prawo żywnościowe
produkcja rolna
From a legal point of view, there may be doubts as to the legal qualification of food obtained in vitro from animal cells. An opinion is expressed in the article that meat from animal cells obtained using the in vitro method does not fall within the classical legal concepts of meat or agricultural production. However, meat products from cells produced by the in vitro method may satisfy the criteria established for novel food. If this is considered to be the correct way of qualification, then they should be subject to the EU market authorisation procedure regulated in Regulation 2015/2283, and a subsequent assessment of their safety. From a legal, economic and social point of view, it is reasonable to produce food using atypical methods if these methods are capable of ensuring food safety.
Z prawnego punktu widzenia mogą wystąpić wątpliwości co do kwalifikacji prawnej żywności uzyskiwanej metodą in vitro z komórek zwierząt. Autorka stwierdza, że uzyskiwanie mięsa z komórek zwierząt metodą in vitro nie mieści się w klasycznych pojęciach prawnych mięsa czy produkcji rolnej. Produkty mięsa wytworzonego z komórek metodą in vitro mogą odpowiadać kryteriom ustalonym przez prawodawcę dla novel food. Jeśli uznać, że jest to prawidłowy sposób kwalifikacji, to powinny być one poddawane procedurze dopuszczania na rynek unijny uregulowanej w rozporządzeniu 2015/2283, a co za tym idzie – ocenie ich bezpieczeństwa. Racjonalne z prawnego, ekonomicznego i społecznego punktu widzenia jest wytwarzanie żywności nietypowymi metodami, jeśli mogą one służyć się zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego.
Da un punto di vista giuridico potrebbero sorgere dubbi sulla qualificazione giuridica di alimenti ottenuti in vitro da cellule animali. L’autrice afferma che ottenere carne da cellule animali usando il metodo “in vitro” non si colloca nei limiti dei classici concetti giuridici di carne o produzione agricola. I prodotti a base di carne derivati dal metodo “in vitro” possono soddisfare i criteri stabiliti dal legislatore per i novel food. Ritenendo quest’ultimo il modo corretto di qualificazione, anche loro, di conseguenza, dovrebbero essere soggettialla procedura di ammissione al mercato dell’UE, così come disciplinata dal regolamento 2015/2283, e quindi valutati sulla base della loro sicurezza. È del tutto razionale, dal punto di vista giuridico, economico e sociale, produrre cibo con metodi diversi da quello normale, specie se servono a garantire la sicurezza alimentare.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2019, 2(25); 153-166
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawne aspekty włączenia w zakres polityki klimatyczno-energetycznej emisji i pochłaniania gazów cieplarnianych w wyniku działalności związanej z użytkowaniem gruntów, zmianą użytkowania gruntów i leśnictwem
Legal aspects of inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions and removals resulting from activities related to land use, land use change and forestry
Le emissioni e gli assorbimenti di gas a effetto serra derivanti dall’uso del suolo, dal cambiamento di uso del suolo o dalla silvicoltura nella politica climatica ed energetica: aspetti giuridici
Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
politica climatica ed energetica
emissione e assorbimento di gas a effetto
uso del suolo
climate and energy policy
emissions and absorption of greenhouse gases
land use
polityka klimatyczno-energetyczna
emisja i pochłanianie gazów cieplarnianych
użytkowanie gruntów
Celem artykułu jest ocena, czy obowiązujące regulacje prawne, w tym krajowe, można ocenić jako sprzyjające osiągnięciu celów Unii Energetycznej UE w zakresie gospodarki gruntami leśnymi, a w szczególności czy przyjęte przez Polskę rozwiązania w zakresie gospodarki leśnej można uznać za wspierające osiągnięcie celów rozporządzenia LULUCF. Mechanizmy rozliczania emisji i pochłaniania CO2 opierają się w założeniach na danych historycznych i mają służyć realizacji prognozowanych efektów na przyszłość. Nie jest możliwe ustalenie a priori, czy przedmiotowa regulacja przyniesie określone korzyści gospodarcze, czy straty w zakresie pozyskiwania drewna w lasach państwowych. Będzie to bowiem zależeć od wyniku rozliczania emisji i pochłaniania przez LULUCF.
L’articolo si propone di valutare se le regolazioni in vigore, compresa quella nazionale, risultino favorevoli al fine di realizzare gli obiettivi dell’Unione dell’energia nell’ambito forestale. Nello specifico, la domanda interessa le soluzioni adottate da parte della Polonia nel campo della gestione forestale finalizzate a garantire il raggiungimento degli obiettivi del regolamento LULUCF. Nelle ipotesi iniziali, i meccanismi di contabilizzazione delle emissioni e dell’assorbimento di CO2 si basano su dati storici, ma il loro intento è quello di raggiungere gli effetti prestabiliti per il futuro. Esaminando la sfera legislativa, è impossibile stabilire a priori, guardando da una prospettiva economica, se la regolazione in oggetto porterà o no a determinati benefici per quanto concerne il disboscamento delle foreste statali. Dopotutto, tutto dipenderà dal risultato della contabilizzazione.
The aim of the article is to assess whether the binding legal regulations, including the national ones, may be assessed as conducive to the achievement of the objectives of the EU’s Energy Union in the scope of forest land management. In particular, whether the solutions adopted by Poland with regard to forest management may be considered as supporting the achievement of the objectives of the LULUCF regulation. The mechanisms of accounting for CO2 emissions and removals are based on historical data in the initial assumptions, and are intended to serve the implementation of the effects projected for the future. It is impossible to determine a priori whether the regulation in question will bring specific economic benefits or losses in terms of timber harvesting in state-owned forests. After all, it will depend on the result of accounting for emissions and removals from LULUCF.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2019, 1(24); 25-39
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawne aspekty wygaszenia trwałego zarządu a zarząd ustawowy Lasów Państwowych
Legal aspects of the termination of permanent management vis a vis the statutory management of State Forests
La cessazione dell’amministrazione permanente e l’amministrazione legale delle Foreste Demaniali: aspetti giuridici
Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
amministrazione permanente
amministrazione delle foreste
cessazione dell’amministrazione permanente
permanent management
forest management
termination of permanent management
trwały zarząd
zarząd lasami
wygaszenie trwałego zarządu
Celem rozważań jest ustalenie, czy a jeśli tak, to w jaki sposób możliwe jest wygaszenie zarządu powstałego w czasie obowiązywania ustawy o gospodarce gruntami i wywłaszczaniu nieruchomości w odniesieniu do nieruchomości znajdujących się w zarządzie Lasów Państwowych. Zdaniem autorki zarząd Lasów Państwowych sprawowany na podstawie ustawy o lasach nie podlega wygaszeniu tak jak zarząd trwały przewidziany w przepisach o gospodarce nieruchomościami. Ocena dopuszczalności wygaszenia zarządu powstałego na podstawie ustawy o gospodarce gruntami i wywłaszczaniu nieruchomości wymaga precyzyjnego ustalenia w szczególności, czy wspomniany akt prawny w ogóle mógł mieć zastosowanie do gruntów leśnych objętych decyzją stwierdzającą prawo zarządu, a ponadto, czy w tej sytuacji stosuje się przepisy art. 2 ust. 1 lub art. 4 ustawy z 29 września 1990 r. o zmianie ustawy o gospodarce gruntami i wywłaszczaniu nieruchomości. Jeśli bowiem to te ostatnie regulacje miały zastosowanie, to w takim przypadku nie mogło dojść do przekształcenia zarządu powstałego w czasie obowiązywania ustawy o gospodarce gruntami i wywłaszczaniu nieruchomości w trwały zarząd na podstawie art. 199 ust. 2 ustawy o gospodarce nieruchomościami.
L’articolo si propone di determinare se e, in caso affermativo, come sia possibile rescindere l’amministrazione istituita ai sensi della legge in materia di gestione dei terreni e espropriazione degli immobili, quando era ancora in vigore, nei confronti dei beni immobili gestiti dall’amministrazione delle Foreste Demaniali. A parere dell’autrice l’amministrazione delle Foreste Demaniali, istituita dalla legge sulle foreste, non è soggetta a cessazione, lo è invece l’amministrazione permanente prevista dalle disposizioni riguardanti la gestione degli immobili. Tuttavia, per valutare se consentire la cessazione dell’amministrazione istituita dalla legge in materia di gestione dei terreni e di espropriazione degli immobili occorre stabilire se il suddetto atto giuridico potesse applicarsi ai terreni forestali, i quali andavano comunque amministrati. Inoltre, è importante determinare se in questa situazione vadano applicate le disposizioni dell’art. 2 comma 1 oppure dell’articolo 4 della legge del 29 settembre 1990, la quale ha modificato la legge in materia di gestione dei terreni e espropriazione degli immobili. Se quest’ultime regolazioni andavano applicate, in tal caso l’amministrazione istituita dalla legge in materia di gestione dei terreni e espropriazione degli immobili, quando era ancora in vigore, non sarebbe potuta diventare permanente ai sensi dell’art. 1999 comma 2 della legge sulla gestione degli immobili.
The aim of the considerations presented in the article was to determine whether and if so, in what way, the management created with regard to real estate managed by the State Forests during the validity of the Act on land management and real estate expropriation may cease to exist. In the author's opinion, the State Forests’ management performed under the provisions of the Forest Act is not subject to termination in the manner that applies to the permanent management of real estate. The question that needs to be addressed and assessed is whether the termination of the management under the Act on land management and real estate expropriation requires a precise determination and, in particular, whether the said legislative act could apply to forest land covered by the decision confirming the right of management. It must also be considered whether the provisions of Article 2.1 or Article 4 of the Act of 29 September 1990 amending the Act on land management and expropriation of real estate should apply in such cases. Had the latter regulations applied, then the management created when the Act on land management and real property expropriation was in force, could not have been transformed into permanent management pursuant to Article 199 clause 2 of the Act on the management of real property.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2021, 1(28); 129-146
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Projekt kodeksu urbanistyczno-budowlanego w świetle potrzeb rozwojowych obszarów wiejskich
The draft Code of Urban Construction in the light of the development needs of the rural areas
Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
The code of urban planning and construction
rural areas
spatial planning
development needs
The draft of the Code of Urban Planning and Construction is going to replace the regulation of the spatial planning and construction, including the public investments. Its objective is to restore and make more efficient spatial policy and strengthening public participation in policy-making at all levels of spatial planning”. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the draft Code of Urban Planning and Construction in terms of possible effects on the development needs of the rural areas formulated by the doctrine and in the light of the requirements of strategic documents. The Code provides that the adoption of the local planning act remains an optional task of the community. It should be noted, however, the Code limits the possibility of regulating the destination of areas by administrative decisions.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2016, 14; 147-162
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Food Production in Circular Economy – Selected Legal Aspects
Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
common agricultural policy
agricultural law
Wspólna Polityka Rolna
prawo rolne
The aim of the paper is to answer the question, what is the result of a reference assumptions concept of the circular economy to the common agricultural policy – to ensure food security. The concept of the circular economy includes agri-food sector and is aimed at optimizing production and consumption, which is not only about reducing the amount of waste, but on a global approach, philosophy, covering all possible stages and its elements and relationships between them. Farming relies on the biological cycle, which, in a special way, combines agriculture with the natural resources of the environment. In the agri-food chain, the agriculture coexists with the processing industries, for which supplies raw materials. Confrontation assumptions of the concept of circular economy with the objectives of the common agricultural policy shows the contradictions, lack of alternatives and the need of flexible approach as well as the admission of the principles of this concept in these areas of agricultural production, where it is possible to guarantee food security. On the other hand, increasing of the agricultural productivity with the respect of the natural resources, needs farmers’ better awareness of the soil fertilization.
Celem rozważań jest odpowiedź na pytanie, jaki jest wynik odniesienia założeń koncepcji gospodarki o zamkniętym obiegu do celu Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej – zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego. Koncepcja zamkniętego obiegu gospodarki obejmuje sektor rolno-spożywczy i ma na celu optymalizację produkcji oraz konsumpcji, przy czym nie chodzi jedynie o redukcję ilości odpadów, lecz o globalne podejście, filozofię obejmującą wszystkie możliwe etapy i elementy oraz związki między nimi. Oparcie produkcji rolnej na cyklu biologicznym w sposób szczególny łączy rolnictwo z naturalnymi zasobami środowiska. W łańcuchu rolno-spożywczym rolnictwo współistnieje z sektorem przetwórstwa, dla którego dostarcza surowców. Konfrontacja założeń koncepcji gospodarki o zamkniętym obiegu i celów Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej wykazuje sprzeczności, brak alternatyw i potrzebę elastycznego podejścia oraz dopuszczenia realizacji zasad tej koncepcji na tych obszarach i w otoczeniu produkcji rolnej, w jakich jest to realnie możliwe i w sposób pozwalający sprostać wyzwaniu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa dostaw. Natomiast gdy chodzi o zwiększenie wydajności rolnictwa przy zachowaniu wzrostu gospodarczego i poszanowaniu zasobów, istnieje potrzeba ciągłego budowania świadomości rolników w zakresie precyzji w gospodarce nawozowej.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia; 2017, 26, 1
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The future of organic farming – reflections on the new legislation
Il futuro dell’agricoltura biologica: riflessioni basate sulla nuova regolazione giuridica
Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
agricoltura biologica
qualità degli alimenti
organic farming
food quality
The purpose of the considerations is, taking into account the scope of derogations from the requirements of organic production and the competence of certifying authorities, to answer the question whether in comparison to Regulation No 834/2007, new Regulation No 2018/848 serves to ensure the quality of organic products. The authoress takes a positive view on limiting possible exemptions from the requirements of organic production to natural disasters and linking them to the provisions on rural development. At the same time she expresses a negative opinion on the possibility of seeking exemption from the requirement to obtain certificates. In relation to the competences of the certifying authorities, the new Regulation retains a greater terminological precision in determining the subject of control and certification and defines more precisely the criteria for delegating tasks in the organic farming control system to institutions. This issue, however, needs to be detailed in the legislations of European Union Member States.
L’articolo si propone di rispondere alla domanda se, rispetto al regolamento n. 834/2007 e visti le esenzioni dai requisiti di produzione biologica nonché le competenze degli organismi di certificazione, il nuovo regolamento n. 2018/848 riesca a garantire la qualità dei prodotti provenienti da agricoltura biologica. L’Autrice valuta positivamente il fatto di aver introdotto limiti, riportati a circostanze catastrofiche, nell’accordare possibili eccezioni dall’adempiere ai requisiti di produzione biologica e di averli ricondotti alle disposizioni in materia di sviluppo rurale; negativamente, invece, l’ammissione di eccezioni dall’obbligo di ottenere certificati. Per quanto riguarda le competenze degli organismi di certificazione, lanuova regolazione presenta una maggiore precisione terminologica nel definire l’oggetto di controllo e di certificazione, e definisce con più precisione i criteri per la delega dei compiti agli organismi evocati nell’ambito del sistema di controllo dell’agricoltura biologica. Tuttaviala questione in oggetto richiede tuttora altre precisazioni da inserire nella legislazione degliStati membri dell’Unione europea.
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego; 2020, 1(26); 79-89
Pojawia się w:
Przegląd Prawa Rolnego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z prawnej problematyki klonowania zwierząt oraz produkcji żywności
Selected legal aspects of animal cloning and food production
Leśkiewicz, Katarzyna
Lipińska, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Temida 2
food safety
farm animals’ cloning
production risk
innovative production
The article reviews the legal approach and the existing legislative framework and the actual practices of farm animal cloning regulation within and outside the European Union. It aims to evaluate the possible results proposed in two schemes of Directive no 892 and 893 in the scope of food safety, human health, and as well as animal welfare. The comparative analysis is based on the regulatory frameworks adopted in US. No binding legal instrument on animal cloning has been introduced in the EU. The proposed directives feature a certain amount of uncertainty and possible gaps, such as cloning food traceability.
Studia Iuridica Agraria; 2014, 12; 179-190
Pojawia się w:
Studia Iuridica Agraria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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